#keepin out the bitchez
The day after....
It comes in waves of visions of my feelings. Remorse for all fowl things i did to otheres and then a tsunami of anger. Todays spin off day play out in my head day. Yesterday i seen my babies. My moms trying so hard; but i dont know at what? Keepin my kids from me? Playin a hero? I already feel cheated out of one of my babies and they arnt fuckin pokiemon. They tell me dont poke the bear, fuck that shit, let me show you King Kong bitchez! Im so tired of secrets, and lies. GOD I dont want it in my life any more. Every positive affirmation has my in tears. Cause im really wonderin, God how am i gonna make it out of this? When everyones agaisnt me. My baby girl needed one more huge before we parted, and i had to fight back the tears, i was so afraid they wouldnt stop. i can feel they want to get close. But their scared again. It only makes me wonder whats really going on at home? Same song and dance with my mother but instead of papa its me and idk a darn thing about this game nor do i want to play it. Lord please remove the bullshit from my life; aint no body got time for that!
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geese can be guardgeese.
~ Holly
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