#keeran chernikova
KIA: Keeran Chernikova
“It is with great regret we inform you that Keeran Chernikova’s body has not been located. Scientist came to the unsatisfying conclusion that she was incinerated upon impact. Black box readings show exactly that. FCON Commander, Durek Stonebreaker, has declared her Killed in Action and expresses deepest condolences to her unit and relatives.”
Prolonged absence of Catalina and Vera were also unsettling, despite her resigning them being home simply when she is away.  The lights around the house were dimmed, safe for that crack of the grey flame from the fireplace. As the day passed, her house was getting colder. Sometimes, it felt that it had no windows, as the snowflakes were floating in the air. Each step was met with a hollow echo.  It seemed that the world around her was becoming dull. Colorless. She had those days back on Arboria, sometimes.Today, however, she was somewhat relieved to be alone, as her mother said she is coming over.  Helen Briarwood, a stately aurin winemaker. Matron for many in Raeha, she was Keeran’s coast of sanity. She came over every weekend, Keeran recalls, as she sets the table. Except she never quite had a chance to see Vera yet. How odd. Every now and again, Helen would sit down, and Kee would kneel, and lay her head on her lap, as her mother would brush through her hair. The two would spend a lot of time wallowing on past mistakes. Sometimes, her fathers would come too, and have a little brawl. But, all in all, she was not doing too bad. Even now, as she feels her mother’s fingers massage her scalp, she could hear a promise. “You will be with us soon, honey...” And just as she was about to hug her mother, she heard a cry upstairs. Vera was restless. Only, when she opens the door, she is once again on the Island, just before the boarding begins. They were about to go to Gnox.
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Doodled some Aurin today during break! First one is of my OC Rosemary Honeysuckle and the second is Keeran Chernikova who belongs to @thelostisland-wildstar
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atleion · 6 years
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(( I’m taking forever to finish stuff I’m working on, so here’s a bunch of sketches. So. Many. Sketches. This isn’t even all of my sketches. *internal screaming* ))
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pleasantcowboykid · 7 years
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That night he fell asleep feeling more alone than he had ever been, and for the first time since he could remember, he didn’t mind that he was dying. She had forgotten her scarf in his bedroom. He held it close and, as he drifted off to sleep, imagined himself cradled by silken black fur.
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stormbringer · 8 years
The “Bringers” [tribe lore]
They came from beyond the trees.
A rumor in the early times. Spear-wielding aurin, identical to each of their kin. While frame and stature varied, most of them could be identified by fur of snow white, dark skin, and eyes that shimmered in blues and silvers.
While otherwise not remarkable in appearance, the sheer idea of a tribe willingly settling in the frigid, lifeless regions past the Thinning was a silly story at most.
What could keep them attached to the Weave in any way? There were no trees. Not even a shrub. They were as much of a myth as the Traveller. 
The Bringer people, over the years, became a more common sighting. Those who could brush off freezing winds and leap through feet of snow as if it were nothing. They were known as an enduring people. The scary aurin of the cold north. 
What they farmed was a mystery, and it could be assumed that they were mainly carniverous, consuming only fish and (in the nastier stories) the flesh of those who wandered too far into their territory.
When they descended past the Thinning, they brought the entire tribe with them. What made them move has never been clear. 
Their focus on combat and their steely faces were unnerving to other tribes who came across them, but that was as far as it went. In truth, they looked only to trade their strange little trinkets and find a new home.
Eventually, the majority settled in a compound near the village of Raeha, mingling and merging as years went on. While the Bringers still kept mostly to themselves on their own spot of land, a great many of them wound up honing their combat skills to eventually become 'honor guards' of sorts to the other village. 
They would protect their own, and they would protect those who showed kindness and had not driven them away, despite their 'brutish' behavior.
(Some headcanon taken from here. The village of Raeha (and some concept of the Bringers as a people) comes from Keeran Chernikova.)
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Keeran found herself wrapped in her jackets, crisp breeze annoyingly breezing into the entrance. She held the door open, and knocked the tip of one heeled boot against the ankle, to shake the white clumps of snow out. The Lost Hills were usually quiet, especially at this time of day. She brushes the snow off her black hair and sweeps loose particles off the entrance. Keeran did not want to admit the novelty of coming back home. When did I get home?
Just before she looks over her shoulder, her comm unit buzzes. “ Keeran.. you there?” the message says. Marcus.
She clicks her tongue and goes to pick up the datapad. “ Are you well?” she types the response.
“No, I'm not.. could ya come over to the office?”
After some time, substantial amount, he would get a notification of a visitor. Keeran looked tired. Sleepless. To the point her makeup was a mask. She seemed hard at work but stopped by on her hover bike and waiting by the door. Knocking.
The door would be opened, not by Marcus, but a tired, and equally stressed looking Perrin, the Head Chef of the Bunkhouse, and one of Marcus's three sub-managers. It was fair to say he looked like utter shit.  He looks at her with a quirked brow. "Huh.. didn;t expect to be seein' you again.." He steps aside to let her inside the office building."I assume your here for Marcus right?"
"Yes." she adjusts her collar as she passes. Her high heels clank as she walks. "Urgent business."
Perrin thumb points behind him towards the stairs. "Up that way.. better catch him now, seem's he's leavin'.""Or at least gettin' ready to leave." The old Aurin takes out a cigarette and a lighter, placing it between his lips, and lighting it.
She furrows her brows and steps in front of Perrin. No. Asking him questions is pointless. She storms to fetch Marcus.
Perrin just watches her storm past, puffing a cloud of smoke out. "Fuckin' damn.. not pityin' Marcus right about now." He says under his breath, shaking his head. Marcus in the meantime, was in his room. A couple large cases were sitting on the floor next to his bed, and another case was actually on his bed, one he was still packing things into, clothes, belts, boots, and even his rifle and ammo.
She steps inwards, eyeing what she was forced to eye. Her eyebrow perks up. "What is the meaning of this?"
Marcus looks up from his packing over at Keeran, a stoic look on his face. He breathes a sigh as he looks back to his opened up case. "Preparations for.. a long journey."
Keeran's ears wilt some as she once again seeks his expression for any clues. "And I doubt this trip is related to midlife crisis."
"Hnh.." His Eyebrows furrow slightly as he resumes putting items in the case sitting on the bed, extra ammo packs, some spare datachron's, tools. "A little more related than I'd like it to be."  Over on his desk by the doorway sat a rectangular wooden box, the lid opened up, showing the various pictures, a few keepsakes, and other sorted items that may have meant something once. All the pictures seem to contain either Marcus with a woman next to him, Marcus on his own, the Woman on her own, or in the case of just one picture, himself, the woman, and their child in the woman's arms Next to it however was a letter, a long letter.. and at the bottom of it, was a Dominion Houses seal.
"Family." she concludes and looks up at him. She narrows her lips and turns sharply on her heel, facing the exit. "You have sufficient space for a fast ship?" she says reaching over the earpiece.
"Yeah.. Family." he grabs a hold of one last item, a long Bowie knife, bearing a carving in the handle of a ship of some kind, with the words 'Howler' inscribed on the blade itself. Instead of placing it in the pack, he instead sets it back into its sheath, and secures it to his belt, before closing up the case on the bed and pulls it up onto its side. "I already have a place on a ship headin' out from here.. courtesy of your old Second in Command, Rokk." He picks up one of the straps that was on the bottom of the case on his bed, and pulls them over his shoulders, the case clearly being a military-style backpack. He looks back over to her.He steps around his bed to kneel down and collect his other two packs from the floor, hoisting them up from the floor in both hands, before turning back to face Keeran in the doorway.
"Second?" she peers at him but shakes her head. "Fine. I will pilot then." she says and faces him. Her emotions were hard to read but they were always. She was worried. Concerned. Maybe something else. "Hey..." she adds quietly.
"Yeah.. Asked him about it at Suki's Teahouse."  He rolls his shoulders a bit. "Not exactly up to me whose piloting the damn thing Kee.. Its his ship." He looks back at her, quirking a brow up. "Something wrong?"
Her attitude shifts. From what might be sincere to the business woman mode. "I have a better one I brought from Ekose for a pretty penny." she grunts. "I am FCON. I am bringing it in."
She sighs and shakes her head, clearly holding herself back. All she says is "Let's get you reunited." At that she tries to storm off.
"Keeran..! Fuckin' hell.." he follows after her.
She stops, if only for a moment, but keeps going. Her ears are semi-wilted. She turns back to him and clank of heels stops.
He comes to a stop before her. "What the fuck do you think your doing? This isn't /your/ fight. You've got obligations here." He looked down at her with a frustrated expression.. Something was not setting right with him.
"I will make it my flight." she says and exhales. "My mission from the beginning was to go there. And.. Plant myself deep within the society to destroy the Dominion once and for all. It's the Plan." she twirls her wrist. And then, another confession comes out of her mouth before she can stop it. "I just want you to be happy."
His hands clenched the straps of his cases tighter.. Mission, plan.. it all smelled as rotten as barrel fish to him. Plant herself Within Dominion Society? One might as well try closing a blackhole.. Though he gets to thinking it over a bit.. was she really this dogmatically committed? His expression narrows at her, especially at that last part.. 'I want to make you happy.' "Happy.. You want to make me happy? That right? Happy? Because Everything your suggesting inspires no such feeling Keeran. Infiltrate Dominion Society to topple it? Don't be fuckin' stupid." He pushes past her and begins walking down the stairs. "Besides, I'm sure Vera would much prefer to still /have/ a mother to show her the path to being an Exile, not a fuckin' dead parent she can scarcely remember."
As he pushes past her, she grunts. "Well I am not letting you not come back either. If you are in that much of a hurry means it's bad. Unless you take regular trips to Cassus." she retorts, going after him.
He stops once he reaches the base of the stairs.. breathing a sigh "I'm not going to Cassus.."He rounds the corner, spotting Perrin on his.. yep, that's his second cigarette.  Perrin was already by the door, holding it open already.
"Where are you going then?"
"To where that rat fuck of a Captain has taken her.. and my son." He doesn't stop as he answers, stepping out the doorway and going down the stairs. Ahead of the doorway was a Grinder, with a couple of the mine workers close to it. Perrin looks on at the two, shaking his head at it all, puffing a cloud of smoke out.As he came to a stop by the vehicle, he'd hand off the two cases in his hand to the two members of the mine staff, whom would promptly move to settle them into storage compartments affixed to the Grinder itself. Marcus then turns back around to head back towards the building.  "But by all means, go on your little suicide run if it means so much to you to leave your own kin behind, really fuckin' smart thinkin' there."
"And what if you will die instead?" she sighs, still following him. No one understood her mission of course. And now she made a fool of herself. "You wanted to see me for a reason."
"At least I'm opting to go with those who will have my back.." He stops after saying this, and now stood in the main hall off the office building again.  In truth, his mission wasn't that much less suicidal than her own.. even if he had the extra help, anything could happen. He breathes a sigh. "I did.." He turns back around to look back at her.  "And with everythin' I've heard since you came up, I'm not sure whether it'll make any damn difference anymore. But hell, might as fuckin' well say it." "I wanted to tell you I was headin' off world, with your old unit.. and I figured that just maybe, you'd want to tag along, with.. Vera in tow." He stated it simply, and plainly.. yet his expression showed there was more to be said than just that. Not to mention his body language, specifically his fists clenching tightly. "At least then maybe the poor girl would get to spend a bit more time with her mother before she can be confused on why she's not come home."  He spoke with a viscious tone."But for all I know, thats just too much extra baggage to deal with for you.. better to just up and be done with everything one has ever known and just vanish with no explanation." He then turns back around, turns the corner, and heads up the stairs.
Something about all of this seemed.. wrong. Sure, he sounded angry, but there almost seemed as though there was more to it than that.. as if something was also influencing these words, more so than what has already been said, and more so than what has already been done. Assuming Keeran was listening to her connection to the Weave, it would tell her something about Marcus was wrong.. something was just not right here.  What that may be however wasn't clear.
Keeran was blind to the weave, but her experience... He was not wrong in saying that, and perhaps she was zealous. Or. He just did not see where she was coming from. "My family doings are my own, Marcus." she says sternly, however her expression softens there and then. She comes up to him  and tilts her head. "Marcus... What is wrong?"
Marcus had stopped by in his room to collect one last thing.. that small rectangular wooden box of memories, along with that letter.. At Keerans question, he sighs, standing there, and looking over to her. He knew right where she was coming from.. in his experience with her, she has done what she could to try and make things accomodating for him when she could.. granted with some.. questionable outcome at best. However that was only one instance.. and perhaps he was being a bit unfair to her. He looks back down at the box.. he reaches inside to pick out the one picture with himself, his wife, and his kid in it.. his expression growing softer.  "I've already let down enough people by turnin' tail and runnin' once.. lettin' others pay the price for it in exchange." "But while I'm done with runnin', I'm not stupid enough to think I can just do this on my own.." He sets the picture back inside the box, takes the letter and rolls it up, placing it inside as well, and then closing the box up.  "But I refuse to let others that I care about die on my behalf."
She shakes her head at that. "I committed my life to the Exiles. Every one of them. Should I disappear, Vera will be taken care of away from Dominion's reach." she says, in attempt to reassure him somehow. This was.. different of course. He might see conflict in her face. Perhaps something she tried to quell. "I will not let you go alone. I..." she swallows hard. Perhaps now was the good time. "I care about you." she admits, putting as much weight to that word as she could. It was a titanic effort to admit that. "Therefore, I will come with you."
She was very much a devoted Exile.. that was never a question to him. It was her dogmatic nature that had him concerned the most. He pockets the small wooden box before looking back over to her. He could see the conflict in her expression.. knowing Keeran, this is perhaps the first time he's seen her bare such a look.  As she says those four words, he looks almost a bit surprised.. So surprised he's not even really sure how to respond for a few moments. Her declaration is what breaks his stalemate on words, but he pauses himself a moment to consider his next words.. When he does, he speaks. "Then meet me at the Island. Rokk's ship'll be leavin' this comin' Sunday."
With that, he walks past her, setting a hand on her shoulder as he passes by, before heading back down the stairs.
She remains there, watching him as he descends. She had no reason to be up there. Nor here anymore. She said what she needed to say. "Don't you dare leave without me." the aurin finally says. Her tail was not even curled. It laid limp, draped over the steps, and as she trurns to walk away, it lifts only slightly. These days her ears and tail were rarely up. She was tired.
He stops as he hears her speak up again, and he only turns his head slightly to his left. "Then don't be late." He then continues to walk down the steps.
At that, he will hear the sound of receding high heel clanks, and she finally closes the door behind her if not stopped. Late? Keeran? Perhaps but not now.
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Father always said she was “born wearing a shirt” - a Mordesh idiom to describe someone so lucky they were born not like the others. And, as far as clothes went, Keeran glanced down at herself. She was dusty, her suit torn in places, and the shatters of her helmet were sticking from the sand. Surprisingly no blood. Hardly a luck, but, perhaps a narrow escape? When she awoke she saw.... Too much to process. The asteroid dust was slowly falling. The scent of smoke and ash clogged her nostrils, made it difficult to breathe. Between the haze of sleep and exhaustion embers sparked. Fire. Warmth. Shelter. Wherever she was, she needed to find somewhere to hide for the night. Harrower did not resemble what it once was, a repainted and heavily modified Dominion gunship, among the Lost Island residents also known as an Exile Matron. It was feared by pirates, Dominion itself, even. Nowhere comparable to Ekose craft, if flown by a professional, it was a death machine. But now? Now it was as good as a beat up piece of scrap. Wings were scorched and melted, and front window was completely busted, some parts were missing or long turned to ash. Still,red light was beeping lightly. An alert that, Kee estimated, would last for couple of minutes. Any other functions are done for. With nothing else to salvage, not even a single article of food, Kee curled up under the wing of the ship. She had to figure out a plan.She usually did.
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MIA: Keeran Chernikova. The Search Continues.
“The search team reported little success in finding the life signs or recovering the body of Keeran Chernikova, who was shot down by enemy forces near southern asteroid belt above Nexus.
Her gunship Harrower, also known as Exile Matron, was found near the entrance to the mine, and is currently being evaluated by the specialists.Currently some of the cargo was recovered, however whereabouts of the pilot and the black box are to be determined. Our lead detective, Kiran Seer, suspects that local wildlife might have picked it apart.
This was not the first time Miss Chernikova’s life was in danger. Previosuly an assassination attempt was made a year ago in summer, when the then Commander of Blue Phoenix was found stranded in the cave, under the rumble and injured. “This might just be a very similar scenario.” Miss Seer closes.”
By the time Kee came back home, the house was quiet, and rather cold, which was to no surprise. Blizzard was strong, as the local nature was preparing for the autumn and then - winter itself. It was only natural that the temperature would drop significantly. The aurin barely held onto the doors, gust of snow blowing into the dimly lit mansion. Catalina, the auntie, has long since fell asleep in her little room on the other end. Night lamp lights danced through the door cracks, purple and orange lights interchanging on the floor tiles. Keeran decided against waking her up, and ,instead, go check on her daughter. Vera was just as soundless. She laid on her back, little hands balled in fists, tiny nostrils flaring. She hummed in her sleep - usually a good sign. The kit was too precious to disturb, yet Keeran could not help but trace the edge of the finger along the baby’s chubby cheek, and flick the loose black hair strand off her face. 
“If only my mother saw you,” she whispers, “She’d not let you go. Or my dads. Oh, Alek loved you...” Vera clenched her fists and relaxed. The sudden shift caused Kee to fall quiet, yet she hardly could leave her side. As if something was not allowing her to. The woman opens her palm, and gently tucks her baby in the covers. It was getting cold.
The peaceful moment was interrupted with a loud howl of the blizzard, and Vera shifts and suddenly begins crying. So loudly that Keeran panicked. “Shhh, baby!” she hushes, but it was too late, and she could hear footsteps approaching.
“Oh honey... nasty storm not letting you sleep... It’s okay, sweetie.” Catalina coos as she approaches the craddle, picking the baby up. Vera clings to her caretaker for all dear. Her purple teary hues seem to stare at the drawer, little hand reaching out. 
Before Keeran could say anything, she only saw the Mordesh woman walk out, still trying to soothe the terrified youngling. “Mommy will be home soon.” she reassures, “Just you wait, and she will be there.” Keeran woke up on the couch, in the residential building.
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((art by @atty-of-the-stars​ ))
NAME: Keeran Chernikova
AGE: 29 SPECIES: Aurin GENDER: Female ORIENTATION: Heterosexual (Selectively Polyamorous) INTERESTS: FCON, Politics PROFESSION: Exile Military Logistics and Strategy BODY TYPE: Short and chubby EYES: Pale blue/Cybernetic white HAIR: Thick black, slightly wavy SKIN: Pale HEIGHT: 4′5′’ WEIGHT: Chubby COMPANIONS: Guy Fantastic, Rafael Bravo ANTAGONISTS: Literally anyone and everyone in Dominion COLORS: Black, pale blue, golden SMELLS: Expensive perfume, Guy’s and Rafi’s smells, rain, frost FRUITS: Glowmelon, pear DRINKS: Coffee, girly drinks ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? Yes / No / Occasionally SMOKES?  Yes / No / Occasionally DRINKS?  Yes / No / Occasionally DRUGS?  Yes / No / Occasionally DRIVERS LICENSE? It’s a must
Tagged: @wilder-weave sorta Tagging: Literally anyone who wanna do it
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atleion · 6 years
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I’ve been taking screenshots of my community, The Celestial Forest. It’s simply too big a task for me to preserve it with KBT with my limited knowledge, which makes me a little sad, so pictures are the most I can hope to achieve. 
Nevertheless, I’m going to upload some screenshots of the place, and if anyone wants to check it out, you can port to Atleion Rainsong to get to it. You’ll need to run forward or jump when you spawn in because I covered the spawn point sort of weird. 
For the curious, down below is some background information on the plot pictured above. c: I’m going to post screenshots plot by plot in their own posts because... There’s a lot.
The screenshots above are of Atleion’s plot on the community, which is like a private stake of land he claimed within this untamed territory of Celestion that was rich in primal life and could allow his rescued flowers to flourish.
The backstory behind this is that shortly after discovering what happened to his friend, Elyia, he went Weave-Walking with Sundaor Valma, Keeran Chernikova’s alt. During that experience, he met with Elyia in the Weave and got to sort of say goodbye to her, and when they came out of the Weave they were a ways away from the quiet space they started, and a sprout was left where Atleion and Elyia had been.
I sort of extrapolated that it grew into the tree with flower vines around it covering the little island in the pool of water, and that Atleion designated this a place of importance to him because of that experience. 
Months later, he heard a rumor floating around about flowers in Wilderrun that bloomed once a year, and glowed brightly. Believing these, correctly, to be *his* flowers from his village on Arboria, Atleion planned on setting off alone to salvage them from Wilderrun and bring them somewhere safe. He was caught about to sneak off on his journey by Rokkvell WarBorn, who insisted on coming with him.
Worried about protecting Rokk, Atleion resigned to bring a group on this personal quest, and they set off for Wilderrun a few days later, in the dead of night, to find these rumored flowers. 
Eventually they found the flowers within a quiet little area just through a cave, so many existing that Atleion’s little heart just soared because he hadn’t seen them since before the Ravaging, and never believed he would see them again. 
Unfortunately, the peace was not to last. Before they could gather the flowers, something dire happened. Strain beasts emerged to corner them, and began to quickly consume the grove. 
Atleion and the aurin in the group did not want to leave, seeing this task as rather important to see through. They convinced Rokk and Hagroth, the Granok, to stand and fight long enough to rescue some of the flowers.
Unfortunately, during the fighting, Hagroth was severely wounded, losing both of his legs. 
The flowers were kept safe in the immediate interim by Hawk Brokenweave, Nisha Tuliptree, and their family in the Emberwoods. Eventually, they were moved to this quiet grove that Atleion colloquially called the Grove of Stars, after his village of a similar moniker. 
He has a small burrow wedged under a tree within the grove, where he stays when he wants to get away from the war and the difficult life on Nexus, but mostly he goes to tend his flowers and send prayers to The Old Ones. 
I had little IC details placed, like a stick, referencing an exchange he had about anger, good, and bad, with Rokk, as well as his jabbit friend, Twigs, who he rescued from a spider. There’s also a vind plushie Keeran Chernikova gave him as a gift the night he officially enlisted in FCON, as well as his personal walkie-talkie connection to Rokk in case he’s ever in trouble or needs him.
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MIA: Keeran Chernikova
Prominent Exile politician and former Commander of three FCON units, Keeran Chernikova has been reported missing. 
During the mission to hold back Dominion attackers from annexing the small Asteroid mining compound, her fighter “Harower” was tracked down and shot by two enemy vessels, after which the ship sent an emergency signal and crash-landed. Miss Chernikova’s body, as well as the black box, are yet to be located.
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atleion · 6 years
People who’ve influenced them greatly^^
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This is going to be a very long answer, as Atleion’s been greatly influenced by a number of characters, both Player Character and NPC.There are several pivotal moments surrounding these characters that have shaped him into the character he is today --- that being a moody, derpy, walking the line between primitive and modern, aurin teenager who wants to save the world from bad things at all costs.
Because there are two categories I’m inclined to talk about (like a NERD), I’ll start with the Player Characters I feel have impacted him the most, then move on to important / major NPCs who anyone curious is likely to encounter during short story write-ups or references to Atleion’s personal arcs that I’m writing and posting here... Because I decided to explore more of his character than probably advised. But, well. I can’t help it. He’s my aurin child, and I love him. 
I’ll recap some core events in character interactions that sort of explain things, because context is so, so important. I like to let the course of RP events inform Atleion’s relationships and growth. 
This is going to be an extraordinarily long answer to what could probably be a simple thing, so fair warning for the wall of text! 
That said, let’s get started with exploring character relationships and story themes for this dumb superhero-wannabe!
Rokkvell Warborn (Player: Rokkvell Warborn), Hagroth Barrelrock (Player: Hagroth Barrelrock)
If there are any characters within the community responsible for who Atleion has grown to be, they are Rokkvell Warborn and Hagroth Barrelrock. The two of them essentially make up Atleion’s paternal figures, his Gnoxian dads. He looks to them for guidance and assurance, viewing them not just as the heads of his Free Company, but as the heads of his substitute Village/Tribe/Family.
Both of these Granok are and have been responsible for training Atleion to survive as a ‘soldier waging war’. They’ve taught and shaped his combat and physical conditioning exercises --- and it goes as far as the two helping Atleion cope with the trauma combat weighs on him as a child fighting an adult’s conquest. 
They keep him in line by speaking of honor and pride. Atleion admires each of their strengths, which can often contrast one another significantly. He wants to be like them, and much of Atleion’s internal philosophy is informed / reinforced by things he’s learned or experienced at their side. He has a hard time imagining his life without either of them.
He has a particularly unique bond with Rokkvell Warborn, as the two have encountered one another several times prior to Atleion joining the Free Company life. Through a series of chance meetings, Atleion and Rokk have continued to cross paths across the universe, the first time being on Arboria. Rokk was the Granok who pulled Atleion onto an evacuation ship to ensure he survived. 
It wasn’t until years later, in the present time, that Atleion encountered Rokk again at Stillriver Teahouse, the day before his first mission as an ‘apprentice’ for Keeran Chernikova’s company. Rokk ended up not just at the Teahouse, but on Atleion’s first mission, leading the venture through Malgrave to uncover Dominion experiments. 
As Atleion is very superstitious about the Weave and its capabilities to bring people together, he believes that Rokk in particular is a gift the Weave has led him to for reason he may never be able to understand. The old Granok has saved him time and time again; Atleion views him not just as a father and mentor, but as a hero he’s aspiring to be.Using popular culture references here, if Atleion is Midoriya from My Hero Academia, then Rokk is All Might.
Keeran Chernikova (Player: Keeran Chernikova, @thelostisland-wildstar)
Prior to entering the life of a Free Company soldier, Atleion was a homeless youth living on the streets of Thayd and barely surviving on what measly coin he could scrounge together. He desperately wanted to join FCON, as he saw them as a means to an end (killing Dommies). 
However, as Atleion was a teenager, and one with sometimes clear signs of emotional distress, many of the command within Thayd were not at all interested in letting him become a soldier. They saw it as an ill-advised course of action, and acted as gate keepers preventing Atleion from achieving that thing that he wanted (killing Dommies at the time).
It was within this context that Atleion met Keeran Chernikova on the streets of Thayd. He was trying to sneak a warm place to sleep for the night in the FCON Headquarters section of the city. 
Being not very good at hiding the fact that he was sort of suspicious and stand-offish, Atleion tried to dodge conversation with Keeran. She eventually caught on that he was starving and on the street. Keeran then bought him a sandwich --- which led to, probably, the single most pivotal moment in Atleion’s character development. He would not be the character he is right now had he never had this opportunity presented to him, as his life likely would have taken a very ... Very different turn. 
Keeran offered to let Atleion apprentice with the Free Company she was commanding. This gave him a place to sleep, food to eat, and security. It also meant killing Dommies at the time, buuut let’s just simplify this by saying that he’s learned indiscriminate violence is not in line with his moral identity.
Atleion views Keeran as more than a former commander. He sees her as a Matriarchal figure in a way. She is the one and only person he is willing to call his ‘Boss’, even in her retirement. He credits her with having given him the life he has on Nexus. Which means a great deal to a boy who had nothing to start with, and now feels like he has the world. 
Hawk Brokenweave, Nisha Tuliptree, and their Family (Player: Rocio Silverroot)
Out of everyone Atleion has encountered on Nexus, Hawk, Nisha, and their family have provided the most *normal* setting for Atleion. He cherishes their forest and their family. I’d venture as far as to say that he’s jealous, because enjoying something as simple as dinner at a table isn’t something that’s typical for Atleion. 
Any opportunity Atleion has to venture to their home is one he’s earnest to take. He relishes in the sheer *normalness* he feels when surrounded by their family, and it gives him a sense of composure / nostalgia for things long since gone. 
He tends to view Hawk as something of an older brother figure --- not quite someone he idolizes in the same way he does Rokk and Hagroth, but someone he has come to respect and generally wants to be with. 
Hawk’s wife, Nisha, is like a caring older sister who invited Atleion into their home, even when he caused or causes trouble for them. He sees her kindly --- and Atleion having been doted on as a small child within his village *definitely* eats up such things subconsciously.
In particular, Atleion is very fond of Nisha’s youngest brother, Kewn, as the boy is a similar-aged peer in a world often filled with people far older than Atleion himself. He relates to Kewn, and this is something of a reality check on Atleion at times as he’s watching someone go through similar things as him in a war-torn world. 
Mordecai Redsky ( Player: Rokkvell Warborn )
Mordecai Redsky was a marauder who somewhat plagued Atleion's Free Company. He escaped from their holding cell early into Atleion's 'career', and disappeared into the world after injuring Keeran Chernikova. Some time later, after recovering from his own unrelated injury, Atleion was seeking some personal confidence. So what did he do? He joined an underground fighting circut for a single fight at the behest of a Grund, who paid for his entry fee in exchange for a deal. If Atleion lost or didn't show up for his fight, then the Grund 'owned' Atleion and would sell him. 
Atleion being naive, and, well. Stupid. Agreed to this deal, because there was no way he could possibly lose the fight, right? RIGHT? 
When Atleion went to the fight's location, he ran into Rokkvell Warborn, who had been there for the rough-and-tumble action of the place. Before the two had much time, Atleion was whisked away to the fight awaiting him ... Against not just anything, but an Eldan Construct. A Giant. Robot. 
As Atleion was being manhandled by the giant robot and tossed around like a small plush toy, being, well... An aurin trying to fist-fight a robot ... Rokk got rather concerned because of Atleion's recent recovery from his *coughs* rather severe injury involving his back. 
Rokk intervened in the fight in an attempt to save Atleion from his own poor decision making, and the two fled the city they were in with the less-than-savory crew running the fight club hot on their heels. 
During the chaos, a certain marauder named MORDECAI assumed control of the group of thugs and crooks ... And in doing so acquired ownership of Atleion's now unpaid debt, for Atleion never finished his fight with the Eldan Construct, and thus... Lost. 
A while later, Atleion had all by forgotten the deal he'd made with the Grund and the fight-club, having vowed never to do something so stupid again. Little did he know that MORDECAI was stalking him, the crazy bastard. Mordecai waited for an opportune moment to strike, not just to exact a debt, but to torment Rokk at the same exact time. 
As Atleion was visiting Rokk within his bar, The Frozen Stone, Mordecai and seven of his men stormed the place, heavily armed and prepared. They shot Rokk, incapacitating him, before Mordecai kidnapped Atleion and dragged him away with the intent of selling him on the galactic black market. 
During his time in captivity, Mordecai made sure to mess with poor Atleion. It was so ... So brutal. I don't even need to describe the brutality, so I will not. 
But. Mordecai broke Atleion. 
Atleion was straight up terrified of Mordecai the pirate. 
Fortunately, the cavalry arrived in the form of G N O X I A N  F A T H E R S, Rokk and Hagroth, to save him from his grim ordeal. The two granok beat back Mordecai's men, and Rokk crushed Mordecai like a bug, before the three of them escaped and returned to their home on the Lost Island / Exanite Park. 
I told this long story, because context is important. Because of Mordecai, and specifically because of Mordecai, Atleion is terrified of pirates. He checks under his bed at night, and checks his door. He slept at The Frozen Stone for a while after the incident because he was afraid Rokk was dead, or that he'd wake up in captivity once again.
Atleion’s very sensitive to the concept of slavery and captivity because of his time coping with this ordeal. He has little to no mercy for its practitioners, and there is no grey zone for him when it comes to Marauders.  
Atleion carries not just emotional marks from his kidnapping, but it's the origin of the barcode on his arm. It was a... Uh... It was a thing. A beautifully fascinating RP event of glory, but man, if there is a single villain on Nexus who has completely and utterly influenced Atleion, it's Mordecai Redsky, the most evil pirate I can imagine. 
Of course. He's dead. Right?
Elyia Silverwind
If there is one singular person in the entire universe whom Atleion is most influenced and affected by, it is Elyia. She was his best friend and confident. The two shared a particular bond with one another that was not shared with others, both having been drawn to the Weave in different ways, and both manifesting different aspects of one another. 
In a way, they were considered two halves of a whole. Elyia supported Atleion, and, in turn, Atleion supported Elyia. 
Having been born roughly around the same time, they directly grew up with one another inside of their village’s nursery. Elyia often led Atleion into the forests, or encouraged him to go on his own. The two of them explored every inch of their local woods together. They were nearly inseparable.
When the Ravaging struck, Elyia was the aurin who ensured Atleion survived. She made sure he would have the greatest chance possible of making it to one of the evacuation ships.
Elyia was captured by Chua scientists who were rounding up Espers on Arboria to conduct experiments on. Several years later, those experiments came to light and fruition, and Atleion found himself being the one rescuing Elyia by freeing her from the monstrosity she was made into with the help of his Free Company.
For Atleion, Elyia was a protector. She was wild like the wind, beautiful as the flowers, and braver than any aurin he’d ever known. His decision to become a soldier and fight was directly related to his loss of her, as he wanted the Dominion to hurt as badly as he did.
Atleion’s philosophy has since evolved rather greatly (it’s no longer based on vengeance, but instead on protection. His philosophy is basically ‘I fight because they no longer can, and someone has to stop bad things from happening’), but this was the starting point for him.
Olyro Firethorn
One of Atleion’s peers, Olyro grew up alongside Atleion and Elyia. The boy was fierce, confident, and somewhat of a jerk. Nevertheless, Atleion wanted to be friends with him in some way. He admired something about Olyro in his youth. 
However, Olyro was something of a bully. He hung around Atleion and Elyia, but he regularly poked fun at Atleion by calling him by his ‘title’, Rainsong. As Olyro would say, Rainsong meant that Atleion was a crybaby, a ‘sad, unpleasant noise’, or something pathetic. That wasn’t really true, as it wasn’t the precise meaning intended by Atleion’s name. 
Nevertheless, Olyro’s persistent bullying over it made and has made Atleion somewhat sensitive to being called Rainsong. He doesn’t like it when other people do it, as it feels like they’re doing what Olyro used to do to him. 
Atleion is sensitive to ‘behaving like a coward’ in part because of this bullying, and so a lot of his more reckless behavior stems from a sense of defiance to be counter to what he grew up believing himself to be (a ‘Rainsong’).
Naero Shaderoot
Naero Shaderoot was something of a community organizer for Atleion’s village. He was a consort to Matria Softleaf, and though not a member of the council of Olders (which was primarily made up of women), he was typically responsible for ensuring the council’s wishes and directions were actually carried out. He handled things like hunting pests throughout their territory, leading diplomatic parties as a first-line of contact, and generally, well... Organizing. It was a very busy job for a very busy man.
If whoever is reading this right now has ventured down the rabbit hole that is my storytelling nonsense, they’ve met Naero twice. He was a reoccurring figure throughout Atleion’s life on Arboria --- and his influence is still present in the way Atleion handles certain things or beliefs (such as singing or talking to flowers).
At the age of 12, children within Atleion’s village were supposed to declare a communal path, split into two parties. They could train to become Hunters, or they could train to become Tenders. They would graduate into their communal roles at the age of 16, where they would then be seen as adults were they to pass a Rite of Passage related to their communal role. 
Without spoilering anything for anyone who cares enough to read my dumb stories (because I am a nerd who decided ‘let’s basically write an entire narrative about Atleion’s life leading to Nexus’...), Naero became Atleion’s mentor. Atleion apprenticed under Naero to fulfill his communal role training.
Matria Softleaf
Matria Softleaf was the official Matria for Atleion’s village on Arboria. His village was somewhat peculiar, in that they operated as a collective with a council of elders called The Olders, though Matria Softleaf sat at the top of the council as the final say on tribal / political matters. 
Being, well... The Matria in a collectivist society built on communal roles, Atleion encountered her more than once during his village life. She was a very sage woman who attempted to guide not just Atleion, but all of the village’s children.
Atleion and his friends (Elyia and Olyro) were a particular difficulty for her, as they often caused trouble with or without meaning to. Atleion himself struggled with fitting into communal roles, being more drawn to the wilds --- a fact Matria Softleaf was keenly aware of, and in which she orchestrated events to try and mitigate or cultivate in a healthy manner. 
It wasn’t necessarily uncommon for aurin within Atleion’s community to be like that. They were a very, very old community, somewhat isolated from more mainstream pockets of aurin civilization. As such, they were sort of more ‘wild’ to begin with.
In this sort of context, Matria Softleaf basically spent a good amount of time trying to make sure Atleion would be equipped with the tools he’d need when he grew up.
Though Atleion’s direct interaction with her was very sparse and limited, she was an influential figure during his early years, and is the one who gave him his second name after communing with the Weave (Rainsong is not a last name, it’s like a title given to him. Atleion’s aurin tribe did not do last names, and no one was supposed to share the same name within their community).
The Old Ones
The Old Ones refers to a cultural concept from Atleion’s native tribe. 
Atleion’s village believed that the Weave contained the essence of all things living and all things gone. As such, the great aurin of the past, reaching all the way back to their days as wild animals, were harbored within the Weave. 
His village believed that the Old Ones would guide them down the paths they wished to walk in life, or would help them in times of great strife, so long as they continued the traditions of their ancestors or remained ‘good as the Stars themselves’. 
While on Arboria, Atleion was capable of hearing what amounted to Primal Echoes, though it was a concept he did not fully (and does not fully) understand. His connection to the Weave and his village’s heritage informed this, as he was rather sensitive to this specific aspect of the Weave (he was not / is not capable of Weave Magic or greater Weave abilities, however. This is as far as his Weave connection goes~). Very rarely and sparingly throughout his childhood, Atleion ‘encountered’ the voices of the Old Ones in times of great trouble --- a situation that has begun occurring on Nexus as well, though what he hears on Nexus naturally differs from what he heard on Arboria because of the change in setting.
I’ll avoid spoilers, because this is a concept his short-stories are exploring~ So if it’s something anyone is interested in, it’ll show up a little bit in some of Atleion’s memory write-ups explaining what it is. However, Atleion’s relationship with the Weave and Primal Echoes is responsible for something rather important to his abilities.
Faeli Dawncatcher
Shortly after being roused from Cryo, Atleion was slated to be sent to a peaceful aurin community somewhere in Celestion. That ... Did not happen. Atleion refused to go, and seeing as no one could really make him go live with a peaceful aurin community, he ended up on the streets of Thayd, unable to truly speak Galactic common, and with very little to no understanding about the world he found himself in. 
In canters Faeli Dawncatcher, a young aurin woman who took it upon herself to ‘care’ for the street urchins and downtrodden within the capital city of Thayd. She scooped Atleion up into her little gang of youthful misfits --- and under her direction, Atleion pickpocketed, stole, and waged conflict with rival gangs of teens and children within the city for survival. 
She helped him adjust to life in Thayd. While Atleion was a part of her group, he wasn’t necessarily thriving, but he was surviving. 
Unfortunately, Atleion had a falling out with Faeli specifically over his great interest in joining FCON. Faeli saw this obsession as a threat to her gang, as, clearly, they were not on the greatest terms with the FCON sentries patrolling the streets of the capital city. 
Faeli kicked Atleion out of her gang, and that was the event that led towards his life spiraling, and his inevitable encounter with Keeran Chernikova. 
The Speedster
The Speedster is an aurin comic book character. Graced with incredible speed, magic, and armed with rocket boots to help him fly, the Speedster protects the fictional city of Megalopolis from crime, war, and decimation. 
This is Atleion’s favorite comic book character. There is nothing better than the Speedster. Atleion admires the way he always exacts justice upon the ‘bad guys’ with child-like naivety. It’s not uncommon for Atleion to reference The Speedster, or to compare people, things, and actions to the fictional hero. 
Atleion actually wears goggles during combat in part because the Speedster himself does. They’re utilitarian (protecting Atleion’s eyes from the bright light of his spellcasting), but they’re also a direct reference to his love for this fictional comic book character. 
Atticus Stormsinger (Rokkvell Warborn’s Creation)
Atticus Stormsinger was an aurin soldier who served alongside Rokkvell Warborn at some point within the past. He was a skilled Spellslinger, who designed the weapons Atleion uses in current events (a pair of mag-pistols made to store and release large amounts of Spellpower, named the Tempests). 
Atleion firmly believes that Atticus was the greatest Spellslinger to ever live. He wears Atticus’ jacket (Rokk gave it to him), and wields the guns that aurin designed, like a pair of large shoes he needs to fill some day. 
The two have parallels with one another in personality, values, and very likely combat style. (I am hypothesizing on this point~ However, Atticus has become something of a reoccurring theme himself, being Rokkvell’s “first Atleion that didn’t make it”).
... I hope that was at least interesting to read! Looking at it, I feel like I just dropped a novel to answer a question.
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Out of curiosity. Nicknames for Keeran :P
Ohhh boy, Jazz nicknames for an aurin, okay here we go! xDKeeran Chernikova: Fluffy Cyclops, Don Keerleone, Obiwan Keer-obi, Killer Queen, Cyclops Squirrel, Short stack, Cherdoleeza Rice, Archduchess of Chernbury, Keekee and Lady Flufferoo.
...I again apologise for the shameless modern references. Thanks for the asks :D Meme from this
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