tron20emails · 2 years
Subject: Congratulations!
Date: Mar-03
As we near our launch I want to take this time to congratulate the team on a job well done. Soon, all the long hours and hard work will pay off.
We are the beginning of a new influence. A new Adam and Eve if you will. We have the ability to sway the masses' perception of what is right and what is wrong. We will create a new world according to our terms.
Be proud of your accomplishments and look forward to a new kind of future!
Future Control Industries
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g00melo5-art-blog · 10 months
レンズフィルターを取り付けられますか。(TG-7 / TG-6 / TG-5)
A:コンバーターアダプター CLA-T01 とは
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astercontrol · 1 month
One of the exercises my pattern recognition loves, for some reason, is to take widely accepted ideas in fandom, things that are basically considered obvious from canon, and figure out ways that the truth could actually be something else.
This is an obnoxious thing to do, sometimes.
I get annoyed at my pattern recognition routines for this.
Especially when I don't even have any particular reason to want the new interpretation.
And especially when (like a lot of my sudden weird inspirations) it happens in the middle of the night.
But it is difficult to fight against.
Because whenever there is "proof" that something isn't true in canon, a creative enough mind will find ways around it.
If the proof is "no character ever mentioned that, and they would have mentioned it if it were true"…. all it takes is a plausible reason for someone to keep something secret, or even just not to bring it up in a particular context.
If the proof is "a character literally SAID that was not true"… likewise, all it takes is a plausible reason for someone to lie.
If the proof is "it involves a character who is dead in canon," we just need a reason why the character is believed to be dead but is actually not. (This is especially feasible in canons where there is a potential in-universe mechanism for someone to be copied, resurrected, etc.)
If the proof is "we saw something happen onscreen that is extremely incompatible with the new interpretation," then there's always the possibility of that onscreen event being some type of illusion (especially in canons with magic or technology that make that very feasible).
And I am especially irritated with my Recognizer… (I think that's what I'm going to call it from now on-- Recognizer, an annoying little Pattern Recognizer that buzzes around my head like a tireless insect, looking for puzzles to solve that absolutely nobody needs solved)…
…for becoming fixated, lately, on the question:
What is it, exactly, that makes TRON 2.0 incompatible with Legacy?
(Thank goodness the Recognizer isn't trying to take the comics into account… yet, at least. If I had to watch it try to reconcile Betrayal and Ghost in the Machine with the other canon and with each other, I'd probably eat my computer.)
Anyway. So far I've got:
The structure of ENCOM. I need to look more closely through all those emails from 2.0… they show the power balance of the company changing in ways that seem to diverge from what we see at the beginning of Legacy. (At least Flynn seems to have disappeared in both? Though the times may not line up.)
However, I imagine a lot could change at ENCOM between 2003 and 2010. And we have to remember that not everything said in every email has to be true. Some might even be spoofed emails, sent by FCon for whatever deceptive reasons they might have. We can theoretically disregard any 2.0 canon that comes from the contents of an email, if we can explain it on those grounds.
Alan's family. In 2.0, Lora is apparently dead from a digitization accident, and she and Alan have a son. Neither of these were mentioned in Legacy (although lack of mention isn't proof in itself). Also I believe Lora appears, alive, in some of the supplemental Legacy material.
Going from what I saw of the game's plot, we could imagine that Lora was somehow recovered, later on, from the data that became Ma3a. (If I recall correctly she was eaten by a Seeker? But that doesn't necessarily mean destroyed?) Anyway, if enough of her ended up being recoverable, she could theoretically have been found and rerezzed back into the User world, sometime between then and the events of Legacy.
And, of course, possibly the biggest obstacle: In 2.0, Alan is aware of the world inside the computer.
He got digitized in there as part of FCon's sabotage attempt. It appears (though it doesn't seem absolutely certain?) that this was the first time he'd been digitized into the computer, or even knew it was possible. But after the events of 2.0 he definitely knows about it.
If Alan knew this could happen, it would be… challenging, at the least, to explain a lot of how he acted in Legacy.
(And this line of speculation, I think, is really what my Recognizer is focusing on.
See, I don't think it even cares all that much about reconciling 2.0 into the canon. I think it mainly just wants to believe there were some early days when Flynn and Alan and Lora and Roy had fun together exploring the world inside Encom and meeting their programs.
If it were a rational being, it would just make up an AU for this.
But it is not a rational being. It's a deranged pattern recognition subroutine, and its entire obnoxious goal in life is to find or force connections between things, until it can figure out a way everything makes SENSE together.
Sometimes the most nonsensical thing you can possibly do is try to make everything make sense, Recognizer.)
First issue: If he knew that people could be digitized into computers, why did Alan not find out what had happened to Flynn?
Well… maybe he did know. Or had good reason to suspect. After all, someone's been paying the electric bill at that arcade to keep the computer running all these years.
If so, though-- why had Alan not tried to get Flynn out of there?
Maybe Flynn had specifically requested for him not to, not unless he paged asking for help.
Or: maybe Alan had tried. Maybe he'd even gone in! Maybe he barely made it back out with his life, without even being able to confirm Flynn was in there somewhere. Maybe he looked through the code trying to fix things from the outside, but realized there was no totally safe way to extract Flynn at this point or even identify him for sure.
Or: Maybe he did extract Flynn from there, time after time. Maybe Flynn kept going back in, and getting his stupid ass in trouble again and again. And the more it conflicted with his job, and the more stress it put on Alan… the more Alan decided, I am too damn old for this, this is a job for someone young and crazy and reckless like Sam, but even Sam is gonna have to wait until Flynn actually admits he needs help and actually pages me asking for it, the stubborn idiot.
In any of these scenarios, though, there's the further question: why did Alan not tell Sam more about what he was getting into?
And there, again, we can only speculate:
Maybe Alan reasoned that Sam has had many years to file away his dad's old stories firmly under the heading of "made-up tall tales," and if he told Sam the whole truth, Sam would refuse to believe it and just be angry.
This may or may not be actually true about Sam… but if Alan thought it, he may have refrained from telling him to increase the chance Sam would actually take on the task.
In any case, Alan sending Sam in there is… an ethically questionable decision at best.
Hell, even if Alan didn't know about the world inside the computer, sending Sam in was a questionable decision. He didn't know what would be waiting there at the arcade for whoever answered the page, and for all he knew it could be something dangerous. For all he knew, whoever answered the page could be walking into some hostage situation, with the mafia holding Flynn captive and demanding company secrets or something.
But… I can see his reasoning, even if I side-eye its ethics a bit.
Whatever he knows or doesn't know about the computer system, Alan knows he's not cut out to handle danger nearly as well as Sam is.
And he knows Sam, of all people, would want the closure of doing this, finding out Dad's secrets on his own.
And, if Alan knew something about those secrets already-- that even explains why he kept this solely between himself and Sam, instead of involving anyone else who might be better equipped than either of them to handle ordinary, real-world dangers.
But… all this notwithstanding, there are probably still some hangups for my Recognizer to deal with.
The one it's gotten stuck on now-- perhaps even stuck enough to let me go back to sleep-- is in the Next Day short.
Specifically, the very end, when Alan and Roy are alone together.
Everything up to that, the Recognizer can disregard any statements it doesn't like, because they could have been lies or omissions for the benefit of the public.
But assuming Roy and Alan both have been inside the computer-- as the Recognizer stubbornly wants to believe-- they don't have any reason to lie about it to each other.
So Roy's very last line-- "Why do you think Flynn gave you the cool nickname?" makes no sense, if they've both met their programs and know they were named after them.
But honestly… nothing about that last line makes sense, in any interpretation.
Even if they hadn't ever met their programs as living personifications, they know they wrote their programs... and presumably Roy's program was also named Ram outside the system.
Alan (from the earlier interviews in the short) clearly knows he was nicknamed after the program he wrote, so I can't see why Roy wouldn't already know the same.
Ram is an obviously cooler nickname than Tron.
So…. shut up, Recognizer.
Stay stuck.
For now, at least.
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not-that-dillinger · 1 month
Call Them Brothers
@lucky-dyse @liberatedthroughperfection
Okay! Now that I'm home and in front of my personal laptop I have thoughts about Julian Dillinger as a muse/bg character for Ed on this blog. Gonna be a bit rambly, I wrote things down on a note card at school, but then forgot to bring it home. Oh well. It's on my desk. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow if I missed anything.
So a little about current Edcanons for framework:
I write Ed as 32 at the time of Legacy, meaning he was born in 1978. He would have been 4 during the original film. If I were to go by the actor's age, he would be 34 at the time of Legacy. If I wanted to stay close canon, I think +-3 years of the actor's age is reasonable. (Though TBH I don't particularly care about sticking close to canon, as long as it's interesting. Seeing that the third film isn't out for another year, this is bound to veer wildly from canon anyway.)
I also write that Dillinger Sr. was in prison for 5 years, from 1984-1989, getting out of prison just before Flynn disappeared. I'm not sure how this would complicate Sr. having a second kid.
Going by the actor's age, Julian is 23 at the time of legacy, being born in 1987. I think I'm going to say he's 24, born in 1986, eight years after Ed. Don't ask how Sr. had a kid while in prison, IDK how prisons work but I'm sure there's some sort of explanation.
An interesting idea brought up by @liberatedthroughperfection that I think would be interesting. Ed and Julian are half brothers. I think this would be especially interesting if Ed and Julian were raised separately up until Dillinger Sr. divourced Ed's mom in 1990.
Sr. and Ed's stepmom lived together for a while but whether or not Sr. remarries, or they stay together, IDK. She definitely spoiled Julian, but I doubt Ed got the same treatment.
Anyway current thoughts about the man of the hour:
Julian definitely has a superiority complex. He thinks he should have been named after their father. Ed would gladly swap with him if he could, though he knows the name is a curse, and would fear that their father's shadow would consume Julian.
Ed is the smarter of the two, but Julian is far from an idiot. Ed was often bullied because their father was in prison, and had things blamed on him. Julian was a school bully and an absolute menace (derogatory), but often got away with things by otherwise being the teacher's pet. The same could be said of their relationship with Dillinger Sr: Julian was the spoiled younger sibling that got away with things Ed would never have gotten away with.
Ed had the better grades. He got into the better university (Carnegie Mellon University). Julian went to one of the UC schools (thinking Irvine?) Ed fought tooth and nail for an internship at Encom, for a chance to escape his father's control. I feel like with the current edcanons and with borrowing from 2.0, Julian would be more likely to work at fCon for their father. If he's at Encom, he's definitely is engaging in corporate espionage. Regardless, Julian is working for their father, working himself into the ground in desperation to win Sr's love and to be seen as the better son, and carrying out Sr's vendetta to destroy Encom.
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roykleinberg · 3 months
My maybe unpopular Tronblr opinion is that Tron 2.0 wasn’t really that great and suffers from many of the same (or worse) narrative problems people have with Legacy, just in a different set of clothes
tron confessional with moss
no because same
to the good, I did and still do very much like the look of 2.0. it felt like a good extension of the technicolor maximalism we got a hint of at the end of '82, and while I don't dislike the artistic direction of Legacy I think I just prefer more of the retro futurism vibe vs the sleeker sci fi look.
and Mercury was pretty cool
buuuuuut yeah I've always kinda gotten a kick out of any 2.0 vs Legacy story debate because they are very similar in a lot of ways. and I think the fact that I don't remember a lot of the details and haven't ever felt compelled to replay speaks to how meh I was about the whole thing. reiterating what I said way back when: killing Lora off was a worse offense to me than the all but nonexistent dead wife / mom Jordan, FCon was goofy as hell, and major points off for somehow managing to have less Tron in your Tron media than Legacy did.
I do totally get why people love and are attached to it, though, as it was the only sequel that existed for quite a while. my extra spicy hot take is that sometimes I feel like people hype it up just to be a little contrarian lol
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Been meaning to post this for a while, and keep thinking about it, so for your consideration: Tron Murderbot AU.
Encom is one of the numerous companies out in corporation rim.
They produce a lot of the software that runs everything from space stations and ships to robots, and constructs, and can even be found in augments for humans.
Fcon is another company in corporate rim and a direct competitor with Encom. (Potential for a war or cold war among their colonies?)
GrayCris still exists and is still trying to mine alien remnants.
Preservation Alliance also still exists as a non corporate polity because they seem cool.
The Grid is a non-corporate polity rulled by Kevin Flynn, sort of like a private island that he has as a sanctuary.
Tron '82 AU?
All the programs are constructs???? Probably? Or robots? Probably a mix of everything.
It makes a lot of sense for Tron to be a sec unit actually. Maybe a new sec unit prototype software that Alan was working on? Either way, Alan designed Tron without a governor module.
Sark is a combat unit.
Maybe the laser exists, maybe instead it's human augments to connect to the data feed... Haven't decided yet.
The MCP probably originally started off as a hub system for encoms main port or something but hacked and took over everything on Encom's main station.
It hacks everything that uses Encom's software, gains control of much of corporation rim or maybe just Encoms colonies.
Yeah gonna be real not entirely sure what happens to Flynn instead of being sucked inside a computer here... Maybe he has an augment and the MCP hacks it/pulls his consciousness entirely into the data feed?
...in which case the programs seen in Tron are how the bots perceive themselves in the data feed??? (I think I like this one, but we'll come back to it later)
Anyway same-ish deal: Dillinger steals Flynn's IP, he flees to a small (probably seedy) space station owned by an undisclosed company and tries to hack Encom for evidence that Dillinger stole his stuff.
Will develop this later, but it has a similar outcome of defeating the MCP, realising the programs are more human than they realize
During his reign as Encoms CEO, Flynn buys a planet/steals one from the company for his own purposes, as well as several space stations. These collectively are called the Grid.
The Grid still absolutely still has the fun glow-y effects, partly through a bio luminescent material that grows on Planet Tron.
He also buys the space station he fled to and probably turns it into a resort/casino/arcade type place for people to play videogames.
The planet is named Tron after the prototype SecUnit created by Alan Bradley.
...Which Flynn absolutely stole for his 'digital utopia'
The grid becomes a non-corporate polity lead by Flynn.
It starts out as a sanctuary for "rogue" constructs, bots, etc.
He still creates clu (organic parts cloned from his own DNA???) to govern the grid while he is in charge of Encom.
Somehow this all still remains a secret from everyone else.
Isos are constructs from alien society that used to live on Planet Tron and formed their own society. (The aliens that built them lived in the oceans, and so the isos come from there, but can live both on land and in the sea). The isos are made with the bio luminescent material.
Flynn still treats everything like it's a game, and Clu does not appreciate that.
Same thing happens, Flynn gets stranded on Planet Tron, Clu destroys the Isos and takes over the rest of the Grid.
Somehow Sam finds it, again through some hijinks involving Flynn's arcade/port/resort
Games probably include something like the ones that Murderbot describes where the humans make the SecUnits fight each other.
Not sure what disc equivalent would be here. Probably still discs because they're a cool concept.
...Thoughts about Ed Dillinger Jr in this universe (or the version that is my muse, anyway...)
Is absolutely an augmented human, though he's hacked his augment because paranoia about surveillance and his safety.
Is something of a political refugee at On Encom's main space station though not by official status.
The suspicion is still there because relations to fCon.
Purchases a SecUnit from a third company after the incident where his father tries to kidnap him.
Immediately tells the SecUnit he needs to see it's code with the intention of hacking it's governor module and making it so it can't send data back to the company. (Because he's paranoid about corporate surveillance getting back to his father. Have I mentioned Ed is paranoid about his security?)
SecUnit already hacked its governor module.
SecUnit politely refuses.
Ed refuses to say why he needs to see SecUnit's code because he is not about to let the company know what he's about to do.
Ed's stubbornness wins this round.
SecUnit waits in anxious silence while Ed goes through it's code.
Ed discovers that SecUnit's governor module is already hacked. It takes him a little while to realize SecUnit hacked its governor module.
There is a conversation. They eventually both come clean about their intentions. Ed apologizes for scaring the crap out of SecUnit, but the damage has been done.
Most of everyone else is not happy about the SecUnit following Ed around.
While there is now an understanding, trust is tenuous from both of them until SecUnit eventually saves Ed from an attack by fCon agents that nearly destroys SecUnit and results in corrupted code, and Ed painstakingly fixes their code.
The Incident eventually gets out, which Ed is not happy about. Neither is Encom, for different reasons depending on who you ask.
...Anyway... not sure where I'm going with this, but I think it would be a cool AU.
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lucky-dyse · 2 years
[Because you said you were thinking about making a sideblog for Dillinger Sr., if you want to attempt RPing him... Wasn't sure if I should send this here or to your other blog; feel free to ignore.]
Ed wasn't certain why he agreed to the meeting with his father, he knew it could only end in disaster. They hadn't spoken in ten years, and Ed wasn't certain that was long enough to forgive twenty-ish years of grievances and abuse.
He still wasn't entirely certain this wasn't a ploy to get Ed to work for fCon; to wrangle Ed back under his thumb. But for once, things were going well for Ed. For once, he wasn't afraid that any tiny misstep would get him fired for no reason, and he wasn't alone. Somehow he managed to gain both Alan and Sam's support, and that was enough for him to feel safe and content.
So when Peter showed up at his office with a dinner invitation from his father, Ed politely told his father's assistant that he'd consider it and get back to him by the end of the week. He sat on it for a week and talked to both Sam and Alan before finally contacting Peter to accept. He still had Sam put a tracker on his phone, just in case.
Ed sat across from his father at some stupid, fancy restaurant he would never have gone to himself, an untouched glass of wine in front of him that cost more than his grocery bill for a week.
They might as well have been strangers for all the awkward silence, the table between them a sea of twenty years of misgivings only embittered by another decade without attempt to reconcile.
The awkward silence, of course, was a test of will, to see who would break first. His father wanted an apology for stonewalling him and filing the restraining order, and Ed wanted an apology for the twenty years of emotional abuse he endured as a child. Ed had no intention to apologize, but they would never reconcile if they don't at least try to talk. Fine. Ed is big enough to take the first step.
Ed sighed. "Grudges and a penchant for sulking... I guess it runs in the family, huh?"
"Yes.. I suppose I once thought you were like me." Dillinger brought his forefingers up and pressed them to his lips, the way he always did when he was puzzling over something internally. He kept his eyes on his son, trying to think of a way to start a conversation without pressing on a sore spot.
The worst part was he didn't know his son anymore, and perhaps he never did.
"I saw myself in you, once. After that Flynn destroyed my career and my reputation, I began to hate that part of myself, and essentially, what I thought you had become." He admitted, shifting to sit taller. He, as Edward Dillinger Sr., hated admitting that he had made a mistake, but he also knew that was the first step to reconciliation.
"But you're nothing like me." He picked up his wine glass, more of just to stare at the red liquid than to drink it.
"In fact, you're someone completely different and.. although it will not change what I've done in the past, I am truly sorry for how I treated you." He didn't expect forgiveness, nor did he entirely want it. He knew 'I'm sorry' wasn't good enough, and nothing ever would be.
"You deserved better," he continued, "you deserved a father that could set aside his personal vandetta and treat you like a son, not an enemy. If you wish to leave now, you may be excused. I won't force you to stay for dinner."
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misterradio · 5 months
okay here are some tron 2.0 thoughts TEE HEE....... you have been Spoiler Warned for REAL!
tron fans talk abt this game with me okay 🥺
THIS GAME IS BEAUTIFUL .... MWWWWWAH!!!!!! i just love all the different environment designs, the color coding that went into the different computer systems was really cool too. my main takeaway is that the visuals Rule.
the npc designs were cool too but i kind of wish there was More variety (visually as well as voice acting)... but i really enjoy the design direction here ::-) why so many bald antagonist though? lol (AND WHY SO MANY MEN?)
In regards to gameplay i felt like it was pretty standard? i ended up using the basic disc weapon for most of the game because switching weapons takes Way too long if youre actively fighting, which is kind of a shame cuz there are so many weapon options... i did really enjoy the energy claw though 👍also the light cycle racing SUCKED and there was a graphical glitch that made it so that a bunch of visuals to my cycle were missing so i couldnt even enjoy the new design that was hyped up lol. as complicated as gameplay felt up front it definitely felt much better as it went on so it was pretty good.
game progression was very straightforward which i didnt expect..? go do this and then do that, etc. i thought it would be more open. this isnt rlly a complaint bc at least i wasnt lost or anything.
finding all the build notes was thankfully not hard but i enjoy poking around as much as i can in games already... and i liked the mechanics of searching archive boxes and being able to read emails between people ::-) YAY NOSINESS !!! despite finding all the build notes i still didnt end with the highest version i couldve...🤔 no idea how that works then...
moving on 2 story...
all the characters felt a bit flat so that was unfortunate... i wouldve liked to see some more emotions from everyone, bit more personality, etc...
i dont rlly know where jet's attachment to mercury came from, is he in love with this girl, if so why?? im thinking that since she was the first program to really reach out and help jet, that he latched on to her. but as the player i was kind of neutral on her SORRY although her design is cool
i was in disbelief that lora died and i was thinking she would just have been digitized and b in the computer somewhere? and there are allusions to her at least being superficially present in the program ma3a/ma2a etc (they have the same actress ^^__^^) but neither jet nor alan mention this which really shocks me??!!!??? thats your deceased mom or wife can u show a bit of tenderness or something..... maybe this can be cooked up more in an AU or something . idk i was really hoping she (and yori) would be around. i held on to hope for so long ✊️
OBVIOUSLY WISHING TRON WAS THERE... but omg alan being in the digital world shocked me so much i really liked that HEHE. him wearing tron's outfit was fun. i saw someone else in the tag say this, but if tron is "retired" then where is he?? INQUIRING MINDS WANNA KNOW !! he and jet werent very fazed by being digitized which surprised me buuut they also have to adapt fast given the urgency of their situation..
i felt rlly bad that thorne died SNIFFLE SNIFFLE jet and alan just watched a real guy die in front of them thats MESSED UP!! he was really cool too i enjoyed the corruption concept ::-) i was really worried the three fcon employees were gonna die too but im glad they implied that they could be repaired and manifested again.. (what is the word for un-digitized..?)
evil ma3a was really cool 👍 tbh all the antagonists are cool except im neutral on the kernel. i was confused that he was red i thought he was evil like in the original movie with the MCP's soldiers.. but i think hes just a guy who happens to be red. and also trying to kill u but just bc you (jet) are a freak of computer nature and should not be there. thats fair. i enjoyed his boss fight too.
THE FCON MONSTER WAS RLLY COOL HOW AM I NOT SEEING ANY FANART OF THEM.... ::-( i have to fix this... ALSO I WISH they had dialogue. like are they even aware of their situation. missed opportunity !!
okay thats all i can think of now.
WAIT UM I READ THE COMIC CONTINUATION(?) the ghost in the machine AS WELL and i dont have many thoughts on it bc it was really confusing BUT i did enjoy the layers of horror and unreality which i really did not expect. was also expecting the titular ghost to have more to do with lora (SIGH I REALLY WANNA SEE HER AGAIN) but it didnt but thats okay. i really liked the art of the first book specificaly.....
do any tron fans also like soma (2015) haha just wondering [TWIRLS MY HAIR
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jet-bradley · 9 months
Yeah... Lora being absent in the sequel is the 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵 of Legacy's narrative shortcomings.
Legacy is just completely devoid of... Everything but aesthetics. I know it's kind of not great to criticize movies on what they could have been instead of what they are, but... What even is Legacy? A daft punk music video? A tech demo? It succeeds at being both of those. But as an actual narrative, it just isn't that engaging.
Also, if I'm honest, I really don't think "Main character is the blood relative of a beloved character from a classic" should ever be used in a sequel again. It's a cheap way to draw in fans of the classic without doing the work to establish a reason to give a shit about them. But if you aren't a fan of the classic, it's really alienating and feels like you're just being told to care about the protagonist for no reason. Sam doesn't really have much going for him if you don't care about Flynn. He's some rich 20 something living off old Silicon Valley money. Watching the movie when it came out, I had zero reason to give a shit about anyone, especially Sam, and it honestly ruined the movie for me. There's a reason I only became a Tron fan as an adult, and it's because people introduced me to shit that wasn't Legacy.
The reason the bit about Lora pisses me off so much is because people treat 2.0 like the worse sequel because of how it treats its female characters. But like, IMO, Legacy isn't better. I've been trying to find the source to back this up, but IIRC, one of the actresses in Legacy took a fairly extended "break" from acting because of harassment she faced after being in the movie because of how sexualized the costumes were.
Quorra is the only female character who's an improvement over her counterpart in 2.0 (Mercury), because she has motivations that extend further than Sam or Flynn. But not much further. Clu killed her entire species because of personal beef with Flynn, and that entire genocide exists solely to pad Flynn's backstory. Quorra might have her own motivations, but she still gives them up entirely to help Sam find the End of Line. She's still only there to propel Sam from point A to point B, just like Mercury. But at least she's got human proportions, being played by a human actress? Is that a win for feminism? Good grief.
And again. I really think Lora's absence was better handled in 2.0 than it was in Legacy, or how Jordan's death was handled. Be honest, would you actually know Jordan was a character if you weren't a Tron fanatic? Most of the story in 2.0 is optional, it's hidden in emails which don't even contribute to Jet's version number (which is only affected by build notes). But the game does a good job of encouraging curious players to look for them, and it makes it really clear that Alan's motivations in working with the digitization system come a lot from losing Lora.
People overuse the phrase "haunt the narrative" but I think it applies really well here. Her voice is the voice of Ma3a and the games grid, and her work plays a direct role in propelling the plot and it's actually credited to her. Her death doesn't just give Jet and Alan a sad backstory, it provides stakes for what happens to Thorne, the Fcon trio, and even what could have happened to Jet and Alan. It becomes a story about how loss plays out in a world that's becoming more and more dependent on computers. She is still genuinely partially kept alive through her work, but it takes Alan and the rest of the digitization team to carry that torch so that her work can still help people, and to maintain it in a state that it can do that. If you've lost anyone in the past 20 years, it still hits kind of hard from that perspective. Like, it's still not good, but at least it serves its narrative SOMEHOW.
Comparatively, her and Jordan's complete absence from Legacy's story is... embarrassing. First of all, this whole idea of people being kept alive through their work is embodied solely through Flynn, and he's literally alive in the Grid, which takes away a lot of the meaning behind what happened to Lora. But despite the plot relying on Lora's work (with a laser system much more identical to the one she worked on in the original film), all mention of her is completely erased. Sam doesn't seem like he knows who she is, Alan never mentions her, Flynn never mentions her. The programs think of Flynn as the only User that matters to them, nevermind that digitization can only happen because of Lora's work!
So no, I don't think Legacy really holds up to this standard of being better for its female characters. Honestly, Uprising is the only part of Tron that I can see holding up to that at all, and they cancelled Uprising after the first season. Pretty much everything in Tron is built on disrespecting female characters at least a little bit, and Legacy isn't an exception just because it's more popular.
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hardynwa · 8 months
FCON: Ivorian fan apologises to family after caught wooing lady during Senegal game
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An Ivorian football fan, Anselme Santos, who was caught on camera in the stands trying to woo a young lady, has reportedly issued an apology to his wife and children. The amorous moment happened in the heat of celebration of Ivory Coast’s Round of 16 victory over defending champions in Stade Charles Konan Banny de Yamoussoukro on Monday. The determined effort of Santos to engage in conversation with his seatmate instead was captured on camera, swiftly transforming into instant meme material. According to Actu Foot, Santos expressed remorse for any distress his actions could have caused to his wife and children. “In the euphoria, I told him ‘give your number’. It wasn’t mean, but she didn’t want to. So I didn’t insist. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the lady, my wife, and my children,” he said via Actu Foot. The host nation, Ivory Coast, had faced a perilous situation in the competition with a possibility of elimination from the tournament but only qualified into the knock stage as one of the third-best teams from the group stage. Aftermath, the Ivorian FA dismissed manager, Jean-Louis Gasset, even before the knockout stage teams had been finalised. Guided by interim coach Emerse Fae, the Elephants found themselves trailing Senegal from the fourth minute following Habib Diallo’s opening goal. However, they fought their way back into the match, leveling the score four minutes before regular time thanks to Franck Kessie’s successful penalty. Read the full article
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tron20emails · 2 years
Note: This email has been corrupted in TRON 2.0's lore. Within emails and text strings, Corruption appears as random ASCII characters inserted into the text in between words and sentences. For readers who struggle with parsing random characters, such as screen reader users, a "clean" version of this email can be accessed here.
Subject: Digi%tizing is Possiblle
Date: N()*@&ov-02
Accor$&ding to Th*orne, Bradley has done the impossible. Thorne saw Bradley shoot a laser beam at an orange. The orange disap$&peared under the beam, and th*&#*@en reappeared intact a few sec)($onds later. He's posting the su*9rveillance video to my private ftp site - I'll let you know when to dow)$*nload it.
Seth Crown III, Atto)),rney
Corporate Attorney
Future C&ontrol Industries, Inc.
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technationgr · 11 months
Olympus FCON-T02 Fish Eye Converter for TG-1/2/3/4/5/6
Σε αντίθεση με τις περισσότερες φωτογραφικές μηχανές της κατηγορίας compact, μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε αδιάβροχους μετατροπείς και φίλτρα φακών 45 mm στην κορυφαία σειρά φωτογραφικών μηχανών TG χρησιμοποιώντας τον προσαρμογέα μετατροπής φακού CLA-T01. Ο μετατροπέας φακού fisheye FCON-T02 παρέχει τη δυνατότητα λήψεων με κυκλικό εφέ fisheye χωρίς να θυσιάζει τη φωτεινότητα του φακού. Αλλάξτε απλώς…
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not-that-dillinger · 2 months
"Hey Eddy, fCon deez nuts." - Sam
Ed knit his eyebrows in utter bafflement at the ridiculous statement, though every muscle in his body went rigid at the mention of his father's company. "Ef—what???" He couldn't tell if it was a genuine joke or an awkward attempt to flirt or a disguised insult or accusation. From his experiences with Mackey it's more likely to be the latter, but he doesn't know Sam well enough to make a judgement.
"Eddy?!?" He wasn't used to that variation of his name, either. It didn't grate the way Junior did, nor sting like Dillinger. It just felt... Odd for it's lack of use.
He wasn't sure if it was meant to hurt.
He didn't want it to.
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loreih · 2 years
me: i love heroin fcon: thats estrogen me: i see no difference love is love
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Who created Llull?
...nobody knows, not even Llull ximself.
Xe arrived on the Grid around the same time that the isos did, so some theorize xe might be an iso.
It was someone from fCon, Llull's original purpose was to spy on Encom, but then Flynn decided to put xim on the Grid.
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lucky-dyse · 1 year
The Government is already aware of the existence of digital civilization. They actively work to suppress that information to maintain the status quo.
"I- what?" Alan was baffled, because that was not the case last he knew. Last he knew ENCOM was personally trying to make the civilizations as public as possible so they could sell this new technology. That's why fCon bought them out anyway, to test the digital world to its limits.
"I don't know what that has to do with me. I'm just someone who makes the programs. You'll have to talk to the new CEO."
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