muwapsturniolo · 6 months
✯Malevolent PT. 4✯
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summary: Turns out I'm living in a horror film Where I'm both the killer and the final girl. So who, who are you?
In the small town of Somerville Massachusetts, a bloodbath is brewing, and Y/N Lyoncourt is in the middle of it.
games played with cell phones, gruesome murders, and scary movies
how will she survive?
warning: swearing, stalking, death, murder, attempted murder. read at your own risk.
The bullpen of Somerville police station is hopping. Multiple officers and detectives running around, files being thrown on desks and coffee being spilled.
Y/n sits at a lone desk in the corner, a jacket belonging to the sheriff perched over her shoulders. She has a cup of water sitting next to her, untouched.
"Hey kid."
She jumps feeling an arm on her shoulder. She looks up and sees Deputy Holland. "Did you reach my dad?" She questions softly. He gives her a sad smile and shakes his head, "Are you sure it was the Hilton?"
She rubs over her face in exhaustion, "he said it was the one by the airport." Deputy Holland sighs and sits on the desk, looking down at her. "We called and he's not registered." Y/n is perplexed, her dad told her where he would be, he even gave her the phone number along with his room number.
How is he not there?
"Don't worry, we will find him and let him know what's going on."
She sighs and looks around the bullpen, observing the chaos in front of her. Her eyes land on a room blocked by glass. In the room sits Matt along with the Sheriff, and his father.
"What were you doing in her room son?" The Sheriff asks. Matt groans and rubs over his face in irritation. "She's my best friend! I was going to her room like I do any other night! She had a rough day!" His dad sighs, tired of this whole thing. "Sheriff, you know my boys. They wouldn't do anything like that! It's no secret Y/n and my boys are close."
The Sheriff ignores Jimmy's statement and looks back at Matt, "She said she received a phone call, and wording that you use was said. Did you call her?" Matt shakes his head vigorously.
"No! I didn't!"
"Pull the records for Christ's sake!" Jimmy shouts. He can't believe his son is sitting here, being accused of trying to murder his best friend.
"She said you were in her room the previous night as well, with your brother Chris. Is that true?" Jimmy turns to Matt in shock.
"When the hell did you two leave?" Matt rubs over his face and hunches over the table.
"Chris and I watched a movie and we just wanted to get out of the house." The sheriff looks at Matt questioningly. "Did you go to kehalani's hou-THAT'S ENOUGH!" Jimmy's voice booms in the interrogation room. The sheriff sighs and looks back to Matt, "I'm sorry kid, we will have to keep you here overnight."
Tears well in Matt's eyes, "I-I didn't do it." He whispers sadly, voice cracking and all.
Meanwhile, Y/n and Buddy are being escorted out the back by Junior. "Wait here, I'm going to get the car!" He states before jogging off. The two girls don't even catch a moment to themselves, due to Denise walking up, a smirk on her face.
"Hello Y/n."
She glares at Denise, not in the mood for any of her shenanigans. "Some night, are you alright?'' The fake act of empathy is evident in Denise's tone. Y/n and Denise hold each others gaze, both staring hard and cold. "What happ-Can you fuck off?" Buddy jumps in.
"No it's alright Buddy, she's just doing her job. Right Denise?" The older woman smiles fakely, smoothing out her dress shirt. "Yes, that's right."
Junior pulls up in an unmarked police car, a flock of reporters following him. "How's the book Denise?" Y/n asks.
"It will be out later this year! You'll get your copy."
"I'll be looking forward to it," Y/n mutters sarcastically before attempting to walk away.
"Thank your father for me! He gave me the ok to pub-" Denise falls back from the punch Y/n threw.
Y/n and Buddy lay in Buddy's room, Y/n on the floor as Buddy sits cris-crossed. "That shit was funny! 'thank your dad for me' MINK! Bitch flew back! I know that's right." Buddy imitates the altercation animatedly. Y/n chuckles softly, mind still on the fact her dad betrayed her mom.
Buddy settles down in her bed, her head propped up by her hand. She looks at Y/n before muttering something softly, "Do you really think Matt did it?" y/n frowns, her heart aching thinking about the boy in a jail cell.
"He was there Buddy..."
"I knew it was too good to be true, he and Chris are too obsessed with you." Y/n sighs at the words spoken.
Could it really have been Matt? He would never do something like that...right?
A knock on the door pulls her away from her thoughts. It's Mrs. Holland. She has her bonnet on and her pajamas, "somebody is on the phone for you puddin' pop." Y/n stands up and walks out of the room, "is it my dad?" The older lady shrugs before sitting back in the living room, going back to watching her stories.
Y/n picks up the house phone,
"Hello Y/n."
Her blood runs cold, the voice invading every part of her body.
"FUCK YOU! YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT! YOU'RE A SICK FU-" Buddy and Mrs. Holland rush towards her, trying to figure out what's going on.
"Awww poor Matty boy, sitting in a cell. Tsk tsk tsk"
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She's hysterical at this point, scared for Matt and herself.
"Looks like you booked the wrong guy...Again" The voice taunts.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Buddy tries to take the phone but Y/n slaps her hands away, speed walking to the other side of the kitchen table.
"You'll find out soon."
"Junior! Get your lazy ass out here!" Mrs. Holland bangs on the basement door.
"This is going to be fun, just like old times."
With that, the line ends, leaving Y/n in a fit of rage. She throws the phone, screaming profanities left and right. Junior runs into the kitchen, shirt off, pants undone and gun in hand,
"What's wrong?!"
The next morning is oddly bright, the sun shining down as the trees still lay naked.
Buddy and Y/n sit at the kitchen table as Mrs. Holland serves breakfast. Y/n stares at her glass of water, eyes vacant. "You sure you girls don't want to stay home? You had a long night."
"I can't miss today! They are finally putting out the voting ballot and I have to make sure my name is in the box!" Buddy dismisses her mother's concerns. Y/n snaps out of her trance when hearing Buddy's words, "You're really running for scream queen?"
"Duh! They need a black girl up there and it's going to be me!" Y/n says nothing in response, simply taking a sip of her water. Junior rounds the corner, phone in hand. " Matt was released, his phone was clean and I told them about the call you got last night."
She feels like throwing up.
She blamed her best friend when it wasn't him.
Just like the previous day, reporters and news vans line the streets in front of the school. Y/n hops out of the police cruiser, buddy in tow. Microphones and cameras are immediately shoved in her face. Junior is quick to usher them away, threatening them with harassment charges.
As they attempt to walk into the school, Y/n notices a familiar van. Without a word she walks over, "Denise?" The lady turns around and instantly takes a step back.
"I'm not here to fight I just...Do you really believe Thomas is innocent?" Her voice is soft, her eyes downcasted to the leaves beneath her feet. "Does it matter what I think?" Y/n sighs at the question.
"During the trial, you called me a liar and all sorts of names!"
"You falsely identified him that's why." Denise spits back. Y/n finally looks at her, "has his story changed at all?"
"He admitted to being drunk and sleeping with you-She would have never slept with him-She seduced him!" Y/n glares at Denise for what feels like the billionth time in two days.
"He raped her! He raped her then s-slaughtered her! I saw him leave wearing that trenchcoat!"
"Someone else was wearing the coat Y/n!" She falters at those words, knowing there's now a possibility that it could be true. Denise picks up on this and her eyes widen, "You know it's not true! The killings now are related to your mother!"
"Let's step," Buddy says trying to pull Y/n away. The girl quickly follows, not wanting to talk to Denise anymore.
They make it inside the school, maneuvering through the jungle-like hallways. "Everything will be fine, you're at school and saf-" Both girls jump seeing a white mask appear in front of them. Y/n quickly grabs Buddy's hand, squeezing it tightly.
"Safe..." Buddy finishes as the boy runs down the hall screaming. Y/n closes her eyes, taking a deep breath before letting go of Buddy's hand. They make it to Buddy's locker after multiple jumpscares, "I think your mom was right, I should have stayed home." Y/n mutters as she looks around cautiously.
"Ok listen, we are going to meet after every class, right here. That way you will feel safe." Buddy notices Y/n's eyes trained on something. She follows and sees Matt walking down the hallway with Chris, Nick, and Nate.
They approach the two girls, Matt's face solemn as he eyes Y/n. "Can we talk for a se- You know if I was accused of carving up my peers I wouldn't show my face in school." Buddy sneers, pulling Y/n closer to her and away from Matt. "Jeez, go easy on the kid. He didn't do it." Chris states rolling his eyes. Buddy lightly smacks his chest, her hand lingering on his shoulder.
"Y/n please?"
Suddenly a scream is heard from down the hallway and Y/n jumps.
"Why are they doing this?" her hands are shaking slightly. The familiar masks running amuck keeping her on her toes.
"It's like Christmas! What are you-OOF- Jesus what was that for?" Nate asks looking at Chris. "Stop being fucking stupid and use your brains for once alright?" his Boston accent coming out thick. Y/n shakes her head, taking off down the hall from her group of friends. Matt quickly follows her.
Through the sea of people, Matt loses sight of her. He sighs in disappointment as the bell rings, the hallways clearing out. He rounds the corner, trying to get to class when he runs into someone.
Y/n stumbles back, getting ready to cuss the person out, but freezing when she sees Matt. She quickly walks around him but he grabs her arm, pulling her back and pressing her against the lockers. The two stare at each other, the air around them tense.
"You still think it's me?"
She sighs, the salt burning her eyes, "I-I don't but Matt, someone was there to kill me."
"The police said I scared him off, it wasn't me Y/n" his words are firm, leaving no room for discussion. "I know Matt, I know! I got another call when I was at Buddy's." She confesses to him.
"See? It couldn't have been me because you put me in jail!" She flinches at his words, not used to him being mad at her. She feels horrible, "Matt I'm sorry! You have to understand the- the circumstances?" Matt scoffs and rubs his face in frustration. He slams his hand against the locker next to Y/n's head, "For fucks sake Y/n, I'm your best friend! I would never do something like that to you!"
"I-I'm sorry..." She whimpers softly. Matt has never yelled or got in her face like this and she doesn't like it. He looks down at her, his head tilted slightly, no emotion on his face.
"Matt, please! I'm really sorry!"
"Are you?" he questions her.
She nods quickly, attempting to wipe her tears away. "Yes! Matt, you have to beli-Make it up to me then."
He gets closer to her, his breath fanning over her face, "I said, make it up to me then." His eyes bore into hers, daring her to tell him no.
"Kiss me."
His words make her body warm and cold at the same time. The idea is inviting but she's not sure. Something is telling her to say no.
"How is that going to fi- It fixes everything. You kissing me shows that you love and trust me. You love and trust me right?" he cups her face, stroking her cheeks softly.
She knows his words are true, she does love and trust him, with her life. She looks down, "What about Chris?"
Matt smirks knowing what she's talking about. Both boys have tried making moves on her separately, but she turns them down, afraid she will hurt the others' feelings. "He's a big boy, he'll be fine. We talked about it." Her breath hitches at the information.
"You talked about it?"
What does that mean?
He leans closer to her, trapping her between the lockers even more. "Mhm, we always have. Which one of us would finally be the ones to kiss you on those perfect lips-" He brushes his lips against hers briefly
"-Who would get to taste you." She swallows thickly, now nervous as the craving for his lips becomes stronger
She knew it was wrong to have thoughts about two boys at once, especially them being her best friends. What would everyone think? what would her mother think?
But she couldn't help it. She yearned to feel one of the boys' lips on hers.
She nods along to his words, an unsettling grin making its way across Matt's face. She goes in for the kiss but Matt pulls away, "Nuh uh, not yet." He snickers, enjoying the puzzled look on her face.
"You agreed to kiss me, I never said I wanted it right now."
Her brows inch closer together, "but you-" She's cut off by Matt tapping her face quite hard, almost like he was slapping her.
"I'll be kissing you soon, Don't worry pretty girl."
He walks down the hallway, leaving a flustered and confused Y/n against the lockers.
next fic
✯Freshlove for the fit pt. 4✯
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @mattslolita @j3tblackt3ars @ilovestarz @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @tastesousweet @slut4sebastiansallow @whicked-hazlatwhore @stasiesturn @loljackwasfat
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carruechedaily · 4 months
Shout to Kehalani for calling everybody out. Her Bella Hadid and Jessie Williams are like some the very few celebrities with huge platforms that can possibly make a difference , that have been speaking on Palestine, Sudan and the Congo non stop since October. Also The Weeknd for donating $2 million.
Personally I don’t feel like calling celebrities out does anything, people are dying put that energy towards the politicians where it belongs
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elibabayblog · 7 months
'I think I love you'
"Are you sure I look okay?" You asked Kehlani one more time.
"Babe, you look fine. Let's go."
She grabs your hand and pulls you outside the bathroom.
"Stop worrying over how you look. You are beautiful."
You smile at her and kiss her.
"Okay, I guess we can go now."
She takes your hand and drags you downstairs. You grab your purse and keys and walk out the door with her on your heels. You loco the door before watching her open the passenger door for you.
"Thank you."
You smile and slowly get into the car, making sure not to mess up your outfit. She hurries to the driver's seat.
"Hold on, I'm going to speed. Our reservation is at 8 and it's 7:50."
She starts the car and takes off. A few minutes later, you arrive and walk hand in hand inside the restaurant.
"This is a nice place."
"Only the best for my baby."
"May I help you?"
"Reservation for two, under Kehalani."
"Right this way."
You follow her to a secluded table by the window. The view was amazing.
"Here, let me help you."
She pulls out your chair and pushes it in as you take a seat.
"Thank you."
"Here are your menus. Your waiter will be with you in a moment."
"Thank you." You smile as you take the menu from her hand.
You and her have small talk while looking over the menu. Your waiter walks over a few moments later.
"Hi, my name is Elijah, and I will be your waiter this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?"
Kehalani orders her drink and then yours. You look over her and smile. She looked beautiful in the moonlight.
"You are staring." She laughs.
"I'm sorry, you just look so pretty in the light."
"Aww honey, thank you."
"Can I confess something?"
"I think I am falling in love with you."
"I'm glad to hear that because I know I'm in love with you."
You smile at her response and grab her hand, and kiss it.
"How long have you known?"
"Since we first met. I found myself wondering what you were doing, I dreamed about you and our life together, and I found myself being okay with things I thought I would never do."
"I can't wait to experience life with you."
"Me either."
Your drinks were brought out, and you ordered your food. You and Khalani sat there and talked about all the things you wanted to do together and even some things that were worth trying.
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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Penn Badgley ( @pennbdgl ) 
Uchinaga Aeri (Giselle) ( @xgisellez ) *RECLAIMED WITHIN 24 HOURS
Park Jinyoung ( @pjinyoungs ) *RECLAIMED WITHIN 24 HOURS
Andrew Garfield ( @andrcwgrfld ) *RECLAIMED WITHIN 24 HOURS
Joe Keery ( @joekvvry ) *RECLAIMED WITHIN 24 HOURS
Nathalie Emmanuel ( @emmcnuels ) *AT PLAYERS REQUEST 
Kehalani Parrish ( @hollywoodparrish​ ) *RECLAIMED WITHIN 24 HOURS
Grace Van Dien ( @grcevdien )* 
Alycia Debnam-Carey ( @alyjcsmin​ )
Joseph Quinn ( @qcnns​ )
Sandra Bullock ( @sandrabllock​ )*
Noah Cyrus ( @thenoahcyrus​ )
Eiza Gonzalez ( @eizarpfame​ )
Bill Skarsgard ( @swedeskarsgard )* 
Jesse Lingard ( @jesiuuu​ )
Joe Burrow ( @joe-burrcw​ )
Danny Amendola ( @danny-amendcla )
Aaron Taylor Johnson ( @aaron-jchnson​ )
Olivia Cupcuo ( @oliviaculpc​ )* ​
*Inconsistent activity, only answering memes, signing on the day before an activity check, reblogging/posting social media and photos do not count as activity. Bubble warning is for members who fall under what HFRP considers to be bubble rping. Further explanation of bubble rping is defined in our rules.
Those who have been unfollowed are more than welcome to return! You have 24 hours to message us via ask box POLITELY if you’d like to reclaim your character before it officially gets reopened. Don’t forget, if you feel like you need to step away - you can always ask for a hiatus!
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orangepancakes · 5 years
Thank you @marmadelin :)))
Rules: Put your entire music library on shuffle & list the first 10 songs that come up. Then tag 10 others & do the same.
1. Stars - Alessia Cara
2. 7 minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) - Fall Out Boy
3. say anything - girl in red
4. Not Today - Twenty One Pilots
5. Come As You Are - Nirvana
6. What I need (feat. Kehalani) - Hayley Kiyoko
7. Pussy is God - King Princess
8. Fools - Troye Sivan
9. The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
10. Falling - Harry Styles
I don't think I can tag 10 people but @pou-noikiazeis-to-oneiro @hachimitsuna @killjoyshipper @pluviophilos @lexiklecksi @koreanmadeingreece @guccikiss and anyone else who wants to do it :))))
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kehlaniteam · 5 years
Henny Music (Chris Brown, Fat Joe, Kehlani, Meek Mill Type)
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Demi 3 times ✅ Kehalni 2 times ✅ DJ Khaled 2 times ✅ #concertjunky #concertjunkie #concertobsessed #demilovato #kehalani #djkhaled #tdgarden #boston #tmylm #tmylmtour #comfidence #strength #love 🤑 @ddlovato @kehlani @djkhaled 🤩 (at TD Garden)
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thebisexualdogdad · 5 years
Top 6 songs you can always listen to
1. In one ear - cage the elephant
2. One last time- Ariana Grande
3. Miracle - chvrches
4. Not coming in - dayshell
5. What i need - Hayley Kiyoko ft Kehalani
6. We can't move to this - Ellie Goulding
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savingusboth · 5 years
Man who aided Foodland stabbing victim sentenced to prison term | News, Sports, Jobs - Maui News
Man who aided Foodland stabbing victim sentenced to prison term | News, Sports, Jobs  Maui News
The Maui News WAILUKU — Three years after he was honored as a hero for intervening in a fatal stabbing at Foodland Kehalani, a man was resentenced ...
from "smoking pipe" - Google News https://ift.tt/2mqgx5n via https://ift.tt/2Styk6f
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ivan-orley · 5 years
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elibabayblog · 7 months
Many days later she was found
You looked and looked and looked but she was nowhere to be found. You loved her and you needed her so you wouldn't stop until you found her.
"No, no, no. Where the hell is she?" you scream out.
You ran back up the street in an effort to find her but she was nowhere to be seen. 
"Fuck Kehalani, where are you?" you call out.
"Y/n," you hear her weakly call out.
"Kehalani I hear you, baby, I'm coming," you yell out.
You run towards her voice but nothing, you still don't see her.
"Y/n!" she calls out a bit louder.
"I hear you Kehalani, I'm coming I promise," you yell.
You run further towards her and scan your head quickly, you see her laying on the grown. Her clothes were dirty but she was okay, at least that's what it seemed. You rushed over to her and grabbed her head laying it down on your lap. Your eyes moved past it, past the wound the huge gash she had on her leg. 
"Y/n, you made it, you made it," she laughed.
"Hi, Ke, I made it. I was so scared something had happened to you but you're okay," you laugh.
You look up in horror as you finally see the huge gash on her leg. She needed to survive because you couldn't live without her but that gash looked horrible.
"Hey what are you looking at y/n?" she asked you trying to lift her body to see what you saw.
"Hey, Ke it's nothing, just some dirt," you tell her laying her back down.
"Okay, can you get me some water? Only if they have a river or stream," Ke asks you.
"Yes mami, I'll see what I can do," you tell her.
You stand up and lay her back down on the ground. As you walked away from her you pulled out your phone and dialed 911.
"Hi, what the emergency?" The woman asked.
"Hi, my wife has a severe cut on her left thigh. It looks ready deep," you speak quietly into the phone.
As the lady takes to you, you walked down the forest looking for a river or stream to get Ke some water finally you found one.
"Ma'm can you tell me your exact location?" She asked.
"I can't tell you exactly where but we are in the woods, not far from the city. The only thing I can tell you is that if you follow the river into the woods then we will be next to it," you respond.
"Okay, we will have an ambulance to meet you shortly," the lady responds.
"Okay," you say.
"Can you stay on the phone until help arrives?" She asks you.
"Yes I can," you respond.
You hold your phone to your ear grabbing a big leaf and getting some water to her. You walk back over to Kehalani and you put her head on your lap as gently as possible trying not to spill any water.
"Ma'm, the ambulance should be arriving any second," she says.
"Thank you for all your help," you smile.
"No problem, I hope all goes well," she says hanging up her phone.
You see the ambulance pull up next to you.
"Everything will be okay Ke, the ambulance is here to help you," you tell her backing up so they can assist her. They pull out a gurney and put her on it.
"Can I ride with you please? I just don't want her to be alone," you ask the medical assistant.
"Sure, she isn't in critical condition but you can't stop us from helping her, because if you do the wound on her leg might get more infected and she will have to amputate the leg," he tells you opening the door.
You hop in and grab her hand. You knew everything had to be okay because if she wasn't you wouldn't survive without her. You loved her.
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threestarmaui · 7 years
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Good morning Maui! Thanks Mother Nature for another picturesque sight. 🌅🌴 (at Kehalani)
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krogerconews · 6 years
Mahalo to Costco, <b>Safeway</b> for food, water donations
The community would like to send many thanks to Tony, manager of Maui's Costco, and Robin from Kehalani's Safeway, for their support and aloha ... from Google Alert - safeway | publix | albertson's https://ift.tt/2wLgLWi via IFTTT
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lightseaimages · 8 years
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Loving all the colors in our front garden. #lightseaimages #maui #hawaii #flowers #tropicalflowers (at Kehalani)
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kehlaniteam · 4 years
[Free] Kehalani| Arian Grande Type Beat "Reminisce"
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sutjigunter · 8 years
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Happy 8th Birthday Alex 🎂 Wishing you a fantastic day 🎉🎉 #eighthbirthday #indofriends 😘😘 (at Kehalani)
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