#kellie I swear to GOD every freakin time
passivenovember · 4 years
@coffeeandchemicals (I’m doing all three because ily) asked:  For the drabbles, 55 or 60 or 72 with harringrove! Please and thank you!! 💙
60. Before you decide to murder me, let me explain. 
Strain Through a Clean Napkin.
The tiny wicker cabinet is all but hidden from view because, well. It’s hideous.
Turquoise, and like. 70s vibrant. Janky and scuffed, covered in glued-on seashells and so not what Mrs. Harrington allows to orbit their perfect world. It clashes terribly with the cheerful pink walls of the powder room, and.
It’s handmade--has Steve written all over it from the way the wicker door on the left hangs a little bit crooked. He imagines Harrington sat on a wooden bench, googly eyes and pipe cleaners littering the table in front of him as he constructs a treasure chest. The contents unknown. Some of the seashells have fallen off over time and leave wax stepping stones in their wake.  
Billy almost misses it the first time he jerks off before their study date just to be safe and instantly falls in love. 
He washes his hands in the sink, not bothering to dry them before wrenching the doors open and snooping through its many shelves and hidden corners. 
He expects to find, like. Q-Tips, maybe. Nail clippers. Lube if it’s a good day, but. Instead comes face to face with lotions and potions and little bottles full of magic.
Glass jars with handwritten labels stretching as far as the eye can see. 
Billy wipes his hands on his pants before lifting them to eye level, because. The labels, they.
Say things. Cute, disgusting things like, “Hair Milk: Lavender and Honey,” things that Billy can’t even begin to understand on a good day.
He gives the first jar a quick shake, watching mesmerized when the contents float and swirl in the pale yellow liquid. Dried flowers, maybe? Rosemary and something softer, something like--
Billy pulls desperately at the cap. Yanking and tugging gently, so as not to shatter the jar or like, spill Steve’s potion on the ground and burn a hole halfway to China. “Come on, useless piece of shit.”
He bites down on the pretty round topper.
Pulls at it with his teeth until the bottle gives way. The yellow liquid sloshes down his chest, tangling with the wiry patch of hair he’s got going, and--
“Fucking, shit.” Billy grabs a wad of toilet paper and scrubs. It smells yellow. Summertime peaches, melted ice pops, vanilla and orange, and fucking.
It smells exactly like Steve. Billy lifts the bottle to his nose, eyes falling shut in a crescendo of soft, breathy sighs as he takes greedy gulps of this fuckin. Steve concentrate. 
And okay. He jerks off in this bathroom two times a week before settling in for three torturous hours of Steve’s thigh pressed against him and Steve running his hands through his hair while he reads over the notes and Steve licking his pretty pink lips. 
And, yeah. Billy just came, but. He’s is holding Steve in a bottle, and like.
Billy will take twelve.
He can’t get his hands in his pants fast enough. Billy gets the zipper down, wrapping his hand around himself, and. Yup. Works himself over with the vial shoved up under his nose like a fucking. Insane person. Considers sneaking it home, this bottle of magic. 
Storing it in his pocket for safekeeping after tacking the pretty round cap back on, nice and snug so it doesn’t look like he’s pissed his pants when he sits on the overstuffed couch in Steve’s den to go over their chemistry homework. 
Billy startles at that, hand stalling mid-stroke.
He’s been helping Steve with Chem for fucking. 
Twice a week, Stetson’s orders, so the kid’ll actually pass this time and here Steve is. Mixing chemicals in his bathroom like some kind of.
Scientist, or. Witch. Something. 
“Little shit,” Billy murmurs, but it doesn’t. Burn, doesn’t. Sizzle like it usually does. He thinks about taking his hand from his pants. Thinks about, like, pulling them all the way off. Bending over the sink and switching things up a little when someone knocks on the door.
Bangs on it, more like.
Billy starts, pouring half the bottle on his dick from fear. It’s cold. Colder than it was before. 
Steve clears his throat from the other side. “Billy, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m--”
“You sure? Was worried maybe you fell in.” Bambi jokes, and fucking. Jiggles the handle. As if Billy would be stupid enough to leave the shit unlocked. 
With his pants around his ankles and Steve’s name burning through his tongue on every stroke. 
“Yup, hold on a sec and I’ll be--”
“It’s just. You’ve been in there for a while and I. Need help with this equation?”
Billy scrambles. Turns on the faucet, soaps up his dick to get rid of the Steve which burns because. “Who has peppermint wash in their restroom after Christmas, fuck.”
“My mom likes the smell--”
“Jesus Christ--I know, Steve.” Billy must make some kind of noise. Must wince in pain, or swear or bang his fist on the counter because Steve’s jigging the handle again, voice tight with worry.
He winces. “Yeah, just gimmie a minute here, I’m uh. Allergic.”
Silence. Steely and cool, and. 
“I’ll be right back.” And then he’s gone.
“Oh shit.” Billy swallows around something. Fear, or like, arousal from the fear of Steve barging in here while he’s got soap dick and a bottle of Steve wetting his skin from sternum to groin.
He waddles around the room.
Tries to pull his pants up, winces because yeah. The mild allergic reaction, kinda. Makes it impossible to slip in and out of skintight denim. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Billy waddles some more. He searches the cabinets for a robe, maybe. Settles on a towel hung loosely around his hips just as the door swings open and Steve’s there with a packet of oatmeal and a little white pill in his hands.
Looking windswept and pretty, and.
He takes in the room. The peppermint soap, and the open cabinet in the corner. The three additional seashells that fell off when Billy was tearing the place apart looking for a robe, and. 
The empty jar of lavender honey hair milk. 
Those brown eyes finally settle on Billy. On the towel poorly concealing his erection, because. Anaphylaxis be damned, apparently. 
Billy shows his palms. “Before you fucking murder me, let me explain--”
“You didn’t think to read the bottle?”
Which. “Huh?”
Steve shakes his head, “The soap. You didn’t read the bottle before. Doing whatever it was that gave you a reaction?”
He shoves the pill into Billy’s open palm before he can say anything else. Stalks over to the sink and fills a cup with water. “Here,” Steve says. “Drink it, dumbass.”
Billy swallows the pill, wincing as the rough fabric of the towel grates against his erection. 
Steve hasn’t stopped staring, and.
Billy hasn’t moved to hide it, so. “Sorry about your bathroom.”
“Eh, is what it is.” Steve starts putting the place back together. Wetting a hand towel and scrubbing at the water on the carpet. His head is bent over the sink when he says, “Wanna tell me why you were digging around in my cabinet?” 
Like Billy wasn’t just relaxing into the hilarity of the situation. Billy sits on the edge of the tub, opening the packet of oatmeal with his teeth.
“No, not really.”
“Don’t think that information’s important if I have to drive you to the hospital?” Steve leans against the counter, a pretty soft smile tugging at his lips, and.
It does nothing to help the tenting of Billy’s towel so he turns on the faucet in the tub. Dumps the oatmeal in and like, goes to town on trying to make sure the temperature won’t burn his dick off. 
“Don’t wanna tell me why you were taking a bath in my hair milk?” Steve leans over, trying to catch Billy’s eye. He grins when Billy ducks his head. “I use that stuff everyday. Got an extra tub whipped together, so. I can forgive you this time.”
“I know, I.” Billy’s cheeks are on fire. He shrugs his shoulders. “Smelled good.” He says, because. It’s the truth.
Steve blinks. “That’s it?”
“Yup. That’s it.” Billy says. He runs his fingers through the water, mixing until the surface turns murky from the oats.
Steve hums. Pushes off the counter and digs through his little wicker cabinet for a knife, or maybe that nightmare bat Billy’s seen tucked in the corner of every room in this house at least once.
Billy pretends to be interested in filling the tub to the right level, eyes sharp on the give and take of the water when---
“Not allergic to aloe Vera and Chamomile, are you?”
Billy shakes his head. Steve hums again and settles in next to him, thigh pressed against Billy’s as he removes the cap from two short vials and dumps the contents into the water.
Steve leans back. Billy leans forward, because.
He turns on him, eyes narrowed on Steve’s face. “How does everything about you smell so fucking good?”
Harrington’s face lights up. “Oh, I smell good, huh?”
Billy holds out a palm. “Lemme see that shit.” The vials, when Steve hands them over, are lime green and pink with residue. The liquid is smooth, silky like it was spun fresh this morning. Billy makes a face. “How’d you get it like that? You a witch?”
Steve chuckles, soft and sweet. He leans in close, watching the water fill the tub with dainty pink bubbles. “Nah, just. Strain it through a napkin, is all.”
Billy tosses the bottles at Harrington’s head. “You don’t need my help in chemistry, do you.”
“Then why am I wasting my two nights off stuck here with you, Harrington?” 
Steve turns to look at him, tongue swiping along his bottom lip. “Because you’re cute. And I like having you here.”
Billy feels like he’s on fire. Searing a hole through the carpet, already halfway to china when Steve cups his cheek and fucking.
Pulls him in. Separates Billy’s lips with his tongue and makes soft noises that almost get drowned out by the roar of the faucet next to Billy’s head. 
When Harrington pulls away his cheeks are pink. Like bubbles, like secret potions. He grins. “Got lots of stuff in my cabinet.”
“Oh yeah?” Billy sounds out of breath, even to his own ears. 
“Yeah.” Steve tugs at the towel hugging Billy’s waist. Doesn’t even notice the hives, which. Okay. Billy forgets all about it when Steve leans in close. “Mind if I join you?
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ioncewaspoison-ivy · 4 years
I Want To Dance With Somebody Pt.3 (Charlie Gillespie x Fem! Reader)
Author: Alex / @ioncewaspoison-ivy​
Part 1 / Part 2
Word Count: 1.6k+
A/N: I’m back! I’ve been uber busy but finally had the time to finish this up. I hope y’all like it.
Warnings: brief mentions of anxiety + a past injury
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The Julie and the Phantoms crowd had been able to go back to their own rehearsal space the day after Charlie had given you his number.
As a result, you hadn’t seen him in a couple weeks, so things had kind of gone back to normal. Well, with the added bonus of texting with Charlie and sometimes talking on nights when he wasn’t tired from rehearsing and filming.
You were in the middle of leading a rehearsal for the senior company when your phone rang.
You quickly declined the call and made sure your ringer was off before turning to the annoyed students in front of you.
Before you could get back into rehearsal, your phone rang again. Exasperated, you decided to see who it was.
It was Charlie. But why would he be calling you in the middle of rehearsal? You knew he was filming that day.
“Do you need to take that?” one of your senior girls asked.
“Briefly, yes,” you said, turning away from your students to accept the phone call.
“Y/N, thank god you picked up,” Charlie said.
“What’s going on? I’m in the middle of—“
Charlie’s voice was replaced by Kenny’s.
“Y/N? Hey—it’s Kenny. Are you busy right now?”
“No? Good. I’m sending a car to the studio to pick you up. Be out front in like 10 minutes.”
Before you could say another word Kenny had hung up. You looked at your phone in bewilderment, and then looked up to see your students staring at you.
“I swear this will never happen again, but Emma could you please lead the group through the rest of rehearsal? It sounds like I’m being summoned to the set of a TV show for some reason.”
The girl in question nodded, and you made sure everything was set for her before heading out.
“Kenny Ortega is sending a car for me,” you said to Zach. “Kenny freakin’ Ortega is sending a car. For me.”
“Do you know why?” Zach asked, his eyes gleaming in excitement.
“No. Not at all. He basically said he was sending a car for me and then just hung up.”
“Oooh this is exciting!! I expect to hear everything when you get back. I’ll keep an extra eye on rehearsal for you.
“Thank you so much! See you later!” you said, heading out the door when you saw a car pull up to the studio.
“Are you Y/N Y/L/N?” the driver asked.
“Yes that’s me.” You replied.
“Good. I’m in the right place. Kenny Ortega sent me.”
“Cool,” you said, getting in the car. “You wouldn’t happen to know why they called me do you?”
“No ma’am. They just gave me directions and your name and told me to come pick you up.”
You felt yourself getting anxious, and the car ride seemed to pass in no time at all.
When you pulled up to the building where they were filming, Charlie was outside waiting for you.
“Charlie what’s happening? Why did I get pulled out of rehearsal?” you asked while hopping out of the car.
He just smiled at you and led you inside.
You gaped when you saw the set, but before you could really process any of it Kenny had practically run up to you.
“Oh good, Y/N you’re here. We need to get you measured and then in hair and makeup and then we can get this show on the road.” Kenny said while leading you to what appeared to be a wardrobe area.
“Angela, Kelly, this is Y/N, the one whose measurements we need for Halle’s costume. Will y’all do your thing and then make sure she finds her way to hair and makeup.”
Angela and Kelly grabbed tape measures and came toward you, stopping to glare at Charlie who then turned around.
Given a moment to breathe, you asked Charlie what the heck was going on.
“Well....Halle woke up with a 102 degree fever and has thrown up twice this morning. Kenny doesn’t want her getting any of us sick, but we’ll also fall behind schedule if we don’t get any of the ‘All Eyes On Me,’ scene filmed today. So when Kenny was panicking about a stand-in I reminded him that you had stood in while rehearsing,” he said.
“Wait so you’re saying there’s a chance I could be on a TV show??”
“Well, Netflix show, but yeah...”
“I can’t be on TV. I can’t dance on TV. I’m just a dance teacher. I haven’t really performed in years. Not since....” you felt yourself starting to hyperventilate.
You didn’t notice Charlie shoo the wardrobe ladies out of the room.
“Since what, Y/N?” he asked.
You couldn’t meet his eyes.
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s just me. You can tell me,” Charlie said, putting a steadying hand on your shoulder.
“Well, the last time I was dancing full-time as a student and performer, I thought I was invincible. I danced on an injured knee for a month, and then the night of an important showcase, I collapsed on stage, and had to be taken for knee surgery,” you said, getting emotional in the process of remembering that night.
Charlie visibly winced. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay. My knee is all but fine now, but ever since then I just haven’t been interested in performing. Zach coaxed me into teaching for him and I fell in love with it.”
“Well that’s a shame, because the world deserves to see how talented you are.”
You simply rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m serious, Y/N. I wouldn’t have even mentioned it to Kenny if I didn’t think you could do a good job.”
You gave him a look as if to say “Really?”
“I swear. Now how about it?” he asked, standing up and offering you a hand. You didn’t even remember sitting down.
Taking a deep breath, you motioned for Charlie to call the costume ladies back in.
As you went through the motions of getting measured and then doing hair and make-up, your faint scar was barely brought to attention except for to cover it with some make-up.
All too soon the costume was ready and the wig was carefully on, and it was time to go get ready.
Tori was waiting for you outside hair and make-up, and the three of you walked to the set.
With every step you felt yourself getting more anxious.
Seeming to sense this, Charlie put an arm around you and said “You’re gonna do great, Y/N.”
“Yes you are. And thank you for doing this on such short notice.” Tori echoed.
You gave both of them a small smile as you walked up to the stage where you would be filming.
You went to join your fellow dancers, who all greeted you.
“Do we have time to do a quick stretch Tori?” you asked hesitantly.
“Yeah of course,” she replied cheerily. “That’s a great idea.”
“Kenny!” she called. “Can we have 10 minutes to stretch and then run through the number once before we get rolling?”
“I’m setting a timer, but yes.” the man said.
“Great!” she said, giving him two thumbs up.
“Y/N, you wanna lead us through a quick stretch out and then Savannah and I will lead us through the dance.”
“Sure,” you said, happy to have something to focus on.
You fell into it naturally, using a routine you used with your students.
It made Charlie smile to see you so clearly in your element.
Kenny’s timer went off right as you had finished your run through.
“Positions people. We’re doing this full out with Owen too.”
The blonde boy perked up when he heard his name, nodding at the director.
You took a deep breath and shook out your nerves.
“‘All Eyes On Me,’”Kenny called, doing the slate board to signal the start of the take. “Let’s roll.”
Once you were off to the races, it came easy. Except for the whole “having to pretend Owen wasn’t there” part. That took a bit of getting used to.
Charlie’s eyes were glued to you whenever the camera wasn’t on him, which earned him some teasing from his cast mates.
What felt like an hour turned out to be 4 or so before Kenny called wrap on the scene.
“You did great, Y/N,” Charlie said, stopping you on your way to get changed.
“Thanks,” you replied, smiling at him.
You were halfway to your destination when Charlie stopped you again. Based on how out of breath he sounded, you assumed he had run to catch up with you.
“Hey, Y/N, there was something I wanted to ask you.” the boy said, his normally energetic demeanor gone.
“What’s up, Gillespie?” you asked.
“Well...I was wondering if you might want to go to dinner sometime...with me?” he asked, appearing to you to be bashful.
After getting over your initial shock, you asked “Like a date?”
“W-well, I-I mean it doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be but I would like it to be but only if you would.” he rushed out, tripping over his words.
“Relax, Gillespie. I would love that.”
You both beamed at each other until Charlie got a text.
“They’re asking for me,” he said, seeming apologetic.
“Go. I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
“I’ll text you later about our date?” he asked.
“Sounds good. Now go!” you replied, nudging him back in the direction of set.
After you were sure that he was out of sight, you skipped back to your car.
Little did you know he was doing a happy dance of his own. His friends whooping and hollering when they saw his facial expression.
You called Zach when you got back to car and told him everything. He relented that that was an okay excuse for leaving in the middle of a class.
You were on Cloud 9, and nothing could bring you down.
Taglist: @i-love-daniel-seavey @deni-gonzalez​
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haileygorski27 · 6 years
AHHH, there’s NOTHING worse than waking up with a hangover…!
I swear to god – I’ve heard just about every story hangover story. These stories range from a dreadful family photoshoot the next day to waking up to a missing pair of shoes to spending $200 for a hangover IV.
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No matter what, there is NOTHING cute about a hangover. Maybe a few pics from the night before..
Yeahhhh, no… Scratch that.
A hangover is just dreadful.
Last Friday, I went to what I like to call, “FAW” AKA “Friday After Work”…  This term is coined from UW Madison’s “FAC” ( Friday After Class ). This is essentially when the students of UW hit the bars after a week of studying at the lib.
“FAW” is a bit more adult-ey – RIGHT??!
But here’s the thing. Interns in NYC don’t act like adults or drink like adults. Rather, interns like to go out to “FAW” as a pregame ( cheaper drinks ) then continue to go out during the nighttime…
& that was how my Friday night went!
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You may say – “Hailey, you don’t work on Fridays – it isn’t technically a “FAW”!”
And your right!! In fact, last week I had BOTH Thursday and Friday off. Because I had such a long weekend, I emailed Joy Bauer ( the founder of Nourish Snacks and the bad ass RDN on the TODAY show ) and asked her if I could assist her in any way on my two days off. Joy isn’t only a granola ball GENIUS, but creates amazing content on a variety of platforms, so OBVI I was eager to help out in any way…!!
Thursday I shadowed her at the Megyn Kelly show! She told me that I could “help her have fun” and we indeed had fun! I documented some BTS for her Instagram story, took some selfies with my DIVA light ( GET ONE – trust me. ), played with puppies backstage, and watched her SLAY her segment from behind the curtain!!
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On Friday, I helped her create an ad for her website that will be in her new cookbook! This was my first time using Canva…! Teaching myself how to use Canva was stressful, but I’m so glad that I finally had an excuse to learn how to use Canva! Also, what a freakin’ honor to create an ad for my RDN crush…
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So… I think that that classifies as “work” – RIGHT?? So FAW is only appropriate…?? ����
I met up with a few friends from school and we rallied all night! We drank vodka sodas with ~130,129 lime slices during FAW and ended our night with $1 NYC pizzas.
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The next day, I was in the elevator with a girl who also had a long night. I wasn’t feeling “fabulous”, but I could hang. This girl on the other hand could NOT; she felt SO hung and sick that she hired a nurse to give her a hangover IV for $200!! SERIOUSLY. This nurse came to our dorm to stick a needle in this girls arm!
I prefer to stick to my $1 pizza. Ya know, just give my wallet a little break!
But, when there’s no leftover pizza… There must be another cheap cure… Like a breakfast sandwich!??
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1 Ezekiel English Muffin
1 egg
avocado slices
1 slice cheddar cheese
Roasted red pepper
Next time you’re hungover, ditch the expensive IV! I mean – how many interns can afford that thing anyways??
Fuel up your body for a long day of Netflix in bed the right way… With a breakfast sandwich that is wallet friendly & satisfies those darn hungover cravings 😉
xx hails
  The Sandwich to Cure Hangovers AHHH, there's NOTHING worse than waking up with a hangover...! I swear to god - I've heard just about 
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prague-lematic · 7 years
The last few days :(
Once Mer left, I realized how short of a time I had left... sad sad sad. As I write this blog post from home it’s so real to me now and I’m looking at my pictures realizing how freakin lucky I was for all of this experience. My god. I got a pilsner at the secret garden with becca after our final and then headed to the market near old town square and picked up my final czech republic sweatshirt and some knick knacks. Then somehow we found the AAU barbecue after looking through a huge park for about 3 hours. That evening, we headed to the “Pivni Festival” meaning Beer festival up near this little coffee place Brittney and Mackenzie had brought us to and the “futbol stadium.” It was so fun, there was a live band and we drank beer to our hearts content. This night was Olivia’s last night so afterwards we all went to the Charles Bridge with her and sat and contemplated everything. We sat in a circle and ate mcdonalds. Some guy from America walked by and muttered, “You come halfway across the world to eat mcdonalds.” We all laughed. How right he was. A touch of home on the Charles Bridge. Mcdonalds was a comfort, but yet so was Charles now. It was a melancholy kind of night and I still had 5 days left to spare. The next day I took some time to myself to finish my english paper by starting near the castle at this open garden place and got some apple strudle one last time. Then I wrote the rest at Bohemia Bagle and then I got myself my very last classic Eurodog with mustard and ketchup and ate it peacefully in the shade at the Wallenstein gardens. That evening we had one last dinner all together 5 days before the sad departure at this restaurant near the baby statue park that I loved so much. Afterwards, room 18 grabbed some pizza and champagne and headed up to the metronome park and watched sunset over the greatest city in the whole entire world. I may be biased but I swear it’s true. If you’re ever lucky enough to stay in Prague, you’re lucky enough. You will see everything I am talking about. You will meet the most loyal and fun people here. You will eat the most delicious and different food. Fried cheese for instance. Huh. You will fall in love every two feet with a new sight or view or just a building. You will fall in love with Prague. All of it. That night, Kellie and I went to the Dubliner as we had always wanted. We tried to get in a month or so before but there was a soccer game so it was packed. We both got yummy beers and sat and lsitened to some great live music. We stayed awhile before heading to catch the metro. The next day I finally ordered a pilsner at mcdonalds before going to Stromovka for the actual AAU barbecue. My bad, that was actually on May 26th not 24th. It was the biggest park I’d ever seen and filled with so many beautiful flowers and trees. It was never ending. Becca and I quite literally got lost in it, ending up at some little vegetarian/smoothie stand area and finding an old theme park. Once we got to the barbecue for the free food, we found the guys and we ended up going on this Huckleberry Finn kind of raft thing that you pulled yourself across a little river/pond thing with. Of course it was for kids and we had to wait a good 30 minutes for a mom to notice us and feel bad enough for us to get her kids off for a few moments for us. Pathetic. But so worth it. I laughed the whole way even when we almost sank it. During the waiting, I saw my first ever little czech version of an ice cream truck. It was a girl on a bike with ice cream attached as a freezer to the front. I didn’t get some but I was definitely impressed and glad to see they have some fast service for the necesssities as well. Later, Becca and I checked out the market off JZP (Euros and Pita Bread as Becca called it) and got Burrito Loco and sat outside there and ate it. That night, a group of us went to see a Czech opera at the National Theater by Dvorak (Czech composer) The Jacobin. It was entertaining even though we had nose bleed seats. It was good to see something live theaterish since the last time I had in Prague was my english teachers play in like February. That night we went to Beer Geek and played some fun games and ordered a few beers. I got a coconut beer which was pretty interesting. Beer Geek was the guys place where they played magic and escaped from all the girls madness I’m sure. But It was nice to get a taste of their place for a night. The next day I met up with a good friend from High Point from my freshman year, Tori and her good friend Delaney. I showed them around the castle and then we got beer in old town square. Then we split to get ready for dinner/pub crawl round 2. We got italian again before getting our discounted tickets for the pub crawl that night thanks to Kellie and i ;). Goodness, was that pub crawl the best thing that ever happened to us or what oh my oh my. We had a blast and the British man was there as well. So fun! The next day, I walked near the center with a friend and then went into the palladium mall to grab a snack. That evening, Becca, Zach, Kellie and I went to the TV Tower for a drink. Pretty cool to be that high up over Flora and everything. The 29th I did my own day really which started early with an apple pie crepe and a few eggs at one of the very first restaurants we ate at- right near our rehearsal space. Then I visited the John Lennon wall one last time. I walked the bridge by myself which was much needed. I finally went into the church, known as St. Nicholas Church. Though there was construction going on inside I could still see all the beauty. I was so glad I made the decision to finally go in. I said a prayer or two for my family and everyone to get home safe the following day. Then I drank some beer across the street from the church, with a view of the top of the castle. It felt right. I just sat and people watched for awhile, really trying to take it all in. I visited the Wallenstein Gardens again and visited the peacocks that live there. So beautiful. I wish so many tourists wouldn’t bother them, they’re trying to clearly defend themselves or scare people away when they open their feathers in an array. Still beautiful though. I sat there for a bit before heading to Staromestska for the Andy Warhol exhibit which I’d been eyeing since I first got to Prague. I went and wandered for a bit, enjoying the AC for sure. Then I made my last trip to the castle with Becca and died of heat stroke a bit and stopped at the starbucks and then met up with everyone at the charles bridge. We watched sunset. It was a perfect sunset and I ate a lovely ice cream trdelnik while sitting on the charles bridge, looking at the sun set over the castle. I touched the good luck thing one more time. We got some mcdonalds of course and some people went back to nap before sunrise however Alec, Matt, Kellie and I decided to walk around and grab a beer at the dubliner and then got asked to join the pub crawl for free (we got into M1 for free) and we danced for awhile. We had to stay awake. It was so fun. When we left M1 though and said our goodbyes to the pub crawl staff who had become like family to us, we headed sadly back through old town square and then back to charles bridge. Charles Bridge hit us like a ton of bricks. All four of us stood seperately around the bridge and because I was sad, a group of guys even stopped me and asked if I was alright. I had to explain to them this was my last night on the Charles Bridge. They quickly understood and gave me my space hahahah. such good guys! Eventually we all regrouped as Alec and Matt headed back to get ready for the airport. Kellie and I stayed and layed on the bridge awaiting sunrise. We talked about all the lasts and how much we were going to miss Prague. We were there alone at times, sometimes it only being us and the trash guys. Then it was just us for awhile and then as soon as light began to peak through in came the photographers. We had our spot though. With a dead phone, I just simply watched with amazement as this perfect city I call home came to life. It was so beautiful and melancholy and sad. I didn’t sleep my last night in Prague and for good reason. It was the only right way to say goodbye to it. I will be back though. It is definitely more of a see you later. Thank you for everything. I am truly a different person because of my experiences there. Until then, all my love... xo 
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