#kelz rants about eggs for the bazillionth time
dreamingkelz · 1 year
for me, people who say “well the eggs HAVE to die for the lore to progress” are the ones whose faves are either a. not playing so they don't watch anyone else (slimecicle, mariana, spreen) b. don't play a lot so the person does not see a lot of the lore happening (quackity, philza currently) so they think you need to have the egg to be super involved in the current lore as if maximus doesn't exist and there hasn't been a bunch of story progression recently
I hadn't really thought about it but I suppose who you watch is really going to help form your opinion on the matter. For me, I suppose part of the reason I'm personally so protective of the eggs, is because my mains are Bad and Foolish, who both stream just about every day for five+ hours. Those long hours really impact the way their eggs affect their streams, I think. Bad especially keeps weird hours - often it's just him and Dapper online for hours at a time, and so much of his house is just things that were built by Dapper, so the thought of losing Dapper is unimaginable.
With Foolish, I think back to one of the server's original mission statements - in an early stream, Quackity had explicitly stated that one of his goals was for the streamers to get more comfortable using the other language. But lately, English tends to get used most of the time when a conversation occurs between speakers of multiple languages. As such, the English streamers almost never have cause to use any other languages. But Leonarda almost exclusively uses Spanish when she talks to Foolish, and as a result, he has visibly improved a lot over the past two months, especially when it comes to his reading comprehension (and watching his streams, I feel like I've learned a lot as well). It feels like taking away Leo would be a major loss when it comes to that original linguistic goal.
I've also expressed it before, but I'm always anxious about the possibility of removing reasons for the players to log in, especially given how many players have explicitly said they will play less or stop playing if their egg dies. I want to have faith that the admin team, being aware of this, aren't going to force a story that will make their players stop playing, but it's easy to be uneasy when they keep hinting at impending egg death, or when fans keep saying things like "the eggs HAVE to die for the story to progress." There's not going to be much of a story to tell if half the cast stops logging in.
Sorry reply was so late. I have a lot of feelings about these dumb eggs, so it took me a bit to gather my thoughts (and also I am very forgetful).
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