unwcvering · 5 years
@kemuriin asked  —
"It’s been a while since we’ve had one of our depressing chats." Oh yknow.
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       It had been a while, hadn’t it? Not just for their ‘depressing’ chats as Kohaku had put it, but they hadn’t talked as much as they had. Time had distanced them, other priorities being more important than others. Waver didn’t even know whether to ask about the others that lived in the house with them, but he decided against it before the thought could reach his lips. “I guess so, huh,” he finally answered, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. Things were different, awkward. Their lapse in what to say wasn’t the only thing that had changed. Having grown taller, hair longer, Waver wasn’t the same young man he had been back at that house they all had shared. 
       “Were you wanting to? I mean, I don’t have much to talk about...” Or anything that he was willing to share. He felt bottled up these days, keeping his woes and worries to himself than spilling secrets. It had nothing to do with trust, but it had more to do with not wanting to pick at fresh wounds. “You must have more to say than I do. What’ve you been doing since then?”
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dadadaemoved · 5 years
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cherry cola is my favorite drink
cherry and ko for @kemuriin
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dxsole · 5 years
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▌ REAL NAME: Iona ▌SINGLE OR TAKEN: Single ▌ABILITIES OR POWERS: Excellent sense of smell, high resistance to disease, causes a slow progression of violent anger in those she spends excessive amounts of time with, can only eat decaying, dead flesh-- the less fresh the better ▌HAIR COLOUR: Black ▌FAMILY MEMBERS: None ▌SOMETHING THEY DON’T LIKE: Excessive heat, bright lights, getting dirty, small animals that scavenge and dirty her meals. ▌HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Exploring abandoned places, hunting, visiting art museums ▌EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE: Yes ▌EVER KILLED ANYONE BEFORE: Not for a very long time, and that had been out of necessity ▌ANIMAL THAT REPRESENTS THEM: Crow ▌WORST HABITS: constant questioning, being needlessly vague, wanting companionship and being interested in humans despite how her presence affects them.  ▌SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Demisexual ▌THOUGHTS ON MARRIAGE/KIDS: She doesn’t think she can reproduce with a human but she does enjoy the company of children. She also doesn’t think she would mind a union but she doubts there is anyone that could stand being around her long enough as well as someone who would be accepting of her ‘special’ diet.  ▌FEARS: Finding whatever it is that can kill her, making and then losing friends, being burnt alive ▌STYLE PREFERENCES: Black, neutrals, lots of layers, fingerless gloves, tights & leg warmers, muddy boots ▌SOMEONE THEY LOVE: No one as of yet. She keeps herself fairly isolated due to her fears-- it’s not that she doesn’t yearn for companionship but it’s better and safer for all involved if they only see her in short intervals. ▌APPROACH TO FRIENDSHIPS: See above ▌THOUGHTS ON PIE: She feels bad but she can’t eat it ▌FAVOURITE DRINK: Water is all she can stomach ▌FAVOURITE PLACE TO SPEND TIME AT: Caves, crypts, catacombs, anywhere dark and damp ▌SWIM IN THE LAKE OR IN THE OCEAN: Lake ▌THEIR TYPE: Someone who accepts her as she is, someone who can resist the violent pull she causes, someone stimulating who she can talk about any subject with. ▌CAMPING OR INDOORS: Camping. 
TAGGED BY: @kemuriin // thankies~!!! TAGGING: @muddledmenagerie, @saurodex, @imbricare, @cuteasslotsofsass, @thatcertainnight & anyone else who wants it~!!
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dadadaemovedagain · 5 years
locked up ft. cherry & kohaku ↳ @kemuriin​
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         “Hey, quit it!” In the darkness, Cherry couldn’t see where Kohaku sat—or even stood. Without any significant light, her eyes didn’t have anything to reflect. All she felt were hands or feet (hopefully hands) pressing against her face. “I’m right here, okay? You know I’m here, so quit smushing me around.”
         It was hard to believe they were in such cramped quarters in the first place. This was a cliche, wasn’t it? Two people locked in a closet—if this was a closet. It didn’t matter. Tripping and falling on top of someone was the same. Even if she wanted to retell the story to someone else, there was no way they’d believe it.
        “You didn’t have to grab me. I wasn’t gonna fall. Even if I lost my balance, it’s not...” She sighed. Better not to bicker with someone who was trying to help. It wasn’t her fault. More importantly, they were really, really close. Cherry could feel Kohaku’s breath on her lips. Was this uncomfortable for her?
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        “Listen. I can’t really pick the lock if I can’t see what I’m dealing with, but...if we both kick the door as hard as we can, it should pop open, right? I can even pay for damages or whatever—I just don’t wanna be stuck in here.” She giggled nervously. “I don’t get it. What kinda door swings shut after you and locks automatically? That’s a future I don’t wanna live in.”
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herothrone · 6 years
kemuriin liked your post:CAT.
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Look...at...the cat.
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kemuriin replied to your post: “Hey man you ever get the feeling that people are...
its true pls no bully
The two of them are in a Loonie Toons fight cloud at the moment.
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She knows what they did or didn’t do. But she ain’t tellin’.
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ahbthnk-blog · 6 years
❝ I sound like a fucking twelve year old. ❞
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             “--I... Do not believe so.” She’d interject before clearing her throat before standing there awkwardly staring at the person in front of her. Many seconds would pass before eye contact was averted.
           “At least fourteen.”
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glassheartcd · 6 years
🔥 ayy go wild
Salting the Earth || Accepting! @kemuriin
I don’t get Call of Duty. Like, at all, how does it continue to make so much money when you know, it’s the exact same game in a different package. Hell, the only reason I bought the newer ones was because I liked the campaign modes. When was it okay to release games unfinished and then charge like extra for DLC? 
Games had care put into them, the story modes lasted so much longer than they did for some games. Now everything is just multiplayer only. Can I just get more games with a long story session and no multiplayer? Because I don’t care to play multiplayer all the time because I get burned out on it. But what do I know? 
I’ll sit here with my old games and just, dunk more hours into that. R-Type Final has been calling me for months now.
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unwcvering · 5 years
@kemuriin​ asked  —
[ touch ] or [ nap ]
nonverbal meme || accepting
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       It had been a while since Waver brought anyone to his home. He didn’t have friends, and he didn’t know if he would have called Melvin one given how their circumstances were. Dependent and circumstantial was what he might have defined their relationship. Anyone else was only an acquaintance from the Clock Tower. Befriending anyone would have been too much of an inconvenience, too much for him to handle while taking on a position in an empty classroom. Still, Kohaku was someone he had known since before everything, during a time that he almost wished he could go back to when things were simple. Living with Cherry, Vonn, and Kohaku, he had enjoyed it... Even if things had been chaotic.
       Reaching for the remote, Waver stilled in his movements when he felt Kohaku’s weight against him, slowly turning his head to glance at his side. When had she fallen asleep? It had been quiet for a while between them, but he hadn’t noticed between reading his book and the low hum of the television. It didn’t help that he had ordered enough takeaways for them that could be considered a feast, leaving both in a lazy food haze. Slumping back, remote forgotten, he tried not to disturb her too much. Maybe a little sleep would be good for him too.
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dadadaemoved · 5 years
@kemuriin replied to your photo “a hell of a good time, playing so loud they’ll wake the dead ...”
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dxsole · 5 years
❝ Now I can drink whatever I want! ❞
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“That’s great…for you. I’m happy that you get to be so free with your beverage choices. Congrats.” Of course, this wouldn’t be Leslie if he didn’t point out the not so silver lining to things. “I, however, cannot because I’m lactose intolerant– do you realize how sad that is? Can’t have a milkshake without basically going into shock. It’s a tragedy and an affront to my very person.”
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kemuriin replied to your post: kemuriin replied to your post: OHHGHGHGHGHH OH...
OH MAN i actually read this chapter before but it still htis like a truck. i totally missed out on the implication of control via the eyes in reference to phos tho JESUS.. we all knew they were altered but… *distress*
you remember this panel immediately after phos got their new eye
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cxnsigliere · 6 years
me: *takes his hat off*
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me: ooooook... *slowly puts it back on*
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anamelessblade · 6 years
@kemuriin replied to your post
its dad!
....ye-- hold on you’re not my child 
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waveworn · 6 years
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        “Ko, you ignorant slut.”
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unwcvering · 5 years
@kemuriin replied to your post
Slaps his trunk like a dog
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       Excuse you. Ko did what???
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