#kendall has the crown which is obvious.. one head one crown
sgsketchbook · 1 year
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with open eyes, he attends, blind.
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skyland2703 · 2 years
The Morphin Grid Headcanons + Some Questions
It’s been a while since I watched the show but this has been on loop in my head for a while.
I think the Dino fury team are the only ones to actually be able to “SEE” it. Like see the grid in it’s real form. Beast morphers tapped into it, but I doubt they were able to actually see what it looked like, without it physically manifesting as the morph-X energy.
Alpha and Steel (technically) are the only ones who have been able to step into it, so far. So I’m guessing it isn’t very compatible for humans.
One more thing: while Alpha could go in and do whatever fixing he needed to do in Once a Ranger, Steel clearly couldn’t survive the pressure/energy of the stream of morph-X energy and died.
This makes me wonder how much of it was because of “human intervention” because it’s like stepping into water in a river or a lake, vs stepping into the water that turns a turbine at a dam. So maybe the grid could sustain a human stepping into it if it’s in its pure form.
It’s a network, that somewhat looks like space, with stars, that all connect to each other through lines. Hence the name “grid” but not only that, the stars are actually maybe planets that sustain life, which also have Power Rangers, because they’re an intersection of the nodes; Examples: Mirinoi, KO-35, Aquitar and of course, Earth.
Most of this can be wrong, but if the grid sustains life, and is energy, and is technically equivalent to “God” or “the supreme entity” in the Power Rangers Universe (not the morphin masters, they’re the guardians of the grid) does that mean Beast Morphers could actually toy with the power of god/the supernatural and make it feel completely normal?
We know the grid can give life. Mack Hartford and Steel Silva are examples. This also brings the question of whether the Corona Aurora is actually a physical manifestation of the grid, the way morph-X was, that maybe someone, all those ages ago was able to tap into the grid and make a crown that had it’s power, and the gems. This also adds on to the question of whether Sentinel Knight was something like the morphin masters, or maybe a lesser version of them.
Another thing: in the earlier seasons, the interaction with the grid was bare minimal. It was treated like an entity that couldnt be touched, or tampered with. Then moving on, people— humans, like Andrew Hartford, and the guy who RJ got the jungle fury morphers from— could tap into it, and harness the ranger energy to make morphers, and create their own power rangers.
KO-35 had this technology already, they were aliens, and already had KO-35 human-made morphers for all rangers. Time force and SPD are set in the future, so leaving them for now, the first human organisation to do so was Lightspeed Rescue (unless I’m forgetting something)
Other than LSR, most of the teams got their powers in seemingly “mystical” ways. Ninjor, Zeo, whatever the heck turbo was, the swords at Mirnoi, the animarium, (still not sure about Ninja Storm), the Dino gems and then finally the magic wands in mystic force. Then from overdrive, we consistently have more and more people tapping into the morphin grid to make morphers and teams of rangers. This pattern lasts till neo-Saban era where we once again go back to the mystical ways the powers come to be.
Exceptions would be Noah who wanted to tap into the powers and make power ups, Kendall for an obvious reason, and finally Mick, who, like Noah, makes the enhancements.
In Beast morphers, it’s the saturation point, where humans have finally discovered the ultimate source of energy, and like humans do, have decided to exploit it to their own use. Morph-X powered bikes, keys, ranger powers, zords, and so on, which in a way lays foundation for spd. But beast morpher learns that lesson that exploiting the energy too much is a bad idea too. And that results in the morphin grid technically not being mentioned in SPD and Time Force, in universe, because now it’s a resource that’s to be valued, and not exploited.
So what I’m trying to say through all my rambling’s is: as the seasons progress, the teams also progress from seeing the grid as just a mystical entity, to an exploitable resource to once again, a mystical entity that IS a valuable resource (Check Dino Fury, treating the grid as both, something to derive power from, AND respect). It’s like lightning. When people didn’t know what it was, they created mythical gods who fought and their chariots clashed to produce the lightning, to realising it was a phenomenon of charges interacting, and could be used for energy.
And I think, with how subtly it was done, that it’s pretty neat.
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