wowthisissmuttastic · 5 years
The Moon and His Mortal
After a brief missing persons search, bodily injury, some reality checking, Zan and Cy return to the house. Cy has tucked himself in the safe warm hiding spot he always does under Zan’s arm. Zan’s face is still young and bright but there is something behind those eyes that says he is mulling things over in his brain as they step into the foyer.
“Why don’t you wait in the dining room, I will whip something up really quick.” Zan softly smiles at Cy, albeit a touch half hearted.
As Zandryl let’s go of Cythrual, Cy slinks into the dining room and curls up in a ball on one of the chairs, his large wings handing off the edge. He rests his head on the top of his knees and frowns. Still feeling so guilty over everything that had happened on their special date night. In Fact it was their first real date night.
It isn’t long before Zan comes out of the kitchen with two plates. Each plate containing some steamed vegetables, two steaks each, and some mashed potatoes and gravy. He places a plate in front of Cy and then one in front of himself. “I hope you like it. It’s my dad’s recipe.” Zan sits down adjusting his coat and for once uses proper table manners as he eats his food. Treating this meal like a formal date. Cy uncurls himself from his ball, “It smells....good.” On the other hand Cythrual has stabbed a fork into one of the steaks and ripping off giant bites from the edge like a cookie. Zan chuckles when he finally looks over and smiles, “Do you want me to cut that for you?” Cy had already finished the first steak by the time Zan looked over but the second steak was still fully intact. Cy looks up at Zan his cheeks pumped up like a chipmunk’s. He swallows his mouth full and nods bashfully. Zan smiles as he slides Cy’s plate over to himself and starts cutting up the steak, however he stops halfway through, “Wait we are missing something.” Zandryl gets up and walks into the living room to grab some candles. When he sees his other boyfriends lounging about the living room he smiles at the group, “We are starting over.” Zan turns and walks back to the table. He sets up the candles snapping his fingers the spontaneously catch fire. He sits back down and finishes cutting Cy’s steak. Zan observes Cy, “You might want to use a fork or you will get steak grease all over your new bedding.” Cythrual actually giggles as some of the gravy dribbles on to his chin. To which Zandryl can’t help but crack a smiles and shakes his head, “Goofball.” Cy’s tongue slightly pokes out from sheer playfulness, “Can’t help it. This food is good.”
Zan rolls his eyes and smirks, “I could serve you salad and you would say it tastes good.” Cy looks up into Zan’s big orange eyes, “I never ate anything but oats before… Everything tastes good. Especially when it’s made by you.”
Zan gently takes Cy’s hand and places it on the table holding it like a delicate flower, “I am glad you enjoy it my dear. I promise I will cook for you every chance I get.”
Cy leans down and headbutt’s Zan’s forearm much like a cat would to show affection, “You will?” Zan can’t help but use his free hand to scratch Cy’s head, “Yep. Every chance I get. Sometimes it might just be a baked potato though.” Cythrual can’t help but wiggle at the head scratch as a scratchy purr comes from his throat.
Zan chuckles and continues to scratch him, “You are a cat. I thought you were a dragon?”
However, Cy can’t keep purring for long though. He makes a slight pained face and touches his throat before looking down. Zan stops scratching him and lifts his hand up almost in panic, “You okay? Did I hurt you? Sorry I know my nails are sharp.”
Cy shakes his head, “No. Can’t do that… It hurts my throat.” he looks saddened, “Even when I do it naturally.”
Zan lifts Cy’s head up so their eyes can meet, “Hey, with time it will feel less painful. Just like anything else it’s a muscle you have to work out. How about when it is just you and me I will scratch your head and you let me know when it is about to hurt and then I will stop. A little bit every chance I can.”
Cy slowly blinks and smiles weakly, “Okay. I don’t even know why I do that.. It feels funny. I only started doing it when I met you. Uh... when I… met you after everything…”
 Zan nodded slowly, “From what I can tell dragons do that when they are happy, like cats. Which is funny because I hate cats.”
Cy leans into Zan’s hand, “Well, that just makes sense. You make me so happy.”
Zan leans forward and presses his forehead to Cy’s, “You make me happy too.” He smiles wide, “I am glad you chose to try and get better. If you want,” he leans back a little, “We can see if Sam can fit you in for therapy.”
Cy tilts his head a little confused, “Therapy? Physical therapy?”
Zan shakes his head, “No mental. Like uh… talking about your feelings and your past and working through them ya know?”
Cy looks down a little nervous, “Oh I see…” He starts fumbling with his hands, “What if I hurt her like I hurt you?”
Zan shakes his head, “That’s not how that works. She is there to listen to you and talk and to guide you through the healing process. Notice how she wears your mother's scale. She is letting you know her door is open if you need anything.”
“Oh…” Cy has had an eventful day of realizing things and this just adds to it, “Oh.”
Zan nods in agreement with Cy’s thoughts, “Yeah she probably is just waiting for you to be ready for that step.”
Cy fiddles with his hands some more picking at the nails, “Maybe… Maybe I should talk to her soon.”
Zan gently grabs Cy’s hands and rubs his thumb along the knuckles, “Whenever you are ready. Alright don’t rush yourself. You have come really far.”
Cy looks back up at Zan, “Because of you,” His eyes almost sparkle as he meets Zan’s gaze, “and that one named Hiro.” He gives Zan a tight hugs and whispers in his ear, “Thank you.”
Zan returns the hug and finds himself sinking into his new lover, “You are so welcome.” He smiles a bit and takes in a deep breath, inhaling his scent, “I was actually gonna give you a gift tonight. If you still want it.”
Cythrual emits a quick, deep purr at that. Zan feels it vibrate through his whole chest, “Really?” Cy’s voice is excited beyond comprehension, “Yes!”
Zan untangles himself from Cy. He walks over to the book shelf and stretches to reach the top shelf. He pulls down a dark stained wooden box and sets it on the dining table. Zan rests his hand on top of it and blushes, “Now it is kind of stupid so be warned.” He opens the box and pulls out a book and slides it over to Cy.
Embossed in golden writing and bound together with string pages a touch miss matched and not align, The Histories of Azeroth.
“It’s a special copy of the Histories of Azeroth. What makes it so special is that I had people who actually lived through these events make corrections to the tome and added their own memoirs.” 
Cy’s jaw drops a little bit. He looks up at Zan before glancing down to the book, “This has everything in it? Everything I haven’t known about this world?” He smiles so wide, “Thank you, Zan…”
Zan nods and rubs the back of his neck, “Yeah- I mean like I said it had to be edited because some of the information wasn’t true but, should be everything in there...also.” Zan cheeks turn a deep dark red and it spreads to his ears as he pulls a gnomeish camera from his inside jacket pocket, “This is for you too.”
Cy’s cheeks turn a slight shade of blue, “A camera? It’s that thing that you used to take pictures of me when…” Cy takes the camera from Zan, “Can we...take one together?”
Zan immediately pulls Cy into his lap gently holding him, “Here I will take the picture my arms are longer.” He holds his hand out for the camera.
Cy shifts his hips to get himself comfortable on Zan’s lap and hands him the camera back, “I liked it when you took pictures of me. It was like a game.”
Zan holds the camera at arms length as he gazes into Cy’s eyes, “Can’t wait to see what pictures you take with this.” Half a second before he pushes the button Zan presses his lips against Cy’s in a deep but loving kiss clicking the button at the same time.
When the picture comes out and develops after a few flicks of the special paper Zan smiles as he looks at it. Cy is grinning against the kiss as wide as he can his ears and cheeks a vibrant blue.
Holding it out for Cy to see Zan tilts his head to the side, “That is a great first one.”
Cy looks at the picture and his face scrunches a touch, “What kind of pictures can someone take?”
Zan chuckles, “Anything doesn't have to be people. You can take pictures of whatever you want.”
Cy can’t help but make grabby hands for the camera. Zan hands it over smiling so wide his canines poking out over his bottom lip, “What ya gonna take a picture of?”
Cy immediately snaps a picture of Zan. He shakes to polaroid until he sees it. Once it’s developed, he softly smiles, “You took pictures of me, now I take pictures of you.”
Zan chuckles and shakes his head thinking Cy is the most adorable man on the planet right there, “We can put them on the wall in your room if you want?”
Cy wiggles in Zan’s lap, “And then we take lots more?”
Zan nods, “Come on, let's go put these up.” He grabs Cy’s hand as he stands up and walks to their shared bedroom. As they pass the bookshelf off to the left of the door he grabs an envelope. Once down in the basement he flicks his wrist and all the candles in the room light up. He goes over to the wall the headboard of the four post bed rests against and smiles, “Here seems good.”
Zan starts tacking the pictures they just took up and then opens the envelope. He tacks the photos he took of Cy when Cy was just a wanderer between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead, “I like that one you got a circle on your head.”
Cy squits, “I looked like that?” He frowns and tilts his head to the side, “I wonder why that is there?”
Zan shrugs, “I don’t know. But it’s cute. Maybe I will get you a little moonstone headpiece to wear.” He chuckles a bit before he sits on the bed, “Maybe tomorrow we can go out. I can take you to get to know Anumati better and her family. You can take pictures. Supposedly it also helps people in social situations to have something to fiddle with until they feel better.”
Cy’s ears wilt, “Hm…” he looks up at all the picture lost in thought for a moment, “Maybe.”
Zan looks over to Cy, “Come on what’s going through you head no secrets.”
“I feel bad,” Cy says, “For what I did.”
Zan frowns a bit and pulls Cy into the bed, “That’s called being- well I would say human but you are not human. Normal I guess would be the term.”
Cy holds onto the camera tightly. He stares  up at the ceiling in distant thought, “I wonder what the real term is…”
Zan rolls over onto his side propping his arm up on his elbow and resting his head on his hand, “Probably- recovery?”
Cy glances over to Zan and then rolls on his side to face him, “I like that word. Recovery. Getting something back that you lost.”
Zan nods in agreement, “I’ll be with you every step of the way okay? I’ll make sure you get to your appointments and you have someone to talk to when I am gone okay?”
Cy scoots a little closer to Zan studying his face, “Okay.” He looks down at Zan’s hand reaching out to take it. Zan gratefully accepts the gesture and interlocks their fingers. 
Zan looks at their hands and smiles, “Is there anything you want to do to end your first date?”
Cy scoots even closer and looks into Zan’s eyes. He reaches his other hand up to hold Zan’s cheek, “Maybe...something like this?” His eyes flutter closed as he leans in to give him a soft and delicate kiss.
Zan meets the wanting lips closing his eyes and melting into it. When he pulls away he grins, “I can accept that.”
Cy bites his lip and looks up at Zan through half lidded eyes, “My greed would have me do it again…”
Zan blushes and looks back down at their hands, “If you want to I mean I am not going to object to anything you want to do. Just gotta be really really sure.”
Cy rubs his thumb against Zan’s, “I don’t know… when I kiss you, my senses come alive. It feels like I’m on fire in the best way. I like that feeling… I want...to keep it. His voice trails off as he leans in for another more passionate kiss. 
Zan chuckles and smiles, “I have always been called the little flame.” He grabs Cy by his collar and pulls him as close as possible holding him tightly as he returns the kiss.
Cy presses his hands on Zandryl’s chest. As both their lips slightly part deepening the kiss. Cythrual starts to undo the buttons on Zan’s shirt having a little trouble with how small they are.
Zan’s hand trails down Cys arms to his hip pressing his lover flat against him. Slowly he starts grinding against Cy through his trousers. A slight moan escapes his lips into the kiss.
Cy pulls away and looks at Zan, “What was that?”
Zan blushes and smiles, “The kiss and...you against me felt… good. So- instinctively I made a noise.”
Cy gets that mischievous grin on his face, “I like that noise.” He finally gets the last of the buttons undone and looks down at Zan’s stomach. The scars he caused shining against the candle light, “I- I want to do more than what we did last time...what was it you called it?”
Zan raises an eyebrow, “A blowjob?”
Cy nods slowly, “Yeah.” He traces the scars with the tip of his fingers, “I want to- be with you… like you are with the others. I want to feel you… all of you.”
Zan grabs Cy’s hand and brings it up to his face holding it against his own cheek, “Are you sure? I mean we don’t have to if you’re not ready. We can stop at any point.”
Cy shakes his head, “I don’t want to stop. I want to go all the way it’s just- I don’t know how.”
Zan bites his lip a little, “I think I have a book around here or something that kind of-“ Cy presses his finger to Zan’s lips to make him stop talking.
“I want you to show me. Show me no words...just you and me.”
Zan swallows hard mumbling, “That might be a little difficult because you have to tell me if it feels good or not…”
Cy smiles, “Alright but no teaching words just- sweet ones.”
Zan nods and shrugs off his jacket and shirt tossing it off to the side. He slowly rolls over on top of Cy kicking off his boots as he does so.
Zan leans down and gives Cy a gentle kiss as his hand snakes up the hem of Cythruals shirt. Caressing his abdomen gently with his finger tips. Slowly but surely he deepens the kiss until both of them can barely breathe. 
Zan’s hand snakes around to Cys lower back and gently lifts him up until they are flat together. Zan hips can’t help but slowly grind against Cys. Breaking off the kiss he tilts his head a little. Kissing up and down acts jaw line and to his neck.
Zan’s whole body shivers when his nostrils fill with Cythrusl’s scent. Sweet and cold like a frozen red apple. Whole and perfect in each moment.
With his face buried in his lovers neck and his heart pounding in his chest, Zandrly let’s go of Cy and fumbles with one hand to open his bedside table.
Cy looks over and smiles, “What are you reaching to get?”
Zan gently breaths on Cythrual’s neck, “Something I have learned makes it a lot easier.” He finally grabs a heart shaped vial from his side of the bed and tosses it on the free pillow, “But it’s not going to be used just yet. Sit up.” 
Zan lifts off his boyfriend and rests on his knees as Cy sits up. Scooting a touch closer he gently takes off Cy’s shirt, and then pulls him into his lap. Cy tries to hide himself a bit but Zan just shakes his head in awe, “You- are stunning. Every inch is perfect. Like marble in the moonlight.”
Cy’s cheeks turn a pale blue as he blushes wrapping his arms around Zandryl’s neck, “Is this part of it?”
Zan shakes his head, “A touch but it is also the truth. Every time I look at you- it takes my breath away.” His hands slowly trace the curves and lines of Cythrual’s body down to the laces in his trousers. His nimble fingers making short work of the knots. 
Once Cy’s pants are loosened Zan’s hand snakes around to the back. Cy shivers at how gentle he is, “I- what are you- doing now?”
Zan smiles at his lover, “I thought I wasn’t supposed to be teaching but just being sweet.” Zan slips his hand down the back of Cy’s pants and grabs a handful of his lover. Pushing himself closer to him. 
Cy bites his lip to stop from making noise. He leans into Zan hiding in his neck.
Zan lets his other hand snake around the back as he slowly rocks Cy’s hips against Zan’s slowly rising member. 
Zan picks up the speed a bit for himself before his hands slowly move to the center of his lovers rear, “Alright. I’m a big believer in this so I need you to look at me.”
Cy lifts his head and looks deep into Zan’s eyes, “What is it?”
Zan face looks serious as he can be while aroused, “If it hurts. Or you want to stop at any point. Tell me and I will stop. I don’t care if we are in the middle or right before the end. You say stop. We stop. Got that? Anything doesn’t feel right, we stop.”
Cy tilts his head to the side, “I understand. I have questions but- they can wait.” 
Zan nods in their shared agreement of the rules and smiles. He leans in for a deep kiss filled with nothing but love and fire for the man in front of him. As their lips meet and part Zan slowly inserts a finger into his lover.
Cy moans softly into the kiss in turn spurring Zan on. His mind paying attention to every sound and every movement to see if what he is doing is just right for Cy. 
Slowly thrusting his finger in and out he can feel Cy’s own manhood pulsing with desire against his stomach. It isn’t too much longer before he hands a second finger. 
Zan breaks the kiss as Cy is breathing heavily. He rests his head in Zan’s shoulder, “Why- why does this feel good? Why have I never felt it before?”
Zan smirks just a touch as he kisses Cy’s neck, “The romantic in me wants to say the universe was waiting for us to fall in love.”
Cy sits up and looks at Zan. Zan stops playing with his boyfriend. Cythrual blinks a few times, “L-love? You...love me?”
Zan gives Cy a wink before he pulls his hands away grabbing the waistband of Cy’s trousers. In one fluid motion Zan flips Cy into his back ripping the pants off flinging them across the room, “Yes. I do. I love you.” 
Before Cy can answer Zan leans over him and presses into another deep kiss. So filled with love and desire Cy sinks into the bed.
Instinct finally takes over his brain and he fiddled with Zans belt buckle. It snaps open with ease and Cy works on Zan’s laces.
Zan spends his time caressing Cythrual’s body appreciating every little bit of the slender toned frame. The feel of his hip bones, the softness of his skin.
Cy eventually get Zan’s pants undone and pulls them down only slightly. Zan pulls them down the rest of the way. Now nothing separating them. The pure skin on skin contact making goosebumps prickle Zan skin. He moans softly as he lightly lays on top of Cy. 
Cy grins into the kiss but breaks away trying to regain some air. Zan kisses up and down Cy’s neck as his fingers go back to work teasing his lover inside, with just an extra bit of enthusiasm.
Cy moans softly his fingers curling into Zan’s shoulder. He can barely think, let alone speak. Lost in the sense of pure pleasure and excitement.
Zan’s one free hand flops around the bed until he comes in contact with the vial he goes to unstopper it with his teeth but Cy stops him, “What is that?” Zan looks at the bottle and back at Cy, “Uh- stuff. To make it easier for me to you know… enter you.” Cy looks at it and bites his lip, “Will it hurt me?” Zan looks panicked for a moment, “No no no no! No not at all. It just it’s a lubricant. It makes things slippery. Cause you know… small hole big thing it needs help sometimes. But it doesn’t hurt I just put it on my ya know- thing. And then boom. We good to go.” Cy leans up on his elbows, “I want to put it on you.” He holds out one hand for the vial, “Give me it.” Zan looks between the vial and Cy removing his fingers from his lover and nods, “Alright.” Cythrual grabs Zan’s arm with his free hand and throws him on his back on the bed. Which in turn makes Zan grin, “Well this is interesting.” Cy pours some of the liquid into his hands rubbing it around before using both hands. Using a gentle stroking method he makes sure Zan’s member is completely covered. Eliciting not so soft moans from Zan, “MMMmm- why are your hands so soft?” The star on his forehead lighting up a bit. Cy smiles and quickly straddles Zan, “Now that is done what is next?” Zan sits up on his elbow reaching one hand behind Cy grabbing ahold of his fully erect pole, “Now you slowly sit.” He guides it to the entrance of his lover, “Just go slow. It can hurt the first time.” Cy nods and bites his thumb as he slowly lowers himself down. Hesitating a little when he feels Zan gently probing the back he looks to Zan. Zan sits up a bit and holds him close to his chest, “Do you want to stop?” Cy shakes his head, “No. I want to keep going.” He looks up at Zan giving him a gentle kiss as he lowers himself completely down inch by inch until Zan is fully hilted. Both of them moaning in sync as Cy just sits there finally. Zan pulls away from the kiss and brushes some hair out of Cy’s face, “How does it feel?” Cy wiggles in Zan’s lap making him grip the sheets with his free hand. Cy watches his reaction and smiles, “It feels… right.” Zan smiles back at him and slowly moves Cy’s hips in an up and down motion. “Now you move like this and I caress every- fuck. Inch of your body.” Cy moves on his own after a few moments pushing his body against Zan’s. Both of them getting lost in the moment. Both of them achieving realms of pleasure only found when you genuinely care for the person you are with. Each thrust and moan and kiss more loving than the last. But instinct takes over Zan as he flops Cy on to his back lift one of Cy’s legs onto his shoulder, “Do you trust me?” Cy arches his back and nods, “Yes. Please. Yes!” Zan smiles as he picks up the pace thrusting in and out of Cy faster and faster. One arm wrapped around his lovers leg. His other hand wraps around Cy’s member, stroking in sync with his thrust. Cy loses his ability to speak instead he wiggles under Zandryl, new realms of pleasure and a new fire awoken within him. A desire and a need to be with him. A want to know what he feels and to see the world how he sees it. In this moment he knows he wants nothing more than to be by Zan’s side through everything that may come. See him grow and blossom. That this is his mortal and he loves his mortal.
Zan leans down putting Cy’s knee by his ear pushing into a deep kiss. His moans and heart sinking in time with the man below him. He whispers against his lips, “My dragon. My moon.” Cy is on the verge of not being able to take any more when Zan picks up the pace for a final time. Zan’s strokes becoming tighter and faster. His lips moving to every available inch he can find until he gets to Cy’s shoulder, and he gently bites down.
Cy lets out a loud and final moan as he finishes in Zan’s hand covering it completely. Zan drops Cy’s picking him up until he is standing with Cy wrapped around him like a snake. Zan whispers in his ear, “Inside or out?” Cy shakes his head, “I don’t know what that means?” Zan keeps up the pace, “Do I finish inside or out? Like you did.” Cy blushes and buries his face in Zan’s neck, “Inside. I want it inside.” Zan spins them around until Cy is flat against their bedroom wall, “As you wish.” That was all he needed to hear it wasn’t long before he explodes inside his lover. Having been holding back the entire time they have known each other he slams his hand against the wall his claws coming out and scratching down the stone, “Cythraul.” Is all he moans out. Finished and tired he rests his forehead against Cy’s, “So… I gotta ask for my own ego. How was that?” Cy gives a little smirk, “My greed would have me do it again.” Zan chuckles, “As you wish my moon.”
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wowthisissmuttastic · 5 years
Fuck the Cake
"Fuck the cake." Zandryl pulls Cythrual by his belt loops. Cythrual’s black wings dragging on the floor as a sly grin crept across his pale face. White hair hiding his glowing eyes.
Zan pulls him close as they run into the basement door. He leans in to give Cy a deep kiss, "Before we go downstairs, if you say stop we will stop. At any point if you feel uncomfortable and don't want to continue we can stop. I don't care." When their lips meet Cy growls a touch and presses his body against Zan's.
Reaching around his newfound boyfriend he fiddles for a handle, the door swinging open so fast they both tumbled back down the stairs. Zan laying on top of Cy. Neither one breaking the kiss, their tongues dance with each other.
Zandryl flicked his wrist causing the door to slam shut. The dark basement making Zan sit up breathing heavily as he pulls Cy into his lap, "Air remember."
Cy looks around nervousness creeping across his face. The darkness surrounding him he clings to Zan, "This is the place you want me to eat cake off your stomach?"
Zan chuckles and lets go of Cy wiggling his fingers, "You forget darling." The smell of jasmine and heat filling the room as slowly a bedroom appears in the basement. A large soft silk covered bed sits in the middle of the room. Candles appear to light the darkness in every corner, "I am a magus." 
Zandryl stands up and pulls Cy up with him. Zan grabs his legs wrapping them around his waist. Zan's torn shirt still dangling from his elbows stained with cake, "So I gotta ask. Have you ever you know- done IT?"
Cy tilts his head to the side, "I do not know what you mean?"
Zan blushes, "Sex. Have you ever...had sex?"
Cy still looks confused, "Have I laid with another? No. Father would not have permitted it."
Zan blushes even harder, "So you're a- virgin. Heh. Great that's going to make this oh so much easier on me." Sarcasm lining his words. He has never slept with anyone who wasn't already experienced or at least already had their cherry popped. Zan turns around and gently lays Cy down on the bed, "I uh- just let me know if I hurt you okay? And let me know if it feels good or not."
Zan swallows the lump in his throat ignoring the thoughts in his mind as he pulls off his ruined shirt tossing it to the side. Cys hands trail down Zandryl's chiseled front, his fingertips lightly tracing the scars on his stomach, "Do- do they hurt?"
Zan looks down at what Cy is touching and shakes his head, "No. They're healed occasionally they pulse which feels weird, but they don't hurt."
Tears well up in Cythrual's eyes, "I am so sorry. If I had known I would never have- I caused you so much pain."
Zan quickly holds his face forcing Cy to look at him, "It's fine darling."
Cy shakes his head as much as he can, "I could have killed you."
"But you didn't. I am right here alive, well, and you opened my eyes. I never needed the approval of the man who sired me." He leans down and gives Cy a gentle kiss his hand trailing down from Cythruals face, down his neck and chest. When his hand stops at his lovers waist he pulls him as close as he can. Deepening the kiss with each passing moment.
Zandryl moans gently into the kiss. Cythrual wraps his arms around Zan shoulder's clinging to him like a lifeline. Cy gently bites at Zan's bottom lip, cause Zan to growl and pulls away.
"You want to play it like that huh?" Zan sits up and pulls Cy with him taking off his shirt, "Don't want to rip off one of the few clothes you have."
Zandryl gently lays him back down slowly kissing down Cys jawline and neck.
Cythrual's eyes go wide and he scrambles back in bed, "What was that?"
Zan looks a little confused, "What was wha-" he looks down and notices the surprisingly large bulge in Cy's pants, "Oh. Heh. That means that I am doing it right." He crawls forward, "At least I think I am...do- do you want to stop?"
Cy shakes his head, "I just- never felt- what is this?"
Zan smiles and grabs Cy's hand and kisses the mark Zan gave him on the inside of his wrist an infinity symbol with a moon, "It's called being turned on. Lust. Or if you want to get technical, it's called an erection."
Cy bites his lip, "How do we make it go away?"
Zan grins as he lets go of Cy's hand and unties the knot on Cythrual's trousers, "Well there are a few ways. I can show you one if you want. Might feel new and weird but- good."
A blue blush creeping across Cy's cheek, "I trust you."
Zan smiles as he grabs the waistband of Cy's pants pulling all the way off. He tosses them to the side and smiles, "So, you have forgone wearing underwear?"
Cy shrugs, "I never saw the point of why all you mortals wear so much clo- MMMph."
Cythruals words interrupted by Zan gently stroking Cy's length, "What was that?" Zan smiles up at his boyfriend. He leans up and gives him a kiss slightly tightening his grip around his member.
Cythrual leans his head back unable to keep the kiss. His breathing getting heavier and heavier, "Z-zandryl." He breathlessly whispers. Clutching Zan's shoulders so tight his fingernails dig in, "I- I think I have to sneeze."
Zan picks up the speed, "It's not a sneeze and trust me it is okay. Let it go." He gently nibbles on Cy's ear for a few minutes. 
Cy's eyes roll back into his head bucking his hips forward as he finishes coating Zan's hand in orgasm when he reaches his peak. He pants as he finally let's go of Zandryl, "That...that was- good."
Zan smiles as he wipes his hand on the bedding and gives Cy a gentle kiss, "Yeah? Well then, I am glad I was able to make your first orgasm pleasurable." 
Cy perks up, "Can we do that again?"
Zan chuckles a bit, "Ten thousand years old and you have the same stamina of a twenty year old." He straddles Cythrual and smiles, "I uh- don't be mad but, I think we should stop here."
Cy looks at Zan in confusion, "What? Why? Did I not do the right thing? Was I supposed to make more noise? Less noise?"
Zan shakes his head, "No. No. It's not that, it's...my first time was special and I don't regret it and I feel that years down the road. Us experiencing your first time, making love, I want it to make it really special so you don't either. I mean we are just in a basement." He gently holds Cy’s face in his hands, "Tomorrow I will take you out on a real date. That will end...very very pleasurable for the both of us."
Cy can't help but smile as he looks up at Zandryl, "Okay...but- something is poking my stomach. I think you need to be taken care of as well."
Zan looks down and just shakes his head, "It's fine it will go away on its own. Really it's okay. I just want to hold you the rest of the night if you will let me."
Cy nods, "I never want you to let me go."
Zan climbs off of Cy and pulls back the sheets so Zan and Cy can snuggle in.
Zan holds out his arms as Cy rests his head on his chest. Zan gently rubs his back and smiles, "Just don't drool on me again." He chuckles and holds him close.
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wowthisissmuttastic · 5 years
Zan and Ryan: Night of Magic.
Zandryl creeps around to the back of the stage. The side door only guarded by one person, Maze the succubus with a soul. Neyith had deemed the bar will be closed during Ryan's concerts so people would quench their thirsts afterwards increasing bar sales, rather than during. This had also cut down on broken glass, and the unseen cup expense. 
Maze stands there her arms folded over her chest. Neyith had given her an amulet so she appeared as any other Sin'dorei. Her skin like a fine chocolate, smooth and glistening. Her hair tightly braided and slicked back. Her eyebrows arched as though the finest painters in Pandaria has put them there themselves. Zan swallows hard as he looks into her eyes. The bright green of the Sin'dorei lighting up the dark entry to the backstage area. His palms started to sweat as he looked her up and down. Maze has never been one to wear loose fitting clothes. Ney had phrased it the best when describing her attire.
"Imagine if you took the darkest red paint you could find...and just threw it on her bare skin. That's Maze. She leaves nothing to the imagination. Which means she makes great tips so I do not mind it all that much, only becomes a problem when people think they can touch her without her permission and she hides them somewhere in the walls. Once she kept a man in there for six days. Feeding him only oats and cheese, I do not want to know what happened to him after I let him out of the wall.”
Zan had chuckled at the idea and had even brushed off the thoughts of Maze and him being intimate, away quickly enough. Chalking them up to just being young and the nature of what she was. For he would never question his attraction to his boyfriends. All four of them, he wanted everyday and everynight. 
That was what tonight was about, spoiling Ryan. Making him feel like the only man in the world. Zan shakes his head to get himself to stop staring at Maze’s curves and straightens up his back.
Maze waves at him as he approaches the velvet ropes. 
“Sup fluff ball. How ya been?”
“Uh good. How have you been Maze?”
“Kicking ass taking names and getting laid.” She leans against the door, “What ya doing here?”
Zan holds up his backstage pass that hangs around his neck, “I got a pass.” “Are you that dumb?”
Maze tries her hardest to stifle her laughter, “You are literally dating the main headliner at the club and the owner of the club...you have an all access pass to everything kid. You don’t even pay for the booze outside my tips.”
Zan blushes, “I know but-- okay you can’t laugh at me.”
Maze holds up her hands, “I make no such promises. None at all.”
“I wanted one of these to keep in my room...I have a bunch of stuff on a shelf in my room that reminds me of each one. When I went to Pandaria last month, I got a mini statue of every celestial because of Flynn. I have a potted plant for Neyith, a seashell with a pearl in it for Aeri. But I had nothing for Ryan, so- I shelled out the thirty gold for a backstage pass so I can put it on my shelf. That way no matter where I sail, they are always with me…” Zan looks at his feet and plays with the bag in his hand.
Maze shakes her head and smiles softly, “You know- I know your mother Marvalina...I have yet to meet your other mother but I am going to assume you get all the romance from her kid.” Maze opens the velvet rope and gestures for Zan to walk through, “All yours kid.”
Zan looks up and smiles wide, “Thanks Maze!” He goes to walk through but she stops him.
“Wait wait. The door will be locked. SO here.” She reaches in between her large soft breasts and pulls out a key from between them, “Take the spare key.” 
Zan’s cheeks are so pink they are verging on red it spreads to his ears as he takes the key, “Uh-uh th-thanks Maze.” Zan shifts uncomfortably in his pants cursing himself for wearing leather ones. They have no give.
She smiles and slaps him right on the rear end, “Now go get him tiger. You have about thirty minutes before he finishes his set and has to fight off a horde of people wanting to get into that bed.” The slap on the rear making the pants situation worse.
Zan nods and makes his way down the hall passing by sound equipment and clothing racks. Costumes for open mic night and specialty nights line the hallway. At the very end a dark blue door with a bright golden star awaits. Zan’s heart beats a little faster as he gets closer. The anticipation of seeing Ryan makes him yearn for his touch. But tonight was not about Zan, it was about Ryan. 
Zan unlocks the door quickly and slips inside. Zan walks over to the circular bed perfectly made. The silk sheets call to him as much as the sheer fabric that makes up the canopy hiding the interior. Zan ties back the canopy to two of the four poles and smiles. He set his bag down on the bed. With a flick of his wrist candles fly out of the bag and float in the air around the room. He walks over to the glowing crystal lights and touches their surface. The light dying out as soon as he does. In the pitch black darkness Zan’s eye ignite with an underlying fire and he throws out his hands. All forty candles light up at once. The orange flames playing with the shadows around the room. He smiles at the start of his handy work.
Zan walks back over to his bag and pulls out two champagne flutes, a bottle of champagne, a silver tray, and a box of fine chocolates. He squints as her figures out how to arrange the items just right. Zan smiles as he arranges the chocolates in a heart and pours two glasses. He groans as he has to adjust himself again. Everything coming together making his excitement increase with every passing moment. He won’t last too long if he can’t focus on something else.
Zan looks down at his leather encased crotch, “Could you behave for five fucking minutes. Like stop it seriously. You’re up like all the time now. Every time I talk to Maze, Abby, or that weird MayLynn girl. You’re up for the boys. You went up for a tree the other day. Just stop alright.” He shakes his head his hair falling in his face, “Note to self. At some point ask someone if this is normal for a gay man…” He pauses as he grabs a bucket and fills it with ice setting it down on a small end table, “Maybe leave out the tree thing…”
Zan pours two glasses of champagne and set them on either of the chocolate heart. He puts his hands on his hips and smiles wide, “Now for the finishing touches.”
Zan goes back into his bag and pulls out two large jars of rose petals filled to the brim and a neck bow. He sets them down on the bed before he takes off his shirt. Pulling the baggy white linen shirt over his head. Sweat already flecking his skin with a shiny sheen. He tosses it into the bag before he struggles with his boot laces, “Come on get off. Get off.” He gets his boots off before he shimmies out of his trousers. Zan checks himself out in the mirror, “Not bad. Could be better but not bad.” He turns around to look at his bare backside, “All waxed to perfection. Damn she really doesn’t miss a spot. I should tip her more.” Zan picks the neck bow off the bed and fastens it around his neck, as soon as he does the final clasp he loosens it up just a touch so it is still flat on his skin but not choking him.
Zan starts to hear the second to last song play through the doors, “Okay he has the second to last song, about four minutes. The last song has a three minute intro and a three and a half minute song. Then the applause and the autograph signing...so I got-” Zan starts doing the math on his fingers. Just as he starts to smile he hears the final notes ring out. He was too late in listening. The crowd outside cheers so loud it shakes the very walls of Ryan’s dressing room, “Shit shit shit. I got six minutes FUCK!” He opens the first jar and just starts throwing the rose petals randomly on the bed. Not really paying much attention to the design or placement.
Zan shoves everything in the bag except for the second jar of rose petals. He tucks the bag under the bed and lays down on it sideways, propping himself up on one elbow. Zandryl opens the second jar and dumps the contents right over his hips. The silk soft petal eliciting a slight moan, “Soft..soft…” He smiles as his eyes flutter and then tosses the jar under the bed. The tray of chocolate and champagne right in between where he plans for the two of them to lay down.
Zan waits in anticipation, the excitement making his blood ring in his ears. He really hopes this ends up being a pleasant surprise rather than just an embarrassment. As the last note ring out of Ryan’s set he smiles, “Four more minutes. For more minutes.” He adjusts his position on the bed the rose petals moving again, “Stop that.” Once again speaking to his crotch. Twitching at every movement.
Zan sits there in waiting and as soon as the handle of the door starts to rattle he picks up a glass of champagne. Not looking up fully the door opens, Zan’s voice soft and a husky whisper.
“Well hello there my rockst-” When he looks up, it is not Ryan. Instead it is Abigail, Ryan’s childhood friend and Zan’s friend. Zan stops and stares for a second before he flings himself off the bed to hide his naked form and erect member, “What the hell are you doing here Abby?!?!” Abby stands there holding a suit bag in one hand and a pair of shoes in the other. Abigail has always taken pride in her sense of fashion and loves her work as an apprentice seamstress. But in that moment none of it existed, she drops the items wheezing as she laughs so hard she has to lean against the door frame and hold her gut.
Zan blushes so much he might as well be a tomato, “What the hell is so funny?!” “What the fuck did I just walk into? I mean- really Zannie?”
Zan huffs only his head poking out from the edge of the bed, “I wanted to do something sweet for Ryan and if you don’t leave and stop laughing at me- I- I won’t able to, ya know. DO the DO.” 
Abby takes a deep breath and wipes the tears from laughing so hard from her eyes, “That is the funniest shit I have seen all week. Why are you wearing a bow?”
“Cause I am a present that is why.”
“Well you need to work on the presentation. The ribbon should stand out from the rose petals. Go with a blue or something.”
“Well all I had was red ribbon so-” Zan stands up and undoes the ribbon, “Should I just go with out it?”
Maze walks down the hall and pokes her head into the door, “Everything okay over here-” Maze’s head tilts to the side as she gets a full look at Zan sporting his birthday suit. Her mouth waters a little bit and she cracks a small smile, “Well hello there long arm. The boys are some lucky lucky men.”
Zan grabs a pillow off the bed and covers his private parts with it, “Oh yes lets just stand there with the door open and invite the entire club to come see. Can you two shut the damn door!” Zan closes his eyes and tries to think of something other than two attractive women staring at him naked. Whispering to himself, “Barnacles, Barnacles, Barnacles.” His erection starts to die down just a touch so it is not uncomfortable.
Maze fully walks in the room and closes the door, “So what is it like Ryan’s birthday or something?”
Zan opens his eyes, “No. I just- wanted to do something sweet for him.” 
Abby looks around the room, “Well, if you want to do something special you need to fix these candles.”
Zan raises an eyebrow, “What is wrong with the way I put the candles?”
“It makes the bed look like a cave. If I know Ryan he will want to admire all of you. Not have to squint just to see where your face is.” Abby starts walking around the room and lightly pushes the candles. Making a pathway from door to bed and completely circling the bed with them, “Also these rose petals...what kind of pattern were you going for?”
“The ‘I don’t have enough time to make a million heart shapes because he will be here any minute' pattern.” Zan inches away from the two women still holding on to the pillow tightly. Abby starts rearranging the petals on the ground without even asking.
Maze shakes her head, “And all you brought was the chocolate and champagne?” She walks over to the bottle and looks at the label, “Not even top shelf. Second to top shelf but not top shelf.”
Zan sighs, “Okay could you two lay off for a second I am new at this okay? I mean my last date with Ryan I had the night rainbow to help me. This one I am all on my own.”
Maze looks over at Abby and they both nod. Maze takes the bottle of champagne and pours it out the window, “Not anymore kid. We are going to help you out.”
Zan is stunned and stands there, “Th-that cost so much….”
Maze smiles at Abby, “You handle the decor I will handle the seduction?”
Abby nods and unties the canopy fluffing it out a little bit. She walks over to Zan and takes the pillow away from him, “Listen and do what we say and you will blow his damn mind.”
Zan covers himself with his hands but just barely, “Look we don’t have a lot of time before he gets back here.”
Maze shakes her head, “There was a packed house and forty seven people have backstage passes and autograph passes. He will be signing for awhile.” Maze walks out of the room taking the champagne bucket, and tray with her. 
Zan is left standing there with Abby, “I uh-” He looks at the ceiling, “So- how is my sister?”
“Good- taught me how to do filigree on silk. That is what I came to drop off for Ryan. A suit I had made for him. Although she had to go away on a job for a few days. Should be back later and we can continue to set up the store front.” She grabs his hand and leads him to the bed. She takes a step back, eyeing him with a critical eye. Not a lustful eye but like someone setting up a photoshoot, “Angle yourself about forty degrees to the right.”
Zan does as he is told and adjusts his position, “Like this?”
“Yeah- now this is missing something but- ah.” She walks over to Ryan’s vanity table and grabs a bottle of scented oil tossing it at Zan, “Lotion yourself up with that. It will make the fire light appear better on your skin and with Ryan being a vanilla cupcake and you being more of a toasted marshmallow will look better. From an aesthetic standpoint.”
Zan looks at the bottle after catching it, “Why do I have to worry about the aesthetic? It isn’t like we are going to be photographing- wait wait wait. Please tell me you don’t plan of photographing this!”
Abby makes a gagging noise, “Fuck no. But heightening the aesthetic not only makes it pleasing for the body but the eye. It’ science. Humanoids are visual creatures. Humans specifically and Ryan is half human. So make yourself look like a yummy toasted marshmallow. He will want to eat you up until the sun comes up."
Zan nods and starts rubbing the scented oil all over his skin. Moisturising everything in its path. He pauses when he gets to his center, "I uh...do I lotion this too?" He gestures to half mast.
Abby shrugs, "Depends. You a top or bottom?"
"Depends who I am with at the time." 
Maze pushes open the door with her voluptuous rear holding a giant box of supplies. Zans eyes go wide as he looks at the top of the pile. Lots and lots of black leather.
"Alright Fluffy. I got a lot of stuff for you. First things first, lotion that third leg."
Zan raises an eyebrow, "Why with Ryan he uh...takes control."
Maze sighs, "Just trust me and lotion that up. I sense sexual desires." 
Zan looks over at Abby and blushes, "I uh...I can't with you two here. At least with Abby in here."
Abby looks around the room, "Well my work is done although hold on." She walks up to Zan using her thumb she slightly adjusts his eyeliner so it's not so smudged, "There now my work is done. Maze he is all yours." Abby waves as she heads to the door, "I'll stall him for a few more minutes buy you some time."
Maze closes the door behind Abby and grins slyly at Zan, "Oh if the boss man hadn't said you were hands off. I would have you till you were begging for mercy. Twice."
When she turns around Zan puts a little bit of the oil on his hand and lightly stroked his member, his eyes drawn to Maze's form. He can't help but think she knows. Because as she lays each item from the box on a table her hips swing back and forth. Her dark maroon leather pants creaking and moving with every curve. 
Zan bites his lip as his core flexes. Trying his best to stifle a groan. He whispers to himself, "Ryan." But it only makes the desire more intense. He can feel the vein in his stone hard erection pulse. He lays back on to the bed and cant help but continue the desire too much. 
Mental images flood through his head. Ryan standing before him, slowly undressing as he climbs into bed. His trousers slightly unbuttoned as he leans down and kisses up and down Zan's neck. Zandryl can almost feel it. The thought of Ryan grabbing his hips in his strong soft hands. His grip so tight anyone else would have tapped out or said it hurt. But it drives Zan crazy. Zan arches his back as he lets out a loud moan of pleasure, "Ryan." His eyes closed all he feels is the sensation of climaxing and the results splattering on his stomach. Zan breathes heavily as he lays there finally letting go of himself. Keeping his eyes closed he is sucked back into reality. The reality that Maze was standing right there.
Zan closes his eyes even tighter and grabs a pillow covering his face. Mumbling through the fabric, "I-I am sorry. I uh-"
Maze chuckles and walks towards the bed, "You got carried away." 
Zan can feel her kneeling on the soft mattress. Either leg in each side of him. She crawls up until her face is at his. She plucks the pillow away and Zan looks up at her face.
Maze smirks, "It was kind of nice watching you squirm." 
Zan looks down at the gap between their bodies. The gap small but noticeable, "Uh thank you but- w-why are you over me?"
"Just like you I can't help myself." She scoots down and licks his orgasm off his stomach, "Don't want Ryan to see that." She grins and moves back up to meet his face. 
Maze starts to leans down to kiss him but he turns his face away, "I can't Maze. I'm sorry but, that would be a breach of trust between me and the boys." 
Maze frowns and coos, "Too bad. But you said no so-" she immediately gets up and walks back over to the table, "Now I sense deep sexual desires. You will only be needing three things on top of the chocolates and booze. I got high end chocolate covered strawberries not that store bought crap but the ones we make in the kitchen. I also snagged a top shelf bottle of champagne from the bar and two crystal glasses. Not normal glass." She sets everything on a tray including the now filled champagne glasses and sets them on the bed.
Maze walks back over to the table and holds up an ornate bottle, "This bottle of massage oil is from my own personal stash. It's warming and muscle relaxing. Use it well give him a massage." She sets it on the nightstand.
Maze holds up a thick silk black blind fold, "This goes around his eyes. It's called sensory deprivation. He will respond to your every word and touch instead of sight. Not knowing what you are going to do next will increase the enjoyment." Zan takes the blind fold and touch the silk, it feels lighter than air.
"And the last thing?"
Maze grins and holds out a small bundle of silk ribbon black just like the blind fold, "Gently tie this around his wrists. Bind him to the bed and not too tight, but just enough to limit mobility."
Zan raises his eyebrows again his eyes going wide, "Uh what do I need this for?"
"You're topping tonight kiddo." She grins wide, "You want him to feel good? Feel like a king. First round you top. Second round let him."
"But- but he always-"
Maze presses a finger to his lips, "Benefit from my wisdom Zandryl. Know what I know. Trust me."
Zan nods slowly, "Okay but when do I introduce all of this?" He holds up the blind fold and bindings in each hand.
Maze rolls her eyes, "Suggest it after the champagne. Let him have a couple sips first and then just go with what feels right kid."
She picks up what Zan's neck bow and ties it around him. Grabbing a few handfuls of the roses off the bed she sprinkles them over his hips and crotch, "There. Now Ryan's present is ready."
Maze walks over to the box and picks it up, "The rest of this...I think I'm going to find a broken soul who wants your man and take them for my own." She chuckles as she leaves closing the door behind herself. 
Once alone Zan tucks his gifts from Maze under his pillow and sighed, "I really shouldn't have done that in front of her...they're gonna be so mad."
Zan is left alone with his thoughts for a long while and his slight guilt for masturbating in front of and because of Maze. 
But I'm gay right? I'm attracted to men...why did looking at Maze and Abby…
He doesn't have much time to ponder these thoughts before the handle in the door slowly turns. This time he can hear Ryan's voice.
"Thank you all so much for the support. Please pick up copies if my sheet music and please come back on open mic night. I would love to hear your covers!" 
Ryan quickly slinks through the door backwards and closes it, letting his head rest on the door he locks it.
"Hopefully my rockstar isn't too tired." A small smile in Zan's voice. 
Ryan turns around and as soon as his eyes set on Zan, laying in his side surrounded by rose petals and candles, naked save for a few petals. Ryan's jaw drops.
"Z-zan...well I wasn't expecting to get off stage and see this. I mean not that I’m complaining it's a wonderful sight...it's not my birthday is it?"
"It can be if you want it to." Zan picks up one of the glasses of champagne and offers it to his boyfriend.
As Ryan makes his way over to the bed, he takes off his jacket and unbuttons his shirt, “Why thank you.” He kneels down on the bed and lays down on the other side of the tray. Taking the champagne from Zan he smiles, “Now, what is this all about my love?”
“I just wanted to do something nice for you. You work so hard on stage I thought maybe I would just give you a little reward. Something nice to come back stage to instead of just an empty dressing room.” Zan picks up his own glass and takes a sip. Through half lidded eyes he looks up at Ryan. 
The curvature of his neck muscles, slender but toned. His collar bones ever prominent, just begging to be kissed, to be licked. Zan’s eyes travel down Ryan’s form, tracing every line he can see. He bites his lip and takes a deep breath.
“You’re staring at me honey.”
“I can’t help it when I am laying her next to what I can honestly say is the most perfect statuesque man to ever walk this planet.” Zan sets his champagne down and reaches over to lightly caress Ryan’s face. He gently grips his lovers chin between his forefinger and thumb and pulls him forward, “Kiss me.”
Ryan smiles softly whispering against Zan’s lips, “Do you even have to ask?”
“It wasn’t a question.”
The kiss soft and tender as their lips meet. Zan doesn’t let Ryan pull away instead his gently brings his hand to the back of Ryan’s head. Letting his fingers get lost in the sun bleached golden locks of hair. Their lips barely parting as the kiss intensifies. Ryan lets out a small moan as Zan’s fingers curl in his hair pulling just slightly. Zan breaks the kiss but keeps his face close to his lovers.
“I want to try something new tonight, with you.” 
Ryan leans back and takes another drink of his champagne but before he can drink more Zan plucks it away from him, “But I don’t want you to be drunk for it.” 
“You underestimate how much I can drink before I get drunk.” His cheeks were already a little pink, “However, what are you planning?”
Zan moves the tray of chocolate covered strawberries to his other side and pulls out the blind fold from the pillow. Ryan raises his eyebrow but keeps silent. Zan sits up on his knees, keeping eye contact with Ryan he straddles his boyfriend’s hips. Ryan sits up straight in the bed arms stretched out behind him. Blushing slightly Zan wraps the blind fold around Ryan’s eyes, he leans forward and ties it gently enough to not hurt his face but tight enough it won’t move. Ryan takes a deep breath through his nose as Zan’s chest is centimeters from his face.
“You smell amazing.”
“I would hope so. It’s your body oil.”
Zan sits back and looks at the now blind folded Ryan. Swallowing hard he reaches out and fully takes off Ryan’s shirt.
“If you feel uncomfortable at all th-”
“My safe word is snickerdoodle.”
Zan’s eyes go wide in surprise that Ryan already had a word in place for something like this. He reaches over and grabs a strawberry. Gently he places the tip of the heart shaped fruit to Ryan’s lips and immediately Ryan opens his mouth just enough before taking a bite. While the taste is still on his lips Zan leans in for a passionate kiss. The taste of chocolate, fruit and saliva mixing together so perfectly Zan’s member twitches. Ryan gasps just slightly as Zans fingers lightly trail up his leg to his trouser laces. 
Zan breaks the kiss as he looks down at the tie on Ryan's pants. He smiles as he pulls at the string untying the knot, "Someone likes to keep their pants loose."
"Easier to dance on stage."
He wiggles under Zan, to which Zandryl uses his body weight to get him to stop moving. Using his knees he spreads Ryan's legs and rests between them. Zan sits up and gently grips the waistband of his lover's pants pulling them down as slowly as he could. Zan smiles as he tosses them off the edge of the bed. Starting at Ryan's calf Zan slowly plants gently kisses up his right leg. Ryan's response was all he could ever want. Goosebumps prickles Ryan's skin as he lightly tugs at the sheets. Wiggling around in the sheets.
When Zan gets to his hip, he lightly grazes the skin with his teeth, careful not to break any skin with his canines. Ryan lets out a shaking breath and bucks his hips ever so slightly. He is enjoying this more than Zan could have hoped. Zan looks off to the side and sees the bottle of massage oil Maze gave him. He snakes up Ryan's body and whisper into his ear.
"Lay on your stomach." Zan moves out of the way so Ryan can change his laying down position. Zan reaches over grabbing the bottle and pours a little bit onto his hands as he sits back down over Ryan. His manhood gently resting right on top of his boyfriends rear. Starting at his upper back Zan begins massaging downwards. Working his fingers into the muscles.
Ryan releases a contented sigh, "You know when you broke out the blind fold. I didn't think I was also going to get pampered as well."
Zan lightly chuckles and leans down massaging Ryan's hips with his strong calloused thumbs, whispering in his ear, "Just because I don't want you to see, doesn't mean you're not my king and deserve to live in the lap of luxury." He gently bites Ryan's earlobe causing Ryan to bite his own lip moaning.
Zans hands move away from Ryan's hips as he slides back in between his lovers legs. Looking down he can see Ryan's own member twitching. Long and pulsing with desire Zan smiles. His warming oily hands rub the inside of Ryan's thighs. He gently kisses down Ryans spine, "Someone is happy about this treatment though."
Before Ryan can reply Zan covers his mouth, "I am going to make a few special requests of you tonight. First one, I want to hear you moan. No being quiet tonight." He gently kisses Ryan's neck, "Second one is I want to ask your permission if I can tie your hands above your head." He turns Ryan's head and kisses the other side if his neck. "Third and final request, when I am done. I want you to take me against the wall until we break it or me. That is if you can stand up when I am done. Do you agree to my requests?" 
Ryan nods gently and Zan removes his hand, "Thank you."
He reaches over and grabs the silk ribbon out from under the pillow. Wrapping it around Ryan's wrist he smiles as he ties the leftovers to the bedpost, "I did not think I would enjoy seeing you like this that much." 
"Oh and how much are you enjoying it." Ryan turns his head to the side resting it on one if his biceps. 
Zan chuckles and grabs ahold of his shaft and slides it in between Ryan's cheeks. Oil covering the area slowly with each thrust. Ryan's legs twitch as he slowly lifts his rear. Zan groans and smiles as he stops moving and leans down pressing his back into Ryans chest. Ryans face pressed into his arms and hips in the air, Zan reaches around and with his free hand and lightly strokes his lovers length.
Ryan moans softly, "Mmph." He bites his lip hard, "Tighter." 
Zan tightens his grip around Ryan just a bit more continuing to play with his lover. He sits up a little bit though aligning his tip with Ryan's tunnel. Teasing the entrance by lightly pressing into it but never penetrating.
Ryan's hips wiggle side to side, "Are you just going to play with me all nig-" Zan slides his full length in, causing no pain to Ryan by being properly lined. Ryan lifts up his head as he moans Zans name. 
Zan slowly pulls halfway out of Ryan's tail end he slides his hand to the base of his cock. As he pushes himself back in his fingers tease Ryan's tip.
"You're so damn tight still." Zan whispers softly, "Let me know if I'm hurting you."
Ryan gets up on to his elbows and turns his head back as if he was looking at Zan still blind folded and wrists tied, "Harder."
Zan grins as he let's go of Ryan's manhood and firmly grips Ryan's hip, "Oh I was planning on it." 
Zan slides all the way out of except for the tip confidant he has stretched him enough to not cause pain. Only pleasure.
Zan tightens his grip in Ryan's hips digging into his skin as he hilts himself into his boyfriend hard. The sound of skin slapping on skin accompanies moans of pleasure. Zan continues to thrust in and out Ryan. His speed steady but his thrusts hard. The ripples of Ryan's backside as Zans hips meet his a pleasurable sight in deed. Something takes over him an instinct and Zan slaps the right cheek hard.
"Y-yes. Oh please more. More." Ryan hangs. his head as he moans. His cock fully erect and seconds from staining the bedding white. 
Zan picks up his pace waves of pleasure washing over him constantly, "Mmmm. Tell me how much you love it. Say my name."
Ryan breathing heavily his words soft and true, "I-I love it s-s-soo much please give me more. I love the feeling of you inside me. Please Zandryl. I love you." 
Zan groans as he continues to pump in and out of his lover for a few more minutes. Getting closer and closer to his climax, "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum." His core twitching.
Ryan lifts his head up, "Almost there almost there. Oh- f-fuck." Ryan is the first to release such a loud moan of pleasure the bed shakes. His member twitching as the evidence is left all over the bedding. The plum silk sheets forever ruined.
"R-ryan!" Zan slaps Ryans rear again and thrusts as deep inside as he can get as Ryan tightens around him, finishing inside as to not add to the mess. Rope after rope of cum shooting out of Zan. 
Zan falls forward resting his body on Ryan's back he smiles gently. Sweat lightly covering both of their bodies Zan chuckles wrapping his arms around Ryan's waist.
"That was more fun than I expected it to be." He kisses Ryan's shoulder blade.
"I've always wanted to try something like that just didn't know how to bring it up."
"Well if you ever want to do it again. I am more than willing to climb on top and make you make that big mess." He takes of Ryan's blind fold.
Ryan blinks a few times and looks down at the bed, the small puddle of pleasure bigger than he expected, "Well...I can never use these sheets again." He looks back at Zan and the smile on his face is one of pure happiness and love. His eyes slightly glazed over in that post orgasm sheen.
Zan smiles back and leans forward to give Ryan a kiss on the cheek forgetting he is still in his boyfriend. Ryan moans softly at the movement.
Zan blushes and slowly pulls out but Ryan shakes his head, "Not yet. Untie me." Zan does as he is asked sliding back in all the way as he reaches up to untie Ryan's wrists.
Ryan sits up and back sitting in Zan's lap. He reaches back and lets his fingers get lost in Zans curly orange hair, "Just for a little bit longer." 
Zan smiles as he leans his head down lightly kissing up and down Ryan's neck. Ryan slowly moves his hips in a circle as Zan can't help but touch every bit of Ryan he can get his hands on. His fingers light as they hover over his skin. Tracing the muscles with his finger tips.
"Can I spend the rest of my life caressing your beautiful body?"
"As long as I can wake up in the morning and see that beautiful smile."
Zan groans as he already starts to regain his strength inside Ryan, "Best deal I ever made."
Ryan untangled himself from Zan's arms and slides off him. He falls into the bed laying in his side. Zan flops down on the other side.
"How are your legs feeling?"
"I'll get back to you on that. Keeps shaking." 
Zan grabs the tray of chocolate covered strawberries and places one between his teeth. Ryan rushes in biting the other half slowly melting into a deep kiss. His hand reaching up and holding the side of Zan's face.
Pulling away they both restes their foreheads on each other, "I love you Zandryl. Thank you for giving me a perfect evening tonight." 
Zan smiles wide, "Least I can do for the man I love." 
Zan clears his throat, "But uh- I need to call a meeting with all of you tomorrow. So, just- I'm going to give you a heads up...I uh-" he lays back on the bed looking up at the ceiling his hands behind his head and one leg propped up, "I'm confused. I uh- well, Maze helped me set up in here and she told me to lotion everything up with the oil. I mean everything. And as I was doing that, I got to," he lifts his hips slightly, "I couldn't stop myself and I was looking at Maze and I could feel myself liking it. liking her. I mean I know that sometimes you can't control what this thing does. Sometimes it's up and awake for no reason but," he rolls over and looks at Ryan, "I've always known I've liked men. But, lately...I'll see someone attractive and the feeling is there. What does that mean? Am I not actually gay or?" 
Ryan can't help but chuckle a bit, "First off, no one is going to care that you masturbated in front of Maze and judging by the fact that you still have an intact soul, you didn't sleep with her. So get that you did something bad thought out of your head. As for being attracted to her, is it just Maze you're attracted to because I mean she is a succubus."
Zan blushes and looks down, "Well no...there...have been others. Like um- Abby...and that MayLynn girl who stayed with us for awhile she didn't wear a lot of clothes…and there was this person walking in the street I couldn't tell if they were a boy or a girl but I saw them and they were beautiful and well let's say, the desire was there. Am I weird? I mean, I thought about it, the person and I didnt care what they had downstairs I wanted them."
Ryan reaches out lifts Zan's chin looking deep in his eyes, "You are completely normal my love. My mind is escaping me on what the word is right now but I can barely think of anything but, WOOOOOO just got laid! And can cross something off my bucket list. But you are normal."
"I still think I should talk to the others. I mean they freaked out when you kissed Abby that one time."
"To be fair to them it almost killed me. Never surprise kiss a harpy. Also, I was engaged to them. That was a breach of trust. What you did was basically picking up some dirty pictures from one of those vendors at the docks, and yanking it."
"She also licked the cum off my stomach."
"Now that might be a little harder to smooth over."
Ryan picks up the tray and lays it on the floor, "But you stopped it. You didn't go farther than that. Honestly I'm a little surprised at Maze. Surprised she didn't press you."
"She seemed fine with it. She respected it and left. Said she was going to pick off the others who can't get with you." Zan looks down at the gap between the two of them, "So you're not mad?"
Ryan laughs and scoots closer and holds his face gently, "No my love. I am not mad." Ryan places a gentle kiss on his lips before he jumps out of bed pulling Zan with him. He places his hands on Zand hips, "How could I be mad at someone so damn sweet?" He pulls the slightly smaller man close to his body.
Zan blushes and wraps his arms around Ryan's neck, "Can I ask why you decided to stand up?" 
Ryan grins as he sinks down grabbing Zans legs and pulling him up. Holding him tightly. Zan wraps his legs around his waist and feels something poke his back door, "Oh nevermind. Question has been answered."
Ryan smiles as he leans down to kiss Zan passionately pressing into it so fiercely that he can't help but push Zan into the wall to help support the two of them. However, he trips slightly and when Zan's back meets the drywall it cracks. Zan pulls away from the kiss and chuckles.
"Looks like someone got excited." He smiles up at Ryan, "Good thing I can't feel pain."
Ryan smiles and leans down kissing Zan's neck all the way down to his collarbone. He bites it slightly and then goes a little harder pulling at the skin with his teeth, "So I noticed that little mark on the inside Aeri's thigh. Last time I went down on him it looked like it was still healing."
Zan's head lulls off to the side as he smiles closing his eyes, "Yeah our last date he took me to swim with these glowing jellyfish and he asked me to."
"Mmmm. So when do I get mine?" He gently nibbles on Zan's eat moaning softly, "Or do I not get claimed?"
Zan bites his lip, "Aeri liked the pain a bit." 
Ryan chuckles softly in his ear, "Who said he was the only one?" 
Zan raises an eyebrow, "Really now?"
"Well no. But- I have Mark's from Ney and Flynn. Pretty sure I have marks on my back from Aeri's nails. But I don't have one from you."
Zan looks down at his hands and it shifts into claws. The nails sharp as a knife, "It hurts."
"I think I know a way to balance it out." He teases Zan entrance, "Make myself feel good."
Zan smiles, "Where at?"
Ryan smiles wide, "Back of my shoulder." Zan clings to Ryan and holds him tightly.
Zan lays a claw on the back of his shoulder, "If it hurts-"
"Then I will bite my lip and deal with it. I want to carry you with me everywhere I go… if that means a mark then so be it."
Zan chuckles softly and kisses his shoulder softly, "That's the exact same reason I bought a backstage pass. To put on the shelf in my room. That way when I am out at sea." He looks up into Ryan's face and starts making his mark on the shoulder, an infinity symbol with shear through the middle.
Ryan gasps and slides into Zan with ease, "I love you Zandryl Fangheart." As Zan continues to mark him with almost surgical precision while Ryan rocks his hips back and forth. Sliding into his lover. Both moaning softly into each others ears.
The crack on the drywall spreads more as they lightly bang against it over and over again. 
Zan rests his head on Ryan's shoulder when he finishes marking him, "Are you okay?"
Ryan uses pushes Zan more into the wall and officially puts a hole in the wall, he grabs Zan's face gently and smiles wide. Zan flicks his wrist remembering what Abby told him. The candles surround the two of them. 
"My sweet. I feel wonderful." He leans in for another deep kiss his other hand gripping Zan's thigh as tight as he can. 
As minutes pass their lips parting, tongues dancing as their hips meet. Closer and closer they reach that high together. Tightening their grips around each other, wave of pleasure washing over them. 
Ryan's manhood twitches inside of Zan his turned to get filled to the brim. Ryan breaks the kiss to moan softly.
At the same time Zan finishes on Ryan's stomach as he tightens around his boyfriend. 
Gasping for breath and energy expended Zan slumps against Ryan holding on to him, "Ney is going to be pissed about the wall."
Ryan laughs and walks them over to the bed flopping down sideways on it. Keeping himself hilted inside if Zan. Their bodies bouncing slightly as they hit the mattress. Zan laughs brightly and pulls the sheets over them, "I have a feeling we are going to be cuddling all night like this."
"I have no problem with that whatsoever. Although, incase someone walks in," he slides out of Zan and groans as he does so, "But I want you to keep your leg over me." He wraps his arms around Zan gently rubbing his back.
Zan closes his eyes and smiles softly, "How does your shoulder feel?"
"Might be a little sore in the morning but, right now, I love it. And I love you my pirate." Ryan kisses him softly closing his eyes.
Zan snuggles in as close as he can, "I love you too, my rockstar."
The candles slowly start flicking out one by one surrounding the two boys in complete darkness as they drift off into a deep sleep.
0 notes
wowthisissmuttastic · 5 years
Zan and Aeri: Mark of the Sea.
After arriving back on shore, swimming with bio-luminescent jellyfish, petting Sean the Shark. Aeri’tharas and Zandryl rest in the sand. Neither one had thought to bring a swimsuit. Zan lays back in the sand looking up at the stars as Aeri puts his pants on first and then slips his shirt over his head. The thin linen fabric clinging to his slender frame as it is just ever so slightly damp. 
Zan stretches out making himself a nice spot in the sand, “I hope you know I am not going back to your house. Sorry but- I am sleeping outside if we go back tonight.” Aeri raises an eyebrow as he lays down next to his boyfriend. Curling up in his arms, “Because of Iza? Yeah….I can’t sleep because sometimes she cries so loud.” Aeri sighs content with the feeling of being in his arms, “To be honest, I don’t wanna go back there either.”
“Then don’t. Stay here on the beach with me.” Zan looks over to his lover and smiles, “Put the stars to shame with how bright your eyes shine.”
Aeri smiles softly at him, his eyes shining a vibrant pink color. A sign of pure love in his heart for the man holding him, “You make them shine even brighter.” His hand slowly creeps across Zandryl’s bare chest and rests over his heart. Zan returns this gesture by holding said hand.
“There it is. There is that beautiful pink color.” Zan lifts his head a little off the ground and looks around, “This isn’t a public beach is it?”
Aeri shrugs slightly, “Uhhh- Well, some military ships might sail by. But it hasn’t seen a lot of faces ever since the war started.”
“Good ‘cause I don’t need someone coming up when we wake up pointing and laughing.” Zan chuckles before he lays back down looking up at the stars pulling Aeri even closer, “Surprisingly you are warm for once.”
Aeri’s cheeks flare a deep pink, “Uh-- Yeah. ‘Cause I’m cuddling a naked man with the body of an angel… In the open air…”
Zan laughs again, the sound echoing in every direction of the deserted beach front, “Shouldn’t you be used to that by now?”
Aeri’s smile practically frozen on his face, “This is k--kind of different than what I’m used to. But I am into it.”
“How is this different? You telling me in the what...year you have been with Neyith, ya’ll never cuddled on the beach?”
“Uh...We have but--not like this. Like… We were both wearing our clothes.”
“You two are weird.” He chuckles and lifts up on to his elbows bending the leg farthest away from Aeri, “Want me to put my clothes on?”
Aeri’tharas purses his lips, “Do you want me to answer that question honestly?”
“I would prefer that yes.”
Zan smiles leaning over as he gently holds the side of Aeri’s face. He gives Aeri a long but soft kiss. Their lips barely parting as his thumb caresses Aeri’s cheekbone. He manages to pull himself away for a moment.
“Good because I really hate clothes. With the exception of my lovely jewelry pieces. Those never come off.”
Aeri smiles wide up at Zan, “I like seeing all of you.” His eyes trail down to examine the large golden wolfs head pendant resting in the center of Zandryl’s chest. The rubies that make up the wolfs eyes reflect the lights around them, “I also like that.”
Zan looks down at the pendant, “I liked it too. Was left on my door on the ship. Don’t know who it is from but- they obviously know my style. Gold and rubies all the way. “ Zan chuckles before he looks deep into Aeri’s eyes, “You know I am crazy about you right?”
Aeri walks his index finger and middle finger up Zan’s chest, “I might have a suspicion or two.” He grins cheekily at him.
Zan grabs Aeri’s hand and gives the knuckles a slight kiss, “I mean it. Like it’s a little ridiculous but, every time I am out there I want nothing more than to get back here. However, when I have been on land too long, I dream about going back out. It is rather frustrating.”
Aeri looks up at Zan, “So,” he inches closer to the man, “Why don’t you take one of us with you?”
Zan raises an eyebrow at Aeri, “Who? I mean do any of you really want to be trapped on a cramped ship with thirty other people fighting for a hammock to sleep in. Working day and night to stay afloat?”
“Not particularly,” Aeri leans his cheek into his own hand, propping that elbow up in the sand. “It sounds like you need a bigger ship.”
“Or I need to stop hoarding all my gold and shell it out to buy a ship all my own. Taking half the crew with me.” He chuckles and lays back into the sand, “Start my own adventures.” He puts his hands behind his head using them as a pillow. Elbow extended out to the sides.
Aeri gazes down at Zan, just seemingly entrance by him, “Well if you do that...I could--maybe come with you.”
Zan smiles at the black haired beauty next to him, “It is a lot of hard work. It is physically and mentally demanding. Even for the Captain.”
“I’ve been told I need to get out of the house anyway. I mean..look.” Aeri drags his hand down to his hips, “It is starting to show.” The leather trousers a little tight fitting making his curvature stand out.
Zan wiggles his eyebrows and grins mischievously, “I doubt any of us actually mind that.” Her picks Aeri up by his hips and plops the smaller man in his lap., “I know I don’t.”
Aeri squeaks as he is picked up and placed back down, “I mean...you don’t mind them?” HE squeezes his thighs around Zan’s waist like a vice grip, knowing exactly what he is doing, “Or these?”
Zan sits up and growls slightly his mouth watering, “I do not mind them at all. More to kiss. More to love. More Aeri.”
Aeri smiles as his head tilts to the side, “Hmmm maybe I should stay home then.” His eyes burn such a bright pink, almost magenta, “Just for you.”
“Now I like the sound of that.” His hands rest on Aeri’s hips, “Now- are you going to kiss me, or are you just going to look at me like I am a nice big juicy steak all night?”
Aeri snorts, “Well I mean you are aren’t you?” He wraps his arms around Zan’s neck. 
Leaning in to kiss Zan sweetly once again his hips move just slightly in Zan’s lap. Zandryl groans and returns the kiss has he slides one hand up Aeri’s back into his hair. His fingers getting tangled in the soft raven locks. The other hand firmly gripping Aeri’s hip. His fingers almost digging in.
As they continue to kiss, Aeri’s grinding picks up a big more force. Zan mumbles into the kiss, and Aeri pulls away.
“You keep doing that. We might get arrested for public indecency.” 
Aeri looks around the abandoned beach, “I see absolutely no one around.” He smirks at Zan. A look he knows all too well at this point.
Zan growls playfully and rolls Aeri on to his back with a thud, “You. Are. A. Tease.”
Aeri rolls his eyes and smiles, “Says the man who stripped down to nothing and laid down in the sad with wet skin. The only light being moonlight.”
Zan opens his mouth to say something but Aeri seizes the moment and kisses him with such a burning passion, it could overcome the sun. Zan presses his body against Aeri flattening him back into the sand. His hand trailing down Aeri’s front. He goes to undo the leather ties on the front of Aeri’s trousers but Aeri stops his hand by grabbing his wrist.
Zan breaks the kiss and looks down at Aeri confused. Aeri taps his own teeth, “With these.”
Zan grins and leans back down. Kissing down his partners chest down to the tie holding his trousers closed. His hands caressing Aeri’s outer thigh just slightly. Aeri looks down at his boyfriend and grins, “I think I might like you like that. Bowing down to me naked.” He closes his eyes and rests his head in the sand.
Zan smiles as he pulls the tie loose with his teeth smiling as he does so. His fingers curl to the inside of the waistband as he pulls them down past Aeri’s hips. Aeri’s skin almost like a pearl, pale and shining in the light. Zan can’t help but grin leaning down kissing Aeri’s hips. One kiss one each side. His lips feeling like fire and once he takes them away goose bumps prickle Aeri’s skin.
Aeri lets out a small whimper, “Do that again.”
Zan grins against his lovers skin as he kisses Aeri’s hips once more letting his lips caress the space between them. Aeri’s eyes flutter open as he runs his hands through Zan’s hair. Zan looks up biting his lip, “It is very hard not to kiss lower.”
Aeri chuckles and pulls Zan up and kisses him. Their lips parting just slightly as he shimmies the rest of the way out of his trousers. Once free from the confines of his leather prison he tosses them several feet away. Not once breaking the passionate kiss they share.
Aeri sits up and as he pulls his shirt up over his head. Blushing just slightly, “I uh-”
Zan pushes him back down and kisses his scars. Scars slightly faded and a soft pink right under his pectorals, “I like these.”
Aeri raises an eyebrow, “W-why?”
“Because- they made you more comfortable in your own skin. And when you are comfortable....I get to see you. I get to see all of you. Every curve, every edge, every scar, every single thing that makes you the most handsome man alive.” He looks up into Aeri’s eyes as his hands trailed down Aeri’s side to his ankle before wrapping Aeri’s leg around his waist.
Zan hands slightly calloused but to Aeri they feel like silk wrapping around him. Aeri shudders and tightens his legs around Zan.
“Why do you say these things at the most perfect times?”
“I just say what is on my mind, my love. And right now…” He leans in close and whispers in Aeri’s ear, “I want you.” He nibbles slightly on Aeri’s earlobe causing him to grab the sand in large fistfuls. 
Zan moves his head and just kisses down Aeri’s jawline, down his neck to his collarbone, “May I?”
Aeri shakes his head, “Not just yet.” Aeri reaches down in between their bodies. The gap very small and grabs Zan’s member in his hand stroking it slightly. Hard enough to smash diamonds already Zan groans and growls in Aeri’s ear.
Aeri moves the shaft just slightly so the tip of Zan teases the entrance. Aeri looks up at his lover who is closing his eyes and biting his lip. Waiting for Aeri to say it is okay. Aeri tilts his head to the side, “Open your eyes.”
Zan eyes slowly open as Aeri readjusts his hips. Lining himself up perfectly, “I want to look into your beautiful orange eyes.”
Zan is trying very hard to control his urges, the fire burning in his eyes burning brighter than they ever have before. He wants him. No he needs him. To feel the pleasure. To feel the love. He hungers for it just as much as Aeri does. 
“Why? So that way when I do this,” Aeri pulls his legs tight shoving Zan all the way into him in a fluid motion. His back arching as he lets out a loud moan. Zan’s eyes surge with power and his fingers crackle with magical energy, “I can see just how much you enjoy it.” 
Zan buries his face in Aeri’s neck as he slowly rocks his hips back and forth pulling himself in and out of his mate. Trying his hardest not to moan. Aeri wraps his arms around his shoulder holding on to Zan as tightly as he can.
“Why are you so quiet? Is my king of the sea dogs all the sudden shy?”
Zan shakes his head as he keeps a nice slow steady pace, savoring every second, “Focusing.”
“Focusing? Really now on what?” 
Zan looks over at Aeri, “Not claiming you as mine for everyone to see. Or disturbing anyone who might live nearby.”
Aeri whimpers as he tightens around his boyfriend, “What if I want you to? What if I want you to mark me as yours? What if I want people to question what ravenous beast is getting his way?”
Zan growls and gently bites down Aeri’s neck. His shaft pulsating inside of Aeri, “Stop that.”
“I don’t want to stop. I want you to say it. I want you to howl to the moon as you take me.” 
Zan growls before he bites down hard careful not to draw any blood. His hands however grab Aeri by the hips. Lifting them both up Zan pushes Aeri into a tree pinning him to it. He picks up the pace, slamming into him over and over again.
Aeri chuckles breathlessly, “There he is. There is my wolf.” He claws into Zan’s back leaving scratch marks in the wake of his nails. Spurring Zan on even further. His hips slapping against Aeri. He growls and moans louder and louder with each thrust. Aeri’s former voice comes out, delicate but raspy, “More. More.” 
Zan hilts himself into his lover as he grabs Aeri’s hands pinning them above his head. He stops moving for a moment. Ready to burst at any moment he stares deep into Aeri’s eyes for a moment before he kisses Aeri so intensely his head bounces off the tree cracking the bark.
Zan pulls back and blushes before laughing as Aeri laughs, “I am so sorry.” He lets go of his wrists and pulls Aeri’s head forward looking at the back of his head. Aeri rolls his hips in a circle.
“I am not. Kiss me like that again.” Zan is more than happy at this request only his hand rests behind Aeri’s head as to not hurt him again. Aeri moans into the kiss, his nails digging into Zan’s skin as he tightens as much as he can. Making it difficult for Zan to move. His lover fitting him like a glove. Zan stops.
“If we keep going- I uh- am gonna…ya know...and we didn’t have time to do the protection thing….”
Aeri grins and slightly pushes Zan as he presses his back into the tree. Zan slides out with a shiver as Aeri’s feet touch the sand below, “Then good thing- I am fluent in many languges.”
Aeri drops down to his knees in front of Zan. Taking his lover in one hand and kissing the tip ever so slightly. His other hand snakes down his own body as he starts to touch himself he gently strokes Zan’s length, “Just don’t get it in my hair.”
Zan blushes, his cheeks a bright red as it spreads to his ears. He rests one hand on the top of Aeri’s head. His other hand rests on the side of the tree. The anticipation causing his claws to come out as he grips the bark, “I don’t think I have ever uh-”
Before he can even finish that sentence, Aeri opens his mouth wide and slides Zan all the way down his throat. Zan groans as his legs threaten to give out. Aeri gently caresses Zan’s entire length with his tongue, taking Zan deep with in his throat. Aeri’s hand playing with himself. Zan’s hand moving as Aeri slides up and down his shaft. Tightening and relaxing his throat in perfect sync. Adding the most amount of pleasure for both him and his lover. 
Aeri hungers for Zan to release his movements almost begging. He looks up at Zan his eyes wide as he tries his hardest to convey what he wants. He feeds on this. The desire. The release.
Zan claws at the tree leaving a scar that will last through the ages into it’s bark. His other hand grabs a fist full of Aeri’s hair holding him in place. Aeri’s eyes go wide as Zan thrusts his hip towards his mate releasing so deep into Aeri’s throat is has nowhere to go but down. Aeri doesn’t even get the chance to spit it out. The sensation causing Aeri’s eyes to roll back as he looks up at Zan, riding his own wave of pleasure. Together they hit that moment of pure ecstacy, Zan holding Aeri’s head still. Two minutes pass before Zan pulls Aeri off himself. He drops to his knees as Aeri tries to breathe again coughing slightly leaning forward. Zan seizes the moment and grabs either side of Aeri’s face kissing him so deeply they both lay on the ground below. 
When Zan pulls away he smiles down at Aeri, “That- you can do that, any damn time you want to. I will never say no.” 
Aeri chuckles, both of them breathing heavily, “As long as once in awhile you return the favor.”
Zan kisses his neck, “When ever. Where ever.” He rolls off of Aeri on to his back.
As Aeri looks over he notices Zan covered in a thin sheet of sweat. He rests his head on his hand propping his arm up on his elbow. Aeri reaches over and traces little designs into his chest, “So- I didn’t get to hear my wolf howl.”
Zan chuckles and rolls his eyes, “That only happens in cheap romance novels.” He pulls Aeri into his arms.
Aeri rests his head on Zan’s chest, “You mean the ones Braelithice reads.”
“And my mother. And your mother.” He looks down at Aeri, “I would and will make love to you for the rest of my life. That is a promise.”
“Oh? You know- I also recall getting promised I would be marked. I see no mark from you.”
“Isn’t bashing your head against a tree enough?” He pushes Aeri’s head forward to get a better look, “Again I am so sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you. I never want to hurt you.” 
Aeri lifts his head up once Zan is satisfied, “Marks made in the heat of the moment never hurt. They are just pleasure.” He throws a leg over Zan’s hips before he straddles him. Aeri spreads his legs wide showing his inner thigh and points to a spot right smack dab in the middle, “Right there. While you kiss me.” Zan looks hesitant for a second and then sits up. One hand pressed into Aeri’s lower back. His right hand shifts to that of a claw he looks down at Aeri’s thigh, “If it hurts….” Aeri grabs his chin, “I will tell you to stop. But right now. I am telling you to go, you going to listen to me.” He stares deep into Zan’s eyes and Zan nods.
“Of course.”
Aeri leans down and kisses Zan sweetly at first, as Zan’s claw barely touches the skin Aeri presses into Zan with more force. Moaning slightly as Zan marks Aeri with his own unique mark. An infinity symbol with a heart crossing it. When Aeri pulls away legs shaking with pleasure he looks down at his slightly bleeding thigh and smiles, “How fitting.” He grabs Zan’s chin with his finger and thumb, “I think I am going to keep you for a long. Long time.”
Zan melts in Aeri’s hands like a love sick puppy, “I love you Aeri’tharas.” He presses his forehead to Aeri’s. Aeri closes his eyes and pushes Zan down to the ground laying on top of him, “I love you too Zandryl.”
0 notes
wowthisissmuttastic · 6 years
The Honeymoon
Background: You, a human barmaid, and Galraatha, a Kal’dorei a demon hunter you met a month ago, have just married. The reception was nice filled with laughter and drinks and jokes you are sure Gal did not understand. She drank to much and you too little. Galraatha was not used to drinking as you could tell and did not know when to stop. There are so many things that she is innocent to, even though she is an instrument of war. Gal passed out drunk at the table, but you were able to wake her and sober her up before you made the trip to Lion’s Pride Inn.  “You should drink a little less, or you won’t be any fun for the honey moon.” you say with a smile on your face. Gal looks at you her eyebrow raised, “I am unfamiliar with the concept of a honeymoon with you humans...isn’t it like a trip?”
“Uh- yes that is one aspect of a honeymoon.” You blush a bit as you help her on to the flight masters mount, “There is a couple more aspects to it.” “Like what?” “Well love for one, romance, no work, and spending time together if you know what I mean.” You slide in behind her and wrap your arms around her waist. Gal sits on the flight wondering what you could possibly mean. An hour later you land in Goldshire and dismount, “I hate flying. I really do.” “Really it is a way of life for me. Nothing more freeing than a good flight. Or exhilarating.” Gal smiles down at you. “I think I could find one more thing that is better than flying.” You smirk as you turn around and walk into the INN. Gal fallows you in. “Well if it is in here then I have no idea what you are talking about. Because I have slept. I have danced. I have eaten and I have drank now. Nothing beats flying.” You walk up to the Inn Keeper and pass her a note and a few gold coins with out saying a word she leads you upstairs to the biggest room they have available. Gal follows up and puts her weapons down as you close the door behind you, “Well I guess we are going to bed now? It is a little late...” Gal turns around and sees that you slowly undoing your dress, “Wha- what?” Gal stares at you confused.
You walk up to her smiling from ear to ear, “This is the part where we spend time together.” Your dress falls down to the floor. Gal stares at you blushing like no tomorrow.
“I- uh Y/N I have never um uh- spent time with someone.” She stares down at the floor.
“Don’t worry. I think you will teach you all you need to know.” You walk up to her and slowly untie her robes that she wore to the wedding. You stand there and look up into her face as it falls just as yours did, “Although if you do not want to proceed, please let me know my love.” 
Gal looks down at you her hand cups your face and then trails down you body feeling every curve, “I never thought I would get to this point in my life, I really- I.” Over come with desire she grabs you by the waist and kisses you passionately. Her hands reach to your rear as she picks you up. Your legs wrap around her waist. You pull back from the kiss finally able to breathe.
“Wow...that is a quick lesson. You already got the kissing down.” You lean in and kiss her neck and Gal’s legs start to give out from under her, “Get to the bed so you do not drop me my love.” She purrs and in the excitement practically throws you on the bed. 
You giggle as she apologizes, “I AM SORRY THIS IS ALL NEW!” Pulling her on to the bed she flops on her back and you straddle her hips and smile down at her.
“I said it was fine love, I will teach you what to do. Just know next time try not to throw me.” You go back in for another kiss you hand trailing from her neck to her breast. You lightly massage it and Gal lets out the smallest of moans. You pull away once more and smile at her, “Let me know if something doesn’t feel good love. I want to make your first time mind blowing.” Gal bites her lip and nods. Kissing down her body her skin warm to the touch. Traveling down the valley separating her breast. Goose bumps prickle her skin and you smile at the sight of her small bit of enjoyment. Her small bit of relaxation. You move down further to her belly giving it the slightest nibble showing a bit of your rough side.
Gal stops you before you can get any lower, “I wanna kiss you again...um when you are done...” she blushes and hides her face behind her hands.
“As you wish my love.” you push her legs open just enough for your head to fit in between them. You kiss each one of her inner thighs. Gal’s legs twitch a bit, pressing against your ears. Watching her enjoy herself is enough to turn you on, and put you close to the edge. 
Your tongue runs along her slit, already slick with desire, you grin looking up at Gal, “How long have you been waiting for this?” 
Before she can reply you slowly side in two fingers causing Gal to gasp and bite her lip so hard it seems she may bite a hole right through it.  Gal runs her hands through you hair grabbing large handfuls as the tip on your tongue slowly flicks against her clit. After a few minutes you add a third finger, her cave tight but willing to accept more. Flexing your tongue and going a little harder you can feel Gal tighten around your finger as she starts to reach her peak. Gal wraps her legs around you, her thighs trapping your head there. You can feel her getting closer and closer sending you into a frenzy. Watching her enjoy herself, watching her writhe in ecstasy. Your one free hand snaking up her body to grab her breast once again pinching her nipples slightly. This action sends her over the edge gushing all over your fingers. You pull them out and lick up the site. Gal lets you go as she comes down from the first high you have made her feel and smiles at you. Her chest rising and falling rapidly, her skin dark purple across her chest and cheeks showing she is blushing harder than ever before. Her eyes are closed.
You sneak up and give Gal a nice loving kiss. Her lips barely parting at first but becoming more intense as she tangles her fingers in your hair again. You pull away.
“As promised a kiss when I was done.”
“As promised....I love you. And always will.” 
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wowthisissmuttastic · 7 years
The First Time
Back ground:
Life for Faen’lythel Feralheart has never been one of ease. After the fall of his family he was forced to relive old ways that he had once cast aside. He had nothing left, his wife was long since presumed dead. His daughter lost forever. He had nothing and no one because his own pride. His own vanity. He had run and gone feral, accepting the druidic form for what it was, a way to live as you truly should, accepting the beast inside. But that was before he had met you. Now time has passed and feelings have grown to levels he never thought possible, not worthy of. Under the moon light of the Darkmoon Faire you have both shared your feelings for one another, how you never want to be taken from the others arms. Sitting on a rock the waves hitting the ocean he looks into your ever changing eyes, seeing that they glow a bright pink.
“You make my life very hard my dear, Y/N.” He tucks a stray behind your ears.
Smirking you plant an ever sweet kiss on his lips that seem to linger for an eternity. You break away from the kiss, his hand immediately grips the back of your head. His fingers intertwined in you hair. You look into his eyes in utter wonderment and lust.
“You are not getting away from me that easily Y/N.” He growls like a wolf that has just caught it’s prey.
“Oh really now? And what if I wish to go somewhere with out you?” A devilish grin that he knows all too well spreads across your face.
“You are never going anywhere with out me ever again. I will not allow it.” He pushes your face forward to his and kisses you with an unbridled fiery passion. Pushing you down to the ground. Both hearts racing in time with each other. You can feel it through his chest. He wants you, no he needs you. His hand grips your ankle lifting your leg up. He slowly runs his hands up your leg pushing your dress up. The cold air whispering against your flesh making goose bumps rise and prickle your flesh. His hand runs and grabs your rear, gripping it firmly in his hands. Never once breaking the kiss.
You finally get a chance to turn your head away so you can breathe and he takes the opportunity to bury his face in your neck kissing and nibbling in certain points. Making you let out small gasps. You wrap your legs around his waist pulling him closer to you his chest flattening your breasts.
“Faen-” You try and whisper but he covers your mouth with his large hand.
“For once in your life, Y/N, shut the hell up.” He bites down on your neck hard making you quiver and shake.
His hands moves in between your legs teasing your clit with his fingertip. Already slick with desire he grins at you, staring into your lust filled eyes as he slides two fingers in. You let out a small gasp as he moves them in and out of you but it is muffled and restrained underneath is ever gripping hand. Drowned out by the sound of the sea. He feels the desire in you pumping through your veins. He moves his hand off your mouth and disentangles himself from your legs spreading them wide. He unlaces the front of your dress quickly. Curling his fingers inside you. You grip at the rock looking for something to hold on to. Something to rip from the ground, but to no avail. Your dress falls open and your chest bare for everyone to see.
“No under garments? Well that is very improper Lady Y/N.” he chuckles as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth. Sucking and lightly biting it. You run your fingers through his long silver hair gripping, your hips bucking causing his fingers to go deeper into you.
“W-when have I ever been proper?” Your back arches begging for more and more.
Faen’lythel kisses down your body until he gets to your folds. Licking up the length you already so close to the edge that it pushes your over as that first wave of sweet release flows through your body and all over his fingers. You laugh as you pant, more in a wave of mania then anything. Before you can even come down from the high, he pushes his full length inside you. You tighten around him. He leans down and whispers in your ear.
“You are mine.” He nibbles at it as he thrust over and over again. The way a hound takes a bitch.
You wrap your legs around him once more loving the feeling, needing him to go deeper to fill you inside. Slipping his hand under your arching back he pulls you close to him as he hides his face n the crook of your neck. His cock begins to throb, he is almost there. You begin to wonder if he is going to pull away at the last moment. You try to say something but you are so filled with desire that you cannot bring the words to reality. He growls in your ear sending another wave of pleasure through you.
“Say it.” His voice almost commanding. Like barking an order at you.
“I-I am yours Faen’lythel. Now and forever.” As you tighten around him you can feel him pulse inside you as he finishes. The warmth filling you up and spilling out around him. He grins as he looks down at your naked form glistening with sweat in the pale moonlight. Dress only held on my your elbows he laughs.
“You look ridiculous right now,” He kisses your cheek but does not seem to leave you.
“No more so than you mister sex hair.” You retort as you smooth down his hair.
“This is by far your fault.”
“My fault?”
“If you were not so desirable, I would not have pursued this course of action.”
“That is your hormones Faen, not mine. I just wanted to make sure you were alright remember?”
He chuckles and smiles down at you as he pulls himself out of you. You shake and shudder feeling empty now that he is gone, “Oh I remember.” He leans down and kisses your inner thigh before helping you to your feet. Pressing his firm chest against yours shielding your front from the cold sea breeze.
“I am glad I found you Faen. I mean it I am yours.”
“Do not promise what you cannot deliver.” He kisses the top of your head and helps you redress. Just as you are about to depart he stops you and cupping your cheek ever so tenderly.
“I love you Y/N,” He kisses you tenderly and then pulls you back to the Faire.
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