#kenji: that's how the dead cows in my villiage look like before we prepare them to sell their meat ๐Ÿ˜€
morphestic ยท 7 months
Thinking of ADA game nights where at some point everyone decides to play hangman except when it's Kunikida's turn, he makes sure to make the hanged man drawing into some sort of weird rendition of Dazai.
It comes to the point where the drawing just looks messed up and there is a glint in Kunikida's eyes as he gets a bit carried away.
Atsushi: Kunikida-san, i'm pretty sure the man is supposed to be hanged, not on the floor chained up and beat bloody and wait- why does that look like Dazai-san...
Kunikida: Don't worry about it.
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