#kenmochi shusuke
allonnotion · 8 months
Hunger Games: Yakuza + Judgement Edition Pt. 2
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supposed to do as part of the release of Infinite Wealth, but my finals are quite the menance, so...
As usual, enjoy the chaos with these iconic moments...
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and the winner is... (pls don't attack him)
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the results:
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link to the simulation...
link to the first part...
link to the masterlist...
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constantinnen · 2 months
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insane twink in a suit wielding a knife + big guy with bleached hair and anger issues
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one-vivid-judgment · 3 months
Hi! Can I request Higashi, Sugiura, Tsukumo, Kuwana and Tesso (and maybe big boi Kenmochi too?) asking their s/o for a kiss please? Thank you!
Sorry guys, got a bit too caught up watching Kinnporsche and kinda forgot about everything else 😭😭 In my defense, the actors are very cute (particularly losing my shit over Apo and Jeff Satur tho)
Toru Higashi
Big ass tsundere who will never dare ask for a kiss in public. He has a reputation to maintain among his subordinates (although they all know very well that Higashi is whipped for you). Behind closed doors, things are kind of different—he still has a hard time voicing his feelings, especially after having to repress them for so long. He opens up little by little (veeery little by little; Hamura messed him up bad). At least, he can now say the words ‘kiss me?’ out loud, even if he still blushes like crazy when he does.
Fumiya Sugiura
The polar opposite of Higashi: absolutely no problem asking for a kiss both, in public and in private. If you refuse, he will pull the pouty face. He is a master at getting his way, so honestly, there is no way you will ever successfully refuse him. One way or another, he will manage to get his kiss, and he always has the biggest, proudest grin in his face when he does.
Makoto Tsukumo
Kind of shy at first. Will try to get you to give him a kiss without having to ask, but if that doesn’t work, then there is no other choice, is there? It’s really cute—sometimes you pretend you don’t understand what he wants just so he gets flustered. He can tell when you are just being mean though, so expect him to call you out on it (after he gets his kiss, of course).
Jin Kuwana
No ounce of shame in his body, although he does prefer to keep things private. Not always, sometimes he feels like being a show-off. But mostly, he likes the intimate little moments to remain between just you two. His favorite has to be asking for a kiss before he goes off to ‘work’. It makes him feel like he is back in his teaching day, and his partner is kissing him goodbye and telling him to have a nice day before he goes to teach his students. He misses those days, sometimes.
Another shameless guy. If he has to whine for a kiss, he will. And he will do it in front of other Liumang, even Zhao. Liumang Officer Tesso and boyfriend Tesso are like two different people, and it’s not like he cares about maintaining his reputation when it’s just you, him and his boys. At least, Zhao seems to find it entertaining.
Shusuke Kenmochi
Super casual about it, really. You’ll just be lying in the sofa, watching a movie, and he will go “Hey, can I get a kiss?” You used to say no because he reeked of booze, and one, you weren’t about to kiss your drunk boyfriend, and two, it was honestly a bit gross. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that the reason he is trying hard to quit drinking so much, is so that he can get his kisses whenever he wants to.
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rggdriptournament · 1 year
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thelocaldetective · 9 months
Masaharu Kaito Matsugane
VO: Crispin Freeman
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Favourite quote:
“Sorry, about this Boss, really but things are different now. I’m in Yagami’s corner, dammit.” — Kaito after Matsugane asked him and Yagami to drop the case
(If this isn’t the most brotherly thing I’ve ever heard in my life, I don’t what is 🥹)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: Japanese 🇯🇵
Sex: Male
Height: 190cm (6'3)
Year of birth: 1980
Tokyo, Kamurocho
38 years old (Judgment)
<> 19 years old (flashback)
39 years old (Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name)
40 years old (Lost Judgment)
• A member of the Matsugane family (formerly)
<> Manger of Charles (formerly)
• Investigator for the Yagami Detective Agency
• Children (secretly)
• Drones
• Fighting crime / detective work
• Drinking
• Teasing Yagami about his relationship with Mafuyu
• Hanging out with his surrogate niece Mitsu
• Being benched from a investigation 😂
• Criticism
• The idea of Yagami “flirting” with Sawa
• Hangovers
• Being left behind 🤣
• Mitsu putting her father down and expecting Kaito to side with her (almost always)
• Smoker
<> Brand: Hope
• Alcoholic (high functioning)
• Slow-witted
• Stamina (physically)
<> Literally asks Yagami to “slow down” throughout the game and is even out of breath 🤣
• Exiled from the Matsugane Family
• Fighting
<> Bruiser
<> Tank
<> Peek-A-Boo (as boxing opponent)
• Intimidation
• Allegiance to the Yagami Detective Agency (simultaneously to both the business and the owner)
• Brawn
• Bar Tender (regular patron)
• Tojo Clan (formerly)
<> Lieutenant of the Matsugane Family (formerly)
• Yagami Detective Agency
• Yokohama 99
Romantic interests:
• Mikiko Sadamoto (girlfriend)
• Yoko Sawa (smitten 🤣)
(bio) Father: Unknown
Girlfriend: Mikiko Sadamoto (determinant)
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(surrogate) Son: Jun Sadamoto
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(surrogate) Brother: Takayuki Yagami
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(surrogate) Brother: Toru Higashi
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(surrogate) Niece 1#: Mitsu Yagami (OC)
(surrogate) Niece 2#: Kyoko Ansawa
• Makoto Tsukumo
• Fumiya Sugiura
• Jin Kuwana (formerly)
• Kyoya Sadamoto (former client)
• Yasutaka Shirakaba (rival)
• Meathead Detective
• Captain Cop
• Old Man (by Jun)
• Tough Guy
• Masaharu (by Mikiko)
• Aniki (by Higashi)
• Matsugane Dynamite
• Mysterious Man
• Aniki (by Yagami)
• Dad (by Jun)
• Uncle Kaito (by Mitsu)
<> Donkey Kong 🤣
• Monkey Man (by Sally)
• Street thugs
• AD research team
• Captain Kyorei Hamura
• RK (Red Knife)
• Soma
• Kyoya Sadamoto
• Shusuke Kenmochi
Appearance & Personality:
Kaito has a tall and muscular build, cropped black hair, and a chinstrap beard. A small scar cuts through his left eyebrow. Around 2006-2007, he sports longer, spiked hair and a clean-shaven face.
When he was in the Matsugane Family, he wore an untucked blue patterned silk dress shirt with orange buttons, a small silver chain necklace with a square pendant, white pinstripe slacks, and brown leather smooth toe oxfords. This outfit is called "Retro Style". Wearing this outfit after unlocking the "Master of Disguise" ability also causes Kaito's hair to become spiked and his facial hair to become clean shaven as it was when he was younger.
During a flashback with Mikiko, Kaito wears a heather gray sweater and matching sweatpants. His hair and facial hair is also the same as when he was younger. This outfit is called "Casual Clothes".
While boxing, Kaito wears an orange tank top, orange boxing gloves, gray branded athletic shorts, and orange high top boxing shoes. His shoes and shorts are the same as Higashi's, though they are different colors.
His suit of choice for special occasions is a charcoal grey pinstriped suit, a white dress shirt, a maroon necktie, and brown leather smooth toe oxfords. This outfit is called "Sleek Suit".
For stakeouts, he wears a gray flat cap, square glasses with gray metal frames, a brown sweater, faded blue jeans, and his usual black loafers. This outfit is called "Rugged Stakeout Style".
How would you describe Kaito’s personality?
• Honest
• Straightforward
• Brash
• Benevolent
• Family-oriented (instinctively)
<> Brotherly towards Yagami and Higashi
<> Fatherly towards his Jun Sadamoto & Yosuke
• Dense (sometimes 🤣)
• Loyal
<> Kaito had become immensely loyal — in the first Judgment game when it came down to Patriarch Matsugane (former patriarch) and Yagami (employer & brother-like-friend) — when the latter asked them to drop the case of finding the Mole .
• Unprofessional
• Protective
• Childish (sometimes)
Hayato Adachi:
Kaito encounters his old classmate Hayato Adachi, and the two form a business partnership, with Kaito serving as hired muscle for Adachi's company, though Kaito secretly intends to confirm the disturbing rumors about Adachi's business practices. He neglects to inform Yagami of his plan, which leads to a confrontation between the two. Afterward, Kaito reveals he knew about the rumors and reconciles with Yagami, and the two officially become partners.
Mitsugu Matsugane:
Kaito remained a part of Matsugane family for over twenty years, managing Charles on their behalf, and was one of the only forces capable of keeping Kyohei Hamura's influence in check. He was left in charge of the Matsugane Family Office the day an armed robber broke in and stole one hundred million yen from the safe Kaito was guarding. To avoid any casualties, he cooperated without putting up a fight, as Toru Higashi was also present at the time, unbeknownst to the robber. Kaito hid this fact, and later claimed sole responsibility for the incident.
He was nearly forced to perform yubitsume for his failure to stop the robbery, but with Matsugane and Yagami's intervention, he was expelled from the family instead, with his finger intact. Following his expulsion, he joined the Yagami Detective Agency as a private detective.
Toru Higashi:
Yagami becomes a target for the Matsugane Family after he refuses to back down from investigating the mole, which leads to Kaito reuniting with Toru Higashi when he and his men attack Kaito at the detective agency's office. He asks Yagami to tail him and see if he has changed since Kaito's expulsion from the family a year prior.
Takayuki Yagami:
Judgment (flashback)
Kaito at around age 18, met Yagami (at 15 years old) met at Bar Tender and who had initially despised but eventually came to be close friends and partners.
Kaito helps Yagami with his line of work, providing extra muscle as a bodyguard or piloting a drone for surveillance. When extra information is needed on the murders in Kamurocho, he helps Yagami seek out Kazuya Ayabe.
Lost Judgment:
Kaito’s Files
While Yagami is away on a job, Kaito contacts Saori and Hoshino to help him with a job from a client who wants her extorted money back from the Bato Detective Agency. After completing that job, he visits Bar Tender and is informed of a job offering ¥20 million. The client, Kyoya Sadamoto, wants Kaito to find his supposedly-deceased wife Mikiko Sadamoto, Kaito's ex-girlfriend. Due to old wounds, Kaito initially declines the case.
(3 days later):
Kaito remains unconscious for three days, and sees Yagami has returned and left a fruit basket for him. He then comforts Jun over the hardship he has faced, then reads a letter of challenge from Shirakaba. He and Jun go to Shirakaba's clinic, and Kaito affirms he wants to take Mikiko with him. Kaito and Shirakaba duel, with Kaito winning. Kaito asks if Mikiko still wants to join him in spite of his subpar living conditions, which she gladly accepts.
Jun Sadamoto:
After getting a call from Higashi saying a kid is causing a commotion at Charles, Kaito heads there and meets Jun Sadamoto, who also wants Kaito to find Mikiko. He also states that he may be Kaito's biological son based on what Mikiko wrote in her diary. Though hesitant, Kaito decides to look for Mikiko after all.
Mitsu Yagami (OC):
Kaito becomes almost a second father-figure — despite being her surrogate uncle — besides her real one to Mitsu. However whenever she trash talks about her father he does not hesitate to side with Yagami and even tells her to “pull her head in” if necessary
Kaito is really relaxed with whatever Mitsu’s into at the time — as long as it didn’t impact negatively on the reputation of Yagami Detective Agency or do anything to damage it — from being a hostess to whatever
Kaito has to often be the peacekeeper between Mitsu and Yagami due to their stubbornness about the topic (mainly the dispassion for the criminal activities)
• Kaito is 4 years older than Yagami
• Kaito was temporarily in charge of Yagami Detective Agency whilst Yagami was out of town in the DLC “Kaito’s Files”
• Kaito is on a first-name basis with Yagami due to being his closest friend and and closest thing to having a brother (besides Higashi)
• The only time Kaito didn’t call Yagami “Tak” was when he confronted Matsugane about his undivided loyalty to his crime fighting partner
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mine-je · 2 years
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A hair of the dog
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tarokro · 2 years
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Kenmochi Shusuke
From the Kaito Files Fan Kit on Twitter
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I didnt realise this at first but I've never shown my drawings before
So heres shusuke kenmochi from the kaito files!
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kayayeteae · 2 years
Soma: akutsu do you ever want to talk about your emotions?
Akutsu: no.
Kenmochi: I do!
Soma: I know kenmochi
Kenmochi: I’m sad!
Soma: I know kenmochi
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
During the (*exceptionally long*) tailing of Shusuke Kenmochi, he’ll stop periodically and tell the lady he is with the most BONKERS things and this is..one of them.
I did not edit this, this is an entire conversation he just..has with her. Just like that.
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oliver-nova · 2 years
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best character showed up 
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frozencinders · 2 years
Rating: Teen And Up Category: M/M Relationship: Shusuke Kenmochi/Kazuki Soma Additional Tags of Note: Alcoholism, lost judgment spoilers Status: Complete, 1/1.
Summary: He just doesn't understand why he cares so damn much.
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one-vivid-judgment · 5 months
Hello! Maybe it's a little too late for such request but anyway! For Higashi, Tsukumo, Kuwana, Kenmochi and Tesso - receiving honmei choco from their s/o on Valentine's Day 💝 Thank you!
You guys ever get in a mood and go "Mhmm, Judgment men"? Cause like, big same.
Toru Higashi
See, he knew what day it was. He should’ve seen it coming, but somehow, he didn’t. Call him stupid, but when you hand him the little wrapped box, he just freezes in place. Higashi.exe stopped working.
If his employees are around to see, he’ll try to play it cool and just say ‘thanks’. But really, you can see how much of a blushy mess he is. He doesn’t even like sweets that much, but the simple fact that you went out of your way to make chocolate for him get him all gushy. He’ll eat everything and not leave a single crumb. Expect him to return the favor tenfold when White Day comes around.
Makoto Tsukumo
He can get too caught up in his detective work sometimes, but that doesn’t mean he’ll lose track of what date it is! He’s got it circled in the calendar because he knows it’s important for you, and he knows you are planning something for him.
Unlike Higashi, he loves sweets. He’ll eat it all in front of you and make the most pleased little noises. Compliments just fly your way, even if the chocolate didn’t look that good in your own eyes. Tsukumo’s got you, he is your biggest hype man. He is not the greatest in the kitchen, but he will try to make something for you in return on White Day—it probably won’t come out looking great, but it’s the intention that counts! (And if that plan doesn’t work, he can always buy you something he knows you’ll like online.)
Jin Kuwana
Knows what date it is and knows what’s supposed to happen. It doesn’t catch him off guard when you hand him the little box of homemade chocolates. Even so, the smile on his face is genuine; it’s not like he’s ever spent Valentine’s Day with anyone or gotten chocolates before.
If the taste is not the greatest, he will let you know. He’s not mean about it, far from it! It comes from a place of genuinely wanting you to improve—then he’ll laugh, because he is the worst cook ever and there he is, talking out of his ass and giving ‘advice’. Main reason why your White Day gift won’t be anything homemade. It probably won’t be any expensive jewelry either, the guy is barely scrapping by as it is. So, uh... marshmallows, honey?
Shusuke Kenmochi
Let’s be honest, he probably forgot it was Valentine’s Day. He doesn’t drink as much since you convinced him to go to therapy, but that didn’t fix his poor memory for dates. Please, forgive him.
Eats it up no matter how good or bad it looks. If it tastes like shit, he doesn’t mention it. You did it for him and that’s all that matters to him. He’s eaten way worse anyway. He’ll probably go all out on White Day (he would have anyway, but even tiny gifts like this make him so happy, you don’t even know) and get you the fanciest jewelry he can find. Not into jewelry? Then he’s getting you the fanciest chocolates he can find. It’ll be the fanciest anyway because it’s for you.
Oh boy, he was anticipating Valentine’s Day even more than you were. He already has the biggest, goofiest grin on his face when you approach him. He’s just so excited! You can tell he wants to start jumping the moment he grabs the box.
Before he eats the chocolates, he starts bragging about it. Hell, even when he’s already eaten it, he won’t stop talking to his boys about how ‘my baby made me the best damn chocolate ever’. Just don’t let Zhao catch wind of it—he’ll ask Tesso if your chocolate is better than the one he makes, and poor Tesso won’t be able to answer. And speaking of Zhao, you bet he is gonna give Tesso some baking lessons so he can make you something cool for White Day. Literally the best wingman.
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one-vivid-judgment · 6 months
Heya! No idea why people feel ashamed requesting spicy things. Or maybe it's just me who have no shame at all? Prolly :D Can I also please request walking in on them masturbating while moaning their s/o name with Judgment boys Tesso, Kuwana, Tsukumo, Kenmochi and Issei? Thanks a million!
Remember when I said the spice would return? Well, here it is 🧍‍♀️ I'm not even sorry, I have absolutely zero shame.
Tesso is super casual about jerking off, it’s actually kind of embarrassing. You’ve walked in on him a few times already, and every time he just stops what he is doing and waves at you before asking if you want to join in. Absolutely shameless and has no filter when he’s horny. It’s gotten to the point where it just doesn’t faze you anymore.
When you get home and see the door to your bedroom ajar, you know something is up. When you listen in a little better and hear moaning coming from inside, any doubt you might have had is cleared. You open the door and—oh, yeah, there it is. Tesso is lying in your shared bed with his pants down and a hand around his cock. And you just happen to catch him as he’s moaning your name.
For a second, you just kinda... lean against the door frame and watch, arms crossed. He sees you out of the corner of his eye, and he lets out a breathless little “Hi” and stops his hand, but unconsciously swipes a thumb across the head and hisses. To be honest, it’s kind of a turn on. Until he opens his mouth to keep talking and says, “Hi, babe! Sorry I got started without you. Wanna join?”
“Honestly, how can you be so nonchalant about this whole thing? Ugh, you’re so lucky I love you... No, no, don’t pull your pants up, I have to suck your dick. Fuck’s sake...”
Jin Kuwana
God knows this man has a lot on his shoulders. Most times, even if he is feeling horny, there is too much going on for him to consider jacking off. Usually, it’s last on his list of priorities, unless you are there to remind him to care for himself a little instead of doing so much for the sake of others.
Sometimes, even when he has a ‘day off’, he doesn’t even want to bother you for sex and would rather open up his private folder of sexy pics, or check out old spicy conversations you’ve had and just jerk off like that. He just doesn’t want to be ‘selfish’ or bother you for something he can perfectly take care of himself. That's if you are have work or something else important to take care of, because if you are not... Then well, it's free real estate, as they say.
The bad thing about not living together yet is that you sometimes take the spare key he gave you for his apartment and drop by unannounced. Sometimes even catch him certain doing things—like when he has one hand jerking himself off and one hand holding his phone that shows a picture of your tits, for example.
“Well, well. You look like you could use my help for this, don’t you Kuwana-sensei?”
Makoto Tsukumo
This man has watched hentai. A lot of hentai. He still watches it sometimes when you are not available. He’s kind of shy when it comes to initiating sex, so you’re gonna have to take the initiative most times. He has some ‘weirder’ kinks, but he’ll get more comfortable sharing overtime.
He’s shy to ask for sex, yes. But don’t get him wrong, he still has you on his mind! Meaning he’ll be jerking off to hentai and moan your name on instinct. Does he wish he could do some of the stuff on those videos with you? You bet. But that will have to wait until you’ve been dating for a little bit longer.
It gets even more embarrassing when you catch him with his pants down one day, in front of the computer and watching a sexy maid getting railed as he moans your name. Believe him when he says he would have crawled into a hole and hid forever if you hadn't approached him with an amused smile and kneeled in between his legs before he could get a word out.
“Aww, Mako-chan! You could have just told me if you were this pent up! I never mind helping you, you know that.”
Shusuke Kenmochi
You know something’s off when he starts talking about some ‘friend’ who wants to get a dick piercing but can’t decide on whether he should get it or not. He thinks he’s being super slick, but he is really not. You don’t say anything though, curious about how far he’s willing to keep it up. Fast forward a whole month, and he starts making excuses for why you can’t have sex. Which is weird, because Kenmochi is the textbook definition of ‘thinking with your dick’. Sure, he fingers you or eats you out here and there, but when it’s his turn to get off, he says “Nah, I’m good”, as if his dick is not painfully hard inside his pants.
Fast forward again three months. You are coming back home after hanging out with friends, slightly frustrated that Kenmochi still won’t let you touch him. You may have jumped to not so great conclusions and imagined worst-case scenarios, but ultimately brushed them off. Shu-chan wouldn’t do that to you! He’s too big a softie! There’s gotta be some other reason!
And another reason there was. You don’t catch the moans until you are right at the bedroom door. You hear your name right as you open the door. Kenmochi with his cock in his hand, you saw it coming; the piercing going through the head of his dick though? Not so much. The desperation really got to you enough to forget almost everything about 'the guy who wanted to pierce his dick but didn't quite dare'.
“So all that about ‘a friend’ getting his fella pierced was bullshit? Shu-chan, you’re so mean! Why would you not let me see this? Holy shit, we’re gonna have so much fun with this.”
Issei Hoshino
This poor guy is so focused on being the perfect gentleman for you that he probably won’t even ask for sex for the first couple months of your relationship. Which is super cute, he is really dutiful and you can tell he cares about making you feel comfortable. He’s learned from the times he screwed up with Saori by being too careless with his words.
It being cute doesn’t mean you don’t want him to fuck you stupid though. You’ve heard him jerk off in the shower once or twice while you are in the bedroom, purposefully wearing something sexy to see if he caves in. He doesn’t. Needless to say, you are growing more and more desperate by the day.
So, one day you just come into the bathroom while he is in the shower, very obviously masturbating because he cannot keep quiet to save his life, ready to do something about the lack of sex in this relationship and to make it clear to Hoshino that no, baby, you are the perfect gentleman, now would you please fuck my brains out? Thanks! His noises are really cute though—the way he moans your name, too.
“I knew you were up to something! Hoshino-kun, baby, why were you so ashamed to ask? Wouldn’t my hand be better for you to get off?”
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one-vivid-judgment · 5 months
Hi! Could I request headcanons sfw and nsfw for Kenmochi please? Thanks!
God, I miss Kenmochi so much, man 😭😭 I need to replay Judgment + LJ + The Kaito Files. I think I just need a whole run-down of the series again, really.
Anyway, I love me a big man with even bigger trauma.
If you don’t get along with his Crimson Lotus boys, then sorry, but he’s not interested. They are not his grunts, they are his friends, and it’s not that he wants his friends and partner to get along, it’s that he needs it. One night stands, he doesn’t care, but a stable relationship is a whole other beast.
He is a cuddler. Not that he knew it, since his last serious relationship was many years ago and ever since the incident with the Natsumes, there has rarely been a night where he went to sleep proper instead of passing out drunk off his ass. You kinda find out one day when you wake up with Kenmochi all over you and embrace it from there. And he might try to play it cool because he is a big, strong guy, but he absolutely melts when he’s little spoon—it doesn’t keep the nightmares away per se, but it does make him feel protected and not alone.
He treats his boys to dinner and gifts often, and he does the same with you. It’s really cute how much he cares for others, but also a bit worrying how much he spends just on spoiling other people. If you give him some tough love and manage to talk him into not drinking as much, he will listen though—he is very obedient like that, but also, he knew it was changing or dying; and now that he is with you, maybe dying doesn’t sound so enticing anymore.
Big and strong, but also a huge softie. Again, very obedient. If you are more of a dom yourself, you hit the jackpot. Boss him around, tell him what to do, he will do it—he’s even down to getting pegged, if that’s what you are into. Just... don’t listen to him if he asks you to hit him or make it hurt; praise and gentler treatment will make him cry (hell, he might ever argue he doesn’t deserve aftercare), because he doesn’t think it’s something he deserves, but it’s a starting point.
Definitely has his dick pierced. Well, not exactly his dick, but his scrotum; close enough though. He already likes getting sucked off, but if you want to make his eyes roll to the back of his head, it’s as simple as playing with the piercing. He is not a quickshot by any means but that... that might be the one exception.
He was strong enough to rip a lamppost out of the ground, so he is definitely strong enough to lift you up and fuck you like that. Standing up, pressed against a wall has to be his favorite position: he gets the proximity, the kissing (which he is a sucker for), and he gets to grab some thighs.
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rggdriptournament · 1 year
#001: tsuyoshi nagumo vs yuta usami
#002: mikiko sadamoto vs kaoru sayama
#003: takayuki yagami vs masayoshi tanimura
#004: nick ogata vs christina
#005: shintaro kazama vs osamu kashiwagi
#006: keiji shibusawa vs koichi adachi
#007: saori shirosaki vs makoto makimura
#008: makoto date vs makoto tsukumo
#009: joon-gi han (y6) vs fumiya sugiura
#010: daisaku kuze vs hiroki awano
#011: shusuke kenmochi vs seong-hui
#012: daisaku minami vs rikiya shimabukuro
#013: saeko mukoda vs eri kamataki
#014: masaharu kaito vs yuya
#015: yasuko saejima vs jin kuwana
#016: kazuki vs tetsu tachibana
#017: tashiro vs daigo dojima (y2)
#018: naoki katsuya vs the lingerie thief
#019: satoshi shioya vs masaru watase
#020: dd vs mitsuru kuroiwa
#021: hana vs yuki
#022: producer kiryu vs american boy mitsuo
#023: yoshitaka mine vs akira mabuchi
#024: jun sadamoto vs yu nanba
#025: ai uehera vs hibiki otsuki
#026: chika arimura vs saki hatsumi
#027: the areshi brothers vs etsuko
#028: toru higashi vs shun akiyama
#029: shinada vs shrimpnada
#030: ryuji goda vs daimu akutsu
#031: sohei dojima vs masumi arakawa
#032: reina vs yayoi dojima
#033: ryo aoki vs hiroaki arai
#034: jo sawashiro vs jun oda
#035: futoshi shimano vs akira nishikiyama (y1)
#036: masaru sera vs tsukasa sagawa
#037: shigeki baba vs joon-gi han (y7)
#038: shinji tanaka vs takeshi kido
#039: nishida vs taiga saejima
#040: tesso vs akira nishikiyama (y0)
#041: goh hamazaki vs wen hai lee
#042: homare nishitani vs sosuke komaki
#043: miss tatsu vs mirei park
#044: bacchus vs sotaro komaki
#045: ono michio vs kamulop
#046: haruka sawamura vs kyoko amasawa
#047: goro majima vs the florist
#048: toranosuke sengoku vs kazuma kiryu
#049: yoko sawa vs yumi sawamura
#050: gary "buster" holmes vs andre richardson
#051: tianyou zhao vs takumi someya
#052: ichiban kasuga vs daigo dojima (post y2)
#053: masato arakawa vs masato aizawa
BONUS ROUND: dead souls costumes
BONUS ROUND: wildcard qualifier
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