#kenna wake up - new mihri lore just dropped!
n7viper · 2 years
Mihri for, 1, 12, 15, 26, and 45 please?
HELLO - I am bad at answering things. My day was just an endless cycle of one thing leading to another and answers not being written down. I actually immediately copied this into a doc and started answering when you sent it. But uh, then I cleaned out my likes and filled my queue, and then I ate lunch, and then I spent time with my mom, and then I played DAI for like 6 hours. It's not my fault, I was playing as the cutest boy ever and couldn't stop myself.
ALSO I reblogged two different ask games around the same time and I’m not sure which one you meant, but I’m extra so I’m gonna answer both :) Because I can. An extra treat for your long wait!
This is a long-ass post, so it's behind a cut for your viewing pleasure :)
1. What’s one experience your character had that made them very afraid?
This is something that’s still WIP, and I don’t entirely feel like sharing the full details at the moment. But the first thing to come to mind is that Mihri has a medical emergency after the siege on Adamant, on the journey home. Mihri is typically the type of person to pretend like things are fine and just… not deal with them at all. Very healthy! The post-Adamant incident leaves her shaken for some time. She has a hard time wanting to leave Skyhold once they return. The medical emergency is something that has the potential to happen again, so that’s always in the back of her mind and terrifies her. But she still likes to deflect and say that she’s just a little shaken after being physically in the Fade. It’s a great excuse, really.
12. Your character has the opportunity to have one wish granted. Would the wish only benefit them, someone else (one person or multiple), or everyone? And what would that wish be?
Hmm, I thought about this for a while, and the one thing that I think really fits this is the removal of her vallaslin. It’s something that she’s wished for for years, prior to the game. She’s pretty anti-religion and hates that she had to get them in the first place. She regrets them deeply. I’ve mentioned it in little bits before, but this is something that comes to light after some late night drinking. She finally admits her resentment for them, and Solas happens to be around to hear it. When she’s sober the next day, he approaches her and tells her about them, similarly to the Solavellan scene. So that’s how my non-Solavellan OC has her vallaslin removed.
For a more vague answer, Mihri would be the type to tell other people that of course she’d wish for something to benefit herself because she’s selfish, while quietly telling herself that she’d wish for something to help others because she believes herself to be a good person. Realistically, she’s actually selfish and she’d wish for something that benefits her. :)
15. Does your character have a deep and/or dark secret? If so, what is it? 
I sat on this one far too long, tbh. The pain of young OCs lol
I wouldn’t say it’s super deep or dark, but no one in the Inquisition knows that Mihri has been effectively exiled from her clan. She doesn’t feel the need to tell them, and their efforts in getting info out of the Lavellans are not fruitful. She’s not particularly ashamed by it — she didn’t really get along with them well anyway. It’s just something she doesn’t care to discuss. Cullen is actually the first to know, and the way she says it so nonchalantly takes him by surprise.
26. Has your character ever been hurt or betrayed by someone they thought they could depend on? What happened?
This was another one I sat on for a bit. Solas comes to mind first, but that’s sort of a given, yeah? Unless you have low approval with him, I guess.
Real answer that isn’t in the game? Her parents. She resented them for giving her up to Clan Lavellan so easily and not fighting for them to stay together.
45. What’s their spirit animal? What animal do they just look at and say, “That’s me”?
Mehhh I dislike this question. She would probably be a cat though. Mihri is peak cat stereotype. She’s a great cuddler, and she's super fucking adorable, but she’ll tear your curtains to absolute shreds and throw your glassware off the countertops for fun. She’d agree with that assessment wholeheartedly.
Editing note after I wrote this: one of my cats shreds napkins and other similar paper products. It's Mihri behaviour.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
She is just Mihri Lavellan. I don’t think Dalish really have middle names. As far as name meaning goes, it doesn’t carry much significance in-universe. If the question is asking why I chose the name, I was literally just using a name generator and the name “Mihrill” came up. It sounded pretty cool, but I decided to remove the two L’s at the end.
I will say that I've tossed around the idea of her giving herself a middle name post-game. She loves the concept of having a middle name. I have no idea what it would be at the moment, but the more you know, I guess.
12. What is their favourite food?
Veggie soup! That’s very nondescript, but she honestly just really likes any veggie-forward soup.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Mihri is great at following recipes. She knows the basics of cooking, though she’s not gonna start throwing stuff together and making her own recipes. However, she hates cooking. It’s boring. She would rather not do it if given the chance. Everyone who eats her food loves it and encourages her to cook more. She declines.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Singing and dancing! She's always humming or singing something. And all emotions except happiness are usually hidden. She hides sadness, pain, any Bad Emotions.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
I think everyone sees little fragments of her. A lot of people see her as someone who takes nothing seriously. Some people see her as a whore (mostly the templars around Haven… for mostly good reason). Some people see her as a mystery to be solved.
Mihri mostly sees herself as just another person. She's whoever you want her to be.
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