#kennedy women
citrine-elephant · 2 months
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let's crack a cold one with the boys, eh?
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pixiesfz · 6 months
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invaded l.wm
plot: y/n moved from man city to Arsenal and one specific man is not happy about it.
warnings: violence, talks of a stalker, more of a arsenal x reader than a lotte x reader, blood etc
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He was one of the main reasons you left Manchester city, his eyes that lingered on you when in the crowd.
When you first met him he seemed like a normal fan. He asked for a photo and challenged you to a rock paper scissors to secure your top, you noticed his anger when he lost but you gave him your jersey anyways to soften the blow.
He came to every game and yearned for your attention everytime, whenever you didn’t he would then wait outside in the parking lot.
At first you thought it was cute, you had never had such a big fan well that was until he started showing up outside of the field.
You were having a coffee with your mum when you heard the clicks of a camera, turning around you saw him, with his Man City scarf on taking photos of you and your mum.
You politely waved at him and he smiled. When he next showed up it was in the off season as you went to see your girlfriend Lotte.
“You alright love?” Lotte asked as you spotted him behind a tree, how did he know you were here “Lotte we need to go” you ordered as your heart sped up, he scared you “y/n-“ “now” you cut Lotte off as you grabbed her hand and ran to your car trying to ignore his pleas as he followed you.
He stopped for a month after that but maybe it was because you stopped going out as much, he was still at every man city game and still waited for you in the parking lot where you politely smiled and waved at the crowd but he took it as you were only waving at him.
Lotte had told you to try and get a restraining order but their had never been enough evidence to even try.
One day before you announced your transfer to Arsenal you saw him again but at your front door. You slammed the door before he could try and get in but it didn’t stop him.
He bashed his fists on the door “You’re leaving me!” He yelled “your betraying me like this?” He asked.
You pushed your weight on the door, tears falling down your eyes as you pulled out your phone to call Lotte.
“Hey y/n” she answered sweetly as you sniffed “he’s here” you whispered out “he’s where y/n?” Lotte asked and you could tell her by her voice that her heart had dropped.
“My house Lotte. He’s found my house!”
“I’m calling the police, can I hang up darling just for a little bit I will call right back” she told you and you closed your eyes “I love you” you whispered in fear
“Don’t talk like that y/n” he is not going to hurt you” she said and you shook your head “I’m scared” you admitted as his fists became louder
“You bitch! I saw you at the Arsenal training grounds, you’re leaving!” He shouted and Lotte’s face turned white from the loudness of his voice “y/n I’m going to call I’ll be back”
The beep of the phone call ending made you sob again, without Lotte’s voice calming you down you were in a forensic mess.
His voice was drowned out by your thoughts and you heard sirens wailing from nearby, he did too as his fists stopped.
“You’ll regret this” he finally stated before you heard him ruffling away.
You never felt safe fully after that whilst you played your last weeks at Man City, you scanned the crowds in fear and always walked to your car quickly after a match, sometimes having Lotte pick you up.
When your news about transferring came out rumours started to spiral, until an anonymous writer came out.
Y/n y/l/n moving to Arsenal because of stalker?!
You pressed on it right away as you laid on Lotte’s chest, photos of you on walks and at cafes, one of you in your home which you moved out of as quickly as you could.
He had took these photos and now he was sending them in to make profit, your privacy for his benefit.
‘We hope y/n is well before her move to Arsenal’ it ended with and you felt yourself snuggling to Lotte even more.
You had been with Arsenal for almost a month now and it was time you versed your old team. It was bittersweet.
You loved the girls on the team and they were now your on field enemies. Lotte was the captain of the game and you were proud of her.
But nothing could stop the weird feeling in your stomach, it made you nervous and your mind was racing.
You thought it would go away as you play but the feeling was still there.
You had subbed on for Beth for a fresh pair of legs on the field on the 64th minute and it wasn’t long before you started making an impact, high giving your girlfriend as you scored a goal agains Man City.
You hadn’t even checked for the man in the crowd as you now sported the red, you should’ve maybe you would’ve seen him and the state he was in.
His eyes were baggy and it was clear to anyone around him that he would be drinking but security weren’t the best for the women’s games so they gave no mind.
It was about the 75th minute he jumped the barrier, a beer bottle in his hand, he wore your old jersey you had given to him as he stormed over to you.
You had your back to him so you couldn’t see him but some of your team mates did and the audience as they boo’d at him in the crowds, thinking he was a trouble maker wanting his 5 seconds of fame.
You looked behind you out of curiousity before you locked eyes with the man, your heart dropped before he raised his arm which the glass bottle was held in and smashed it on your head.
You dropped instantly as he yelled “traitor!” And kicked you at the head.
You had been near the sidelines so the low number of security members latched onto him as he yelled out to you but you were unconscious, on the floor with blood pouring down your face.
Almost the whole field and Audience went quiet and the TV channels who were broadcasting were lost for words.
Medics were on you quick as Lotte tan over with tears in her eyes. She looked at you and towards the man who was tackled to the floor “that’s him!” She yelled and told the security to take him to the jail.
The blood on your face wasn’t going away as more blood from your forehead and your eye fell down.
“Lotte” you choked out and sue dropped to her knees and grabbed your hand “I’m here, I’m here” she told you and kissed your knuckles “I’m scared” you cried as the medics came back with the stretcher “he’s gone now” Lotte told you, tears running down her eyes at the sight of you.
The medics pulled you up and the whole stadium was silent, the Arsenal and City girls watching you with tears in their eyes.
The game stopped.
Lotte followed you to an ambulance and most girls quickly got into their cars to follow you, not bothering to change.
You only needed a few stitches but Lotte demanded for a plastic surgery, saying you would never forgive her if she let you have a big scar from your eye to your temple.
So she waited with her head in her arms, her bright yellow captains arm band tightening around her bicep as she was joined by both the arsenal and Man city team in the waiting room.
“She’s going to be fine” Leah told her England team mate and she nodded “I know it’s just she- she was so scared” Lotte sobbed as she leaned into her team mates embrace and cried.
Both of the teams waited for you to come out of surgery, on their phones as some read articles or watches the film clip multiple times in shock of what had happened.
Lotte saw it every time she closed her eyes, the way you had no idea of the danger running towards you, the way he moved so quick nobody could stop him before the action was done.
The TV was on in the corner as the news talked about what had happened to you. Lotte watched as the reporter talked about the lack of security and how they interviews some of the games watchers, some crying.
Two hours later a doctor came into the room, shocked to see so many players waiting to see your results.
“Y/n y/l/n?” She questioned and everyone’s head shot up “yes?” Lotte stood up and the nurse nodded “she’s awake now but I think it’s best if we send people in groups” she said and Lotte let out a sigh of relief.
“You go first” Alanna said from her seat in the corner to Lotte and she nodded and walked behind the Nurse who took her to your room.
Your stitches looked oily from the numbing cream that they had lathered on top of the stitches. You don’t say anything, your eyes stuck to the ceiling.
“Why me?” You breathed out and Lotte grabbed your hand
“I don’t know baby” she replied and you looked at her, your eyes were blood shot “did they get him?” You asked and she nodded “he is behind bars and the court is allowing us to ask for a restraining order, he’s already not allowed to attend a soccer game ever again” she said and you nodded.
“Do I look as bad as I feel?” You asked and Lotte let out a little laugh “Do you really think I care about what you look like?”
“No but I care what I look like” you smiled and Lotte kissed your hand “you look beautiful, just like you always do”
You smiled “is it just you here?” You asked and Lotte scoffed “uhm actually” she started and went to the window and opened the blind which revealed the waiting room.
“Oh wow” you breathed out seeing both of your teams sitting down in the uncomfortable chairs.
“Maybe send in my national team mates, they’re most likely to tell me if I look ugly or not” you joked and your girlfriend rolled her eyes playfully at your comment.
“Actually almost all your national team mates are here” she breathed out before walking out to collect them.
When half of the Matilda’s team walked in Caitlin scoffed
“You just had to one up me from the World Cup didnt ya”
The whole room laughed at her before she laid on the bed and cuddled into your side.
“Well this will be a fun story to tell in a couple of years” you joked and your team mates laughed.
You smiled as you looked around, Lotte chating to your team mates with a smile as you cuddled into some of your younger players “I was so worried” Kyra told you and you shook your head.
“Takes a lot to take me down chicken”
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
You belong with me II Alanna Kennedy x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1516
a/n: we combined two requests for this oneshot, hope you guys like it !
As the social media manager of the Australian national team, you never got tired of working with the players to create new content together.
In that moment you were already focused by placing the big camera on the tripod in front of you, after that was done you looked up to Mackenzie Arnold, your girlfriend’s best friend, humming:” Ready?”
“Yes, fire your questions away.”, the goalkeeper responded smiling brightly at you.
Satisfied by her okay you clapped into your hands: ”Alright, let’s start.”
“Yes, please.”, the brunette nodded happily. You two were suddenly interrupted by Harper, who was running excitedly into the open arms of the player: ”Macca!”
“Hi Harper and Cait.”, Mackenzie greeted the intruders warmly.  
Noisily Caitlin Foord wanted to know from both of you:” What are you two doing?”
“Recording a video for the Matilda’s Instagram?”, you replied shrugging, because it was quite obvious for everyone to see what was going on here. 
In good spirits the goalkeeper explained:” It was supposed to be a quick round of questions.”  
“What questions?”, Katrina Gorrys’s daughter asked big eyed. Casually
Mackenzie shrugged her shoulders:” Just random questions?”
“Like?”, the toddler pressed on stubbornly.
Her curiosity was endearing to you, that’s why you patiently answered her:” Like who’s her favourite roommate and what’s her favourite food in camp.”
“It’s so obvious. I’m her favourite roommate because Lani sneaks out to be with you at night.”, the Arsenal forward said with a cheeky grin on her lips.
With a frustrated sigh you interrupted the conversation you have been filming since Harper appeared a few minutes ago:” Cut!”
“I thought we didn’t even start anyway.”, Mackenzie giggled confused.
Sheepishly you told her:” I already hit the record button.” “And she’s getting paid for that.”, Caitlin teasingly rolled her eyes at you.
Groaning you hid the face behind your hands: “Girls!” “What?”, the forward threw up an eyebrow.
Meanwhile Harper who realized you were filming them was now in her element, clapping her hands like she was the director of this set, exclaiming delighted:” And action.”
“See, they should pay her. She’s carrying our social media appearance.”, Caitlin remarked amused.
To your defense came Mackenzie who pointed out to one of her closest friends:” She does, but y/n always makes you look good in photos as you said earlier.”  “She does.”, the Arsenal player admitted.
Clearing your throat, you draw back the attention to the task which lay ahead of you all:” So who’s your favourite and worst roommate in camp.”
“They’re both going to kill me. Caitlin and Alanna but I’m not saying who is which.”, the goalkeeper responded with a wink to the camera.
You bit back a laugh and continued; “Okay, next question. What’s your favourite part of the training camp?“
Without missing a beat, Mackenzie answered; “Seeing the girls.“
“Awww!“, Caitlin cooed from somewhere next to you with a smirk.
The goalkeeper made a dismissive hand gesture in her direction; “Shut up. I’m talking about Mini and Harper!“
“Rude!“, Caitlin complained, laughing.
You shook your head at the two football players; “Girls, please!“
“Focus.“, Harper said as strictly as possible for a toddler and pointed her finger into Mackenzies direction.
You smiled at the little girl; “Thanks, Harper.“
Mackenzie looked at Caitlin in disbelief; “Can’t believe we’re getting called out by Harps!“
“She’s already a social media pro.“, you shrugged. Caitlin grinned; “We can tell.“
The filming was again interrupted by Katrina; “Oh, here she is!“ Harper immediately ran into her mothers arms who gently picked her up.
“Harper was in safe hands, Mini. I’m a keeper.“, Mackenzie commented, smiling about her own joke.
Caitlin rolled her eyes; “Worst joke ever, Macca.“ “Shush it. Time to go back to filming.“, the goalkeeper decided and you were more than happy to comply.
After you managed to film the video without any further interruptions, Alanna was impatiently waiting for you. With her arms crossed over her chest, she was playfully pouting; “You did a video without me?“
“It was Maccas turn.“, you explained matter-of-factly.
Mackenzie who left the room right behind you winked at her friend; “Yes, and it was fun. Even though Harper stole the show as usual.“
“She did.“, you agreed with a laugh. Alanna pretended to be shocked; “Rude.“
“Jealous that your girlfriend didn’t work with you today?“, Caitlin teased, closing the door of the hotel room that you used to film.
Unimpressed, Alanna shook her head; “She only does videos with you, guys.“
“So that’s a yes.“, Mackenzie concluded with raised eyebrows.
You eyed your girlfriend from the side while you remarked; “I mean at home she only takes photos with Leila recently. So it’s fair.“
The defenders jaw dropped open; “Don’t start with Leila now. You never want to be on my photos.“ “
Well, you never ask me.“, you continued.
Alanna retorted; “Don’t distract. You also never ask me to be in your little videos.“
“That’s something different.“
“Not at all!“
“We’ll talk about this later.“, you ended the discussing while fondly rolling you eyes about your girlfriends teasing.
“Fine.“ Your small dispute attracted some of the drama-loving Matildas.
Mary Fowler looked at you with curious eyes; “Trouble in paradise?“
“Yes, Mary. Obviously.“, Alanna shook her head, laughing. Kyra Cooney-Cross grimaced; “Trouble? No way, that’s our thing.“
Steph Catley shot her an inquisitive look; “What did you do again that we haven’t noticed yet?“
“What are you talking about, Steph?“, Alanna asked.
“Talking about Kyra. I think she was onto some mischief again.“, her fellow defender explained without taking her eyes off the younger player.
“I’m going to bed now. Good night, girls.”, you announced.
“Lani is she still pouting because of the Leila photos or is this just a thing you love to tease eachother with?”, curiously Mary turned to look at your girlfriend, expecting a dramatic reply.
“No, we’re just making fun.”, Alanna reassured the younger forward. 
“You two are such weirdos.”, Steph commented smirking.
Unimpressed by the teasing of the fellow Matilda’s she shook her head:” We’re cute.”
“Sometimes.”, Mary admitted.
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes: “You’re too young to have an opinion.”
“Rude.”, the younger player scoffed playfully.
The evening went on as usually, but Alanna decided to say goodnight to the team because she wanted to see you desperately after your dispute earlier.
When she came into your room you were already laying on the hotel bed, the only thing you were wearing was an old jersey of your girlfriend which was big enough on you to cover all the important parts. “Hi love.”, you hummed.  
Noticing your sleeping clothes Alanna lifted an eyebrow:” What are you trying to do?”
“These are my normal sleeping clothes.”, you answered innocently.
“You never sleep in my jersey.”, the Mancity player remarked. 
“Okay, fine, maybe I wanted to show you that I belong to you.”, you sighed.  
The blonde nodded slowly: “I do hope so.”  
“And you belong to me.”, you concluded with a seducing smile.
“I do?”, Alanna asked grinning while letting her eyes glance over your whole figure taking it all in.  
“Yes.”, you replied confidently, now looking at her the same way she did a few seconds ago.  
“I see.” cheekily she took your camera from the nightside table, I think it’s time for a couple photo.”
“Fair enough, through the mirror?”, you suggested beaming.
Shrugging her shoulders, Alanna agreed to it: “Fine. If you want it artsy.”  
“I do.”, you told her.
“Of course you do.”, the defender smirked at you. 
After a couple of tries to take the photos, you looked up to her:” Thanks, it turned out really cute, don’t you think?”
“Yes, I love it.”, she said equally satisfied with the photos and the pretty picture you two made together.
For a moment your girlfriend hesitated before adding:” Can we post it?”
“Great.”, Alanna kissed you, afterwards she quickly posted it, the rest of the evening her focus was entirely on you.
The next day you were back taking photos of the Matilda’s during their training.
“Look who’s coming now.”, Hayley nodded in the direction from where Mackenzie, Alanna and Caitlin were arriving on the pitch side.
Immediately you were blushing, remember the night you had with the blonde defender, while taking a photo of the trio:” Name a better trio, Hayley. I’m waiting.”
“The powerpuff girls.”, the forward laughed. 
Jumping on to your back Kyra almost screamed into your ears:” Charli, Mini and me!”
“Nirvana.”, Ellie giggled.
“I shouldn’t have asked.”, you mumbled but couldn’t help to smile at all the answers the player had given.
“Don’t forget the Jonas brothers.”, Charli winked at you while pulling the young Arsenal midfielder away from you.  
“I’ll make this the next random question for a video.”, decided.
The Tottenham player immediately supported your idea:” You should.”
Meanwhile Alanna was hugging you from behind, whispering:” As long as you think we’re the best trio.”
“Always.”, you replied, turning around to kiss your girlfriend on her lips ignoring the howling noises Caitlin and Mackenzie made.
You were never more certain that you and Alanna belonged together.
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goodbirb · 1 year
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avaf00rd · 6 months
little shits
kyra Cooney-cross x teen!Reader (platonic)
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why is posting my first fic embarassinggg…
anywho enjoy this piece of shit. I’ll open my requests and try to write as much as I can. Luv u all xxx
You were kind of out of it though as Caitlin was trying to mouth something to you further up the gym with her hands, you put your hands up in shrug towards her, but from the conversation in front of you you heard something along the lines of “if you don’t” and Kyra saying “deal”.
“Got that y/n?” Beth grinned at you
“yup!” You quickly said before running over to Caitlin who was motioning you to help her with something.
You had lost a bet. You were reminded by Kyra that you “weren’t supposed to do anything stupid towards anyone in the team for a week” 8 days later she shrieked at you as she was changing into her swimmers in the bathroom of the locker room.
And that’s where you found yourself, In the 15 degree London weather, you were being dragged by Beth, Jen and Katie who just wanted to see this play out, down to the ocean. As you all walked down to the cool air of the beach you shrieked at the harsh breeze “nup” you said as you started running back but was caught by Katie “bets a bet” she giggled grabbing you and dragging you down the beach.
You and kyra took off both of your jumpers as you looked at each other, regret filling your eyes. There were some lunatic surfers in long wetsuits, none like the ones back home in Australia but if you were honest you were terrible with cold water. Beth pulled out her phone to camera when Jen gave Kyra a light shove towards the water, she didn’t move though.
“Ok let’s be quick” you started walking down, just ready to get it over with, a shivering mess once you got down. You noticed the 21 year old was no longer behind you but was being carried over the shoulder by the tall Jen Beattie. Your jaw hit the flor as she was completely thrown into the water head first, with Jen now in the water too. “Okay giant” you giggled as Jen quickly ran out of the water but looking back to yell at you.
“Five whole Minutes!” was screamed from the top.
“Nah it was two!” You exclaimed as Beth shook her head with a grin. You were still only up to about your bellybutton in the ice-like water. That was until ‘little shit no. 2’ jumped on your back causing your head to be pushed under water. The cold water feeling absolutely hell-like on your skin. “KYRA!” You screamed as you came back up again, knowing she was done she started swimming away fast. Though luckily you were a fast swimmer, you caught up to her and completely dunked her.
On the shore, Katie, Beth and Jen slowly started to go ankle-deep into the water to feel the temperature for themselves. “Christ that’s worse than an ice bath” Beth exclaimed quickly before removing her feet from the water.
“They are gonna turn into ice” Jen said
“Or worse completely taken out by a shark” Katie said, as Beth’s face rose with concern. “Wait how much time left?
“It’s been up for about a minute now” Beth said “you two out you come!” she yelled running up to grab your towels.
But of course, you and the slightly older girl were in your own world once again. Trying to drown each other while laughing your heads off.
On a slightly chilly December weekend, you had broke the curse. You and your teammates had smashed Chelsea with a wicked 5-1 and you couldn’t be more excited, your were a striker, quite a significant one for the team, and had managed to slot in a goal in the extra time just minutes before the final whistle. As that whistle went you jumped straight to Caitlin buzzing with excitement before Alessia joined your two by jumping on your back. As you went around to all your other teammates.
You made eye contact with Leah as she quickly went on to the field, the twenty-six year old meant so much to you since joining at the club, so you sprinted into her arms. “Lee!”
“Your goal was incredible I’m so proud of you tiny!!” You grinned at the nickname the team gave you and the fact that she was proud of you. She motioned for a piggy back to you when you were put down, when you jumped on her again she started sprinting towards the rest of the team you saw Kyra talking to vic with her back to you when Leah had come to a stop you tried to jump onto Kyra’s back straight from Leah’s but failed miserably when Kyra was completely knocked down long with Vic and you. Kyra’s funny bone hit your head which she squealed in pain. Nothing serious though.
And just like all the girls around knew that a child’s fight would break out between the two of you, you got up and started running backwards away from her. She started to chase you as you were laughing your guts off. You and Kyra were absolute toddlers anytime everywhere as the crowd and team completely stopped and watched in amusement.
‘Harps!” You squealed as the Gorry toddler jumped into your arms in the lobby of the Hotel. You noticed most of the team standing around chatting as all the ‘London Aussies’ piled into the building.
“I missed you!” Her tiny voice exclaimed which made your heart melt. “I missed you heaps!”
You and Harper got along beautifully, she was like your little sidekick when at camp, the girl would not dare to leave your side the whole two weeks. Steph laughed with Mini behind you, greeting each other and laughing how you left your bags stranded right near the bus when you saw the small girl, Steph having to wheel them in.
“Mins!” You smiled as you gave her a warm hug.
After more hugs and hello’s were exchanged you all headed up to your respective rooms. Since it was only around lunch time you had a small meeting with Tony but were then allowed ‘chill out time’ before dinner and bed time. You, Mackenzie, Alanna and Caitlin were sitting on bean bags in the main room talking about random things and your Christmas plans. When Charli was completely thrown onto your head from behind.
“Ow” you laughed.
“Kyra!” Charli said towards the girl that was pushed onto you.
“Little shit” you mumbled
“Oi you can’t talk miss” Caitlin smirked before quickly going on about your latest stunt you and Kyra pulled together back in London making the other girls laugh. You soon got tired of hearing how good you are at getting away with pranks. As you curiously went to search through a cupboard that had some coloured things peaking out the bottom which amused you. You opened it to find random things from craft kits to movie projectors. You started to move things a little as you crouched down to find more. That’s when you pulled out a large white karaoke machine laying on it’s side, it was beyond you on how it got in there and managed to fit.
“What’s that?” Macca asked as you stood it up-right once it was pulled out. You didn’t reply as you smirked at Kyra who knew exactly what it was. “Awesome” Macca sarcastically said after no reply from you.
For backstory, you and Alessia found one in a room at your training grounds back in London. And you pair along with Kyra and the help of Leah’s terrible singing completely wore it out as it sparked and suddenly broke. Obviously, the mums of the team like Kim and Viv got mad that you nearly could have sent it up in flames.
“Oh no no no” Steph breathed out as she walked in to see you and Kyra teaching Macca and Alanna how to start it up so they could perform their duet to some random old Justin Bieber sing. “You set this hotel on fire, no blaming me to Kim that I didn’t stop you”.
And that’s how the night ended the whole team gathering around and taking turns in partners to sing away. With you and Kyra taking over the micv for more than half of the songs. “No way” you muttered as it suddenly stopped working.
“You-“ Hayley started and then laughed from where she was laying on the floor watching you.
“They’re cursed I swear” Kyra said as you put your arms up in a shrug towards steph.
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lumibuns-blog · 8 months
First time with Leon S. Kennedy<3
-just to be clear it's Leon's first time but not yours-
I'm back on my whiny sub Leon soapbox because he is perfect in every way🤞
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It's not as if Leon hadn't wanted to do things with someone else, it's just his life hadn't really allowed it, between missions and saving the world, he hadn't found someone he was willing to share that moment with until he met you.
You made him feel things he hadn't felt before... a stirring heat that he at first didn't recognize but came to love. How looking at you, your curves, your face, the way his head began to spin when you bit your lips and sneaked a smirk at him, because you new how flustered it made him.
Actually you seemed to know everything about him, what made him loose his mind.
That's exactly what got him into this situation.
His hands ghosted over your ass, fingers just barely touching it through your silk dress. He was kneeling on his knees in front of you, his chin resting on your stomach so he was looking up at you, and that same devious smile that rested on your face.
He had been attempting to put his shoes on so you two could go for a night out, but seeing him in a loose button down shirt gave you other plans.
You moved your hand down to cup his cheek and stroke it the your thumb.
"What do you want" you asked simply
"Wha-what?" Leon breathed
"Do you want this?"
"I-I'm sorry I don't understand" Leon had an idea of what you were trying say and prayed to god that he was right.
"Do you want me?" You asked a final time
Leon's eyes widened and his breath hitched
"So bad" he replied breathlessly
"Good" you smirked turning away and causing him to stumble slightly
He looked up at you, eyes wide
"Well what are you waiting for?" You asked turning back around to face him
He immediately scrambled to his feet, kicking off the shoes he had been attempting to put on what felt like hours ago.
"Wait just a second" he began, standing behind you "I mean I think I know what you mean but it's just that Idon'twanttomakeyouuncomfortableor anythi-hmmpf!"
You cut his off by crashing your lips against his, locking your heels around his torso and grinding yourself against his noticeably hard cock, throwing your weight on him and causing him to stumble backwards and fall onto the couch.
"I though a special agent would be better with his balance" you teased
"I-I normally am it's just-ah! Fuuuck, y-you're hips..." he stammered
"I know handsome" you chuckled
You felt his cock twitch underneath you 'had such a light comment really turned him on?' You wonder
You slowly rolled you hips over his, grinding you bare cunt over his clothed tip, as you had forgone underwear underneath your dress.
"Ah! Mmh-" he stammered again
You began to slowly move off his lap,
"Wai-wait- n-need you- please" his choked out, unable to stand the sudden absence of pressure
"Be patient" you smiled, your voice like a song that made him loose all sense of reason
You slipped the straps of your dress off your shoulders and slowly let it fall to the floor, revealing you fully nude figure to him
There was moment of silence before
"Wow." Leon said breathlessly, his mouth wide
'This man look so serious but is acting like such a nerd' you giggled to yourself
"What's so funny" he questioned, unable to take his eyes from your tits
"Oh nothing" you sighed moving back to his lap
You hovered you hips over his not giving him the pressure he so obviously desired. You watched as he instinctively began to buck his hips upward, craving your touch.
You decided to give him what he wanted, dropping you hips down suddenly onto him.
"Oh sh-s-shit" he looked as if he was holding his breath before he let it out and his hips convulsed slightly underneath you.
"I didn't know you were so sensitive" you teased
"I'm not-it's just- it's y-you" he was so cute when he could barely get the words out
You suddenly grabbed his hand and cupped it around one of your breasts.
His breath hitched again, he seemingly froze, hand twitching and eyes locked onto your chest for several moments.
"Ya know you can-" you placed your hand back on his and guided him to gently squeeze you
His ruff hands felt nurturing yet strong, you couldn't help but slip out a small moan
His eyes immediately locked onto you face, eyes wide, as if he was in a trance, he immediately squeezed you again and moaned when you gave the same reaction.
Gaining sudden confidence he moved his mouth to your other fit and began to slowly lick around its center
"Fu-ck Leon what are you-doing" you asked, surprised he even knew what to do
He released your breast from his mouth to look up at you and breathlessly stammer "pl-please- I want to hear you- uh-moan like that a-again"
"Mmmhp" you hummed letting him get back to work and relish in all the noises you were making for a while before you shifted back removing him from his new found heaven, between you tits
"Nhmmmh" he whined at the loss of contact once again
"Be patient" you hushed once more moving your hands to fumble with the zipper of his dress pants
"Wha-what are you-?"
You cut him off "don't you want to fuck me?" You said promptly
He looked at you once more with those wide eyes "s-so soooo bad"
"Then get those pants off" you smirked
He immediately rushed to sink his pants down to his ankles taking his boxers with them and allowing his fully stiffened cock to spring free
He groaned as you looked at the precum beading from his head
You positioned yourself about him, hovering your cunt just above his tip
Leon looked up at you like you were god, at that moment, feeling you was all that mattered
You lowered yourself so his tip was barley coated in you slik
"Oh god- f- mrmpff- p- please" he cried, throwing his hands back into the top of the couch
"I'm not going to tell you again Leon, be patient" you smiled devilishly
"Y-yes- anything, I promise-just-just"
You suddenly dropped fully into him, breathing out a long moan as his size stretched you perfectly.
Leon threw his head back "ah-ah- oh fuck- you feel-" he could barely get the words out "fuck you're so w-warm- you're squeezing my cock- ah!" He yelped as you began to rock back and forth slowly
"P-please- just wait-" he breathed
"Is something wrong?" You asked concerned
"N-no it's just...you feel so, soooo good- I- I don't want to cum b-before you" he admitted, embarrassed "it's like- I mean - this is better- than ANYTHING" he grunted
"Oh Leon" you smiled leaning in close to his ear so your breath tickled at his neck "that's exactly what I want"
"Hah-ah fuck-" Leon started as you began to move your hips at an unrelenting pace
Relishing in the fact that he seemed to choke every time you arched your back.
You could feel his tip kissing your cervix every time you sunk back down onto his length, and your own release building up inside of you.
By the looks of it, Leon was lost in the pleasure, stringing together versions of your name and every curse word he could think of
"Pleasepleasepleasepleas--let me cum- ah- you feel- so fucking good- mmhh- squeezing me like that" he cried out
You leaned towards his ear once more, "I want you to cum baby, cum with me"
That's all it took,
"Ah-ah-ah cumming" he said as his hips faltered and he began to shoot rope after rope of his load into you.
Feeling his hot cum made pushed you over the edge, and you drenched his cock, causing his to lurch forward and wrap his arms around you to pull you against his bare chest.
You both sat there breathlessly, pressing against each other. After what was to Leon "not long enough" you slid yourself off of him, watching him shiver and gasp as you did.
You sat there on his lap, taking in his fucked out expression, ecstasy written all over his face.
After a moment he brought his arms up to you and pulled you into a warm embrace on your shared couch,
"D-did I do good?" He asked quietly
"Are you kidding, you were perfect" you smile at him "maybe I'll let you be on top next time" you giggle
"Really" he gaped at you, honest excitement in his eyes
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saphirdevil · 8 months
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"i think you dropped this, my fine lady."
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dozydawn · 2 years
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Boxer Ray Mancini and girlfriend Sheila Kennedy photographed by Ron Galella, 1984.
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totaly-obsessed · 27 days
WOSO Appreciation - Rings edition
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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wosowritinnnggs11 · 4 months
I'm gonna say this now. The absolute lack of Caitlin Foord content on this app is shocking, considering this photo exists...
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...like holy shit 🫠
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heartshapelocket · 2 months
Black women in country 🎀
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Reyna Roberts, Brittney Spencer, Tanner Adell and Teria Kennedy pictured at Country Music Television Awards
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pixiesfz · 6 months
Leah Williamson x reader
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plot: y/n y/l/n is Chelsea royalty, a royal that is holding one big secret. (lets also pretend Leah never got injured)
warning: suggestion of smut, lust, angst, kinda long
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It's derby day and you were lined up in the tunnels you were behind Sam who held a straight face, but you were secretly searching for a certain blonde, and when you did she sent a silent smirk which you rolled your eyes at. 'Good luck' you mouthed and she sent a wink back 'You too' she mouthed and you both smiled, thankfully not getting noticed by anyone (or so you thought) Sam slightly nudged you gaining your attention.
"What?" you asked and she looked at you "you good?" she asked and you nodded "always" and the Australian smiled slightly "good then".
You furrowed your brows at your teammate who was silently laughing to herself "I see your shoulders shaking Sam what is it?" you asked and she turned around to you and nudged her head towards Arsenal vice-captain "I just wanna see what type of scrimmage you and Williamson come up with today" she shrugged and you laughed "last time was hilarious, then at the club later when she went up to you- hilarious, you left after though before we could rip into you" Sam laughed a bit more "yeah I just got really tired" you told her.
You did not go home that night.
"This is so wrong" you breathed out as the blonde kissed down your neck, her hands roaming around your hips "Oh yeah?" Leah rebutted as she lifted her head up, she didn't lean back as your lips were practically connected.
"Then stop me."
You wanted to stop her, your clubs were rivals and you were both never going to leave said clubs. But with the way her breath was fanning over your neck you lost all control.
"Don't stop"
A confident smile spread over the blonde as she brought her lips to yours again, it was passionate like she thought it was never going to happen again.
But unfortunately, it did, again, again and again.
That's when you two decided to go on secret dates, movies with hoodies on that were immediately taken off when you got home to her apartment.
Then you two had almost gotten caught.
It was at training, you had dropped your house keys that now had an added key for Leah's apartment and Jessie Fleming picked them up for you, noticing that there were more keys than usual.
"1, 2 and 3 oh my goodness y/n/n who's house does this key belong to!" she half shouted which gained some of the team's attention as you blushed "my parents moved" you quickly came up with an excuse as you grabbed the keys from Jessie's hands "and I'm going to see them tonight" you pointed her brows at her which made her drop the situation.
"you never have anything fun happening in your life" she pouted before turning away, earning a laugh from the team.
oh only if she knew.
You weren't the only one in the relationship that had almost gotten caught, Leah had once too.
"Leah that girl has been checking you out for twenty minutes now, go talk to her" Katie told the blonde who chuckled, not even looking at the 'admirer' before answering "not my type" she shrugged and Katie gasped.
"You're seeing someone!" she accused, her Irish accent shining through.
"No, I am not" Leah scoffed "Then go talk to the girl" Caitlin piped up as she leaned into Katie, the Irish girl wrapping her free arm around the Australian's waist.
That's what Leah wanted, she knew you yearned for it too.
"And lead her on, no thank you" Leah laughed before walking past the couple. "I'm going home" she announced with a smile before walking out to get into a cab to yours.
Months of secrecy and now your clubs were to vs again. A rough tackle by Leah last time and your 'valid' reaction were what got you two red-carded at your last game and what now led you both to a secret relationship...weird now that you think about it.
When the game started Leah was on the other side as Jonas put her in an attacking position for the first half.
Arsenal was winning and you cursed to yourself, you were a competitive person and obviously wanted to win but it didn't look to good for the blues.
You had chances to score but their goalkeeper was good today which even made you angrier "fuck" you whispered as Manu saved another one of your shots "she's never this good" you whispered to Sam who nodded "someone must've lit a fire under her ass"
Your head immediately whipped to Leah who had a great big smile on her face, you knew if anyone could whip anyone into shape it was her.
The first half ended and you were stuck in the changing room with a yelling Emma, usually her speeches were helpful but today you just wanted to exit the building.
"y/l/n!" Emma called out and you brought your head from your hands "top right corner" she said "never seen her jump higher than there" she pointed out and you nodded.
When you went out you noticed that Leah had been put as a defender, your defender.
You didn't know whether to say hi, ignore her or to switch with Sam secretly but your legs weren't working with your brain as you now stood next to her.
"You good?" she asked as she stared at the Stadium around her "not now" you muttered and she nodded "valid".
Leah wasn't stupid, she had versed you before you had become an item, she knew you were competitive and she was too which is why you had both been avoiding the game.
The siren rang and you were both running Leah wanted a clean sheet and you wanted to get your name on the board.
It wasn't long till Lauren passed the ball to you and your dribbled down the right side, getting ready to attempt the ball top corner before a foot came under you, pushing you to the floor.
Usually in other games, Leah would leave you to the floor but this time she held out her hand "c'mon baby" she whispered as you grabbed her hand and winced once you put your body weight on your ankle.
"Off her Williamson" Lauren ran over and pushed her but you stepped in front of Leah protectively "she helped me up, we're good" you said as Lauren lifted her brows at you.
Something had changed, every player on the ground could see it, usually you and Leah were at each others throats on the ground and now you were helping each other up and protecting each other.
The game ended and you both went off to your own teams, you stayed to yourself, not in the mood to talk to anyone but you did notice the lingering stares of your team mates.
You were angry, you lost and all your team could think about was your act of kindness.
"Can I not be nice?" you asked loudly "Not to Arsenal" someone piped up and you rolled your eyes "fucking christ" you muttered and Sam stood up "It was just different, you weren't helping up your defenders at Spurs what's different about Leah?" she asked and you turned to your locker.
This didn't go un noticed by your team mates as Millie Bright stepped closer "What's different about Leah?" she asked again with genuine concern "y/n?"
"Because I liker her and we're dating" You shut her off and turned back to your locker, folding your clothes with more forced as the whole team looked at you.
When you drove home after the game you were surprised to see Leah sitting at the couch with a wine in hand and another glass for you on the table.
"I did something stupid" she told you and you nodded "me too" you sighed and plumped down onto the couch "who wants to share first?" Leah joked and you looked down at your thumbs "I told the team" you admitted and slowly looked at Leah, scared of her reaction.
You were very surprised to see a smiling Leah.
"Why are you smiling?" you asked and she laughed "I told my team too!" she revealed as she laughed "god we're both stupid"
"How'd the team react?" you ask and she took a sip of wine "gave me shit but then told me they already knew, apparently I left my snap maps on and Jen found me being here a few many times"
"How'd Chelsea react?"
"Told me it was about time I had something interesting in my life" you laughed before you turned to Leah.
"at least we don't have to be so secret anymore"
"next the media?" she guessed
"oh tik toks already blown up" you laughed.
That's how you both spent your night, cuddling on the couch and laughing at tik toks that were made of the game and your interactions.
"they're good" Leah realized
"they don't miss a thing"
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pitchsidestories · 1 month
breathe II Leila Ouahabi x Reader
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a/n: Hi, the oneshot is inspired by this fluffy request here, as always feedback is very appreciated. :)
masterlist I word count: 2118
In the evening you sat in front of your laptop, while the typing of your keyboard was the only sound which filled the apartment.
The tension of your body was something your girlfriend noticed immediately when she stepped into your office, you turned around to look into her concerned brown eyes:“Leila, let me just finish writing this page-.”
“You’ve been writing day and night.”, the Mancity player interrupted you frustrated, folding her arms in front of her chest.  
“Yes, because the deadline is coming closer.”, you tried to defend yourself.
“You need a break.”, Leila shook her head in a determined manner.
“I don’t have time for a break.”, you said.
The Spanish woman snorted annoyed: “Fine. Okay. I’ll ask the other girls.”
“The other girls?”, you asked her.
“The city players.”, the defender explained exasperated.
“Okay.”, you nodded before you kept on writing much to your girlfriend’s frustration.
Already at the door, Leila paused for a second to turn her head around to mumble:” See you later.”
There was a longing in her voice, which you ignored because of the stress surrounding the deadline for the first draft of the book you’ve been working on an entire year. Everyone seemed to anticipate it, the editor, the publisher, even your girlfriend.
Fondly Leila remembered the start of your novel project, which begun on one of your holidays together. The trips like the one you had usually involved good food, beautiful trips to the beach and deep talks around midnight.
Back when you were so excited to write the sapphic love story which was inspired by your own. The first who fell in love with your idea was your girlfriend who couldn’t wait to read it.
Meanwhile Leila flinched when she heard Ellie talking to her, in her mind she was still thinking of those lighter summer days with you.
“Leila, where did you leave your girl?”
“She’s too busy for us.”, the older woman attempted to shrug it off although her teammates could see right through her cool façade.
“She’s still busy trying to finish her book in time?”, Alanna asked her as she and the other players sat down at the table in one of their favourite restaurants.
With a sad expression on her face Leila proclaimed:” She never has time for anything anymore.”
“You know what helps in such situations?”, the Australian questioned in a warm tone.
“What?”, the dark-haired woman retorted with a hint of curiosity.
“Taking a mental health day.”, Alanna suggested winking conspiratory.
“She refuses to take a break.”, Leila grumbled.
Empathetically Laia touched her bare arm:” You could try it, Leila.”
“I did try it.”, the older Spanish defender remarked, she wasn’t able to hide the disappointment she felt in front of her friends.
“You need to try it again.”, Ellie said encouragingly before the women turned their conversation to something much more light-hearted and soon their table was filled with joy and laughter.
The sadness and frustration Leila had expressed was still in the back of her mind, but she was able to enjoy the liveliness of the evening nonetheless.
You were already fast asleep when Leila returned. But when your alarm rang the next morning, her side of the bed was empty again. You blinked a few times, looking at the rumpled up sheets next you.
“Morning.“, Leilas voice said from somewhere.
Yawning, you let your gaze wander across the room to find your girlfriend leaning in the doorframe and watching you.
“Morning.“, you whispered, your voice was still hoarse. “I smell coffee and breakfast.“
A soft smile appeared on Leilas lips: “Yes, it’s time to get up.“
You sat up sleepily, stretching your arms over your head in an attempt to get ready for the day. “Right. Do you have training today?“
“No. It’s a free day today.“, your girlfriend replied.
“That’s great. Any plans for that?“
Leila walked over to the bed and sat down next to you: “Yes, with you actually.“
“With me?“, you echoed, frowning at your girlfriend.
Leila nodded determinedly, leaving no room for objection: “Yes.“
You could feel a smile tug at the corners of your mouth: “This reminds me…“
“Of the way I asked you for our first date way back when?“, Leila finished the thought for you.
“Yes.“, you grinned.
“But this is not our first date, this your mental health day.“
Your sleepy brain did not seem to comprehend what your girlfriend had just suggested: “Uhm, my what?“
Leila laughed: “You heard me.“
You tilted your head, intrigued by the idea even though you could come up with a million reasons why you should say no: “What contains a mental health day, Dr. Ouahabi?“
Your girlfriend sat up a bit straighter, holding up one finger: “First, we’re starting with a long, extensive breakfast.“
You knew you should have declined and went back to your laptop but instead you asked: “In bed?“
“Yes, just wait here.“ Leila got up and disappeared for a while.
“Oh, that’s perfect.“
The sinking feeling of guilt in your stomach seemed a little smaller as you tried to convince yourself that you did deserve to take a break.
“There’s your breakfast.“ Leila reappeared in the bedroom with a tray in her hands.
She sat it down in front of you and crawled into bed.
You marvelled at the stacks of pancakes, croissants and bowls with yoghurt and granola. There were slices of fruit, delicious smelling coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice as well.
You happily took a bite of one croissant and sighed: “Thank you. It tastes really good.“
“You’re very welcome.“, Leila smiled as you pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Feels like we haven’t done that in forever. Which I guess is my fault…“
Leila only shook her head: “Don’t think about it. We’re doing it now.“
“Right.“, you nodded. Obviously Leila was right, your brain was just lying to you.
“Look, I didn’t even burn the pancakes this time.”, your girlfriend pointed out proudly.
“Well done, love.”, you couldn’t help but to laugh a little about her remark.
“Only for you.”, she replied with a sheepish grin on her lips.
After a bite of the pancakes, which only tasted slightly burned, you told her:” I appreciate it. Do we go to our favourite restaurant later?”
You were aware that a question like this wouldn’t have crossed your mind yesterday as you have been too busy with your work. But in the moment, you felt a thrill going through your body at the thought of eating the delicious food they were serving there.
 “Yes.”, Leila confirmed who was just as excited as you.
“Sounds perfect.”, you admitted quietly.
Sounding more serious, the defender added:” I’m glad you’re excited for that.”
“It’s nice to have some distance from my laptop screen and the prospect of having a great dinner.”, you begun.
“I knew it would work.”, she interrupted you with a triumphantly smile illuminating her face.
“Because it involves food?”, you asked her giggling.
“No, because you needed a break.”, Leila answered earnestly.
“Yes, I did.”, you were surprised at how easy this truth went over your lips now. With a wink you continued:” Do you want to take a bath together.”
“Yes, and then we’ll get dressed and go for a walk.”, the Spanish woman nodded delighted.
“That sounds like a good plan.”, you hummed.
“Can you run the bath while I bring our dishes to the kitchen.”, Leila directed the question at you as she was getting up from the bed.
“Bath is ready!”, you announced only a couple of minutes later.
“Coming!”, Leila shouted back, the giddiness in her voice was undeniable.
“Good.”, you replied satisfied with her answer.
Normally you both used the shower, but at the beginning when you first moved into this apartment, you used the bath to relax together as you were doing now. Clearly enjoying this Leila closed her eyes, her long arms hugging you from behind:” This is perfect.”
“Yes, it’s.”, you declared.
After a moment of comfortable silence between you two you went on: ”You girls had a tough season too, so this is important for you aswell.”
“Yes, but this is your time to relax.”, she said, kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear, which send you shivers down your spine.
“I’m trying. Really.”, you tried to reassure her, turning around to give her a soft kiss on her lips.
“Good. I want it to be worth it.”, she mumbled against your mouth, before kissing you again, sealing her promise.
You both took your time in the bathroom and drying off. You kept getting distracted by each other until you ended up lazing in bed next to each other, still undressed. When you finally get ready for your walk, you were even blessed by the rare afternoon sun illuminating Manchester.
Holding Leilas hand, you enjoyed the warmth of the sunlight on your face as you walked. But the sight of a beautiful lilac bouquet let you stop in your tracks.
“Leila, don’t you think those flowers would be pretty on our dinner table?“
Your girlfriend stopped, inspecting the flowers: “Yes, you’re right.“
Without another word, you walked into the flower shop to return only a few moments later with the flowers in hand.
You could feel Leilas gaze on you, studying you.
“Oh, nothing.“, she shrugged, taking your free hand back into hers to continue the walk. A satisfied smile still on her lips.
Your walk ended right at the restaurant. In the dimmed light, you were both studying the menu extensively.
You looked up at your girlfriend who wrinkled her nose in concentration: “Do you know what you want to eat?“
“Of course. What about you?“, Leila laughed, knowing full well that you were horribly indecisive when it came to food.
“I do.“, you replied, a bit proud.
“Let’s order then.“ She waved over the waiter and ordered your food and a bottle of Spanish wine.
You were relieved that the food arrived rather quickly.
“Want to share?“, you asked, eyeing your girlfriends fish.
“Sure.“ She shoved her plate towards you, so you could steal a piece.
“It looks so good.“, Leila commented as she dug her fork into your pasta.
“Try it.“, you requested.
“It’s delicious.“
“Oh yes.“, you grinned at her with a knowing look.
You spend the evening talking over the bottle of wine and even ordered dessert to share. In your opinion, it was the absolute perfect day and as soon as you got home and into bed, you let your girlfriend know.
“Thanks for the mental health day, Leila.“
You knew that these words did not even remotely express the gratitude you felt but you hoped that she still understood.
Leila wrapped an arm around your waist and smiled: “What do you mean? We’re not done yet.“
“We’re not?“, you repeated, only slightly surprised.
“Absolutely not.“
“What else do you have planned?“
She buried her face in the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses on your skin and giggled: “The most important part of the day.“
“Uh, I think I like this best.“, you laughed.
As Leilas finger pushed under your shirt, she smirked: “I hoped you would say that.“
The next morning you were still smiling while you were thinking about the last night with your girlfriend. With a freshly brewed coffee in your hand, you made your way to the office, where you noticed a small note in Leilas handwriting on the laptop which said: don’t forget to breathe deeply and exhale softly.  
Reading this warmed your heart, you decided to spontaneously call the defender, hoping she was able to take it:” Hi love, I just found the message you left for me.”
“Hope you’re taking it to heart.”, Leila replied.
“I’ll. What do you think about a coffee date after your done with your training?”, you asked her in a hopeful tone.
“Aren’t you busy?”, she returned the question, while her voice couldn’t hide her surprise.
“Yeah, but I could need a break from writing in between.”
“I’ll meet you at the café.”, the football player told you, clearly happy about your suggestion to take breaks from your work.
In the afternoon, you stepped into the cafe, it greeted you with the smell of freshly baked goods and coffee beans while it just started to rain again. But the bad weather didn’t matter because the sunshine in human form crossed the distance between you two to hug you:” Hi, beautiful. The two cappuccinos are already at our table.”
You breathed out the stress and inhaled the beauty of the moment. Deep down you knew that you were going to be alright.
all pictures are from pinterest.
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futfemfantasies · 5 months
The one \\ alanna kennedy x reader
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Nothing but pure Alanna fluff with the mention of an injury (no details)
Picking up an ankle injury in your last game was a blessing and a curse. A blessing as the physios, doctors and Jonas allowed you to stay in Manchester for your recovery period with the occasional drop in to the training facility. It also meant you get to spend 5 weeks with your fellow Australian teammate and love of your life, Alanna. As soon as you said the Arsenal team allowed you to stay in Manchester, the blonde was out the door and driving 3 hours to pick you up.
Hobbling around your room to put clothes in a duffle bag took longer than expected. You feel strong arms circle around your waist and soft kisses on peppering your neck. After recovering from you mini heart attack, you turn and hug Alanna tightly. 6 weeks apart is too long. You look up at Alanna's lips and waste no time smashing your lips on her as her hands grip your waist.
"As much as I love doing that my love, let's get you packed so we can go home"
With your contract is expiring at the end of the season, you've had several teams from various leagues reach out. One club stood out over all the Barcelona's and Gotham FC's. Manchester City. It's a no brainer and since mentioning it to Alanna, she;s been calling Manchester home and London a holiday. A decision has to be made by the end of the month and as you look into Alanna's eyes, you know your decision.
"Go sit your cute butt on the bed while I pack the rest of your bag"
You hobble over to the bed and rest against the headboard as Alanna put pillow under your moon boot. Seeing Alanna dance around your room sparks something in you.
"Hmm?" Alanna turns to see you pat the small space on the bed next to you. She sits down and you hold her hands.
"I've made up my mind. I'm moving to Manchester baby"
"You're kidding? Baby that's amazing news" Alanna hugs you tightly and kisses all over your face, making you giggle with happiness.
"Let's get you packed so we can go to our home together"
After a few more outfits get packed, Alanna helps you down the stairs and into her car. Zooming down the street, Alanna's hand holds yours and you sigh in content of how perfect this is going to be. Alanna pulls up to the apartment complex carpark and she quickly gets your bags out, before helping you out of the car. She holds your hand through the short elevator ride and then you both arrive at the familiar apartment door.
"Home sweet home baby girl"
3 weeks in to your recovery and you have just finished your stretches and mobility exercises so you decide to watch a romance movie to pass the time until Alanna comes home. Halfway through, Alanna comes home and flops on top of you (mindful of the ankle). She leans up and pucks her lips, silently asking for a kiss. You bend slightly and give her multiple before Alanna cups your cheeks with her big hands and stares at you ever so softly and lovingly.
"You're the one. You're the one I want everything with, good, bad and everything in between"
Your eyes are brimming with tears as you take in what Alanna had just said.
"You're it for me Lani. You're stuck with me for good"
"There's no one else I'd rather be stuck with my girl"
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lumibuns-blog · 8 months
I honestly find it kinda funny when people portray Leon as like this big dom, punishing kinda guy when like the only vibes I get from this man are, ultra whiny, pussy whipped virgin.
especially re2 leon, that man was fifty shades of flabbergasted when Ada just KISSED him, imaging what that guy would act like if you insinuated you wanted to fuck like the blush omlllll
And even in re4 half of his reactions to both Ada and Ashley are just "ok😀" dude would be positively flustered.
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I will preach my "Leon is a whiny inexperienced bottom" beliefs until I die💪
Made a fic for virgin Leon 🤭
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saphirdevil · 10 months
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going to play as helena in re6 now
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