#kenzie kay
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ghostlyfleur · 3 months
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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n0tknowun · 3 months
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spdk1 · 2 years
REVIEW: National Wrestling Alliance - Alwayz Ready (2022)
REVIEW: National Wrestling Alliance – Alwayz Ready (2022)
A Pay-Per-View by NWA I’ll admit that after burning myself out on watching like ten different federations over WrestleMania Weekend (just not WWE lol), I’ve somewhat fallen behind on NWA a bit. Thankfully, I have NWA All Access and can jump in and watch these big shows whenever I want, just a bit later than when it aired. The dark specter hanging over this show was that the NWA World’s…
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jj-nhlgirly · 6 months
Summer of Love One shot:- Always by your side
Jack Hughes X F!OC
An:- Heyyy it’s been a hot minute since I uploaded huh. 🤔 Well here’s a lil something as I get back into the swing of things. Inbox still open for one shots. As always people on the phone will be in bold!!
TW:- Mentions of being high, Injuries but nothing graphic, I don’t believe there’s any swearing in this one which is surprising for me Ik 🤣
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(Not my Gif, Credits to who made it)
It was the morning of the first devils game of the season and Mackenzie was buzzing with excitement, she always loved watching Jack play, he always came alive on the ice, it brought out a fire in him that Mackenzie rarely saw outside the rink. She swayed her hips happily in a beat as she walked into the kitchen, “Good morning gorgeous” she greeted Kaylee leaning down to kiss her cheek. “Well good morning my pocket full of sunshine, what made you so happy this morning?” Kaylee smiled up at her. “It’s the devils first game of the season!” Mackenzie smiled as she opened the refrigerator, grabbing a yoghurt pot.
“Oh yeah! Did Jack leave you a ticket? I’m gonna buy one when we get there” Kaylee asked as she ate at the island. “mhm he texted them through last night, he’s already got you a ticket though” Mackenzie laughed, “Again?! I told him I could buy my own, lemme venmo him the money” Kaylee pulled out her phone, “he’s just gonna venmo it back Kay, you know how he is” Mackenzie sighed before laughing. “Damn boy is too kind for his own good, now where are we sitting? I need to know how much to send” Kaylee looked up expectantly at Mackenzie.
The blonde waved her spoon, “Next to the devils bench” she laughed looking at her best friend's expression. “But they’re like $300 each!” Kaylee exclaimed as she pulled up Jack's contact, “what are you doing now?” Mackenzie laughed, “I’m giving him a piece of my mind” Kaylee huffed, “good luck, he’s at morning skate right now” Mackenzie informed the brunette before eating her yoghurt. Kaylee shrugged and tried to call anyway, as Mackenzie predicted it went straight to voicemail.
“Jackson Rowden Hughes you better call me as soon as you get this, you’re in big trouble Mister!” Kaylee shouted through the phone before hanging up, “you do realise that’s not his name” Mackenzie laughed, “oh I know but shouting Jack just doesn’t have the same effect.” Kaylee laughed before heading to the bathroom, “want me to join you hot stuff?” Mackenzie wiggled her eyebrows.
“I’d love for you to join me but i doubt your boyfriend would appreciate that” Kaylee laughed before closing the door, “what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him but you could've let me watch” Mackenzie shouted back teasingly before hearing Kaylee cackle, “maybe next time sweet cheeks”
Mackenzie shook her head as she threw her empty pot away before heading for her room, she looked through her dresser picking out an outfit for tonight. “Kay?” she shouted, “yeah?” Kaylee shouted back slightly muffled. “What are you wearing tonight?” Kenzie asked as she walked into Kaylee’s room. “Oooo I don’t know yet, probably black jeans and a jersey?” Kenzie heard the muffled reply. Mackenzie put some music on as she went through options.
It had been about 45 minutes since Kenzie had started planning outfits, she’d moved into the living room to attend a lecture as Kaylee was in her room attending the same lecture and editing an assignment.
Kaylee’s phone rang from the kitchen, Mackenzie got up from her spot in the hanging chair to check who was calling, when she saw it was Jack calling, she walked into Kaylee’s room passing her the phone. “It’s Jack.” Mackenzie whispered before leaving, “woah woah woah, you can stay missy, you’ll wanna be here” Kaylee laughed as she accepted the call, putting it on speaker.
“Hey Kaylee” Jack spoke first, “JACK ROWDEN HUGHES” Kaylee screeched as Mackenzie winced. Jack sighed, “yes Kaylee, whatever your middle name is Johnson?” “it’s Blair for future reference” Mackenzie spoke up. Kaylee turned to glare at her, “whose side are you on here?” she asked, quirking her eyebrow. “I’m in no man’s land babe” Mackenzie defended as she lifted Kaylee’s drink to her lips, “just that if you know his full name, shouldn’t he know yours?” she added before drinking.
Kaylee huffed, “fine, anyways. why are you buying me tickets Jacky boy, you tryna sugar daddy me?” Mackenzie spat her drink out as Jack laughed, “you know what Kaylee, I’ve known you for 2 years now and yet you still surprise me with the things you say” Jack shot back, “what can i say, I’m gifted” Kaylee flipped her hair, “but seriously Jack, how much do I owe you for the ticket?” Kaylee asked, “Just call it an early birthday present” he answered. “… my birthdays in June, it’s October” Kaylee deadpanned, “ok, early christmas present then” Jack laughed before hanging up.
“Your boyfriend is impossible” Kaylee huffed, “you’re both impossible, he just wants you to like him” Mackenzie laughed. “I already do! I love that boy to death, he’s my brother from another mother, my homie” Kaylee made a peace sign. “all peace and love over here” Mackenzie sighed, “why am i friends with you?” “JUST FRIENDS HAVE I BEEN DEMOTED?! this is the worst day of my life” Kaylee flopped dramatically on her bed. “Babes you know I love you but you are so dramatic” Mackenzie spoke before leaving to continue her lecture. “I love you more sugar tits!” Kaylee shouted down the hall.
It was dark as Mackenzie finished her work, she sighed putting her arms up and stretching her back before checking the time, Kaylee had gone out to grab them some food before the game and still wasn’t back, Mackenzie packed her things away before heading for the shower. “Kenny-bear?” Kaylee called as she closed the front door, “in the shower” Mackenzie replied as she washed her hair. “I got you nuggets, there wasn’t really anything else that looked good today” Kaylee called as she walked down the hallway, “Okay thank you, i’ll be out soon” Mackenzie finished up before leaving to sit in the living room, eating nuggets in a towel.
The girls chatted idly as they ate before going to their respective rooms to change, “are you ready to watch our boys win?” Kaylee asked. “hell yeah, let’s go. Are the boys meeting us there?” Kenzie asked as they took a quick mirror picture before walking out the door, “yeah Cody and Chase are, Jaden, Preston and Hunter are gonna meet us after detention.” Kaylee read the message. “Okay, sounds good, is Cody bringing the white claws?” Kenzie asked as they pressed for the elevator. “Yeah, he asked what we’re planning on doing afterwards” Kaylee asked as she walked in and pressed the ground level. “I’m not sure. Depends if Jack and the boys are up for anything afterwards. I’m not sure if they have anything going on early tomorrow” Mackenzie texted the group chat the same message.
The girls stood outside of their apartment building, waiting for confirmation that the boys had left so they could begin walking. A gust of wind swept across the pair as they chatted, predicting goals and who would score them, “fuck me it’s cold” Kaylee mumbled before jumping up and down trying to get warm, Mackenzie shrugged off her jacket and draped it across Kaylee’s shoulders, “Babe I think I’m a little to big for your jacket” Kaylee pouted, “It’s not my jacket, It’s Jacks” Mackenzie laughed.
“Of course it is” Kaylee sighed as she shrugged the jacket on, Mackenzie wrapped her scarf around her for warmth, she was already shivering but she hid it as best as she could, knowing Kaylee would throw a fit. Soon a car pulled into view along the main road, and Ellen was behind the wheel.
She drove past the girls before doing a double take and turning left, Mackenzie furrowed her eyebrows. “Why’s she turning left? The rink isn’t down that road” Mackenzie mumbled to herself, Ellen appeared in view again shortly after, slowly pulling up to the girls and rolling down the window, “Hey Sweeties, what are you doing out there? You’ll catch a cold, come on, in” Ellen nodded her head to the car, as Mackenzie and Kaylee walked towards it, Kaylee hopped into the back as Mackenzie rounded to the front. “Thank you so much Mrs Hughes” Kaylee thanked as she relaxed in the seat.
“Kaylee, honey I’ve told you before you can call me Ellen” Ellen laughed, as she began driving again. “Hey Mama Hen, I missed you” Mackenzie smiled at the older woman, “Hey Kenz, I’ve missed you too, how have you been? It’s been a while huh?” Ellen asked. “I’ve been good, how are you and Jim?” Mackenzie asked as she turned to look at Ellen, “I’ve been good, very busy though. We visited Quinn in Vancouver as I’m sure you know. I haven’t had much time to come and see Jack as much as I’ve wanted to” Ellen sighed as they approached a red light. “He understands, I can imagine it isn’t easy trying to split your time evenly. At least Jack and Luke will be in the same place soon, so it’ll make it a little easier splitting it two ways instead of three” Mackenzie reassured. “Plus with training and this one, Jack is always looked after! and I’m sure Luke will be too!” Kaylee laughed. “You make it sound like I’m overbearing” Mackenzie laughed looking at Ellen who lifted an eyebrow, “I promise I’m not!” Mackenzie defended as Ellen laughed “Oh I know you aren’t sweetie” Ellen reassured.
A short while later they were pulling up to the arena’s parking lot barriers for players and pass holders, Ellen rolled down the window as a security guard approached them, “Hi Ladies, Can I see your passes?” he asked.
“Kaylee, can you pass me my bag please?” Ellen asked the brunette, “of course Mrs Hughes… I mean Ellen” Kaylee passed the black bag through the gap between the two front seats. Mackenzie pulled her pass out of her pocket, “here Ellen” she gave her pass to Ellen who flashed them both at the security guard, he scanned them before his machine flashed red.
“Okay, this one is working fine” he passed back Ellen’s pass, “however this one isn’t flagging on my system, it appears it’s been taken off the players account” he handed Mackenzie’s pass back to Ellen, “I can’t let these two in without a working pass, I’m really sorry.” he apologised. Ellen went to protest, however Mackenzie shook her head, “It’s ok Ellen, we’ll walk around the front” Mackenzie reassured. “Mackenzie, you’ll get recognised… both of you will” Ellen worried, “I’ll keep her safe, we’ll meet you inside.” Kaylee reassured her as they climbed out.
“You call me if anything happens, both of you” Ellen warned, “Scouts honour” Kaylee saluted. “I’ll call Jim and let him know as well, in case you can’t get hold of me. He’s already inside” Ellen informed before moving off to park in the multi-storey.
The girls walked around the front, being greeted with a long line of awaiting fans and ticket holders, “Great” Kaylee sighed as they joined the back, “MACKENZIE, KAYLEE” a familiar voice shouted, gaining the attention of some people around, “trust Cody to make it obvious” Kaylee sighed as they walked over to them. Cody passed the girls a white claw each. “I thought we were meeting you inside?” Chase frowned. “You were but Mackenzie’s pass isn’t working so we can’t get in” Kaylee explained.
“Ohhh, well drink up, it’s gonna be a long wait” Chase said as he stared ahead. Kenzie sighed, pulling her phone out calling Jack, she doubted he’d answer but thought she’d try anyways. “Hi it’s Jack, sorry i can’t come to the phone right now, leave a message and i’ll get back to you” Jack's voicemail spoke out, Mackenzie sighed before hanging up. “Drink up Kenny-bear” Cody lifted his can to cheer hers, they linked arms and chugged their cans. An hour into their wait Mackenzie was convinced her lips were turning blue, she was still wrapped in her scarf without her jacket, she felt a tap on her shoulder from behind and turned to see two girls who were no older than 17. “Erm Hi I’m sorry to bother you but I was wondering if we could get a picture?” the red head asked shyly.
“Of course” Mackenzie reached her hand out for her phone assuming they wanted one of the two together. “Oh I meant one with you?” the shy girl smiled, “oh sorry, of course you can” Mackenzie smiled tapping Kaylee. “Can you take a picture for us?” Mackenzie asked her best friend. “Course babe” Kaylee smiled, holding the young girl's phone. After taking a few pictures together, the two girls thanked her. “So is it your first game?” Mackenzie asked, smiling kindly, “for me it is, she’s been to one before” the red head pointed to her friend. “Oh I'm so sorry! I forgot to ask for your names” Mackenzie apologised. “It’s ok, I’m Megan and this is Rachel” the red head responded.
“Well it’s lovely to meet you girls, What do you think the score will be?” Mackenzie asked, keeping the conversation going. “Hmm I think 4-0, Jacks definitely gonna score” Megan responded, “I think maybe 2-3” Rachel thought aloud. “Would you mind if I posted the picture on my story?” Rachel asked, “Of course!! You’re the first people to ask for a picture of just me” Mackenzie laughed.
The girls laughed, “normally I’m taking the pictures, people have recognised me before but never asked for pictures or anything” Mackenzie added. “Does it ever bother you? People always wanting pictures of Jack? Sorry if that’s too personal” Megan asked the blonde. “It’s a little personal but I don’t mind answering. At first it did bother me, every time we went anywhere he’d be constantly asked for pictures and I’d just stand there.
“Jack would always be constantly apologetic for it but he didn’t need to, it wasn’t his fault. Now I’m used to it, although when they ask for pictures as we’re getting out of the car or at dinner it is a little frustrating, there’s a time and a place for pictures you know?” Mackenzie replied, “yeah, I don’t know about you but the last thing I’d want is a camera shoved in my face when I’m eating my dinner” Megan laughed. “Absolutely.” Rachel added.
“Oh it seems we’re next, well again it was so lovely to meet you girls. Enjoy the game” Mackenzie hugged them both before turning to her friends. “Look at you, my little superstar!” Chase teased, smiling. “Oh please, It was one picture” Mackenzie giggled as they walked up to security checks. After getting through they walked up to scan their tickets, flashing green they started heading to their seats, grabbing some popcorn as they went. “I’m just gonna call Ellen to let her know we’re through.” Mackenzie informed the group as she stood to the side, she dialled Ellen’s number but it went to voicemail, so she called Jim’s number instead.
“Hello?” Jim’s faint voice could be heard amongst the loud background noise. “Hey Jim, It’s Kenzie” Mackenzie spoke sweetly, “Hi Sweetheart, is everything ok?” Jim asked as the background noise began fading. “Yeah, just letting you know that we got through okay” Mackenzie said, “Alright, I’ll let Ellen know.” Jim spoke softly.
“Oh Jim? I won’t be able to wait by the changing rooms after the game, my pass isn’t working. Could you let Jack know I’ll meet him out back by the parking lot door?” Mackenzie asked the oldest Hughes. “I’ll let him know” Jim assured. “Enjoy the game” Mackenzie smiled. “You too, bye!” Jim hung up, Mackenzie slid her phone into her back pocket before walking back over to her friends.
“Ready?” Cody asked, the girls nodded as they walked into the rink. Once settled in their seats they began chatting amongst themselves, however Mackenzie sat nervously chewing the skin around her thumb, tapping her foot on the concrete below her.
“You okay?” Kaylee whispered, leaning across to Mackenzie. Mackenzie was zoned out staring straight ahead. “Kenz?” Kaylee elbowed her gently, “mhm?” Mackenzie hummed. “Are you okay?” Kaylee questioned again, “Yeah, I’m good.” Mackenzie reassured. Kaylee furrowed her eyebrows but carried on chatting.
The game was soon in full swing, the Devils were up 3-2 by the middle of the third period, Nico had scored twice and Jack had scored with an assist. The middle Hughes boy had the puck and was making his way towards the Islanders goal, but the next few seconds seemed to move in slow motion, Jack had shot the puck into the goal moments before he was taken to the ice by a defenseman.
The defenseman got up fairly quickly, however Jack was still down. Mackenzie shot out of her seat, shouting cusses at the defender before mumbling under her breath “Jack, please be ok. Get up baby, get up.” Jack slowly got up to his hands and knees before slipping down again. Mackenzie watched, feeling helpless as the medical team arrived by his side. Nico looked up searching the stands searching for someone, as soon as his eyes locked with Mackenzie’s he began skating towards her.
“He’s gonna be ok, they’re taking him to the medical room, if you want to go and see him” Nico shouted over the crowd, as Mackenzie started moving towards the locker rooms. She glanced back at the love of her life laying on a stretcher, and whilst deep in her brain she knew it was protocol for players to be taken off that way after taking more powerful hits, she’d seemed to have lost all logical thinking.
Mackenzie wasn’t sure how but she’d somehow made it to the tunnels, as she was about to walk down them a security guard gently grabbed her wrist to gain her attention.
“Do you have a pass?” the guard asked. “Erm y-yeah” Mackenzie dug through her pocket to pull it out but just as earlier it didn’t work. “I’m sorry you can’t come through.” the guard arrogantly said. “b-but you don’t understand! m-my boyfriend Jack is in there hurt, they’ve just taken him down” Mackenzie stuttered.
“Hughes?” the guard questioned, Mackenzie simply nodded, expecting him to let her through now that he had that information however he just laughed at her. “Oh if I had a dollar every time one of you crazy fangirls used that excuse, I’d be a billionaire.” He cackled.
Mackenzie sighed before walking away to call Ellen. “Mackenzie?” Ellen’s reassuring voice spoke, “E-ellen, they won’t let me in” Mackenzie mumbled on the verge of tears. “What was that honey? Where are you?” Ellen spoke calmly, looking over at Jim. “By the tunnels, but they won’t let me in. I need to see Jack, I need to see him” Mackenzie spoke louder, a tear sliding down her face. “Okay Honey, Jim and I are on our way, just stay there. Everything’s gonna be fine” Ellen’s motherly instincts kicked in as she stayed on the line with her until she saw the tunnels. Mackenzie stood off just to the side pacing back and forth, biting her nails.
Ellen rushed over giving the smaller girl a hug, whispering reassurances in her ear, before gently guiding her to the tunnel entrance again. The same security guard approached them, smiling at Ellen but frowning when he saw Mackenzie again. “She can’t come through” He pointed at the smaller blonde, “She, is my son’s girlfriend and I doubt Jack would appreciate you talking to her like that” Ellen responded, “so I suggest you move and allow her through” Ellen stood expectantly.
The security guard nodded defeated, as the girls made their way through the corridors, Jim following behind. Ellen guided Mackenzie gently into the medical room, where a sweaty Jack layed. “Jack!” Mackenzie exclaimed before running over to him, “are you okay baby? What hurts? Just you wait till I see the jerk that knocked you over!” Mackenzie rushed out, grabbing one of his hands in one of hers, she began brushing the hair off his sweaty forehead with the other. Jack layed there, barely able to keep his eyes open but lifted his lip in a slight smile. “Hey baby” He whispered.
“Hey bubs, how are you feeling?” Mackenzie asked as she leaned over to give him a kiss, “like I just got floored” Jack hummed in thought. “Are you in pain? I can go find a medical staff to give you something?” Mackenzie suggested. “They’ve already given me something” Jack mumbled just as the team's doctor walked in. He approached the table with a smile, “Hello Jack, how are you feeling?” he asked as he began looking through cabinets seemingly for equipment.
“Erm dizzy, my shoulder hurts, and my eyes feel heavy” Jack spoke, sounding unsure of himself. “Okay, let’s have a look shall we? If you could follow the light for me” the doctor explained as he began his examinations. After a while he concluded that Jack needed to go to the hospital to get some scans done as he suspected a concussion and a broken collarbone. Mackenzie stepped away as they began getting Jack ready to be moved, Ellen came over and grabbed her hand.
“Jim is going to take Kaylee back to your place and I’m going to take Jack's car to meet you at the hospital, ok honey” Ellen squeezed her hand, “are you sure? I can drive Jack's car if you want to ride with him” Mackenzie assured. Before Ellen could reply Jack's disorientated voice called out as they wheeled him to the ambulance, “Kenzie?”
“I think that answers that question” Ellen smiled knowingly, “I’ll call you if anything happens on the way there” Mackenzie promised before trailing behind Jack. “Mack?” Jack called again trying to move, “I’m here, I’m here” Mackenzie reassured before climbing in beside him taking a seat out of the way. Jack reached out his good arm prompting her to hold it. “It’s gonna be okay bubs, I promise” Mackenzie stroked his knuckles soothingly.
Luckily the hospital was only a short journey away, Mackenzie shot a quick text to Ellen letting her know that they’d arrived and she’d wait in the waiting room for her as she wasn’t allowed out back due to not being immediate family, even though she was registered as one of Jack's emergency contacts. “Today’s really not my day” she mumbled to herself as she sat down fiddling with the necklace Jack gave her for their 2 year anniversary and felt two tears slide down her cheeks before the floodgates opened. Ellen spotted the anxious blonde immediately, she walked over and sat down slowly into the seat beside her, grabbing one of her hands as she did so.
“Jack is going to be absolutely fine” Ellen comforted her, “I know but I just hate seeing him in pain and not being able to do anything” Mackenzie sighed, “He’s worked so hard over the summer to prepare for the season ahead and now he’s out in their first game?”
“You know Jack, he’ll bounce back in no time.” Ellen squeezed her hand, “and I have no doubt he’s gonna be well looked after.” she added gently, teasing to lighten the mood, Ellen lifted her arm inviting Mackenzie to a hug as they waited.
An hour later, a doctor in dark blue scrubs stepped into the waiting room, “Family of Jack Hughes?” he asked as he scanned the waiting patients and family members.
Ellen stood up first, Mackenzie following shortly after as they approached the young man. “Hi I’m Ellen, Jack’s mom” Ellen shook his hand as she introduced herself. “I’m Mackenzie, Jack’s girlfriend” Mackenzie introduced herself. “Nice to meet you both, I’m Doctor May I’ve been the doctor in charge of Mr Hughes’ care, if you’d like to follow me” Doctor May gestured forward as he walked.
The doctor led them into a side room, “please take a seat” he gestured as he sat himself. “Is everything okay?” Mackenzie asked anxiously. “Well, Mr Hughes is currently down in X-ray, as we suspect he’s broken his collarbone. We have already performed a CT scan which shows no internal damage to his head, however we’ve confirmed a mild concussion. We’re awaiting the results of the x-ray to see if he’s going to need surgery.” Doctor May concluded.
“S-surgery?” Mackenzie’s eyes widened, “yes, naturally that is always the last resort however with Mr Hughes’ field of work we need to ensure his collarbone is stable enough to withstand forceful pressure in the future.” The doctor explained, however it didn’t make Mackenzie any less anxious, “Can I see him when he’s back?” she asked nervously. “Of course, I will update you once the results are back” Doctor May assured before standing up to show them to Jack’s empty room.
“Mr Hughes should be back soon, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask” the doctor smiled comfortably heading to the door, “Erm before you go, may I ask what medication Jack has been given?” Mackenzie spoke softly to the doctor, “He’s been given codeine and morphine” he replied as he scanned his notes.
“May you make a note to not give him any more codiene? It makes him extremely nauseous” Mackenzie requested. “Of course, I shall ask a nurse to fetch a sick bowl as well just in case, I’m not sure why that wasn't on his records” the doctor wrote down the request. “Thank you.” Mackenzie smiled as she sat in the chair closest to where the missing bed was. Ellen placed a comforting hand on the younger girl's shoulder, “you’re both as bad as each other” she stated. Mackenzie furrowed her eyebrows, “I’m sorry?” she questioned, looking up at the older woman. “You and Jack, remember when you broke your wrist when Jack was away on a roadie?” Ellen asked as she stroked Mackenzie’s hair.
Mackenzie faintly nodded, “well he asked Jim and I to fly out to come and look after you, he must have called us at least 20 times each in an hour to keep updating him” Ellen smiled at the memory, “reminds me of Jim and I in a way.”
“How so?” Mackenzie questioned, Ellen laughed to herself, “when Jim and I first started seeing each other, he’d invite me to his games. At first I thought he was a really good player until he kept trying to impress me by making some questionable plays, anyways one day he’d made arguably his most stupidest play to date and I remember so vividly sitting there, panicking, anxiously awaiting him to stand up, to brush off the ice and wink at me like he usually did. It was his way of reassuring me he was fine but this time he didn’t. Anyways he broke his leg and I made him vow to stop trying to impress me, I joked that I’d need a hospital bed next to his next time, my heart was beating so fast” Ellen laughed.
Before Mackenzie could reply a nurse entered the room, moving to open both doors as a bed was wheeled in, Jack pumping his good arm up and down in the air, babbling nonsense to one of the nurses. “My wife is so beautiful , an angel.” Jack tells him.
Ellen and Mackenzie exchange a look with wide eyes, “wife huh?” Ellen teased, “something you two aren’t telling me?” she added smirking at Mackenzie’s shocked, flushed face. “There she is! Isn’t she beautiful?” Jack shouted as he locked eyes with hers. “I assume you're his wife?” the nurse asked, Mackenzie smiled nodding, “apparently we got married” she mumbled more to herself.
The nurse smiled, before asking Ellen to follow him outside to update her on Jack’s condition. “Hey husband” Mackenzie teased as she leaned down to give him a kiss, “Hey baby, I missed you” Jack gave her a dopey grin. “I missed you too, I’ve been so worried about you bubs.” Mackenzie confessed.
“I love—“ Jack spoke before being cut off with a gag, “you gonna barf?” Mackenzie asked hurriedly as she reached for a sick bowl. Jack shook his head no before quickly nodding yes, as Mackenzie held the bowl in front of him, she rubbed his back soothingly. He dry heaved as he tried to force more out, “shh, it’s okay bubs, don’t force it out” Mackenzie reached for a bottle of water from the nightstand and placed the barf bowl on the table.
A nurse walked in to give Jack some more pain medicine, she noticed the barf bowl and grabbed some gloves. “let me get rid of this for you.” she said as she grabbed it and left, returning a short while after.
“Thank you, I’m sorry about that” Mackenzie apologised. “Oh don’t worry about it, it happens more often than you think, now I have some more pain medication for Jack” the nurse reassured before placing an IV on Jack's arm.
Jack watches as Mackenzie holds his hand squeezing reassuringly before giving him a small smile. “Feel a bit better now?” Mackenzie asked as she began brushing her hand through his hair soothingly, “mhmm” Jack hummed. Ellen entered the room, smiling softly at her son, “Oh Jack” she sighed, coming over to the unoccupied side of the bed. “How are you feeling honey?” she asked, looking down at her son worriedly.
“I feel soooo good right now!” Jack mumbled before trying to move, “woah easy there cowboy” Mackenzie moved to fluff up his pillows. “But I want cuddles.” Jack pouted. Ellen chuckled, shaking her head, “you’re literally acting like a child right now” Mackenzie giggled, “hmm” Jack smiled almost drunkenly at her.
“Ellen, I’ll be back in a sec, I’m just gonna go to the bathroom and call Kaylee to update her” Mackenzie mumbled.
“Okay sweetie, I’ll make sure this one behaves whilst you’re gone” Ellen smirked, “Jack, I’ll be back soon love, I’m just heading to the bathroom okay?” Mackenzie reassured him. Jack just grunted in response before beginning to count his fingers, “Mom, why have I only got 7 FINGERS?” Jack screeched, as Mackenzie began leaving. “No Jack, honey you have ten,see?” Ellen laughed. “But there’s 8 I counted!” Jack whined.
Mackenzie giggled as she left, she spent 10 minutes walking down the hallways searching for the bathroom before she finally found one, sighing in relief she entered. After finishing her business and washing her hands, she grabbed her phone and called Kaylee.
“Hey babe, everything okay?” Kaylee spoke as she answered, “Yeah , yeah Jack’s okay. He has a concussion but other than that no other serious injuries. We’re still waiting for news on his collarbone but the doctors believe he might need surgery” Mackenzie explained, “surgery? Damn” Kaylee tsked, “nothings been confirmed though” Mackenzie added, “How’s Jack?” She could hear Jim faintly ask. “Kenz, Jim wants to know how Jack is?” Kaylee relayed the message, “he’s doing good although apparently he only has 7 fingers and I’m his wife” Mackenzie laughed.
“Soooo high off his mind on drugs?” Kaylee summarised, “so high” Mackenzie laughed, “PLEASE film it” Kaylee begged, “oh I will, would Jim like to speak to him? I’m not sure how much you’ll get out of him at the moment” Mackenzie asked sweetly, “I’ll come visit in a little while, does he need anything?” Jim asked, “maybe some new clothes and his toothbrush, it’s not clear how long he’s gonna need to stay for. I’ll message Nico and update him as well” she replied, “I’ll speak with Nico, you just focus on Jack” Jim assured her.
“Thank you Jim” she said her goodbyes before returning to Jack’s room. “KENNY!” Jack exclaimed as he saw her enter, “Jack, shhh” Ellen lightly scolded to try and quieten him down. “Hey bubs.” Mackenzie cooed as she came over. “Have you heard anything yet?” She asked Ellen, “just that the results are back for the doctor to review” the older woman replied, Mackenzie nodded before holding Jack’s hand again as he pouted.
“Kiss?” He asked as he blew her a kiss, “Jack, your mom’s here” Mackenzie informed him, as Ellen laughed. “Hmm, and?” He puckered his lips, Mackenzie sighed before leaning in for a quick peck.
“That’s it, okay” Mackenzie brushed her free hand through his hair.
Jack huffed, and looked away, “Jack” Mackenzie laughed out, “I love you, but ‘m not making out with you when you’re mom’s here. Especially when you’re drugged up.” She tried to explain to him. Jack peeked around Mackenzie’s shoulder to look at Ellen, who was sat smirking and shaking her head at the pair.
“Mhm” Jack hummed, as his eyes began fluttering, “tired sweet boy?” Mackenzie asked as she began pulling the blanket over him, Jack nodded sleepily.
“Get some rest, okay, we’ll wake you up when the doctor’s here” she leant down to kiss his forehead as soft snores escaped his mouth.
Mackenzie then sat down in the free chair, resting her head on the bed, still holding Jack’s hand. Ellen and Mackenzie started talking about what they've been up to over the last few months, before Ellen began talking about a new recipe Mackenzie had sent her to try out, Ellen’s phone buzzed with a text from Jim saying he was outside.
“I’m going to meet Jim in the lobby and bring him up, I’ll be back soon” Ellen promised as she stood up, Mackenzie smiled as Ellen left the room, before looking back at Jack, she sighed, “what am I gonna do with you?” She mumbled before closing her eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.
Ellen and Jim approached the room, “He’s asleep at the moment” Ellen finished her sentence as she opened the door, before stopping in the doorway, “Why have you stopped here?” Jim asked, peering over his wife’s shoulder. All he could see was the lower half of Jack’s body, one leg covered the other not, and a small curtain of blonde hair.
Ellen smiled warmly before snapping a picture of the two, as she walked further in. “How long has she been out for?” Jim asked as he placed the bag of Jack's clothes down. “She was awake when I left” Ellen replied as she noticed Jack’s lip subconsciously wobbling.
The older woman grabbed the blanket he’d obviously kicked off and tucked him in again leaving a kiss on his head before she asked her husband to pass the blanket from the bag to cover the small blonde sleeping beside her son. She took a seat next to Jim on the other side and smiled fondly at the pair. “She’s good for him.” Jim commented, “she is.” Ellen agreed, smiling.
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Liked by trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, Frey.Lodge and 157,179 others
Kenzie.Havener Devs season babyyyy 😈❤️
tagged:- jackhughes Cody.Griffin Kay.Johnson Chase_Lukas
trevorzegras *ducks season* 🦆
lhughes_06 not my fault we’re better than you 👀🤷🏼‍♂️
Kay.Johnson Devs all the way babyyyyy 🫡
Cody_Griffin cheers pal 🍻
Kenzie.Havener chin chin bud😌🍻
User108 notice how she doesn’t even address jack? 😒
User178 Not every post has to be about Jack
User109 y’all hate on her when she posts jack and hate on her when she doesn’t😩
Kay.Johnson preach it sister @user109 🙏🏽
Skylar.Grace Im telling mom you drink 😌
Kenzie.Havener who do you think introduced me to it?🤣👀
Skylar.Grace fr? Why do I miss out on all the fun? 😩😒
Kay.Johnson … you’re 19!!
Skylar.Grace and?
Rachel109 it was lovely to meet you!
Kenzie.Havener it was so lovely to meet you too! Hope you enjoyed the game 🩷
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Liked by Kenzie.Havener, Olivia.Autumn, Frey.Lodge and 14,120 others
Kay.Johnson made the jumbotron girlies 😌
Kay.Johnson and Codes you owe me $20
Cody.Griffin sending it now 🙄😩
Kenzie.Havener you’re welcome for the picture btw 👀
Kay.Johnson I told you to take it 💀
Trevorzegras at a devils game… what a traitor! 😭
Kay.Johnson how am I supposed to come to a ducks game when you’re across the country? 🧐
trevorzegras that’s only a minor inconvenience
Kay.Johnson mhhhmm 😒
Kenzie.Havener sexy lady made it to the big screen! 🫦
Kay.Johnson not sure if you deserve an autograph yet 😌
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waystarresourceco · 8 months
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Kendall’s office with a breakdown of identifiable degrees and awards. A list of books are under the cut. (x)
B.A. in Economics (summa or magna cum laude) – Harvard University
E.M.B.A. (Executive Master of Business Administration) – INSEAD
INSEAD has locations in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore), the Middle East (Abu Dhabi) and North America (San Francisco); unclear which location Kendall attended 
Liz Rogers Award for Leadership in Business and Entertainment Media
Books (Left to Right):
The New Digital Age by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen
Masters of Innovation: Building the Perpetually Innovative Company by Kai Engle, Violetka Dirlea, and Stephen Dyer (credit to @poeland and @kenzie-ann27 for the ID!)
Responsibility at Work by Howard Gardner
Beijing Welcomes You by Tom Scocca
Confessions of a Radical Industrialist by Ray C. Anderson
Known and Unknown by Donald Rumsfeld
Collision Low Crossers by Nicholas Dawidoff
The Credible Company by Roger D'Aprix (thanks again to @poeland and @kenzie-ann27 for this one as well!)
The Moment of Clarity by Christian Madsbjerg and Mikkel B. Rasmussen
Emperors and Idiots by Mike Vaccaro
Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan
The Hedge Fund Mirage by Simon Lark
The Mobile Mind Shift by Ted Schadler, Josh Bernoff, and Julie Ask
Denial and Deception by Melissa Boyle Mahle
The Good Jobs Strategy by Zeynep Ton
Trauma Red by Peter Rhee
Good for the Money: My Fight to Pay Back America by Bob Benmosche (huge thanks to @poeland for identifying!)
In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington by Robert Rubin (huge thanks to @flippy-floppy for identifying!)
Feel free to message if anyone can identify any of the other items/books/details!
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astreiants-archive · 2 years
a sapphic lit primer 🌸
also known as, an opportunity to insist you read my favourites
if you’ve ever found yourself wanting to read more sapphic books, but not quite sure where to start, let this be the post for you! if you’re looking for even more sapphic books, i hope you find something in here too.
there are a few books on here i’ve not read, that i wanted to include to raise awareness of them, more than anything. those are marked by *. as such, you will probably also see a fair few more well known books and authors missed off (but i promise i know about them!).
this is not meant to be at all exhaustive! it’s a collection of sapphic books that i’ve read and would rec, meaning there are still tons more out there. & you can find some of those more at @sapphicreadsdb​, readsrainbow (which i co-run with @tenderpotter), sapphiclitbot on twitter & my list of every sapphic book i’ve read.
as ever, this was meant to be a relatively short post. haha.
(i promise i did put links on this post, but for some reason those aren’t working on the blog page. dashboard version seems fine, i think.)
🌼  middle grade
🌻  contemporary
hurricane child by kacen callender
in the role of brie hutchens... by nicole melleby
hazel hill is gonna win this one by maggie horne
candidly cline by kathryn ormsbee
how to become a planet by nicole melleby
proud of me by sarah hagger-holt
the science of being angry by nicole melleby
middletown by sarah moon
p.s. i miss you by jen petro-roy*
almost flying by jake maia arlow*
in the key of us by mariama j lockington*
kenzie kickstarts a team by kit rosewater & sophie escabasse*
⚔️  fantasy
the strangeworlds travel agency by ld lapinski
the tea dragon society by kay o’neill*
📜  historical
tell no tales by sam maggs & kendra wells*
⁉️  mystery/thriller
goldie vance by hope larson
pepper’s rules for secret sleuthing by briana mcdonald
drew leclair gets a clue by katryn bury*
🦇  paranormal/horror
artie and the wolf moon by olivia stephens
🧪  science fiction
our sister, again by sophie cameron
🌼  young adult
🌻  contemporary
we are okay by nina lacour
this is what it feels like by rebecca barrow
the gay girl’s guide to ruining prom by siera maley
the liar’s guide to the night sky by brianna r. shrum
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
the flywheel by erin gough
amelia westlake by erin gough
how to make a wish by ashley herring blake
taking flight by siera maley
like water by rebecca podos
don’t date rosa santos by nina moreno
all the invisible things by orlagh collins
orpheus girl by brynne rebele-henry
the henna wars by adiba jaigirdar
you should see me in a crown by leah johnson
love and other natural disasters by misa sugiura
rise to the sun by leah johnson
epically earnest by molly horan
if you still recognise me by cynthia so
truth be told by sue divin
thieves by lucie bryon
ask the passengers by a. s. king
starting from here by lisa jenn bigelow
annie on my mind by nancy garden
laura dean keeps breaking up with me by mariko tamaki
the stars and the blackness between them by junauda petrus
the last true poets of the sea by julia drake
i kissed alice by anna birch
fiebre tropical by juliana delgado lopera
melt my heart by bethany rutter
laurel everywhere by erin moynihan
every body looking by candace iloh
something certain, maybe by sara barnard
⚔️  fantasy
a dark and hollow star by ashley shuttleworth
the scapegracers by h. a. clarke
girl, serpent, thorn by melissa bashardoust
down comes the night by allison saft
engelsfors by mats strandberg & sara b. elfgren
summer of salt by katrina leno
from dust, a flame by rebecca podos
spellbook of the lost and found by moïra fowley-doyle
girls made of snow and glass by melissa bashardoust
out of the blue by sophie cameron
witch, cat & cobb by j. k. pendragon
girls of paper and fire by natasha ngan
the afterward by e. k. johnston
the never tilting world by rin chupeco
the midnight lie by marie rutkoski
the dark tide by alicia jasinska
the midnight girls by alicia jasinska
sweet & bitter magic by adrienne tooley
wench by maxine kaplan
way of the argosi by sebastian de castell
ash by malinda lo
the raven and the reindeer by t. kingfisher
the last magician by lisa maxwell
shatter the sky by rebecca kim wells
we set the dark on fire by tehlor kay mejia
queen of coin and whispers by helen corcoran
ghost wood song by erica waters
these feathered flames by alexandra overy
the bone spindle by leslie vedder
into the crooked place by alexandra christo
edie in between by laura sibson
crier’s war by nina varela
the winter duke by claire bartlett
sofi and the bone song by adrienne tooley*
girls at the edge of the world by laura brooke robson*
dauntless by elisa a. bonnin*
📜  historical
dangerous remedy by kat dunn
forgive me if i’ve told you this before by karelia stetz-waters
the pearl thief by elizabeth wein
heavy vinyl by carly usdin & nina vakueva
valiant ladies by melissa grey*
a curse of roses by diana pinguicha*
⁉️  mystery/thriller
far from you by tess sharpe
the girls i’ve been by tess sharpe
people like us by dana mele
summer’s edge by dana mele
the truth about keeping secrets by savannah brown
i hope you’re listening by tom ryan
eight pieces of silva by patrice lawrence
bad things happen here by rebecca barrow
the things we don’t see by savannah brown
the hollow inside by brooke lauren davis
throwaway girls by andrea contos
you’re next by kylie schachte
a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee
the sullivan sisters by kathryn ormsbee
cold by mariko tamaki
the killing code by ellie marney*
rules for vanishing by kate alice marshall*
🦇  paranormal/horror
the dead and the dark by courtney gould
to break a covenant by alison ames
shallow graves by kali wallace
wilder girls by rory power
afterlove by tanya byrne
house of hollow by krystal sutherland
specter inspectors by bowen mccurdy
burn down, rise up by vincent tirado
hollow by shannon watters & branden boyer-white
missing, presumed dead by emma berquist
perfectly preventable deaths by deirdre sullivan*
the dark beneath the ice by amelinda bérubé*
ghost walk by kay solo*
🧪  science fiction
joyride by jackson lanzing & collin kelly
crownchasers by rebecca coffindaffer
the good luck girls by charlotte nicole davis
cosmoknights by hannah templer
jane, unlimited by kristin cashore*
🌼  adult
🌻  contemporary
summer of the cicadas by chelsea catherine
take a hint, dani brown by talia hibbert
in the event of love by courtney kae
night tide by anna burke
beautiful world, where are you by sally rooney
spell heaven and other stories by toni mirosevich
far from home by lorelie brown
once ghosted, twice shy by alyssa cole
spindrift by anna burke
cow girl by kirsty eyre
the split by laura kay
tell me everything by laura kay
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily austin
transcendent kingdom by yaa gyasi
the fat lady sings by jacqueline roy
conversations with friends by sally rooney
flamingo by rachel elliott
the wrong end of the telescope by rabih alameddine
a map of home by randa jarrar
mostly dead things by kristen arnett
patsy by nicole dennis-benn
little fish by casey plett
undone by bryce oakley
satisfaction guaranteed by karelia stetz-waters
tack & jibe by lilah suzanne
all at sea by cheyenne blue
i kissed a girl by jennet alexander
january embers by hildred billings
the simple answer by lily seabrooke
under the rainbow by celia laskey
the world cannot give by tara isabella burton
la bastarda by trifonia melibea obono
the one hundred years of lenni and margot by marianne cronin
all are welcome by liz parker
the romance recipe by ruby barrett
disoriental by négar djavadi*
the thirty names of night by zeyn joukhadar*
bastard out of carolina by dorothy allison*
among other things, i’ve taken up smoking by aoibheann sweeney*
marriage of a thousand lies by s. j. sindu*
honey girl by morgan rogers*
too much lip by melissa lucashenko*
delilah green doesn’t care by ashley herring blake*
the secret lives of church ladies by deesha philyaw*
the barrens by kurt & ellie johnson*
28 questions by indyana schneider*
there are more things by yara rodrigues fowler*
⚔️  fantasy
the unbroken by c. l. clark
the jasmine throne by tasha suri
wild and wicked things by francesca may
the true queen by zen cho
isola by brenden fletcher
the impossible contract by k. a. doore
foundryside by robert jackson bennett
the traitor baru cormorant by seth dickinson
the empress of salt and fortune by nghi vo
the bone shard daughter by andrea stewart
blackheart knights by laure eve
the velocity of revolution by marshall ryan maresca
the gracekeepers by kirsty logan
in the vanishers’ palace by aliette de bodard
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon
thorn by anna burke
penhallow amid passing things by iona datt sharma
sing the four quarters by tanya huff
city of lies by sam hawke
moontangled by stephanie burgis
burning roses by s. l. huang
a master of djinn by p. djèlí clark
ashes of the sun by django wexler
fireheart tiger by aliette de bodard
bestiary by k-ming chang
the black coast by mike brooks
night flowers shirking from the light of the sun by li xing
the councillor by e. j. beaton
silverglass by j. f. rivkin
water horse by melissa scott
high times in the low parliament by kelly robson
into the broken lands by tanya huff
the fire opal mechanism by fran wilde
among thieves by m. j. kuhn
the factory witches of lowell by c. s. malerich
the forever sea by joshua phillip johnson
the final strife by saara el-arifi
brother red by adrian selby
the winged histories by sofia samatar
the vanished queen by lisbeth campbell*
the northern girl by elizabeth a. lynn*
the bladed faith by david dalglish*
the worthy by anna k. moss*
📜  historical
the wicked cometh by laura carlin
the pull of the stars by emma donoghue
she who became the sun by shelley parker-chan
infamous by lex croucher
devotion by hannah kent
under the udala trees by chinelo okparanta
after the wedding by courtney milan
heathen by natasha alterici
mrs martin’s incomparable adventure by courtney milan
the night watch by sarah waters
tell it to the bees by fiona shaw
kept animals by kate milliken
a lady’s desire by lily maxton
the ophelia girls by jane healey
that green eyed girl by julie owen moylan
the perks of loving a wallflower by erica ridley
the companion by e. e. ottoman
her countess to cherish by jane walsh
paris, 7a.m. by liza wieland*
mademoiselle revolution by zoe sivak*
dark earth by rebecca stott*
⁉️  mystery/thriller
dirt town by hayley scrivenor
the lighthouse by fran dorricott
after the eclipse by fran dorricott
the final child by fran dorricott
proper english by k. j. charles
the last place you look by kristen lepionka
the better liar by tanen jones
fortune favors the dead by stephen spotswood
real easy by marie rutkoski
the best bad things by katrina carrasco
the case of the good-for-nothing girlfriend by mabel maney
the kill club by wendy heard
bury the lede by gaby dunn
beloved poison by e. s. thomson
the lady upstairs by halley sutton
ash mountain by helen fitzgerald
last call at the nightingale by katharine schellman
return to blackwater house by vikki patis
payback by charlotte mills*
a reason to kill by eve zaremba*
the heard by andrea bartz*
snare by lilja sigurðardóttir*
amateur city by katherine v. forrest*
the savage kind by john copenhaver*
the dime by kathleen kent*
the verifiers by jane pek*
🦇  paranormal/horror
abbott by saladin ahmed
the animals at lockwood manor by jane healey
black water sister by zen cho
hearts in the hard ground by g. v. anderson
they drown our daughters by katrina monroe
meddling kids by edgar cantero
yellow jessamine by caitlin starling
our wives under the sea by julia armfield
briefly, a delicious life by nell stevens
dead woman’s pond by elle e. ire
tripping arcadia by kit mayquist*
🧪  science fiction
a memory called empire by arkady martine
this is how you lose the time war by max gladstone & amal el-mohtar
the unspoken name by a. k. larkwood
the space between worlds by micaiah johnson
dead space by kali wallace
the quantum thief by hannu rajaniemi
ninefox gambit by yoon ha lee
ancillary justice by ann leckie
motor crush by brenden fletcher & cameron stewart
unconquerable sun by kate elliott
compass rose by anna burke
a big ship at the end of the universe by alex white
the light brigade by kameron hurley
empress of forever by max gladstone
the doors of eden by adrian tchaikovsky
seven of infinities by aliette de bodard
hard reboot by django wexler
last exit by max gladstone
sisters of the vast black by lina rather
gods, monsters, and the lucky peach by kelly robson
so happy for you by celia laskey
battle of the linguist mages by scotto moore
bluebird by ciel pierlot
an ancient peace by tanya huff
god’s war by kameron hurley*
barbary station by r. e. stearns*
this will kill that by danielle l. roux*
valkyrie by meg ludwa*
night sky mine by melissa scott*
the stars undying by emery robin*
🌼  poetry
if not, winter by sappho, trans. by anne carson
floating, brilliant, gone by franny choi
evohe by cristina peri rossi
bestiary by donika kelly
soft science by franny choi
rummage by ife-chudeni a. oputa
the world keeps ending and the world goes on by franny choi
bone by yrsa daley-ward
dream work by mary oliver
living as a lesbian by cheryl clarke*
womanslaughter by pat parker*
oral tradition by jewelle l. gómez*
the black unicorn by audre lorde*
hermetic definition by h.d.*
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fayiaz · 3 months
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my intro !! 𖦹 | i won’t be writing ୨୧
about me : i’m blk, i love music, my fave colors r dark green dark green and purple and pink, i LOVE editing, LOVE french fries, i’m a taurus, um yeah that’s basically all i could think of rn 😭
my favorite music artist r : brent faiyaz, fiona apple, kendrick lamar, tyler the creator, lana del rey, drake, steve lacy, earl sweatshirt, frank ocean, billie eilish, faye webster, mitski, sza, nicki m, j cole, macdemarco, alex g, karrahboo, ariana grande and lil yachty
my fave actors r : ariana greenblatt, zendaya, sydney sweeney, drew starky, alexa demie, taylor russel, victoria pedretti, jeremy allen white, jenna ortega, millie bobby brown, calebmclaughlin, and sadie sink
fave shows + movies : the umbrella academy, shameless, stranger things, cobra kai, victorious, sam and cat, mako mermaids 🙏🏽, outer banks, level 16, do revenge, never have i ever, enola holmes, on my block, barbie, the barbie movie, you, and the hollow
fave youtuber : triplets obv, coryxkenshin, sinjin drowning, daydrian harding, larray, nai, courtreezy, dorisxchi, kanal joesph and deb smikle :)
fave influencers : triplets, larray, nai, quen, sophia birlem, alexis carrington 💗, madison beer, sab quesada, maddie ziegler, kenzie ziegler, hayley leblanc, madi f, jules leblanc, enya umanzor, and drew phillip !!
.. the end 🧍🏽‍♀️
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blorbo-adoption-poll · 5 months
Here is the bracket!
Matches were determined randomly with characters with multiple submissions seeded into opposite ends of the brackets.
I literally shouted “No!” When some of these were rolled
Bracket 1
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Rio Ranger (Your Turn To Die)
The girl (fear and hunger)
Bernadetta von Varley (Fire Emblem)
hal 9000 (2001 a space odyssey)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Hod (Lobotomy Corporation/ Library Of Ruina)
Gin Ibushi (Your Turn To Die)
Charger (Voidpets)
Oscar Pine (RWBY)
fred jones (scooby doo mystery incorporated)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Hunter (The Owl House)
Killua Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Jane Doe (Ride the cyclone)
Zhang Chengling (Word of Honor)
Bracket 2
Kyusaku Yumeno “Q” (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler)
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Lillie (Pokémon)
Hitori "Bocchi" Gotou (Bocchi the Rock!)
Kai Satou (Your Turn To Die)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Mai Chang (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Arven (Pokémon)
“Tails” miles prower (Sonic)
Cove Holden (Our Life: Beginnings & Always)
Caspar von Bergliez (Fire Emblem)
Shijima Tsukishima (Shimeji Simulation)
Mizuki Okiura (AI: the Somnium Files)
Ashe Ubert (Fire Emblem 3 Houses)
The Collector (the owl house)
Bracket 3
Freminet (Genshin Impact)
Rob (the amazing world of Gumball)
Liir Thropp (Wicked)
Kenzie Martin (Parahumans)
Isaac Moriah (The Binding of Isaac)
Essek Thelyss (critical role)
Dimitri alexandre blaiddyd (Fire emblem)
Angela (Lobotomy Corporation/ Library Of Ruina)
Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Suletta Mercury (Gundam)
Shilo Bathroy (Just Roll With It)
Cassandra Cain (DC Comics)
Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
Gyutaro (Demon Slayer)
Furina de Fontaine (Genshin Impact)
Molly Blyndeff (Epithet erased)
Nona (The Locked Tomb)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Bracket 4
Pearl Fey (Ace Attorney)
Wanderer (Genshin Impact)
Falst (Aurora Webcomic)
Kokichi Oma (Daganronpa V3)
Elphaba Thropp (Wicked)
Shane (Stardew Valley)
Nahida (genshin inpact)
Ortho Shroud (twisted wonderland)
Natural Harmonia Gropius “N” (Pokémon)
Gregg Lee (night in the woods)
Emil Sinclair (Limbus Company)
Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece)
Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Shin-Ah (Yona of the Dawn)
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skzstarnet · 5 months
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*☆*゚@staytinyville || Kay
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*☆*゚@mnwrld || Kana
*☆*゚@changbunnies || Megan
*☆*゚@lovestaysblogs || Z
*☆*゚@godslino || Ina
*☆*゚@hyunverse || Maze
*☆*゚@taetr4ck || Dice
*☆*゚@snowyquokka || Kenzie
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alldancersaretalented · 9 months
List of previous Studios of Project 21 Dancers
For the dancers with multiple studios, I have clarified that in brackets.
*have graduated
Above the Barre Dance Company -> P21
Bella Puskar (-> The Space)
Academy of Ballet Arts -> P21
Jadyn Dumond (->?)
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
Grace Wilson (->?)
Artistic Motion -> P21
Esme Chou (The Company -> Club -> Artistic Motion -> P21 -> WDP)
Avanti Dance -> P21
Hadley Schulz (-> Mather)
Avis Dance -> P21
Kalea Hidalgo (-> Yorba Linda -> The Space)
Capistrano Dance Academy -> P21
Richie Granese
Center Stage Dance Academy -> P21
Kelly Sweeney (-> Stopped Competing)*
Chavarria Institute of the Arts -> P21
Isabella Kouznetsova (-> WDP)
Diana Kouznetsova (-> WDP)
Club Dance Studio -> P21
Elsie Check (-> Club Dance)
Brooklyn Cooley (-> Club Dance)
Daylyn Lucky (-> Club Dance)
Kelsey Millar (-> Club Dance -> Studio of Arizona)*
Addison Moffett*
Cami Ritzler (-> Club Dance)
Dance Connection 2 -> P21
Davyd Williams*
DanceLova Dance Academy -> P21
Makeila Bartlett
Madison Ng (-> N10)
Dance Precision -> P21
Dyllan Blackburn (-> Mather)
Jordyn Blackburn*
Kaelyn Choe (-> Dance Precision)
Abbey Choi*
Gwen Choi*
Nina Choi*
Isabella Dimopolous (-> Innovative Dance Studios)
Malia Gardner (->?)
Selena Hamilton (The Dance Spot -> Dance Precision -> P21)
Brooklyn Jara (-> Dance Precision)
Brooklyn Ladia
Melia Mariano*
Sara Najm (->Chavarria Institute of the Arts)
Alexis Ramirez (->?)*
Zoe Rossi (-> Dance Connection 2?)
Ava Sinchinalchi (->OCPAA)*
Brooklyn Stafford
Kimberly Tobias (->?)*
Reggie Valdez (-> Launch Brea Space)
Lauren Wallingford*
Dellos Dance -> P21
Brooklyn Jones (Dellos -> P21 -> Dellos)
Chloe Jones (Dellos -> P21 -> Dellos)
Isabella Rivera (-> K2)
Fusion Studios -> P21
Aura Dela Cruz
Haus of Royals -> P21
Kaitlyn Ortega (->Mather)
Maddie Ortega (->Mather)
Impact Dance Center
Shane Higa (Stopped Competing)
Juliana's School of Dance -> P21
Katie Couch (-> WDP -> P21)
Kami Couch (-> WDP -> P21)
Kenzie Couch (-> WDP -> P21)
Just Plain Dancin' -> P21
Danie Riveroy (-> OCPAA)
K2 Studios -> P21
Zeke Lindsey (OCPAA -> K2 -> P21)
Leilani Lawlor
KBM Talent -> P21
Ava Woinarowicz (-> DKCBA -> P21 -> Stopped Competing)
Mather Dance Company -> P21
Taytem Bisono (Adage -> Mather -> P21 ->?)
Bella Machado (P21 -> OCPAA)
Jillian Mahan (OCPAA -> Mather -> P21 ->?)
Haley Messick*
Madelyn Nasu (OCPAA -> Mather -> P21)
McCoy Rigby Conservatory of the Arts-> P21
Regan Gerena
Move Dance Academy -> P21
Gracyn French (On Pointe Dance Studio -> Move -> P21)
Murrieta Dance Project -> P21
Jaidyn Dumond (->?)
N10 -> P21
Kira Lieberman (Pacific -> N10 -> P21)
Notion Dance -> P21
Sienna Carlston*
OCPAA -> P21
Raven Alanes (->Studio Fusion)
Olivia Armstrong
Aleena Aoun (-> WDP)*
Mackenzie Auger (-> WDP)*
Madi Beerer (Talent Factory -> OCPAA -> P21)
Lexie Cavanaugh (-> Chavarria Institute)*
CeCe Chung
Sammi Chung
Jamieson Deacy (Stopped Competing)
Kendyl Fay (-> High School Dance)
Nyla McCarthy (-> Mather)
Audrina Mossembecker (->?)
Avery Olsen (-> OCPAA)
Chloe Solinger (-> CHs Dance Company)
Haley Stoico (Stopped Competing)
Laci Stoico (-> The Space)
Sara Von Rotz
Charlotte Watters (-> RockStar)
Leighton Werner
Rylee Young (Stopped Competing)
Onstage Dance Centre -> P21
Liliana Barajas (Elite Artist Dance Company -> Ostage Dance Centre -> P21)
Pave School of the Arts -> P21
Delaney Anbarden
Elliana Anbarden
Mady Kim
Elle O'Donnell*
Avery Reyes
Pacific Dance -> P21
Kai Armitage (->?)
Jenna Koblin (Stopped Competing)
Brielle Lieberman
Brooklyn Lieberman
Katie Nguyen (->?)
Kelly Nguyen*
Loila Rhee
Dawson Walker*
Perception Dance Company -> P21
Berkeley Scifres
Brystin Scifres
Performing Arts Academy of Marin -> P21
Zuzu Duchon*
Premier Youth Dance Company
Allison Choi
Richter Dance Company -> P21
Dillon Barron
Peyton Barron (Richter -> Variant -> P21 -> The Space)
Rhythm Dance Center -> P21
Lexi Blanchard
South Coast Conservatory -> P21
Cali Cassidy (P21 -> OCSA Ballroom)
Studio 1 Dance Academy -> P21
Emma Rose Crawford (-> IAF Studios -> Southland Ballet Academy -> Amirian Ballet Academy)
Studio Fusion -> P21
Tiana Heaton (->?)
Studio X -> P21
Chloe Mirabal
Savanna Musman
Demi Ulloa
Aliya Yen
The Company -> P21
Stella Ebert
Winter Ebert (-> Company -> Mather)
Imogene Elias (-> Company)
The Dance Spot -> P21
Isabella Warfield (-> Mather)
The Difference Dance Company
JoJo Jessen (Premier Dance -> Difference -> P21)*
The Industry Dance Academy -> P21
Anya Inger (The Rage -> Art Code -> Industry Dance -> P21 -> Stopped Competing)
The Rage -> P21
Delilah Hewitt (->The Space)
The Royal Underground -> P21
Milan Furtado (Stopped Competing)
The Talent Factory -> P21
Brooke Masters (->?)
Perris Amento*
Vision Dance Company
Kaitlyn Yi (-> WDP)*
WSCA -> P21
Tatum Brady (-> Studio Fusion -> WDP)
Maya Loureiro (->OCSA focused)
Tyra Polke (->The Rock Center For Dance)
Honestly no clue:
Bella Garcia*
Brooklyn Vara (->Define Dance Space)
Faith Montoya
Haley Reeder
Isha Das*
Jacqueline David*
Janae Holster (-> Movement Studios)
Kalea Hidalgo (-> Yorba Linda -> The Space)
Katelin McDermott*
12 notes · View notes
project21fan · 10 months
Okay so to recap: Kendyl, Maya & Demi officially left. Anya & K Twins took it out of their bios. And Molly unfollowed Esme & the K Twins?
Does anyone know if Kai ever had P21 in her bio? It’s not there now. Same with Katie & Kami, they don’t have it in their bios but Kenzie does
Edit: alright my list is updated lol I checked every dancer’s bio and if Molly still follows them
19 notes · View notes
spunkyspy · 1 month
im finally caught up with survivor and honestly im rooting for Q because everyone else is so fucking stupid PLAY YOUR FUCKING IDOL too many dumb people going home with idols in their pockets. Also liz's meltdown like I get it thats how I feel when I dont eat but also thats why I would not go on survivor like you having that many allegies (but willingly eat applebees which is like kay...) and complaining about it YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS
Kenzie is def my winner pick at this point, but I'm so here for Q bringing as much chaos as possible
The idols killed me like.....3 in one season what is going on y'all
6 notes · View notes
jj-nhlgirly · 1 year
Summer of Love:- Sticks & Stones
Jack Hughes x F!Reader
AN this was requested by @astars-things thank you so much for requesting I hope you enjoy! This is a longer one again. Also to the anon who requested I will be starting that now so should be out either tonight or tomorrow.
TW:- swearing, slut shaming, assault (once), psycho and gold digger curse, seizures. I think that’s it, if I’ve missed anything please let me know.
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(Not my gif, credits to who made it. I’ve also put the song I’ve mentioned further down so you can listen if you wish.)
Mackenzie woke up to the feeling of soft kisses being placed around her face, fluttering her eyes open, she saw Jack leaning over her smiling down greeting her with “Good morning beautiful.” Mackenzie smiled “good morning handsome” leaning up to kiss him. Jack pulled away sliding off the bed, reaching out to help Mackenzie up.
“Come on, we have a very special day planned” Jack smiled before helping her into the shower, leaving her in peace as he picked out an outfit for her to wear leaving it on the bed.
“Kenz?” Jack knocked on the bathroom door, “yeah babe?” He heard a muffled Mackenzie call out. “I’ve put some clothes on the bed for you, do you need any help before I go downstairs?” Jack offered, “erm I should be fine? Just gotta shave my legs” Mackenzie muffled out again, “want me to help?” Jack offered, “if you could that would be great.”
Walking into the bathroom, Jack found Kenzie with the shaving cream in one hand trying to grab her razor off the counter. Grabbing the can from Kenzie, Jack squirted some foam into his hand, he squatted on the floor and rubbed it down one of her wet legs, turning to reach for her pink razor and began shaving. “What are we up to today then lover boy?” Mackenzie asked, looking down at Jack.
“Well that’ll ruin the surprise, but just know you’re gonna love it” Jack promised before changing legs and shaving the other one. “Am I getting a new car? Since my one is no longer with us” Kenzie teased but before Jack could answer a voice called out from the bedroom, “Kenz? Are you here?” Kaylee’s voice filled the bathroom.
“Yeah just showering, Jacks here” Kenzie replied warning her best friend in case what she wanted was something personal. “Ooo sexy shower time I see” Kaylee teased, Mackenzie bursts out laughing “he’s shaving my legs Kay. it’s hardly sexy but what do you need? Everything ok?”
“Oh yeah, I’m taking some tampons, where are they?” Kaylee asked, “In the zipped side of the turquoise case babes, you want me to pick you some up from the store whilst Jack and I are out?” Kenzie offered, “yeah if you could, and some m & m’s?” Kaylee replied, walking over to the case, grabbing a few.
“Yeah of course, can you keep an eye on Skylar whilst I’m out?” Kenzie asked, “girl you know I’ve been keeping an eye on the both of you my whole life, you don’t even have to ask. Enjoy your day out, I love you both” and with that Kaylee left.
“Ok my love, you are all good”Jack said, wiping the excess cream with a washcloth. Jack stood up reaching into the shower to turn the water off before grabbing a towel to wrap around Mackenzie, leading her back to the bedroom.
“Do you need anymore help babe?” Jack asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind, placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Yeah if you could tie my shirt and clasp my bra” Kenzie turned in his arms, leaning up and pouting her lips out for a kiss, Jack leans down giving her a kiss before reaching for her white bra and helping her put it on, along with tying the straps of her shirt.
Leaving her to finish up getting ready, Jack heads downstairs to make them breakfast, opting for a small fruit salad. Skylar walks in sitting at the breakfast bar eating a pot of yoghurt, “Hey Sky, you want some fruit salad?” Jack offers her looking over his shoulder, Skylar however ignores him.
Furrowing his eyebrows, Jack continues making breakfast before glancing over at Skylar just to see her gone. “Kenz baby, breakfast is ready” Jack shouts up the stairs hearing the soft padding footsteps of his girlfriend walking towards the stairs.
After eating breakfast, the couple head out in Jack's car, Jack reversing slowly out of the driveway before driving down the road. “So do I at least get to know where we’re going?” Mackenzie questioned lifting an eyebrow, Jack chuckled at his girlfriends impatience. “No baby, it’s gonna be fun though” Jack promised. “How do I know that you haven’t made me dress all pretty just to murder me?” Mackenzie huffed out.
Jack laughed “well firstly you look beautiful no matter what, secondly if I wanted to kill you why would I wait nearly 3 years to do it? Surely I’d have just killed you at the party or on our first date” Jack pointed out.
“Maybe you just fell for this sweet piece of ass and your plan was foiled” Mackenzie pointed out, “Maybe my only plan was to trick you into dating me, looks like it worked eh?” Jack teased.
“Wasn’t hard to be tricked with that gorgeous face of yours, or your personality. You had me as soon as I walked through the door, just hoped you’d make the first move” Mackenzie admitted, “oh really? Well since we’re admitting things from that night, my breath hitched in my throat as soon as you walked in, I’d never seen anyone as beautiful as you” Jack replied, smirking as Mackenzie’s cheeks flushed red.
“You're just saying that because you got laid last night” Mackenzie tried to cool her cheeks down by changing the subject.
“Mhmm keep changing the subject baby, I knew you thought I was hot, Freya came over to me and told me. Said to make a move on “the small blonde girl in the black dress, she thinks you’re hot” Jack admitted.
Mackenzie groaned, “ugh she wasn’t meant to tell anyone let alone the guy i was talking about! That's so embarrassing. Would you have approached me though?”
Jack furrowed his eyebrows, “what do you mean?” “Like had Freya not told you I thought you were hot. Would you have still approached me and asked me to dance?” Kenzie questioned, it wasn’t a trick question or anything she was just curious.
Jack sighed out, “honestly?” Looking over as Mackenzie nodded. “Yeah I would have, granted I thought you’d for sure have a boyfriend. Like a girl as gorgeous as you shouldn’t have been single but I thank my lucky stars you were. I dunno what it was but as soon as our eyes locked I was drawn in. I knew I had to at least try, I thought you knew who i was which made it scarier if you rejected me. Especially in front of the Scooby gang.”
Mackenzie laughed, “I was gonna approach you, you know but you had Trev and Cole with you and I felt a little intimidated and I wasn’t sure if you were interested” Jack laughed, “They’re the least intimidating guys!”
“How was I supposed to know that!” Mackenzie laughed out, reaching for Jack's hand that rested on the gear stick, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Because Trev looks like a damn teddy bear? You literally call him Trevy-bear” Jack deadpanned.
“Careful Jacky, your jealousy is showing” Mackenzie teased giggling as Jack rolled his eyes, before focusing on the road.
The couple soon arrived at their first destination of the day, the Starbucks drive through. “Hi I’m Melanie, welcome to Starbucks, can I take your order?” A female voice spoke through the speaker, “Hi Melanie, can I get a grande pineapple passion fruit refresher and a grande strawberry acai lemonade?” Jack spoke out the window.
“Sure thing, that’ll be $7.95. Drive round” Melanie responded as Jack drove round to the next window, as he pulled up Jack reached into the cup holder for his wallet. Mackenzie however pushed his hand away and grabbed her purse pulling out a 10 dollar bill. “I’ve got this one baby” Mackenzie passed him the bill, “baby this was my date idea let me pay” Jack pouted.
“Just pay for the next one bubs” Mackenzie kissed his cheek and placed the $10 dollars in his hand. “Fine” Jack huffed out before passing the money to the worker. Driving to the next window for their drinks, Jack placed his in the empty cup holder, passing Mackenzie hers.
Jack began driving again, heading in the direction of the mall. Mackenzie looked over at Jack confused, “why are we heading for the mall baby? We don’t need anything?” Mackenzie questioned.
“I was thinking we could have a look around, and I need to pick up a package” Jack replied, focusing on the road. “Oh ok bubs, maybe we can look in Victoria secret?” Mackenzie smirked knowing how awkward
and embarrassed Jack felt, going into the store.
“Maybe you can look as I pick up my package?” Jack suggested. Mackenzie shrugged, assuming the package was some new equipment he needed for hockey as he’d been talking about getting some new grip tape and pucks for practice at the house.
Arriving at the mall, Jack parked. Grabbing his phone and wallet, Jack climbed out before walking around and opening the door for Kenzie. Mackenzie climbed out with Jack's help, reaching up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
The couple made their way to the mall entrance, Jack reaching out to grab Kenzie’s good hand to hold, swinging them as they walked. Mackenzie pointed out Victoria Secret, “can we go in here? I wanna see if they have the jacket Kaylee was talking about.”
“Why don’t you have a look around whilst I go and get my package? And I’ll meet you here” Jack leaned down to give her a kiss as he walked away.
Mackenzie walked into the store reaching for a basket as she passed the door, glancing to the left she saw the clothing section. Reaching up she grabbed two of the track jackets Kaylee was talking about, one in a royal blue for Kaylee and the other in a mauve brown for herself.
Further into the store, Mackenzie spotted the underwear section. Looking around the sale section she picked up a few bra and pantie sets, as well as some sports bras for Kaylee and herself. Walking to the cashier, she also picked up some body mists to go with the other things she’d picked up for Kaylee’s birthday presents. After paying, Mackenzie walked out and waited for Jack.
Meanwhile, Jack was at a jewellery store. He’d placed an order a few days ago for two gold chained necklaces, one for him and one for Kenzie. Jack’s necklace was a thick chain with a M charm and the number 27 on it as that was Mackenzie’s hockey number. Mackenzie’s necklace was still a thick chain but slightly slimmer than Jack's one, it had a J charm and the number 86, Jack's hockey number. After looking over both necklaces, Jack was happy with them and so the worker boxed them up separately and Jack paid.
Jack made his way back to Victoria secret to see Mackenzie standing outside holding two bags. “Hey baby” Jack greeted leaning down to give her a peck on the cheek. “Hey bubs, are you ready?” Mackenzie reached her hand out to grab his hand as Jack took the bags off her.
“Yeah, you wanna walk around for a little?” Jack suggested, Mackenzie nodded as they walked off. “Can we go to Sephora? I need to pick up a few things for Kaylee’s birthday present” Kenzie asked, Jack nodded before replying “as long as you help me pick out a present for her.”
With Jack and Mackenzie dating for nearly 3 years, and Kaylee being Kenzie’s best friend, the two had become close friends, and every year Kaylee and Jack brought each other presents for their birthdays and Christmas. It started out with Kaylee buying Jack a small gift for Christmas the first year the couple had started dating. Kenzie could recall Jack pacing in her dorm bedroom panicking as he hadn’t gotten Kaylee anything, a quick mall trip later solved that.
“Sure bubs, you have any ideas?” Kenzie asked as they walked through the doors of Sephora, Jack grabbing a basket. “Hmm a few, not much though” Jack sighed out, “well why don’t you get her something for our trip coming up?” Mackenzie suggested, “I wouldn’t even know where to begin with that, what size do I get? What does she need?” Jack began thinking, trailing behind Mackenzie as she made her way to the Clinique counter picking up a lip gloss and putting it in the basket before turning and walking over to Fenty.
Mackenzie sighed, picking up a few pieces from Fenty, “why don’t you get her those and a dress from PacSun?” Jack looked into the basket, “will she like those? Would that be enough?” Jack worriedly asked. Mackenzie giggled, she thought it was sweet that he cared about her best friend so much, “she’ll love it baby, don’t worry.”
After checking out of Sephora, they headed to PacSun. Finding some cute dresses, Mackenzie picked two out in Kaylee’s size. Before picking out a few for herself in her size, also buying the one Jack picked out for her, although he insisted on buying all of it.
Leaving PacSun, Mackenzie and Jack walked hand in hand back to the car. Jack placed the bags in the trunk as Mackenzie waited for Jack to open her door, knowing he liked being a gentleman because “his mom raised him right” his words not hers.
Pulling out of the parking lot, the couple made a brief stop at Target so Mackenzie could pick up tampons and m&m’s for Kaylee as she promised.
“What do you wanna do now baby?” Jack asked as he pulled out of the Target parking lot, Mackenzie holding Jacks hand. “Hmmm, wanna go to the movies?” Kenzie suggested, “sure babe, we haven’t been for a while” Jack replied indicating left to head towards the movie theatre.
The couple walked into the theatre after parking, Jack went to get the tickets whilst Mackenzie went to grab the snacks, She chose popcorn and a large cherry cola for them to share. Jack walked over to her with the tickets, grabbing the popcorn from her as she struggled to hold it all with one arm, and led her to the screening room, sitting down. Jack placed the drink in the cup holder in between him and the empty seat beside him, placing the straw in, he placed the popcorn on the free seat next to him.
Jack draped his arm across Kenzie’s shoulders lifting the arm rest between them so Kenzie could cuddle into him. Leaning up Mackenzie pouted her lips out, tapping Jack's thigh so he’d look down. Laughing softly, Jack leaned down to kiss her as the advertisements started.
What was meant to be an innocent kiss, soon started heating up. Jack pulled away first just as the movie started, Mackenzie snuggling into the crook of his neck, Jack leaned his head down to rest on hers. Placing soft kisses to her head every now and then throughout the movie,feeding her pieces of popcorn, and holding the cup as she sipped.
The movie finished 2 hours later, just as it was starting to get dark. Jack drives back to the house, deciding on taking the scenic route, pulling over. Reaching for his phone Jack played ilym, climbing out and helping Kenzie out. He pulled her into him, Kenzie wrapping her arms around his neck loosely, Jack placing his hands on her hips as they slow danced in the field.
After the song ended they climbed back in the car, heading back home. Until Mackenzie saw a carnival and begged Jack to go, not that it took much convincing. Jack paid for some tokens much to Mackenzie’s dismay as she wanted to buy them. The two headed for the basketball stand, Jack winning her a small blue turtle. Jack wanted to go on the bumper cars but due to Mackenzie still having a broken arm and ribs, she stayed out watching him. She loved watching him smile, his smile was one of the many reasons why she fell in love with him.
They went on the ferris wheel last, watching the amazing view of Michigan. When Mackenzie was distracted Jack pulled out the two necklaces, tapping Kenzie on the shoulder as he pulled out her box. Mackenzie gasped softly, “Jack” she warned, tears already pooling at her eyes. “Before you get too emotional, this isn’t a proposal” Jack smiled at her. Mackenzie relaxed slightly, whilst there was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to marry him, they’d had the discussion and both agreed they weren’t quite ready yet.
“Mackenzie, you’ve truly changed my life for the better. If someone asked me where I wanted to be in the next 5 years, I’d say it didn’t matter as long as you were by my side, you make me the best version of myself, I love you unconditionally and endlessly, so I give you this necklace as a reminder that no matter how far apart we are on roadies, I’ll always be with you and you’ll always be with me” Jack finished as he opened the box to reveal the J86 necklace. Mackenzie was crying as she leaned forward and placed a hand on his cheek, kissing him passionately. Pulling away, resting her forehead on his, “Jack, that was so beautiful. The necklace is so beautiful, I love you so much.”
Mackenzie grabbed the necklace, passing it to Jack and pulling her hair to one side as he clasped it around her neck, “we need to get you one now bubs.” “Already one step ahead of you” Jack said, pulling the other box out and revealing the other necklace, Jack went to put it on before Mackenzie stopped him “Wait, let me give you a heartfelt speech.”
Wiping her tears, she looked into his blue eyes, “Jack, when my dad left I thought I was unlovable, trapped in a world that deemed me unworthy of the special kinda love, that I wasn't worth loving but then I met you and you showed me that that wasn’t true. You taught me how to love and what it feels like to be loved, you make me feel like the only girl in the world. You are so sweet, gentle, caring, beautiful inside and out. You are so effortlessly you and I can’t believe I get to call you mine, I wake up every day feeling like I’m dreaming. Like I’m living in a fairytale and I’ve found my Prince Charming. I love you more than anything in this world” Mackenzie finished reaching for the necklace so Jack could clasp it. Stepping back onto the ground, Jack kissed her, pouring every emotion he felt into the kiss as did she.
The pair walked back to the car, driving back to the lake house, screaming out the lyrics to their playlist songs, laughing at the strange looks they got from passing cars. Pulling into the driveway at 9:30PM, shutting off the car, Jack walked to the trunk grabbing the bags as Kenzie undid her seatbelt. Jack opened her door for her in passing, opening the door and holding it open for her as they walked in. Jack headed straight for their bedroom to drop the bags off, he headed for Trevor, Kaylee’s and Quinn’s room next with Kaylee’s Target bag. Finding Kaylee and Trevor cuddled on their airbed, “well this looks cosy” Jack teased.
Trevor looked up at Jack, “hey buddy, how was your date? Did you give her the thing?” Kaylee’s head shot up from Trevor’s chest. “What thing?” Kaylee asked confused, “Jack brought Kenzie and himself matching necklaces, with each other's hockey number and initials on them” Trevor answered.
“Awww Jacky boy, that's so sweet!! Did you give it to her?” Kaylee smiled. “Yeah, gave it to her at the top of the ferris wheel, gave each other a speech as well” Jack chuckled at the look on Kaylee’s face, she looked like she was about to cry.
“Aww trevy-bear, why don't we have matching necklaces” Kaylee pouted, “erm because we’re not dating” Trevor deadpanned. “I’ve told you, you can be my fake boyfriend. The closest thing my parents will ever have to a son-in-law” Kaylee teased, the two got on so well together, that if you were unaware that Kaylee liked girls you’d think they were dating.
“Sounds like a sweet deal to me babe, I’ll make the order” Trevor winked. Jack rolled his eyes at the pair, “Kay I’ve got your requests from earlier, tampons and m&m’s quite the combo if you ask me.”
“Oh you’re a lifesaver! I was very close to sending Quinn out to get me some more snacks” Kaylee smiled as she tucked into her m&m’s, slapping Trevor’s hand as he tried to grab some.
“Ok Jacky boy? What’s boyfriend period rule number 2?” Kaylee questioned, Jack sighed having gone through this “training” as Kaylee called it many times before “never eat your girlfriend’s period snacks unless you want your dick cut off” Jack said nonchalantly.
“Wait wait, what’s number one?” Trevor quirked an eyebrow up, “for the next 3-7 days you are her bitch, you get her whatever she needs whenever she needs” Jack replied before Kaylee could open her mouth. Kaylee looked impressed “see now I knew you were paying attention”, “no I’ve just become a pro at looking after Mackenzie during that time of the month” Jack shot back.
Jack turned around as Trevor kept asking Kaylee about the boyfriend period rules, leaving the room Jack walked back to his bedroom. Poking his head in to see if Kenzie was in there, she was not so he jumped in the shower.
Meanwhile, Mackenzie walked into the living room, to see Skylar sitting on the couch, in a hoodie she assumed belonged to Ethan. “Hey Sky, how was your day?” Mackenzie smiled at her sister, however Skylar ignored her. “Erm hello? Sky I’m talking to you” Mackenzie stated, “oh really, never would have guessed that” Skylar replied sarcastically.
Mackenzie furrowed her eyebrows before asking “What’s going on?” “Nothin’, why don’t you just go back to your boyfriend, you puck bunny” Skylar huffed out. Mackenzie scoffed out “what did you just call me?”
“A puck bunny, that’s what you are. How long till you get bored of Jack huh? I’m impressed you’ve managed to trap him for this long” Skylar shouted out.
Mackenzie was stunned, Skylar had never acted this way before. “Skylar. Where is this coming from? What do you mean trap him? I’VE NOT TRAPPED ANYONE” Mackenzie shouted out.
“Oh my GOD, are you that stupid? Clearly your ex boyfriends had the right idea to drop you. I’m surprised Jack settled for you” Skylar shouted out again, louder than before, looking at her sister disgusted.
“AND WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” Mackenzie shouted back, not caring who heard. “IT MEANS I CAN’T BELIEVE HE CAN’T SEE YOU FOR WHAT YOU REALLY ARE!!” Skylar shouted back.
“OH REALLY?” Mackenzie shouted back, “YEAH REALLY!” Skylar folded her arms across her chest. “AND WHAT AM I REALLY? COME ON SKY WHAT DO YOU REALLY THINK OF ME HUH?” Mackenzie screamed back.
Quinn was running to Jack's room after hearing the girls shouting, frantically knocking on the door.
“OH SO NOW I'M A CHEATER? HMM?” Mackenzie was starting to feel her hands tingle.
“EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?” Mackenzie was furious.
Quinn was still pounding on his brother's door, “JACK, JACK GET OUT HERE NOW!” Jack swung the door open in joggers with wet hair, “what? I was showering”
“It’s Kenzie and Sky, they’re…” before Quinn could finish both boys heard “I’M JUST SAYING, HE’S CLEARLY DERANGED IF HE FELL IN LOVE WITH A WHORE PUCK BUNNY LIKE YOU” Skylar’s voice carried through the house.
Multiple doors flew open at that, multiple heads poking out. “What the hell is going on?” Luke asked, visibly confused, before anyone could answer they heard Mackenzie yell, “OH SO NOW I’M A WHORE? I THOUGHT I WAS A SLUT SKYLAR MAKE UP YOUR MIND! AM I A SLUT OR A WHORE?”
Everyone upstairs turned to look at Jack, “don’t look at me I have no idea what the fucks going on” he defended himself. Kaylee sighed, “I knew this was coming” she whispered but every head shot to her.
“What do you mean?” Quinn asked, Kaylee sighed again before being cut off. “OH SO NOW IM INCOMPETENT? KEEP EM COMIN’ SKYLAR I’VE GOT ALL DAMN NIGHT YOU BITCH” Mackenzie screamed.
Everyone’s eyes widened at that, “Skylar, she has abandonment issues after their dad. It’s never gotten to this though” Kaylee sighed out.
Every pair of eyes flitted back to Jack, sighing he said “someone needs to go down there before they kill each other” before anyone could answer they heard a slap.
“DID YOU JUST FUCKING SLAP ME?!” Mackenzie screeched. “YEAH SO WHAT?” Skylar screeched back. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY CAN’T YOU BE HAPPY FOR ME? I LOVE HIM, MAYBE IF YOU WEREN’T SUCH A PSYCHO SOMEONE WOULD LOVE YOU” Mackenzie screeched back, starting to feel her leg jolt.
Jack,Trevor, Kaylee and Quinn were running down the stairs, taking them two at a time.
“OH YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT HANDLING SLAPS YEAH? LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT?” Mackenzie raised her hand, but before she could even attempt to move her hand, her eyes were rolling back and she was falling forward.
“M-MACKENZIE?” Skylar shouted out, just as Jack, Kaylee, Trevor and Quinn entered the room. Kaylee and Trevor ready to grab Skylar as Jack and Quinn were ready to grab Kenzie.
Instead the four were greeted with Skylar standing by the couch, face red from screaming. Mackenzie layed on the floor face down by the coffee table, “Mackenzie? Babe?” Jack called out slowly approaching, but as he did so Mackenzie started convulsing on the floor. As Jack moved quicker towards her he called out a set of instructions, “Kaylee, get Skylar out of here before I kill her”Jack seethed as Skylar's eyes widened as Kaylee ushered her out of the room. “Quinn I need you to pass me a pillow, and start a stopwatch. Stop it once her seizure stops.” Quinn immediately passed Jack a pillow and started timing her seizure on his phone, Jack placed the pillow to the side of her head. “Trev, I need you to help me move her to her side and move anything around her that she can hit her head on” Trevor helped Jack move Kenzie on her side, head resting on the pillow and moved the coffee table with Quinn’s help.
“Trev can you grab a bottle of water please?” Jack asked, looking up at his best friend. “Kenzie baby, it’s ok. You’re gonna be ok” Jack watched as she continued to convulse on the floor, “I’m here angel, Jacks here. I’m not going anywhere” he reassured her.
“Quinn how long has it been?” Jack questioned, worried that she wasn’t stopping. “Erm 3 minutes” Quinn stated, “shit ok” Jack whispered. “What does that mean?” Trevor asked. “It means if she doesn’t stop in the next 2 minutes we need to call 911, her’s usually only lasts 5 minutes any more than that and she needs an ambulance” Jack replied.
At the four minute mark, Mackenzie was still convulsing but they were slowing down, Jack was still talking to her as was Quinn and Trevor. At 5 minutes she’d stopped convulsing but was still unconscious.
It took a while but eventually Kenzie came back around, “hey baby” Jack whispered. Mackenzie squinted at the bright lights of the living room, Jack asking Trevor to turn the brightness down. Jack looked down at her brown eyes as they opened again, “you want some water baby?” Jack asked. Mackenzie nodded, “slow sips yeah baby? That’s a good girl” Jack praised as she slowly sipped the water.
After 20 minutes laying on the floor, Jack helped her up, yelling out as her ribs were sore from convulsing, “I know baby, I know” Jack soothed. “You wanna head up to bed?” Jack questioned as he saw her nod her head whispering a small thank you to Trev and Quinn.
Jack carried her upstairs, being met with multiple heads still sticking out of doors, “she had a seizure” Jack spoke softly. Some looked confused as others nodded, Jack could hear Luke begin to explain to the confused ones about Mackenzie and her seizures. Placing her gently on the bed, Jack grabbed the clothes he’d laid on the bed for her, “kenz baby? I’m just gonna change you into some pjs. Wanna help me?” Jack asked knowing that sometimes she liked to help, other times she just had no energy. “Jacky?” Mackenzie called out, “what happened?”
“You had a seizure baby, but you’re ok I promise. Brought you up to bed, wanna help me get your pjs on?” Jack softly spoke. Mackenzie shook her head, as her hands and legs still felt tingly, “ok baby that’s ok” Jack reassured her. Jack changed her into some comfy clothes before tucking her in, he went to leave to tell Kaylee she was fine but Kenzie made grabby hands calling out for him “Jacky? Don’t leave me?”
“I’m just gonna tell Kay you’re ok baby, I’ll be back in two seconds I promise” Jack could see her eyes drooping. Quickly, Jack walked out knocking on Kaylee’s door. Kaylee quickly opened, “how’s my home girl?”
“She’s fine, still a little shaky, couldn’t help me get her changed this time” Jack summarised. “How long did it last?” Kaylee questioned, “nearly 5 minutes” Jack responded. “Shit, Is she asking for me again?” Kaylee questioned, if not Jack, Mackenzie would usually call out for Kaylee. “Not this time, she’s just calling for me, I better get back to her, but did you find out what the hell happened?”
“No, I’m just as furious as you are. Skylar had no right to be saying that shit. Kenz has done nothing wrong! I cannot even look at her right now, I dropped her off at Ethan’s room” Kaylee stated, before hugging Jack and walking back to cuddle with Trev.
Jack makes his way back to Kenzie, climbing into bed pulling her still slightly shaking petite figure back into his side, kissing her head whispering “I love you kenz”, Kenzie whispering “I love you Jack.” Before drifting to sleep, Quinn poked his head through the door making sure his brother and future sister in law were ok, receiving a thumbs up from Jack he walked in, sitting by Jacks legs. “Is she ok?” Quinn asked, looking over at Mackenzie, who had snuggled into the crook of Jacks neck. “She’ll be ok, she’s still a little shaky but that’s normal” Jack replied leaning down to kiss Kenzie’s head. “As long as you two are ok, if you need me just come and get me” Quinn stood up and shut the door as Jack drifted off to sleep with his girl safe in his arms.
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Liked by jackhughes, Kay.Johnson, _quinnhughes and 147,824 others
Kenzie.Havener I’m only incredibly lucky girl, I love you endlessly jackhughes🥹❤️
Ps Jack was an absolute menace on the bumper cars 😂
jackhughes I’m the lucky one baby, i love you always ❤️
Kay.Johnson when can we go on a date like that fake bf trevorzegras 🤨
trevorzegras planning it now fake gf, love you babes 😙
Kay.Johnson love you too trev 😙
Frey.Lodge I need a relationship like that 😩, I’m accepting applications 🙏🏼😇
Cody.Griffin yeah erm why does it say charity work at the top of the application? 🤨😂
Frey.Lodge blocked 🤚🏼
Elblue06 aww looks like you two had fun 💙
Kenzie.Havener we did thank you for raising such a gentleman 💙😩
Elblue06 you are most welcome, hope he’s treating you well 💙
Kenzie.Havener the best 💙
Olivia.Autumn maybe you should take notes for Jacky boy 🤨 Chase_Lukas
Chase_Lukas calling him rn 🏃🏼💨💨
jackhughes I can confirm he is in fact calling me 😫
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Liked by Kenzie.Havener, trevorzegras, l_hughes06 and 146,780 others
jackhughes the luckiest boy in the world right here ❤️🥹 I love you always baby @Kenzie.Havener
Kenzie.Havener the love I have for you is endless. I love you bubs ❤️
trevorzegras ok but like why do they have to be so cute 😭😫
Kay.Johnson trev pass me the tissues again 😭😭
trevorzegras I’ll need a whole box 😭😭🥹
_quinnhughes glad you’re happy rowdy 🙂
Kenzie.Havener that felt like the most sarcastic comment ever 😫😭
Frey.Lodge omg right? 😭😭
_quinnhughes I can’t win 😫
Njdevils our favourite devil couple ❤️
Kenzie.Havener thank you admin 🫶🏼❤️
Colecaufield thank you for your charity work 🫡 @Kenzie.Havener
Kenzie.Havener it’s not charity work but thank you 🫡
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sporadiceagleheart · 2 months
This is Thursday April 11th 2024 is for those victims that was gunned down and also for the Manchester Arena victims that was bombed down as well they aren't just rappers wrestlers kids or dreamers but they are angels sent back to heaven Ava Jordan Wood, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Saffie Rose Roussos, Pop Smoke, Young Dolph, Tupac Shakur and Christopher George Latore Wallace, Natalia Victoria Wallace, Shinzo Abe, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Rev, Martin Luther King Jr., Secoriea Turner, Royta De'Marco Layfield Giles Jr., Davon McNeal, Dajore Wilson, Mekhi James, Judith and Maria Barsi, Janari A. Ricks, Carolyn Kay “Katy” Davis, Christiana Mae “Chrissy” Duarte, Shirley Virginia Ferrell Drouet, Stacee Ann Etcheber, Brisenia Ylianna Flores, Keri Lynn Galvan, Christian Riley Garcia, Angela Christine “Angie” Gomez, Jaime Taylor Guttenberg, Nicole Marie Hadley, Caitlin Millar Hammaren, Linda Sue Miller Hathorn, Aubrey Wright Hawkins, Demetrius C. “D” Hewlin, Rachael Elizabeth Hill, Emily Jane Hilscher, Dawn Alyson Lafferty Hochsprung, Anah Michelle Hodges, Winter Ashley Hodges, Kenzie Marie Houk, Lisa Rachelle Huff Huff, Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Caleb Curtis Jackson, Dwayne Clifford Jackson Jr., Honesty Faith Jackson, Jonah Curtis Jackson, Trinity Hope Jackson, Jessica Jeanette James, Veronica Lynn “Tina” Jefferson, SGT Kent Dean Kincaid, Lawrence Fobes “Larry” King, Kandy Janell Kirtland, Russell Dennis King Jr., Amy Michelle Kitchen, Carly Anne Buchholtz Kreibaum, Matthew Joseph La Porte VVETERAN, Cara Marie Loughran, Trayvon Benjamin Martin, Rhonda M. LeRocque, Rebecka Ann Carnes, Adriana “Adri” Dukić, Cassie Bernall, Ross Abdallah Alameddine, Arielle Anderson, Lucero Alcaraz, PnB Rock, Nipsey Hussle, Takeoff, Dayvon Daquan Bennett, Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, Janette Becraft, Eddie Graham, Shannon Claire Spruill, Dino Bravo, Lena Marie Nunez-Anaya, Sincere Gaston, Rebecka Ann Carnes, Annabelle Renee Pomeroy, Darius “DJ” Dugas II, Jason Leonard Abbott, Hannah Lassette Magiera Ahlers, Tammy Jo Alexander, Alyssa Miriam Alhadeff, Teresa Carol Allen, Cory Adam Andrewski, Thomas Aquinas Ashton, Charlotte Helen “Char” Bacon, Daniel Gerard “Danny” Barden, Carrie Rae Barnette, and more
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