maskmoth · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you to get to know your mutuals and followers <3 👉👈
hrrrmmm.... so five things that make me happy huh? colonel, bring out the list.....
@raptorwhack, obviously. easy first answer 🫶
dolls and bjds. ive gotten more consistent with my collection, as in i try to only get the ones i genuinely like, and not attempt to be a completionist like i wanted to be as a kid lol.
speculative evolution (and worldbuilding surrounding it). theres so much cool shit you can do. highly reccomend All Tomorrows, Runaway To The Stars. and the Birrin project.
hanging out with friends or new potential friends. which i wish i could do more often even just online, but lining up adult scheduals is such a thing....and everybody is so far away now.... auggh
music in general is one of the few things keeping me sane rn i think
its kinda hard to think of anything bcs ive been kinda coasting lately and havent been able to afford to do much fun stuff so i kinda forget 😓
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more-than-a-ghosti · 2 years
had to start a new post for this reblog game sooo
i was tagged by @whoeverreadsthisisgay
fav colour: all shades of purple bc purple supremacy
last song: scheiße by lady gaga
last book: legend of zelda twilight princess manga
last movie: puss in boots the last wish
spicy, sweet, savoury: 30% sweet 30% savoury 40% spicy
currently working on: procrastination
tagging @nyanbinarychara @justforspite2 @kepprarage @mango-bubbletea @chloelouygo @noritaro @bxetherat @gremzon
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False hope.
December 11th, 2017. 
I lost my anger the other day. I have never felt such rage in me before. I hated the feeling. I will never let myself get to that point ever again. I had a follow up appointment today at my neurologist. She asked how I was feeling on keppra. Except, thats not how she asked. She asked in a way that It sounded like I could come off medicine. I was so excited. I hate medicine. I hate putting chemicals in to my body like that. Yes, It prevents seizures. Is It worth It? For now It is. On the plus side I graduated from frequent monthly visits to twice a year. Fingers crossed 2018 brings in health and happiness. 
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maskmoth · 1 year
hiii i havent done an ask game in a very ling time and i saved this one from @kepprarage in my drafts for like a month now sobbb. sorry meant to do this sooner lol! i love how we just became muuts over bi solidarity and bilesbian nonsense. the world is beautiful. 🤝
ask game: tag 10 people you want to know better. ummm i hate tagging people. im sorry besties <3 if we're mutuals or friends feel free to if you want!
relationship status : taken!!! @raptorwhack love you <3
favorite color : probably red but tbh im more of a color combo type of person i cant choose just one. so red+black (im in my edgy looks for fun era) and blue+purple!
last song i listened to: lemonworld by The National. im listening thru their older albums that i used to listen to in highschool so i can see if theyre still good.
song stuck in my head : Sorrow also by The National. but also most of the ambiant village songs from totk like Rito Village and Goron City lol
three favorite foods : most kinds of seafood tbh. i love 🦀 crab. sushi 🍣. and uhhhh. oh tbh my mom's seafood gumbo. bonus 4th is canes too i miss canes so bad 😭 😭 😭
last thing i googled : basically affordable blood tests from the blood donation centers near here.
dream trip: i know this is basic af but japan would be a great trip i think. not sure what prefecture yet tho
something i want right now : i wanna sleep and also play gayme but im at work. ripppp.
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Today is October 15th, 2017. I have been on Keppra for a little over a month. 
Keppra SUCKS. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around everything going on in my life. I mean, I just turned 22 and I'm only just getting diagnosed with epilepsy. I have gone my whole 22 years with what I thought was no problems. I didn't know I was having seizures when I was having them. I was fine. I had my grand Mal seizure at work and BAM. “You're epileptic here is some medicine”. That isn't an exact quote but it might as well be. Weaning on to Keppra was miserable. When the doctor talked to me about the medicine I was told I MAY experience “moodiness, dizziness and drowsiness” or I may not. Let me tell you something. I experienced all of that AND MORE. I was super tired (still am), my anxiety was through the roof, super jittery, I would cry at nothing at all, I had leg & foot cramps (this one worried me I googled it its a thing go figure) and the keppra rage is REAL. I get so mad SO EASILY. Fortunately now being on the medicine for a little over a month I am finally feeling better. I still get random flares of rage. I also googled that and people who have been on the medicine for a year still experience this so I'm thinking this is something ill always feel, just have to control. Starting the medicine I cut the pill in half and took half in the morning half at night and it worried me that I wasn't even on my full dosage and was having such a miserable time. BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. I messaged my doctor and told her I was NOT ready to start the full amount and that I hated how I felt. I stayed at the half a pill for another week and at the second week mark I felt a lot better so I started the full pill in the AM and full pill at PM. A lot has been going on with work (unrelated to my epilepsy) but I was forgotting to do A LOT of stuff which made me think that maybe my epilepsy was affecting my memory BUT IT WASNT. Life has been rough folks, but I will get through this. I will be okay. I am not my diagnosis, rather, I am a 22 year old woman who lives in NC with her family and works full time and has epilepsy. THAT IS ME. That is who I will always be. Keppra does not define me. I define ME. 
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