#ketsui usagidoshi
alkhale · 2 years
HELLO HELLO I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE THE KHR REBLOGS ;-; Cries of the Heart was my first fic from you and I love Ketsui so much, she deserves the world TT im so excited for your rewrites!!!!
if possible, and it's okay if it'd be a spoiler and you can't, could we maybe please see a little bit of what TYL!Ketsui/Yoru's dynamic would be with Tsuna and his guardians? Pls and thank you!!!
HELLO HELLO ANON, I'M JUST HAPPY PEOPLE ARE STILL READING THIS ONE :') I know it's an older one and KHR doesn't get as much love as it used too, but it'll always be one of my favs. All my mafia addictions and gangster movie crazes were all because of Reborn <3
I can't do too much because I'll leave it for when we finally get to the Ten Year Later/Future arc... but I can definitely give you a bit of TYL!Ketsui with the TYL!Cast ;)
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These observations will be made through the curious eyes of the Vongola's newest secretary, Bella
A rather polite, sweet young woman who likes life simple, or as simple as it can be when your own family has ties to the mafia, she decided to take this job at the recommendation of one of her friends who works as a contracted accountant for the Vongola, hinting she might be able to scout for potential partners amidst the Vongola's eligible bachelors and bachelorettes
Bella fanned her warming cheeks with both her hands, sighing as she managed to slip out the back of the terrace doors to one of the mansion's massive gardens.
She'd known already ahead of time that parties hosted by the Famiglia would be grand. Experiencing the sheer grandness of it all first hand, however, wasn't as easy to prepare for.
And tonight was one of the biggest they could get—a founding day celebration for the Vongola Famiglia. Founding day celebrations were no joke, not in the slightest in the mafia world, Bella was well aware. Allied families and lone contracted hitmen alike had filled the massive halls of the Vongola Family mansion—one of their many scattered across the breath of Italy.
Bella knew ahead her new work would find her split between Japan and Italy since the Vongola Decimo had his headquarters in both countries, but all formal events would find them back in Italy where the Vongola was first birthed.
The little balls and galas playing at extravagance by the other families attempting to win alliances with the Vongola were nothing compared to this. Everywhere Bella looked had dripped decadence. The shining chandeliers, the vast, colorful arrays of food stretched across gilded tables, the marbled floors so polished she could see her own reflection—not to mention the people! More people than Bella had ever seen in her life. More mafiosos than Bella had ever seen. She knew now firsthand just why the name Vongola carried all the weight it did.
But... Bella pressed the back of her cool hands against her still warm cheeks. There was still a strange, sort of comforting sense of... homeliness that lined the faint edges of this grand celebration held by the Vongola Famiglia. Something more real compared to the rest, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
The garden's were just as big as Bella could have imagined. Lush green hedges walled off thick and bountiful bushes of flowers. Everything from roses to peonies lined walkways, smooth and clean of all weeds and trash alike. Bella marveled at it all, wondering if some of the flowers had even been imported from the Decimo's home country. The faint bubble and trickle of a fountain somewhere nearby brought Bella closer, escaping the loud and flooded chatter of people still inside the main ballroom.
She'd hear it from her friend later if she didn't go back soon. She was particularly insistent on making sure Bella could identify all the eligible bachelor's in the Vongola Famiglia and their more easy-on-the-eyes allies. Bella already knew the handsome and very single Cavallone Boss was a treat for the eyes at any party, or the smiling, charming laugh of the Decimo's Rain Guardian, one of his close friends from middle school.
They were all very nice to look at. All of the Decimo's guardians were strangely enough, very easy on the eyes. It was often one had a mafia family stacked with such lookers like this. But Bella didn't have the heart to tell her friend she was still a professional after all, and professionals did not get involved with their employers like that.
Well, Bella hummed to herself, following the sound of the fountain. A secretary and one of the Guardians... that couldn't be too bad, could it?
A muffled sound was started to pick up over the rush of water. Louder the closer she got—was someone arguing?
"How could you even think about leaving early? Do you know how it would even start to look for him?"
"...I think you're exaggerating. No one would bother if I left a little early."
"We represent the Boss! Of course people would notice!"
"I never said I was going to leave... I just wanted a bit of fresh air."
Bella blinked, peeking a bit more quietly around one of the hedges to where the garden opened up to the massive fountain. A fight? I hope it isn't a couple's—
Bella stopped dead, eyes growing round in surprise.
The smokey hair was unmistakable. His pressed black suit hid the peek of bright, roguish red around the collar of his neck. Broad shoulders and a deeply masculine frame. A large, glittering red stone ring adorned one of his long, calloused fingers and—
Bella hid deeper behind the bush, flushing in embarrassment. The Storm Guardian, Gokudera Hayato! He was one of the one's she was often warned about during her work training. Known wonderfully for his deep loyalty the the Tenth, and known even more for his short temper and rough demeanor to anyone who stood in the Tenth's way. Bella had heard he was notorious for getting into fights with some of the other Guardians, apparently always butting heads with one of the female ones... not the Mist... who was it again?
But despite his rough and gruff demeanor, Bella always did notice he was one of the firsts to always have his paperwork done. He made it his work to solve whatever issues he could before the reached the Tenth's desk or unless the Vongola Decimo wished to be involved firsthand himself.
Vongola Decimo's right hand man.
And in front of him is... Bella squinted, making out long, beautifully toned and tanned legs—oh, she must work out a lot, her legs are gorgeous—peeking through the deep slit of a sleek black dress, black as the night. Gokudera moved a bit to the side, saying something else as his hand moved with more emphasis. Long black hair was swept over her shoulder and down her back, curling a bit at the ends like a child had wrapped the ends of the strands around their fingers. Bella's eyes went curiously round.
Ketsui Usagidoshi. Bella blinked a few more times. She's also one of the Guardians... I don't remember which one... Some people call her the Vongola's Black Rabbit.
"I just wanted to hear Tsuna's speech," Ketsui's face looked calm, relaxed almost compared to the taut and rough tone from Gokudera. In one hand she swirled a glass around and Bella instantly recognized the color for the citron wine. Sweet and refreshing. She'd had a few glasses herself. "That's all we really cared about anyway."
Bella had heard whispers of the female Guardian, a range of different things that always left her rather mysterious. Hearing her speak now—her voice was sort of soft, smooth and quiet. It tickled Bella's ears like a whisper.
"It doesn't matter, stupid woman," Gokudera said roughly. Bella flinched. They're fighting, aren't they? Oh, no, that could be dangerous. "We need to keep up appearances for our guests. There's too many people here for any slacking."
"...Kyouya isn't playing nice though." Bella almost laughed. Ketsui's voice was quiet, but the monotone was betrayed by the hint of petulance. Sort of childish, she realized. It was a bit endearing to see from the beautiful and quiet woman.
"Hibari's never held to the same standards. That bastard is doing the bare minimum by not beating up half the people here to death."
"Well," Ketsui said quietly. "That doesn't seem very fair."
The Storm Guardian let out an aggravated sigh. Bella started to worry she was about to see a fight break out between the short-tempered right hand man and the dark horse of the Vongola Famiglia—but to her surprise, Ketsui shifted a bit to the side along the fountain's seat.
Gokudera sat down beside her, slumping with an even deeper sigh as he rested his hands on his knees. Ketsui have one of them a small, friendly pat, taking a quiet sip of her drink.
Bella blinked.
"Damn Hibari," Gokudera said. He held out his hand and Ketsui silently placed her half-finished glass into it. Gokudera threw his head back and cleaned the glass in one swing. "Him and his crowding. He just uses it as an excuse so he doesn't have to deal with all this bullshit."
Gokudera set the glass down beside him, scowling even deeper as he loosened his tie a bit, undoing the first few buttons of his dark red dress shirt as well. "That shit was sweet. What the hell were you drinking?"
"I don't know," Ketsui said calmly. "I picked it because it smelled like citrus."
She absently glanced to her empty glass, leaning back onto her hands. "I did want to finish it, you know."
"I'll get you another," Gokudera shuffled around for something in his suit pocket. "How many have you had, anyway?"
Bella could see now that Gokudera wasn't blocking, the full view of the dark-haired woman. Her black dress was almost a bit plain compared a handful of the other women here, pulling out all the stops before their fellow mafiosos—but something about the simpleness of her attire, from her dark, quiet eyes, to the whispers of curls against the ends of her hair... Bella found herself staring at the female Guardian even more.
Ketsui sighed a little through her nose, a soft sound that didn't sound very exasperated at all. Maybe amused. "My first." She tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Bella noticed now two funny strands sticking out at the top of her head in a little X sort of shape. Bed head? "The Violeta Boss. He insisted I drink with him."
Gokudera snapped a cigarette in half, growling a bit under his breath as he tucked it into his pocket and reached for another. "That slimy piece of shit? I thought we told you not to talk to him."
"I thought you said we have to keep up appearances," Ketsui said quietly. Bella almost snorted. She couldn't tell if the monotone was a tease or truth.
Gokudera scowled, placing the cigarette between his teeth. "Not for pieces of trash like him. Pezzo di merda."
The Storm Guardian took out a silver lighter, striking it over and over again with more anger each spin. "If I had to count how many times he keeps calling asking for the Tenth to deploy you or that woman, I'd blow up my own head."
Bella knew exactly who they were talking about. The Violeta's Ninth Boss was a sad excuse of a man and a boss, only involved with the Vongola through the old ties of his father and the Ninth Vongola, it seemed. He was a scoundrel through and through that left behind strings of broken hearts and ruined women. Bad in bed and in the head, Bella's friend liked to say. He liked to think his good looks and status could get him anything, and it seemed his latest victims were the Vongola Decimo's female Guardians.
"Chrome's lucky," Ketsui said absently. Bella watched, blinking repeatedly in surprise as she took Gokudera's lighter from his hand. Bella watched in even wider surprise when Gokudera let her, remaining silent with the cigarette between his lips. "Mukuro scared him off."
Ketsui gently cupped one hand around the lighter, shielding it from the wind. Gokudera turned his face toward her, shifting his body as well. A bit of smoky gray mingled against pitch black locks, and Bella watched with round eyes as the Storm Guardian leaned over Ketsui, eyes lowered as she struck his lighter.
A soft flame flickered out from Ketsui's cupped palm and like that the two pulled apart, still sitting closer than they were before as Gokudera turned his head away and exhaled to the side. Smoke trailed up into the night air.
Oh. Bella thought curiously. Maybe they get along... better than I thought?
Ketsui absently pulled a cigarette free from Gokuedera's box. He watched her in silence, jade eyes half-lidded, exhaling another cloud of smoke into the air as she moved it around her fingers, contemplating before she put it to her lips as well. She reached for Gokudera's lighter.
"Maybe I should let him possess my body too," Ketsui mused quietly. Bella blinked. Possess? What does she mean by— She struck the lighter, eyelashes lowered. "...then he just might—"
Bella clapped her hands over her mouth to stop from gasping.
Gokudera grasped Ketsui by her chin, turning her head a bit rough and a bit soft toward him. Gokudera leaned down, pressing the burning end of his cigarette against Ketsui's unlit one. He kept his fingers on her chin, holding her there.
Gokudera exhaled. A cloud of smoke trailed against their faces, dangerously close to reach other. The burning end of his cigarette burned brighter, catching against Ketsui's and lighting the end.
Ketsui's face was unreadable, quiet and unbothered. There was just a faint, faint twinkle of amusement in her eyes. A hidden little star. Gokudera said nothing, pulling away and leaning back again onto one of his palms as he exhaled another deep cloud up into the air.
"Don't even dare," Gokudera said.
Ketsui inhaled, taking a soft drag of the cigarette before she exhaled a smaller cloud Gokudera's way. The ashy color dispersed into the smoky ends of his hair and he looked over at her with narrowed eyes.
Burning embers from the end of his cigarette fell to the floor between them.
"Bitter," Ketsui said quietly. She stubbed the cigarette out against the fountain concrete. Gokudera wordlessly held out his palm. Ketsui blew on the cigarette butt a few times and dropped it into his hand. He trashed it in his pocket with the other snapped one to throw away later. "Your other brand smelled nicer."
"Shut up, coniglia."
"That isn't really an insult," Ketsui smoothed out her dress, standing up. She grabbed the empty glass and Gokudera took another long drag of the cigarette, savoring it for a moment before he stood up beside her. A whole head and some taller. "Goku-dog."
Gokudera placed one large hand against her waist, half-guiding her as the two of them made their way out of the garden.
"I should drop these into his drink."
"He's a weird one," Ketsui warned. "He might like it knowing I used it."
"Disgusting pig."
"I thought we weren't supposed to cause any trouble for Tsuna?"
"He'd give the order."
"No," Ketsui protested quietly. "Not that kind of order, at least." A bit more thoughtfully she added, "I think he'd think Mukuro was a good idea too."
Gokudera said something in response that didn't sound very nice, their words disappearing as they walked too far out of Bella's hearing range.
The newly minted secretary remained silent, hands still clasped over her mouth to keep any noises from slipping out. She waited a second, then a second longer, before slowly lowering her hands down to her lap.
Bella's cheeks were flushed a bright red, head spinning in disbelief after witnessing the Storm Guardian doing something so—so—so—
She quickly fanned her cheeks harder. She had to keep this to herself. She had no idea Vongola Decimo's Guardians had such a relationship. Who would have known!
Bella couldn't help the small pout over her lips, slumping deeper into the bushes.
And here she'd just started to think the mysterious Black Rabbit of the Vongola was just her type...
-I'll do the rest, heheh
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