#keys robodoki
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The team so far
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booloocrew-blog · 1 year
gift for @weaponsdrawn
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it has no significance to @magicalrobodokiofficial or A Rift In Time I just wanted to draw them in the style of a shit post
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Magical Robodoki Rift In Time Chapter 5....IS OUT NOW!
As a reminder, this'll be the last chapter cowritten by @weaponsdrawn on tumblr owing to personal stuff in her life. More info here.
The dark axe. A method of controlling and damaging dark creatures that can destroy the multiverse. It was destroyed long ago, with its various pieces scattering to many familiar dimensions, including the universe where the Robodoki crew lives. A new duo of enemies team up to rebuild the axe, a secret agent group called IDDA is in charge of handling this mess, and the Robodoki team must help them and others to save the entire existence of time and space itself…
Will these new interdimensional alliances get along? Will the Robodoki crew become successful spies? Or will their entire existence succumb to a rift in time?
A collab fic between weaponsdrawn on tumblr/killerqueenie on discord, this co-written fic was written by the both of us. She owns the IDDA characters and the Roomerang Showling characters, I own the robodoki characters.
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Robokori Simon Says
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Main attack: Robokori Simon Says. When the target is hit with his snowball, their eyes turn blue and Kori gains a blue cube. He then says "Simon Says" into the cube, followed by the thing they want the person to do. They'll do it like they wanted to in the first place, motivated to continue the game. The so-called "game" only lasts for one minute before the person snaps out of it, but the potential commands he can tell them are infinite in scope. - My Author's Notes
In other words, something Keys/Kori (owned by @weaponsdrawn on tumblr) needs to get used to...
OC Source: Robokori and Robochemi, Belongs to weaponsdrawn on tumblr
Robokori Simon Says
Robochemi LSD
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Hi! Me and @weaponsdrawn are hard at work putting the final touches of The One Where We Fight A Lot, aka Chapter 4 of Magical Robodoki. To help tide you over, here's yet another sneak peak of this psuedo-sitcom themed chapter, under the cut as always!
“Oh no! I’ve gotta host a dinner party for my coworkers…but the HOTEL is filled with MURDER!” Redacted panicked, his delivery all over the place. He failed to notice the portal opening behind him, and with it, the agent team walking inside.
A laugh track played, the audience’s laughter roaring in the air as the group looked at each other in confusion.
“...Anyone else hearing this, or?”
The laugh track played again.
“...This is gonna drive me fuckin’ nuts.” Buzz huffed. Aianna took notice of his stress and looked over at him.
“Are you ok, Hino?”
“I’m…I’m fine. Really.”
“You sure?”
“Positive.” Buzz affirmed as he heard the muffled sounds of his bowtie in his pocket. He pulled it out. “Sorry, what was-”
“Um, excuse me? Who are you guys?” Redacted interrupted as he turned to face the group, only to Restricted to appear and grab his arm.
“They’re guests, duh!” She glanced at Keys and Buttons, who quickly adjusted their mascot heads. “And I guess we’ve got a couple of furries in the roo- wait. Wasn’t there a comic convention today? Are you two lost?” As restricted said that last word in disgust, the laugh track played. 
Keys shook his head “no”, shivering a little bit in the process.
“Well, I figured that, but-”
“Just- Just help me clean up the blood stains, ok?” Restricted began to push Redacted out the door, to his protests. “Wha- don’t complain to me! The party starts in an hour and you haven’t even begun to clean this 13 story hotel, which is really grinding my gears here, yknow.” Restricted turned to the group, teeth bared in a fake smile. “Aaaaaaand you didn’t see OR hear that. Bye!”
The two left as the laugh track played once more. 
“...Ok, sorry. We were…interrupted.” Buzz sighed, to Aianna’s concern. She started to reach her hand over towards his shoulder, but pulled it back upon a bit of consideration. “What was that again?”
“I said, we seem to have located another agent that isn’t supposed to be here.”
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*UPDATED W NEW INFO*- Robokori and Robochemi
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Robokori: "With the power of order, I'll freeze evil's tracks! Call me Robokori, cuz I'll recharge your heart!"
Robochemi: "With the power of chaos, I'll start a reaction! Call me Robochemi, cuz I'll make your heart fizz!"
*** @weaponsdrawn wanted to see what Agent Keys and Buttons (which belong to her and are a part of our crossover series Magical Robodoki Rift In Time ICYMI) would be like as Robodoki members for [SPOILER REASONS], so here ya go!
Robokori (Keys, has the power of glowing ice, aka chemicals tending to glow more after they're frozen) and Robochemi (Buttons, has the power of chemical reactions, aka the powers of chemicals glowing as a part of heating up a chemical reaction)
Why do they look different than other Robodoki members? My answer: spoilers! :D
Civilian form sketches are by @weaponsdrawn, I claim no ownership of them or her characters. Also, the color scheme of Robocryo/Keys was made with her input but is not final yet, so yeah :p
Group attack concept under the cut (not final)
“The power of order-” Keys shouted as he summoned a giant snowball made of light with his keyblade, before holding it high into the air, a la he-man. “-Fill me with power!”
“The power of chaos-” Buttons shouted back as he inflated a giant bubble like a balloon, holding her keyblade above their head as well. “-Fill me with power!”
“Kori!” The two touched their keyblades together.
“Chemi!” The bubble popped, surrounding the snowball in a saturn-like ring of tiny bubbles.
“Ro-bo-GO!” They dramatically lowered their keyblade to point it towards the enemy, the sheer force of the action causing a giant gust of wind to blow towards the enemy. Said shockwave expanded and knocked the creature of darkness down. The two glanced at each other determinedly, before the wind got stronger and the planet tripled in size.
“Robodoki Rift Force! Double Bubble Trouble Touch!” The two called their attack as they thrust their keyblades forward, causing the makeshift planet to shoot towards the enemy. Once the combined energy ball hit the creature of the dark and began to raise them into the air, the rings spun around their waist like a hula hoop.
“Made your heart race!” The two yelled as they lept in excitement, causing light to engulf the enemy. Said light expanded into a domed explosion of light, purifying them.
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Sneak Peak of A Rift in Time Chapter 4!
Hi! Apologies for the delay on the next chapter of A Rift in Time, rest assured me and @weaponsdrawn are still working hard on it. But to make it up to you, under the cut is a sneak peak of said chapter, The One Where We Fight A Lot!
Please note it's a draft copy and as such it might be changed a bit in the final version. Without further ado, let's do this!
Pinprick silently picked up a remote with a giant red button on it. “...Everything Agent B said was complete misinformation, and sitcoms are not an invasive species. But the rest of you… you’re on the right track.” He clicked the button, and an image of what looked like a giant web made out of stars appeared on the screen. “We’ve been trying to track Sorrow- and traces of this unknown creature of darkness-” 
Nate shivered at the memory of witnessing Booloo- er, Sorrow, getting grabbed and dragged into… what he could only describe as a swirling portal of nightmares and other fucked up shit he couldn’t be bothered to think up right now. 
“And we’ve managed to track them down to a sitcom dimension.” 
Keys looked at Pinprick with worry. “Sitcom dimension…? I- but- the-” he fell silent, in an attempt to hide his worry, but his teammates could see that he was slightly shaking. 
“Don’t worry, Agent K. The manual is- outdated in that sense. Now, about the file, Agent-” 
In the blink of an eye, Nate leaned forward, snatched up the file, and started thumbing through it, his grin growing wide. “Wow! I can’t read any of this! Holy shit, I’m actually reading a classified-”
Pinprick glared at Nate. “Pixel. I wasn’t talking to you.” 
Nate summoned his wallet. “Buuuuut this paper I pulled out of nowhere says that I-”
Roxanne snatched the file back. “THIS is why you’re on tech support, Nate. Because right now, you’re acting like a Grade A moron.”
Nate pouted. “You’re no fun.” 
She glared. “Yes, but I am within Nate Slapping-Some-Sense Distance.” 
“...Oh.” He unsummoned his wallet, and slowly raised his hands in surrender, his face clearly trying to mask his concern. “Mkay. Won’t do that again.” 
“Please.” Roxanne’s voice pleaded, clearly showing some exasperation in it. “Please be good.”
Pinprick loudly cleared his throat. “Agent Hoshi, the mind control gadgets DON’T affect me- there are safeguards, since after all, we ARE running an agency. But thanks for attempting to keep the peace. Now hand the file over to Agent K.” 
Roxanne complied, and Keys opened the file. “Oh. Huh…” 
Buttons climbed onto Keys’ back like a koala, and leaned over on his shoulder. “Letme see the file that Nate Shapiro isn’t allowed to read at all!!!!”
The pair quickly skimmed through pages of text, graphs, diagrams, and photo examples. “Wait… weed isn’t allowed in this dimension?” 
Pinprick nodded yes. 
“That’s oddly specific.” mused Keys. 
“That’s sitcom dimensions for you.” 
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@weaponsdrawn wanted to see what Agent Keys and Buttons (which belong to her and are a part of our crossover series Magical Robodoki Rift In Time ICYMI) would be like as Robodoki members, so here ya go!  Robocryo (Keys, has the power of glowing ice, aka chemicals glowing when they're frozen) and Robochemi (Buttons, has the power of chemical reactions, aka the powers of chemicals glowing as a part of a chemical reaction)
Why do they look different than other Robodoki members? My answer: spoilers! :D
Civilian form sketches are by @weaponsdrawn, I claim no ownership of them or her characters. Also, the color scheme of Robocryo/Keys was made with her input but is not final yet, so yeah :p
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