#redacted robodoki
CHAPTER 4: The sitcom episode with a hate-plague twist!
My collab fic with @weaponsdrawn has reached it's fourth chapter! Again, apologies for the delay, Christmas, writers block, a funeral, a stomach bug, and scheduling conflicts all worked against us. But we're back, baby, and with an hour long episode to boot!
The dark axe. A method of controlling and damaging dark creatures that can destroy the multiverse. It was destroyed long ago, with its various pieces scattering to many familiar dimensions, including the universe where the Robodoki crew lives. A new duo of enemies team up to rebuild the axe, a secret agent group called IDDA is in charge of handling this mess, and the Robodoki team must help them and others to save the entire existence of time and space itself…
Will these new interdimensional alliances get along? Will the Robodoki crew become successful spies? Or will their entire existence succumb to a rift in time?
A collab fic between weaponsdrawn on tumblr/killerqueenie on discord, this co-written fic was written by the both of us. She owns the IDDA characters and the Roomerang Showling characters, I own the robodoki characters.
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mrdocreativearts · 16 days
"One passenger dead? That must've been some fucking ride!" -Redacted, reading the news
(Source: My Mama)
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shittymurderparty · 2 years
Hi…I’m Aianna. Aianna Flowers. I was told Redacted was visiting some other blogs…but now I’m kinda regretting agreeing to watch this for him.
…so…uh…stay put. I guess. also follow @magicalrobodokiofficial
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Hi! Me and @weaponsdrawn are hard at work putting the final touches of The One Where We Fight A Lot, aka Chapter 4 of Magical Robodoki. To help tide you over, here's yet another sneak peak of this psuedo-sitcom themed chapter, under the cut as always!
“Oh no! I’ve gotta host a dinner party for my coworkers…but the HOTEL is filled with MURDER!” Redacted panicked, his delivery all over the place. He failed to notice the portal opening behind him, and with it, the agent team walking inside.
A laugh track played, the audience’s laughter roaring in the air as the group looked at each other in confusion.
“...Anyone else hearing this, or?”
The laugh track played again.
“...This is gonna drive me fuckin’ nuts.” Buzz huffed. Aianna took notice of his stress and looked over at him.
“Are you ok, Hino?”
“I’m…I’m fine. Really.”
“You sure?”
“Positive.” Buzz affirmed as he heard the muffled sounds of his bowtie in his pocket. He pulled it out. “Sorry, what was-”
“Um, excuse me? Who are you guys?” Redacted interrupted as he turned to face the group, only to Restricted to appear and grab his arm.
“They’re guests, duh!” She glanced at Keys and Buttons, who quickly adjusted their mascot heads. “And I guess we’ve got a couple of furries in the roo- wait. Wasn’t there a comic convention today? Are you two lost?” As restricted said that last word in disgust, the laugh track played. 
Keys shook his head “no”, shivering a little bit in the process.
“Well, I figured that, but-”
“Just- Just help me clean up the blood stains, ok?” Restricted began to push Redacted out the door, to his protests. “Wha- don’t complain to me! The party starts in an hour and you haven’t even begun to clean this 13 story hotel, which is really grinding my gears here, yknow.” Restricted turned to the group, teeth bared in a fake smile. “Aaaaaaand you didn’t see OR hear that. Bye!”
The two left as the laugh track played once more. 
“...Ok, sorry. We were…interrupted.” Buzz sighed, to Aianna’s concern. She started to reach her hand over towards his shoulder, but pulled it back upon a bit of consideration. “What was that again?”
“I said, we seem to have located another agent that isn’t supposed to be here.”
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The Keepers of the Keeper are hexed this episode!
"After Amber and Redacted feel different conflicting feelings about Dixie The Keeper, Amber's imaginary friend, they both get hexed and decide to blow some steam at a nearby Chicago mall. As luck would have it, the Robodoki gang is doing a shopping spree at that same place, and Dixie is not going to see her parents suffer without a fight..."
I hope you check out both sources, and I hope we made your heart race!
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Redacted: Ugh! Really, now?! Why would you do this to me?!
Raven: Hey, the only way to prove that you’re the most evil is to force you to absorb a shadow that makes you more evil. You wanna do this or not?
[after the curse]
Raven: Now do you see how right I was about being evil?
Redacted: Yes, Miss Nevermore. I see exactly what you mean. (slams and pins her against the wall, then pulls out a knife) And now that I know how evil I can be, I am going to destroy you and everything you hold dear, and bathe in the afterglow of your demise. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Raven: Well, well... good. I'm glad this worked out. Yay.
(Source: Yami and Raphael, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series)
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Murder Office Worker Theme Song- Magical Robodoki Rift in Time Sneak Peak
Whatever happened to the working man, the family man?
The murder man just making loose ends meet?
Kills and keeps the cops away
But yet he's got some bills to pay
So off he goes to work at the office down the street…
A double life, a secret life, a murderer, office worker,
Hide the bodies, office hotties,
And don't let Binjpipe catch you!
The killer and the worker, the predator and the prey!
His sister's by his side to help him keep the urge to kill at bay,
It may seem kinda strange but hey, the bills need to be paid.
And maybe he will learn to love and laugh his cares away!
Because when push comes to shove,
The Murder Office Worker's got some love.
Because when push comes to shove,
The Murder Office Worker's full of love.
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Magical Robodoki wishes a happy birthday to Bob Headrush!
I apologize for not having anything drawn (work was a bitch today /gen /lh) but here's a Robodoki chapter I wrote that takes place on Bob's birthday to make up for that!
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Magical Robodoki out of context 2: electric boogaloo
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Not just a fan, a Fanatic!
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thanks to @weaponsdrawn for motivating me to complete this cool drawing!
Basically my self insert, an intern at the company who just joined, really wants to be part of the Robodoki team. Eventually she realizes she isn't the main character and self loathes that she isn’t fit to be chosen as a magical girl. Diana and Glitch promise her that she can become one if they get the Robodoki team to their base.
Her power is throwing ace playing cards at people, mainly to steal their powers, but also as combat shirukens and shields. The powers she can steal range from general dark magic, like what Redacted has, to Robodoki abilities and even skills that other people have (such as Helen's ability to think of evacutation plans).
The power copy isn’t perfect, especially with the inevitable nerfing of some op powers. Also, the more powers she takes, the weaker each individual power becomes.
Eventually, my self insert snaps outta it by being told she’s the magical girl bad guy and she’s hurting her idols, like it or not.
Miraging Mini-Fic Under the Cut!
Abby couldn't help but shed a few tears as worries began to cloud her mind. Her sandwhich was left uneaten, her chips untouched, and her feelings were undoubtably conflicted, to say the least.
She had rushed in to try to calm down some dumb Cookie mirage, and Aian- er- Robodoki told her to butt out of it. To not risk her life to become a magical girl like a lot of interns apparently did, because all the slots were taken. And while she did understand why she said that, deep down, that didn't mean it shouldn't have caused SOME feelings of inadequecy, right?
"...She might as well had told me to stay in my place." She sighed as she glanced at her wallpaper, which sure enough had all 5 Robodoki members alongside her, posing for a picture. "And I'd admit...I was stupid for doing that. But...I dunno...isn't that what MADE them a magical girl in the first place? Rushing into danger and attempting to help? Can't I just..."
Her voice trailed off. A black card was inexplicably wedged in her sandwhich. Even more inexpeciably, she picked it up, and a vision of her being a bonafide ace-slash-magician themed magical girl played on its animated surface.
She lit up. Glitch took notice.
Ah, I see you wanna be a magical girl! Very fucking cool goal, if I do say so myself, even if all the magical girls were already chosen before you arrived. His bratty teenage voice echoed through Abby's head. Good thing we have a way to fix that! Make you the strongest magical girl of them all!
Yeah!!!! A mature sounding voice, Mirai, piped in with more excitement than she usually had. She was trying to sell Abby by riling her up. Letting her excitement overcome her logic. You look like the kind of girl who loves Kirby, right? So we gave the ability to steal powers using Ace cards, which you can ALSO use for combat in any way your imagination desires! And of course, we've developed a maho shoujo outfit that'll trump even Doki's frills! AND all we ask in return is to knock the Robodoki gang out of the picture and into our base! She laughed.
"...Really? This isn't me being punk'd?"
Yep, we're willing to do ALL THAT in order to help a fellow dreamer out. That's what we do in MiraiCo.
Hell yeah! So whatdaya say?
Abby lit up in excitement. "If you're waiting me to say I'm fucking sold, well, I'M FUCKING SOLD! THIS IS GONNA BE FUCKING AW-"
Her words were interrupted by being engulfed in a static-covered beam of magic. The beam then proceeded to encase her in a shattered glass crystal cluster, with the inside filling with the same static she was hit with. Said smoke encased Abby's silhouette as the background turned to vantablack.
Now channel your hatred! One arm broke out of the crystals.
Become what you're destined! The other arm broke free.
Fanatic... The crystal fully and dramatically shattered, revealing her new form.
...Our selfish MEGAmirage!!!
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“Damn girl the power of love and friendship aren't working :/ time to kill someone or whatever-“
- redacted in the magical Robodoki verse
(Source: @silverthetranshog)
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a tragedy in 4 tweets
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birthday bloodlust w/o context
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self beta rules apply, please reblog if you enjoy!
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pov you just got these cool powers and the first thing you have to do with them is be chase bait.
(quote source: inside job, clone gunman)
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Season 2 is out now! Ft: Redacted
Let me know if you see any mistakes!
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