#khalil hassan: 002.
hcnayun · 1 year
— characters: hana & khalil — setting: just down the street from lunch box — partner: @khalilhassan
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The iPhone in her pocket had received 3 separate calls from an unknown number before Hana picked up. It was sheer annoyance that had driven her to do so, the want to tell the telemarketer off for harassing her but the voice on the other end stilled the yoga instructor instantly. A cold chill ran down her spine and her fury faded into thin air as she became immobile just down the way from her lunch destination. What he'd said at first hadn't registered— not while her heart set off into a race and the buzzing in her ears suddenly became so loud that everything around her had become white noise. Carefully, her dark eyes panned around the scene— looking for help. That was when she spotted Khalil, they'd made eye contact, but Hana was frozen in place as her phone slowly lowered to her side. Even her voice couldn't seem to work. She could only hope that he'd be able to read that something was very wrong.
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eroltilki · 1 year
closed starter for khalil hassan ! ( @khalilhassan ) location ; the burger joint !
It made him feel absolutely ancient to admit it but it felt way, way too late for him to be coming into the Burger Joint after what had become the longest work day he'd had in ages. He'd tried to clean up as best he could but he was fairly confident that he had sawdust in his hair in some capacity and probably looked like he hadn't slept in like, six years. He glanced around briefly as he entered— it was habit, more than anything, to see if he might catch sight of a familiar face and he found one quickly. Well, maybe not that familiar a face considering he didn't even know the guy's name but he knew the poor guy looked a little uncomfortable about the waitress lingering next to him and Erol made a split second decision to approach the table. "Hey, man!" He greeted, brighter than his exhaustion warranted. "Sorry I'm late— I got caught up at work." He paused to greet the waitress politely and pass along his order before he settled into the booth and smiled sheepishly. "I don't mean to crash your night but you looked a little bit like you needed an out. I'm Erol, by the way— I don't think I got to introduce myself the last time I literally ran into you."
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