#interactions: khalil hassan.
hcnayun · 1 year
— characters: hana & khalil — setting: just down the street from lunch box — partner: @khalilhassan
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The iPhone in her pocket had received 3 separate calls from an unknown number before Hana picked up. It was sheer annoyance that had driven her to do so, the want to tell the telemarketer off for harassing her but the voice on the other end stilled the yoga instructor instantly. A cold chill ran down her spine and her fury faded into thin air as she became immobile just down the way from her lunch destination. What he'd said at first hadn't registered— not while her heart set off into a race and the buzzing in her ears suddenly became so loud that everything around her had become white noise. Carefully, her dark eyes panned around the scene— looking for help. That was when she spotted Khalil, they'd made eye contact, but Hana was frozen in place as her phone slowly lowered to her side. Even her voice couldn't seem to work. She could only hope that he'd be able to read that something was very wrong.
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alesolcno · 11 months
— characters: ale & khalil — setting: deja brew — partner: @khalilhassan
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It was no longer months without any real answers, the time passed since she'd made her way into Providence Peak's city limits would be counted as a year now.
If anything in this world could be considered the definition of brutality it was that. The mystery, the tiniest morsels of clues, and the lack of anything concrete was maddening.
Day and night, any time outside of work, Alejandra was pounding the pavement asking any person whose attention she could snatch for a moment if they knew the name Mariana Solano. If they'd seen the woman she'd flash them a picture of from her phone.
Sometimes just a shake of the head, other times there was a 'no, sorry' with the results always being the same. By no means was she a Nancy Drew and it was so blatantly aware in her failure to scrounge any information that Ale was at the point of wondering if she should pack it up home.
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"Hey, sorry to bother you," the brunette photographer said upon approaching a table in the coffee shop, phone already in hand with her resemblance on the screen. "I was just wondering if you've seen this woman," the iPhone was held out to each person at the table, "or have heard the name Mariana Solano? Goes by Mari..."
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Despite having a rough past few days, the baby decided to actually be more merciful towards her today. Which, considering she was seeing Khal at the museum, was greatly appreciated. She'd been able to get through the tour rather well, able to stay on task with her information and answering any questions he may have as they walked around. Glancing up at him, leading him through the third and final floor of the ancient exhibit, her head tilted slightly. "So? Is it a bit too early to ask what your favourite part is so far?" she joked warmly. "I promise, there is no wrong answer. I like being aware of what's caught people's attention or what people were hoping to see. I make sure to write it all down to keep in mind for the future." She already was talking with a couple of museums in Egypt for when the time comes for the exhibit update. Making sure to keep in mind what can or can not be exchanged. So far, nothing from NMEC or GEM is allowed, which is understandable. As she looked around, her smile grew at the sight of another familiar face and she waved. "Hey, are you good if I introduce you to someone? He means a lot to me and I think you'll like each other."
𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛: 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔'𝚜 𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚞𝚖 ; 𝚊𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟸𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 || @khalilhassan & @nathanccrane
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leilabarak · 1 year
closed starter for @khalilhassan at the performance arts festival
Logically, Leila knew there had to be an explanation for all of the magic being done on the stage. From where she was standing, however, it was all pretty incredible. Maybe it was because she was too short to see how they were actually performing the tricks, but she was willing to suspend disbelief for the moment. "Oh!" she chirped excitedly, hands clapping together as the big reveal on one of the performances came through. "Does it look different from up there? Can you see how they do it?" she asked, head shifting towards Khalil.
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andierhodes · 2 years
closed starter for @khalilhassan​​ at his place
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“You’ll never guess what I got Carl for Valentine’s day!” Believe it or not, she put a lot of thought into the gift. And every penny was well worth the scowl on his face when she hid near the elevators as she watched him open it.
A bathroom plunger wrapped in a bag of hearts, with a little note attached reading: for the next time you’re full of shit, hope this helps. Happy Valentine’s Day, xoxo Khal.
 Every mean look he spared Khal after that, couldn’t have been better sculpted. “And by ‘I’, I mean YOU because yeah, I might’ve purchased and gift wrapped it but the card was signed from you. So, you’re welcome.”
It matters not how old she gets so long as her pranks and hijinks are still just as memorable as her presence itself. In life, you’re only as old as you feel, anyway. “By the way, did you know you’re out of milk?” Ever since the first time they met, when Andie unknowingly broke into his place, she’s come by routinely after that. Even helped herself to some of Khal’s things while he was off doing god only knows what in his spare time. From his sugar to his shampoo to the hammer she “borrowed” and never returned, what was once Khal’s had now become hers. “I think it’s time to go grocery shopping. You never know when a cereal thief will pop in unannounced because she’s hungry and craving a bowl. Somehow it tastes better when it comes from your pocket.”
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narixyang · 2 years
location; jack’s tree farm tagged; @khalilhassan​​
The two boys had already gone off running through the farm full of trees to hunt down the best one, promising to yell for Nari and Khalil when they found the exact perfect tree for them. Knowing just how big a tree could be, Nari had asked Khalil to come along and help with all the set-up to at least get it in the house safely. “They’re absolutely going to go right to the biggest fucking tree aren’t they?” she laughed as they went sprinting off, head shaking softly as she watched from afar. Being there at the tree farm was about as festive as Nari had been that holiday season, the whole joy of the holidays not really sinking in for her yet. “Thanks for coming with us, I know they’re really excited about all of this. Trees were kind of a big deal for them at the house, so I took off a whole day from work later this week to decorate with them. Are you  putting one up this year?”
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sleepywritings · 2 years
Things were only easy for them when they cut the job out entirely, but unfortunately, that was rare and reserved for late nights and early mornings. It was the times in between where they struggled with misdirected frustrations, but staying at one another's throats was the norm they had to maintain. "Actually, I do. That's our thing, remember?" If they weren't throwing out insults, then it gave Mickey something to question, and his fellow agent questioning anything could have been the beginning of the end. Khalil pulled his bottom lip between teeth and bit down roughly at the mention of her boyfriend. His hatred for the man ran deeper than the case itself, but getting personal was only going to add complications that he couldn't afford to navigate. "Yeah, I guess so. You know, this only works if you actually help us out, right? You can't just coast along and ride off into the sunset when it's all over. If you aren't helping, there's no deal." Was he warning her as an agent or as the man who wanted something for her? He couldn't tell and truthfully, he didn't want to. A scoff fell from his mouth and venomous words danced on the tip of his tongue. It was easier to fight fire with fire, but that never worked for them. Not in the way they wanted, at least. "I guess you could if you wanted, but it's not about wanting to, is it?" Swallowing down the lump of nerves that had formed in his throat, he moved closer. "Would you even be able to?"
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She took a long, slow drink from the competitor’s coffee cup in her hand as her eyes scanned the busy cafe. Everyone was milling about, New Yorkers doing what they do best and focusing solely on themselves as they went about their day; something that had always made the blonde a bit jealous. She’d never been in a stable enough situation to have a routine, her life’s stable foundation had been damaged beyond repair when her father was killed and she was left on consistently shaky ground. In a way, the lack of stability was the only constant, stable thing in her life. Bitter irony, she guessed. But her time with Mack and Khalil had begun to bring routine into her life and while naturally, she fought it, she had to admit she was beginning to embrace it. Albeit slowly, but her time spent with Khalil in the solace of his apartment when it was just the two of them was too enticing, too comfortable. Times like these, spent with Mack and working the case was the universe’s way of bringing equilibrium back into her unstable life. “Mm, must have slipped my mind.” She said absentmindedly, sure to make her tone sound as bored as she could. Her gaze settled back on his features and she had to take another sip from the cup to hide the smirk that threatened to fight it’s way to her features at the expression at his displeasure at the mention of Beau. There was something wrong about the satisfaction she got from his jealousy and disdain for the other man, but she refused to dwell on it for any period of time. “Oh, is that how it works? Damn, if I’d only known that sooner.” Rolling her eyes, she glanced towards the corner of the cafe where Mack currently stood, chatting on the phone, unaware of so much going on between the CI and her partner. 
Turning her head as he moved closer, Rüya had to pull all of her focus on not leaning in to close the distance between them. Instead, she hardened her expression, bright eyes locked onto his as she swallowed back the bitter words that threatened to caustically spill past her lips. “Oh canım,” My dear. She sighed, gaze softening for a moment as one of the few Turkish phrases slipped past her lips- a term of endearment she remembered her father using with her mother tenderly, the opposite of the words that followed. “I can do anything I put my mind to, haven’t you figured that out by now?”
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providencepeakrp · 7 months
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A day full of love has mysterious ways of pulling people together; whether that's in friendship, romance, or complete strangers being in the right place at the right time. The interactions someone may have on the greatest day of love has the opportunity to influence them for a lifetime. This is your chance. Take it. Have that interaction with someone you may have never met before or maybe someone you haven't spoked to in a long time. Experience a day full of love.
Details of the Task:
This task was designed for characters to interact with others whom they may not have interacted with before. The pairings between characters were generated using an online randomizer and then again randomized to link that pairing with a Valentine's Day related word. This task is REQUIRED. Members are asked to reach out to their match and plot a thread based on the random word they were given. * If a member is on hiatus, threads may be granted an extension. Admins will be in contact with those members.
Francesca Shen ♥ Thea Harris - Other Half
Yasemin Dogan ♥ Atlas Williams - Red
Kennedy Davis ♥ Roman Daniels - Arrow
Maya Lee ♥ Lorelai Tseng - Precious
Dean Adulyadej ♥ Elijah Falvey - Embrace
Lena Yener ♥ Zuri Hendrix - Poem
Jacob Lee ♥ Carla Villanueva - Flowers
Rachel Hargrove ♥ Aysel Karademir - Soulmates
Emeline Cormier ♥ Hyunwoo Seong - Candy
Cheyenne O'Hara ♥ Dylan Westwick - Cupid
Alicia Miller-Garcia ♥ Sara Yoon-Castillo - Valentine
Dilan Barak ♥ Aslihan Fahri-Bailey - Champagne
Abel Thompson ♥ Derek Aranda - Rose
Phoebe Yates ♥ Ayla Ceylin - Lucky
Maximiliano Cortez ♥ Wesley Kennedy - Diamond
Joshua Lincoln ♥ Tyler Singh - Passion
Verda Durmaz ♥ Sebastian Vora - Love Letter
Remi Wilder ♥ Ingrid Lozano - Kiss
CJ Welford ♥ Leila Barak - Lovebirds
Sophia Ramirez ♥ Jeanette Prabhakar - Everlasting
Esther Clements ♥ Zeynep Türkmen - Dinner
Matty Foster ♥ Elliot Chapman - Chocolate
Daniel Torres ♥ Khalil Hassan - Dance
Alejandra Solano ♥ Theo Bailey - Candles
Erol Tilki ♥ Freddie Crane - Marriage
Sage Franklin ♥ Jesse El-Massalamy - Celebration
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carlavillanueva · 1 year
Characters: Carla Villanueva & Khalil Hassan ( @khalilhassan ) Location: Misty Days Flowers Closed starter
Although it often came at the expense of having to remove a stray petal or two from Ollie's mouth, Carla always made sure there were some flowers in her home. Partly because they did add a pop of color and life into an otherwise dull cabin, but mostly because she could never leave the house flowerless for the sake of her mother's wishes. So she popped by the flower shop, grabbing a random bouquet to take home with her before turning around to come face to face with a man she was not particularly on seeing right now. Considering how she had an argument with his girlfriend over her own boyfriend and his brother which Carla suspected had been triggered by words he had uttered to his girlfriend. Damn, it sounded like something out of a Spanish telenovela in her head. Instead she offered him a small smile, trying to act casual and hoping that the interaction wouldn't take long beyond simple pleasantries. "Khal, hey. Grabbing some flowers for Sophia?"
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zahavaxkamara · 2 years
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“Well, well, well... If it isn’t Lorelai’s favourite little pet. Certainly you haven’t been hiding from me. I’d be crushed if you were---especially considering how adorably cute you’ve gotten since I last saw you.” She smirked up at the man, her arms behind her back as she headed his way. After receiving confirmation from their mutual friend that he was there, she knew she had to take the opportunity to track him down. Now, while Khalil has always been more of Lorelai’s than hers, she always enjoyed taking a bite out of him when she could. Especially after learning about what happened during the first time the two friends met. Once she neared closer to him, she pulled her arms out from behind her. In one hand was a bag of his oh-so favourite Indian-level spicy lamb vindaloo in a takeout box and in the other hand, a gallon of milk. Because she wasn’t that much of a masochist. At least, she’s grown more tame. “Thought you might like your favourite treat along with all this music, little lamb.”
CLOSED STARTER: jazz and art festival // @khalilhassan​​
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entmtbiz · 8 years
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, Present Exhibition of Middle Eastern and North African Art from April 15 to June 11, 2017
But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise marks eighth installation of Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative
SHANGHAI and NEW YORK, Feb. 28, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Rockbund Art Museum (RAM) is joining with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York to present But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise: Contemporary Art of the Middle East and North Africa from April 15 through June 11, 2017. The exhibition is the final installment of the Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative, a distinctive program that creates direct access to contemporary art and education through international exhibitions, acquisitions, curatorial scholarship, and public programming. But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise premiered at the Guggenheim Museum in April 2016; and the presentation in Shanghai will be one of the largest exhibitions of contemporary art from the Middle East and North Africa to be seen in China to date.
Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Flying Carpets, 2011. Stainless steel and rubber, 420 cm x 1300 x 340 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Guggenheim UBS MAP Purchase Fund, 2015. Installation view: But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise: Contemporary Art of the Middle East and North Africa, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, April 29-October 5, 2016. Photo: David Heald
  Kader Attia, Untitled (Ghardaia), 2009. Couscous, two inkjet prints, and five photocopy prints, couscous diameter: 500 cm; inkjet prints: 180 x 100 cm and 150 x 100 cm; photocopy prints: 150 x 100 cm , Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Guggenheim UBS MAP Purchase Fund, 2015. Installation view: But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise: Contemporary Art of the Middle East and North Africa, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, April 29-October 5, 2016. Photo: David Heald
  Lida Abdul, In Transit, 2008. Color video, with sound, transferred from 16 mm film, 4 min., 55 sec., Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Guggenheim UBS MAP Purchase Fund, 2015. (C) Lida Abdul
Organized by Sara Raza, Guggenheim UBS MAP Curator, Middle East and North Africa, in collaboration with the curatorial team at RAM, But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise features a wide range of artistic voices and critical concerns from a rapidly evolving region and its international diaspora. Works by 15 artists explore the intersecting themes of architecture, geometry, history, and migration through a wide array of mediums including installation, painting, photography, sculpture, and video. The presentation at RAM will be supported by dynamic public events and educational activities for audiences of all ages. Participating artists currently include: Lida Abdul, Abbas Akhavan, Kader Attia, Ergin Çavuşoglu, Ali Cherri, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Rokni Haerizadeh, Susan Hefuna, Iman Issa, Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Gulsun Karamustafa, Mohammed Kazem, Hassan Khan, and Ahmed Mater.
According to Raza, "But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise articulates current artistic strategies within the broader context of contemporary culture in the Middle East and North Africa. Through this fresh installation and programming developed for local audiences, we aim to continue the discussion and understanding of the complex and critical themes addressed by this group of esteemed artists."
Li Qi, senior curator at Rockbund Art Museum, commented, "But A Storm Is Blowing from Paradise reveals a future-oriented recognition of arts and visual culture in the Middle East and North Africa, with each work reflecting a facet of the artist's mindset. The Rockbund Art Museum is devoted to offering an accessible and comprehensive experience for our audience in Shanghai. In addition to guided tours by the curator and panel discussions joined by the artists, the museum is also launching an exciting series of public events including screenings, performances, workshops for children, and lectures in universities, as well as book clubs and food festivals for varied opportunities for interaction."
The Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative builds upon and reflects the Guggenheim's distinguished history of internationalism and UBS's commitment to direct engagement with contemporary art and education. MAP projects focus attention on vibrant artistic practices in three regions -- South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa -- and foster new relationships among artists, institutions, scholars, and visitors. Extensive on-the-ground research by distinguished curators with expertise in each region underpins an institutional effort to diversify and enrich the Guggenheim's collection of contemporary art from across the globe, which is unprecedented in scope, scale, and range. As with the two previous sets of exhibitions in the MAP initiative, which focused on contemporary art practice from South and Southeast Asia and Latin America, But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise features artworks that have been recently acquired for the Guggenheim's collection. The MAP initiative overall has expanded the Guggenheim's collection with more than 125 new works.
VENUE: Rockbund Art Museum (RAM) LOCATION: 20 Huqiu Rd, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai, China, 200085 DATES: April 15-June 11, 2017 WEBSITE: rockbundartmuseum.org
Additional Materials:
http://ift.tt/1ChrFjF http://ift.tt/1wNXH5i
guggenheim.org/MAP http://ift.tt/1yEukEt @rockbundartmuseum #GuggUBSMAP
Photo - http://ift.tt/2m8eh0R Photo - http://ift.tt/2m8gB7P Photo - http://ift.tt/2m8i6mD
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, Present Exhibition of Middle Eastern and North African Art from April 15 to June 11, 2017
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hcnayun · 11 months
— characters: hana & khalil — setting: hana's loft, downtown — partner: @khalilhassan
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Ever since Flynn had reared his ugly head showing his presence in Providence Peak, effectively breaking the restraining order Hana had on him she'd been living a guarded half-life. Even during the stunning wedding of her best friend the yogi was still looking over her shoulder. While the escalation she'd been expecting hadn't exactly happened yet, every part of the New Yorker was braced for it.
The anxiety was damn near crippling.
Most days the former model with jet black hair stayed after hours at Humming Bee, not only to keep herself busy and keep up on business but mostly to avoid going home alone. Where she felt vulnerable and watched.
The photographer that had begin stalking her with his wild obsession more than a decade ago, had slowly reintroduced himself into Hana's life. It had started with a postcard that had no postmark. Then she'd received flowers from an anonymous admirer at her business. A text message was what had convinced herself and Khalil, who'd surprisingly been just up the block when she's received the message, that Flynn was close enough to have eyes on her.
That had been enough to scare them both. To the point that her ex had asked her to stay with him while he dug further into Flynn, with the want to assure her safety. Only, it hadn't worked out. It was uncomfortable for all parties involved.
In hindsight, it had been dumb for Hana to go it alone. Even if her feelings were a mixed bag.
The Renaissance Faire had been some drunken fun until she thought she'd spotted Flynn in the crowd. The part of Hana that had been in denial had convinced herself that it was her paranoia playing tricks on her. It freaked her out, scared her, regardless, and from then on the former model was always looking over her shoulder.
It was after ten when she'd unlocked all three locks to her loft apartment and passed the threshold into her living space. A false sense of security compelled Hana to go through her usual routines of setting her things down and moving about the kitchen and living room. When Hana entered her bedroom, however, the yogi gasped and froze just past the door— on the foot of her bed a photo laid in wait for her.
With a racing heart and panic swarming every part of her, the instructor slowly stepped closer. Worried eyes darted all over the room, even took a few sharp glanced behind over her shoulder, but always landed back on the photograph she slowly made her way to.
HANA: a picture from the doorway showing her bed and something on it at the foot HANA: a closer picture of the bed and photograph on it HANA: a closeup picture of the photograph that appeared to have been taken of her and Khalil while inside his apartment weeks ago HANA: just came home to this. i haven't touched it. none of my locks were messed up and all of my windows are shut and locked.
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Once she'd taken photos and sent the text to Khalil she left the room and went to sit on her couch with her head in her hands. A tremble moved through her body and tears fell down her cheeks. Hana knew she needed to pack a bag and get out of there but she also felt frozen and defeated.
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Even though the true intention of the event wasn’t something that she wanted, the night itself turned out to be something that she needed. Going out, meeting some new people, getting to put the rest of her world on pause on a few hours: it has been great. Of course, she was excited for the event to be over so that she and Ray could head back home; But until then, she was ready to meet some new people. After sharing an entrée with her boyfriend, she admittedly was on cloud 9 still. Which was apparent as her smile never left her face, even when she found her table and met her dessert date. “Hello!” she mused warmly. Asli took her seat before holding her hand out to him. “I’m Aslihan, but my friends call me Asli. It’s nice to meet you!”
CLOSED STARTER: valentine’s day speed dating event @ the glass onion // @khalilhassan​
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leilabarak · 2 years
location; egypt wing tagged; @khalilhassan​
As the crowds started to shift towards the dance floor to go celebrate, Leila was glad for the reprieve from all the noise for a bit. The party was well and good, but she was far more interested in sticking around and taking her time to go through all of the exhibits. Rounding one of the corners, Leila let out a soft huff of disappointment when she saw someone very tall standing in front of the next panel she was looking to read. Head shifting to the side as she heard someone else approaching, her shoulders only drooped further down when she saw Khalil. Another tall person. “Why is everyone so tall?” she huffed out towards Khalil, the pout starting to take over her face. 
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leilabarak · 2 years
location; the fair! tagged; @khalilhassan​
There was absolutely nothing about the fair that Leila found to be a good time. While she loved the idea of being surrounded by tons of crazy machines that she could study, the fact that they were built what felt like overnight and half the pieces were probably missing gave her a minor heart attack. With a small bag of cotton candy in hand, Leila had been wandering around a bit, unable to keep herself from making her way over towards one of the small roller coasters. Though there was a fence up to block people from going over any closer, Leila was stretched to the top of her tip toes trying to lean over closer to get a better look at some of the building blocks of it all. She was just about at the limit of how tall she could get when a noise behind her spooked her, sending her almost toppling over the side of the fence. Clutching onto it, Leila looked back wide-eyed to see Khalil standing there. “I - mmph. I might be stuck,” she admitted, not sure that she could drag herself back over now that she was halfway on each side of the fence clinging for dear life.
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leilabarak · 3 years
location; condom sense tagged; @khalilhassan​
There were a lot of places that Leila would hate to run into Khalil. In fact, most places were places that she would hate to run into the man. Condom Sense, however, was the absolute last place on earth that she wanted to see him. Leila was there finishing up the last bit of installation on a project she’d been hired for. Rounding the corner of one of the aisles, Leila’s head lifted up just in time to keep her from running right into Khalil. Stopping and blinking, her gaze averted very quickly away from him and anything that he was looking at. “Uh - I don’t…like this,” she managed to mumble out, a hand brushing awkwardly through her hair as she shifted slightly away from Khal.
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