phantombs · 4 years
He feels small. It isn’t often that he does -- just is, always just Cường-- but he can’t help it tonight: his bones are rattling, and his jaw’s clenched tight. He whimpers. Tiredly. Huddled in the ramshackled bus stop, rain pittering in droves along the night-soaked pavements, he shudders like with fever, sickness, with-- “Quieter.” Please. He hears them. “Quieter. You’re walking too loud. It’s splashing the puddles. You’re walking too loud, and I feel it’ll break me.”
@khasmc ( starter call ).
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theredlilycrew · 4 years
About multi-muse blogs: 2, 3, 15, 22
[ Multi-Muse Blog ]
2. Which muse(s) do you wish had more interactions?
      Literally, any of my Red Lily girls, that are NOT Cersei. Alongside some of my OCs from XIV that aren’t on this blog but I’m not gonna make more blogs atm cause wow I have like a lot of OCs. There’s only so much development I can do on my own, but social stuff kind of requires people and I either get too anxious to send stuff or if I do it doesn’t always get responded too (WHICH IS FINE!) So I’ve just been working on Zelelle and Valentyne more lately, Cheyanne’s story hasn’t changed much if you knew her from my Battleborn days or my One Piece days. 
3. Which muse(s) do you currently have the most muse for?
Valentyne, Liam and Zelelle. They’re the ones I’m currently on a roll with developing in-game/over discord/on my own. (I need to update muse list to have Valentyne so woops on that part)Cersei is ALWAYS in mind cause she’s my main so I’m on her at least every week for resets and shit, but outside of her. it’s those three right now.
15.What is a fandom you wish to write in one day?
Oh gods, I wanna come back to the One Piece fandom. I miss my friends from there. (Hi you. J-bear
22. List some of your favourite multimuse blogs. 
@khasmc and @xmenageriie > You two are from my OP days, and I will follow any of your muses to the ends of the earth. You two still, to this day, inspire me and though we may talk less. I still think of some of our RP moments from OP days. J with our Criminal AU Barto/Robin, and Ariel with our Sanji/Kidd (and the little Sanji/Cheyanne bakery AU we had, that was a delight! I loved it)
@ffxivaltstars is a new one, and I’m dreadfully out of the loop on all their characters but there’s a lot of work and love on that blog for all the muses. ♥
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oasisbloom · 4 years
who said that vivi didn’t have her priorities straight?  she had been eyeing the rows upon rows of sweets for the past month,  time and time again denying herself the opportunity to hoard them all to herself knowing that come november,  those prices would get slashed to all hell.  but now was the time.  one of the beautiful joys of living on her own was that no one could tell her what she could and couldn’t do with her own money. 
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“ it’s only two days after halloween--- “  she said,  urgency filling her tone.  it certainly wasn’t a life or death situation but vivi seemed to believe otherwise.  while it would be nice to have some snacks around her house,  vivi didn’t have a crazy sweet tooth.  her plan was to send most of the chocolate back home in a care package come the holidays.  “ this is the optimal time to stock up on all that discount candy...  but i need someone to help me carry it all! “  // @khasmc​ for santos !
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spacymuses · 4 years
@khasmc​ || sc || for Silas!
“It’s always so wonderful to meet other Russians in this city.” Her delight is clear in her tone, in the smile she can’t keep off her face, though she endeavors to stay as still as possible while Mr. Volkov works on altering her dress. “My English is improving, but it’s still--not the best. For a while after I moved here, it was so difficult to communicate with anybody, outside of a few neighborhoods. I get by, of course, and oh, I do truly enjoy living here, but sometimes it can be so difficult, you know, to be able to express your thoughts fully when you’re still learning the language.” 
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“Ah--but I apologize, I-I don’t mean to only talk about myself.” She turned her head, just slightly, so she could still see him as he worked on the back. “How long have you been a tailor? Do you enjoy the work? Whereabouts is your family from?” 
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mcnypieces · 4 years
@khasmc || SC. ♥
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     A snip of excessive blooms with clippings of fresh petals strewn about in all their natural color, delicate mess left in the wake of activity as the remainder of the flower finds itself ready to be pressed between fragile glass. Even in its flattest form, it remains natural once settled into place. How long had it been since he had preserved the entirety of a plant and not simply its essence? The thought echoes in a sigh, aware of company but not direct in regards to them .
     ❝ It’s not hard. ❞ Softer than usual, more earnest, yet still holding an air of condescension he can’t seem to ever shake out of tone. Perhaps out of comfort, some unknown desire to pour emotion otherwise contained out onto a canvas through a passion that has long since lost its positive memory.  ❝ Long as you’re careful. If you don’t trim them, they won’t press properly. Just don’t go slamming the glass down on them or you’ll ruin your frame . ❞
     And cause a shower of glass, among soiling the art. Nasim assumes common sense need not be spoken .
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exorcieyes · 4 years
“This life’s an altar,” Tony says it lightly, creased in the way his smile draws up into an amused gaze. Chorus of birdsong swelled in the morning and the comment leaves him like impromptu symphony, the notes tumbling without sense. After a moment, he shrugs, gestures to the small group that had begun to take flight. “And it’s pretty fitting, whether you run or fly along it, don't you think?"
starters from f.d. soul’s between you and these bones (accepting)
It is 9:00 am and Bacunawa stands by a bench like he is waiting for someone, but if anyone notices him --- the midmorning joggers, the elderly couples, a woman, hurried, powder white pale and hair black --- it does not show.  
There is someone here, too, now. A man. Bacunawa hardly turns his head but he notices these things right away: he is short, maybe 5′4″, with earrings gleaming past his wavy, too-long hair. There’s a smile, too, but it is 9 o’clock in the morning, and Isagani Bacunawa, prone to displeasure and negligent of random acts of kindness, does not return it.
The birds sing and take off. 
The man does not.
“If it is an altar,” Bacunawa begins at last, slow and watching, “what do you offer.”
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He holds his wrist behind his back, and the question is clear: What do you have to give to this life, if anything? 
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betterdcyz-a · 4 years
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@khasmc​ said: It was not aggression that kept Tony on his toes as he cast a measured look on Jude, but rather the usual caution whenever he met with strangers allegedly breaking into businesses in his territory, abandoned and dilapidated or not. "... What's the implication there? You're saying this place is haunted and /that's/ why you're here?" /a little idea if you wanna roll with it !
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“——uh.” Pause. Jude stares awkwardly at the other before dropping his gaze down to his K2 EMF Meter. There’s a flash of colours; a sudden light green blinking, gradually followed by another colour, then another, going from green to red then it fades and stops. That might’ve answered the stranger’s question, though it may not entirely prove that something was here. 
“You sayin’ that this place isn’t, err, isn’t haunted?” Jude questioned, gulping hard as his nervousness was rising sky-high, his sea blue eyes gazing into caution-looking ones. “Sorry. I, err, I heard, uhh, the locals speaking of this place. So I just, uhm, wanted to check for myself.” 
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go-forth-and-live · 4 years
Be honest: 11, 15, 35, 38 !
Honesty Meme || Accepting!
What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
The RP world has changed so much since I started out in like... the AOL RP chatrooms as a kid, I really don’t know. Like I remember the Rhydin chatroom days where you’d just take your character into themed chatrooms like “Rhydin Tavern” or “Rhydin Forest” and just have them interact with other characters who happened to be around. It’s so different from how things are now! An ever-evolving beast. 
lmao I guess I wish 8-year-old me knew she’d still be doing this at 33, so be cool and don’t do anything to embarrass me, you weird little goofball. :\ 
How has rp changed you personally?
It’s hard to really imagine who I’d be if I hadn’t been involved in RPC? Just because it’s been a part of my life for so long. It’s always been a source of creative expression for me, and like... sometimes a source of stress, lmao, in the way that involving yourself really deeply with any element of a fandom circle can be hella stressful. But it always keeps me coming back.
I think in some ways it’s made me a better friend, since RP really forces you to listen to the other person and collaborate with them to make a scene great. I think it’s made me more assertive, especially in the Tumblr sphere, since I think it’s a little less structured in the sense that you really have to “market” your character and go out there to find people to interact with. It’s been the foundation for some of my most cherished memories, and it’s led me to meet people who are still so, so important to me. It’s been a creative and emotional outlet during some of the most painful times in my life. 
idk. It’s something that’s been a part of who I am for the lion’s share of my life, and I’m grateful to have it be a part of me. 
Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
I mean, I primarily read my own, but there’s definitely a handful of people on my dash (you and Shampoo included!) who I always pause and go “ooh!” when I see on my dash. I always like seeing what folks are workin’ on. 
What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
Be the kind of RPer you want to be. You don’t need to have a fancy theme, formatted text, or spend hours making icons. If that’s a part of the RP experience that brings you joy, go for it! But just have fun writing your characters, the way you want to write them. If you prefer writing short, action-based posts, go for that! If you prefer writing long, introspective novella posts, do it! If you like having a mix, mix away! The RPC is a HUGE place filled with all sorts of people, and you’ll definitely find people who Get you and want to share in this experience with you. 
Also, keep in touch with the friends you make. RP friendships can have a tendency to dissolve when the RP does, so you have to actually work at maintaining that friendship if you want to keep it. 
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esotericbonds · 4 years
@khasmc​ wanted an adventure here 
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Grim always had an affinity for knives. They were smooth, deadly, painful, personal, and fun to use. His skills with a knife were as exceptional as his skills with a whip. Guns not so much. In his last job, he ended up losing the damn weapon in the fight. Needing a new one and not willing to go to known weapon dealers, which would only start more rumors about the free-lance interrogator, Grim decided to go to a fence, and hope they had something he could use. Grim went to the place his contact told him he’d find the man and approached him, “Hey, you Volkov?”
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dxsole · 4 years
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“How much do you think you know?” The question itself was jarring, seemingly coming out of nowhere, but not nearly as jarring as the voice that says it. She sounds like a machine; mechanical, each word properly annunciated and spoken with purpose. It’s hard to tell if the woman before then was something new, wires and metal hiding beneath her skin, or something so old it could only mimic humanity; in this case, Iona leans towards the latter. 
“Well?” Her question demands an answer and it doesn’t seem like she wishes to wait too long for it. “To clarify my meaning; what do you think you know about life? I am assuming it is not much if you are so apt to s q u a n d e r it.”
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phantombs · 4 years
“It’ll drown you, the world. It’s so heavy. You take it on your shoulders, but who’ll jump in for you?” Cường murmurs, voice feathery and deep. He looks bruised, exhausted in a way only corpses should be, gaze unfocused and eyes sleep-lidded. He seems lonely. It’s a feat, what with the shuffling Hanoi streets clamoring about them, but shoveled in the corner of a shuttered hair-salon, he looks so small -- and thin and wispy. Tony, Tony... “Me. Do I save you?” His hand limply reaches out. “I’ll try. Come here for me.”
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thesealovesme · 5 years
What does Mav smell like on a normal day ? A bad day ?
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Despite everything I might say about him, Maveric is actually extremely fastidious about his appearance and grooming habits, he probably copied Doffy, and tends to use cologne (His favorite would be from Silas, whomst he would track down across the ocean once he ran out of the stuff, he’d go after the crisper scents, and the floral ones).        All in all, sans the added smell enhancements, he would smell naturally like wood, a light musk, seawater and rum.     His breath smells like an entire brewery most of the time, so perish I guess.If he hadn’t been able to bathe or cover up his horribly testosterone-laden stink with perfume, he would likely smell like a sweaty, furred and damp wild animal that had just murdered something, as he often ignores wounds..
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ivakir · 4 years
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@khasmc sent: /Chance/, a facet that Elias rarely turned down, had him sit straighter once he took a second look at the woman from where he sat in the bakery. Overlooking her attire entirely, he focused instead on what really interested him, that made him speak up. “Excuse me,” he chirped, a warm smile brightening across his features when he gestured at his knuckles to demonstrate before quickly adding, “I wanted to say that your rings are lovely. I’ve never seen anything like ‘em before.”
"And you are dying to know how I got this ring."
   Of course, otherwise the guy wouldn't have asked her about the ring.
"Well, well," Iv sat back lazily in her chair. "It was a beautiful day outside, but I could not fully enjoy it, as my hand was stuck in the toy machine. When I saw this ring," she raised her hand, showing on her long index finger a simple plastic, poorly painted ring in the shape of a fox , which seemed to hug her finger with its paws, "it's when I realized I want it. But I had no money. More precisely, I had money, but I didn't have coins. So I stepped on the path of the crime. I think the police would forgivre me, because I went on a crime for the sake of love. But my hand got stuck in a hole! Do you know how I got free? I broke the glass with my other hand!" she clenched her fist and feigned two blows, as if hitting invisible glass. "Haha, yeah... That's an epic saga."
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@khasmc​ said: © "Sorryyy," the words drags out of Tony's mouth like an apology despite the fact his expression appeared otherwise, pinched in a typical scowl while the splay of his fingers eased at the other's back towards the direction he came from, firm but not overbearing. "We haven't put the banners up yet but this is a private event."
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          A simple explanation of why he couldn’t finish his stroll through the park would have sufficed. Already, Aleksy had stopped to turn around when the tents were brought up, nearly running into a few hurried individuals. It’s enough to make him flustered, the sudden hand on his back and the face the new stranger was making towards him didn’t help the flush dyed across his features. Aleksy takes an abnormally large step forward in order to shake off the hand at his back, shivers crawling up his spine. 
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“Sorry,” His own scowl crinkles the space between his brows, looking down at the shorter man with his nose raised. “I'm heading back right now. I didn’t know there was something going on.” Trying not to make too much of a fuss, Aleksy moves further from the other’s reach and does exactly as he stated- quick to walk in the opposite direction. 
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xmenageriie · 5 years
— @khasmc​ / starter call
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“How difficult is it?” The question was vague until stark, yellow eyes moved to the deck of tarot cards. It had been tempting to ask for a reading, but that felt cliche and demanding. She could be demanding, but now wasn’t the time. She needed to appear curious, to give the impression that she didn’t want something aside from knowledge. “I’ve never touched a deck like that before, but I’ve always wondered what goes into it. What’s it like having a skill like that?”
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nxctiphany · 4 years
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“Are you new to the neighborhood?” Rose questioned, her tone polite and her gaze engaging while she poured water into a small paper cup. The group’s session had finished for the day and other members mingled about in the designated reception area as they saw fit until the next session began. Her attention remained on Remus for as long as he watched her. “The first couple of times can be nerve wracking, but you already got the hardest part out of the way and that’s showing up!!”
                                                  ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ―☽ ―★ ☆ ✮ ✯  
     Nerve-wrecking was an understatement, but her kindness did manage to bring a smile to his features and ease the tension that had been evident upon his visage (jaw clenched, lips pursing in and out, eyes darting across the room). It was by no means unusual for the bathhouse to relocate every once in a while - Orpheus had to move it from time to time or surely the locals would notice how none of its employees seemed to age or change. It had become a rather natural part of their lives, and he was always critical of the areas he did choose to move it to. It was always a long and grueling process, not to mention extremely stressful. Certain members of the coven handled it better than others - he was always slow to adjust to change. A part of himself blamed on his more wolfish tendencies when moving territories always made him nervous and uncomfortable and another part of him was just aware that, in general, change was difficult for him to adjust to. Of course, he understood why they needed to move from time to time, but knowing didn’t automatically soothe his nerves. Especially when it came to meeting new people, finding new sessions and groups to attend, and trying to find a place to fit in all while dealing with the added work of yet another grand opening. 
     Clumsy fingers fiddle with his own cup - paper sagging from the sheer number of times he had used it throughout the sessions to ease his aching and dry throat and attempt to soothe the tremor in his voice whenever he spoke up. But his tongue still felt rather barren - sticky, even, from his own budding anxiety. No matter how long he lived, there were certain things he just simply couldn’t get used to, but he did want to try, which was he had decided to linger about in the lobby with everyone else despite how nerves he was. He did want to meet new people and, possibly, make new friends, even if he was laughably bad at socializing. So, he inhaled sharply - she seemed kind, and had cared enough to try to strike up a conversation with him so he had to do his best to return the gesture and meet her enthusiasm.     
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     “I am, y-yes, we just moved here last week.” Ah, he should have just said ‘I’ but he supposed it wasn’t too strange of a way to word it when he did, very much, view the coven as his family. His voice cracks slightly, but he swallows and manages to chase away that nervous tremble that had clung to it before now. “It really is nerve-wrecking,” he admits - he won’t pretend it’s not when it’s so painfully clear that it is on his face. He’s never been good at lying or pretending - he wears his heart on his sleeve and it’s both a good and awful thing at the same time. There are times when he wishes he was more like Uriel - able to lie and pretend with confidence to spare, but other times he’s grateful he can’t because he’s always preferred to be up front with people. “B-But you’re right, I made it here, so I want to make the best of it.” 
      Fingers squeeze the cup a bit and he has to be mindful not to unintentionally crush it. “Y-You’ve been here before, right?” That was a stupid question, if she was aware he wasn’t from here then she had clearly attended multiple sessions - color is quick to dust his features as his nose wrinkles. Ah, he might not wish he was good at lying or pretending to be confident, but he was wish he was better at making conversation. “U-Um, have you lived here a long time? I still don’t know the area very well if I’m being honest...” With the bathhouse reopening, things have been hectic and busy. This is the first time he’s managed to slip away since the move and he only got out because Ingram had made time for him to be here - which he was grateful for, he really needed the break and, even if he did consider the coven his family, as a werewolf he was naturally social no matter how bad he was at small talk. 
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