#khatu Shyam ji story
khatushyamjistatus · 1 year
खाटूश्यामजी की कहानी Khatu Shyam ji Real Story
श्री खाटू वाले श्याम जी की कहानी इस प्रकार है . यहा आप देखेंगे की किस तरह खाटू श्याम जी ने अपनी लीला रचकर अपने शीश को खाटू श्याम मंदिर के पास श्याम कुंड से अवतरित किया . जय हो आपकी खाटू श्याम जी खट्वा नगरी (खाटू धाम) में एक गाय जो रोज घास चरने जाती थी , रोज जमीन के एक भाग पर खडी हो जाती थी . उसके थनों से स्वता दूध की धार उस धरा में समां जाती थी जेसे की कोई जमीन के अन्दर से उस गौ माँ का दूध पी रहा है . घर पर आने के बाद गौ मालिक जब उसका दूध निकालने की कोशिस करता तो गौ का दूध उसे मिल नही पाता था . यह क्रम बहूत दिनों तक चलता रहा . गौ मालिक से सोचा की कोई न कोई ऐसा जरुर है जो उसकी गाय का दूध निकल लेता है .एक दिन उस गौ मालिक ने उस गाय का पीछा किया . उसने संध्या के समय जब यह नज़ारा देखा तो उसकी आँखे इस चमत्कार पर चकरा गयी . गौ माँ का दूध अपने आप धरा के अन्दर समाने लगा. गौ मालिक अचरज के साथ गाव के राजन के पास गया और पूरी कहानी बताई . राजा और उनकी सभा को इस बात पर तनिक भी यकीं नही आया . पर राजा यह जानना चाहता था की आखिर माजरा क्या है . राजा अपने कुछ मंत्रियो के साथ उस धरा पर आया और उसने देखा की गौ मालिक सही बोल रहा है . उसने अपने कुछ लोगो से जमीन का वो भाग खोदने के लिए कहा . जमीन का भाग जेसे ही खोदा जाने लगा , उस धरा से आवाज आई , अरे धीरे धीरे खोदो , यहा मेरा शीश है उसी रात्रि राजा को स्वपन आया की राजन अब समय आ गया है मेरे शीश के अवतरित होने का . मैं महाभारत काल में वीर बर्बरीक था और मेने भगवान श्री कृष्णा को अपना शीश दान में दिया दिया फलस्वरूप मुझे कलियुग में पूजित जाने का वरदान मिला है , खुदाई से मेरा शीश उसी धरा से मिलेगा और तुम्हे मेरा खाटू श्याम मंदिर बनाना पड़ेगा . सुबह जब राजा उठा तो तो स्वपन की बात को ध्यान रखकर कुदाई पुनः शरू करा दी , और फिर जल्द ही कलियुग देव श्री श्याम का शीश उस धरा से अवतरित हुआ .
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princedilliwala · 1 year
Full Story khatu shyam Ji Ki | खाटू श्याम मंदिर | Khatu Shyam Mandir Rajasthan 2023 | #khatushyambhajan
खाटू श्याम एक हिंदू देवता हैं जिनकी मुख्य रूप से उत्तरी भारतीय राज्यों राजस्थान, हरियाणा और उत्तर प्रदेश में पूजा की जाती है। उन्हें भगवान कृष्ण का रूप माना जाता है और उन्हें बर्बरीक, श्याम बाबा और खाटू नरेश के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। खाटू श्याम के पीछे किंवदंती यह है कि वह घटोत्कच (हिंदू महाकाव्य महाभारत में एक प्रमुख व्यक्ति) और उनकी पत्नी मौरवी के पुत्र थे। बर्बरीक धनुर्विद्या में अपने असाधारण कौशल के लिए जाना जाता था और एक महान योद्धा था। वह महाभारत युद्ध में भाग लेना चाहता था लेकिन उसे अवसर से वंचित कर दिया गया क्योंकि उसे अजेय माना जाता था और संभावित रूप से एक ही दिन में युद्ध को समाप्त कर सकता था। तब भगवान कृष्ण ने उन्हें युद्ध में पांडवों की जीत सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अपना सिर बलिदान करने के लिए कहा। बर्बरीक सहमत हो गया और उसने खुद का सिर काट लिया, और उसका सिर युद्ध के मैदान के सामने एक पहाड़ी पर रख दिया गया। आज, खाटू श्याम को शक्ति और साहस के प्रतीक के रूप में पूजा जाता है, और भक्तों का मानना है कि वह बाधाओं को दूर करने और जीवन में सफलता प्राप्त करने में उनकी मदद कर सकते हैं। राजस्थान के खाटू में उनका मंदिर एक लोकप्रिय तीर्थ स्थल है जहां हजारों भक्त प्रार्थना करने और उनका आशीर्वाद लेने के लिए इकट्ठा होते हैं। Open here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCCk0O7MsVw
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bhajanmandali · 10 hours
Radha krishna Jhanki Group in Moga Punjab
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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“Sargam jangran Party” is one of the renowned Jagran party of Lucknow. By the Gift of God within a short passage of time period we did a lot and Its still continue. We providing services of organising all kind of spiritual events including Maa Bhagwati Jangran, Sai Sandhya, Sunder Kaand and another kind of Spiritual events. Sargam Jangran Party is the party of all devotees that comes together for connecting devotees directly with the God and make the environment devoted. Our party’s aim is to provide bestest services so you can remember us for a long time. For remaining on top level we take care of every single step of event like best quality Singer, Magicians, Caters, Prasad and all. We always take care of your budget and organise the event in an effective way. We don’t think about our profit; we just take care, devotees of God. We are a group of young professionals we doing our work with the perfectness so that you cannot get the chance of any objection in our work. We have best musicians, vocalist and chorus group.
Maa Bhagwati Jagran, Maa Durga Jagran, Bala Ji Jagran, Mata Ki Chowki, Sai Sandhya, Kirtan, Khatu Shayam Bhajan. Shiv Gurgan. Bala Ji Bhajan. We have speciality in organising Maa Bhagwati jagran, Mta ki Chawki and Bhajan Sandhya, Sai Bhajan Sandhya and other spiritual events available in your budget. Atleast once give the chance of doing your service and connecting devotees with the God. Here are some events that we organised recrmntly…..
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Mata ka Jagran is a holy programme for all the Hindu community. In this programme all night Kirtan has been sung by the singers and Maa Durga worship has been done.
At Mata ka Jagran firstly we light Akhand jyoti of Mataji. After that Vandana is sung ( devotional song) by the singer or any other devotee who wants to sing. Bhet is offered by the devotee (red color chunni) coconut fruits and shingar matriail along with soe bheta and sweets. Then comes ardass and bhog is distributed to the people who are present there by the devotee. Short break are taken and around half an hour again we start for the further process. Lastly after Aarti and devotional song’s Lonkra and Kanjak Pooja we distribute bhog and Prasad to all and comes to the end of Jagran as an samapti.
Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
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Radha Krishna Jhanki Group in Karnal Haryana
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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“Sargam jangran Party” is one of the renowned Jagran party of Lucknow. By the Gift of God within a short passage of time period we did a lot and Its still continue. We providing services of organising all kind of spiritual events including Maa Bhagwati Jangran, Sai Sandhya, Sunder Kaand and another kind of Spiritual events. Sargam Jangran Party is the party of all devotees that comes together for connecting devotees directly with the God and make the environment devoted. Our party’s aim is to provide bestest services so you can remember us for a long time. For remaining on top level we take care of every single step of event like best quality Singer, Magicians, Caters, Prasad and all. We always take care of your budget and organise the event in an effective way. We don’t think about our profit; we just take care, devotees of God. We are a group of young professionals we doing our work with the perfectness so that you cannot get the chance of any objection in our work. We have best musicians, vocalist and chorus group.
Maa Bhagwati Jagran, Maa Durga Jagran, Bala Ji Jagran, Mata Ki Chowki, Sai Sandhya, Kirtan, Khatu Shayam Bhajan. Shiv Gurgan. Bala Ji Bhajan. We have speciality in organising Maa Bhagwati jagran, Mta ki Chawki and Bhajan Sandhya, Sai Bhajan Sandhya and other spiritual events available in your budget. Atleast once give the chance of doing your service and connecting devotees with the God. Here are some events that we organised recrmntly…..
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Mata ka Jagran is a holy programme for all the Hindu community. In this programme all night Kirtan has been sung by the singers and Maa Durga worship has been done.
At Mata ka Jagran firstly we light Akhand jyoti of Mataji. After that Vandana is sung ( devotional song) by the singer or any other devotee who wants to sing. Bhet is offered by the devotee (red color chunni) coconut fruits and shingar matriail along with soe bheta and sweets. Then comes ardass and bhog is distributed to the people who are present there by the devotee. Short break are taken and around half an hour again we start for the further process. Lastly after Aarti and devotional song’s Lonkra and Kanjak Pooja we distribute bhog and Prasad to all and comes to the end of Jagran as an samapti.
Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
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Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
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rangeelataxi01 · 10 months
Explore the Pink City in Style with Our Jaipur Sightseeing Taxi Service
Jaipur, famously known as the Pink City, is a vibrant and culturally rich destination that beckons travelers from around the world. Steeped in history, adorned with stunning architecture, and brimming with colorful markets, Jaipur is a must-visit for those seeking a blend of tradition and modernity. To make your exploration even more delightful, consider our Jaipur Sightseeing Taxi Service, offering a convenient and stylish way to navigate through the city's wonders.
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Book Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji Cab
Exploring the Pink City becomes an enchanting experience when you opt for our Jaipur Sightseeing Taxi Service. From the majestic forts to the bustling markets, every corner of Jaipur has a story to tell. Let our reliable and stylish taxis be your companion as you uncover the treasures of this culturally rich city. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of Jaipur with the convenience and comfort of our sightseeing taxi service, making your journey as memorable as the destination itself.
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sk-story-tech · 1 year
Khatu Shyam Ji : Story of Khatu Shyam ji, Sikar, Rajasthan
खाटू श्याम की कहानी : बर्बरीक दुनिया का सर्वश्रेष्ठ धनुर्धर थे। बर्बरीक के लिए तीन बाण ही काफी थे जिसके बल पर वे कौरवों और पांडवों की पूरी सेना को समाप्त कर सकते थे। युद्ध के मैदान में भीम पौत्र बर्बरीक दोनों खेमों के मध्य बिन्दु एक पीपल के वृक्ष के नीचे खड़े हो गए और यह घोषणा कर डाली कि मैं उस पक्ष की तरफ से लडूंगा जो हार रहा होगा। बर्बरीक की इस घोषणा से कृष्ण चिंतित हो गए।भीम के पौत्र बर्बरीक के समक्ष जब अर्जुन तथा भगवान श्रीकृष्ण उसकी वीरता का चमत्कार देखने के लिए उपस्थित हुए तब बर्बरीक ने अपनी वीरता का छोटा-सा नमूना मात्र ही दिखाया। कृष्ण ने कहा कि यह जो वृक्ष है ‍इसके सारे पत्तों को एक ही तीर से छेद दो तो मैं मान जाऊंगा। बर्बरीक ने आज्ञा लेकर तीर को वृक्ष की ओर छोड़ दिया।
जब तीर एक-एक कर सारे पत्तों को छेदता जा रहा था उसी दौरान एक पत्ता टूटकर नीचे गिर पड़ा। कृष्ण ने उस पत्ते पर यह सोचकर पैर रखकर उसे छुपा लिया की यह छेद होने से बच जाएगा, लेकिन सभी पत्तों को छेदता हुआ वह तीर कृष्ण के पैरों के पास आकर रुक गया। तब बर्बरीक ने कहा कि प्रभु आपके पैर के नीचे एक पत्ता दबा है कृपया पैर हटा लीजिए, क्योंकि मैंने तीर को सिर्फ पत्तों को छेदने की आज्ञा दे रखी है आपके पैर को छेदने की नहीं।
उसके इस चमत्कार को देखकर कृष्ण चिंतित हो गए। भगवान श्रीकृष्ण यह बात जानते थे कि बर्बरीक प्रतिज्ञावश हारने वाले का साथ देगा। यदि कौरव हारते हुए नजर आए तो फिर पांडवों के लिए संकट खड़ा हो जाएगा और यदि जब पांडव बर्बरीक के सामने हारते नजर आए तो फिर वह पांडवों का साथ देगा। इस तरह वह दोनों ओर की सेना को एक ही तीर से खत्म कर देगा।
तब भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ब्राह्मण का भेष बनाकर सुबह बर्बरीक के शिविर के द्वार पर पहुंच गए और दान मांगने लगे। बर्बरीक ने कहा- मांगो ब्राह्मण! क्या चाहिए? ब्राह्मणरूपी कृष्ण ने कहा कि तुम दे न सकोगे। लेकिन बर्बरीक कृष्ण के जाल में फंस गए और कृष्ण ने उससे उसका शीश मांग लिया।
बर्बरीक द्वारा अपने पितामह पांडवों की विजय हेतु स्वेच्छा के साथ शीशदान कर दिया गया। बर्बरीक के इस बलिदान को देखकर दान के पश्चात श्रीकृष्ण ने बर्बरीक को कलियुग में स्वयं के नाम से पूजित होने का वर दिया। आज बर्बरीक को खाटू श्याम के नाम से पूजा जाता है। जहां कृष्ण ने उसका शीश रखा था उस स्थान का नाम खाटू है।
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newschowk · 3 years
खाटू श्याम जी का मंदिर और उनकी जीवन कथा – khatu Shyam ji temple and life Story in Hindi
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Radha Krishna Jhanki Group in Navsari Gujarat.
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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“Sargam jangran Party” is one of the renowned Jagran party of Lucknow. By the Gift of God within a short passage of time period we did a lot and Its still continue. We providing services of organising all kind of spiritual events including Maa Bhagwati Jangran, Sai Sandhya, Sunder Kaand and another kind of Spiritual events. Sargam Jangran Party is the party of all devotees that comes together for connecting devotees directly with the God and make the environment devoted. Our party’s aim is to provide bestest services so you can remember us for a long time. For remaining on top level we take care of every single step of event like best quality Singer, Magicians, Caters, Prasad and all. We always take care of your budget and organise the event in an effective way. We don’t think about our profit; we just take care, devotees of God. We are a group of young professionals we doing our work with the perfectness so that you cannot get the chance of any objection in our work. We have best musicians, vocalist and chorus group.
Maa Bhagwati Jagran, Maa Durga Jagran, Bala Ji Jagran, Mata Ki Chowki, Sai Sandhya, Kirtan, Khatu Shayam Bhajan. Shiv Gurgan. Bala Ji Bhajan. We have speciality in organising Maa Bhagwati jagran, Mta ki Chawki and Bhajan Sandhya, Sai Bhajan Sandhya and other spiritual events available in your budget. Atleast once give the chance of doing your service and connecting devotees with the God. Here are some events that we organised recrmntly…..
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Mata ka Jagran is a holy programme for all the Hindu community. In this programme all night Kirtan has been sung by the singers and Maa Durga worship has been done.
At Mata ka Jagran firstly we light Akhand jyoti of Mataji. After that Vandana is sung ( devotional song) by the singer or any other devotee who wants to sing. Bhet is offered by the devotee (red color chunni) coconut fruits and shingar matriail along with soe bheta and sweets. Then comes ardass and bhog is distributed to the people who are present there by the devotee. Short break are taken and around half an hour again we start for the further process. Lastly after Aarti and devotional song’s Lonkra and Kanjak Pooja we distribute bhog and Prasad to all and comes to the end of Jagran as an samapti.
Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
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Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
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bhajanmandali · 2 months
Jagran Group in Gopalganj Bihar
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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" Sargam Jagran Party" is very much devotional event organiser, as it is done with full devotion and respect towards the God. The work of the "Sargam Jagran Party" has been appreciated and acknowledged in many State Newspaper like: UP, Bihar, Rajsthan and Hariyana etc. At the very first place it was started with the same group but, now it has expand upto 30 plus people. All the facilities are provide which are needed to conduct Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan sandhya like: Singer's, Instruments, Sound facility, Jhanki etc. We are often called by the people again and again who have used our services.
Poeple mostly like to call us at the time of Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals and we promised to serve a memorable Jagran or Chowki. Working for over a decades, we are having the experience to make it more devotional and memorable when we organised it. Our party has experienced chorus group, vocalist, musicians and artists which are required to make it successful. Its main origin is based in Lucknow and we operate almost all the States in India. Pooja Sargam is the Director and also a Lead Singer of the "Sargam Jagran Party" organiser. Starting from the Pooja Aarti to the Bhog or Prasad everything is done by our organie team.
From last 10 years we are providing the best Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya also currently dealing in the Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) and to the another State's.
So next time whenever you are planing to conduct Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya, make sure to contact us and make your spiritual experience more devotional and delightfull.
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Poeple mostly like to call us at the time of Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals and we promised to serve a memorable Jagran or Chowki. Working for over a decades, we are having the experience to make it more devotional and memorable when we organised it. Our party has experienced chorus group, vocalist, musicians and artists which are required to make it successful. Its main origin is based in Lucknow and we operate almost all the States in India. Pooja Sargam is the Director and also a Lead Singer of the "Sargam Jagran Party" organiser. Starting from the Pooja Aarti to the Bhog or Prasad everything is done by our organie team.
From last 10 years we are providing the best Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya also currently dealing in the Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) and to the another State's.
So next time whenever you are planing to conduct Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya, make sure to contact us and make your spiritual experience more devotional and delightfull.
Maa Bhagwati Jagran, Maa Durga Jagran, Bala Ji Jagran, Mata Ki Chowki, Sai Sandhya, Kirtan, Khatu Shayam Bhajan. Shiv Gurgan. Bala Ji Bhajan. We have speciality in organising Maa Bhagwati jagran, Mta ki Chawki and Bhajan Sandhya, Sai Bhajan Sandhya and other spiritual events available in your budget. Atleast once give the chance of doing your service and connecting devotees with the God. Here are some events that we organised recrmntly…..
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Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 2 months
Jagran/Chowki Group in Mihinpurwa Bahraich
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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" Sargam Jagran Party" is very much devotional event organiser, as it is done with full devotion and respect towards the God. The work of the "Sargam Jagran Party" has been appreciated and acknowledged in many State Newspaper like: UP, Bihar, Rajsthan and Hariyana etc. At the very first place it was started with the same group but, now it has expand upto 30 plus people. All the facilities are provide which are needed to conduct Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan sandhya like: Singer's, Instruments, Sound facility, Jhanki etc. We are often called by the people again and again who have used our services.
Poeple mostly like to call us at the time of Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals and we promised to serve a memorable Jagran or Chowki. Working for over a decades, we are having the experience to make it more devotional and memorable when we organised it. Our party has experienced chorus group, vocalist, musicians and artists which are required to make it successful. Its main origin is based in Lucknow and we operate almost all the States in India. Pooja Sargam is the Director and also a Lead Singer of the "Sargam Jagran Party" organiser. Starting from the Pooja Aarti to the Bhog or Prasad everything is done by our organie team.
From last 10 years we are providing the best Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya also currently dealing in the Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) and to the another State's.
So next time whenever you are planing to conduct Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya, make sure to contact us and make your spiritual experience more devotional and delightfull.
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If there is any most efficient way to please Hanuman Ji, then it is Hanuman Chalisa followed by the Path (recitation) of Sunderkand. Doing these with reverence and devotion pleases Bajrang Bali, and he rectifies all the troubles of his devotees. The Ramayana shows the virtues of Shri Ram and his efforts. The entire life character of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram is contained in the Ramcharit Manas composed by Goswami Tulsidas. Although reading each of its chapters is virtuous and will take one closer to Lord Shri Ram, Sundarkand has been considered the best. Sunderkand is a part of Shri Ramcharit Manas, composed by Tulsidas Ji. The great works done by Hanuman Ji have been described in Sunderkand. Sunderkand is the chapter in Ramayana, which focuses on the story of the power and triumph of Hanuman Ji.
Maharishi Valmiki wrote the entire Ramayana in the Sanskrit language. After that, Tulsidas Ji wrote Ramayana (Shri Ram Charit Manas) in the Awadhi language. Sunderkand is the fifth chapter (kand) of Shri Ram Charit Manas.
Sundarkand describes the departure of Hanuman Ji to Lanka, meeting Vibhishan, meeting Sita and giving her the ring of Shri Ram, the killing of Akshay Kumar, Lanka Dahan, and his return from Lanka. In Sunderkand, Hanuman Ji reaches to the rescue of Mata Sita and provides her with hope of Shri Rama’s long-awaited arrival. The Sunderkand has a special significance for the devotees of Hanuman Ji. By reciting Sunderkand, one gets freedom from fear, strengthening his/her confidence. Those who recite the Sunderkand, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays, get rid from all the diseases, plagues, troubles, and misfortunes and good news starts knocking on the door for them.
Akhand Ramayana Path is a continuous 24-Hour recital of the entire ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ without any break. The entire Shri Ram Charit Manas includes seven chapters i.e., Baalkand, Ayodhyakand, Aranyakand, Kishkindha, Sundarkand, Lankakand and Uttarkand. Each of the chapters depicts different stages in Lord Shri Ram’s life. Performing this Path brings auspiciousness and removes obstacles in one’s life. It is performed with bhajans and kirtan in Lord Shri Ram’s praise and his life teachings for his blessings and peaceful life. ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ is an epic historical text that represents Lord Shri Rama’s achievements during his lifetime. Lord Shri Rama is the seventh reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shri Ram is additionally referred to as ‘Maryada Purushottam’ (“Maryada” translates to “honour and righteousness,” and “Purushottam” translates to “the supreme man”) as he stands for truth, justice, morality and is an ideal example of a perfect son, husband, brother, friend and king. Akhand Ramayan Path praises Lord Shri Rama and his Bhakt Hanuman Ji for his devotion, bravery, and strength. Akhand Ramayan Path is frequently done to find out about Lord Rama’s life and learn and assimilate the characteristics of the supreme person inside ourselves.
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Any religious theme song or song related to God is refers to Bhajan which literaly means "sharing". No specific set or rules are describing for Bhajan, it is a free form of singing based on the devotee how they conduct it. According to Hinduism Bhakti, Kirtan and Bhajan all these three are connected with the vedic era specially Samaveda. Semaveda is meant to sing like a musical score which should be heard. The main motive behind conducting this Bhajan Shandya is to receive blessing of God's. Bhajan also helps to maintain possitive environment around one's selves and wish to get all their dreams fulfilled. In this singer sungs the religious song which gives the feeling to connect everyone with the God. Bhajan has been done generally at the evening time which takes max to max 3 to 4 hours. Pooja has been done by the devotee and the first stage and after that Aarti takes place and at last prasad has been distributed at last, with all this we came to the end of the Bhajan
With the grace of God and good wishes of devotees, our team of Sargam Jagran Party are growing day by day. Now we can count us as one of the best Spiritual event organiser party in the UP state. Our Balaji Jagran very famous in LKO and Outer Areas. We have done a no of Balaji Jagrans most of the cities in Up and we got very nice compliments too. Balaji Jangran is the story of Ramayan’s Sundarkand where whole story is based on Lord Hanuman and their Lanka Visit. We organises the whole event in such a way that you can feel the event in reality with a lots of emotions. You will find yourself connecting with the God. Our Sargam jagran Team always take care our devotees on every single step of the event and organise the all things in such a way that you will find 100% satisfaction from us within your decided parameter of budget. So Please give one chance when you are making plan of Balaji jagran.
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 2 months
Jagran/Chowki Group in Payagpur Bahraich
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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If there is any most efficient way to please Hanuman Ji, then it is Hanuman Chalisa followed by the Path (recitation) of Sunderkand. Doing these with reverence and devotion pleases Bajrang Bali, and he rectifies all the troubles of his devotees. The Ramayana shows the virtues of Shri Ram and his efforts. The entire life character of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram is contained in the Ramcharit Manas composed by Goswami Tulsidas. Although reading each of its chapters is virtuous and will take one closer to Lord Shri Ram, Sundarkand has been considered the best. Sunderkand is a part of Shri Ramcharit Manas, composed by Tulsidas Ji. The great works done by Hanuman Ji have been described in Sunderkand. Sunderkand is the chapter in Ramayana, which focuses on the story of the power and triumph of Hanuman Ji.
Maharishi Valmiki wrote the entire Ramayana in the Sanskrit language. After that, Tulsidas Ji wrote Ramayana (Shri Ram Charit Manas) in the Awadhi language. Sunderkand is the fifth chapter (kand) of Shri Ram Charit Manas.
Sundarkand describes the departure of Hanuman Ji to Lanka, meeting Vibhishan, meeting Sita and giving her the ring of Shri Ram, the killing of Akshay Kumar, Lanka Dahan, and his return from Lanka. In Sunderkand, Hanuman Ji reaches to the rescue of Mata Sita and provides her with hope of Shri Rama’s long-awaited arrival. The Sunderkand has a special significance for the devotees of Hanuman Ji. By reciting Sunderkand, one gets freedom from fear, strengthening his/her confidence. Those who recite the Sunderkand, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays, get rid from all the diseases, plagues, troubles, and misfortunes and good news starts knocking on the door for them.
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Hanuman Ji discovered Sita with his intelligence and strength. Sunderkand describes the success and valour of Hanuman Ji as he went to Lanka in search of Sita Mata. Ashok Vatika was situated in the beautiful mountain of Lanka where Hanuman Ji met Sita Mata. Their meeting is beautifully described in this episode. Due to this major incident, and the beauty with which Mata Sita and Hanuman Ji meet, as if the meeting of a Son and Mother, this chapter of the Ramayana was named Sunderkand.
The main events of this chapter of Shri Ram Charit Manas include Hanuman Ji’s departure towards Lanka, meeting Vibhishana, meeting Mata Sita, giving her the ring of Shri Ram, Lanka Dahan (burning), and return from Lanka. The entire story of valour gets the well deserved name of Sunderkand
Akhand Ramayana Path is a continuous 24-Hour recital of the entire ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ without any break. The entire Shri Ram Charit Manas includes seven chapters i.e., Baalkand, Ayodhyakand, Aranyakand, Kishkindha, Sundarkand, Lankakand and Uttarkand. Each of the chapters depicts different stages in Lord Shri Ram’s life. Performing this Path brings auspiciousness and removes obstacles in one’s life. It is performed with bhajans and kirtan in Lord Shri Ram’s praise and his life teachings for his blessings and peaceful life. ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ is an epic historical text that represents Lord Shri Rama’s achievements during his lifetime. Lord Shri Rama is the seventh reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shri Ram is additionally referred to as ‘Maryada Purushottam’ (“Maryada” translates to “honour and righteousness,” and “Purushottam” translates to “the supreme man”) as he stands for truth, justice, morality and is an ideal example of a perfect son, husband, brother, friend and king. Akhand Ramayan Path praises Lord Shri Rama and his Bhakt Hanuman Ji for his devotion, bravery, and strength. Akhand Ramayan Path is frequently done to find out about Lord Rama’s life and learn and assimilate the characteristics of the supreme person inside ourselves.
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Any religious theme song or song related to God is refers to Bhajan which literaly means "sharing". No specific set or rules are describing for Bhajan, it is a free form of singing based on the devotee how they conduct it. According to Hinduism Bhakti, Kirtan and Bhajan all these three are connected with the vedic era specially Samaveda. Semaveda is meant to sing like a musical score which should be heard. The main motive behind conducting this Bhajan Shandya is to receive blessing of God's. Bhajan also helps to maintain possitive environment around one's selves and wish to get all their dreams fulfilled. In this singer sungs the religious song which gives the feeling to connect everyone with the God. Bhajan has been done generally at the evening time which takes max to max 3 to 4 hours. Pooja has been done by the devotee and the first stage and after that Aarti takes place and at last prasad has been distributed at last, with all this we came to the end of the Bhajan
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 2 months
Jagran/Chowki Group in Mahasi Bahraich
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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" Sargam Jagran Party" is very much devotional event organiser, as it is done with full devotion and respect towards the God. The work of the "Sargam Jagran Party" has been appreciated and acknowledged in many State Newspaper like: UP, Bihar, Rajsthan and Hariyana etc. At the very first place it was started with the same group but, now it has expand upto 30 plus people. All the facilities are provide which are needed to conduct Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan sandhya like: Singer's, Instruments, Sound facility, Jhanki etc. We are often called by the people again and again who have used our services.
Poeple mostly like to call us at the time of Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals and we promised to serve a memorable Jagran or Chowki. Working for over a decades, we are having the experience to make it more devotional and memorable when we organised it. Our party has experienced chorus group, vocalist, musicians and artists which are required to make it successful. Its main origin is based in Lucknow and we operate almost all the States in India. Pooja Sargam is the Director and also a Lead Singer of the "Sargam Jagran Party" organiser. Starting from the Pooja Aarti to the Bhog or Prasad everything is done by our organie team.
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“Sargam jangran Party” is one of the renowned Jagran party of Lucknow. By the Gift of God within a short passage of time period we did a lot and Its still continue. We providing services of organising all kind of spiritual events including Maa Bhagwati Jangran, Sai Sandhya, Sunder Kaand and another kind of Spiritual events. Sargam Jangran Party is the party of all devotees that comes together for connecting devotees directly with the God and make the environment devoted. Our party’s aim is to provide bestest services so you can remember us for a long time. For remaining on top level we take care of every single step of event like best quality Singer, Magicians, Caters, Prasad and all. We always take care of your budget and organise the event in an effective way. We don’t think about our profit; we just take care, devotees of God. We are a group of young professionals we doing our work with the perfectness so that you cannot get the chance of any objection in our work. We have best musicians, vocalist and chorus group.
Maa Bhagwati Jagran, Maa Durga Jagran, Bala Ji Jagran, Mata Ki Chowki, Sai Sandhya, Kirtan, Khatu Shayam Bhajan. Shiv Gurgan. Bala Ji Bhajan. We have speciality in organising Maa Bhagwati jagran, Mta ki Chawki and Bhajan Sandhya, Sai Bhajan Sandhya and other spiritual events available in your budget. Atleast once give the chance of doing your service and connecting devotees with the God. Here are some events that we organised recrmntly…..
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Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
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With the grace of God and good wishes of devotees, our team of Sargam Jagran Party are growing day by day. Now we can count us as one of the best Spiritual event organiser party in the UP state. Our Balaji Jagran very famous in LKO and Outer Areas. We have done a no of Balaji Jagrans most of the cities in Up and we got very nice compliments too. Balaji Jangran is the story of Ramayan’s Sundarkand where whole story is based on Lord Hanuman and their Lanka Visit. We organises the whole event in such a way that you can feel the event in reality with a lots of emotions. You will find yourself connecting with the God. Our Sargam jagran Team always take care our devotees on every single step of the event and organise the all things in such a way that you will find 100% satisfaction from us within your decided parameter of budget. So Please give one chance when you are making plan of Balaji jagran.
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 4 months
Jagran/Chowki Group in Ahirauli Deoria
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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" Sargam Jagran Party" is very much devotional event organiser, as it is done with full devotion and respect towards the God. The work of the "Sargam Jagran Party" has been appreciated and acknowledged in many State Newspaper like: UP, Bihar, Rajsthan and Hariyana etc. At the very first place it was started with the same group but, now it has expand upto 30 plus people. All the facilities are provide which are needed to conduct Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan sandhya like: Singer's, Instruments, Sound facility, Jhanki etc. We are often called by the people again and again who have used our services.
Mata ka Jagran is a holy programme for all the Hindu community. In this programme all night Kirtan has been sung by the singers and Maa Durga worship has been done.
At Mata ka Jagran firstly we light Akhand jyoti of Mataji. After that Vandana is sung ( devotional song) by the singer or any other devotee who wants to sing. Bhet is offered by the devotee (red color chunni) coconut fruits and shingar matriail along with soe bheta and sweets. Then comes ardass and bhog is distributed to the people who are present there by the devotee. Short break are taken and around half an hour again we start for the further process. Lastly after Aarti and devotional song’s Lonkra and Kanjak Pooja we distribute bhog and Prasad to all and comes to the end of Jagran as an samapti.
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Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
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If there is any most efficient way to please Hanuman Ji, then it is Hanuman Chalisa followed by the Path (recitation) of Sunderkand. Doing these with reverence and devotion pleases Bajrang Bali, and he rectifies all the troubles of his devotees. The Ramayana shows the virtues of Shri Ram and his efforts. The entire life character of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram is contained in the Ramcharit Manas composed by Goswami Tulsidas. Although reading each of its chapters is virtuous and will take one closer to Lord Shri Ram, Sundarkand has been considered the best. Sunderkand is a part of Shri Ramcharit Manas, composed by Tulsidas Ji. The great works done by Hanuman Ji have been described in Sunderkand. Sunderkand is the chapter in Ramayana, which focuses on the story of the power and triumph of Hanuman Ji.
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 5 months
Jagran Group in Lamjung Nepal
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
With the grace of God and good wishes of devotees, our team of Sargam Jagran Party are growing day by day. Now we can count us as one of the best Spiritual event organiser party in the UP state. Our Balaji Jagran very famous in LKO and Outer Areas. We have done a no of Balaji Jagrans most of the cities in Up and we got very nice compliments too. Balaji Jangran is the story of Ramayan’s Sundarkand where whole story is based on Lord Hanuman and their Lanka Visit. We organises the whole event in such a way that you can feel the event in reality with a lots of emotions. You will find yourself connecting with the God. Our Sargam jagran Team always take care our devotees on every single step of the event and organise the all things in such a way that you will find 100% satisfaction from us within your decided parameter of budget. So Please give one chance when you are making plan of Balaji jagran.
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Akhand Ramayana Path is a continuous 24-Hour recital of the entire ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ without any break. The entire Shri Ram Charit Manas includes seven chapters i.e., Baalkand, Ayodhyakand, Aranyakand, Kishkindha, Sundarkand, Lankakand and Uttarkand. Each of the chapters depicts different stages in Lord Shri Ram’s life. Performing this Path brings auspiciousness and removes obstacles in one’s life. It is performed with bhajans and kirtan in Lord Shri Ram’s praise and his life teachings for his blessings and peaceful life. ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ is an epic historical text that represents Lord Shri Rama’s achievements during his lifetime. Lord Shri Rama is the seventh reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shri Ram is additionally referred to as ‘Maryada Purushottam’ (“Maryada” translates to “honour and righteousness,” and “Purushottam” translates to “the supreme man”) as he stands for truth, justice, morality and is an ideal example of a perfect son, husband, brother, friend and king. Akhand Ramayan Path praises Lord Shri Rama and his Bhakt Hanuman Ji for his devotion, bravery, and strength. Akhand Ramayan Path is frequently done to find out about Lord Rama’s life and learn and assimilate the characteristics of the supreme person inside ourselves.
Shri Ram Charit Manas, also well-known as Shri Ramayana, is an epic written by great poet Tulsidas, also known as Goswami Tulsidas. Famed for his devotion towards Lord Rama, he was a Hindu poet-cum-saint, reformer, and philosopher of the 16th Century. Formerly, Maharishi Valmiki wrote the Ramayana in the Sanskrit language. Sant Tulsidas was acclaimed during his lifetime to be a reincarnation of Maharishi Valmiki, the original composer of Ramayana in Sanskrit. Lord Rama is prayed upon as he eradicates all types of adversity and agony of living beings. Lord Rama bestows all kinds of favour, honour, and wealth on his devotees. a mere recital of this great Epic Ramayana is believed auspicious and is effective enough to remove various obstacles. It is believed that the benefits of reciting this Epic are increased manifold if it is recited nonstop from starting to end without any break. This recitation is known as “Akhand Ramayana Paath.”
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According to the Hindus, a mere recital of this great Epic Ramayana is believed auspicious and is effective enough to remove various obstacles. It is believed that the benefits of reciting this Epic are increased manifold if it is recited nonstop from starting to end without any break. This recitation is known as “Akhand Ramayana Path.” Unmatched fruits are achieved by doing or getting done Akhand Ramayan Path. Provided Path should be appropriately done and does not get fragmented. One must get Akhand Ramayan Path done by a qualified expert priest or person. It commonly takes twenty-four hours to complete. After this, there should be havan, aarti, hymn, and food. One has the authority to say, do and hold the Path who have reverence and faith in Lord Shri Ram, Lord Hanuman, Shri Ram Charitra Manas, and Goswami Tulsidas Ji. Swasti Vaachan, Shanti Path, Sankalp, Gauri, Ganesh, and Ram Darbar Pujan, Kalash Sthapan, Agni Sthapan, Shri Ram Charit Manas Akhand Path without any break. To be followed by Ram Ashtottarshat Namavali and then Purnahuti, Aarti, Prasad to Brahmins.
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 5 months
Jagran/Chowki Group in Payagpur Bahraich
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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From last 10 years we are providing the best Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya also currently dealing in the Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) and to the another State's.
So next time whenever you are planing to conduct Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya, make sure to contact us and make your spiritual experience more devotional and delightfull.
With the grace of God and good wishes of devotees, our team of Sargam Jagran Party are growing day by day. Now we can count us as one of the best Spiritual event organiser party in the UP state. Our Balaji Jagran very famous in LKO and Outer Areas. We have done a no of Balaji Jagrans most of the cities in Up and we got very nice compliments too. Balaji Jangran is the story of Ramayan’s Sundarkand where whole story is based on Lord Hanuman and their Lanka Visit. We organises the whole event in such a way that you can feel the event in reality with a lots of emotions. You will find yourself connecting with the God. Our Sargam jagran Team always take care our devotees on every single step of the event and organise the all things in such a way that you will find 100% satisfaction from us within your decided parameter of budget. So Please give one chance when you are making plan of Balaji jagran.
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Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
“Sargam jangran Party” is one of the renowned Jagran party of Lucknow. By the Gift of God within a short passage of time period we did a lot and Its still continue. We providing services of organising all kind of spiritual events including Maa Bhagwati Jangran, Sai Sandhya, Sunder Kaand and another kind of Spiritual events. Sargam Jangran Party is the party of all devotees that comes together for connecting devotees directly with the God and make the environment devoted. Our party’s aim is to provide bestest services so you can remember us for a long time. For remaining on top level we take care of every single step of event like best quality Singer, Magicians, Caters, Prasad and all. We always take care of your budget and organise the event in an effective way. We don’t think about our profit; we just take care, devotees of God. We are a group of young professionals we doing our work with the perfectness so that you cannot get the chance of any objection in our work. We have best musicians, vocalist and chorus group.
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Maa Bhagwati Jagran, Maa Durga Jagran, Bala Ji Jagran, Mata Ki Chowki, Sai Sandhya, Kirtan, Khatu Shayam Bhajan. Shiv Gurgan. Bala Ji Bhajan. We have speciality in organising Maa Bhagwati jagran, Mta ki Chawki and Bhajan Sandhya, Sai Bhajan Sandhya and other spiritual events available in your budget. Atleast once give the chance of doing your service and connecting devotees with the God. Here are some events that we organised recrmntly…..
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 5 months
Jagran Group in Paraspur Gonda
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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Any religious theme song or song related to God is refers to Bhajan which literaly means "sharing". No specific set or rules are describing for Bhajan, it is a free form of singing based on the devotee how they conduct it. According to Hinduism Bhakti, Kirtan and Bhajan all these three are connected with the vedic era specially Samaveda. Semaveda is meant to sing like a musical score which should be heard. The main motive behind conducting this Bhajan Shandya is to receive blessing of God's. Bhajan also helps to maintain possitive environment around one's selves and wish to get all their dreams fulfilled. In this singer sungs the religious song which gives the feeling to connect everyone with the God. Bhajan has been done generally at the evening time which takes max to max 3 to 4 hours. Pooja has been done by the devotee and the first stage and after that Aarti takes place and at last prasad has been distributed at last, with all this we came to the end of the Bhajan
If there is any most efficient way to please Hanuman Ji, then it is Hanuman Chalisa followed by the Path (recitation) of Sunderkand. Doing these with reverence and devotion pleases Bajrang Bali, and he rectifies all the troubles of his devotees. The Ramayana shows the virtues of Shri Ram and his efforts. The entire life character of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram is contained in the Ramcharit Manas composed by Goswami Tulsidas. Although reading each of its chapters is virtuous and will take one closer to Lord Shri Ram, Sundarkand has been considered the best. Sunderkand is a part of Shri Ramcharit Manas, composed by Tulsidas Ji. The great works done by Hanuman Ji have been described in Sunderkand. Sunderkand is the chapter in Ramayana, which focuses on the story of the power and triumph of Hanuman Ji.
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Maharishi Valmiki wrote the entire Ramayana in the Sanskrit language. After that, Tulsidas Ji wrote Ramayana (Shri Ram Charit Manas) in the Awadhi language. Sunderkand is the fifth chapter (kand) of Shri Ram Charit Manas.
Sundarkand describes the departure of Hanuman Ji to Lanka, meeting Vibhishan, meeting Sita and giving her the ring of Shri Ram, the killing of Akshay Kumar, Lanka Dahan, and his return from Lanka. In Sunderkand, Hanuman Ji reaches to the rescue of Mata Sita and provides her with hope of Shri Rama’s long-awaited arrival. The Sunderkand has a special significance for the devotees of Hanuman Ji. By reciting Sunderkand, one gets freedom from fear, strengthening his/her confidence. Those who recite the Sunderkand, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays, get rid from all the diseases, plagues, troubles, and misfortunes and good news starts knocking on the door for them.
Hanuman Ji discovered Sita with his intelligence and strength. Sunderkand describes the success and valour of Hanuman Ji as he went to Lanka in search of Sita Mata. Ashok Vatika was situated in the beautiful mountain of Lanka where Hanuman Ji met Sita Mata. Their meeting is beautifully described in this episode. Due to this major incident, and the beauty with which Mata Sita and Hanuman Ji meet, as if the meeting of a Son and Mother, this chapter of the Ramayana was named Sunderkand.
The main events of this chapter of Shri Ram Charit Manas include Hanuman Ji’s departure towards Lanka, meeting Vibhishana, meeting Mata Sita, giving her the ring of Shri Ram, Lanka Dahan (burning), and return from Lanka. The entire story of valour gets the well deserved name of Sunderkand
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Mata ka Jagran is a holy programme for all the Hindu community. In this programme all night Kirtan has been sung by the singers and Maa Durga worship has been done.
At Mata ka Jagran firstly we light Akhand jyoti of Mataji. After that Vandana is sung ( devotional song) by the singer or any other devotee who wants to sing. Bhet is offered by the devotee (red color chunni) coconut fruits and shingar matriail along with soe bheta and sweets. Then comes ardass and bhog is distributed to the people who are present there by the devotee. Short break are taken and around half an hour again we start for the further process. Lastly after Aarti and devotional song’s Lonkra and Kanjak Pooja we distribute bhog and Prasad to all and comes to the end of Jagran as an samapti.
Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
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Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
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