#khristle and ray's qrows
courtclover · 2 years
Qrow:  “i’ve got an image to maintain here.” /  “You are going to ruin my reputation. I worked hard at the image of a crotchety old bastard.” 
Clover:  <8) 
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eiiskonigin · 1 year
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@littleblackqrow: ღ
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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He's so soft with her, it makes sense that she's formed an attachment.
attraction meme
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flightofaqrow · 4 years
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1. ( ALIAS / NAME ) ——   Rachel, but everyone here started calling me Ray and I adore that I have a special nickname now, also it kinda matches with Kay and that makes me happy. I also enjoy it being more gender ambiguous. :]
2.  ( BIRTHDAY ) ——  June 17th
3.  ( ZODIAC SIGN ) ——   Gemini
4.  ( HEIGHT ) ——    5′5″
5.  ( HOBBIES ) —— writing, singing, drawing, used to do cosplay, walking my pups, hiking, weightlifting/calisthenics (but that’s been pretty sidetracked lately), playing JRPGS.
6.  ( FAVORITE COLOR ) ——    Purple
7.  ( FAVORITE BOOKS ) ——    Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury, Doubt: A Parable - John Patrick Shanley, The Once and Future King - T.H. White, The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (every time someone says they hate it I cry a lil, ngl)
8.  ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ) —— I have my Briar playlist on rn. Empire - Beth Crowley
9.  ( LAST FILM OR SHOW WATCHED ) ——  World of Dance
10.  ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ) ——   See Khristle’s answer, for real. lmao. Post Vol 7 Qrow takes were so infuriating to me. (no one here, if I’m following you, you’re so valid. I’m talking tag/fndm in general). Fanart Woobified him. Other people clung to the cartoonish drunk shenanigans and made him an asshole 24/7 completely missing (imo) that a lot of that was an act for different reasons. I hated people saying “oh I get it! the scarecrow’s gonna lose his mind over Clover!!!” when I think it’s pretty obvious the scarecrow loosing his brain is referring to his alcoholism, and he FINALLY GETS IT BACK in Vol 7. sigh. I did like that we got to see a softer side and him going sober in Vol 7 and that made me fall in love with him, it rounded out the character a lot and made me see some deeper things about him. So I part made the blog out of spite to put my own portrayal out there. I also wanted to explore alcoholism a little bit, help me see from the perspective of someone falling into it and overcoming it. It’s also in tribute to someone I lost to alcoholism.
11.  ( STORY BEHIND URL ) —— I'm a slut for double/triple/quadruple entendre. The word “flight” can be applied to Qrow a lot of different ways. Full explanation in my promo, check it out and reblog if you like :3c. Also this blog was made to tell his story, so calling it his flight felt appropriate. I hadn’t actually heard it at the time, but I later found the song Fight of the Crow, and it’s suitable so I think of that too now.
tagged by: @tospititontheon ** @snxwheiress​  <3
tagging: idk who’s left just steal it.
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