#clover just genuinely fascinated by qrow and qrow like *stop that*
courtclover · 2 years
Qrow:  “i’ve got an image to maintain here.” /  “You are going to ruin my reputation. I worked hard at the image of a crotchety old bastard.” 
Clover:  <8) 
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professorspork · 3 years
Hot take, perhaps, but if/when Penny 3.0 happens I don't think she should have Floating Array, etherial or otherwise. It's just too bound up with her self-image as a Weapon instead of a Person. If Penny gets a sword, it needs to be a sword she can put down.
This is-- a fascinating take! I’m not sure I agree with it, but I think there’s some meaty ideas here worth unpacking. And I do think we agree on the fundamental premise (i.e. Penny’s autonomy needs to be foregrounded above all).
You assert that Penny’s current problem is that she sees herself as a Weapon and not a Person, and I don’t think that’s exactly the case. 
One of the things I admire most about Penny is is that when people try and tell her who (or, insultingly, what) she is, she quietly but assertively refutes them. Though early on her conviction in her own personhood was somewhat shaky, when her friends encouraged her she took it to heart. After Ruby “I Love You And Your Beautiful Soul” Rose told her that she was real and Winter “Everyone’s Feelings Are Valid Except For Mine” Schnee told her that her opinions mattered, she got-- really quite bullish about this. To illustrate:
Random citizen: It's Ironwood's robot! Robyn: [suspicious] Penny. Penny: I-- I didn't! [7.06, A Night Off]
Vine: I thought you were supposed to protect the people, not hurt them. Penny: I would never hurt anyone. Elm: Well Winter’s in critical condition, because of you. Harriet: And you repaid her by stealing the power that should have been hers. Penny: But taking the Maiden power was the only way to stop-- [8.03, Strings]
Cinder: You’re just a tool to be used! Penny: You do not know what you are talking about. ... Cinder: I don’t serve anyone. And you wouldn’t either, if you weren't built that way. Penny: That is not… I choose to fight for people who care about me. [8.05, Amity]
Which isn’t to say Penny isn’t prone to self-doubt, because she absolutely is, or that Penny doesn’t have a self-sacrifice streak a mile wide, because she absolutely does. But Penny wouldn’t have that reflexive, Janet-saying-“Not-a-girl”-style reaction to people telling her she’s nothing but a weapon unless she genuinely thought they were wrong. She’s not defensive, in these moments, even though she’s defending herself. She’s certain.
Maybe this is me splitting hairs with your argument, but I don’t think Penny’s issue is that she sees herself as a weapon. It’s that she sees herself as a hero. Not just a soldier, but THE soldier. The Protector of Mantle. She’s not Winter; she’s not most comfortable when she’s got orders she can hide behind so she can reassure herself she’s doing the right thing because someone else already did that math. She’s-- she’s Spider-Man. She feels a tremendous responsibility to save everyone she can, because that’s what you do. And yes that’s also, literally, what she was built for, so I can see where the argument is coming from, but I think it matters that the argument’s being made about someone from Remnant.
And on Remnant, your weapon is an extension of who you are.
We’ve never, as far as I can remember, seen anyone straight up switch their weapon. Ironwood made the nuke attachment for his pistols, but it’s still Due Process underneath. Maria only carries one of her two canes, now, but she didn’t make any design changes. Same with Yang and (lefty) Ember Celica. Jaune gave Crocea Mors substantial upgrades, but it’s fundamentally the same weapon; Blake chose to solder Gambol Shroud back together rather than replace it... and if anyone had an argument that using the same weapon might be too traumatic, it would be her. I mean, hell, the Messrs Oz have been using the same staff for millennia.
Weapons aren’t something you turn your back on. I don’t think it’s something that would occur to people. It would be like-- like turning off your Aura. That’s you. 
Unless, of course, you’re Cinder.
Cinder gave up on Midnight after the Beacon arc, and we’ve never seen it since. She relies exclusively on Maiden weapons instead-- some of which she molds into forms quite similar to her old swords or bow, but still. She tossed it aside. This follows the logic of the show: Cinder discarded the weapons, and with them the person she used to be, when she found it all to be lacking. Instead, she embraces what she sees as a higher form of power.
I don’t think Penny would think of Floating Array that way; as a sign of her failure. Nor do I think she’d see it as the prophesy/burden your take implies.
Granted, Watts used a sword from Floating Array in order to get access to her code and install the virus; it ended up being the vector for a huge breach of autonomy and violation of consent. But so was Tyrian using Harbinger to murder Clover, and Qrow’s still using it.
And granted, Penny didn’t choose Floating Array in the same way most people chose or designed their own weapons. She was born with it; activated combat-ready. But then, that’s not so different from Jaune inheriting Crocea Mors, is it? It might not be what either of them would have selected or been most suited for if they’d had the chance to say for themselves at the start, but... well, we’re far from the start, now. And Penny does choose Floating Array, when it matters. When she conjures weapons in her new, self-created body, she instinctively reaches for what she knows, what’s familiar. Her father’s providence. So for me, the moment you’re alluding to... it’s already happened. The whole point of leveraging Ambrosius’ limitations in the way they did is that Penny is separated from the parts of her that can be weaponized-- she watches her synthetic body eat itself, consumed by its own self-destructive urges. It doesn’t get much more metaphor-made-literal than that!
What remains, then, is Penny. And Penny uses Floating Array.
If Penny comes back and doesn’t resume the Winter Maidenhood (which I think is... low on the list of options, given Winter’s desperation and the likelihood that Maiden transference shenanigans are going to be a part of the vehicle that allows Penny to return in the first place), then she won’t have a choice. Either because that will mean she’s back in a 3.0 robot body (in which case it’s the same lack of choice she always had; Pietro wouldn’t give her an unfamiliar weapon after all that) or because she’s a Regular Normal Flesh Gal now and unless her Semblance is telekinesis (which it may be!!! we don’t know!!!) a weapon like Floating Array just isn’t on the table. But all of that, as I’ve already laid out, has to contend with so many unknown factors. How she comes back, and in what form, and at which time.
If Penny does end up designing a wholly new weapon, to me that would signal total transformation, given the rules and themes of the world. And that... well, it depends on the execution, I suppose, but I think I’d find that a little alarming. That she’d choose to have so little of her old self in her new form. But on the other hand, maybe I’m dead wrong there! That could also be read as yet another gorgeous act of creation by the Maiden best suited to it; it could be Penny choosing to yes-and herself into doubling down on her identity. She could be SO MUCH of a person that she, and she alone, gets to make a new weapon for her new self. I’m not against any of that! 
But even if that’s the case, I still think we’d see the hard light version of Floating Array again, especially if we have a Maidenbowl Redux. Even if I were to concede to your point that it’s too bound up in her self-image issues, that doesn’t imply to me that she’d have to move beyond it. If she’s to contend with herself, if she’s to decide she’s a person and not a weapon as you lay out, she’s going to put all of herself in the effort. As the speech goes, it’s a part of her. Even if it’s just a part, that’s still... a part. And this show has never been about severing yourself from your broken bits; it’s been about embracing them tenderly and letting them actually heal.
...also, Floating Array is *checks notes* cool. 
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captain-rennie · 5 years
Fair Game Week Day 1: Flirting
Read it on Ao3 here!
“Nice shirt, though.”
“Yup. Boyfriend material.”
Gods. That was so stupid. Be still, my heart.
warnings: gratuitous amounts of gross old men flirting + some innuendos 
Clover was incredibly forward with Qrow, and it was going to be the death of him.
At first, he had thought he was imagining it. The winks, the friendly nudges, the warm smiles and genuine pep talks - that silky smooth honeyed voice couldn’t just be for him, could it? A grumpy old huntsman that brought nothing but misfortune to those who dared cross his path was hardly Qrow’s idea of a desired bachelor. Surely, he was only seeing what he wanted to see. There was no way a successful man like Clover had any interest in him beyond perhaps a stable friendship.
Clover’s intentions became impossible to deny, however, once Qrow had the chance to see him interact properly with others. Always polite, even casual with some, but none saw the same gentle, warm man that Qrow had known since their first meeting. Nobody got the same jokes, the motivational speeches, the reassurances, the flirting. Qrow had tried to tell himself that perhaps Clover was simply a flirty person, but it was becoming harder and harder to believe that as days and meetings went by in a blur.
He only ever spoke that way to Qrow, and Gods, Qrow had no idea what to do about it. Especially when time only made it worse. What started with a teasing lilt and cocky showing-off turned into blatant excuses to be near him and, embarrassingly enough, bold pickup lines.
It was Qrow’s own fault, of course - the flirting was far from unwelcome, and Qrow would be a liar if he said he did not want to take Clover up on those offers, but … whether he wanted to and whether he should were entirely separate issues. Of course, Clover had to know that Qrow would outright reject him if he did not want it, and only redoubled his efforts when Qrow still had not come to a decision.
It was doing nothing good for Qrow’s resolve.
Today was the worst of it, hands down, Qrow decided as he watched Clover shirk his shirt, muscles shifting tantalizingly and tanned skin glistening with sweat. So this was his newest strategy - appealing to Qrow’s thirst. Admittedly, it had been far too long since Qrow had allowed himself such things, and watching a bead of sweat roll from his neck to his chest to - to his abs, and …
Oh, Gods, Qrow was so screwed. This was just supposed to be a friendly hand-to-hand sparring match. Qrow should have known better. And Clover, damn it, stupid Clover sighed and stretched, flashing that stupid knowing smirk at Qrow.
“Hope you don’t mind,” that lovely voice said. “It just gets so hot in here!”
“Yeah,” was all Qrow had the sense to say, because at least a hot room was just as applicable of an excuse for his burning cheeks.
“Nice shirt, though.”
“Yup. Boyfriend material.”
Gods. That was so stupid. Be still, my heart.
“You just took it off,” Qrow pointed out, and finally, finally it gave Clover pause, long enough for Qrow to will down his blush. But then Clover’s smile widened, and dread pooled in Qrow’s stomach, because whatever he was about to say, it was going to slaughter him.
“Ah, well. It holds me back.” Clover tossed his shirt to the side where there weapons lay discarded, delivering one of his killer winks, and continued, “Why restrict myself to boyfriend status, y'know? I can be so much more.”
“Aren’t I supposed to be kicking your ass right about now?” Qrow said loudly, seconds away from melting into a little puddle, and Clover, the bastard, saw right through him. But finally, he relented, raising his fists.
“Bold of you to assume I won’t lay you flat in seconds,” he challenged with a grin, and Qrow mimicked his stance.
“Yeah, cause you had great luck last time,” Qrow snorted as they circled each other, recalling the last two rounds where he had managed to get Clover to tap out. But Clover quirked that stupid eyebrow, and Qrow was suddenly far less confident about his prior wins.
“In a game of luck,” he said, “you know who’ll come out on top.”
Entirely unwilling to dwell a second longer on the connotations of tops (and bottoms), Qrow took the first swing.
With a laugh that told Qrow his opponent had already won, Clover leaned to the side to dodge the first punch, and widened his stance and bent his knees to avoid being swept by the kick Qrow aimed at his legs. The next kick was aimed high, coming into hard contact with Clover’s forearms, but the other man shook it off easily. The next punch was caught in a large hand, and as Clover took the opportunity to grasp his other wrist and tug him close, Qrow knew he was done for.
With a turn and a kick to his calves so quick Qrow hardly processed it, he was thrown down, his back hitting the ground hard. The air was knocked out of his lungs with a rather unceremonious oof, and Qrow let his head fall back onto the floor, watching Clover crack his knuckles proudly with a pout.
“All good down there?” was the smug victory statement, and Qrow coughed out something akin to a laugh.
“All good,” he replied. “Not the first time you’ve taken my breath away.”
He wasn’t sure what compelled him to say it. He hadn’t been the smooth-talking kind since he was in school. Perhaps the lack of air in his lungs took oxygen from his brain, and that loosened his tongue. It was the only explanation he could think of for saying something so stupid, oh Gods, why did I say that -
But it was worth it. So worth it, because when Qrow dared to look up to where he was positive he would see a shit-eating grin, there were only wide eyes and slightly parted lips. Qrow watched with fascination as a hint of pink grew on Clover’s cheeks, then spread to his nose, then his ears as the man quickly raised a hand to cover his mouth. Qrow sat up, quirking an eyebrow.
“All good?” he echoed, a little unsure, and Clover averted his gaze, looking incredibly nervous.
“I … ah.” His voice was quieter than the bold tone from before, almost uncharacteristically so. “That … I didn’t expect that.”
“Oh?” Qrow couldn’t help the familiar smirk he felt tugging at the corners of his lips, and he rested back casually on one hand. “You can dish it out, but you can’t take it?”
“Don’t say it,” Clover warned as he offered a hand to help Qrow stand. Qrow took it, and then some, daring to lean in closer than perhaps he should have.
“I wonder if that’s reflective of … other situations we might find ourselves in?”
The flush had quickly spread to consume Clover’s entire face, which he covered with both hands, positively steaming as he took a step back. “Shut up,” he groaned. “I’m not - it’s been weeks! I didn’t expect you to - to - !”
“You did all that flirting thinking I wasn’t gonna say something back?” Qrow asked, raising a skeptical brow, and boy did it feel good to be on the opposite end of things for once. He’d missed this - being the cool, collected one while the object of his affections spluttered and stumbled for words. He could sure get used to it again.
“Well, I - you didn’t seem the type?”
Qrow had to laugh at that, fond memories resurfacing of the times he was, in fact, the type. “You should have seen me in my Beacon days,” he said. “I have plenty of raunchy stories to contradict that observation.”
Clover seemed to be calming somewhat from his embarrassment, and set his hands on his hips with faux sass. “You think I want to hear about all the other men you wooed?”
Qrow’s grin turned sly, and he closed the distance between them again, practically nose-to-nose this time when he said, “I’ll just have to make new stories, then, hm?”
Clover spluttered, cheeks practically glowing pink, and it took Qrow a few minutes to stop laughing that time. It felt good to have his confidence back, and especially to use it on as lovely a cause as embarrassing his crush.
Clover had a lot to answer for, after all, and for the next few weeks, answer for it he did. This time, though, they got to share a few cute kisses amongst all the flirting, and it made the payback quite worth it.
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