#( answered ) / ✦ do i make myself clear ?
inkedmyths · 3 months
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I was posessed by the sudden need to pony
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velvetjune · 22 days
technically alan wake 2 final draft (spoilers ahead) is a Happy ending for the characters, but the spiral writers room video calling his enlightened self a possible demiurge or demon unsettled me far more than the original ending. that version, by his nature, already existing and overlapping with past loops, influencing and manipulating things without known reasons (to us and the Alan we play). it really makes that Alan out to be something else entirely through ascension and that this is inevitable. this could partially be because I kept seeing people say that the final draft was the happy end with a happy resolution for everyone, but I can’t stop thinking about what this means for Alan—and Alice!—going forward. That, along with the direct parallels to Yötön Yö playing out. It’s SO much to unpack
#final draft spoilers#alan wake 2 spoilers#alan wake 2#I’m repeating myself in my aw2 posts about the ending but I reeeeaally love the first ending#and I’ve come around to liking the final draft but trying to wrap my head around it#and would love to know if anyone has specific thoughts on the yötön yö callbacks or master of worlds/demon thing#I’ve seen some interpretations that alice literally is the bullet of light coexisting with alan. or that maybe he’ll become an antagonist#but idk if I agree with those. but there’s a lot that the final draft opens up#and it is a Little funny to me that it’s considered the more positive or conclusive ends#apart from Logan answering the call—everything else leaves far more to question#the first end is very ‘Alan is stuck in a spiral and needs to ascend w the help of saga and Alice’#but the final draft. all the worlds are Alan’s oyster. who is he and what will he do. i have no idea#and all the ascension and becoming something else while playing the roles of yötön yö still make the entire thing feel slightly off#in a way that’s good btw. i like that the final draft is less clear and not a generic happy end than I assumed from all the buzz around it#like maybe aw3 or control 2 will roll around and he’ll just be like Mr Door and he’s just more aware of his powers#but for now I enjoy the questionable aspects of this happy end for alan and alice#😃 <- me after discussing the endings of aw2 extensively over multiple posts#also feel like i should say that I don’t think alan will be. evil or anything#it’s just the aw2 of identity and change that fascinates me with what ascension means for alan :’)
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foolishlovers · 5 months
Hiiii silly questions incoming:))
Firstly the same questions you asked me loll (because i wanna know these too): song you cant get out of your head? Trope you cant stand? And favourite tea? 😁
Also, what place do you wanna visit someday? What is a name you like (as in, it sounds pretty lol)? What is your comfort movie?
heheheh hi 💜 thank u sm for sending these!!
song i can’t get out of my head: i wanna get better by bleachers
trope i cant stand: love triangles (except if they all end up together 🤭)
favourite tea: raspberry!
i wanna visit norway some day!! the nature looks absolutely gorgeous.
i actually think aziraphale is such a pretty name 🤭 and also [jane] gloriana villanueva from jane the virgin has such a beautiful ring to it!
for some reason.. i’m not the biggest movie watcher? like i love going to the cinema and i used to have comfort movies as a child/teen but those… aren’t comforting at all anymore now and when i rewatch stuff, it’s mostly tv shows now? 🫣
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unforth · 3 months
Revelation: my whole life, when I've responded to sarcasm seriously, people have been like "uh...why you so serious... I was being sarcastic..." and it makes me insane because like... duh? Why am I not allowed to respond to sarcasm seriously? Why does it have to be treated as hOw DiD yOu MiSs ThAt I wAs KiDdInG? Basically: why is it framed as me failing when I absolutely knew it was sarcasm?
Anyway, this just happened with my wife (no shade, it's very rare with her as compared to like, my uncle, and I told her it made me uncomfortable, we're good, it was just the spur to the revelation) and I think I've realized why it happens and why it bothers me so much.
It's always framed as me missing something, but it's not.
I knew they were being sarcastic, and I chose to respond seriously.
THEY failed to interpret MY response.
Or: damn boy (genderneutral) sorry my Yes, And game is just SO FUCKIN SUPERIOR yall should work on recognizing deadpan. Skill issue.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
the anon saying they didn't like third life did nothing wrong actually?? the forced positivity around hermitcraft is ridiculous and the ask wasn't rude or anything. grow up guys.
so responding to this is DEFINITELY against my better judgement but tumblr is not a place for good judgement so:
that was like three weeks ago why are you here
i made very clear that the problem was not that they said they didn't like third life. i am following and/or mutuals with people who don't like the life series or are salty about how the fandom is around double life and i'm like... fine with it. you're allowed to not like things. you're allowed to post you don't like things. while i personally prefer my blog remain mostly positive because i hate getting in arguments on the internet, i am an adult who is perfectly capable of interacting with people who disagree with me. not liking third/last/double life is fine and i don't care don't like it all you want and don't harass people who feel that way.
that being said, it is still rude to go up to a stranger (which, given that person was on anon, i can only assume they were a stranger) who you do not know, who is clearly visibly excited about something, and go "actually i hate it and i specifically hate the things you like about it" (coming into MY INBOX to complain about people writing angst like. come on.)
like you understand the difference here, right? you understand this is my blog and my space and the anon didn't have any particular right to get agreement out of me, right? you understand that the thing they did wrong was walking up to a stranger in a bar who was excitedly talking about this new show they like and going "ACTUALLY I THINK THAT SHOW IS PROBABLY ONLY ON BECAUSE THE ACTORS ARE BEING HELD HOSTAGE TO DO IT" and expecting to be like, applauded, right?
you understand that i also would have been in the wrong to go into their inbox (if i knew it given that they were on anon lol) and talk about how much i like third life, given that they'd made clear that they didn't, right?
also it was super weird of them to be like "and i hope the ccs aren't just doing it because the fandom likes it and i think it's taking away from hermitcraft" because as a vault hunters fan who's been in iskall's chat my response to that is still "lol fuck off idiot"
like, we understand my blog isn't a platform for your ideas, right? it's a platform for my thoughts. i don't publish like, at least a good 50% of my asks. mind you that's more because i'm severely adhd than anything else but also occasionally it happens when i feel like someone's just using me for notes or i don't agree with someone and i'm well within my rights to do that because this is my blog
we're understood here? we don't go onto other people's blogs and argue with them about the fact they do or don't like things unless they have actively invited that argument somehow? good? good.
anyway my friend pointed out you could be the same anon again which is entirely possible because i'm bad about blocking which if so: what did you think would happen either of these times,
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months
Finish watching Playboyy or Wedding Impossible?
At this point, I think you know me too well. Incredibly rude.
Anyway, I'd rather finish watching Wedding Impossible. For a few reasons:
The ending might suck but at least it has an ending
The audio production doesn't make me want to end the world
Even if I hated the characters and how they went about the relationships and how the show framed them, they at least made sense in Wedding Impossible.
Please never give me two gay wrongs again this was so hard.
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callixton · 3 months
i do have my sexuality pretty firmly figured out at this stage it just irks me sometimes bc it doesn’t fit as neatly into the box i’ve assigned it & i like when things in my brain r tidy so i don’t have to rehash them 500 times……
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dawnlitbouquet · 4 months
I've been hunkering down in Gundam Seed JP Twitter and it has been extremely enlightening, especially since I haven't rewatched the main series in a while. Things I forgot, things I actually remember but see in a new light...
Some people love/hate the new movie on there, but I've seeing a lot of people find it good - because it makes the point that 'Kira didn't actually heal from the events of Gundam Seed, and now that he's back on the battlefield without Lacus his sanity is hanging by a thin thread'.
A bunch of people pulling receipts on the discriminatory behaviours/opinions even Kira's friends had possessed unconsciously (in Sai's case, kind of... A bit more blatantly than most back when Kira didn't even pull shit, which had me hissing through my teeth...), the things that isolated Kira into thinking he has to handle things on his own (Tolle's death when he tried fighting by his side, for example), a comparison of behaviours between Murrue who gave him a bow of respect vs his friends who tell him 'we'll distract ZAFT as EA soldiers while you're on the refugee shuttle!' oblivious to the actual dangers because they were only ever on the bridge (haha,,,,, the fact this saved them even if it backed Kira into a corner,,,,,,,, ffffffuck)
Back to the movie, I've seen some mixed reactions about the second half, but!!! I'm generally seeing a lot of people looking at first half Kira and going 'my sad baby. my poor meow meow. get whumped.'
Again, this is all JP twitter, not EN, and definitely not the actual movie - but seeing people's reactions have been an entertaining ride.
#gundam seed#gundam seed freedom#spoilers#not to mention tidbits in the novel#i went onto twitter because i was doubting i would ever watch it for myself/wanted to see what i could understand of jp on my own so far#(the answer to that second bit is; not a lot but i do understand somewhat)#and found a whole lot of meta...#one of the most interesting takes i saw in there is 'the first half of the movie feels like Gundam SEED'#so that's fun#seeing a lot of people come out or convert into shinnkira addicts#and mobkira addicts.... oh boy#he's apparently got a very cute tortured face#i am having such a great time looking through seed jp twitter guys#i've never been able to connect all that strongly with en fanworks so this has been a blast#also very important: it makes a point of making kira and lacus both more human!!! lacus is given more focus!!!!!!!#i couldn't connect with lacus past 'she seems sweet' back then with the sole exception of being interested in her political savviness#so there's a clear attempt to shine a spotlight on things the series itself didn't get time to zoom in on#is what i have been able to parse#what i was able to get from en posts made it seem like it was just a het nightmare whether you shipped anyone or not#but it's nice to hear otherwise#the canon ships will canon and all of them were made with enough intent to be actually good#kira and lacus felt like the weakest of the main pairings once upon a time which sucked because i liked them individually#so now#you get the idea jvuvuvuv#i'll still ship what i like but this gripe at least is put to rest#gundam seed freedom spoilers#islea's words
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eiiskonigin · 1 year
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@littleblackqrow: "You know, getting a shovel talk from your sister sure was interesting," Qrow said casually. There was a smirk on his face.
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As usual, Qrow has opened his mouth and Winter has no idea what he's saying. Shovel talk? She knows it can't be as simple as it sounds, and that damned smirk-- 
"I know I'm going to regret this, but... what?"
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lilithfairen · 1 year
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Useful seal!
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fionnaskyborn · 6 months
there's something to be said about the very specific feeling of frailty you feel when you come face to face with just how little you've experienced. twenty-odd years on planet earth and you haven't really watched all that many movies. an unlived life facing an uncertain future. i do not know where to point the finger of blame because i live untethered from my past, floating in the present with no clear point of reference no clear definition of who i am or what happened to me and how i turned out the way i am (fucking. can you guess why five is my favorite game. insert that one lyric from that one modest mouse song.) but you're still here, and you can still learn, and you can catch up, but it still feels like you're a pitiful little nobody looking for excuses trying to explain why you're still new to the whole being alive thing. i've got a good head on my shoulders, though, for all that's worth, so i think i might be fine.
in other news, i watched scarface tonight. it was certainly a movie. don't really understand how the movie made it big, but it did have some damn good music. i mean, i don't know. i'm still learning about the world i live in. maybe it really is as much of a masterpiece as people make it out to be and i'm too dumb to see the reason why it's considered a classic. maybe i'm right. i can't tell at the moment. it's kind of a beggars can't be choosers situation - if you ain't watched that many movies, then you can't really be a good judge of quality. but, oh, well. it's one more movie watched. it's a win because i watched a movie. and i'll watch more movies.
#i mean this extends to things like world politics also i'm still learning and i'm eager to learn beyond what i am offered but that doesn't#make the process any less fucking terrifying. like sure fuck yeah i'll be a big shot and do it alone and i'll be proud of myself but the#thing is i really really really don't know how to be alone without feeling empty#and it's funny because the thing i yearn for the most is to be free and to create myself and do things on my own and i can do that i've#learned how to be an adult very early on and people say ah you've yet to face the worst but every time they tell me that i tell them i can't#wait#but at the same time sometimes i sit and i wonder why i haven't watched that many movies. was there nobody to watch them with? could i have#asked? could things have been different? is it my fault for never having really wanted things or somebody else's? and i'll never really have#a clear answer to any of those questions or at least not anytime soon because my cranium is messed up and unreliable but i won't get the#answers anywhere else. shrugs. i've yet to start living a life. i don't know when i died but i do know but maybe that's just an idea and#maybe i've been dead all along until some point in the past two years but then what are all those memories i have where did they come from#why are they so far apart why do they feel mine and foreign at the same time. can you guess who my favorite mg character is.#well okay i have like what four or five of those but read the text again and think really really hard about it. i'm just kidding i'm goofing#around at this point. i mean no not really but i am smiling about it. :]#logs
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Hey quick little psa if u come across someone talking about writing content for people who don’t intend to have children it is not appropriate to comment about how not having kids would be depriving whatever character or whatever character’s family of some vital aspect of living their life.
Nobody is owed children or grandchildren or nieces or nephews or siblings, and that kind of messed up thought process is precisely why I feel the need to write vent pieces about having the “no children” discussion in the first place
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yoohyeon · 1 year
Not gonna lie guys I feel pretty depressed right now so I don’t feel like coming back soon 😭 I am not deleting this account it’s never gonna happen, but I need a break right now, even tho I miss you all so much 🥲 Ily all and I hope you are happy and healthy 💕
Please use my tag for your content so I can reblog them all whenever I come here for like 5 minutes bfksbd -> #Korimilook!
You can follow my Insta I post pets pics mostly -> alex_Korimi
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
Okay, so, I gotta ask about your Giselle hate. My only exposure to it was doing a piece from it way back in like Ballet I, so I know basically nothing.
Hahaha okay so this is like. the worst critique of Giselle ever so people who care about such things, look away
But anyway, my beef with Giselle is primarily that it’s boring and sexist and it just doesn’t really have redeeming qualities. Like it’s less racist than some standard ballets but that’s…really not saying a lot (lbr it’s only less racist because it’s not actively doing black face or cultural appropriation and instead is just “look at this jolly old time town of All White People bc immigration in Europe was totally never a thing before 1900.”)
Entertainment value is, of course, wildly subjective, but to me, Giselle drags through the first act and then cuts short the most intriguing parts of act 2. Giselle herself could be an interesting character, but none of the rest of the cast is really engaging. Albrecht is an adulterer taking advantage of his privilege as a wealthy nobleman and Hilarion is just a jealous dick who cares more about vindication than the girl he supposedly loves. The best part of act 1 was the version I saw last year where they had two actual greyhounds onstage and they were very very good dogs
Giselle’s story, in a nutshell:
Girl of Delicate Constitution is kept mostly housebound by her strict mother
Girl ventures out of her house and immediately falls for wandering philanderer
Wandering philanderer is revealed and Girl loses her mind with grief and then dies. From grief. (She has met this dude one (1) time)
Vengeful ghost ladies make men who have betrayed women dance until their hearts give out and they die
Friendzoned™️ dances himself to death
Wandering philanderer starts to dance himself to death but Girl (ghost now) pleads for him and ultimately saves his life
He lives happily ever after ig??
Like. That’s a shitty story!! Wtf! Why are companies still performing this every goddamn season!! The choreography isn’t even that good!! The music is fine but not spectacular! My god y’all!!! Make something new!!!!!
Sexism (& the Feminine Ideal of the Delicate Innocent White Woman) is, yknow, deeply ingrained in ballet and especially Romantic ballets, but Giselle could literally be replaced with a Really Neat Lamp/Flashlight and the story wouldn’t change. La Bayadere has so many problems but at least Gamzatti and Nikiya affect the plot; Swan Lake, again, has Issues but the storyline is compelling and the score is beautiful. Hell, the Nutcracker has a more engaging story with less sexism and it’s the archetypal problematic ballet! I’m not asking for a lot here!! I’m just asking for you to not be Worse Than the Nutcracker and Bayadere
There are so many great choreographers out there!! Hire them!!! Stop only hiring cishet white guys who wanna be the next Balanchine!!!!! Do better!!!!!
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caruliaa · 1 year
yk i think like. im trying desperately not to depress people around me w how close to doomerism i can veer but like. at a certain point its like. the effort and exhaustion that goes into maintaining just being alive in this world is not worth what comes from being alive and like. girlies we may have reached it. el oh el.
#like obvs its different for everyone like. what i really mean is that i have reached it or like. tht was always inevitably the case#for my life. which ik feels really depressing to say nd im sorry tht it makes ppl sad but idk like. its just true at a certain point#absolutely not from a lack of trying from the good things within my life to be clear not at all like. ik have sm great parts to my life#tht like. just mean so so much to me and im so so lucky to have but as upsetting as it is to say and think abt#at a certain point having to choose between being trapped in a situation were you can never authentically exist or like#have any control over your life and exist on your own terms even in v small ways while having to constantly be around people whove#caused you so much pain and trauma and hurt and being is a situation were like. at best your constantly working to afford living and you#are constantly exhausted by this and have no time for being yourself anyway and at worst you just cant afford anything and you die#and that could happen to you at any point idk like. these are my two options and i cant change anything about that fact#no matter how much i want to and that feeling is just. so so crushing and inescapable and just idk i dont know how to deal with it#like. idk iv done everything to try to but its only ever a temporary distraction#bc the problem isnt fucking like. mental or emotional its the facts of my reality and that cant be changed#so ofc im going to be constantly fucking miserable things just. are misearble#and idk. im sorry tht thts something other ppl have to deal with when it comes to like. knowing me bc genuinly its like.#they dont deserve that its sm pain for somoene to deal with and if that someone isnt. somone whos come to term with what#my fate invetiably is like have ik its too much nd im sorry for like. putting that on ppl i just. idk im sorry#idk what up with me suddnely. i mean i do but like. idk why i cant just hold it together like. this has always been the case idk why#im letting it upset me sm suddenly . ig bc i let myself have hope at some point. like an idiot.#idk im sorry. and its nearly 1am so i think im just going to go to sleep.im so sorry for just. all of this.#lucy if your reading tihs im so sorry for not sending and answering asks but i want to say that i love you so so so much. and im sorry#flappy rambles#vent#ask to tag
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
3 and 21, if you still wanna :3
oh boy do I! ask game here!
3. What ideas come from when you were little
gods I need to remember what I drew when I was a kid... turns out I've always been interested in messing around with crayons n stuff! according to my mom bc I don't remember any of that at all. the only thing I remember abt drawing as a kid is 4yo me in my kindergarten class drawing a person portrait with only black brown and red for colors because all the other crayons were snatched up by the rest of the class. the teachers were debating putting my drawing on the wall at all bc of how shitty it was lmao. in the end they still put it up but in a far corner where u have to really look for it to find it. garbage but extremely funny thing to do to a 4yo I feel
but yeah I was basically a battery-powered animal of malice as a child lol. I actually didn't commit to drawing as the Thing I do until I was, like, 15yo? so most of what I started with were like, cardcaptor sakura and detective conan fanart. not a lot of connective tissue in there visual-wise. to my own recollection I don't have a "childhood dream" of being an artist or an art vision I deperately want to realise every since I was a babe whatever, I was just extremely bad at making shapes by conventional standard until I started liking very specific things and couldn't find enough of those things out in the wild, and then I started experimenting in my backyard. it's all very mundane and trivial like that, but I'm only some guy afterall
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
uncle mod's TPOH I feel like is about as diametrically opposite of my personal styles as possible, but I think it slaps and I love looking at it. I also used to really love yuumei's art and still enjoy it now, even though craft-wise I detest doing that kind of glass-like "anime graphic" so to say rendering. anything hyperrealistic is also definitely outside of my wheelhouse, but when used to do more whimsical stuff I am a big fan of it, like with sun yuan & peng yu's "Fallen Angel" and "Teenager, teenager". I'm a fan of miku! and like 80% of her official visuals are things I would never want to draw myself in a thousand years! I like a lot of art and do very specific, if random, things.
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