#kidgeapalooza 2019
b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty Three.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Pillow Talk. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Canon.  Status: Part 5/7
Keith threw the papers toward the table when his eyesight began to feel more tired than usual, and sleepier than he would like to admit. He brought one of his fingers to the bridge of his nose to massage the discomfort that had given him to review hundreds of reports that were the same as his judgment. Arriving on earth had had great benefits for everyone, Keith could admit that, but working with Garrison's bureaucracy was something he was definitely not used to. Not even the Blade needed to resort to so much paperwork after field explorations or errands with allied planets. After he was unable to understand what he was reading, no matter how much he tried to concentrate, Keith decided to leave until the next morning.
Or day, in space it was difficult to know the time when one was distracted for too long. He saw his holopad clock to find out how many hours of sleep he had left before starting a new routine in Atlas.
2:35 a.m
He stretched with regret while he got up, at least he could rest about five hours before the first alarm. He headed for his designated room, dragging his feet through the corridors, watching like some people still stood watching the safety of the ship in which they were traveling on orders from the commanders. Something inside Keith was removed from nostalgia when he thought about how different Atlas was from the Castle of lions. Although his last years had lived between the secret base of BOM and in the quantum abysm next to his mother, Keith still had good memories when he lived with his friends in the altean castle.
Like how Hunk was investigating and preparing new dishes with what he found on desolate planets, Coran and Allura on the central bridge directing new coordinates to their destinations as guardians of the universe, Lance competing with him for the aisles at the slightest comment or suspicious look, Shiro instructing him on what was the best combat technique in the training room. Or Pidge resting in the lion's hangar updating her duties while trying to explain to him what she was doing, failing in the attempt.
Many times, those memories saved him from the madness of living in the middle of an intergalactic war. Sometimes even he couldn't measure everything they had lived in the last time since they discovered the blue lion in the desert. But there they were, in a ship of the latest terrestrial technology created by Commander Holt, fighting together with hundreds of people of different races to restore the freedom of the universe against the coming threats.
Although Keith at that time just wanted to sleep.
When he passed through the rest area, he vaguely remembered another of the many personal memories of the castle he guarded suspiciously. For a few seconds, he thought it was ridiculous, considering how many people in Atlas anyone could enter the room to pass the time. But he didn't stop his feet from moving automatically, opening the doors in the expectation of finding her with her computer.
His surprise was immediate when his instincts didn't deceive him. In the middle of a dark room, Pidge was lying on the floor wrapped in a comforter seemingly warm enough for comfort, with a cup of coffee on one side, and her computer in front. Her lenses reflected any image, so she would surely be watching a movie.
Keith smiled to himself when that image of seeing Pidge spending time as a normal teenager became very similar when they lived in the castle. His heart contracted from a sensation he thought he had long forgotten, but there he was again, excited to think of being alone in the same space as her, far from the sight of others.
''If you want to rest, we have rooms, you know?'' Pidge jumped when she heard his voice and the sound of the door closing behind his back. ''It's late, you should be sleeping.''
''Oh yeah?'' Pidge answered selflessly, stopping whatever she was seeing on her computer, stretching lazily. It seems that not only he had run out of time. ''I didn't even realize.''
Keith lay next to her, causing Pidge to slap her shoulder playfully while claiming about her ‘stolen space’ and trying to get away from him. Keith also removed the comforter after settling on the floor for Pidge to claim with greater emphasis. Causing a battle of laughter while fighting.
''Hey, that was mine!''
''I confiscate it, your leader needs it.'' Keith answered taking Pidge's hands so he wouldn't take it off easily. She just snorted incredulously.
''Since when does my leader Galra need such a thick blanket?'' She questioned struggling her wrists to free herself from his hands, highlighting the Galra in prayer.
''I have begun to age hastily during this trip.'' Keith moved enough to turn their bodies when they laughed, causing Pidge to stay under him, wrists held by his hands. ''It's something Galra.''
''What a liar you are!''
''You don't believe me?''
''Give me back my blanket!'' Pidge said, imitating an offended accent despite the wide smile on her lips. Keith approached his face to give her a quick kiss on her nose.
''Sorry Pidge, now it belongs to me.''
''The leader of Voltron is a thief and a pedophile, help!''
Pidge shouted before they fell into a new caress and tickle fight, but not too loud to be heard outside. Keith laughed at how ridiculous it sounded while defending himself against her attacks, taking her wrists to stop her again. This time, Pidge was on top of his body as she rested her arms on his chest, looking at him with that cheeky smile that Keith found so irresistible of her, especially when she bit her lower lip unconsciously at a thought.
God, he had missed her so much in recent years, even if it had been only months for her, it had been an eternity for him.
Keith for a moment realized that they had stopped fighting for several seconds, coughing slightly to rebuild their posture. It was very easy to get lost in those golden eyes when he had them so close.
''I accept the thief, but I never remember becoming a pedophile.'' Keith said with a serious look or an attempt from her. Pidge for her part, snorted hard.
''You are with a minor, Mr. Kogane. You should know that what you are doing is illegal.'' Pidge raised an eyebrow when she saw his surprised face. ''And considering that now you have two more years since your return in the quantum abyss, I fear that five years of difference implies a rather high sentence.''
''It's funny that you tell me about illegal acts, Pidge Gunderson.''
Keith defended himself, but without malice in his words, he was only following in stupid play that Pidge had decided to propose. He didn't take it seriously; they weren't on earth anyway and he had done much more than lying next to his younger companion in a government room.
The only thing Keith could fear on that ship over any officer if someone came into the room by chance was Commander Holt. Who surely had no idea about the relationship he had with his daughter under the table and anyone's eyesight. For a while, he supposed that Matt and Shiro suspected after what happened in Naxzela, but they were reasonable enough not to say anything at the moment.
The war they lived in had turned them into something strange. They were nothing, and they were all at once. Close friends who supported each other in ways no one else could.
He circled Pidge's waist with his hands to draw her a little closer to his body. The quilt several minutes ago went to the background and at that time they only wanted to stay that way, losing themselves in each other's eyes while their hands gave slight caresses in the area where they were. It was a comfortable environment, where words were not necessary.
If both could see a shooting star through the window of the room, they would like time to stop at that precise moment, where the threats seemed to have disappeared from space and Voltron was not needed.
They expected such a reality to happen soon.
A loud yawn from Pidge quickly brought them out of the trance. Keith smiled sympathetically.
''You better go to sleep.'' Keith said in a soft whisper, Pidge groaned in protest.
''Not yet. Just, let's stay here.''
''You have to rest. We both have to rest or we will fall asleep at the Shiro conference.''
''Fuck Shiro.''
They both laughed at Pidge's scathing comment, coming out more like a groan than something really insulting. She groaned again when she moved closer to Keith's body, placing her head in the space of his neck. She liked his smell; it was much more masculine and attractive than since she last felt it so close.
Pidge closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating on Keith's touches around her waist. Until, without realizing it, the words came out of her mouth.
''Do you think it will ever end?''
''What thing?'' Keith asked, without stopping his caresses, what Pidge thanked internally.
''All this war. I mean, the last time we thought we'd make it, Zarcon didn't die and we had to deal with Lotor. And when we defeated him after we met his true intentions. Zarcon's whitch appeared out of nowhere with a force much more overwhelming than Lotor's. It's like...'' Pidge paused for a moment, taking a breath while ordering the ideas inside her head. Even if she didn't see him, she knew that Keith was listening to her. ''It's like when we think we've won...''
''It just doesn't stop.'' Keith added; Pidge held on with some more force when she heard him.
''We knew that this wouldn't be easy... We would have to fight with forces that exceeded us in number and experience, but hey... We have left everything alive so far, right?''
''But how long will that fate last?'' Pidge inquired, with a latent fear blooming from her insides. ''What happens if…?''
Keith began a path of kisses on her face sweetly to mitigate her fears. He could understand her, many of those questions were also asked regularly when they left the problems barely alive and a few bruises. And he had never found the answer to any of them.
But at that time, it was his duty to calm her partner's insecurity.
''Everything will be fine.'' He took her face so they could both see each other. ''We are together in this.''
''We were also together when we were stranded in space, and you almost left on your own.'' Pidge's eyes darkened in pain; Keith bit his lower lip at the mention of that experience. ''What guarantees me that it won't happen again?''
''I know you're worried about all this... But even if I can fail, others are also there to support us.''
''It is not enough.''
He knew not.
Sometimes he used to be extremely stubborn and failed countless times as Votron's leader just because of his impulses the first few times. He couldn't help it; he was still human and many situations sometimes surpassed him. The others understood and were willing to support him when Keith was heading towards bad decisions that could cost them their lives.
But Pidge was afraid. And many times, he forgot that, despite her vast intelligence, she was still a sixteen-year-old girl in the middle of a war. Atlas could give them some more stability since they had their families close to the earth and supported them at all times, but ...
It was not enough.
Pidge removed herself from his arms to get up from the ground, with a look fallen from sleep and constant fears that possibly interfered with proper rest.
''Sorry for bothering you with those things.''
''It's ok, Pidge.'' Keith got up too, bringing his hand to her cheek. She felt freezing under his touch. ''It's good to talk those things. If you want, you can always go to my room and continue having pillow talk.'' Pidge's eyes widened at the suggestion and then gave way to a haughty smile.
''Keith, you should take your hands away from me if you don't want to be jailed.''
''Can you stop with that!?''
They started a new sleight of hand that ended when Pidge got up to the exit, taking her computer with her triumphantly. Keith took the comforter off the floor, keeping it in the closet of the room where it belonged.
Pidge before closing the door behind her, turned to Keith.
''Hey Keith.''
''Yeah?'' He answered turning to her once he closed the closet.
''Thank you.'' Keith nodded, approaching her to give her a sweet kiss on her forehead.
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ao3feed-shatt · 5 years
Many ways to say I love You
read it on ao3 at https://ift.tt/2Xd9bid by bkitsune
by bkitsune
A collection of Oneshots from Kidgeapalooza 2019.
Words: 15686, Chapters: 6/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Bae Bae (Voltron), Matt Holt, Samuel Holt, Krolia (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Kosmo (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Keith & Lance (Voltron), Allura/Lance (Voltron), Matt Holt/Shiro
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Beginnings, Training, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Romantic Fluff, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Garrison AU, Developing Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Marriage Proposal, Dragon Keith (Voltron), Nymph Pidge | Katie Holt, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Alternate Universe - Victorian
read it on ao3 at https://ift.tt/2Xd9bid
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Many ways to say I love You
read it on the AO3 at Many ways to say I love You
by bkitsune
A collection of Oneshots from Kidgeapalooza 2019.
Words: 2146, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Beginnings, Training, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Romantic Fluff, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings
read it on the AO3 at Many ways to say I love You
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Thirty.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Mist. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Fantasy!AU. Status: Part 3/3
''Keith?'' He felt that someone was pulling his sleeve drawing his attention, meeting a worried look from Pidge. ''Are you okay?''
''Yeah... Why wouldn't it be?'' Asked uncomfortably while directing his attention to another place, some nymphs began to make a food competition in which Hunk seemed to be winning. She hummed incredulously to get his attention again.
''You've been looking at that plate for twenty minutes. Lance is betting that you could be like this all night.''
He placed the empty plate on a nearby table, returning to the same place he had been throughout the evening. Not that Keith didn't want to talk to others, the air from the balcony window felt good enough to move into the living room, where being surrounded by a sea of ​​people wasn't exactly something that Keith felt precisely comfortable, his dark nature made the crowds seem overwhelming, so he didn't want to mix with each other despite the protests of his friends during the first hours in which he preferred to isolate himself for the moment.
From his place he could see Shiro and Matt laugh along with some close friends who were invited to celebrate their marriage, making a slight smile draw on his face. He liked to see Shiro happy after so long delaying his union with the person he loved, his work as an explorer made finding a suitable date a complete ordeal, until that night, where their souls would be united even after death.
That thought made Keith's interior stir uncomfortably, vaguely remembering what he visualized thanks to Allura's abilities.
Pidge was still by his side drinking from a transparent cup, silently keeping company, looking towards an unknown address in the room.
''If you feel uncomfortable, you can always go back to our home and rest, it's not like Shiro is bothered by it.'' She said after a few minutes in silence, Keith raised an eyebrow, curious.
''Is not that.''
''So?'' Pidge inquired, staring at him.
''What I saw in that cave... It's something worrisome.''
''I think you should stop thinking about that, Keith. It will end up obsessing you and it's not like you can avoid it.''
''So I hope it happens without doing anything?'' Keith responded frustrated, drawing the attention of more than one person around who moved away suspiciously when he saw a notoriously annoying dark elf. Pidge sighed heavily.
''It wasn't what I said.''
''Keith looks around you, we're celebrating, we don't must to fight.'' The guilt ate his heart as fast as he heard her, causing the frustration inside to vanish completely. One of her hands landed on his chest, with some guilt in her expression. ''I know Allura is capable of showing you is scary; in part I feel guilty for taking you to her. But if you keep thinking about it, it won't prevent it from happening.''
''I know.''
He responded by taking her hand to bring it to his lips, kissing her knuckles with tenderness, Pidge smiled in response knowing that his concern was valid, she had also lost her mind when she met her prophecy years ago, before beginning her journey as a treasure hunter.
Traditional music began to emerge around the room while the lights dimmed to create an atmosphere as intimate as magical, small lights rose to enchant the atmosphere. In the center of the hall, Keith could see how Shiro and Matt began their first dance as a couple blessed by the union of the ancestors. They were simple and somewhat awkward steps the first few seconds since Shiro was not exactly a good dancer, but he tried his best until they both managed to reach a perfect pace.
Everyone was fascinated by the new union where both were the only ones dancing around as if they were the only people on earth, until Colleen and Samuel, Matt and Pidge's parents that Keith met during the week, joined in a welcome celebration by those present, and began to fill up with more couples who joined the couple's dance.
Even Hunk joined after a few minutes with Romelle, a girl as charismatic and energetic as Lance who joined their group as explorers a few months ago at the request of Allura.
The atmosphere was so joyful and lived with energy that Keith forgot for a moment about his worries until Pidge's hand felt over his. When he looked at her, Pidge bit her lip with longing for a quick look at the room where everyone enjoyed a good time.
Keith released a laugh between his teeth at the implicit question.
''I have two left feet.'' He declared as he let himself be pushed towards the center of the room, Pidge shrugged a little livelier while letting Keith take her waist with one of his hands, she rested hers on his shoulder.
''Look what a coincidence, I have two right feet.''
 Both smiled as they took the position and began to imitate the simple dance that everyone in the room followed. To Keith's surprise, Pidge guided quite well on his steps, that even his lack of ability to keep up was not completely visible. It wasn't long until both were as synchronized as the rest of the couples, and despite being surrounded by so many people, Keith didn't feel uncomfortable at any time, his attention was directed to Pidge, who lowered the dim light looked wonderfully beautiful. Her eyes shone like the hottest fire through the mist of darkness, as did those freckles that subtly peeked over her skin. And that, at that moment, the reflection of the lights next to the makeup that her mother forced her to wear for the traditions, gave the illusion that it shone like the stars, and he would be delighted to count one by one throughout the night.
''Wow, it seems you don't do anything wrong.'' Pidge walked away to allow him to turn her around for a moment. Keith shrugged as if it wasn't the big deal.
''That's because I have a very skilled partner.''
''Yes, I think so too.''
Hearing her laughter was enough for Keith to feel that his heart was compressed with joy by having her in his arms that night.
Until again, the image of her being taken by the prince of the dark elves, returned to his mind painfully that he almost worried others as soon as they saw him take his head.
He growled loudly as the annoyance ceased, those images faded from his thoughts leaving his mind blank. When he looked up, Keith was being watched by his friends who asked if he needed anything or had hit his head by accident.
Allura, who previously saw her enjoy a dance with Lance a few minutes ago, was watching him worried. Something on her face made him think briefly that she also felt guilty for delivering a prophecy he didn't ask at any time.
He rose strongly, avoiding everyone's questions as he headed towards the exit asking for some space. Shiro immediately turned away from the others, saying that perhaps he just felt too tired, and if Keith needed something, he would go to them.
Pidge just watched him disappear a few steps without even calling him, she knew that when he needed to be alone, Keith was completely inflexible.
She just hoped he was fine.
 He walked aimlessly for several minutes through the valley where a mist loomed in the dark until he decided to lie on the grass meditating on what happened. Not even the moon was visible over the sky, he was only with his thoughts and guilt for worrying his friends during such a special night. But Keith didn't want to deal with anyone at that time, he just wanted to be alone, with his thoughts, with regret at the idea that the person he loved most had the possibility of being handcuffed with the greatest jerk in the universe.
Keith didn't hate Lotor, but thanks to what Acxa spoke to him when they were during their explorations and the way he ended up taking advantage of others, he knew that he wasn't a completely honest person. The reason why Emperor Zarcon had stripped him of the village in the first place. Lotor was a manipulator, a man who loved the use of dialectics to others to take advantage of what he most craved, absolute power.
Just thinking that Pidge could suffer the misfortune of ending up with Lotor, perhaps it was because he could take her to that destination, and it was something that completely stirred his stomach. Because of his indecision about what he felt for her and the idea of ​​thinking that perhaps he had more time to think about what many warned him since his relationship with her began.
Keith had to accept that an open and uncompromising relationship would eventually bore Pidge. She was a nymph, a supernatural being who united in body and soul to what she truly loved, and that project in all her forms in her life.
But he personally was scared.
That he ended up negatively, that she got bored of him, or that his love wouldn't last until the end of their days as it was supposed to be. Life had instilled in Keith that not everything turned out the way one planned, he lost his father from a very young age even when he had promised that they would be both for a long time. And when he met his mother, he learned that half of his inheritance belonged to a cursed race. What could guarantee that your relationship wouldn't end in misery just because he wasn't completely sure of his feelings?
He loved Pidge, but he didn't think she was able to love him forever, no one, really.
By surprise he felt a tongue lick the left side of his head, drooling him completely. There, he saw Kosmo extremely happy to find him, as if he had been separated for a long time, or perhaps he felt that his partner wasn't truly happy.
He stroked the contour of his ear as he saw that Pidge also approached him with a slight smile.
His heart was compressed with pain.
''Hey...'' He greeted her trying to look neutral. She sat beside him while Kosmo snuggled around them both.
''He always knows how to find you, even when we can't see you.''
''Yeah, he is a great buddy.'' Keith replied with a smile. Pidge laid her head on his shoulder with more force than necessary, showing her discomfort in a unique way. Keith didn't complain.
''Shiro wants to think you need to be alone for a moment, but I'm sure you're still thinking about that stupid prophecy.''
''If you want to talk, I can always listen to you. I got mine not fulfilled; you know?''
''You were about to be raped by an orc.'' Answered irritated, she just shrugged as if the fact didn't affect her.
''And you were there so that wouldn't happen. That was a tiny possibility.'' Pidge affirmed with a strong determination in her eyes. ''But I held on to it, I believed that someone would help me escape from that destiny. Do you know how difficult it was?''
''I know.''
Keith could give faith in it, so he didn't hesitate. It wasn't easy for either of them to trust others with such intensity, usually, even during missions, they tended to perform their tasks individually. So, he assumed that it was a true ordeal for her to imagine relying on someone else to not die as painfully as at the hands of the elves.
''Trust that you will know what to do so that this prophecy doesn't happen, even if that means depending on others.''
He looked at her for long seconds before nodding, still uncertain. He could see that the freckles that decorated her face didn't shine because of the lights in the room, but because of the natural magic around Pidge's veins, they were like stars, which guided him from the darkness that at that time tormented his thoughts. So he hugged her tightly before he realized, Pidge corresponded after leaving the initial shock.
''It would be much simpler if you weren't involved in that.'' Keith felt her hands cling more tightly around his back as if she could give him some relief.
''Okay Keith, Allura doesn't give the prophecies on a whim. She gives them to people who need to change their destiny. Change it, I'm sure you'll make it.''
''How are you so sure?'' Pidge took his face with both hands; the determination was engraved on her face.
''Because you are by far the most stubborn and proud boy I've ever met, you won't let something like that beat you, will you?''
Keith remained unchanging for a moment until he released a loud laugh that infected Pidge when she spread. He hugged her again, this time both of them lying on the lap of the cosmic wolf.
They stayed that way, for a long time, the dense fog that covered the sky began to slowly fade away to give way to hundreds of stars that shone brightly as if their future was promising. Keith felt it that way, with that sweet nymph by his side, he really felt he could do anything.
Even prevent Lotor from wafting her before him. But for that, there would still be in a very distant future.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty Five.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Longing. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Post canon. Status: Part 6/7
For the past five years, Keith was always clear that the war had left serious consequences in himself, many of which cannot be seen physically. After all, it was inevitable when fighting a 10,000-year-old empire, but not all of them usually hold negative characteristics.
One of them is his impeccable ability to react to critical situations with enviable speed and serenity, always giving the best option when his judgment is warranted.
But at that time, while being accompanied by Ezor and Zethrid through the aisles of the garrison with palpable anxiety, he may end up fainting right there.
Both women were worried about him, being their leader both in the intergalactic aid program, and in the control of Marmora leaf missions, so seeing him with the nerves to the surface is not something that can be considered good.
The message that the green paladin sent hours ago had certainly worried him, but Keith declined to mention anything about its content.
When they reached the restroom, they met Lance chatting animatedly with a couple of cadets who were part of a project that he was probably leading in his spare time. Keith ran quickly to him as if life were going out of it.
''Hi! I thought you would arrive in a few more weeks...''
''Lance, Where is Pidge?'' Lance looked at him in dismay, and with some fun on his face.
''Apparently, you read her message recently, right?''
''I don't have time for your games, tell me where it is!'' He asked anxiously, drawing the attention of Ezor and Zethrid.
''Hey calm down buddy, today is her day off, she must surely be at her parents' house.''
''Thank you.'' Without paying attention to Lance's questions, he went immediately to the exit, without first asking his companions not to follow him for any reason and disregarding congratulations on Lance's high before leaving the room.
''Did something happen with Miss Holt, Mr. McClain?'' One of the cadets asked.
''Nothing important, Pidge probably played a joke on our friend.''
''What type of joke?'' Ezor inquired, curious about the whole thing. ''Did say she was dying?''
''Nah, she will surely have told him that was a father.''
The screams of both girls were stuck in her throat as Lance approached the screen of his cell phone, and a sweet awww came out in their place on the part of everyone to see the images taken a couple of days ago.
 When he arrived at the residence of the Holt family, he realized that his hands were sweating profusely, he didn't know very well what would do when he saw her after several months of absence on earth. Colleen received him happy to see him earlier than planned at the door, and without knowing what to say, he followed her silently inside the residence.
There, in the middle of many familiar faces, he could see Pidge sitting on the floor next to Kosmo and Bae Bae, surprised by his appearance.
''I'm glad you came back early! Did you read my message?''
''Hello...'' It was the only thing he could articulate while taking her hands tightly. He was shaking but dared not hug her in front of her parents at that moment. ''So it is true?''
''Of course, I couldn't believe it either.'' She brings him closer to their pets. ''Look, don't you think they are the cutest thing you've ever seen in the universe?''
Keith didn't give credit, he didn't know if it was because of the little puppies that surrounded his partner on her stomach, or the vile scam of the message Pidge had sent him. Kosmo had had a litter of four small wolverines, whose colors varied from white to dark blue that characterized it. The face of desolation was palpable, making Matt and Shiro laugh loudly, who had already guessed what Pidge had told him to force him to return earlier than expected.
''I am going to kill you.'' He said at last. Pidge, however, was falsely surprised by his threat, moving away from him to take one of the puppies in her hands.
''As you wish, but first we have to put names to our little babies.''
''Keith breathes.'' Shiro patted him on his back, seeing as a vein protruded over his hundred. ''If it had been true what I think Katie sent you, she wouldn't have told you by courier.''
''Already at this point, I think I have lost all faith in her, we will break.''
''Learn not to scare people, damn it!'' Before pouncing on Pidge, she was approached by the puppy she had in her arms excited. He took it doubtfully after a few seconds, not even Kosmo had been as small as he did when he found him in the quantum abysm next to his mother, which touched him for a moment, slightly fading his frustration. ''It's... Too fragile.''
A loud sigh came out of his lungs as soon as he relaxed, calming the mood of the room, to sit next to Pidge and look more closely at the other puppies.
They searched for their mother's chest awkwardly, and barely had enough strength to open their eyes as they climbed on top of each other, complaining in the attempt. Keith laughed when one of them turned to try to get away from his brothers, completely relieving his annoyance with Pidge's lie.
He pulled her to his lap to lean on her shoulder when she told him how difficult it had been to help his space wolf to give birth, since that same night, a heavy storm fell that alerted Kosmo for many hours. Matt and Shiro had decided it was time to leave them alone, to give them some privacy.
''I'm very sorry that you took it so hard, I thought it wouldn't be so bad. '' Keith kissed the contour of her shoulder, in response to having been forgiven many minutes ago, Pidge sighed in relief. ''Aren't they beautiful?''
''They are, but ... What will we do with them as soon as they grow up? It is already difficult to take care of Kosmo and BaeBae when we are working.''
'' Well...'' Pidge turned to stare at him. ''Mom commented that it would be best to give them up for adoption.''
''Why?'' Keith couldn't help the trouble in his tone of voice. ''They are Kosmo's children, I will not get rid of them.''
''Okay, listen.'' She settled on the back of the chair to see his head-on. ''I knew you wouldn't like the sound of this, but you have to understand that having four cosmic wolf cubs is not a game, Keith. They need care, food and a lot of attention when they are young, we hardly pay attention to ours. How do you think they would feel seeing us only three hours a day?''
''Yeah, but...'' Keith felt doubtful about the issue. Pidge gave him a soft kiss on his cheek to appease the atmosphere that had tensed in a few minutes. ''I don't like how that sounds… I couldn't leave them.''
''You won't, in fact, when Mom mentioned the idea, it had occurred to me who could have the privilege of having a beautiful Kogane-Holt puppy.''
''Okay, I hear you.'' He replied laughing at the last. Hearing their last names from Pidge's mouth sounded temptingly pleasant.
''First, one of them is ours, right Kosmo?'' The wolf growled affirmatively; Keith's eyes shone with happiness knowing that they would stay with a puppy. ''Shiro said he planned to talk to Curtis to adopt one of them.''
''Seriously?'' Keith couldn't agree more with that decision. Pidge nodded animatedly.
''Before you arrived, he told me that he would tell him this week on his day off, so, if that were the case, Shiro would be the new home of one of the puppies.'' Both were satisfied with that decision, knowing that Shiro's home would be as ideal as being with them. ''One can go to the McClain family.''
''But Lance doesn't like Kosmo. And... Dogs in general.'' He commented skeptically. ''Why would he want one?''
''Because Lance didn't ask me, but Veronica. She said her family needs to have a guardian for the animals when they are not at home, and her nephews would do well to grow up with a pet.'' Keith nodded pleased once he thought carefully. It was a good idea, also considering that Lance's family was numerous and friendly, his puppy wouldn't feel alone at any time. So far, the options were adequate and close, so he felt no problem giving them to them. ''The other…''
''Who else? ¿Hunk? Koran?'' She slowly denied.
''Hunk said he didn't have time to have a recipe eater when he constantly travels through space. And Coran is not very interested in having a partner having the mice, and could eat his comb for the mustache.'' She sighed softly to say the last proposal, hoping that Keith wouldn't take it so badly.  ''It's Iverson.''
 Two months passed quickly since the last time Keith had embarked on land.
Many times, while in space, he didn't feel truly close to his planet. His family was close to him, complying with the control of the government of the galras, while his companions accompanied him on interstellar travel. Logically, he missed his friends more than he would admit out loud, but if by any chance of fate, Atlas returned to sail with all his neighbors inside, Keith would leave nothing behind to bind him on earth.
That thought was slowly eating him up. Somehow, he wanted to have what his friends missed when they walked away during diplomatic missions. Family memories, endearing sensations that would take him to a past day, and especially, a place where he could return when he was not busy. Those kinds of ideas had come as soon as Pidge had thrown that ridiculous joke that even her parents recriminated once they had heard.
For several days, Keith had the feeling that his first emotion upon knowing that lie was a disappointment, but he couldn't understand why.
''You have a strange face.'' Acxa let her look at the data on her screen to avert his gaze to Keith, worried when he didn't answer her in any way while still looking at nothing. ''Does something happen?''
''I... I've only been thinking a lot.''
''About the puppies?''
''What?'' He looked up confused.
''They have already turned three months. Veronica told me to take it this week because your wolf no longer breastfeeds them.''
''Oh yeah, you're right.'' He sighed wistfully to remember that fact, he had been close to the puppies to spend their last days with them, a soft smile was drawn on his face, making Acxa growl.
''You don't trust in me.''
''I do.''
He stopped her quickly, if something he had learned working with her, is that Acxa easily resented the minimum questioning of trust. He didn't recriminate her for that and had learned to cope with it. Working with Lotor had left sequels in her as in Keith with the war.
''I'm confused.''
''About Kosmo?''
''It's not about Kosmo!'' Keith sighed heavily before continuing, at least she seemed more relaxed. ''I... I received a message from Pidge before embarking on the Garrison.''
''I heard from Ezor, she told you that you were a father.'' Keith nodded silently.
''I thought it was she who was pregnant, and I think I lost my mind a bit in the process because I haven't stopped thinking about it.'' Keith was silent for a few seconds, saying it out loud felt lighter than many weeks ago, Acxa meanwhile, waited. ''I guess maybe I got more excited about it.''
''Well, who among us wouldn't want a family? It's something we never had when we grew up.''
A family.
Keith's mind stopped working at those words... As if he hadn't seen something too obvious that was written in his nose.
But before continuing to talk, Pidge and Iverson approached them.
''The ship will be ready to leave in another week for the A-78 galaxy, so we are loading the latest power supplies.''
''Thanks, Pidge.'' Keith mentioned while Acxa accepted the latest reports from his hand.
''I'll go show it to Kolivan so that everything is in order and we leave without contingencies.''
And with a soft smile towards Keith in an attempt to comfort, Acxa withdrew into the room. Seizing the opportunity, before Iverson said goodbye to Pidge and continued his work, Keith stopped him.
''Sir, I would like to speak with you.''
''What is it about?'' Inquired severely.
''Are you still interested in adopting one of Kosmo's puppies?'' Iverson was slightly confused for a few seconds, and with a drastically lower voice, he asked.
''I ... I didn't know if it would be considered.''
''When we first arrived on earth, you treated my wolf kindlier than many people. I really believe that our puppy would be in good hands if you wanted to.'' If there was some emotion in Iverson's eyes when Keith finished, it was immediately changed to a neutral face, although his smile remained.
''Well ... Yes, I'd love to.'' Pidge's smile widened at his response. ''Now, if you'll excuse me, I have issues to attend to.'' Pidge gave him a soft hug as they watched the officer entered through the hallways of the Garrison, clearly happier than normal.
''That was very sweet Keith, I thought you wouldn't want to give it to him.''
''What I said was true, Iverson loved Kosmo as soon as he saw her. After thinking about it for a few days, I didn't think it was a bad idea.''
Keith circled her waist while Pidge rested her arms on his shoulders, giving them a feeling of intimate comfort. There was nothing but machines and airplanes parked outside, with a few people who had more interesting things to do than observe them. So it was one of the few moments that could be affectionate outside the home without feeling uncomfortable.
''You're a mature man, Keith Kogane.'' Pidge smiled sweetly. So, Keith thought that moment would be ideal to let his worries out.
''You know, I've been thinking a lot about something.''
''Yeah, me too.'' Keith was surprised by the seriousness of her face, lightly squeezing his hands on her waist, had Pidge also had his same concerns all this time? ''How did BaeBae manage to breed Kosmo? Isn't she, like, three times bigger than my dog?''
''Oh my god, Pidge.'' He growled loudly, dropping onto her shoulder.
''What!? It is a genuine question.''
''I want a family.'' There he was, his low impulses acting again. He felt her back tighten on his fingers at that statement. So, without being able to continue fucking anymore, he continued. ''Not puppies, or rare machines that you do in your spare time, I want a family with children... And maybe more puppies, because they were very cute.'' When he looked up, he could see the alert in her eyes. Pidge was scared, or confused, he didn't know very well which of the two won her heart at that moment. ''I... I'll understand that you don't want to say anything for now, or send me to hell. But I want you to know that I have thought about it a lot, there is no one with whom I want to have a family, then with you, Ka-''
''Yes.'' It had been a whisper, almost inaudible if it wasn't for the proximity. Keith felt his heart pound so fast it would explode inside.
''Yes... I would like to have a family with you.'' Pidge laughed while he saw Keith's face lighting up with joy, but before he wanted to kiss her, she pulled it away with a wave of her hand. ''But you have to talk seriously, not here. At home, both alone.'' He took hir fingers to give them a strong kiss on her yolks.
''Of course.''
Both smiled, with a project waiting to be evaluated in privacy.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Thirty-one.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Happily Ever After. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Post canon. Status: Part 7/7
''It's amazing you still keep those old glasses of your brother.'' Collen commented more disgusted than surprised when she saw the dirty old frame on her hands, Pidge just shrugged without giving too much importance.
''I put them on Chip when I finished it, and I needed something old after all.''
''Haven't you brought that robot? I thought I was attached to you with some kind of strange technology, it's always closed when I go through your work.''
''Nah, while I'm out Chip can take care of my work, it serves more on earth.''
She tried to stay still as soon as her mother pulled a few strands more than she should while doing an elegant hairstyle over her head. Her hair was already falling on her back like when she was fourteen, vaguely reminding that smiling and innocent teenager who barely understood the world around her. For a moment, Pidge thought she was being her again, at least that day she felt more dreamy than usual.
She wondered internally if were hormones.
Her mother hummed curiously when Pidge tightened the frame with more force than she should.
''Be careful, you will break it before the ceremony.''
''I can't help it.'' She said barely, the nerves began to return, making her hands tremble slightly. Colleen smiled sympathetically, reminding herself as scared as her daughter was on the most important day of her life.
''Everything will be fine, sweetheart. Remember that this day is to celebrate your happiness, nothing has to go wrong. Unless you change Keith's name on the altar.''
''Can I?'' Inquired worried, Colleen laughed slightly.
''Unless you want to marry someone else, it is very difficult to happen.''
''No, I think that's impossible.'' Both smiled as Colleen continued her work, watching as her daughter's hands began to relax on the old frame she still held with longing.
''Are you sure that is what you want to sacrifice for tonight?'' Pidge smiled warmly, staring determinedly at her mother through the large mirror in front of both. ''Even Matt was surprised when he knew.''
The lens mount was bent and somewhat damaged by the passage of time, feeling strange on her hands as a time ago when she used it frequently to cover her feminine features with the pseudonym of Pidge Gunderson, and as part of a secret promise to her family where she would find them where they were, if she had to cross the entire universe for it.
In effect, Pidge succeeded at sixteen. Being the first teenager to be part of a group of legendary heroes made up of an archaic legend that was almost lost as a simple fairy tale. Those lenses were one of the few possessions that accompanied her throughout the trip that felt so strangely distant, although only ten years had passed since the end of the war, and the reconstruction of planets was almost complete, Pidge still felt it like a dream too far away, almost alien to her at that moment.
She remembered with longing the years in which she piloted the green lion with her friends to stop the Galra empire from the devastation of the universe, naively believing that they would achieve it without losing anything in return provided they had the lions by their side. But to this day, seeing through the window how the statue in memory of Allura rose imposingly in the distance, part of her heart ached for her sacrifice.
She didn't remember her as Lance or Coran, who still mourned their loss when they thought that no one saw them in the halls of the new castle, but was her friend and a vital figure to keep rope when her forces faltered during the war. Who never gave up on any of them and supported her at all times, even if she herself hadn't been too kind to Allura from the beginning.
That is why Pidge and Keith, after a deep conversation, decided to celebrate their marriage on the planet of the new Altea. So, everyone, both body and soul, would be in the ceremony to be partakers of their union as husband and wife.
Pidge thought it was still a dream and that she would wake up on her desk in Garrison as part of her active imagination. She never thought much about the idea of ​​marriage, her life in the search for her family at an early age, being a champion for almost all her adolescence and later becoming captain of the land defense force and training new defenders of the universe, made her desire to be part of a relationship or a family not being a high priority. Almost considering it as something that wasn't for her and that only technology and her friends at her side Pidge could find eternal happiness in her life. And possibly she would have died with the same idea.
Until her feelings for Keith grew as her relationship with her progressed even after the war, making her feelings change, and she wished had something else in her life. Something that she thought wasn't for her, and even to think that Pidge would simply not find anyone who loved her as she was in the way her family and friends did.
But he found that person precisely whom she considered vital in her life.
It was like a ghost, keeping around her silently, whispering a desire over her ear when she saw him walking at the Castle of Lions. When he supported her during the battles against the sentries and they synchronized uniquely as a team. Pidge thought those feelings died when Keith left with the Blade of Marmora, but it was still present when he came back with Lotor's truth and a new image.
Pidge remained ignorant of what she really felt for his leader and faithful friend until she realized that she could no longer hide it like a teenage interest.
One night where everyone gathered to spend a new year together on the planet Daibazaal, after alcohol loomed over their senses and the dream hit all their friends, Keith proposed her.
It took five years to start living together because of their jobs, and another five years to set a date for their marriage, partly caused by pressure from their friends to want to celebrate a marriage between the traditions of the Earth and Daibazaal.
The process was difficult to coordinate, even with the help of Lance and Kolivan who remembered in detail how the unions were made before the Galra empire took control of the universe.
But there was Pidge, looking at herself in front of a mirror with a completely white dress, as part of the Earth's traditions. She didn't want to be a princess, much less wear a dress too heavy to wear as Coran and Lance suggested, so she opted for a simple fall that fits elegantly on her waist, and sleeves that opened at the end giving her an appearance almost fancy as Krolia's suggestion, being the way traditional Galra dresses wore for a marriage ceremony. It felt like a fairy, almost thinking that it had come out of Tolkien's classic books.
But it was also a gift from Keith. And a way to show her that she was completely committed to both parts of his blood.
When her mother finished decorating her hair in a large braid that fell from the side of her neck, she saw that Colleen's eyes began to flood with tears.
Pidge's heart was compressed with happiness and sadness when she saw her mother so excited.
''Please don't cry mom.'' She asked in a groan, holding her own tears. ''If you cry, you will make me cry and Nyma will have to put on makeup again.''
''I'm not crying, I promise.'' She smiled giving her a warm hug, being careful not to ruin her hair. ''I never thought that this day would come, I am so happy to know that you will not die alone.''
''What? It was a valid fear.'' She chuckled as she dried the tears that escaped her eyes. ''We will never be forever, and I know you love your friends very much, but is not the same, Katie, and even matt found a lovely relationship with that girl Nyma. I know you are a person strong enough to be alone, but your father and I are very happy that you have found someone who loves you as much as we do.''
''I will consider it as the way you tell me that you are proud of me.'' Pidge answered, answering her hug. Colleen hummed in affirmation.
''I've always been.''
 ''You know? If you keep moving, you will make a hole in the floor.''
''Can you leave here?'' Keith inquired irritated as soon as Lance took it to stop him. ''I don't remember inviting you.''
''You didn't it, Pidge did it! I didn't know you still hated me with everything we've lived together.'' He groaned with one hand on his chest and another on his forehead, in a dramatic pose. Keith sighed heavily as he moved again to walk around the place. ''Come on man, it shouldn't take long.''
''She had to be here twenty minutes ago.''
''Hey.'' They heard a greeting that both caught their attention, Shiro came with an outfit that Keith vaguely reminded him of the role-playing paladin that Coran used to make them play when they visited him, giving Keith a warm hug as soon as he saw him. ''How are you?''
''It could be worse.''
''Lies! Shiro, Keith just kicked me out of his marriage.'' Shiro raised an eyebrow at Keith to explain himself, he just made a gesture with his hand downplaying the matter.
''I'm worried, Pidge had to arrive many minutes ago.''
''Well, I ran into Nyma on the way. She told me that Pidge arrived late at the Hotel during the morning to be put on makeup so she will surely be late a few more minutes.''
''Did you hear Keith? Pidge will come, it's not as if she regretted eternity with you or something.''
They both realized how Lance's poor choice of words made Keith pale completely, sitting on the side of the altar to hide from the few guests who were sitting inside the chapel. Shiro shook his head avoiding hitting Lance for making Keith's nerves increase dangerously.
''You are amazing.''
''Sorry, I didn't know that could affect him. I mean, it's Pidge! She will not regret a courtship of years a few minutes after getting married.''
''But it's still Keith, Lance.''
Shiro said as if the answer was completely obvious, sitting next to Keith who had his head held between his two hands. Shiro looked sideways, watching carefully who was inside the chapel. He could see Curtis talking to the MFE pilots next to the entrance. The old commanders of Lotor observing the Renaissance paintings on one side and Krolia next to Samuel sitting in the first ones talking animatedly about some random subject of not enough to listen.
Shiro took a couple of cigarettes out of his inner pocket, which Keith didn't expect his friend to light, eagerly placing his lips as he approached the fire Shiro held between his fingers. Lance gasped as soon as he saw him, but preferred not to say anything at that moment. He knew that Keith really needed to relax even at the cost of that disgusting vice he had acquired during his years of humanitarian aid work.
After a few minutes and a couple of whiffs, Shiro broke the silence.
''You know Lance is playing.''
''What if she really doesn't come? What am I supposed to tell my mother? Or Kolivan?''
''You're overreacting much more than me in my marriage.'' Shiro replied laughing at his paranoia.
''That's because you knew Curtis loves you.''
''So you think Pidge doesn't?''
''She could find someone better. What kind of future can I give her? I spend most of the time traveling through the universe than with her.'' He looked down dejectedly. ''I wouldn't be impressed if she got tired of me...''
''Keith, I think you've let Lance's teasing get under your skin. Katie is as in love with you as you are with her.''
''… Do you think?'' He looked up at Shiro, he nodded smiling warmly, releasing another puff of smoke.
''I think so, she wouldn't have agreed to marry you if she wasn't because she was completely sure of what she was doing. It would be an offense on your part that you doubt her feelings. Don't you think?''
''I think you're right.'' He answered thoughtfully.
''Besides, I can attest that in marriage you often think if you chose correctly or not. Feelings change, but as long as you trust each other and can support each other there will be nothing to separate you from her.''
''Do you think we are able to support each other in spite of everything?'' Keith questioned putting out the cigarette. Shiro laughed openly.
''Well, you were the arms of Voltron, there is no one else in the universe that is able to support you as you two do.''
Keith smiled wistfully, those words echoed in his head vaguely recalling those days of the war in which he and Pidge were able to fight against ships full of enemies, with a facility and displacement that seemed to be made to be together.
Suddenly, people began to enter, claiming that the car in which Pidge was coming was already on its way.
Keith took a deep breath before getting up and being hugged by Shiro, much more confident and determined than he was minutes ago.
They placed themselves in position, waiting for the bride to enter through the main door. It was the first time that Keith wore a Galra suit like that, a black suit where he joined together with a violet-colored armor that gave him the impression that it was to honor the combative blood of his people. His mother watched him nostalgic from the front row, perhaps thinking about what it would be like if his father were there to see him marry the woman he chose to spend the rest of his life.
But Keith didn't feel sad at all, his father accompanied him at all times, as part of the energy of the universe that connected with each being even if he had left a long time ago.
Like Allura.
He heard the music begin as soon as he saw Samuel carrying the most beautiful woman the world had ever observed. Pidge wore a suit that seemed to have mixed both traditions, causing his heart to compress with bliss. He saw her laugh nervously as she approached enough to appreciate her better, her hair fell on the side of her neck, reminding her of the photo she was holding with her brother before the launch of the Kerberos mission.
Years ago, Pidge and Keith realized that, in one of those photos, he and Shiro were on one side watching some of the missiles that would be used for the flight. Pidge had laughed alluding that they were perhaps destined to meet. And at that moment, as soon as he received a warm hug from Samuel Holt and took his daughter's hand, he knew it was a reality.
Both were destined to be together, in whatever way.
When Pidge approached him to stand in front of the altar, she grimaced for a moment, drawing Keith from a strong movement that confused more than one person.
She gasped away in disgust.
''You smoked!'' Many people hummed worried, the discomfort of Pidge's face was evident and Keith felt he was in serious trouble until he remembered an obvious fact.
''You were thirty minutes late!''
''… Yeah, you're right.''
The panic disappeared as quickly as it came when both were placed in position, making more than one person laugh at the unique and honest dynamics of both.
 ''Keith was so nervous that it seemed that at any moment he would pass out, and Pidge looked like she would never have worn such high heels, but everything went well. I didn't know that the Galra were in the habit of burning their past possessions during ceremonies, it was quite interesting to see Pidge decide on Matt's glasses and Keith for his father's jacket.'' A slight sigh left his lips as he continued playing with the grass. ''I wish you were there to see it.'' Lance placed a new junyberry next to the statue, as part of his tradition every time he visited Altea. ''But I know you were there, proud of both.''
He swallowed the lump that stuck in his throat for a few moments at the thought that, somehow, he was convincing himself that his presence through life was the way he was satisfied to be close to the person that loved. Lance was happy for his friends, but a small part of herself felt full of envy when they started the first dance as husband and wife. He wanted to accompany them, but he needed a moment to remember that he was still there, beside him, recalling the beauty and grace that characterized her so much.
''I miss you so much Allura.''
A strong current alerted his senses so quickly that he relied on the marble not to be carried, Keith and Pidge who were laughing on the outskirts of Hunk's jokes were shocked when they saw how the blue lion descended from the sky, which he undertook flight to an unknown place in the universe almost a decade ago.
Everyone ran to the Allura statue where the lion seemed to have descended. There, like a lost dream, the white hair of two people welcomed a new future that they thought they would never be able to have for the cruelty of a few.
Lance ran as soon as he recognized the first figure who visited him almost every night, her promise had been real, she would never stop being by his side.
The blue lion began a new flight, her mission was accomplished and the future of their paladins was now in their own hands.
Happily ever after.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Nineteen.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Rebirth. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Fantasy!AU. Status: Part 1/3
They had been moving for many days nonstop, thanks to the last misadventure they had lived in which they almost managed to escape alive with the help of the last magic resources at hand, earning several wounds around their bodies that hurt at the insistent touch of their clothes. They needed to disinfect the deep cuts as soon as possible, but many of their resources were lost as soon as the caves collapsed under their heads, taking the drastic decision to flee leaving their possessions adrift so as not to be delayed while running.
The mood was down, not even Lance was able to make an ironic comment about the situation and the night would soon fall while walking through the forest, the sharp senses of Shiro alerted him that the hunter animals were already in full swing looking some prey to feed, and they at this moment looked charmingly tempting, almost managing to walk on their own.
Hunk did his best to find a village around him to ward off the impending dangers and to rest properly after the hard battle, but the closest place was the small town of Arus, and it was several miles away from where they could It would take several nights to get there. So they had to camp in that place to recover at least a few energies.
They made a small camp in a comfortable area after a few minutes deciding which would be the best place. Shiro took his sword and went out in search of food along with Hunk, who was skilled at recognizing which foods of the forest were edible without dying of some kind of poisoning. Leaving Pidge in charge of the fire while Lance ordered a few leaves and dry grass to make a large bed improvised for everybody.
It would not be the first time that they shared space of rest to spend the night after an arduous battle, their life as treasure hunters for many years had made them close. Enough to not bother about the closeness between them. They knew each other completely and respect was their main basis for the strange friendship they had created among people of races as different as themselves. What for many was a complete madness when they knew them.
Lance yawned languidly after finishing a nest quite comfortable for everyone, who was about to fall halfway satisfied with pleasure, Pidge laughed at his behavior.
''And I thought that the minstrels were much more resistant.''
''Hey, don't blame me for being tired!'' Lance answered with a broad smile when he settled on the floor. ''Fighting against those trolls has been by far the stupidest idea we have ever had.''
''Yeah, well, I'm not going to deny it.'' Pidge said in a whisper. ''We had to be much more prepared. Even Shiro suffered serious injuries to his right arm.''
''Do you think there are scars left?''
''Are you kidding?'' Pidge's lips bent towards a sardonic smile. ''He should hardly have any cuts, Shiro is an oni, after all. It takes more than a couple of stones and magic fire to break his skin. Especially his right arm.''
''Ahh ... '' Lance replied disinterestedly. ''Well, sometimes I forget that he is not a human.''
''With those big horns that he has?'' Pidge inquired inquisitive, raising an eyebrow as if Lance had said something completely ridiculous. ''Even I can spend much more easily as one!''
''But not when you talking, Pidgy.''
Pidge placed one of her hands on her chest with a slight gasp coming from her lips, pretending to be offended by his words. But even she could accept that her character and her responses were often inevitably cruel or sarcastic. She couldn't help it, many times she felt that humans, especially Lance, were ridiculously stupid, so when they were visiting villages looking for some supplies for their missions, Pidge tended to close her mouth and let Shiro take care of everything so as not to generate uncomfortably situations.
Even when it was almost palpable to distinguish the supernatural area on Shiro's shoulders and people still tended to keep distance with magical or spiritual beings, given the ambivalent nature of their genes, he always captured the attention he least wanted, attraction, both men and women. And while it wasn't a nuisance most of the time, stopping when others saw his clear disinterest in coquetry often shameless, her beloved brother-in-law used to feel uncomfortable most of the time.
But Pidge could understand, those white horns that came out of his head looked imposing, added to that his eyes had a natural delineate along with a purple color around his eyelids, they gave him the image of an aggressive nature, without counting the mountain of muscles that he had all over his body. Even without his mystical nature, Shiro was a person who visually demonstrated not being part of the world of mortals.
Unlike Pidge, who, because of her short stature, the disordered image with a tousled hair under armor too big for her height, looked like an ordinary person. She could almost pretend to be a boy or a dwarf if it were not for the fact that her features were too delicate as she spent more years, but Pidge was completely perfect for what she needed in her missions.
She was the first defense in her group, the shield of her team and the connoisseur of labyrinths. A female appeal was not something she needed.
When about an hour passed, they could see Hunk and Shiro approaching with a deer between their shoulders, drooling almost instantaneously at Pidge, Lance had fallen asleep from exhaustion.
''I see you made a pretty nice nest.'' Hunk commented while lightly kicking the side of Lance, who only responded with a deep moan.
''We'd better let him rest, Hunk.'' Shiro spoke, while he was in charge of crumbling the meat with his hands, dividing the skin that they would use for that night. ''Lance took the worst part of the last battle, it will not hurt him to sleep a couple of hours more.''
''Yeah, I suppose you're right.''
When Shiro stretched the skin enough around some branches of a tree, Pidge made a delicate movement with one of her hands using the last reserves of magic that remained to seal the collagen and transmute the flesh to a softer texture for the touch. It was a simple spell that didn't require much mana, but useful at moments like those of that where they had nothing to keep warm for the cold night that was coming.
They threw it to Lance once Pidge finished her work, who gave a good sleep as he surrounded himself pleasantly. They both decided to sit by the campfire enjoying the meat that Hunk had prepared with multiple species and nutritious vegetables to regain strength. Little by little they felt the hunger disappear from their bodies to give way to a satisfied stomach, and the urgent need to sleep until the next morning.
But they couldn't afford such mistakes as lowering their guard during the night with hundreds of animals and possible thieves around a winding forest, so Pidge decided to stand guard the early hours of the night, promising to awaken Lance when it was her opportunity to sleep.
She spent a couple of hours cutting a piece of wood with one of her sharpest daggers, using her skills trying to listen to what the trees could tell her during those moments of calm and tranquility that very rarely happened, thanks to her noisy group of friends. The fire from the small fire crackling and forming mysterious shapes was the only thing she needed as light as the piece of wood began to take the shape of a spoon, a small gift to her friend Hunk because they had lost the utensils in their last mission.
After a couple of hours, when the night reached its maximum point and her friends snored at her side, Pidge felt a sharp twinge in her back that made her get up almost immediately, with her dagger in hand ready for the attack. The branches of the trees moved slowly, warning her of a nearby danger she had to be careful of. But when she turned around and tried to get close to Shiro to wake him up, Pidge saw what made her blood freeze completely.
A goblin smiling, petty, pointing Shiro's neck with a stake loaded with quintessence with enough edge to cut his throat in a few seconds, as a threat to any strange movement Pidge could make. In a few seconds, the around began to surround herself with others more of his class approaching her friends, but Pidge couldn't move a single inch, the goblins were ruthless and could not endanger Shiro's life. They dropped an unknown liquid over the ears of her friends, Pidge begged all the gods that it wasn't a deadly poison.
Pidge breathed deeply without making any movement that alerted her intentions until she felt strong steps behind her that made the earth rumble drearily, what she feared most at that moment was approaching and exhaustion didn't let her think what could do to get out of that problem. The goblins weren't intelligent beings, they were small monsters that lived from wars against other beings and primitive instincts, so their actions of stealthily approaching and poisoning their companions without an iota of violence, made her think that the strong breathing that felt behind her back surely it was an orc.
She swallowed hard when she heard his laugh rudely, the wretched bastard was enjoying her despair.
Her mind quickly turned to the most important goal, Pidge couldn't let those disgusting goblins kill her friends, she accumulated a wave of electrical energy through one of her hands to hurl it towards the goblins that were on top of their bodies friends to drive them away and generate painful damage. Before she knew it, Pidge was already running away from the camp, using herself as bait.
Pidge was exhausting considering she hadn't rested at any time of the night, but the elves used to have problems moving on the surface, so she found herself at a great advantage with various minutes of running. Pidge didn't know if she had managed to get the attention of all the goblins, but definitely, the orc was chasing her when heard the heavy footsteps behind her, which gave some relief to her heart.
She was sure that before leaving, Lance had woken up because of the current of her attack. Pidge only hoped that the poison he had been given wasn't so deadly as to disable him completely.
Pidge fell on some stairs after a few minutes running through the woods when a dart reached her legs, numbing them completely to almost the seconds. In front of her, there was an old castle surrounded by vines and roots, indicating its abandonment for many years.
Now she knew where the damned goblins came from.
Took off the dart from her leg quickly, but the poison was already beginning to numb her senses. Pidge watched as the orc with his followers came towards her, drooling rudely. Pidge cringed about with panic in her veins, trying desperately to move as she thought of some way out, but her legs didn't respond no matter how hard she tried.
A few words from years ago by the oracle of her village resounded strongly inside her head, something she had completely forgotten. A promise of fate that she naively thought had been delivered when she met her friends, and of which her family feared terribly when she began her travels around the world.
When she felt the footsteps of the orc approaching her, the tears didn't prevent falling to her cheeks for the cruelty that would end up being her death. Her mother was right when years ago she tried to desist about her desire for adventure.
Pidge was doomed.
She screamed in anger when the hands of a few goblins began to tear the clothes with their nails and teeth with fearsome ease, while others held her body against the ground. Pidge beat and bit them desperately, but it was useless when many of them held their limbs with a despicable force. Her throat burned with the force of her screams and her skin bled at the cuts that were made while they undressed her by force. Pidge naively thought that if she tries to concentrate for a few seconds, she would be able to perform a protective spell before she was raped, but her weariness and fear intervened with her magical abilities. Pidge felt desperate, helpless, and deep in her mind, it was constantly repeated that if she hadn't abandoned her family for a personal desire, none of that would be happening.
Her screams mingled with her laments when she saw the orc approaching with a look that made her tremble in her own place, one of the goblins bit her shoulder so hard that she was not able to continue to hold the basic spell of her appearance, changing its morphology into pointy ears characteristic of her race, her hair grew falling on her back to cover barely something of her trembling body, and her wings appeared tinkling erratically, being caressed with the nails of those inferior beings, somewhere in she was afraid they would be torn from her body.
In spite of everything, Pidge didn't stop fighting trying to break free, looking directly at the high-altitude monster whose mouth hadn't closed since he saw her fall for the first time, his saliva dripped rudely from his chin, and Pidge knew that after to desecrate her, he would devour her head with his own teeth.
Her eyes clouded with a lament from her insides when he took her by the neck with one of his hands.
She would have liked to eat a little more of Hunk's peanut butter cake.
He lifted her violently from the ground to stamp her against the wall, to the amusement of the goblins around her one of her wings broke to the impact.
She wanted to see what the sea was like when Lance talked so much to her at night.
Taking advantage of the position she was left in; the orc raised her backside with so much pressure that Pidge almost felt it would break her back. A deep growl inside his throat made her want to tear out his eyes, but her arms didn't respond no matter how hard she tried to move them.
She would have liked to be in charge of the union of Matt and Shiro for next fall when the trees covered the village with multiple colors.
But none of that mattered anymore, she thought. Her end was going to be miserable at the hands of goblins and orcs. A fate that she could never avoid even taking all the precautions.
Only for her desire for freedom and knowledge.
The only thing Pidge thought, before closing her eyes tightly, was that she could only be reborn with a destiny freed from the curses that came with an adventurous life.
The pressure in her insides never came.
However, she could feel the blood spreading on her back violently, when Pidge turned around, she could see that a giant wolf had ripped the head of the orc behind her.
The goblins began to scream in fear, attacking the beast with their claws and teeth, in vain. Pidge wanted to know what had happened in so few seconds, but soon her consciousness began to cloud through exhaustion and recent stress.
The last thing she was able to see, was a hair tied on a broad back and marks of a race cursed by darkness.
 When Pidge awoke, her limbs burned like shit, as if she had lived a marathon for hours with her brother Matt through the forest of her village, and the muscles of her body were completely torn after constant exercise, so she couldn't help the loud growl from her throat as she rose heavily from a warm, welcoming skin. When she opened her eyes, Pidge didn't see the old castle that was used as a colony for the goblins, nor the forest in which she was trapped with her friends for many days. But a simple bonfire, and the snout of the wolf that had saved it a few minutes ago.
Pidge quickly got up scared, regretting when she realized that it hadn't been a good idea considering the current state of her body, her wings felt stiff behind her back, so she supposed they were being held back by some bandage. She dragged the skin that covered her shame across her shoulders to give herself some heat, the night was still high in the sky and the cold was unbearable. She looked cautiously at the beast she was using as a pillow all this time, now she was sure that she had not imagined it, it was exactly as her father described it in his book of non-earthly beings that she read in her first years of life.
She was next to a cosmic wolf, a beast from space.
''I see you have enough energy to get up...''
Pidge looked away to the voice that greeted her, where a young man, with soft but aggressive features, looked at her with an expressionless face. The marks on his cheeks that grew to his eyes echoed in his memory. He, however, only offered her a bowl full of water.
''Drink it.''
Pidge took it looking at it cautiously, it had a strange color and it moved as if it were viscous on its contents. Pidge hesitated a little, but he had saved her from being killed by the goblins a few minutes ago, so it didn't make sense to think that he was trying to attack her life, so she took it in one trip.
As she supposed, it was disgusting, but she did her best not to return it to the first arcade.
''What the heck was ... '' Pidge barked hitting her chest, he shrugged and still moved the ashes of the fire with a stick.
''It will help you recover the quintessence of your body.''
''Thank you very much ... '' Pidge was surprised by herself when her voice was heard harsher and more serious than normal, touching her neck with one of her hands.
''Your trachea is somewhat closed; it is a consequence of the poison that was injected when you fled the goblins.'' The boy answered simply. ''You'll feel better after a few days.''
''How did you find me?'' Pidge asked, but he raised an eyebrow, inquisitive.
''I thought you would be a little more grateful, I saved you from being raped by the goblins.''
''But that doesn't answer my question.''
Pidge answered, a little more defensively. While she was completely grateful for his actions, it seemed a bit strange to her how he had appeared. No goblin perceived it to be miles away being that they were skillful in finding potential enemies. What was strange he kept her gaze for a few moments, until he sighed heavily as he continued to play with the fire.
''I ... I was the one who took them out of that cave last night. I was investigating the ruins of that castle as fieldwork. When I heard the noise from outside, I teleported with Kosmo to see what was happening. '' Caressed the outline of the head of his partner, emphasizing his words. ''That's when I saw the situation, and I ordered my wolf to tear off the orc's head before it did irreparable damage to you.'' His look went down a little, Pidge could see some regret in his eyes. ''I'm really sorry. I thought there was no one around the forest.''
''I understand.'' Pidge replied, a little calmer knowing the truth. ''You were quite reckless, not to say stupid. One doesn't scare the goblins from the caves without even checking the perimeter.''
''It's true.'' Affirmed his words heavily.
''But you helped me at the right time and I couldn't be more grateful for that. So, really, thank you.''
Pidge smiled warmly at the stranger. He didn't seem foolish; it had only been a terrible coincidence that he was about to end her life. But again, she felt really grateful that he had appeared at the ideal moment. Part of Pidge also knew that her actions had been precipitated when she fled into the forest with no plan in mind.
She moved her legs a little more towards the fire, the cold of the night drowned her bones with regret, and although the layer of the skin helped not to die frozen at that moment, it didn't cover her body completely. Suddenly, a fact made noise in her thoughts, breaking the silence that had been armed around them.
''Did you say the last night?'' The elf nodded, confused by her question. Pidge's heart jumped in panic. ''How long have I been unconscious?''
''About two days. We have been moving since then, why?''
''My friends are in that forest.'' She answered worried, he frowned thoughtfully.
''I doubt that they remain there, I didn't feel any magical or human presence while we passed the forest.''
''Is it the same skill you used before releasing the goblins?'' Pidge asked sarcastically, he just watched her irritated.
''No, I used a tracking spell looking for someone who could help you. But I didn't find anything.''
Pidge's concern was evident in her face, her friends would surely think that the goblins had taken her, and if they weren't close to an elf's tracking skills, then they had run to the opposite direction without Shiro's help, who could feel her presence while they were at an adequate distance.
Perhaps the liquid that the goblin had slipped through their ears was precisely so that they couldn't easily find her, and not a poison like Pidge had initially created. But the elf's words brought her out of her thoughts.
''Anyway, we are closer to Arus than the forest, they will surely be there.''
''I don't know...'' Pidge moved a little more to rest her head on the back of the cosmic wolf, she still felt a little weak. The wolf accepted her delightedly. ''One of them is my brother-in-law and an oni. He will be desperately looking for me everywhere.''
''If he is intelligent, he will feel your quintessence trail out of the forest. They are pretty good sniffing yours.''
''Maybe you are right.'' He certainly had it, Pidge thought, somewhat surprised that he knew about youkais. Her best option was to head towards Arus at that time. ''I'm Pidge, by the way. You will take me there, right?'' The boy smiled slightly, nodding after a few seconds staring at her.
''I'm Keith. Do I have another option?''
Pidge finally answered a feeling of warmth reached her heart when she reached an accomplishment while watching those eyes as dark as night. Keith had just been responsible for her rebirth, and she no longer needed to fear the death of a prophecy.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty Four.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Prophecy. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Fantasy!AU. Status: Part 2/3
He made his way through the crowd of people who were at the Holt family's house, ordering the last details of the wedding to be held in a few more hours. People were running hurriedly while they waited for Matt who had headed deep into the forest during the early hours of the morning, looking for the ideal flower to complement his wedding gown, a millenary tradition by his race from which Pidge had Spoken a few weeks ago.
Everyone was eager and excited for the new union. Keith was too, his dearest friend was going to marry the man he had loved for most of his life, but everything seemed too strange and uncomfortable as he searched for a suitable place to rest properly. Natural beings used to be extremely bustling with family matters, except for the dark elves, that everything developed in the most reserved and discreet way possible. Living together with the Holt family had been an adventure for him. But Keith wasn't regretted in the least. He just needed a couple of minutes in silence.
When he left the house and began to walk through the large branches of the tree that held the residence, he watched carefully as everything connected wonderfully.
For many years, Keith heard from his parents about Olkarion as a mythical place where natural beings of different races lived in balance, united with nature in a tall city that was supported by large tree hundreds of years old. Keith thought his parents were exaggerating, but when he arrived many days ago in the city for the celebration of marriage between Shiro and Matt, he couldn't take his eyes off the entire structure. The houses were attached to the branches in such a way that it seemed that the same tree was responsible for protecting them, while everything was connected through the branches and pulley systems. The floor looked far beneath his feet like he walked to find somewhere to sit.
Certainly, the person who dared to visit the city of heights, as his mother told him when he told her about Olkarion, didn't have to suffer some kind of vertigo.
He walked away enough not to hear the cries of the house, and in the distance, he could see a hair he would recognize anywhere in the world. With an ornate hairstyle in several metal flowers that crossed over a braid to give the appearance of a crown, and an orange dress like the leaves of the city covered up her feet in an elegant fall, reminding him of autumn, while her wings were covered by lightweight material. Pidge looked to his way when see him approach her place with a wide smile. Keith thought that at any moment she would disappear from the world.
''What?'' Pidge asked once she saw that Keith was only by her side without saying a word. ''Do I look very different?''
''You look like a nymph.'' Keith said suddenly, Pidge laughed loudly releasing a loud throat that came from the bottom of her throat.
''I'm a nymph, Keith.'' He under distressing sight knew she was a nymph, but at that moment that reality had never hit him in the face. ''I guess I look very different without my armor and my helmet.''
''The armor hides your appearance to defend yourself, that's what is made for, Katie.'' Keith took one of the strands that fell on her face to take it behind her ear. ''You look good, really.''
''Well it was enough to leave you speechless for a moment, so I guess so.''
They entwined their hands as they sat together on the branch, the view was towards a meadow where the leaves fell when the wind blew, and houses were lost insight to the horizon where hundreds of colors mixed, it was certainly a wonderful sight.
''I hope Matt is not so nervous...'' Pidge said softly, Keith snorted when he remembered the house as complete chaos before leaving. ''Before he went to look for the flower it seemed that at any moment he would have a heart attack.''
''I can imagine it; I went to see Shiro a few hours ago and Lance could barely comb his hair.''
''Oh gods...'''' Pidge laughed trying to imagine. ''I hope they don't end up crying while reading their vows.''
''That will make Hunk start to cry.'' Keith added. ''And if Hunk cries, Lance will too.''
''This will be as terrible as when Hunk married with Shay three years ago.''
''Was here?'' Keith asked interestedly, it had been long before he joined his group. Pidge nodded animatedly releasing her hand to draw figures in the air when she spoke.
''They were so nervous that they stumbled when they left the chapel. Shay was stepping on Hunk's feet during the first dance, it was a spectacle.''
''I will pray to the gods for Matt to step on Shiro's feet during the dance.''
''Keith, how bad you are!'' They began to laugh imagining that situation in the next few hours.
''I want to have those memories with you too.'' Keith said taking her girlfriend's hand again. ''Besides, I've never been to a marriage.''
''Seriously?'' Pidge questioned incredulously; Keith nodded. ''Dark elves don't marry or what?''
''We do, it is just that it is a very personal ceremony, and no one can enter the room when two people are joined by the ancestors.'' Keith looked up when he heard the leaves move in a strong breeze, Pidge watched him patiently. ''What happens inside those walls, is one of the greatest mysteries of my people.''
''And you can't ask them when they leave?'' Keith laughed at Pidge's curious gaze, he didn't understand her interest in his people, but he loves it. In general, they were avoided by everyone because of the prejudices they had for being exiled beings from the kingdom of Alfheim.
''It's like disrespect to do that, it would be like asking someone to undress in front of you.''
''Ahh, I see, uncomfortable and everything.''
Keith sat up closer to Pidge when he brought her to his body to hug her and fit her face over her head, the ornaments of her hair felt cold on her skin and although for a moment thought he would dishevel her, but she settled into his chest to get closer to him. Soon the dream began to affect him, yawning hard while complaining. Although he had become slightly accustomed to staying awake when the sun was rising while traveling with his friends, Keith was still a dark elf, and being awake during the day was extremely difficult for him.
''You better rest a little more Keith.'' Pidge said moving away from a little more to look directly at him. ''The ceremony will be during the afternoon; you don't have to be up all day.''
''No.'' He looked away a little sorry for his words. ''I want to see where you come from, that's why I woke up earlier than I considered.''
''Ohh...'' This time it was Pidge's turn to look the other way, feeling her cheeks feel red with shame. ''Well if you want ... I could take you to an important place in Olkarion.''
''That would be good, let's go tomorrow.'' Pidge shook her head before rising abruptly and falling down the branch with force while using her wings to lean on without falling, with a look that asked him to follow her, his chest felt warm, he loved her energy. ''Pidge, I don't think we have time.''
''Don't worry about that, where we go there is no need to worry about time.''
 They walked for various minutes through the dense weeds that didn't allow passage easily, moving away from houses and the city. Pidge said nothing at any time and Keith began to get a little impatient about the very enigmatic way in which his girlfriend was acting.
His eyes could easily move down the road once sunlight was lost between the vines, although Pidge's wings clinked a faint light to indicate where he was. After a couple of minutes of walking in an unknown direction, Pidge stopped.
A moonlight was seen from the distance, there was a room in which several fireflies flew around while only the dripping water was heard somewhere along the way. He didn't realize that a silver-haired woman who contrasted sharply with her skin was in front of them until she moved from their way, like an elegant breeze that barely made a small noise.
Keith was impressed that she was able to find herself in that place without problems. Pidge, however, ran to hug her tightly.
''Good to see you again Allura.''
''Likewise, Pidge. I see you have grown quite a lot.''
''Not really, I remain exactly the same since the last time.'' Pidge approached along with Allura towards Keith with emotion. ''He is Keith, he has joined us for almost a year.''
''Oh! Lance came the other day to tell me about him, it's a pleasure.'' They held hands for a moment, but Keith was able to feel the overwhelming magic of her body. She was not a normal woman.
''A pleasure.''
''Allura is an apprentice to be Altea's oracle. She stays in this cave to learn to manage her powers and will integrate into the marriage during the night.''
''Does the sun affect your powers?''' Keith asked, she nodded politely.
''I can go out from time to time, but I am in a stage of my training in which I feel very sensitive sunlight, so I stay hidden in this room until I get a better balance.'' Keith nodded, watching Pidge talk to her about his last adventures. They seemed really close and he was happy that Pidge was so excited.
''Do you know Keith? This place is something very sacred to my people.''
''Seriously?'' He returned to her when he was pushed towards the center of the room.
''Here you can ask the gods about the future of an important decision in your life.''
''How a prediction?''
''No, the prediction usually conjectures that something is going to happen. This is much more accurate, considering that seeing the future of beings whose freedom makes decisions vary, this is pretty cool.'' Keith nodded when he watched her smile excitedly about what she was telling him.
''So, it's something like...''
''A prophecy.'' Allura interrupted as she moved closer to him, her eyes looked slightly cloudy, as if a spell had reached her. ''And I can feel that the gods have something to tell you, Keith...''
Pidge tried to reach her to see if her friend was fine, but Allura held Keith's arm so tightly that the moonlight on the walls darkened for a few seconds while her boyfriend's eyes clouded in an instant. After a few seconds, they both separated with surprise.
''Sorry, I still don't know how to use my powers correctly.'' Allura apologized, but Keith brought her hands to his body, somewhat altered.
''It's okay.'' He said after a few seconds in silence, Pidge approached him fearfully.
''Did you see anything?''
''Yes, I ... I saw something that I thought would be impossible.'' He looked up at Allura, who still looked worried. ''Are you sure it's something that will happen?''
''Of course.'' Answered determined. ''I've never been wrong about what I've predicted.''
''How are you so sure?'' Keith questioned; this time more worried. ''The future can change with every decision; it is not possible to be so reliable.''
''Excuse me?'' Allura put her hand to her chest, clearly disgusted by Keith's words. ''That you have seen something that hasn't been to your liking does not mean that my skills are mediocre. I always succeed!''
''That doesn't mean that your powers may fail from time to time.''
''Keith.'' Pidge stopped him when she saw that both would begin a strong discussion. ''Allura tells the truth, she is always right.''
''How are you so sure?'' He asked annoyed, but she looked away at her friend, there was sadness in her eyes.
''Because my prophecy was fulfilled.''
''What?'' Keith asked confused. This time it was part of Allura to be scared, taking Pidge's hands, worried.
''Don't tell me that…''
''No.'' Pidge stopped her friend's train of thoughts. ''They didn't hurt me, Keith arrived before it happened.''
''What are you talking about Pidge?''
''Do you remember the night we met?''
Keith nodded slowly, scared about what his girlfriend was trying to make him understand. Many times, she woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and completely frightened when she remembered the time he had saved her from a mortal destiny.
Pidge smiled warmly.
''My prophecy was that, if I traveled the world, no matter how strong it made me, I would find my death in the hands of a group of goblins cause of my imprudence. And only a man of the night would be able to stop my destiny.''
''Basically, it was my destiny to die that night.'' Pidge answered heavily; Keith's heart flipped in pain at the thought. ''But thanks to you being there, everything changed.''
''The prophecies always have outputs.'' Allura added a little quieter. ''And you know yours, Keith. When it's time, use it.''
''Yeah...'' He whispered awkwardly; Pidge took his hand hard to direct him to the exit.
''Time doesn't run here, but we better go home. The road will take a while.''
''Yes, you're right. ''He was still thinking about what he had seen. Before leaving, he looked at Allura with a soft look. ''Thanks, Allura.'' She smiled back while watching them leave.
''You're welcome, Keith. See you at night.'' And with a nod from both of them, they left the caves to go outside. Allura felt her mice perch on her shoulder, looking curiously at the couple as they recriminated her. ''I know that I also predicted that this man was going to be Pidge's soulmate, but I couldn't contradict her at that moment!
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty-Nine.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Elegance. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Victorian!AU. Status: Part 4/4
She tightened his tie more tightly so that the knot was perfect enough and the collar of his shirt didn't get messy, earning a small claim from her son for pulling him while ordering the last details of his outfit made for that afternoon, where important figures and renowned people would visit the estate of her dear friend Allura that afternoon. Katie gave him a brief warning look to keep his still for a few more seconds as soon as she heard a refusal about the outfit that Katie chose so carefully while removing wrinkles from his suit with her hands to finish her job.
''Daddy, mom is squeezing a lot.'' The boy complained as soon as he saw his father enter the room looking for something in the furniture that decorated it. Katie raised an inquiring eyebrow.
''You are very wrong if you think that your dear father will help you escape, I still have to brush your hair.''
''Pope!'' The fearful boy groaned at his mother's words, but Keith just shrugged with a funny laugh as he continued searching through the drawers of the room.
''I'm sorry buddy, mom is ordering you properly so that all of our friends see how big you've grown since last summer.'' Keith said approaching his wife, drawing her attention with one hand on her shoulder. ''Pidge, do you know where I left the silver shirt cufflinks?''
''They broke up at Lance's house during your last friendly competition.'' Answered sardonic Pidge, hitting both hands in allusion to the fight they had months ago for drinking too much. Keith walked away ashamed of his wife. ''You can use the wolf shirt cufflinks, they will look good with your jacket.''
''Yes, I think you are right.''
She snorted in response listening to her husband head towards the bathroom with the ornaments on his hands while doing her best to battle with the hair of her beloved son. The knots that were created while sleeping could only be thanks to the genetic inheritance of the Holt family. So she would be lucky if she made Steven look presentable after playing around her dear friend's farm. Her son had the bad habit of jumping and jumping into the grass as soon as she lost sight of him for a few minutes, something he had categorically not inherited from her at all.
Katie had to make sure that her image looked impeccable at least until they arrived at Allura's house in a few more hours, or all her work during the morning would have been useless. Usually, they were the employees who had to take care of her son's attire, but Katie couldn't allow anyone to take care of Steven from birth, just as her mother did with her and her older brother, even giving him of breastfeeding during the first months. Something unthinkable for a woman in her class and strongly criticizing her social circle, but when Katie had given her son to a nurse the first days of his birth reluctantly, something inside her heart was removed from possession and jealousy.
She wanted to be the one to feed her son, take care of him, dress him and educate him in the sciences that her family loved so much. Having it only for her and that nobody dared to interfere in her upbringing. Keith on the other way, didn't turn mostly against when he learned that Katie dismissed the nurses he hired for the care of his firstborn, even thinking that it was much better for someone close to be in the care of his beloved son.
But Katie would never have thought that raising a child was such an exhausting task. Even at just four years old, Steven seemed to have a personal record of making his parents lose their temper before they could send him to military school. Keith used to have a little more patience with him, letting Katie know that during his childhood he also mediates his parents' patience with almost vandalism. Katie almost admired her mother daily when she had to deal with her son's attitudes in which she often saw her attitude and temper reflected in him.
In spite of everything, she loved her firstborn deeply.
''Keith, did you remember to lock the wolves before leaving?'' Katie asked when she saw her husband get in the car. He nodded securely indicating to leave.
''Yeah, Beezer will release them during the afternoon.''
''Mom, let's stay at home, Kosmo will miss us.'' Steven asked with a hint of affliction in his eyes. Katie stroked his head affectionately.
''Don't worry about him, you heard dad, they will be fine without us. Don't you want to see Uncle Matt and Uncle Shiro, honey? They have missed you all this time.''
''... Yes?'' Katie gave him a big hug at her innocent tone.
''Speaking of uncles...'' Keith said with a serious countenance. ''How long do you think it takes for Lance and Allura to get out of the shadows?''
''Who knows, sometimes I asked me which of the two is blinder to the interests of the other.'' Katie smiled wistfully. ''I remember that when I was waiting for Steven, they behaved quite collaboratively with each other... I thought they would finally realize their feelings, but I guess it wasn't enough.''
''This is ridiculous, at this rate they will die ignorant about what they feel for the other. Those cowards''
''Since when are you so engaged in the interests of others, dear?'' Katie asked somewhat surprised about Keith's recent interest, he removed himself uncomfortably from his seat, without connecting his gaze to her.
''How strange is my concern for a dear friend?''
''Yes, especially if it's Lance. You usually enjoy his misfortune.''
''... Okay.'' He answered resigned, he knew that lying to Katie was a useless task. ''I may have benefited economically from his indecision.''
''Have you been betting with Hunk again?''
-''With Shiro. And honestly, the game lost the fun for years.''
''Oh my god, you are terrible people.''
''That's what Matt said when he found out and started betting on Allura's favor three months ago.''
Katie was perplexed to learn that her brother had also lent himself to entertain the situation of her friends, preferring to change the topic of conversation before the new projects that her husband's company was starting and prevent her son from knowing the bad practices of his father. It was impressive how much Keith had changed since he began spending time with Hunk and Lance, but even for her to bet on her friends' private life was to cross the boundaries, she didn't want to deal with Allura's wrath as soon as she found out.
Steven just watched with disinterest through the window as if nothing they talked about had to do with him, which Katie thanked.
So neither of them realized that on their son's face there was a countenance highly concerned about the situation of his dear uncles, seriously thinking that that afternoon he had to prevent his uncle Lance from continuing to be ''sad''.
 ''Pidge, nice to see you again!''
''Hi Allura.'' She was greeted by a big hug from her dear friend who almost made her lose her breath. ''I see that my mother's plants have grown quite a lot in your garden.''
''Colleen was very kind in giving me the juneberries that remind me so much of my childhood, I couldn't help planting them as fast as I got home.'' She said looking towards the area where flowers were seen through the crowd. ''Romelle and Coran say they are the most beautiful and well-groomed flowers they have been fortunate to know.''
''That wasn't because of my mother, you have taken care of them with great care.''
Katie answered with fun; it was nice to see Allura smile when she talked about her past. After a terrible illness that took her father's life a few years ago, Allura's smile was difficult to appreciate for several months. But her mother's gift was certainly right.
Now her friend looked much livelier. As she remembered the first years.
''Steven, don't run around people!'' They heard Keith from the other side of the garden. Katie hoped her son wouldn't get in trouble just when they arrived.
''It seems that your son is still as energetic as I remember.'' Allura smiled, Katie growled slightly.
''Yes, I just hope that energy doesn't end by breaking a leg.''
''Come on Pidge, I remember that one of your biggest fears was to become a copy of your own mother. Let your child make his own mistakes while enjoying a good afternoon. I asked my pastry chefs to prepare peanut butter cookies.''
Katie nodded after a few seconds and wanted to taste the cookies that Allura ordered for her delight. She could enjoy a quiet afternoon at a party of great elegance without thinking that her child would get into trouble for a couple of hours, isn't it?
 He took his son's neck before he dared to get away more than allowed and escaped again as he did fifteen minutes ago while talking with Hunk about his new recipes at his restaurant.
''You know you shouldn't walk away, Steven.'' He scolded him severely by approaching him, but his son just writhed on his grip trying to break free.
''I need to find uncle Lance.''
''Well, you found uncle Lance just the way you wanted!'' A jovial voice called the attention of both as soon as they saw Lance approaching his direction. ''I didn't know your son preferred me over you, mullet. I must tell you that it feels like a small triumph.''
''I don't think that's the case.'' Keith said irritably. ''He has been obsessed with you all day.''
''Oh yeah?'' He approached Steven to stroke his partially messy hair. His appearance was a vivid image of his father, with a malicious look very similar to his mother.
''Uncle Lance, I want you to stop being sad!''
''Ohh! Seriously?'' Asked surprised, Keith didn't seem to understand very well what his son was saying. But he preferred to follow the game. ''Very well, I listen to you.''
''Let's go to the garden.'' Steven answered determinedly while taking the sleeve of his suit with one of his hands.
''Do you know what he plans?'' Keith shrugged as he followed.
''My experience has concluded that it is better to follow the game. He won't tell you even if you ask him.''
Once they reached the garden where the meeting was on course, they saw how Allura was surrounded by many of her closest friends who enjoyed a pleasant chat under an awning, including his wife who was holding a tray full of peanut butter cookies just for her.
Steven started running towards Allura as soon as he located her among so many people around, taking him in her arms. Keith knew she was his favorite aunt and had a childhood crush on her since last winter.
''Aunt Allura, can you pass me your hand?'' Steven asked as soon as Allura left him on the floor. She nodded interestedly.
''Do you want to hold my hand during the afternoon?''
Allura said amused, Steven nevertheless effusively shook his head, placing it on top of Lance's hand without warning. A loud gasp came out of the mouth of everyone present who surrounded him. Allura, who kept her face from blushing when she felt Lance's warmth on her palm, watched her nephew confused.
''Do you want me to take Uncle Lance's hand?''
''Yes! Uncle Lance is sad, so if you take his hand as mom and dad do it when they are sad, Uncle Lance will stop being.'' Everyone's heart was tender at the innocent request of the child.
''But buddy, I'm not sad.'' Lance tried to talk with some fun in his eyes.
''No, you are. Mama said in the car that dad and the others were having fun with your misfortune because you like Aunt Allura and you are too coward to confess.''
A sepulchral silence traveled all over the place as soon as Steven's words came out without any bad intentions, causing both Lance and Allura's countenance to change from happiness to a stoic, almost contemplative face.
The next thing Steven saw was both his uncle Hunk and his father fleeing from his uncle Lance, and he didn't see Matt or Shiro again for the rest of the afternoon, listening to his mother who probably ran away from the party for fear of his aunt Allura. What seemed funny, since his mother didn't stop laughing for the rest of the day.
Steven remembered returning home early that day, his father seemed to have been irritated as his eye looked extremely swollen and his face bruised. His mother told him that he had fallen off a horse and didn't have to worry because he had earned it, nor the sadness of his uncle Lance.
A few months later, he learned that they were preparing for a long-awaited marriage. Steven was depressed for a moment knowing that his aunt Allura would marry a man other than him, but he knew that his uncle Lance would make her very happy.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty-Eight.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Enflame. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Omegaverse!AU. Status: Part 3/3
Pidge could feel the smell of fried bacon that her mother prepared for breakfast hit her nose hard when she opened her eyes, wishing she could taste it as if she hadn't eaten it for a long time. Her father's laughter from the kitchen and her brother's rumble as he went down the stairs was enough to make her understand that her entire family was home again. And if she was lucky, Pidge could get an extra portion of bacon before Matt snatched it away.
She stretched out on her bed lazily, throwing some blankets and cushions around her on the floor by accident, the remains of a nest still hovering over her bed as the only memory of the stormy week she lived a couple of days ago, but Pidge didn't feel like undoing it at the moment.
Even when she was aware that what she lived with Keith hadn't been part of a wet dream, a product of her uncontrolled hormones, having a thick smell even loitering in her room guaranteed a better rest. It was as if Keith still stood by her side even without being, which seemed ridiculous, but it also made her feel comforted.
She never thought that jealousy would lead her to have such basic and instinctive behaviors, but Pidge was happy that she had at least been accompanied by an Alpha as attentive as her boyfriend.
She went down the stairs slowly while her legs got used to walking after being in bed for many days, seeing her family chatting and eating like an ordinary morning, as if nothing had happened, which she deeply appreciated. Even if she knew they were aware that she was helped by Keith to pass her pains while they weren't at home, they wouldn't press more than they should to respect her privacy. Just as it happened with her brother the first time he went through his period of heat, they left everything she could need for her cramps, and enough food so she wouldn't have to strain to cook while they were outside.
Her parents decided to spend the week on the outskirts of the city to take advantage of a couple's time, and not to disturb her daughter's senses any more during her warmth than those who became extremely sensitive to any nearby sound or smell. As long as they weren't dangerous heat stages, such as the danger of internal hemorrhages or high fevers, it was used to keep the omegas as far away from stimuli that could torment their rest, so leaving the families used to be a decision frequent. Her mother, before leaving her, told her that she was the one who decided to call on Keith's help if she considered it necessary, as long as it was with caution and care. Pidge didn't answer at that time, but the next day she preferred to call him when she failed to sleep because of her cramps.
Her brother meanwhile preferred to spend a week with Shiro, so she wasn't surprised to find marks under his neck that he tried to cover himself with a coat while talking to his father about the new Garrison programs. It was a useless exercise, the smell of Shiro was all over his body.
The only good thing she remembered all week, is that despite having wavered with preventing Keith from knotting her during her heats, (or more technically, that she had manipulated him in a moment of weakness until she was able to impale herself around his knot) is that they prevented it from being bitten, or that would definitely have been a topic of conversation between both families.
The fact that she knotted it wasn't a big problem. Pidge could avoid pregnancy with special suppressants that she took from her brother's room when her season of heat ended, but a mark was a much more complex matter that couldn't be taken lightly.
When she finished breakfast, Pidge decided to take her things quickly to go to school before her mother began with problematic questions that Pidge had no intention of answering yet. Although she loved her so much as to trust many things that the common people considered unthinkable, since the dynamics of omegas were still a moderately forbidden matter in society's view, her mother was still an overly intrusive Alpha about her private life.
She came to the Garrison with some shame when some eyes began to settle on her differently. Pidge knew it was due to the end of her heat and her scent was still releasing certain pheromones that attracted even some betas around her. But being subject to looks was something Pidge still felt too scary. She didn't like to attract attention most of the time when in her experience she always used to be negative, and now feeling like a dam in the savannah where predators stalked her before she launched herself wasn't comfortable.
God, she hated being a damn omega.
''It seems you didn't have a good week.'' Pidge growled in response when she heard Lance by her side as he headed for her first class of the day.
''None your business, Lance.'' She said with more poison in her voice than she would have liked, but it was enough for Lance to understand that she wasn't in the mood that day.
''Hey, I don't want to argue with you, calm down Pidge. Did something bad happen in the morning?''
''Not really. Only awkward changes and everything.''
She avoided the eyes of her classmates as soon as she got to the classroom that belonged to her, being followed by Lance who began to understand the reason for her attitude as soon as some curious looks landed on her. For a moment he thought he could hear a grunt of protest from one of her companions when she passed by. Lance sighed heavily as he sat beside her.
''You'll be fine?'' Lance asked worried, Pidge smiled weakly as soon as she felt the scent of him looming around her, as if he were protecting her from others.
''Yeah, it will only be a few days until I stop stinking of sex.''
''I think that's the real problem.'' He moved closer to Pidge to prevent their conversation from being of interest to others. She watched him confused.  ''If you meet Keith during breaks, let him give you his jacket or something.''
''God Pidge you're not going to make me explain to you.''
A faint blush appeared on Lance's face. Pidge smiled mischievously for a brief moment, she adored that he cared so much for her as a younger sister, but he owed her since before his week of heat for bothering her unduly, and if she could embarrass him in the process while explaining something basic like the impregnation of the scent of an Alpha, she would take advantage of it.
It wasn't a situation that seemed suspicious since a few years ago Pidge was a beta just like her brother. And it was valid to think that she really didn't understand very well the dynamics of an omega when it was never necessary.
Lance cleared his throat briefly before continuing, Pidge made her best effort to continue looking ignorant on the subject.
''Okay listen, omegas like you and I are able to impregnate the smell of our partner, it mixes on our body like a second aroma, that makes others, especially other alphas, know that you are paired.'' Pidge nodded slowly, he was really explaining it quite well, which impressed her. "That will prevent others from throwing on you. You completely removed Keith's scent when you took a shower, that's why people think you're an omega without compromise.''
''I had to do.'' She answered incredulously, but still maintaining a low tone. ''I wasn't going to keep all the sweat and other things on my body.''
''Those ‘other things’ kept you safe, Pidge, and with the end of your heat, some may think that you are not only free but also willing to have sex to find a partner.''
''Oh god, this is hell.''
She groaned overwhelmed, Lance patted her back, understanding. It wasn't a piece of information that was commented openly, much less in the classes given by the school before adolescents went through the process of puberty and discovered the genres in which they belonged. But usually, the omegas were too possessive with the scent of Alpha after their jealousy to quickly get rid of it during baths. He had to assume that with Pidge something was going to be different. To be an omega, there were too many of her mother's genes in her.
''I will tell Keith that you are looking for him after class, talk to him and explain the situation. He will surely understand.''
''Thank you, Lance.'' Pidge said with some more relief. ''I just hope this ends at the end of the day.''
''Yeah...'' Lance smiled awkwardly as soon as he felt the thick scent of more than one Alpha in the room, with clear intentions to draw his friend's attention to a possible courtship. ''Me too.''
 Although the atmosphere felt tense during classes when her classmates began to growl, the day passed without major problems because her teacher kept the alphas in the classroom at bay. She felt tense, so her inner omega began to release a scent of stress all over the place, causing her companions to stop for now.
If she was scared, it would be impossible for an Alpha to accept her. So, they decided to calm down in the middle of class, paying attention to the board until Pidge even forgot for a moment the whole situation.
But as soon as classes were over, she quickly left for Garrison's advanced pilot zone without looking back or answering the call of her classmates who were completely ignored, she had to find Keith as soon as possible before any event incident happened because of her hormones.
Pidge was scared, she didn't like the idea of ​​having to use her partner to be left alone because of a biological problem, but it was the most efficient solution at the moment. Galaxy Garrison was a huge place with too many alphas running for the space program, so she was the weak individual at the time, and she had to find a way to defend herself from predators who watched her with interest.
When she came to the spacecraft hangar, she found almost no one in sight, so she thought it would be better to wait for him in that place in the meantime. The hangar was open so its smell wasn't as intense as in a closed place. She approached one of the new models that would be launched as a scientific project next month that her father had been talking about for a while. The ship was immense, and Pidge was supposed to take them to the Triton moon in less than three months on the first trip.
It was a structure with fascinating technology, she wondered when it would be the day, she, like her family, would enter the confines of the universe with her own crew.
She hoped it would be soon.
''You shouldn't be here.'' Pidge looked away when she heard a guy a couple of years older walk towards her severely irritated by her presence, her smell reached her strongly, mixed with some curiosity. ''This is the hangar of the advanced piloting course, return to the first-year zone.''
''I'm looking for someone.'' Responded determined, he frowned as if he hadn't understood.
''I'm not suggesting you come back, I'm ordering you.''
''And who the hell are you to come and order something from me?'' She growled irritably, but that guy only took her arm tightly and began to take her towards the exit. ''Let go!''
''Shut up.'' Pidge took a deep breath when she heard his voice rumble in her head, he had used his voice with her. He didn't control her completely but hindered her senses for a few seconds. ''It's amazing that I have to take a damn omega to where it belongs, can't you behave like normal people?''
''Let go.'' She tried again to get out of his grip while trying not to trip over her own feet while walking, but he was stronger and she felt dizzy. ''Just... Keith...''
''What do you have to talk to the emo boy?'' Inquired throwing it with more force, Pidge groaned in pain. ''Won't it be your boyfriend, isn't it?
Pidge showed her teeth in response, something in his tone was not exactly kind when she heard how he meant Keith, she wanted to bite his face to remove that cynical smile from his lips, scratch his throat or at least kick him in the crotch to let her leave her alone.
But in less than an instant, a familiar smell and hands around her shoulders drove her away from that subject like a lifeguard. She looked over to meet Keith, who frowned in irritation and part of his upper lip trembled avoiding showing teeth.
She performed a happy trill from the bottom of her throat when Keith walked along with her toward the opposite direction of the exit. She was sure that he had exchanged a couple of words with the annoying guy that threw her as if it were a dog, but she was so focused on feeling her smell to get out of the trance that the damn asshole had left her that she didn't pay much attention.
They sat in boxes outside the hangar, where only a couple of pilots were outside chatting or drinking some coffee. Pidge was sure that her classes had started a few minutes ago, but she was so calm next to Keith that she thought it wouldn't be so bad to skip them for the day.
''You have to be careful next time.'' Keith said after several minutes in silence, she watched him carefully. ''That guy was a newly graduated cadet; he could have sent you to the director's office if he wanted to.''
''I didn't do anything wrong, he treated me like I was an insect to smash. Damn fool...''
''If you feel like revenge, you could tell Shiro or your father.'' Keith shrugged.  ''It wouldn't be very difficult for him to receive a warning for treating you badly. What he did anyway was unfair.''
''No.'' She answered a little tired. ''I don't want to resort to that at the moment, I will fight my own battles. Besides... I'm reserving it when I really need it.''
''How to sneak off to Iverson computers?'' Keith inquired amused, she laughed maliciously.
''I doubt that your father agrees to defend you with that.''
''It doesn't matter if he agrees with what I do, but that it helps me so that Iverson doesn't drive me out of Garrison.''
''How ruthless you are Katie Holt.''
''You are the least indicated to talk about ethics.''
Keith shook his head laughing at her, but Pidge saw the sweetest and warmest smile that made her heart completely tender, felt her glands relax to give way to a thick, sweet fragrance as she approached him a little more, until they were hugging while they watched as the ships began their test flights, the smell that Pidge released at that time was very similar to the flowers that her mother loved to grow at home. She couldn't help it, she loved that boy too much. Keith had been with her at the most fragile moment of her life and never stopped treating her with tenderness and affection, even when she had become really violent from time to time.
She vaguely remembered how the other alphas watched her from the moment she entered Garrison that morning, as the guy treated her just for believing she was being upset. Pidge hated the alphas who thought of her as if it were a nuisance or a prize to win. Keith was the only Alpha capable of emerging in her feelings that flowed with just a simple smile, a fire from which only her smell and kisses inflamed from her vestiges.
They stayed there all day. Away from the eyes of others, there was no other place they wanted to be than in each other's arms while their aromas mingled as a demonstration of possession in the other.
At least that would make it clear that Pidge didn't need another Alpha.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty-Six.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Persecute. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Middle Age! AU Status: Part 2/2
She was attentive repeating in her mind the teachings of Shiro as she tightened the rope with her hands without losing sight of her objective, vaguely remembering how he had been instilled to point the arrow in the right direction. The deer looked around without knowing that Pidge was stalking her at a safe distance, eating the precarious grass that was beginning to bloom with the coming of spring, indicating that she had done an excellent job hiding in the undergrowth. It was a simple shot; she couldn't fail like last time.
Suddenly, she let out a light gasp when felt Keith's hands around her waist, taking her so gently that for a moment she thought had imagined it, but when she looked out of the corner of her eye she saw him by her side, looking at his target with the same thorough analysis of which it was so characterized. He moved her left hand that held the bow a couple of millimeters up. Pidge could feel his breath hitting the contour of her neck as if he was playing with her trying to distract her in a wicked game.
Pidge closed her eyes for a second, for that reason she hated to have Keith accompany her to hunt.
''You’re tense the bow.'' Keith whispered over her ear, Pidge could feel his lips pink her skin for a few seconds, giving her a chill on her spine. ''The shot has to be precise, or you will fail again.''
''I know.'' Pidge answered, trying to concentrate everything she could and not to think that Keith's hand was moving too close to her ribs, the deer still didn't move from his position.
The movement that came after hearing him was as subtle and direct as the voice that ordered her. The shot was right, but the strength of the arrow was not enough to break the deer's neck, so he quickly fled to the depths of the forest when he felt the blow coming from nowhere. Pidge groaned defeated approaching the place where her arrow fell after impact, part of the tip was bloodied by the cut that had surely made the poor animal.
''It seems that you lacked some strength.'' Keith commented once he approached her. ''At least you didn't miss the shot.''
''It is not enough.'' Pidge snorted frustrated. ''It's my fourth lonely hunt and I haven't been able to catch even a rabbit.'' Keith smiled sympathetically at her words, circling her shoulders with his arm to comfort her in some way.
''You have advanced a lot in recent months Pidge, it's just a matter of time.''
''I don't need time, I need to improve.''
Keith's eyes darkened at her words, thinking of the reasons she might have for wanting to improve her collection skills as soon as possible. But even though they had known and worked together for two years, she was lately being too reluctant towards him, so she didn't talk about the account when Keith asked her something else. Pidge closed completely, especially when they were alone as if she didn't trust his intentions enough or his mere presence generated a hint of anxiety, which saddened Keith more than he would like to admit.
To be honest, Keith was to blame. Their relationship had turned to deep discomfort since the last talk they had.
A couple of months ago, after an attack on a nearby tribe that claimed their territory as their own, they had been too injured during the battle when they defended the town, so they were forced to keep absolute rest on orders from Shiro and the council. Keith and Pidge spent many nights together as they needed rest, and over time, their relationship had turned to something much more intimate and enjoyable. So it was no surprise to anyone to accompany them in their recovery. One night, amid laughter caused by alcohol and the vulnerability that silence was around, Keith admitted that, at the next summer solstice ceremony, he would link ties with the strongest woman in the tribe. He hoped he realized he was referring to her, it was an act too bold for his own heart and he didn't feel brave enough to say her name out loud, but Pidge's reaction was a loud throat and a mocking laugh, changing the subject as if what Keith was telling her was absolutely stupid. He let it go, anyway, Pidge was still Roman, so surely the union of ties made no sense to her.
The next day, she didn't look at him all day. Lance had even asked him if he knew the reason she was acting strange, but Keith ignored the matter. What he least wanted was for Lance to know what he was planning because he would tell Romelle, and therefore, the entire town would find out.
Since then Pidge acted as if his presence bothered her. Keith tried to give her signs in every possible way before the solstice ceremony when he officially planned to ask for her hand, but it seemed that she didn't affect him in the least.
In the back of his mind, Keith thought that perhaps his feelings weren't the same as Pidge felt for him. Maybe he had confused everything and she just needed someone to feel comfortable with after the loss of her family. Although Shiro had told him that possibly his feelings were reciprocal, at that moment Keith was beginning to doubt.
He watched her cross the roads with grace and agility while looking for new prey to hunt, leaving him behind on various occasions. Keith was proud of how much she had advanced in the last year since she began practicing with the bow. It is not as if she had the obligation to accept him, she was a free woman anyway.
''I think all animals have agreed to avoid me.'' Pidge commented approaching him, completely defeated. ''This is useless, it took me hours to find a deer.''
''Deer are beautiful and intelligent beings.'' Keith said smiling softly. ''They realize when a predator is stalking them.''
''So I'm being too obvious?'' Pidge asked raising an eyebrow in annoyance. ''I thought you told me I was doing a good job hiding.''
''You do. But you are also very anxious, and animals can smell it.'' Keith stepped back towards the sky, the light began to dim. ''We'd better go back, you can try tomorrow.''
''No, come back if you want. I won't leave here until I catch something.'' Pidge continued on her way to the opposite side, Keith sighed heavily at her stubbornness, following her. Pidge looked confused. ''What are you doing?''
''It's getting dark, it would be irresponsible to leave you alone.''
''You don't have to do this.''
''I want to do it.'' Keith replied approaching her, but Pidge just looked away annoyed.
''I don't need a babysitter, if you're here it will be harder to find something to hunt.''
''Why are you so obstinate with that?'' Keith questioned losing a little more patience.
''I already told you, it's none of your business.'' Keith took her wrist tightly, preventing her from moving away. ''Let me go.''
''No one in the village is upset about that, stop thinking you don't fit in here just because there is something you are not good at.''
''I need to be good in this.''
''Why?'' Pidge growled trying to let go, but Keith's strength didn't allow it.  ''Are you trying to prove something to someone? Is that?''
''Keith let go of me.''
''Answer me Katie!''
''Why are you so interested in that?!''
''Because I don't want anyone to court you!''
Keith shouted, at last, stopping the struggle while they both watched in amazement. The silence felt heavy until after a few seconds, Pidge got rid of Keith's hands. He sighed heavily, looking towards any part of the forest so as not to see her directly.
''What are you talking about?'' Pidge asked, her voice echoed heavily in the air. ''Now I'm something you should protect? Do you think that I am not able to fend for myself?''
''Is not that…''
''So what is it!?'' She shouted angrily, taking a couple of steps back, she didn't want to be near him. ''Do you think being by my side gives you the right to act like my older brother?!''
''You are important to me Pidge! How hard is it to believe that?!''
''I don't want another brother, Keith! No-'' She put her hands to her head as her tears began to emerge, looking around as if the words were no longer enough to prove her pain. ''I don't want you to keep looking at me like I'm a girl...''
''… I don't do it. ''He said after a few seconds, his mind was blank, his body was not able to respond either. Keith began to feel his feelings too heavy on his back. ''I never saw you like a sister to protect. ''He took a couple of steps towards her, taking her face with his hands so that her eyes met. Pidge's tears spilled on her cheeks. ''I love you, Katie.''
Keith thought it was enough for her to finally understand his feelings that he had hidden for long months since he began to know her better, but before he knew it, Pidge hit him hard to get away from her, and later, she ran away towards the depth of the forest.
 She could hear the wolves moving around her position looking for something to feed on, she was sure for the moment when Hunk's words about hiding from potential predators resonated in her mind, but she had to stay alert if she didn't want to meet in her own path for some mistake. From an early age, her family had instilled about the dangers of being in the depths of the forest late at night when they made outings on some important event, wild animals came out hunting and anyone, however brave and cunning it was an easy target for them. All of her senses were alert as she walked hard through the damp grass, but Pidge knew that she couldn't stay too long in one place while trying to find her way to the village. She cursed herself internally when she fled from Keith, she was completely lost thanks to her impulsiveness.
The temperature dropped to almost freezing her bones, the moon didn't deliver enough light to be sure where she was treading, but she prayed to all the gods to find her way back as soon as possible. She didn't want things to end that way, all Pidge wanted was for Keith to let her make her own mistakes while perfecting herself in the hunt. She needed to become a dignified woman before the summer solstice celebration, she needed both Krolia and Kolivan to consider her a suitable woman to fight for Keith's hand. It was the only goal she had since that night in which Keith had confessed to her because of alcohol, that she felt it was time to commit to someone else.
She knew that the Celts had a different way of compromising compared to her own people. In Rome, her circle was marrying by political or military power, she was sure that her father would have ended up marrying some son of a minister eventually, and she could say absolutely nothing against it. Nor is it as if she cared too much, Pidge had grown up loving the knowledge of the sciences and constellations around her, she didn't think she would find love in marriage as her parents had done.
Actually, nobody did.
But Pidge remembered reading, a long time ago, that the Celts were engaged in a strong sense of camaraderie and appreciation of their partner. They worked as partners while composing their own family, respect was mutual and there was no difference in power over another. Pidge had seen her while living in the village in recent years, they even thought that after death their souls would remain united. And Pidge was hoping one day to find that same way of life with the person who loved her as she was.
When she learned about Keith's intentions, she thought it would be a good opportunity to fight for what he wanted. She had betrayed her people, fled her home, left behind a life of luxury to work together with Celts. Pidge felt that nothing was impossible for her if she tried her best. She just had to prove that she was worthy enough to ask for the hand of the son of one of the highest authorities in the village. Keith was the person who had helped her the most with Shiro to adapt to her new life, he was her friend, her confidant of her greatest fears, and sometimes he acted so close to her... That she thought that perhaps he was able to reciprocate.
But now, remembering how she acted as soon as he was declared hours ago, Pidge didn't know how to respond, all she expected was that Keith wouldn't hate her for that.
She stopped abruptly when she heard the gallops of a horse nearby, hiding under a rotten trunk where the moonlight didn't reach and thus wasn't detected quickly. Except for her dear partner, there were no horses in the forest, and the Celts didn't use them.
When she felt the gallop near her body as it stopped and a loud voice rumbled in the dark of the night, Pidge felt her heart stop for a few seconds and her breathing caught in her throat.
The subject spoke Latin, who was near the lands of the Celtic village was a Roman.
Pidge prayed to the gods that she wasn't an emperor's envoy. Or that would imply that they were thinking of attacking the village.
She crawled much deeper into the trunk, preventing her from seeing her by chance when she heard him get off the horse, she was only able to see his feet lacking any armor. Pidge felt that her dress was stained with mud and grass, and Pidge hoped she wouldn't have an allergic reaction after a few minutes.
She took the bow on her back, if she was fast enough Pidge might be able to shoot him in the chest before she ran, if she had any luck, she would find the village to warn them of the threat. But as fast as she heard him walk, he climbed on his horse and began a slow gallop in the opposite direction. Pidge waited a few minutes before getting up, realizing that the subject was no longer at her side.
He began to walk towards the opposite direction from where she heard him heading, but before taking a couple of steps, Pidge heard the howl and the grinding of the horse behind her back. Pidge didn't think too much where he was going, she had to run away from him.
The forest was humid because of the low temperatures of the night, but she was agile enough to evade the blockages while the Roman followed her at a distance that gradually began to shorten.
Pidge avoided the tears being released while taking the bow and shooting at one of the horse's legs, her hands shook so much that when the arrow shot out, she cut off part of her left hand. She was scared, but to her great relief that didn't prevent the shot from failing, she watched as the animal fell terribly towards the ground while the subject quickly recovered. Starting a new persecute, at least Pidge had more advantage in a race than on horseback.
She began to tense a new arrow, but when she looked back again, the subject threw herself on her to stop her, Pidge shouted in fright when she felt his hands forcing her to release the bow, losing against his strength. Her heart was beating vigorously because of the race and she had only one option left that she hoped would be enough. With a free hand, Pidge took the knife that Keith had given her to defend herself against her attacker, but when she got up and took off his hood in a single movement, she clearly saw his features with the help of the moon, her breath stopped.
Pidge thought she was hallucinating.
He surely believed it too.
She lowered the knife until he dropped it to the ground, her tears began to fall back on her face until the lump of her throat didn't allow her to say a single word, she was overwhelmed and feared that, if she touched him just a little, he would vanish like a cruel illusion.
But it was not necessary.
Keith's scream and watched as her brother Matt was thrown to the ground against the mud was enough to disappear all the shock.
''You're okay!? Didn't it hurt you!?'' Pidge started laughing after seeing the hilarious scene that was forming while processing it in her head, pushing Keith away from Matt's body.
''It's okay! He's my brother!''
''What?'' Pidge did her best to lift his body but only saw that Keith had knocked him out, which was not a surprise, he had fallen hard from nowhere. ''I thought your brother Matt died in the fire.''
''Me too.'' She raised his hand to see it in the low light they had. Seeing how a fairly pronounced x was drawn on his back. ''Matt was a slave...'' She whispered hatefully. ''The empire transformed him into a slave when he lost his civil rights...''
''Pidge...'' She looked up slowly, with a strong determination on her face. ''He escaped like Shiro from the colosseum, you have to take him to the village as soon as possible.''
''I will take him.''
Keith took it between his back to load it correctly without effort, so Pidge thought he was probably malnourished by the miserable life he was forced to lead. They began to walk in silence, again the tension felt on their shoulders and the shock of finding her brother after two years make Pidge turned her stomach.
When they arrived at the village, everyone was surprised at how dirty and ragged they looked from a simple hunt. Shiro was the first to react when he saw Matt and the mark on his palm so familiar that he also rested on his own back. Pidge watched as his eyes darkened, avoiding recalling a past that gave him nightmares until this day.
Shay was in charge of treating the visible wounds once she discovered that he had no severe wound that threatened his life, Matt was only tired and needed rest until he was ready to wake up.
Pidge was with him at all times in the night, until she was reprimanded by Shiro to rest properly, she reluctantly agreed after a slight discussion. She knew she couldn't do much for her brother while he was unconscious, she just hopes he woke up as soon as possible.
Once she left the cabin to go to Shiro's home, she could see that the sky began to lighten in a pleasant pinkish color, the dawn mixed with the night from which some stars could still be seen above the sky.
Without realizing it, she couldn't help walking to the place that he knew Keith would be sitting next to Kosmo to observe the constellations.
As she supposed, Keith was lying on the grass, without even having changed even the dirty and muddy clothes.
Pidge sat next to him, for a moment, she felt that all the emotions lived less than twelve hours ago was just a terrible dream. Her body felt exhausted, but strangely she felt no sleep.
''It doesn't have to be this way.'' Keith said after a few minutes, Pidge looked surprised when she heard his voice.
''Make this awkward.'' He said softly, looking at her with a sweet smile that made Pidge compress her chest. Since when was Keith able to smile so warmly?
''It's not... Awkward.''
''Wasn't that why you escaped?''
''It was because I was a coward.'' Pidge admitted quietly. ''I-''
''Don't do it.'' Keith stopped her before she realized, with one hand on her lips, they were too close to the other at that moment. ''I don't want to force you to anything, and with the coming of your brother, it is understandable that you have more important things to do... Just...''
''Keith?'' Pidge didn't know what to say about his words, but his eyes were so full of love and appreciation for her that she didn't know what to say.
''On the day of the solstice, I want you to give me an answer that day.''
''Why?'' Keith looked away in embarrassment.
''It ... It is assumed that, if you accept it during the beginning of summer, the gods will bless us with eternal happiness.'' He said, at last, Pidge felt that her heart could no longer love that man, feeling her own cheeks flush with shame. ''It's okay?''
''Yeah.'' She replied funny. ''I will answer that day, so that we may be blessed for eternity.''
It was a stupid promise, but both couldn't be happier knowing that in that same place, it was the day they met without masks for the first time.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty Two.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Makeshift. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Lesbian!AU Status: Part 2/2
If there was a word to describe herself at that time, Pidge would say desperate.
It was the third time at night that she was sinking into a sea of ​​pessimism while trying to avoid the reason she had decided to drink that night in the first place. Trying to pay attention to the conversation that her friends at the university were discussing, she couldn't help thinking that she felt completely out of place when she had nothing to contribute to the misfortunes, they shared regarding how difficult the final exams had been.
Ridiculously, the more glasses she served, her memories returned with greater force and tormented her in silence, so Pidge realized sooner rather than later that her departure had been completely useless.
''Come on Pidge.'' Allura pressed a hand against her shoulder to distract her, with a sympathetic smile. ''You haven't talked all night, at least you have to try.''
''I do.''
Pidge responded heavily taking a sip from her glass to avoid looking at Allura directly into the eyes. For some strange reason, since they met and began to establish a curious friendship, Allura was too good to discover her lies in just a couple of seconds. Whereas Pidge described herself as a professional liar. Or at least regarding her feelings that she hardly used to release properly.
Romelle watched them for a few seconds, before joining their conversation casually.
''Are you suffering sorrows of love?''
Well, the fact that Pidge practically had her problem written on her forehead didn't help at all.
''It's more ... A communication problem.''  Allura added trying to use the right words. ''Is Keith still not talking to you?'' An eyebrow trembled on Pidge's face at the mention of her name.
''That bastard…''
''Is that why she didn't come into the bar?'' Romelle moved closer to them to speak without shouting for the bustling atmosphere. ''I didn't know Keith and you were in bad terms. Usually, I always see you together in the halls of the faculty.''
''Like a duckling following the mommy duck.'' Allura commented with a funny smile. ''Although in this case, the mommy duck is Pidge. It is rare to see you separated for so long.''
''Who started the discussion? Maybe we can help you.''
''We don't argue.'' Pidge replied dryly, with a painful grin on her lips.
''So, did something else happen?''
Pidge fell silent again, looking away to a lost point in the bar so as not to face their intrusive faces. She trusted both in spite of everything, but that situation was almost so ridiculous that even she couldn't explain it correctly. Not at all in a place where noises hindered any discussion, and when around she could have some listener of her faculty that could generate unfortunate events.
No, Pidge would save her problem for now. She didn't want to put Keith in trouble or involve her in some gossip. More than bad, the reason she didn't answer the messages as much as she insisted and avoided it in classes was probably because of shame.
When Pidge woke up the next day after kissing her at the bar and sleeping with Keith in her apartment, Pidge thought that her feelings would finally correspond once and for all. She had been in love with Keith since she met her in a college class, but since Pidge had never had a romantic interest in another woman, she simply thought it was a misunderstanding. She spent months repeating the same idea, Keith was a very close friend for her and what she least wanted was to do or say something that would end her relationship. But when she was done with Lance, she had given her so much comfort on her most painful nights that Pidge ridiculously thought she might have a chance to confess now. She already knew that Keith was a lesbian and so far she hadn't spoken of any romantic interest, but the implicit rejection persisted, losing her voice and confidence as soon as she had the opportunity to speak with her.
Talking to Shiro about her crush that night had given her enough courage to confess, ending in an awkward moment with Pidge trying to make sense of her thoughts while holding Keith because of her drunkenness. But when she kissed her, being reciprocated, and when she woke up that morning, Pidge thought that everything had turned out well in the end. Her heart felt deeply filled with love for the woman she loved.
Only Keith acted quite reluctantly with her when she saw her in the living room. Without looking directly into her eyes, avoiding physical contact as she approached, and fleeing so quickly from the apartment when she served a simple breakfast for Pidge.
She stood there, alone, and too confused. Pidge didn't know what she had done wrong for Keith to reject her like that. And the next few days all she did was avoid her like a plague. The answer was clear, Keith didn't want to see her.
Shiro had lied to her, but much more important than that, Pidge felt like a completely stupid to think that her feelings would be reciprocated by Keith.
She swallowed hard when she let the swallow of her glass go by a single trip. Black vodka was the only thing she needed to decorate herself as the most desperate bitch in the world.
''You know Pidge ... It's okay if you don't want to talk about it.'' Allura circled her shoulders with her arm. ''But you should look for a way to distract yourself.''
''Aren't we already in a bar?'' Pidge inquired with a frown; the liquor was already beginning to take effect in her system when slight dizziness hit her head when she moved her head.
''Yeah well, going out and drinking is fine as a first step.'' She took Pidge's face to direct her to a specific place, there, a couple of boys watched them with great interest. ''But I mean another kind of distraction.''
''Allura!'' Romelle said with surprise at what her friend was suggesting.
''What? It is not something from another world.'' She stated simply. ''Besides, Pidge needs to relax from time to time.''
''But you're talking to Pidge.'' Romelle replied as if it were a logical fact and Allura was suggesting ridicule. "She doesn't do those things."
''Who has said that? I can do anything.'' Pidge moved from her own seat already tired of the discussion. Leaving Romelle with a perplexed expression, and a wide smile from Allura at what she would do. ''Distraction.'' She responded dryly, heading towards Allura, she nodded proudly.
''Have fun.''
She passed Romelle to take a quick look at the subject who was looking at her with more interest, to head towards the dance area. While walking to the deepest part of the track, crashing into sweaty and hot bodies that rubbed without any shame, away from the eyes of her friends, she felt a sensation on her neck that made her understand that the guy was following her. When space was large enough to turn around, she met him directly, taking her wrist with a slight squeeze and a shy smile, enough so that Pidge could remove it if necessary.
Well, at least he was kind.
She brought him to her body with her arms shallowly around his neck, the rhythm of the atmosphere was slow but intense that gave the feeling of surrendering to the instincts subtly. He asked her name after a few seconds; Pidge did the same by giving him her family nickname. There was no need be honest with him, it was just something Pidge did to deconcentrate her problems, even for a few seconds.
They followed a pleasant rhythm for many minutes, feeling their partner's hands pass near forbidden areas of her body, but at that time Pidge didn't care in the least. Romelle was right, Pidge didn't get used to performing such actions, nor did she dance with strangers who promised more than just a pleasant moment on the dance floor, with eyes that were flooded with lust as he approached her face.
But Pidge could try and just have a good time, she told herself internally. Maybe because of the vodka, or because of the emotional exhaustion that already exceeded her. Whatever it was, she did nothing to prevent that stranger from kissing her once he reached his lips.
Pidge deepened the kiss by closing her eyes tightly, she no longer wanted to think about anything, or the university, or his friends, or Keith, or how his mouth felt so different that night compared to what she was savoring in that instant.
She felt that she was so screwed when even at that moment, her brain was only directed at Keith.
The thought about walking away from him and heading towards her apartment.  Making a makeshift date with her friends and kissing an unknown guy in the bar had taken a great first step. But suddenly, Pidge felt that her hands pulled her so hard that she didn't avoid letting out a little cry of surprise. The unknown guy also seemed to be as shocked as she was.
''What the hell…''
Pidge turned to face the fool who perhaps pushed her by accident, but when he saw Keith staring at her furiously, his heart jumped in surprise. She approached her body towards her with one hand on her waist, Pidge was not able to move away.
They walked away from the track without looking back, even when the night boy's screams echoed loudly over the crowd. Pidge thought she might have left him with a sad erection that he hoped to use that night, but she couldn't care less.
At that moment, she only had her attention on Keith, who walked swiftly through people who barely managed to stand properly, holding her body tightly close to her.
When they reached the alley behind the bar. Pidge pushed her knee to her stomach, removing the air from her lungs.
Now Keith would listen to her.
''What the hell was that!?'' Pidge inquired severely as she watched her holding on to the wall. When Keith managed to stand up properly, she watched her incredulously.
''That should be my line. '' She inhaled deeply once she could breathe again. ''What the hell were you doing in there? Since when Katie Holt kisses with strangers?''
''That's none of your business.'' Pidge replied with anger in her voice, staring at Keith for long seconds. Finally, Keith looked away, letting out a dry laugh.
''Shiro was wrong. The other night really meant nothing to you.''
''Excuse me?''
Pidge felt a deep desire to hit again and leave her on the floor just breathing. But when Keith raised her face, she saw eyes so full of pain that, for a moment, Pidge felt sorry.
There was something Keith wasn't telling her.
''Keith, what are you talking about.'' Pidge tried again, a little nicer to make her talk.
''I mean the night when we sleep together, Pidgy.'' Keith leaned heavily against the wall. ''Shiro told me that you talked to him about your feelings that night, and he was sure you would correspond to me when I told him what happened, but ... It seems that it is not so.''
''Why do you think I don't feel the same for you?''
''You just kissed a stranger!'' Pidge took her face with her hands to stare at her.
''Keith, it was you who walked away from me in the first place. You weren't even able to look at me the next day!'' Keith moved away from her touch as if she burned her.
''It wasn't because I didn't love you...''
''So what the hell happened to you!?'' Pidge barked loudly, already exhausted from her avoidance reactions.
''I was afraid! Okay!? I was completely scared to think that you were really interested in me!''
''Why? Is it so weird that I like a woman ?!''
''Yes! It is impossible that you were interested in me!'' Keith fell to the ground after screaming, holding her head with both hands, Pidge stared at her in silence. ''You were drunk Katie, I thought you would feel uncomfortable with me once you remembered everything ... Then I just couldn't look you in the face and think you would repudiate me for that.''
''You could tell me, you know?'' Pidge answered, sitting next to her. The noise and music of the bar echoed between the walls. ''I felt rejected when you left, I thought I fucked it for kissing you that way.''
''Me too.'' Keith said, sighing deeply. ''I guess I was too coward to ask you.''
Again, the silence appeared between them, without knowing what to say or how to act at that point. Pidge simply, banged her shoulder against hers playfully.
''I still like you; the bar boy doesn't mean anything.'' Keith smiled shyly, leaning her head against hers.
''I like you too, a lot.''
Both hands were intertwined to emphasize their words, their hearts felt accelerated when they heard each other's feelings and the atmosphere turned towards a more intimate and pleasant space.
''We are both a disaster.'' Pidge commented laughing at herself, Keith nodded biting her lips. ''So, from now on, let's talk if something worries us, okay?'' Keith nodded approaching her to kiss her lips sweetly, for a second, her eyes met and supported their foreheads with each other.
''I promise.''
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