#kids don’t mix tequila and energy drink it is very not healthy you will not be okay afterwards
to-be-a-dreamer · 2 years
Yesterday my friend was telling me a story about how he drank eight shots of tequila mixed with two energy drinks and then woke up without a hangover and went to work just fine. And we were joking about how the shock of two energy drinks and the shock of 1.5 cups of straight tequila probably canceled each other out when he looked me dead in the eye and very seriously said “Don’t drink until you’re twenty-one and do it responsibly” like an older sibling suddenly getting protective. This man is only a few months older than me and also is not twenty-one yet.
Anyways it gives me Jack Kelly vibes cause you know that boy is constantly lecturing the younger newsies (they are three months younger) about how to be safe while you’re out selling and to stay away from drugs and alcohol and Charlie is just there in the background recounting every idiotic thing Jack has done in the past week alone
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kohanayaki · 5 years
Caught in the Middle (Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove) Ch 3
Links: Ch 1   Ch 2   Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6   Ch 7
Ch 3 .:An Eventful Evening:.
The rest of the week went by in a flash. You adjusted pretty quickly to your new school, and you were starting to make some new friends as well. After the whole basketball-to-the-face incident you found yourself talking to Steve more. He always made you laugh during your classes together and his friends were fun to hang out with too. You started eating lunch with their group and they welcomed you in like you'd been friends with them all your life.
However, there was someone else who slowly started to weasel his way into your daily life:
Billy Hargrove. 
He'd let up on the flirting at least a little bit, but he still insisted on trying to talk to you. At first you were tempted to tell him exactly where he could shove it, but your mind drifted back to what you saw at his house. Of course his circumstances were no excuse for his behavior, but you gave him less shit than you normally would. He seemed to notice this, too, taking it as an opening to talk to you since you weren't shutting him down every five seconds. 
It started off as him simply asking to borrow a pencil in class. You both knew he didn't need one, but you entertained him anyways. His usual flirty comments became something you got used to, and after a few days you actually found yourself looking forward to his stupid jokes in math class and the witty banter you two shared. 
Turns out whenever he wasn't around his family or his shitty friends, the Keg King could actually be a decent person to hang out with. Still, you made sure to keep your distance. You knew if you let your guard down for a second you'd end up making the same bad decisions it always came to with guys like him. 
Nonetheless, the week flew by, and by the time Saturday night came around you were ready to knock out in your bed the second you stepped foot in your house.
“Dad, we're home!” Kyle called up the stairs. 
“Hey kids,” your dad smiled, peeking his head out of the office before making his way down to the living room, “How was your day?”
“Pretty good,” Kyle said.
“I'm going to sleep,” you answered tiredly. 
“Um, actually, (Y/n), we're going to Tina's to study for the Biology test, remember?” Kyle said.
'Shit,' you thought. You completely forgot about the party.
“A test after just the first week of school?” your dad questioned.
“Uh, yeah, accelerated courses and all that,” Kyle said unconvincingly.
You wanted to slam your head into the door frame.
Your dad rose a suspicious brow and nodded slowly.
“Well, you better wait at least an hour after you finish 'studying' before you drive back,” he called over his shoulder.
Kyle groaned, he knew he was busted. 
“You know I don't mind you two having fun so long as you're safe,” your dad said, “Just remember-”
“No crank, no speed, no heroin,” you and Kyle spoke in tandem. 
“That's right,” your dad said proudly, walking back up the stairs, “Have fun, kids! Be home by 2:00. I'll be up working tonight, so I will know if you're out late.”
“Alright, dad,” you grinned. Once he disappeared back into his office you turned to your brother.
“Nice acting, Macchio,” you rolled your eyes.
“Hey, it was worth a shot,” Kyle said. 
“Are you seriously making me stay for that stupid party?” you sighed, already knowing the answer.
“I'm offended you'd think I'd let you off that easy,” your brother smirked. 
You groaned, flopping down on the couch. 
“You seriously need to go out tonight,” Kyle said, “you'll start growing mushrooms if you stay inside any longer.”
You shot him a half-glare and sighed. Guess there really was no chance of a relaxing evening for you tonight. 
You were able to at least sneak in a half hour nap before you had to make your way upstairs to get ready. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you reached behind your record player to take out your Pyromania vinyl, Rock of Ages playing as you placed the needle down. 
You brushed out your hair, teasing a few pieces on top to give yourself some volume and setting it with a few puffs of hairspray. You kept your t shirt on to be comfy but changed out of your jeans, opting for a black skirt instead. You used a ponytail to tie your shirt behind you, making it cinch in at the waist. At the last minute you decided to put on some burgundy lipstick; If you were going to be forced out of the house you were going to look damn good at the least.
As you bounded down the stairs you saw your brother already waiting by the door.
“Took you long enough,” Kyle said playfully.
“Watch it,” you said, “I can still drop your ass in the middle of the street and make you walk the rest of the way.”
He laughed, opening the door for you as you got your keys out of your bag.
“I can't go too crazy tonight,” you said as you got into the driver's seat, “I'm driving the kids to Starcourt tomorrow morning.”
“You might have to carry me to the car then, because my plans for tomorrow exclusively include sleeping, so I'm going to get wasted,” Kyle said. 
You shook your head as you laughed, the engine of your car roaring to life. Kyle gave you the address to Tina's house and you drove off into the night. 
You knew Kyle was looking forward to the party, probably more so to talk to this Tina girl, but you were still a little wary. It wasn't as if the place would be swarming with people who liked you. Tommy and Carol were bound to be there whether Tina invited them or not, and most of the people at Hawkins High who knew you in middle school didn't even remember your name. On the upside, it gave you a relatively clean slate to work with. You were pretty much known as the new girl with the cool car that hung out with Steve, and you were just fine with that.
You could hear the music from the party before Tina's house even came into view. When you finally pulled up to her driveway you could tell you were in for a night. Every floor of her house was filled with people, and you could hear yelling coming from her back yard. One couple had their tongues down each others throats under the tree in front of her house, the stragglers nearby too busy throwing up in the street to notice.
As you opened the door to the house you had to practically fight your way inside. There was hardly any space to walk, and it's not like the drunken people you were trying to get around were particularly aware of their surroundings. 
When you and Kyle finally managed to get to the makeshift bar in the kitchen you took a moment to breathe, grateful to get your personal space back.
“Is this what you wanted?” you laughed.
“Absolutely,” Kyle grinned as he mixed you a Jack and coke, “This is our chance to go crazy and be the stupid teenagers we were always meant to be. You got way too straight-laced in New York. It's time to be a little less responsible.”
He handed you the drink he made and you accepted it, caving in. 
“I'm supposed to be the responsible one,” you said, taking a sip, “You know, to make sure you don't end up in jail.”
He only shrugged, downing a shot of tequila. You looked around for a bit; it was relatively low energy for how many people there were. 
“Hey, do you know where the music's coming from?” you asked Kyle.
“Boom box in the back,” he said, “Why, not a fan?”
“Just want a change in atmosphere,” you grinned, making your way through the hot, crowded room.
As you reached the deafening source of the party's music you shuffled through the box of cassette tapes next to it. You dug around for a while, reaching the very bottom before pulling out one with a label that made you smile. 
You ejected the old tape, people yelling out as the music suddenly cut. You placed the one you found inside, pressing play and letting the intro riff of Motley Crue's Shout at the Devil ring out through the house. 
The energy of the party was almost instantly cranked up to eleven, a group of drunk jocks starting to scream as they heard the song playing. You watched as they moved outside, competing to see who could hold the longest keg stand. Among them was Billy Hargrove, who you knew would be in attendance to defend his 'Keg King' title. His back was facing you as he braced himself against the keg, pushing himself into a hand stand while he drank from it. You rolled your eyes as the crowd around him went crazy, howling to the sky and pouring beers over their own heads.
As you shifted your attention elsewhere you saw your brother talking to Tina across the room and you smirked to yourself, walking over to grab another drink. You gave him a high five as you passed by and he gave you a thumbs up while Tina wasn't looking. You laughed as he did. Kyle was such a dork, but you still wished him the best. Tina really was a nice girl despite being surrounded by judgmental assholes.
You took a moment to scan the kitchen table which held every brand of cheap alcohol a high school student could think to steal from their parent's liquor cabinet. You reached over to grab a bottle of fireball, pouring some into your solo cup. As you took a sip you felt a familiar burn in your throat, leaving a hot cinnamon flavor behind in your mouth. You topped yourself off before setting your sights on an empty spot on the couch, pushing through the crowd to sit down and hopefully go relatively unbothered. 
“Hey, you're the new girl, right?”
So much for that.
You bit back a sigh as you turned in your seat to see who just sat down next to you. You recognized him from your P.E. class; he was one of the guys on Billy's team. 
“Can I help you?” you stated rather than asked, trying to be polite as possible while shutting this guy down. 
“You certainly can,” he said suggestively, “But don't worry, I'll be sure to help you out in return.”
You grimaced, taking a healthy swig of your drink. This might turn out to be a long night. 
“Listen,” you snapped, “I'm really not in the mood to pretend to be civil right now, so this would be a lot easier if you just slinked back into whatever hole you crawled out of.”
The smirk on his face fell at your words.
“Come on, don't be difficult,” he said, placing a hand on your thigh.
“Hey, watch it,” you glared, moving to swat his hand away. He grabbed your wrist as you did, his hand moving slowly up your thigh. As he leaned into your face you were blasted with the smell of vodka on his breath.
“Let's have some fun, doll~”
You didn't let it go any further than that.
You took one last sip of your drink before throwing the rest of it into his face. He howled in pain, recoiling immediately as the liquor seeped into his eyes.
“You bitch!” he growled, staggering back blindly and trying desperately to find the bathroom.
You scoffed as he stumbled away, looking down at your now empty cup.
“What a waste,” you sighed to yourself.
You heard someone chuckle behind you and you spun around, ready to fend off any other creep who tried to come up to you.
“You're ruthless, sweetheart,” Billy grinned, “33% alcohol to the eyes has to bite. I was planning on being your knight in shining armor, but I guess you had it covered.”
The tension in your shoulders left when you saw who it was, but only slightly. This was still Billy, there was no doubt he'd try something. You were about to make a sarcastic retort when the words got caught in your throat.
You hadn't been able to tell during his keg stand with his back facing you, but underneath that leather jacket of his, there was no shirt to be found. Even in the dim lighting you could see how defined his muscles were. His chest looked like it was sculpted out of stone, his tan skin glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. 
Billy smirked devilishly as he caught you staring, taking the seat next to you and slinging an arm around the back of the couch, not quite touching your shoulders. 
“See something you like?” he cooed.
You didn't know what came over you, but in that instant a coy smile crept onto your painted lips as you gave him a once over.
That caught Billy off guard more than he wanted to admit or let show. This wasn't too far off from the back and forth game you two usually played, but your banter usually consisted of him flirting with you and you teasing him or finding new creative ways to tell him to fuck off. You've never said anything back that even implied reciprocation on your part, so for you to say something like that so outright was a bit of a shock. Never the less he recovered quickly, his usual smirk settling on his face.
“Finally confessing your love?” he joked.
“No,” you said, “This whiskey's just getting to me.” 
A genuine laugh escaped him as you said that, the sound making your heart flutter. He was so close you could feel his hot breath fan across your skin. He dragged his tongue across his lips, an action your eyes followed. If you just leaned forward a few inches you'd be kissing him right now. 
Your eyes widened as the thought went through your mind, immediately shoving it away.
'No. No no no, what the hell, (Y/n)?' you thought frantically, 'You promised yourself you wouldn't get involved with this guy.'
You cursed your heart for beating so fast, almost certain he could hear it pound against your chest. However, you were both snapped out of the moment when you heard someone call out your name. 
“Hey, (Y/n)!”
Your head snapped up, meeting Steve's eyes. He smiled as you did and waved you over. You turned to Billy, feeling mixed emotions.
“Sorry, I should probably, uh. . .” you gestured over to Steve and his friends before getting your bag from the side of the couch. 
“Yeah,” Billy said, biting his lip slightly, “Go ahead.”
You got up from the couch, stopping before you left.
“See you around, Billy,” you said, giving him a small smile.
His heart sped up at your words. It was the first time you'd called him that. Not a sarcastic nickname, not Hargrove, just Billy. 
Billy watched as you walked over to Steve, laughing and giving him a hug. He felt a strange pressure in his chest and his gut twisted into an ugly knot as Steve slung a casual arm around your shoulders. 
He scoffed, downing the rest of his drink and tossing the plastic cup to the side. This wasn't like him at all. He was Billy Hargrove- the Keg King and the school's most infamous playboy. He could get any girl he wanted, except for you, it seemed. 
Why did seeing you with Steve piss him off so much?  As soon as the word 'jealousy' crossed his mind he grit his teeth hard. No. There was no way he was jealous. You weren't his, and even if you were you wouldn't be for long. He had two rules: don't get attached and never fuck the same girl twice. He had a plan as soon as he set foot in this shit hole town: Tough out his last year of school, bang as many chicks as possible, and high tail it back to California as soon as he graduated. Committed relationships were never Billy's forte, and he didn't plan on changing that any time soon. 
At least, that's what he told himself. 
Billy got up from the couch, eyes scanning the party like a predator choosing his prey as he looked for some other girl to take his mind off you. 
Steve's eyes narrowed as he watched Billy stalk off and pulled you in closer to him, whispering in your ear.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly. 
“Huh? Yeah, I'm fine,” You said. Your cheeks heated up at your proximity, but you were more confused by his question than anything.
“Was Billy bothering you?” Steve asked, more serious than you'd ever seen him before. Your eyes went wide and you shook your head.
“No, we were just talking,” you said, “He wouldn't actually pull anything like the last deadbeat I was talking to. . . Why?”
Steve had a far away look in his eyes as he tried to come up with an answer. What was he supposed to say? 'Oh, well last year that guy smashed a plate over my head, threatened to kill your friend, and had to be taken out with a tranquilizer.'
“Just. . . be careful,” Steve decided on saying, “He isn't a great person.”
You heard the cheering crowd behind you get substantially louder, and you both turned around to see what all the commotion was about, which you regretted pretty fast.
Billy was in the middle of the room, making out with some busty brunette as she gave him a lap dance. He seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much, running his hands through her hair and down body. After a little while the girl whispered something in his ear that made him smirk, take her hand, and start leading her upstairs. It was clear they weren't going to be reading the bible up there. 
“Yeah,” you said to Steve, tearing your eyes away from their retreating figures, “I've noticed.”
Steve pulled his focus from Billy to you. He'd never admit it, but part of him was glad Billy just pulled that little stunt in front of you. He could tell you were disappointed, but he couldn't understand what you saw in Billy. 
After Nancy, Steve didn't know if he'd be able to trust people when it came to relationships. His heart was broken in a single, drunken confession. But you seemed so different from the other girls. Not really in an outward way, but you weren't afraid to be yourself. You had an energy and confidence that drew people to you, even if you didn't think so. 
At first he just thought you'd be another girl who'd reject him right away at Scoops- another tally in the 'You Suck' column. But you'd stuck around and made an actual effort to be friends with him, and not just to get popular but because you actually wanted to get to know him. That in itself was pretty rare for Steve.
The fact that he could have known you all this time ate away at him, and he felt more than guilty that he hadn't bothered to talk to you when you were in middle school. Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through his system, but a tiny part of him wanted your friendship to grow into something more.
The only thing that could get in his way was Hawkins' resident asshole Billy Hargrove, and get in his way he certainly did. 
Read chapter 4 here!
Taglist: @in-my-dreams-2000 @ggclarissa @iris1697 @5sosxgrethan @ohnoniella @sarcasticalphaofthelooserspack @aspiring-fangirls-world @wow-im-so-tired @hopesxxhigh @justanothercrazyassfangirl @too-many-lanes @whimsylavender @bish-ima-clown @amarachoren @mosiacbrokenheartstf @mcuvlxgs @xapham @metuel18 @immirandaq @nellaphine @multi-madison @gingertalksshit @jojo-buttercup @kyberhearts @mvdelaine @minnie-marvel @caitlin-rose28 @zandaleekrz @r3inventedd
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silicabeast34-blog · 5 years
Four Loko, Joose, and Sparks: An Abridged History of Caffeinated Alcohol
Remembrances of Four Loko — the super-caffeinated, alcoholic energy drink available in every convenience store for a narrow window of time before intervention by the Food and Drug Administration at the end of the aughts — are their own genre of internet content.
It is, if there is such a thing, the internet’s beverage, even years after the demise of its original formula. “If you can remember your Four Loko experiences, it wasn’t a Four Loko experience,” comedian Kady Ruth recently tweeted, in response to a question from comedian Akilah Hughes asking for stories about the drink’s golden age. “Why tell, when you can show a photo series?” dancer and YouTuber Ava Gordy replied, attaching an image of herself surrounded by Four Loko cans and wearing a gas mask. Photos from Four Loko’s golden days are scattered around on Tumblr and Imgur, captured with the high-flash, red-eyed weirdness of disposable cameras and early iPhones.
In an oral history of Four Loko, published on Grub Street last summer, the team of Ohio State buddies who created it explained how the product went from a small production run in 2005 to a splashy New York City debut in 2009 to more than $100 million in revenue in 2010. In short: They made the cans tall and they gave them a neon camouflage print to make them stand out. Plus, they raised the alcohol level as high as they legally could for a malt beverage.
2010 sounds like such a long time ago that I was honestly surprised when one of the Gawker pieces about the moment mentioned the fact that Obama was president. I wasn’t old enough to drink or permitted to have more than one other person in my car at the time, but even I feel a bubbly sort of weakness in my chest reading a blog post about the founder of Ron Jon Surf Shops getting arrested for driving under the influence of Four Loko or a blog post about Chuck Schumer comparing Four Loko to “a plague” devastating the country.
Four Loko was beloved, and it is beloved in death. But why? What’s so great about caffeinated sugar-water full of booze, in a can, retailing for $2.50, other than the obvious? The drink is infamous, and maybe an important cultural moment, but it’s not unique. There were also micro-eras for the nearly identical drinks Sparks and Joose, and the vodka Red Bull got almost two decades. In fact, there’s a long history of people trying to showily ruin their nights or their lives with disgusting combinations of chemicals dreamed up for some business purpose that doesn’t especially concern them. Caffeine and alcohol shouldn’t mix, but they have always mixed.
“People are always looking for a way to get high,” William Rorabaug, a historian at the University of Washington, tells me. “Throughout history. It seems to be part of the human condition.”
The last super-boozy generation was the baby boomers, he explains, but their children got into a health kick — yoga, meditation, bicycles, running — mostly because they saw a lot of bad stuff happen to their parents and older siblings as a result of alcohol, and because they preferred marijuana. Mothers Against Drunk Driving got big in the 1980s, and heavy alcohol consumption dipped throughout the 1990s. It didn’t rise again until about 2003, he says, when “very sweet mixed drinks” that went down easy and would mess you up with sugar and alcohol at the time became more popular.
Philip Dobard, vice president of the National Food and Beverage Foundation, explains to me that the drinking age was lower when he was a teenager, which was in the 1970s, and that he really liked drinking Long Island iced teas. Though they’ve been rebranded as premium cocktails in recent years, Long Island iced teas used to be Diet Coke and the leftover dregs of various well spirits. “It was the vodka Red Bull of its day,” he reminisces. “It was high alcohol, not particularly high caffeine, but caffeine. It was a test of one’s humanity. A test of one’s mortality. You’re young and healthy and you’re not familiar with loss. Injuries, when they occur, quickly heal.”
“It was a test of one’s humanity. A test of one’s mortality. You’re young and healthy and you’re not familiar with loss. Injuries, when they occur, quickly heal.”
A current fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about mixing caffeine and alcohol states that it makes drinkers feel too alert (when they should feel sleepy and want to stop drinking or at least sit down and not risk “alcohol-attributable harms”). It also points out that “caffeine has no effect on the metabolism of alcohol by the liver ... (it does not ‘sober you up’) or reduce impairment due to alcohol consumption,” and some studies have found people who mix caffeine and alcohol are three times more likely to leave a bar while still heavily intoxicated and four time more likely to attempt to drive home.
But caffeinated alcohol and the type of high it provides is communal, Dobard notes. It’s almost charming, to want to strip yourself of inhibitions in the presence of people you like. “I don’t think that impulse is new,” Dobard adds. “I think the commercial forces are new.”
He’s right. The vodka Red Bull was invented in the late ’90s by none other than … Red Bull, which chased athletes in ski towns and the rave scene on the West Coast by giving cases of free energy drinks to bartenders, even paying them thousands of dollars to put it on the menu. The first mainstream alcohol and fortified caffeine beverage was an industry plant.
As Haley Hamilton noted in MEL’s recent oral history of the vodka Red Bull, combining alcohol with caffeine has a two-part effect: “The alcohol can dull the effects of the caffeine (boring), or more problematically, the caffeine can dull the effects of the alcohol, meaning you can drink way more than you normally would without feeling super-hammered.” Dobard is not personally familiar with Four Loko, but sympathizes with the plight of a generation that just wants to get as drunk as everyone else got to.
“There’s nothing inherently illicit about combining caffeine and alcohol,” he points out, adding that coffee liqueurs and coffee-based cocktails have been around for hundreds of years, commonly used as post-dinner digestifs. “The problem occurs when there’s so much of one or the other and it’s so available that it becomes easily and widely abused as a substance. That’s typically when government agencies step in and recognize it as a public health risk.”
(In 2010, the New York Times offered the following very funny, very ahistoric thought on the demand for Four Loko: “It has long vexed club-hoppers and partygoers: how do you stay awake while drinking alcohol late into the night? For years, alcohol and soda sufficed.” Imagine if we’d just cool-mom-blind-eyed everyone for choosing to drink gas station cocktails instead of doing cocaine!)
Gawker’s Hamilton Nolan commented on the persecution of Four Loko in 2010, writing that it was part of a “full-blown scapegoating operation,” and pointing out the obvious: “Isn’t the real issue here that kids are stupid?”
Caffeinated alcohol is a distinctly American flavor of stupid. We do it over and over.
That’s a fair question. Budweiser’s alcohol-and-caffeine drink BE was a hit in the United States in the early to mid-aughts but flopped immediately when tested overseas in 2006. Caffeinated alcohol is a distinctly American flavor of stupid. We do it over and over.
A can of Joose, which is 23.5 ounces, contains approximately 380 calories. (Compared to modern Four Loko, which is 660.) While both had 12 percent alcohol by volume and were fortified with caffeine, Joose had a few differentiating features, beyond the fact it was 40 cents cheaper and covered in skulls.
Sparks actually preceded both, and MillerCoors voluntarily removed the caffeine in 2008, before Four Loko even hit its stride. In the two years between its $215 million acquisition from the McKenzie River Corporation and this quiet surrender, Sparks had a 90 percent share of the “alcopop” market, which meant that with its death, Four Loko was primed to become an easy hit.
Today, even in the midst of the “wellness” boom, young people still post exuberantly about knocking back cans of Four Loko and making bad decisions, even though the caffeine has been removed and the current drink is no more dangerous than a wine cooler. In June 2016, long after Four Loko had been rereleased sans caffeine, the strange college journalism platform Odyssey Online published a guide to matching Four Loko flavors with your personality. “Gold Loko is a VERY IMPORTANT new flavor,” the possibly underage author wrote. “The people who drink these LOVE to live on the edge. They aren’t afraid of the challenge (of the added 2 percent alcohol volume).”
But it’s not special. None of it is special. I was a straitlaced high school soccer player during the Four Loko years, but I do remember, with a warm sort of disgust, the acrid taste of college ingenuity — tequila and blue Gatorade, whiskey and strawberry-kiwi Snapple, etc. There was no reason we couldn’t have chosen slightly less revolting combinations, except for the fact that it was kind of romantic not to. In 20 years, are you going to post throwback pics of a rum and Coke? It’s not shorthand for anything, and you would probably drink one now.
In November 2010, one of Four Loko’s creators, Chris Hunter, defended the drink vehemently to Fast Company, arguing that it had the same amount of caffeine as a Starbucks coffee, less alcohol than most craft beers, and less seductive packaging than a Bud Light Lime, and that dozens of other alcoholic beverages were available in the same 24-ounce cans. Asked about a widely publicized incident at Washington State University in which nine college students ended up hospitalized, with Four Loko cited throughout the police report, Hunter got even more defensive, telling reporter Austin Carr:
The police report showed there was supposedly illegal drugs at the party. That was mentioned about 14 times in the police report. There were multiple mentions of hard liquor, but there were only a few, maybe 2 to 3, mentions of Four Loko. It’s really unfair to say our drink was the cause of this.
The same month, his company reached a voluntary agreement with the New York State Liquor Authority to stop shipping Four Loko into the state, and the FDA issued a public warning about caffeine as an “unsafe additive” to alcoholic beverages, as well as private letters to four manufacturers — including Four Loko’s Phusion Projects — that stated, “[The] FDA is not aware of any publicly available data to establish affirmatively safe conditions of use for caffeine added directly to alcoholic beverages and packaged in a combined form.”
The FDA’s letter was sent to Charge Beverages Corporation (which made drinks called Core High Gravity HG Green and Core High Gravity HG Orange), New Century Brewing Company (which made the fortified beer Moonshot), and United Brands, which made Joose.
Jonathan Howland, a community health researcher at Boston University, told Science Daily just after the ban on Four Loko, “Although several manufacturers of caffeinated beer have withdrawn their products from the market, there is no sign that young people have decreased the practice of combining alcohol and energy drinks.”
There have been other gross party beverages meant to recapture the thrill of alcoholic energy drinks without drawing the same unwanted attention. Whipped Lightning, a combination of sugar, heavy cream, grain alcohol, and artificial flavoring had a brief heyday. Forty-proof chocolate milk did not quite. The super-cheap bottled sangria brand Capriccio had a moment, which the company leaned into, saying, “Believe the hype!” MEL’s Miles Klee recently sampled every flavor of a Mark Cuban-endorsed juice-box wine cooler called BeatBox, which has hideous, brightly colored marketing materials and a low price point, but concluded that its 11.1 percent alcohol content wasn’t really enough for anything other than an “unremarkable, if quietly pleasant weekend.”
In fact, even the FDA seems to be over the whole incident. When asked whether it would involve itself in the rise of alcohol-infused cold brew — such as those offered by the California-based Cafe Agave or the forthcoming offering from Skyy Vodka, announced March 15 — a spokesperson said the agency only considers products on a case-by-case basis, when action seems called for, and would have to get back to me.
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Source: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/3/15/18265724/four-loko-history-joose-sparks-red-bull-vodka-caffeine
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Julianne Hough Bares Her Abs For Shape Magazine& Reveals Her Pizza-Filled Diet: ‘I Eat It A Lot! ‘
Revealing how undesirable her eating attires were as a teenage, the professional dancer confessed just what she admires about her representation now TAGEND
“I enjoy my determine because I detect strong and fit, and that stimulates me feel confident. When I look at pictures of myself when I was 19, my mas was bangin’, but I was killing myself. I was working out two and a half hours a day and chewing the bare minimum to live. I was so dreary. I wasn’t health. To be honest, I looked like a kid. Now I’m cuddling the fact that I’m a woman with curves.”
This Grease Live ! starlet emphatically knows a situation or two about poise!
In fact, Miz Hough even shared her favorite food is pizza. Girl, same.
” E! News recently posted a picture of me coming out of the gym, and there were all these comments about the photo, like, ‘We could have abs like this, but we adore pizza too much.’ I started giggling because pizza is my favorite meat. I eat it a lot! I require everyone to know that I’m not Miss Perfect. You can chisel every once in a while, and that’s OK. You can still have a fit mas as long as you work out regularly and ingest comparatively healthfully throughout your life.”
For this soon-to-be Mrs ., that’s working out three to six times a week.
Read on for more from her fitness procedure and healthy nutrition( below )!
On how she inaugurates every day : “I take time every morning to start my daytime with a exercising. That’s what realizes me feel happy and personally fulfilled, which signifies I have much better to give later on.”
On her procedure: “I exercise three to six times per week, but typically I do five days of hard-core course. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I do Tracy Anderson or Person by Simone or I work out with my coach, Astrid Swan . Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do Core PowerYoga , which I affection. If I’m doing something special, like hitting the Shapecover , or when I want to tone up speedily, I’ll also take a SoulCycle class. Saturdays, I go on a really long hike with my friends or take another yoga class, depending on the way in which I feel. Sunday is my reboot daytime. I try to eat health and do something outside, like move my bird-dogs. I relax, enjoy the working day, and get mentally and spiritually prepared for the week. It goes me excited for what’s ahead.”
On get fit with her friends : “I adore going to years with my lovers. We’ll call each other or send a group verse and unionize. Sometimes we sign up for Spartan races and have a bomb. Last-place drop we took a girls’ trip to Mexico … rather than drink tequila shots and get crazy, we revolved it into a healthy errand. Every morning, we got up and I taught an hour long desegregate of Tracy Anderson, Body by Simone, and yoga moves. Then we’d put on our swimsuits and go to the beach or the kitty. Don’t are wrong: We definitely experienced concoctions and chippings and salsa while we were there, but after our daily workouts we ever appeared much better about ourselves.”
On hers and fianc Brooks Laich’s diet: “I try to stick with foods that don’t come in cartons. I don’t crave a whole paragraph of ingredients in my person. Brooks and I generally devour protein and veggies. For a increase of energy, I mix in quinoa or rice sometimes. If Brooks had his method, we’d have steamed chicken and broccoli every day. That’s very suffering for me, and when I get bored, I tend to binge devour. Last night we reached baked salmon with rosemary and lemon and broccoli, onions, and cherry tomatoes. It took simply 20 instants and was really delicious.”
Is Jules motivating or what ??
And that’s simply from her interview alone, wait until you ch-ch-check out her editorial in the gallery( above )!
[ Image via Shape Magazine .]
The post Julianne Hough Bares Her Abs For Shape Magazine& Reveals Her Pizza-Filled Diet: ‘I Eat It A Lot! ‘ appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Julianne Hough Bares Her Abs For Shape Magazine& Reveals Her Pizza-Filled Diet: ‘I Eat It A Lot! ‘
Revealing how undesirable her eating attires were as a teenage, the professional dancer confessed just what she admires about her representation now TAGEND
“I enjoy my determine because I detect strong and fit, and that stimulates me feel confident. When I look at pictures of myself when I was 19, my mas was bangin’, but I was killing myself. I was working out two and a half hours a day and chewing the bare minimum to live. I was so dreary. I wasn’t health. To be honest, I looked like a kid. Now I’m cuddling the fact that I’m a woman with curves.”
This Grease Live ! starlet emphatically knows a situation or two about poise!
In fact, Miz Hough even shared her favorite food is pizza. Girl, same.
” E! News recently posted a picture of me coming out of the gym, and there were all these comments about the photo, like, ‘We could have abs like this, but we adore pizza too much.’ I started giggling because pizza is my favorite meat. I eat it a lot! I require everyone to know that I’m not Miss Perfect. You can chisel every once in a while, and that’s OK. You can still have a fit mas as long as you work out regularly and ingest comparatively healthfully throughout your life.”
For this soon-to-be Mrs ., that’s working out three to six times a week.
Read on for more from her fitness procedure and healthy nutrition( below )!
On how she inaugurates every day : “I take time every morning to start my daytime with a exercising. That’s what realizes me feel happy and personally fulfilled, which signifies I have much better to give later on.”
On her procedure: “I exercise three to six times per week, but typically I do five days of hard-core course. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I do Tracy Anderson or Person by Simone or I work out with my coach, Astrid Swan . Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do Core PowerYoga , which I affection. If I’m doing something special, like hitting the Shapecover , or when I want to tone up speedily, I’ll also take a SoulCycle class. Saturdays, I go on a really long hike with my friends or take another yoga class, depending on the way in which I feel. Sunday is my reboot daytime. I try to eat health and do something outside, like move my bird-dogs. I relax, enjoy the working day, and get mentally and spiritually prepared for the week. It goes me excited for what’s ahead.”
On get fit with her friends : “I adore going to years with my lovers. We’ll call each other or send a group verse and unionize. Sometimes we sign up for Spartan races and have a bomb. Last-place drop we took a girls’ trip to Mexico … rather than drink tequila shots and get crazy, we revolved it into a healthy errand. Every morning, we got up and I taught an hour long desegregate of Tracy Anderson, Body by Simone, and yoga moves. Then we’d put on our swimsuits and go to the beach or the kitty. Don’t are wrong: We definitely experienced concoctions and chippings and salsa while we were there, but after our daily workouts we ever appeared much better about ourselves.”
On hers and fianc Brooks Laich’s diet: “I try to stick with foods that don’t come in cartons. I don’t crave a whole paragraph of ingredients in my person. Brooks and I generally devour protein and veggies. For a increase of energy, I mix in quinoa or rice sometimes. If Brooks had his method, we’d have steamed chicken and broccoli every day. That’s very suffering for me, and when I get bored, I tend to binge devour. Last night we reached baked salmon with rosemary and lemon and broccoli, onions, and cherry tomatoes. It took simply 20 instants and was really delicious.”
Is Jules motivating or what ??
And that’s simply from her interview alone, wait until you ch-ch-check out her editorial in the gallery( above )!
[ Image via Shape Magazine .]
The post Julianne Hough Bares Her Abs For Shape Magazine& Reveals Her Pizza-Filled Diet: ‘I Eat It A Lot! ‘ appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2gJD1Ys via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Julianne Hough Bares Her Abs For Shape Magazine& Reveals Her Pizza-Filled Diet: ‘I Eat It A Lot! ‘
Revealing how undesirable her eating attires were as a teenage, the professional dancer confessed just what she admires about her representation now TAGEND
“I enjoy my determine because I detect strong and fit, and that stimulates me feel confident. When I look at pictures of myself when I was 19, my mas was bangin’, but I was killing myself. I was working out two and a half hours a day and chewing the bare minimum to live. I was so dreary. I wasn’t health. To be honest, I looked like a kid. Now I’m cuddling the fact that I’m a woman with curves.”
This Grease Live ! starlet emphatically knows a situation or two about poise!
In fact, Miz Hough even shared her favorite food is pizza. Girl, same.
” E! News recently posted a picture of me coming out of the gym, and there were all these comments about the photo, like, ‘We could have abs like this, but we adore pizza too much.’ I started giggling because pizza is my favorite meat. I eat it a lot! I require everyone to know that I’m not Miss Perfect. You can chisel every once in a while, and that’s OK. You can still have a fit mas as long as you work out regularly and ingest comparatively healthfully throughout your life.”
For this soon-to-be Mrs ., that’s working out three to six times a week.
Read on for more from her fitness procedure and healthy nutrition( below )!
On how she inaugurates every day : “I take time every morning to start my daytime with a exercising. That’s what realizes me feel happy and personally fulfilled, which signifies I have much better to give later on.”
On her procedure: “I exercise three to six times per week, but typically I do five days of hard-core course. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I do Tracy Anderson or Person by Simone or I work out with my coach, Astrid Swan . Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do Core PowerYoga , which I affection. If I’m doing something special, like hitting the Shapecover , or when I want to tone up speedily, I’ll also take a SoulCycle class. Saturdays, I go on a really long hike with my friends or take another yoga class, depending on the way in which I feel. Sunday is my reboot daytime. I try to eat health and do something outside, like move my bird-dogs. I relax, enjoy the working day, and get mentally and spiritually prepared for the week. It goes me excited for what’s ahead.”
On get fit with her friends : “I adore going to years with my lovers. We’ll call each other or send a group verse and unionize. Sometimes we sign up for Spartan races and have a bomb. Last-place drop we took a girls’ trip to Mexico … rather than drink tequila shots and get crazy, we revolved it into a healthy errand. Every morning, we got up and I taught an hour long desegregate of Tracy Anderson, Body by Simone, and yoga moves. Then we’d put on our swimsuits and go to the beach or the kitty. Don’t are wrong: We definitely experienced concoctions and chippings and salsa while we were there, but after our daily workouts we ever appeared much better about ourselves.”
On hers and fianc Brooks Laich’s diet: “I try to stick with foods that don’t come in cartons. I don’t crave a whole paragraph of ingredients in my person. Brooks and I generally devour protein and veggies. For a increase of energy, I mix in quinoa or rice sometimes. If Brooks had his method, we’d have steamed chicken and broccoli every day. That’s very suffering for me, and when I get bored, I tend to binge devour. Last night we reached baked salmon with rosemary and lemon and broccoli, onions, and cherry tomatoes. It took simply 20 instants and was really delicious.”
Is Jules motivating or what ??
And that’s simply from her interview alone, wait until you ch-ch-check out her editorial in the gallery( above )!
[ Image via Shape Magazine .]
The post Julianne Hough Bares Her Abs For Shape Magazine& Reveals Her Pizza-Filled Diet: ‘I Eat It A Lot! ‘ appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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