#kids paintintgs
pbandjesse · 5 years
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I'm feeling kind of low tonight. The bruise on my leg has spread and become one giant bruise. So I had to call the doctor. I actually did it on the app and spoke to a nurse. And send a picture. And they told me to call. And I did. And they said I should come in. So I'm going to the doctor on Thursday. Everyone is very excited. Because they've been telling me all day today and all day yesterday to go to the doctor and I was being stubborn. Mostly I was being scared. But it's getting too bad.
Honestly I just feel very tired. Today was a long day. I slept okay last night and I woke up what's my alarm. I got dressed and had a bowl of cereal. And then I went to the museum. I was a couple minutes early and check the tour route. It was kind of a annoying day because the schools were early and that through off the tour is and then no one seemed to know where people were supposed to be and I was listening to my manager and other people weren't it was a whole thing. I don't know why everything got so confused but it was fine. Just obnoxious to kind of have to Vamp when there's that many tours happening.
But I survived. I collected more of the cardboard squares from upstairs and put them in a box and jam to the box in my bike basket and went to the bus.
While I was on the bus I got to do a survey from the Metro about how the service is. And I told them that my biggest complaint is sometimes three buses will come all next to each other. And what should happen when the buses but up against each other like that is that everyone should get off the other two boxes onto one. The other two buses should wait. And then get themselves back on schedule. Because right now they're not running on any schedule at all it seems and even the app doesn't know when they're coming. That's ridiculous.
Then I got to school only a couple of minutes late. It was all good. I had my pizza that I picked up at 7-Eleven and went to find Chelsea. We talked about what we were going to do that day and made some plans. It was all good. We were both kind of sad that we're not going to Six Flags on Friday anymore but it'll still be a fun day with the little kids.
In general today was a good day. We got our students and it was a small class. Everybody came upstairs and got right into their working. We went outside it's beautiful. Al is brought these very strange four wheeled skates that were wheeled in the front, two 9n the sides, and one in the back. But like me she felt that the basketball court was the safest and flattest place that she could do it. So I rode around on my skateboard and she worked on her roller skates. And it was a lot of fun.
We had dinner and cleaned up and then Chelsea went to the classroom to kind of set up stations for art making. The boys worked on mosaics. Specifically they wanted to make tiny laptops. Which was very cute. Damien made a puppet. Couple of the girls worked on mosaics again with the stones and the beads. Everyone was so excited about how many squares I brought. Literally a thousand. And then Dallas was running a marbling paper station.
I had never marble paper before. So I told Dow she was going to be in charge of this project. And it first that was fine. They each had containers they put Smokes on that use the shaving cream and food coloring to create patterns and then there's paper in it. But then about a half way through the class they all just started making foam color. That's fine. Make some sensory art. I don't care. What a dick Carol was when they started pouring it into each other's containers. Because then it started getting on the floor. And then start getting on all of them. Somehow they used an entire gallon of paint. She was wild how much paint they use. It didn't go horribly but it was a huge mess at the end and I kept telling Dallas that this was her project and so she was responsible. And she kept saying but it wasn't me. And I kept trying to explain to her that even if it wasn't her she was responsible because it was her project. So she got them off and she mop the ground. China helped. And everyone work together as best we could but it was hard because so many people are getting picked up early. We did our best but it took almost 40 minutes to clean the classroom.
I got upset though because while we're cleaning I am losing steam. My leg was hurting and my arm was hurting. During the art time I had called the nurse to make the appointment so I was kind of emotionally drained from that as well. And then two of my kids come back in because their grandmother was upset that they had paint on them. And that she was saying I had to do their laundry. And that how dare I let them get so dirty and stained. Are you serious question mark this is an art class! Like why would you sign up your kids to be in our class and be upset that they have paint on them. Everyone is going to have paint on them it's going to happen it's our class. If you don't want to let them get dirty put them in aftercare. It made me so incensed that after all the kids were gone I stayed behind with chelsi that we can have a meeting with Tiffany. She told me not to worry about it and that she agreed it was a ridiculous comment and she was not happy about it either. That made me feel listen to at least. And then I told her the story of what happened with my accident because my bruise has gotten so bad and Chelsea kept yelling at me because I hadn't gone to the doctor. And Tiffany was shocked that I didn't go as well. She said that I should have stayed home. And honestly I don't disagree but I also feel like yesterday it wasn't that bad. I was sore and stiff but the bruise wasn't as outrageous as it is today. James really thinks that I have some kind of hematoma but I'm very concerned because there is a hard lump next to the impact point now and I am having weird numbness in my leg. It really is the craziest bruise I've ever seen on my body. And that's fairly upsetting but I'm trying not to be too upset.
Because I was leaving later than normal I texted James to see if we're going to have dinner and he wanted to go and get a burger at the marketplace. So I'm going to get the bus and as I'm crossing the street Marcus and Miss Elaine honk their horn at me and they gave me a ride back to my neighborhood. Just as we were getting to Rite Aid James was walking up the street and so they were yelling out the car at him and waving. It was very cute. It was good to see him.
I did feel in better spirits today. But I think I'm emotionally I'm dealing with a lot and that's hard. We walk to my apartment and stopped for a few minutes to feed sleepy. And then we went to Mount Vernon Marketplace for dinner. We got burgers and we shared fries. He told me about his interview which apparently went really well. I have very high hopes but we keep everything realistic just in case. It would be so good for him. And I really want him to feel happy and secure. All I ever want it's for him to feel that way.
But we had a really nice dinner and then we came back here. I kind of had it anxiety Spike about moving because there's not a ton we can move right now. A lot of the stuff in the apartment is things that I just need to feel happy and comfortable here. He did bring one bag over and my piggy bank. So at least something got moved in the trip wasn't wasted and that's really what I was upset about. We also made a list of what things are going to his place what things are going to his parents place and what things are coming back to my parents place. That helped a lot.
He went home and I took a shower. And now I'm just laying in bed watching videos. I'm going to go get an ice pack and try to get some rest. My arm is hurting me and tomorrow's going to be another long day. The plan for tomorrow is Museum in the morning then hopefully I get to the school and have time to do some cleaning and organizing. I really want to get a lot of the stuff that's on the cart off the cart so that we don't have to think about it on Thursday and Friday. And then rest. That's all I want.
I hope you guys all have a good night. Send me some good vibes because I feel sad. And stressed. Good night everyone
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Today was a mixed bag. I was. Pretty devastated last night. James came over around 1030 and i was. Packing for vacation. And trying to distract myself. I was just hollow. We laid down and then i startrd talking. And i was sobbing. And i couldnt stop. And like every hurt I had felt, and a bunch I didnt realize hurt me, came out. I was a complete mess. It was horrible.
Eventually I calmed down. I sent my mom a text. And was able to sleep. But when i woke up i started crying again. Felicia sent me a message. And she's hurting so bad. And I couldn't go to the museum and put on a cheery face. I texted my manager that i was having a family emergency and went back to sleep.
I woke up again at 1030. I had cereal and tried to not to be so rattled. I was having like hot and cold flashes. I tried to be okay.
I got 711 for lunch. Went to work. I spoke to Tiffany about what was going on and shes going to reach out to someone she knows to see if we can get some family services stuff for Felicia and my family and get sime help. Im to far to be there but I can research and i can try to help in this way.
It was a pretty good day. I took the art down from the halls so the kids could take it home. And they did a really good job at finishing their self portraits. I went around helping them add details. And I was proud of them. It helped me feel more grounded.
We finished up the day with a critique. One lf the best ones weve had. It was good. We finished up and cleand and off we went.
I talked to Marcus about stuff. We have similar backgrounds with family stuff. So it was nice to talk to him.
The bus took forever though. I ended up walking up to the other bus. But I was out there for almost a half hour again. Annoying. Once i got off the bus i went to the market and got stuff to make lasagna.
I got home. Put that in the oven. And got a shower. James came for dinner. And he just left. The food was good but I was cold and im tired. Im looking forward to sleep.
I have a meeting in the morning. And then a free day. Im going to go to wholefoods. And just enjoy a quiet day to myself.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Give all your pets kisses for me.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I'm tired and very sore. But I tried my best to not be a potato and work hard. I am excited to sleep. It was still a nice day.
I didn't sleep great last night. Sweetp kept standing on me and biting me and it was very annoying. It was not that fun. And then i somehow snoozed my alarm? Thankfully I noticed like ten minutes later. And I got up and felt okay. I was cold so i wore a sweater insted of the t-shirt i had planned. This was a mistake. It was very warm today!! I was overheated many times and it was very annoying.
But i got dressed and my makeup looked good and I packed some snacks and headed out. I walked and got the bus. I walked the 15 minutes towards to the museum. And i felt a bit weak but I was determined. I stopped st the Royal Farms for a juice and a sandwich. The sandwich was fine. But i desperately wanted that juice. It helped me feel better.
The museum was very good. I had 2 tours. And they went so well. The kids were so so good. They had lots of good questions and while the adults were a little chatty it was such a good morning.
But man it was exhausting. I had a good time. But the 2nd tour ended right at noon, with a little ring of fire. And I headed out.
I ordered McDonald's on my phone. And it was a nice lunch even if the lady was very stingy with the ketchup. I called a lyft and headed to work. I had a nice driver but I just wanted to sort of doze.
I got to work early. And Chelsi came soon and we got all caught up on the plan for the day. We decided we would extend last weeks self portrait project since its a short week.
And it was a fun day. I got lots of hugs. They all missed me. It was beautiful outside and the food pantry was today and i got some peanutbutter. We worked on art. I had a couple kids who needed help with fsce structure and we sat and did that. It was hard sometimes but it was a good day.
We ended the day with the art store. And then it was time to go home.
James and me made a plan to get pizza and have a sleep over. I stopped at home after I got off the bus to leave my bag and then met James in the alley.
We got a salad and pizza it was really nice. He told me the plans he's making for my birthday and I just love him so much. And he knows me so well.
I am excited to sleep now though. Tomorrow we have a pd all afternoon. I hope it's interesting. And if it's not i hope to get something else done on my tablet. Well see what happens.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Goodnight!
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I am having a lot of trouble focusing and I dont want to go to sleep and I dont want to write this because I don't want to type.
But i will because it's what I do.
Today was a pretty nice day. I again could not sleep last night. Just couldn't turn my brain off. But eventually I got some sleep.
My alarm went off at 8 and I was like. Nope. And me and James kept sleeping until 9. Getting up was still really hard. But he got up and dressed. And he laid in bed with me for a while. And then he headed out. After he brought in my package with my furby ornaments! They are so cute.
I got up and went to feed sweetp. But got distacted and walked back to my room and sweetp bit me on the leg and i got mad. And thrn he was cowering because i yelled at him and smacked his head. But once i had eaten and was laying down on the couch he came over and was laying on me and he was pushing his face on my head and snorting. Hes such a funny baby.
I had a nice morning. And then I left for the bus around noon. I got to the school and set up for the day. Not a lot to do. Helped Tiffany fix some of the art that fell down. And then it was time to go get the kids.
It was a pretty good day. We had to start the day in the hallway because they decided it was a great time to mop our class. So we did pur pretest and they collected some of their art. And then it was recess.
It was really nice outside. And I was sad to go in. But dinner was fine. And art time went great. I had Tiffany print some coloring pages for the kids and i didnt realize how excited they would be for those so i think we will do a project where we make pages for a coloring book and they get to each get a copy. I think that would be nice.
There we're some issues today. Mostly just a student losing his coat somewhere. But overall it was a really nice day.
I took the bus home. Got annoyed with a rude guy on the bus. Got home and packed my bag. And biked in the light rain to James's place.
I was slightly upset because James made Alfredo and i keep telling him I dont like Alfredo. But like. He made me dinner. I cant be to upset. But he still felt bad. I still ate the pasta and it was fine. It just doesnt taste like anything to me.
He made me really good garlic bread. And then like fried cinnamon donuts. Because hes the best.
Then we played a bob ross board game. And we played until i won. Because. And now were just chillling in bed. I have a pd tomorrow and now class. I think it'll be a chill day. And i hope to make some art.
Now is time for sleep. I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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I was feeling a lot better but my allergies are going crazy and im having some trouble breathing. I just took some medicine but i really dont love sitting here wheezing.
Today was a much better day. I was all overheated last night and was probably annoying to James whining about it. But eventually I was able to sleep.
James got up at 630. Because. And I was like. No. So I stayed in bed for a while. He made us biscuits. From scratch. And eventually I got up. And then fell back down. James eventually pulled me up and we had breakfast.
Eventually we got ready to go. He packed his bag for his trip. And walked me to my bike.
I had a good ride home. And I felt energized for once. So i cleaned. Finally. My whole space feels so good right now. I cleaned for about an hour. I ran to the grocery store for anything I could need tomorrow. Since I won't leave my houseor shop on Thanksgiving. I decided to wear jeans today which made biking very hard. I cannot bend very well. Which became a theme of the day.
When I got back from the grocery store I sorted my laundry to do later. And then got ready to go. My bus was running early so even though I missed one as I walked up to the stop I still got on the bus very quickly.
I got to the school right before 12:30. And I got Right to Work filling up their paint palettes. Put some showed up. And we had a much better report today. Like we're both in a really good mood and just really jazzed about the day. And I really just sent a really good tone for how we would work with the kids. I did end up talking to Tiffany about some of my concerns and she said that she had had some as well. So I'm glad that we can have an open conversation about it. But it was nice being able to work with him and just be in a really good mood.
I ended up asking a whole bunch of questions about holidays in Ethiopia and how he feels about Western media's portrayal of his country. It was really fascinating getting to hear his perspective on everything.
And soon enough it was time to go get the kids. I really enjoy going down to their classrooms to grab them. I'm trying to introduce myself to other teachers so that I'm not just some random girl hanging out in the hallway. And eventually they all got dismissed and came upstairs.
It was a stellar day. We only had 13 students which was great. And having such a small amount of kids made the whole day just go so much smoother. I know we can't have that few kids all the time but man is it ideal.
We started the day with some rules about the 10th to try to evade some of the problems that we had yesterday. And I think that's going to help going forward. The kids really seem to understand the rules once I had them read them out loud. We went to recess and that was fine. Elijah did fall in a ditch and twisted his ankle and I had to give him a piggyback ride all the way back to the building. Because I didn't want him to have to lean on the kids and bounce which would have taken an hour. But he's real small so I didn't care about carrying him.
Dinner was just fine. They all ate fairly quickly and cleaned up with not much issue. We lined up and headed to the classroom. We were supposed to paint outside but it was just too cold and windy to do it. So instead we painted from the windows. And put some have made some few finders for the kids and so everyone use those to decide on what they are painting and then they just looked out the windows and painted what they saw. About 90% of the kids understood what they were supposed to be doing. But all of their work came out so nice. I posted a picture of my painting from yesterday my painting from stay above. But the kids work was just really fun. It was also really nice to be painting with them. Me and him both did one. Like he did his is an example to start with and then both of us just painted for the rest of class. It was really nice to have the kids run up to us and look what we're doing and then run back to their painting. It was like we were inspiring them in that moment and that was really cool.
Cleaning up was just fine. We didn't really have too many problems today. Fitsum had them all go around the room and talk about things that they were thankful for. And then I have them lined up in the hallway and we headed to snack. We have lost a couple students. Two are moving. One was suspended. One just decided to not come anymore. I know there's a mom that may have pulled him out of the program. So we may be getting a bunch of new students. But I think right now we're doing really well. Today was just really really nice.
It took a little longer to completely clean up our classroom. And then we headed out. I got home before 6. And basically changed and got right back on my bike to head to the 7-Eleven to pick up the package. Because the 7-Eleven down by the stadium has an Amazon Locker. And my new pillow came.
Wasn't a bad ride. I just never been there before so I was a little nervous about going the right direction. But it ended up being no big deal. Just a few blocks off of my normal path down to the harbor. I got my box and came back home. I played with sweet pea. I did laundry. I wash my sleeping bags for overnight switch I have a few coming up. And I need to be ready for. I had dinner. And I've been watching a really great YouTube series about Catherine the Great for the last hour. I'm excited to have the next day off. I'm still not sure if I'm supposed to go to work at ships on Friday. I told him yeah I really didn't want to but I would if she needed me but she never answered me after that. So I don't know if I'm supposed to be working. Which I find very obnoxious. Honestly at this point I really just want to say no. That she hasn't given me any concrete answer and that's not cool. It would be nice to just have another chill day off. But either way. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. My plan is to wake up early and have breakfast. I want to take a bath. I want to work on my art. Finish my diorama. Paint for a while. Maybe do some embroidery. I wish I had some watercolor paper because I would really like to start Making some plans for me and Jess's next project. But maybe even then with the paper I do have I can figure something out. I really hope to take advantage and have a nice day. I would like to take a nap at some point too. Just like all of my blankets on my bed surrounding me. I want everything to feel soft. I don't want to feel guilty about anything tomorrow. I hope you guys all have a nice day tomorrow. I hope you all have the day off but if you don't I hope the day is kind to you.
Good night everyone.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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Im not feeling so great. James is trying to make me feel better. He brought me a waffle. But its only kind of helping. I just need to sleep.
I was really glad to be back in my bed. When i got back here Sweetp seemed really excited. But my apartment stank. I think Sweetp got sick a little. So I cleaned. And then James came. And we talked and it was nice. But he went home. And I showered and painted my toes and had Sweetp all in my face. I went go sleep. Sweetp woke me up a bunch putting his wet nose on my face. So I slept in.
I got up around 10. I don't like sleeping in that late. But I needed it. I got up and had breakfast. Got dressed. Mostly rested. I wasn't thrilled about anything. But eventually i packed up and got myself together.
I went to the grocery store to get a snack and a drink. And made the earlier bus. I got to the school at noon. Which was to early. But it was fine. I had my salad and hung out in the supply closet. And then Fitsum came and we got to work.
We had pizza boxes and i made easels put of them. We put paper on them. And it was such a good day. The kids were great. I went down to the classrooms to collect them. We went upstairs to draw. Recess was good. Dinner was fine. Having the jobs for some kids is very helpful. So we actually cleaned the tables and got lined up in an orderly way. Awesome.
Painting went great. Tiffany was there for the beginning and she helped Fitsum explain the project. And I really threw myself into the project and they were painting their still lives and they were doing so good. We also got a chill out zone tent for them amd it was good for the kids who needed it. I really think it helped for the whole flow of the day.
Soon enough it was the end of the day. Me and Fitsum cleaned up quickly and got out early.
He got me back home around 6. And I got a shower. And James was here when I got done. We went to the grocery store to get a few things. But i felt bad. And that made things hard.
We made my favorite mashed potatoes and stuffing. But James didnt like the potatoes and that made me feel bad. I know he wasnt trying to hurt my feelings but they sort of were. But Mostly i felt bad he barley had any dinner cause he just ate stuffing. But he tried to cuddle me. I just felt bad though. And because my body also isnt feeling good I just kind of spiraled.
But we did some work folding my coats. Amd we've been laying in bed watching videos. And the waffle helped. But I really am looking forward to sleep.
Tomorrow is more painting with the kids. Im looking forward to it. Sleep well everyone.
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