#kieuecaprie draws
kieuecaprie · 8 months
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I wasn't gonna post this outside of a few Discords but I might as well post it here so that it doesn't inevitably disappear (I'm of the belief of not putting things behind a Discord if I can help it, at least these days.).
Touched it up just a little bit because it was only a half-serious piece of art based on a post a friend made in a discord I'm in:
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kieuecaprie · 8 months
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Wanted to make a new Steam profile picture 'cause I was getting tired of my old Ralsei!Kieue pfp I made back in October of 2022. Was meaning to replace it for a while now but got too lazy so it stuck there for, like, a year and some change lmao.
So now, I decided to draw a new one and liked it so much that I made a general use one that I'll be applying to my accounts, so tonight's a double feature.
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kieuecaprie · 8 months
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Not... 100% happy with this but I wanted to at least draw my only other OC who has been put to pen and paper (digitally speaking). Well, okay, there's at least one more but I'm also not happy with their appearance so I'll have to put a pin in that for later (read: in five years probably lol).
At least I remembered all of her things this time!
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kieuecaprie · 1 year
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I was watching Limes's stream last night and she was struggling HARD against this large lad in a game of Go Fish, which she needed to do to get a lucky charm to progress in Spy Fox in '"Dry Cereal", and he kept asking for Queens at one point which had inspired me last night to draw this out.
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kieuecaprie · 11 months
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Hey, remember when I do art? I remember. In fact, I finally found my pen, so why not draw a halloween costume for the stupid idiot that represents me. This year is Pikmin and they're out on a walk with their bestie Oatchi. :)
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kieuecaprie · 1 month
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I've went ahead and re-did the sprites for my character for Ring Racers. The hair on the side was feeling flat so I added a bit more while also removing some of the black outlines.
Turns out that black outlines don't play very nicely when kartmaker creates some "vibrating" sprites because it makes them turn out pretty weird if done improperly.
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Also made a new set of "dead" sprites (background added for visibility) since I couldn't really find a lazy set I'd be happy with so I decided to just say "fuck it" and made this one while I was fixing up the others.
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kieuecaprie · 4 months
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I'm trying to get the energy and mental power to make a custom character for Ring Racers and my first attempt is basically equivalent to dev art programmer art. acceptable, I guess.
...Well, I guess I finally art'd after, like, a month so I guess that's worth sharing I suppose.
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kieuecaprie · 3 months
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"Kieue! You haven't even finished Zane yet, what are you even doing?"
haha funi gote
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kieuecaprie · 4 months
Hey, remember that shitty little sprite of Amelia (my OC) sitting in a kart for a potential Ring Racers character sheet? Yeah, I kinda shelved that for now to try my hand at someone simpler.
So I'm trying my hand at recreating Zane from the X Slayer comics you could find in Hypnospace Outlaw (and on the first level of Slayers X). Obviously, it's unfinished, it's crusty, there's no shading, bits are missing but I wanted to get something into the game first so I can see how it all goes together.
Will I ever finish it? I dunno, maybe. Will I release it? I don't know if I have enough confidence to do that as of yet.
For those wondering, his stats are:
Speed: 8 Weight: 3 Rivals: Shadow, Surge, Eggrobo (Placeholder)
I picked rivals from the base cast mostly because it's just easier to do so and there's no way in heck I'm gonna flippin' make three new characters when I'm barely making headway on one.
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kieuecaprie · 1 year
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With Virgin Media going down on me like... well, you know the joke, I decided that I wanted to put together a little picture of my current Toon I'm playing as on Toontown Corporate Clash!
Meet Elpis Elmglow, a thembie deerb who probably ends up looking like a deer in headlights when push comes to shove. In terms of the Toon Resistance, they specialize in Toon-Ups because seeing their fellow toons being sad doesn't quite sit right with them.
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kieuecaprie · 1 year
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I... am not sure if I want to post this on here because I just made this for Twitter to cash in on the funny "-1 credit" joke but I guess I'll throw it on here because I have an art tag, damn it, I should use it.
Also, this ain't the one that I wanted to draw for the stupid meme I mentioned a while back, that one's gonna require more effort, I just needed to make a dent in the art block first. Now I gotta wait for it to crumble...
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kieuecaprie · 9 months
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So, initially, I had drawn a sketch for one of the Billie Bust Up Twitter account's shenanigans where they gave everyone in the "secret club" a template to draw (or whatever) a picture in a box and sign their name for a "secret club membership card", so here's what I drew with their template:
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(Original template by @ billiebustupofficial (or billiebustup on Twitter (or X, I GUESS)))
And I thought the sketch was cute enough to turn into proper line art and make myself a new PFP for 2024!
I'm fine with it for the time being but I still don't like the sketch looks so much better than the proper drawing. Oh well, live and learn.
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kieuecaprie · 2 years
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The goat turned themeselves into a bunny for Lunar New Year. Ain't that the funniest thing you've ever seen? I'm sure it's not permanent, though, right?
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kieuecaprie · 2 years
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A server of friends I was in was having a Secret Santa Art thing again this year. This year, I was assigned @umbraviolet as my secret santa! My friends may have known the trials and tribulations (it was actually only a few days) of faces looking weird to me and the fact that I haven't drawn in, like, a month or so.
So, I buckled in and drew this with some touchups in good ol' Paint Dot Net (don't tell anyone how I live my life). Was not too sure whether I should've been using the colors of Umbra's WIP or the colors of the references that I was given but it was realized a little bit too late.
Hope you enjoy, Umbra! (Yes, I forgot the wings. Whoops. It's fine, they're obscured. Y-yeah.)
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kieuecaprie · 2 years
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I finally defeated the brain goblin for tonight so I can actually put this one out. This is her taking a selfie of herself in her bedroom... because she felt cute and she might delete it later.
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kieuecaprie · 2 years
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Ah, right! I have OCs! OC! Singular. One. Maybe more.
Her name is Liliana Silvernoon, although she prefers to be referred to as Lily or Lils, if you're close! She's a gote girl! In the world rattling around in my head, she's classed as a "faun".
I always tell myself that I'll make more OCs in the near future but it just seems like I only fixate on this one, oh well. One day, she'll have friends, I promise.
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