#kikiji answers
daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
Thank you for taking my previous Ask! I don't know about the others, but i'm dying to ask about your opinion on Ai as well 🥰 Feel free to post other ask game in the futur, it's fun :)
Thank you for asking again, I enjoyed answering both of them :D
And glad you're enjoying this as much as I am~!
### Why I like them:
Idk man it's a mystery to me. Fact is, Ai is and has always been an outlier in my usual "types" for favorite characters. He shares little in common with characteristics and qualities that I can usually find attracts me to a character. Or at least, not much that are significant enough to justify how intense the affection I had for him was.
I will say that every time I go through his route again the love meter shoots up.
### Why I don't:
SetsuAi never came home.
(No I'm serious I emptied out everything I had on it on 4 different occasions over the course of two years now I'm so salty I can out-salt the Atlantic Ocean.)
### Favorite episode:
Season 2 Episode 1. I will never get over Poison Kiss.
### Favorite season:
Season 2 for the above reason.
### Favorite song:
(Good thing it's only solos, if group songs were included.... Let's not discuss that hellscape of a battle.)
Futari no Monogram was my long time favorite, but I've gotta say Synchronism was like... Some of you might remember how, when it came out in SL you needed tickets to play it. I, uh, may or may not have restarted the game a couple times right before it ended just so I can listen to and play it again without consuming a ticket-
### Favorite outfit:
You give me Ai. And you give me canon. And you add SL on top of that. And you expect me to answer this question?
Hhhhh I'll pick 1 out of my 23 top favorite outfits and go with Shining Kingdom aftershot Ai. It's the gloves.
### Headcanon:
Mostly about Aine actually, but drawing from Ai's themes and its implications:
Headcanon that Aine doesn't, in fact, have a trauma involving the ocean despite what occured. If he did, it would have likely manifested in Ai. Additionally, the Professor and Shining would never have allowed Ai to work so closely with the ocean or related concepts if this wasn't the case. It would be counterproductive to their goal of drawing Aine back to the world.
From Ai's voice lines, I think the ocean was always a source of calmness and peace for Aine, despite it's potentially wild behavior, and that feeling resonated with Ai. The ocean was a place he loved, and a place he rested. That was why he chose it for his end.
### Unpopular opinion:
The paws ruined Pop Animal Partner Ai forever for me.
### A wish:
More rapping Ai. I found exactly one (1) synthesized version 4 years ago. And right now I can't find that one translation I read 5 years ago that included a fact about how (along with the tidbit about how he first debuted his music online with only his name, no other info) Ai knows [insert list of different forms of music]. A list that included rap. Back then I was like Ai?? Rapping????? And proceeded to scour the internet. I even tried looking for Aoi Shouta rapping but didn't find anything back then ajsjdkfk.
### An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
Major Reiji-Ai discourse tbh. When something truly bad happens with those two... it's the branch of angst I generally run the hell away from.
### 5 words to best describe them:
### My nickname for them:
Ai-chan, Ai-Ai very rarely lol.
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Taggity tag tag(?)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @redzeverin
Tagging: @festivite (if you see this, but you don't have to) (There's like only two people following this lurker blog who probably aren't porn bots lol. Not sure where they want me to drag 21 people out from)
Nickname: Kikiji (you know my default username now :D)
Zodiac: Gemini
Last Movie I Saw: Pokemon: The Power of Us (needed some nostalgia.... But it was actually pretty good)
Height: 5'3"
Last Thing I Googled: Jimin silver hair
Favorite Musician: (Why are you making me pick one??) First that came to mind was Yiruma
Song Stuck in My Head: "Brave Shine" by Aimer
Do I Get Asks: This is a lurker blog, what would I get an ask for XD?
Following: (if you saw this before the edit I misread this word lol) 45
Amount of Sleep: 9 hours :/. Woke up too late and now my body feels sluggish and stiff
Lucky Numbers: 4, 6, and 8
What I'm Wearing: college T-shirt, black and white sweatpants
Dream Trip: Japan. Just... Japan. ( º言º ) (I think I want to go to Venice at least once too. And I have a list of some sights I want to see but haven't looked up the locations so I probably don't have a full list yet lol.)
Dream Job: Not sure. In an ideal life I would have enough money to live comfortably, work some part time job somewhere, and spend the rest of my days reading, drawing, and doing whatever I usually do with my free time. Not that that's going to happen (=ω=).
Do You Play Any Instruments: Depends on what you mean. I can play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with one finger on the piano, and I probably can still figure out Hot Cross Buns on the recorder. I've had lessons with ukelele, classic guitar, violin, and flute (my school had an extensive music education I guess.... But the violin and flute were at either mine or my parents' discretion) but I never went further than the basics.
Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese (non literate and limited vocab lol) and can understand one other dialect, a little bit of Japanese from nearly a decade of watching anime (still illiterate though).
Favorite Songs: I-I can't. What about the rest that I can't fit on the list...? orz Here's a couple: "Giraffe Blues" by Walkure, "King" by Lauren Aquilina, "Moonlight" and "Thank You" by Miyano Mamoru, "Shoppai Namida" from Oushitsu no Kyoushi Heine, "Brave Shine" and "Last Stardust" by Aimer, "Tender Rain" from Soredemo Sekai was Utsukushii
Random Fact About Me: My voice is so low/quiet that most people have a hard time hearing me. And when I'm arguing with someone and get louder, my voice gets strained but only raises to a normal conversation level of loudness lol.
Describe Yourself as Aesthetic Things: My most recent Google search is now 'aesthetic things list.' (It didn't help.) Long library aisles, floating dust visible in the sunlight, gentles breezes that blow the curtains, the smell of the air after it rains. I guess???
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
for the ask game, I feel like Ai is the obvious one to ask about, but if you want someone else, how do you feel about Ren?
### Why I like them:
I adore how much a big brother role he has in the Starish dynamics - the way he looks out for all of them is really heartwarming and wholesome. Also his "little lamb" nickname is very cute.
### Why I don't:
His flirty playboy persona for, like, the first half of season one was coming on too strong for me. Not that I disliked him, but more like it didn't really catch me in any way. I actually started really liking him as a character in the later seasons when that part of his image died down enough for his other aspects to show.
### Favorite episode:
Season 1 Episode 12. The way he calls out Tokiya for how he was acting and forces him to take responsibility for his actions was an unpleasant but necessary thing to do. This, to me, was a crucial moment for the growth of their relationship and the future of the group. That Ren understands this and takes it upon himself to keep pushing the situation until their issues are addressed makes him admirable and cemented him as a dependable person to me.
### Favorite season:
I actually started liking him more as a character after the first season for the aforementioned reasons, but at the same time, his part in the opening scene and the Tokiya confrontation at the end of the season, are in retrospect, my favorite Ren moments.
### Favorite song:
Orange Rhapsody
### Favorite outfit:
Rather than one specific outfit can I talk about how much I wanna see his hair up again I don't care what style just put his hair up again I'm begging you-
### Headcanon:
I mean, I think people still take it as pretty ambiguous if Ren truly likes Natsuki's cooking or is just humoring him. But I like to think that he does truly enjoy it and they have BrOTP moments where Ren taste-tests Natsuki's cooking, even if comically taken aback by his cooking methods lol.
Also I buy into @nattiegreene's headcanon about Ren's "bright orange, extra af sports car named Eglantine."
### Unpopular opinion:
His brotherly side is just as if not more attractive than his seductive side-
### A wish:
Chances for parts of him besides the playboy thing to shine. It's really a shame that those facets of Ren don't get as much attention.
### An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
Uhhh, considering his image, someone sexually harrassing him or making him uncomfortable by not respecting his space because of how they see him, would be very... knife-provoking.
### 5 words to best describe them:
### My nickname for them:
I don't actually have a nickname for Ren lol. Probably because his name is easy enough to say.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
For the Ask game, what do you think of Ranmaru? I'm curious about it :) Have a nice day!
I had a wonderful day, thank you <3
### Why I like them:
His eyeshadow. Jkjk.... Probably. Ok only half of me is kidding. After I first noticed his silver eyeshadow during a rewatch early this year, I found great joy in finding it every time he came onto the screen.
I'm not sure what about him attracts me to him. His no-nonsense attitude? His strong morals? His steadfastness? His passion? His cooking skills because I'm pretty hungry right now? Let's just go with everything.
### Why I don't:
He's never come out with a YouTube makeup channel and that's a crime.
Idk man. I couldn't come up with anything for this section. The world sorely misses his eyeliner tutorials tho.
### Favorite episode:
Season 3 Episode 8. How do I say it.... Just, Ranmaru's expression after he gets the feel for his bass again in the photoshoot after a long episode of restraining himself was just endearing to the core.
### Favorite season:
Can I say season one just so I can talk about how much I loved that senpai cameo in the final episode-
### Favorite song:
No. 1 (Ahhhh def one of my favorite songs to play on Shining Live.)
### Favorite outfit:
Sweet Cafe. It's just so far from his usual vibe yet he's going along with it so willingly that the final image is just... amazingly cute. Lemme just say Ranmaru in an apron can be weaponized tho.
### Headcanon:
More Quartet Night in general but these guys regularly write peace treaties and start wars over food.
### Unpopular opinion:
Watermelons are the best fruits, mandarins second, banana isn't even in the running. Korean pears get an honorary mention.
### A wish:
More Ranmaru in the kitchen? There can never be too much Ranmaru cooking.
### An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
Uhhh, honestly, any tragedy really. This guy's been through enough already give him a break. (If you want something more specific- if anything happens to his mother and sister I will fistfight the higher beings of the UtaPri verse.)
### 5 words to best describe them:
ROCK!! (look it's obligatory)
### My nickname for them:
Ranran, only when we're joking about him on discord or having light-hearted fun with him.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
and soon it'll be Ai day :>
🤣 That's right
Forgot if I planned to start this blog before his birthday or not. I think it was a coincidence it was so close wwwww
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
I love all the interactions between Ai and Nagi in the quotes like idk why but honestly those two are like a brotp for me just... is it bc they’re the two youngest in the franchise and that makes me want them to be friends and cause problems on purpose? Maybe so. idk I just really like it. Hope your day is going well when you get this! 💜💜💜💜💜
(Your ask really made my day <333)
Ok so a few years ago, I wasn't Nagi's biggest fan after watching the anime. But then I went on my Mikaze Ai content-digging binge and the handful of Nagi-Ai interactions I found in art and comics (with the occasional side of Syo) was just so?? Addicting??? I totally fell in love with Nagi-Ai interactions after that lol and so here ends the story of how Nagi became my favorite Heavens member.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
since you had cecil just now, how about camus for the character ask? I also wanna add that I think your opinions on both cecil and ren are really interesting!!
I'm happy to hear that :D
### Why I like them:
Camus gets a lot of hate and I kinda understand why especially when he wasn't one of my favorites when I first watched. But over time he kinda grew on me? He's got a strong work ethic, which is admirable, with his dedication and willingness to go completely out of his way to make sure his job is done perfectly.
This crosses into headcanon territory but I also think he has a sense of responsibility - noblesse oblige if you will - and will protect those who serve him. I have no doubt that if Cecil or anyone else was truly in danger, he would bust in and save them with all the glamour and dramatics he loves.
Speaking of, him being extra af in his introduction scene was absolutely hilarious.
### Why I don't:
You can kinda automatically assume cause UtaPri is in general wholesome and all that Camus, deep inside or smth, is loyal and dedicated to Quartet Night and its future. But, especially after the Non-Fiction drama cd, I feel like I need something more than what the material has already shown for that to cement to me. Like I need something more solid in what he wants for the future and his true feelings.
### Favorite episode:
Season 3 Episode 6. Tbh I don't think Camus gets much quality screentime for me to have many options for questions like this lol. But then again it's hard to juggle a cast of 11 (turn 18) characters and give them all quality screentime.
A Day with Camus have us very nice insight in his life and routine, and I enjoyed that.
### Favorite season:
Season 2. I can't believe I didn't remember how ridiculously over the top his introduction was lol. Maybe I wiped it out of my memory the first time?
### Favorite song:
(Assuming group songs aren't allowed - Non-Fiction would've been a strong candidate - then I'd choose) Zettai Reido Emotion
### Favorite outfit:
I highly enjoy anytime he wears glasses c o u g h, but if I had to go with one, I'd pick Autumn Basic Style. It really suits him and I'm a sucker for turtlenecks.
### Headcanon:
Camus is Alexander they canonically strangely resemble each other and Camus doesn't have a last name isn't that suspicious and- I'm just joking lol.
But ok I enjoy feeding into my crack Camus-is-a-dog-spirit theory even when I know the reason behind his name et cetera.
### Unpopular opinion:
His "real" voice suits him as a character more, but without that to consider I'm more of a fan of his Butler Persona voice.
### A wish:
Can we have like, an entire song in his Butler Persona. Just,,, because it doesn't exist and that would be really fun as a concept lyrically and musically-
### An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
I know this isn't what this question is asking but just don't let him find out I'm not a fan of the Silk Queen. Or if you do, give me a 24 hour warning to write my will.
### 5 words to best describe them:
### My nickname for them:
Myu-chan. Borrowing from Reiji of course. I have great fondness for Reiji's and Ren's nicknames for the other characters.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
For the character asks, how about Cecil?
### Why I like them:
I kinda find him as a soff sunshine boi in a different way than Otoya. He sometimes comes off as quite innocent but it's fun watching him learn things. The fact that he's eager to learn is something I'm enthused by too. Also the foreign language is a plus. I really like listening to him singing parts of his songs in his native language.
### Why I don't:
Ehhh the only issue I have with Cecil is what I feel like is a stark difference between how he's portrayed in what little we see if his character as a human in season one and then his character when he's reintroduced in season two as a new member. The difference between them was... a little jarring.
### Favorite episode:
Season 2, Episode 2. Now that I've watched it years later, it's hilarious how riled up he got everyone in his introduction scene.
### Favorite season:
Season 4. Obviously, he doesn't get much presence in the first season, and he was still working through his issues in the second season. I feel like he didn't shine as much in season three, but honestly I need to rewatch the whole anime again.
The fourth season and his moment with Shion was something I enjoyed. I felt like he was placed in a position he isn't usually placed in with regards to who he's partnered up with and what role he plays in that dynamic, and that allowed us to see some growth from both of them and also another side of Cecil.
### Favorite song:
Ai no Reincarnation
### Favorite outfit:
His traditional Agnapolis outfit possibly? I love seeing styles like that. Or his scarf and jacket outfit. Cause scarves are like. Iiii.
### Headcanon:
Even if his usual Japanese pronunciation is heavily accented, he always practices his pronunciation of the song lyrics until it's perfect for every song he's given to perform. His group mates often put aside time to help him with it.
### Unpopular opinion:
Cecil doesn't hate Camus. Like yeah his senpai rubs him wrong in many ways, but I think he does have some healthy respect for Camus and has learned valuable lessons from him. If someone insults Camus, he might enjoy joining in the Camus bashing but ultimately defend his good points in the end. (Or comically can find no good points to point out but still end up feeling like Camus should be defended lol.)
I might even go as far as to say, for his own reasons, if Cecil was given a chance to change senpais right now, he wouldn't take it. (Of course, the Cecil of the beginning of season two would jump at the chance.)
### A wish:
It's impossible but, along with all foreign characters really, I want to see him at his element in his native language and a familiar environment for him. I feel like what people tend to forget when foreign characters seem a little silly or dumb is that they're often forced to talk in a language that isn't their own, and live with a culture foreign to them. That's capable of making anyone look dumb or foolish.
### An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
Generally driving Cecil and Camus' relationship into an unhealthy direction. I genuinely think there's potential for something significant there.
### 5 words to best describe them:
### My nickname for them:
Borrowing Ren's nickname for him, I sometimes fall into calling him Cesshi because it's fun and cute.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
For the ask game, what do you think about Syo?
### Why I like them:
Ahhhh high-key Syo was my first UtaPri best boi before Ai came into my life with all the subtlety of a wrecking ball in season two.
Putting aside my adoration for OP shorties, Syo... Ok I've been trying to find words for it but I'm struggling lol. He obviously finds Natsuki troublesome 99% of the time but still persists in his efforts to run interference because he has a strong sense of duty and responsibility. At the same time, he genuinely sees the other as an important person he cares about. It expands to a lot more than just his relationship with Natsuki but I don't wanna write a whole essay here lol. Then there's also his gentle part which is,,, very heart-pounding-inducing?? What's the word for it ajskdkfl. Just all in all he's a strong and amazing role model. Highly admirable.
### Why I don't:
Ahsjdkfk I feel guilty about this,,, but uh, I never really became attached to the Prince of Fighting thing. I'm sorry I couldn't share your enthusiasm, Syo-kun-
### Favorite episode:
Season 1 Episode 1. He was suave as heck in his introduction scene lol. Of course there are other episodes that showcase and/or explore him better, but damn I still remember that first scene.
### Favorite season:
Season 3. I just can't give up the kouhai-senpai dynamics and Innocent Wind has the most screentime for the three of them.
### Favorite song:
Subete wo Uta ni (My favorite Syo song to play in SL because it hits my sweet spot of exhilarating and fun~)
### Favorite outfit:
Setsugetsuka. There are other outfits that he wears that I like just as much if not more but damn he looks great with that sword.
### Headcanon:
This involves more Natsuki ajskdkf but I headcanon Syo as one of the few people Natsuki doesn't hold back on because he full on believes Syo's tough enough and strong enough that he doesn't have to worry about him being able to take whatever he's throwing at him. (And the same concept applies with Satsuki.)
### Unpopular opinion:
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion per se... But ah, I'm not a fan of Syo's singing orz. To me, his strength lies more in his dancing and acrobatics, the visual components. But there are a few songs where I find his singing really nice like Hatsukoi wo Mara Hajimeyou.
### A wish:
Now that I think about it, some kind of Syo dance practice scene. We get a couple for some of the other characters, but I'd really like to see more of Syo dancing.
### An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
Heart attack. Like seriously. Any downticks in his health condition. *Shudder.*
### 5 words to best describe them:
### My nickname for them:
Syo-kun and Syo-chan? Idk man it's instinct.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
Hi! I really like your blog + drawings! May I ask for number 18 and 20? Thanks and sorry for the bad grammar/english!
Aww thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my content! And if english isn't your first language, I can't tell at all lol.
18: What do you do when you have a crush on someone?
Ahhhh, I tend to think about them a lot and become overly-sensitive to their presence in the room.
But I'm also very easily spooked so on the few occasions they have come on to me or confessed, my crush goes poof right then and there. I guess I just like admiring people from a distance?
20: Have you ever had a dream that made you wonder if it was actually a memory?
No, actually, but I've mistook a dream for something that has happened in reality so many times I should probably be worried about my ability to distinguish dreams from reality :'D
It's soul crushing when you're 3 hours into your morning routine and realize that no, you haven't actually just taken your Biology Exam, that was just a dream and you better be ready to take it at 9 am tomorrow. Can you tell I stress dream a lot?
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
what if that Ai... Gives the tiny you a lil kiss
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Perfect Crime. No evidence left except for a kiss mark-
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
I have been very busy with grad school but seeing your updates always makes my day. Here are some more hearts for Ai to stack: 💜💜💜💜💜
hashtag-anthems has always been a familiar sight for me in my notifications~ Thank you for being with this blog since its first posts (´°̥̥꒳°̥̥`) and I hope you continue to find my Ai content brightening up your day.
Good luck with grad school! We'll be rooting for you~!
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He's going to enjoy stacking these too <3
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
this recent Ai has a threatening aura... yet he is also Ai so I mean... if Ai’s comin to get you, what can you do but just get got?
Yandere Ai: [exists]
Us: [throws ourselves at his feet]
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
hnnnfgn Ai drew a really cute drawing!!! he.... *sniffs* hnnn Aiiiiiii....
He really did
I somehow expected his to be more straight lines and perfect curves so when the drawing was revealed it was a cute surprise lol
Watercolor suits him tho <3
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
If I give tiny Ai a shiny marble I found will he be less angy
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Ding! Quest Completed!
You have distracted Mini Ai with his new treasure.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 4 years
I'm happy that this game allow us to know more about you! Can i ask for 2, 5 and 47 if it was not already posted? Have a nice day!
Ayyy~ it's serving its purpose then~ Hope you're having a great day too!
2: Favorite book?
Assuming that manga is out of the running-
The Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan. I first read it in middle school but to this day, it's top tier material and I love rereading it.
5: What's your favorite fictional ship? (Canon or otherwise)
Tbh I don't have a ship for UtaPri, hence why I keep this blog mostly ship-free as many of the other incorrect UtaPri I've seen usually has an abundance of shipping. I mainly BrOTP the UtaPri charas, maybe because when I first saw it I wasn't really into shipping yet.
I don't have an all-time OTP but I'll say Shion and Nezumi from No.6 cause they're the memorable ship that dragged me into BL.
47: What are you passionate about?
Too many things. In general, I'd say reading. I can't live without reading, whether it's physical books, manga, translated light novels, etc.
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