kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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You can't fix your broken promise
Our ties have come undone
I will not be used to be battered and abused
It's the reason why I choose to cut my losses
Your lies fool no one
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Monster (Kiki/Isabella and Professor James backstory self write Tw: Abuse, Violence, Rape)
Isabella had the worst day at college possible, if that was saying something considering lately everyday had been dreadful. Her project that she was planning on submitting into an art gallery had been smashed to bits. By the looks of it, it definitely was no accident. She couldn’t understand how it would’ve happened though. Her art professor had graciously allowed her to put the sculpture in his office for safe keeping. Did someone sneak into his office just to break it? Oh how cruel could people be? Luckily it was Friday and she didn’t have any classes on the weekends, a break from college. A chance to hide away in her room from the town. She was meant to visit the professor at his apartment that evening for their usual day night.
Dressing up was a hassle with her mood. However she managed to slip on a short but stylish spaghetti strap black dress. Slipping on her black flats she reached over on her nightstand and grabbed a black hair twisty, tying her hair up in a messy bun. Snatching up her purse off of her bed, she said goodnight to her mother and grandmother as she likely wouldn’t be home till late. Slipping into her lavender punch buggy she made her way to the professors complex. Upon arriving she used her key that he had given her to unlock the door and entered his apartment. Closing the door behind her she announces her presence knowing he was somewhere within the apartment. “James, I’m here! You wouldn’t believe what happened! My sculpture somehow got smashed...I honestly thought it would be safe in your office...it’s absolutely awful I won’t be able to submit anything for the gallery!”
James slid a bookmark into his book and set it down on the coffee table, getting up to greet the young woman. “Oh how terrible! These kids should know better than to take their fears out on someone else” he said slightly louder to let her know where he was. As Isabella came into veiw he approached the girl with a smile gracing Isabella's face at seeing her lover. He brushed the back of his hand against her cheek, and Isabella nuzzled her cheek against his caring caress. “Don’t worry about it too much, my love. I could let you get some time to remake the sculpture this weekend if you would like. Though if those rats can get into my office, I’m not sure I can guarantee it won’t happen again.”
She normally would be cheered up by his presence alone and of course offering her a chance at a redo as he had many times before. But today the depression of everything that had been happening was weighing heavy on her heart. “Could you? Even then though would it be worth it? Everything I’ve created since...they found out who I am has been destroyed...” she bites her bottom lip and averts her gaze, tears pricking in her eyes. “I know that I shouldn’t give up but....it’s getting worse at school and just in town...they’ve started getting physical...”
James eyes narrowed. “Now now, I’m here, aren’t I? I’ll always have your back Isabella.” He wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb and pulled her in for a hug. With a soft sigh Isabella wrapped her arms back around the professor. “If it ever gets too unbearable, just come to me, and I will protect you from them.” He always did give the best hugs and knew exactly what to say. “You’re right...I’m so lucky to have you, thank you for not leaving me or judging me for who I am,” Isabella replied.
James pulled away from the hug but left his hands on her shoulders. “Would you like something to drink? I have all the usual beverages.” He spoke with a warm smile on his face.
“Then that means you must have chocolate milk, which I need!” Isabella says and grabs his hands and leads him into the kitchen.“Maybe if you’d help me with the sculpture we’d be able to finish it together? I really want to be accepted into the art gallery I know you mentioned how popular they are.” She opens the fridge to find the carton of chocolate milk that the professor kept specifically for her. Isabella loved anything sweet, knowing that the professor kept it in his home because it was something she enjoyed. Anything that made her rely on him for comfort. Grabbing the carton of chocolate milk when she found it. Setting it on the counter she got on her toes and reached up into the cabinet to grab herself a glass.
James crossed his arms, watching Isabella. "An Interesting thought, though I'm not sure how much help I'd be able to provide, my sweet. It is against the rule for a professor like me to help out on such a project, so if anyone found out, the whole town would be after my head." He gave her a sad looking smile. "Nevertheless, I will provide you with all the tools you need and help with what I can. I'm sure with your talents, you will be able to make something beautiful in no time."
Kiki poured the milk into her glass then put the carton away in the fridge. “I know, your reputation is important. I wouldn’t want you to get in any trouble....“ she closes the fridge and grabs the glass from off the counter.
James leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, watching her closely. "I'm glad you understand. It's truly unfortunate that I can't help you more…” he said with a sigh.
“The new sculpture won’t be as wonderful as the first one I made but I’ll do my best! Should we start it tonight or do you have other plans for date night?” Isabella asked as she continued sipping on her milk. Chocolate milk and the professors encouraging words was definitely a mood booster.
James leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. “I don't see why we can't do both. I was just thinking of taking a stroll, but we could always just take the long way around to the studio."
Finishing up her glass she places it in the sink. He really was such a sweetheart, she got lucky finding someone like him. “That sounds like a plan! Let’s do it!” smiling she links her arm around the professor, who grabbed his shoes and keys on their way out. Walking out of his apartment and down one of their familiar pathways. They often would walk at night ever since being exposed. Of course Isabella didn’t mind it, as she loved staring at the twinkling night sky.
As they walked, James seemed to be on high alert for someone-- anyone-- who might be watching them. When they at last reached the campus, he unlocked the door to the studio, ushering Isabella in and locking the door behind them. He covered the windows so that nobody could see inside either. "Alrighty," he said, clapping his hands together in a motion reminiscent of a man starting class. "What can I do to help you get started?"
Isabella set her purse down and chuckled as James seemed to take on his usual authoritative role. “Well I’ll need colorful clay....some carving tools....some glitter....”
James rolled his eyes, a smile making its way onto his face. "You and your glitter... As usual, just don't make a mess with it. I'd feel bad for the custodians." With that being said, he went around the studio, getting out the various items that she needed and setting it up for her. He sat down in a corner to give her some time to work, his legs crossed as he watched the girl he once admired so much.
“I’ll try my best not to make a mess!” Isabella replied she slipped off her black flats and reached into her purse, pulling out a hair twisty and tying her hair up in a messy bun. When she was focused on something she zoned everything else out. After everything was set up she immediately got to work. Humming softly to herself as her hands worked with the clay. She had a specific vision in her mind and she was completely focused on creating it. Using the different colors she was given to create her masterpiece. The form of her art taking shape as beautiful fairy with large wings. Using the glitter she was given to detail the wings. As she finally finished she stepped back. Her hands covered in clay and glitter with some on her face. A smile on her face as she stared at her masterpiece. “sooooo do you like it?” she waited for the usual approval of her lover.
James smiled as she looked up to face him— had he not been smiling the whole time? "Why don't we put it in the oven? We can talk for a bit while it's firing," he said, dodging her question with a forced smile as me motioned for her to put the creature into the oven.
“Ooo alright! I hope it comes out well. I really think I let out my creativity in this piece. I love designing fairies though usually I keep them in my sketchbook hidden...” She carefully lifted up her creation and set it down in the oven. By now she knew how to work the machine and turned it on. Before twirling around and walking back over to the professor. Isabella was practically beaming, it was obvious she was proud of her work.
James watched, his fake smile plastered on his face as she set her abomination into the oven, and waited until she had closed it to approach her. He gently reached out and caressed her cheek, wiping a bit of glitter off of under her eye with the pad of his thumb before removing his hand-- only to swiftly make contact with her cheek once more with a heavy smack. His smile faded instantly to a disgusted frown. "You should keep that disgusting filth hidden forever." before she could get over the shock of him smacking her, he grabbed her shoulders and pinned her against the wall, the force of the action knocking a couple unpainted pots off the shelves and they came crashing down around them.
“J...James....?” her voice cracks as she stares into his blue anger filled eyes. Had she done something wrong? Why was he angry at her?
"Do you honestly think anyone will compliment that abomination you've created!?" James spat, his eyes full of rage. "You should be afraid -- very afraid -- of what this town thinks of you. Yet here you are, happily enjoying yourself with your filthy little hands, creating such vile forms out of our precious clay. You're a disgrace to the art program."
“You said I shouldn’t be afraid....that you’d protect me from them!.....I thought...I thought you didn’t mind supernaturals....what’s going on?” her brows furrowed in confusion as she tried to make sense of what was happening. “Did someone threaten you or something?”
A nasty grin spread across his face as he noted the fear in her eyes and in her voice. Yet he still wasn't satisfied-- he needed more. "Oh, sweet Isabella. I will protect you from them-- but only because you are mine. I used to love you, you know... but you ruined it, ruined everything with this vile truth-- you're a monster, something to be feared. But I won't have that, no no. I will make you fear me." His voice at this point had lost all hints of kindness and was at a low growl, like an angry beast. He kept his grip tight on her, before saying in a deep voice, "I will make you fear me like no other." With that said, he drew back to punch her in the face, the stomach, and kicked her legs out from under her to send her crashing to the floor.
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, was this the man she loved? What happened this couldn’t be real. Had he been lying to her this whole time? Was he like everyone else in this town?! “I...I’m not....I’m not a monster...I...James...I love you....please...” her words of desperation to try and convince him she wasn’t bad, she wasn’t wicked. Instead she was met with a version of the professor she never even knew existed. Chills running down her spine as he claimed that he’d make her fear him. Next thing she knew, more pain. Before she had a chance to recover he had pinned her underneath him, kneeling on her legs so she couldn't kick or get up.
“SNAP OUT OF IT JAMES!! Fucking stop it!!!” Isabella shouted. “I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU TREAT ME LIKE THEY TREAT ME! I AM NOT A MONSTER!!!!” As she was pinned to the floor she instinctively opened her mouth to let out a scream. However it was muffled by his hand and she stared up at him in terror.
"Scream, I dare you. No one will come to your rescue. And at the off chance they do, I'll simply tell them you attacked me. They will believe me, of course. Who would believe a monster?" He gave off an evil-sounding laugh as he continued to beat her, leaving cuts with his rings and bruises with his fists.
James knew exactly what he was doing, he knew how the town worked. They all saw her as some awful monster but she wasn’t. The professor had led her to believe that he thought differently from the rest. Part of her still wanted to believe this wasn’t him. She struggled back against him but it was proven useless. Hit after hit came down and all Isabella could feel was pain. Bruises already forming on her pale skin along with bloody cuts. Once he seemed to be finished she tried getting up, but groaned in pain as she realized how badly he had beat her.
Yet he still wasn't satisfied. Before Isabella could get up, he grabbed the glitter she'd been using. "This is for the art you've disgraced," he spat, sprinkling some into her open cuts. "How does it feel now, Isabella?"
Watching him grab the glitter as she finally allowed her eyes to fill with tears. Hissing as the glitter was sprinkled into her already bloody cuts. It stung, despite this she still didn’t want to believe this was James. She wanted to believe that maybe he was forced to do this? He had to love her right? “ I love you please...James don’t do this....don’t be like them....I thought...you were different....who’s...making you do this?...”
James's twisted smile grew at the sight of her tears. "Who? Who's making me? You really don't know?" he asked, faking a surprised expression. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "It's you, of course... you freak." He needed to get up, and after glancing around the room, grabbed the wire that was used to cut clay and tied her ankles with it. "Now, be a good girl... I certainly wouldn't recommend struggling against those wires. You know how they cut through clay... like butter."
Her blood ran cold as the realization finally hit her that this was of his own will. His breath tickling her ear as he insulted her. Freak, monster was that really what the man she loved saw her as? After all they had been through, after all the trust she had put in him. As he finally got off of her, she attempted to push herself up. Her arms were shaky and she could barely lift the top part of her body before laying back down. Next thing she knew something sharp was tied around her ankles. She looked down and panic shot through her body yet again. Without even struggling she could already feel the wire cutting into her skin. Gritting her teeth as she laid there, now she really was stuck unless she wanted to amputate her feet. Hearing his mocking tone just hurt her even more, was he really enjoying doing this to her?
After saying that, he got up and opened the oven, the heat of the fire quickly filling the room. He turned the oven off and reached for the metal tongs, bringing out the still uncooked sculpture.
“JAMES NO DON’T!! PLEASE DON’T!!” Isabella cried, reaching out towards the sculpture, her cries were in vain as the masterpiece she’d worked hard on was dropped.
"Oops," he said with an evil grin as the sculpture smashed to the floor with a dull thud and shattered and squished onto the floor. "Oh no.... just like all your other art. How... unfortunate."
“W...why....” a sob escaped her lips as she saw the sad state of the destroyed fairy. Shooting a glare at him. “Like all my ....other art....w....wait...you! Did you...have you been the one destroying my art?!!!” anger swirled with pain as she shouted at him.
"You just now figured it out? Poor girl," he said, clicking his tongue. After kicking the broken pottery out of his way, he made is way back over to Isabella, kneeling down in front of her once more, his face getting dangerously close to hers. He ran his hand through her hair, a gentle caress that the girl was used to-- yet at the end of a few strokes he firmly gripped her dark locks.
"Did you really think I would be careless enough to let others into my office? No... you are mine to destroy, and that applies to your artwork as well." he paused for a moment, looking into her angered eyes with dissatisfaction. "tsk tsk... this won't do. Is that.. anger? Little Isabella... the only emotion you should feel towards me is fear." Like a hungry beast, he hit her once more, then began tearing off her clothing, not caring at all about the ripped fabric.
~ Rape Occured will not be writing details ~
Once he was satisfied, he redressed, straightening his tie and running his hands through his hair, leaving the sobbing girl on the ground as he walked away. Yet before he shut the door behind him, he turned to face her once more. "Remember, Isabella... I would strongly advise against telling anyone of the... 'love spell' you used on me tonight." with that said, he turned off the lights and left, leaving her there in the dark. Staring at him with terror in her eyes, he’d won, she feared him.
Her heart was absolutely torn into pieces, how could he do this to her? The studio was eerily silent minus the pained sobs coming from herself. Using her arms she managed to pull her body to her purse that was near the entrance. Finding her phone she switched on the flashlight and snatched her pocket knife from deeper within her purse. With shaky hands she cut the wire from her bloodied ankles, free at last. Using the wall to help her she managed to stand up on shaky legs. Her entire body was sore and every move brought on more pain. She couldn’t stick around though, turning on the light switch her gaze landed on her destroyed sculpture. Making her way over she knelt down and scooped up the remaining pieces. “I’m sorry....” she whispered as she got up and chucked it into the trash can. Staring down at her torn dress she debated on how she’d be able to get home. Glancing around the art room she snatched up one of the art aprons and slid it on. It covered the parts she needed it to. Taking one last look around the studio she once adored making art in, she promised herself she’d never come back here. Sliding on her flats and snatching up her purse she flicked the lights off and left the studio.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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“this storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our whole worlds collide?
It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside
Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away
And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream”
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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That night he caged her
Bruised and broke her
He struggled closer
Then he stole her
Violet wrists and then her ankles
Silent pain
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