kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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“I see the world in colors”
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Masquerade Sweets (open)
Kiki was delightfully surprised when Stan came home with a gorgeous gown and mask. Mentioning that a masquerade was taking place at the veil. The wiccan had never attended a masquerade before. The only things she really knew about them was from media portrayals. Her vampire definitely knew her sense of style seeing as he got her a black black ball gown. It had sparkling silver details making the bottom of the gown look like a starry night sky. Her mask was black with silver jewels and black glitter lining the gorgeous design. She couldn’t even bring herself to scold him for buying her something that seemed so expensive. Not when she saw the small smile that lined his features when he saw her reaction to it.
When the day of the masquerade arrived she got all dolled up. Putting her hair up in a neat bun and doing her makeup to match her gown. Black eyeshadow with silver glitter, black mascara, and black eyeliner, neatly making her usual lines. Slipping on the gorgeous gown she practically beamed as she did a twirl in front of the bathroom mirror. It honestly made her feel like a princess, she’d never work something so fancy. Slipping on her black heels and grabbing her mask she slid it on and admired herself in the mirror.
Arriving at the veil with Stan, they ended up separating due to some buisness the vampire said he had to handle. Kiki didn’t mind and watched her vampire walk off before glancing around the venue. Everything was beautifully decorated, ever since coming to Tabula she seemed to attend higher class parties. She was used to casual highschool and college bashes but the city gave her a whole new view on party life. Her blue optics landed on one of the long tables of food. Walking over her eyes sparkled as she grabbed a plastic plate and placed any sweets she saw on it. Not really paying attention to her surroundings she gasped softly when she bumped into someone. Saving her plate full of goodies from falling she gave an apologetic look. Offering a kind smile she apologized. “Sorry! I wasn’t really paying attention....” her eyes scanning the figure before her.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Exploring (Open Starter)
Knowing better now than to go into the woods after Elidi and her were attacked, Kiki found herself looking for new places to explore. On this particular night she found herself in a more worn down part of Tabula. She didn’t mind however and found it to be quite fascinating to see a different side of the place she now called her home. It was nighttime and the wiccan was trying to be very cautious of her surroundings, knowing that trouble could lurk at any corner. So far the area seemed to be eerily quiet but it didn’t bother Kiki one bit. That’s why when she heard a soft mew while walking past one of what seemed to be an abandoned building she stopped.
Standing still she waited to see if maybe her mind was playing tricks on her. But once again she heard another mew. Now walking up to the broken down wooden door of the entrance, she pressed her palm against it and gently pushed. It creaked open showing what seemed to be a void into pitch blackness. Once again she heard the mewing, not only was it much louder but sounded panicked. Pulling out her cell she turned on her phones flashlight. “Whoa...” this wasn’t her first time in an abandoned building but this was much larger than any she’s explored before. Scattered furniture littered the main entrance. Moving her phone around she noted a staircase and more doors, some missing that led to other rooms.
Carefully stepping around objects that laid on the floor she made her way further into the building, stopping only when she heard that the meowing was coming from up the staircase. They didn’t look sturdy at all but if there really was a cat up there or any animal in trouble she wouldn’t forgive herself if she just left. She placed her foot on the first step and slowly pressed her body weight on it. “Please don’t break...” she muttered to herself as she descended up the frail staircase. Holding her breath until she finally reached the top and sighing softly, she knew that the top floor could be dangerous as well. Shining the light she noted that the meowing was getting louder, walking down the hallway she stopped at the last room. That was where the noise was coming from, pushing open the door the wiccan shone her light around the room. By the way the walls were painted pink and the floor was littered in broken or dirty toys she guessed this had been a little girls room. “I wonder what happened....” noticing rustling from the corner of her eye she turned and gasped softly. Curled up in the corner of the room by a broken window was a small black kitten. Walking over she knelt down and used her free hand to scoop the animal up in her arms. “Hi there....you are so adorable!” She gushed, the wiccan had been wanting to get a cat but her apartment didn’t allow pets.
Maybe this was fate? Holding the cat close to her chest she began walking back down the hallway. Her light shining on the floor so she could make sure not to misstep. While walking she sees something that looks wet on the floor? Red liquid. Her eyes trail where it’s coming from and lands one of the doors to a room that’s creaked open. A chill ran down her spine as her curiosity got the best of her. Maybe it was an injured animal? Maybe the kittens mother? She gently kicked her now bloody shoe against the door fully opening it and she drops her phone in shock. “Fuck!” In the middle of the room laid a body, that’s where the red liquid was seeping from. She snatches her phone back up and wipes the blood off with her shirt. “Hey are you okay?!” She keeps the kitten secure in her arm as she kneels down and examines the body. A knife handle was sticking out of his chest and by the looks of his torn shirt he had been stabbed several times. Reaching out she pressed her hand against his neck, no pulse. But blood was still coming from his body which meant that he had to have been recently killed? She feels her entire body freeze as she hears someone else’s footsteps. In a panic she darts for the closet and quickly turns off her phone flashlight. The kitten squirming in her arms as she tries to keep it still.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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You can't fix your broken promise
Our ties have come undone
I will not be used to be battered and abused
It's the reason why I choose to cut my losses
Your lies fool no one
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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Mentor and Student
“Two stars are brighter than one”
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
THE AFTERMATH (Starter for @dabrowskievolution @garridansblood
Finally managing to pull herself together Kiki pushes herself up off the hard ground. Wiping away at her eyes so her vision wouldn’t be so blurry. Leaning over she snatched her phone up off the grass and saw Stan had texted her. She stared around at her home one last time before she began walking. Not having a way home she knew that she’d have to get someone to pick her up and it sure wasn’t going to be here. Nearby was a gas station that she used to go to and get snacks while walking with the professor at night. It was going to be a bit of a walk but she knew in the few hours it took to get here from Tabula that she’d be fine. Who would pick her up? Elidi? No she just had broken into her house and made a mess. Tamryn? She didn’t have the empathy or patience that the wiccan needed. Kasumi? No he didn’t know the situation at all and it would be difficult to explain everything from the beginning. Of course the whole time of listing off people in her head she already knew who she would text. Stan, he knew the previous situation and with their bond she wouldn’t be able to hide what happened. Ignoring his other texts she just sent him a text of the address to pick her up at. Pausing momentarily before asking him to bring Garridan along with him.
As she walked along she allowed her mind to wander a bit. Her feet knew where they were going as they had been there so many times before. At that moment she just felt numb, she tried to think of happier things. Sweets, Midnight,Stan...she even tried thinking of all the great memories she had made at Tabula. Those were the thoughts she allowed to take over while everything else was shoved into the back of her mind. Finally making it to the gas station she sat down on the curb and just waited for Stan to come.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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“Eat me up like apple pie
Make me not wanna die
Love me rough and let me fly
Get me up, yeah, get me high
Tie me down, don't leave my side
Don't be a waste of my time”
(Art comission: ghostly.marie on Instagram)
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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“If they hurt you
They hurt me, too
So we'll rise up
Won't stop
And it's all about
It's all about”
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
What’s something you really resent paying for?
“When I was a child I bought a magic kit thinking that I’d be able to do actual magic. Turns out that it was just a box full of tricks and illusions.”
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
The girl asked her questions. Avia didn't want to be interviewed right now, but realized she had to explain herself or she'd probably get the wrong idea about her."Yeah I'm fine." She wiped her eyes and tried to put on a brave face."Yeah... I killed this bastard. For his own good. He'll have a lot of time to regret doing anything to me where he's going." She snarled at the lifeless body. She noticed the weapon still in his body. She liked collecting knives. Avia reached down to pull the sharp object from the corpse. Holding the blade in her hand she cleaned it off on her attackers blood stained shirt."I'll just take this as a souvenir." Avia smiled at the weapon. The feeling of taking a life kinda overwhelmed her. She didn't know how to feel in the moment. She couldn't remember anything when she blacked out. But both sides of her chaos and order were battling out what to feel. She felt powerful but somehow broken. Realizing that she had been quietly pondering over the knife for a while, she turned her attention back to the girl with the cat. Wanting to change the subject and forget any of this ever happened, she asked the girl a question."So who's your friend?" Avia nodded towards the creature in her arms. She crossed her arms and waited for an answer with a slight smirk on her face. 
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“Why did he deserve it though?....” she could see that whatever happened the female seemed to hold anger towards the body. Staring back up at the girl she took a moment to really look at her. The voice sounded eerily familiar and despite being covered in blood she was able to make out who it was. “Wait a second....Avia?!” She felt her blood run cold, what was the hybrid doing here?! She’d last seen her at Red Rose the night they’d met. After eating Avia had gone off but promised that they’d meet again, of course Kiki hadn’t expected this being the way they met. “....this is Midnight but that’s besides the point, you killed someone! I thought you said you were going to behave Avia!! Now look what you’ve done...” she didn’t know how to fix this mess. She prayed that the girl had a decent reasoning for murdering this man. Did she need to contact Elidi?
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Elidi is indebted to Tamryn's embrace, her touch grounding the witch the moment her arms are around Elidi. She turns her head to rest her cheek against the Alpha's chest, focusing solely on the sound of Tamryn's heart beating. Part of her apologetic for her chaotic nature, though the moment her lover approached her the static energy in the air around Elidi dispersed, that much she could control. "I just didn't want to shock you, Red. Only reason I told you to stay, well that and possible danger..." Elidi muttered, digits tracing idly along the Alpha's spine, "I knew I was going to get angry.." However, with Tamryn's statement on her anger, Elidi's brows furrowed together leaning to press a playful nip to her neck. "I am calming down at least.." She retorted as she turned to press her cheek back to Tamryn's skin, hues lifting as the front door opens. Briefly, her brows rose in surprise upon seeing Kiki, though her temper is quick to make its return as she rises suddenly from the stool, the wood clattering to the floor loudly. "What happened? I told you to water plants and feed Binx, not create a mess!" Vexation smolders in her throat, eyes shutting tightly as she grabs hold of her emotions once more. Blue hues open to peer at the Wiccan, observant of her current state, the puffiness to her eyes, red and irritated to the tangled mess of her dark locks. "I don't care about the mess! That isn't why I'm angry." Elidi exhaled through her nose, reminding herself to focus. "Kiki, what's going on? This isn't like you to do something like this." There was no way Kiki had done this for no reason, despite what Tamryn said, Kiki wasn't a virulent human, Elidi had known plenty of those in her days. Her hand sought Tamryns, her grip tighter than usual while her hues refused to leave the wiccan, and having Tamryn by her side helped soothe the storm.
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Staying silent in the moment she focused more so on being calm and exerting a passive energy that Elidi would hopefully feel and let calm her. As her love rested her head against her chest she moved one hand up to caress her lover’s jawline fondly, attempting every calming touch she could to soothe the static energy she felt surfacing in her partner. Hearing her suddenly defend her reasoning behind telling her of all people to stay the proud she wolf huffed and shook her head softly,
 “Mon amour I am not worried about that, I know you meant to be protective I love that about you, however I will never let you walk into danger by yourself. I will always be right there, protecting you as you protect me. As for hurting me, darling I may have soft and pretty features but I am far more resilient than I look. Never feel like you have to hide parts of who you are from me, I love you, and that means even the parts of you that you do not love within yourself. Your anger does not scare me, nor does the chance you could lose control of your power and hurt me. It takes a lot more than some sparks to hurt me. Plus, every time we touch I already feel the sparks between us so, I am sure I can handle a little more of it.”
She smarted with an arch to her elegant brow as she leaned down and kissed the top of her love’s head reassuringly. Feeling the nip against her neck her eyes shifted yellow almost against her will as she growled softly down at her lover with a wicked smile upon her red lips. Leaning into her love almost temptingly she eyed her lips for a moment before tilting her head,
 “That’s good to hear, though if you nip at my neck one more time I don’t think I will be able to stay calm.”
Letting her love seek comfort in her arms once more the Alpha stood close to the witch and let her take as long as she needed to gather herself before figuring out what to do next. The moment Kiki entered the home Tamryn went defensive. Her body tensed as she let out a threatening growl. She didn’t react fully until Kiki stepped into the main room and spoke her lover’s name. Tamryn turned within seconds and was defensively in front of Elidi. She looked like an attack dog being held back by the simple fact Elidi didn’t tell her to attack. Her golden hues bore into the wiccan girl with intentions to inflict harm, and correct the disrespectful girl’s mentality the way she would a unruly wolf within her community.
The red head had her fangs bared and her claws ready though she was not down in an attack stance, she stood taller and almost unnatural still despite the rolling snarl coming from within her chest. She was furious and held back simply by the fact she respected Elidi enough to not break their promise, even though she felt it would have been justified. Rather than letting her Alpha nature take charge, she let Elidi speak and lead the situation by her own terms. Tamryn was merely there to prevent Kiki from coming any closer, and to literally toss the wiccan out if Elidi so much as gave her the look to do so.
Returning the grip with her own to reassure her love that she was there the Alpha focused on the wiccan once more. Her eyes still glowing yellow with the savage need to defend the woman she loved from the one who was in Tamryn’s eyes simply taking advantage of her. Another rolling snarl kept up from her throat as she thought of the ways she would enforce the reasons Kiki should learn to either respect or fear them both.
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She could feel the alphas eyes on her and knew the wolf was infuriated with her. However she didn’t pay mind to it as she was solely focused on Elidi. It hurt the wiccan to see her mentor so upset with her and she could only hope that Elidi could forgive her. “A lot happened....I have a lot to explain....I’m willing to accept any punishment you think I deserve....but for now could we sit down?” She knew that her legs wouldn’t hold her up when she got emotional. Following Elidi and Tamryn into the living room she furrowed her brows seeing the mess she’d left. At the time she hadn’t paid much attention to the chaos she’d created in the witches home. But now seeing the damage she felt even worse.
As she sat down across from the duo she found herself unable to look them in the eyes. Instead she stared down at her lap, which her hands were folded atop of. Taking a deep breath she pulled herself together and began explaining her past. Knowing that it was important they know her background. So they would understand what had just occured a few nights ago. She briefly talked about her picture perfect life and mentioned the professor. She could feel her hands trembling from just speaking his name. She hated this control he had over her, despite that she didn’t stop. Moving along she explained her struggles with activating the wand, how the night in the woods went down. What happened after getting caught, how the whole town turned against her. All about how she was tormented out of college and then the town, how she came to Tabula to escape. Throughout speaking she’d look up every now and again but then when she’d feel herself tearing up she’d stare back down and wipe at her eyes. The professor came back up and it was obvious that Kiki feared the man. Her bottom lip trembled whenever she spoke of him and she began fidgeting with her hands. It took everything in her to mention the rape and she was quick about it not wanting to linger on the topic. By the end of that she was proud of herself for not getting sick, not that she had anything on her stomach to throw up anyway. She’d only cried a bit and managed to hold herself together fairly well. Now came the hardest part, why she’d broken into Elidis home.
She kept her eyes locked on her fidgeting hands in her lap. She told the two about how the town turned against her family. How she was trying to get money to help them move to Tabula. She mentioned that’s why she was trying to sell charms to begin with. Admitted how foolish it was of her not to accept Tamryns help when she offered money, she had been stubborn. Managing to get all of that said without breaking into tears, she looked up momentarily as though to see if they were still listening. Seeing that their eyes seemed to be focused on her and looked back down. Kiki spoke of the text she had gotten from her mother and how she thought Elidi could teleport them their to save them. How when Elidi wasn’t home she panicked and decided to attempt the spell herself. She found the spell and gathered all of the items. A small sob escaped her lips when she admitted that she was too late. How her house was completely burned and her caregivers bodies were charred. The conversation she barely remembered with the cops and then how the professor showed up. Near the end she had started to cry and her breathing became ragged but she kept speaking despite all her stuttering. By the time she finished she was a blubbering, shaking mess. Refusing to look up she frantically tried wiping away at the tears that poured out of her eyes. “I....am...s...so...sorry...” she managed to gasp out a pitiful apology to the one who she’d hurt.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
The trip to the beach with Tamryn had been like a dream, even more and she never wanted to wake up. Unfortunately like all good things their trip came to an end. Elidi couldn’t bare the thought of being away from Tamryn, at least not so soon after such a heavenly vacation. She’s elated when Tamryn agrees to come back home with her, wanting to be alone with the witch as much as Elidi wanted to be alone with the Alpha. The ride back to Tabula isn’t long, filled with laughter and declarations of love so long as the Alpha wasn’t annoyed with her antics.
Elidi eyed the luggage, glad this was the final time she had to haul them items anywhere. “As fun as that was I’m sort of happy to be home, mostly sad seeing I don’t get you all to myself anymore.” The ice chest is dropped by her feet as she fumbles for her keys, hues lifting up to the door knob, her brow quickly furrowing as she notices the door is not shut entirely. Certain she had locked the door, the items that resided on her shoulders and in her hands fell noisily to the pavement. Elidi turned to face Tamryn, looking about her yard, assured there was no immediate danger outside. Pushing the door open, she crosses the threshold, hues scanning the walls for any other presence aside from the couples. Finding nothing she’s all too relieved as Binx pads over, brushing against her ankles. The witch exhales a sigh as she crouches to pet the tubby cat, her head tipping as she looks up to Tamryn. “Stay.. right here just in case.” Attempting to be as quiet as possible, she turns the knob as she shuts the door, finally turning to observe the rooms.
While still searching for other auras, the first thing she notices is the books scattered about the floor, none of the books looked damaged bit they were clearly looking for something. The witch approached one of the novels, holding it in her grasp as she continued to survey the area. Elidi inhaled deeply from her nose, wrathful vehemence itching along her spine, creeping up her neck, intertwining to heat her visage. Digits are quick to move to her nape, digging into the skin there as she wills herself to calm. Aside from the bookshelf being ransacked, a few of her plants had been toppled over, ceramic from the pots in pieces on the wood floors. Her gaze stoic as she examines the greenery in front of her feet. Hues lift to stare down the hallway to her bedroom, the door open to her quarters.
Dropping the novel her pace is quick as she enters her room, suddenly alarmed. She kept the stronger spells in her room, where she finds a similar scene, more broken pots, tossed books. Briefly she’s confused, all the wards she’s set in place are still active, aside from an alter, though it held no purpose other than aesthetics. Even if this person were a skilled magika, one of them were bound to activate. Her mind travels back to the door, she hadn’t located any signs of forced entry, no broken windows, the door hadn’t been forced open even. Static emits off her shoulders as she stared blankly at the shelves, her hands now balled into fists at her sides.
Elidi turns walking from her chambers, glowering as her mind tosses theories here and there. The only other person who had a key was Kiki, she had yet to make Tamryns. Lightning illuminated frequently in the air around her, the further her thoughts trailed into that of betrayal, she had trusted her. The witch stays, looming in the darkened hallway, all but her illuminated energy and eyes that sought Tamryn’s in the dim lighting. “Kiki.”
As if on queue her phone chimes, Elidi set on ignoring it, but the insistent pings cause her to huff as she fetches the device, reading the short messages. Light emits from her palm, not wanting to short fuse her phone she growls as she sets the device on the kitchen island, unlocked for Tamryn to read Kiki’s apologetic messages. “Got damn it.” She paces the floor as her mind wanders, unaware of the storm brewing outside, finding it difficult to soothe her trepidation. “How – can she want me to listen to her right now….I-I mean sure she isn’t the malicious type but even this seems a little… unnecessary. It’s out of character, something happened,” A loud crack of thunder causes her to jump, the witch moving to take a seat on one of the stools in the kitchen, “need to calm down first…there are explanations for everything.”
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While the trip seemed to only solidify the bond the two women had, Tamryn was more than happy to be back within the familiar sights and sounds of Tabula Rasa. As Elidi carried their luggage Tamryn huffed playfully and walked behind her somewhat to almost admire the fact she always did the heavy lifting though Tamryn offered many times that she would help. Upon hearing her love’s words of no longer having her to herself the she wolf growled almost in protest,
 “Love, you get me all to yourself no matter where we are. Whenever you want me you simply have to text me and I will be on my way within moments.”
Distracted entirely by her lover, still thinking about all they had experienced together while on their little get away. The alpha was entirely devoted to the woman who stood there fumbling for her keys. Lost in the new found love Tamryn had not been alerted to the fact the door was left open, only when Elidi seemed to become alert did Tamryn break from her swooned mentality.
Locking eyes with Elidi she knew right away that something was off and she turned to look the opposite direction Elidi did as she drew out her claws as she looked ready to defend and protect, whichever came first. The moment her love opened the door ad stepped inside Tamryn was right there by her side almost like a guard dog, she was attentive to everything, her eyes scanned as well as she stood somewhat offset from her lover. Her gaze dropped the moment the cat moved within their line of sight, she growled but caught it in her throat once she noticed it was the cat and not some small threat. Upon seeing Elidi bend to pet the cat she stayed alert and defensive though when her love told her to stay she tilted her head giving her a challenging look,
 “I will forget the fact you just told me to stay, because I know what you mean by it, however there is no way in hell I am letting you go in there alone. Together, remember.”
Her words were not stated as a question more so as a matter of fact and she left no room for negotiation or argument. Allowing Elidi to take the lead she simply stayed close enough to defend her if she were ambushed turning a corner. The alpha maintained guard over her lover as she looked over the books, her eyes focused in the opposite directions that Elidi looked at all times, alert with her hearing and sense of smell, she inhaled deep before look around once more with a low growl,
 “I don’t hear any heartbeats nor can I smell anyone that wouldn’t have access to the house..the most recent scent is Kiki’s which is a given..”
The moment Elidi’s wrath seemed to surface Tamryn felt it and rather than draw attention to it she seemed to keep her silent focus on her lover, observing her response to the situation with a bit more interest now. She had been experiencing a lot of Elidi’s emotional range as of late yet what she was feeling now was almost intriguing to the she wolf for she had never felt Elidi having emotions like the ones she was displaying in that moment.
Seeing her love rush towards the bedroom Tamryn stayed in the main room and crossed her arms, smelling that no one was there she watched as Elidi seemed to come across another scene within her own room. The red head stepped closer to the hallway before she stopped slowly seeing Elidi exit the room and met her gaze she felt the betrayal Elidi had surfacing as well as the wrath. Tamryn’s eyes involuntarily shifted yellow in response to the feeling as she growled low hearing the cause of everything.
 “Why does that not surprise me, can I just eat her and save us-”
The tone of Elidi’s phone caused her to stop short as she arched a brow seeing her eventually cave and read the messages being sent to her back to back. The she wolf stood a little closer now but waited fr Elidi to respond, her eyes more so focused on her lover and reading the rise in her anger. She took notice to the electricity surfacing from Elidi’s palm,
 “Darling, don’t melt your phone.”
 “She is clearly using you for your magic Eli, I knew the moment I caught her selling it on the streets, you really think it is beyond a human to do this kind of thing. Something will happen, to her, Nobody does this kind of thing to you and assumes they can just-”
 The crack of thunder caused her to duck before looking towards the back door and seeing the storm surfacing outside. For a good moment she actually stood there and contemplated whether or not to fuel this storm rising within her lover just to see what would come of it. Though when she looked at Elidi jump at the sound of her own thunder Tamryn suddenly got a change of perception. As her lover sat on the bar stool Tamryn pulled it closer to her and hugged her arms around the witch in efforts to help calm her storm.
Tamryn rested her head upon Elidi’s and ran her fingers through her hair comfortingly before refocusing her own aggression towards the matter, trying to be calm enough for it to cancel out Elidi’s building wrath. Hugging her with as much comfort as she could,
Tamryn rested her head upon Elidi’s and ran her fingers through her hair comfortingly before refocusing her own aggression towards the matter, trying to be calm enough for it to cancel out Elidi’s building wrath. Hugging her with as much comfort as she could,  “Exactly, perhaps something did happen... and she has reason. Though do not feel like you have to respond to her now or even today Love. I do agree you need to calm down, although I am kind of liking the feelings I am getting from you. Rage looks pretty attractive on you... but as much as I like it I want to help you, so just breathe and focus on me until you can calm down enough to figure out if you even want to hear her out or not.”
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It had been a few days since the fire happened and Kiki had stayed cooped up in her apartment, mainly her room. She kept her distance from Kasumi because she wasn’t ready to explain everything to him yet. Stan would regularly check up on her and was keeping tabs to make sure the wiccan was safe. She’d barely eaten or drank within those few days for she didn’t have the energy or will to do so. Texting her work, the benefits of being friends with the boss played in as she got some time off. Most of her day was spent curled up on her bed sobbing on and off. Attempting to sleep though she was haunted with nightmares and vivid flashbacks. Elidi hadn’t texted her in all that time and she wondered if the witch was ignoring her. The guilt over wrecking her dear friend and mentors home had been eating away at her. Finally gathering the energy and courage she texted Elidi in hopes she’d hear her out.
Setting her phone down she thought of how Elidi must have felt walking into her home being a complete mess. The more she thought the worse she felt. Finally without even waiting for a response she grabbed her car keys and headed to the witches house. Surprisingly not getting into an accident on her way there as her focus most definitely wasn’t on the road or her surroundings. It wasn’t until she pulled up and saw the darker tone of the sky that she realized something was going on. Getting out of her punch buggy she walks to the door which was already cracked open. “Elidi?” Slipping into the house she called out for her teacher. Furrowing her brows as she hears the sound of two voices coming from the kitchen. She slowly makes her way over and looks surprised to see both Tamryn and Elidi. However her attention focused solely on the witch as she stood there. Both of them didn’t look happy and Kiki knew why. “Elidi....I’ll clean up the mess and I can pay for anything I damaged but please hear me out....” her voice was hoarse from all the crying she’d done. Eyes puffy , bags under her eyes, her hair was a tangled mess, and she was still in her pajamas.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
        “It’s beautiful! It truly does look like a starry sky!” he said, his eyes scanning his friend, admiring the sparkling dress she wore. “You look like a fairy princess,” he giggled. “Mister Stanislav has good taste.” 
Kasumi’s head tilted slightly. He was unfamiliar with high school and college parties.  “What is... casual dancing? I.. I thought this was casual,” he said sheepishly.  He’d never seen dancing other than traditional Japanese dances and the balls in Heaven.  And the attire at those had always been fancy. He had a hard time imagining what exactly a more casual dress would look like.  
     “Angels do not typically have masquerades such as this. The dance is familiar, but the face coverings.. not so much.  In the supernatural world, hiding one’s identity can be... hm... risky. Though this was often not the case at an all-angel ball, still the custom of being open with one’s identity was prevalent and set the feeling of..” Kasumi struggled for the word. “M-mellon.. Ah! Friendly. Friendliness, I guess, is the English? Sorry, the words escaped me for a moment.” 
He smiled as they continued to dance, periodically lifting his hand to let her spin-- giving her every opportunity to show off her lovely dress.   “I would love if you could show me these.. casual dances sometime. And dresses. I am having a hard time imagining what they look like.” 
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She beams as Kasumi agrees with her. Her vampire did have good taste when it came to more formal things. “A fairy princess?! Oh that’s a wonderful thing to be compared to. I wonder if fairy princesses even exist...” she trails off into thought. She couldn’t take everything she’s seen on the media as truth. Her knowledge on fairies was vast but it was based off of false portrayals.
She shakes her head “this isn’t casual dancing, this would be very formal dancing.” She already knew that Kasumi wasn’t knowledgeable in modern dancing. Dancing had changed a lot over the years and evolved. “Oh so you have balls? Just not masquerades. That makes sense! It can be off putting to be approached by someone in a mask.”
She giggled as she was twirled around. It was probably her favorite dance move of the night. She loved the feeling of her starry night bottom twirling around with her. “Oh of course! I could always pull up some dancing videos on google. As for dresses a quick google image search should be able to give you a good idea.”
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
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I wish that I could hold you close and feel your cries
Love me, love me, love me
'Cause I'm under your spell
Haunt me, haunt me, haunt me,
You're puttin' me through Hell
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
“Well I said you’re the only human I’ve met. It’s not like I’d exactly meet myself.”
Meghan chuckled, albeit with the tiniest hint of nervousness. She’d forgotten that a similar question had come up the first time they’d met and she hadn’t answered it fully back then, either. She knew dodging the question could only last for so long, so she’d figured it’d be best to at least give some kind of answer for the time being.  “I’m an undead. I only recently got to meet Stanislav. He said he’d help me if I ever needed anything. He seems like someone who knows what he’s doing, and like he has a lot of experience. I think I’ve been learning to like it here as well.” She gave a friendly smile, satisfied with having given at least somewhat of an answer. “So what brings you out here? Enjoying the weather as well?”
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She puffed her cheeks out as her question seemed to have no answer. However she gasped softly when she mentioned she was undead and met Stan. “Oh are you a vampire? and you’ve met Stan too! That was sweet of him to offer to help you.” She could just feel her cheeks heating up at the mention of her vampire.
“Yes it’s a beautiful day out and I hate being cooped up inside alone! Everyone I usually hang with are either busy or asleep right now.” She sighs softly with a pout.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
“I really love fries and ice cream! Whenever I have both I tend to dip my fries in my milkshakes/ice cream. I try not to do it around people though because some are grossed out by it.”
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