#kimetsu no naiba x reader
metoo-desu · 5 years
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that’s it. that’s the title above. i didn’t upload the wrong pic.
Inosuke x Brown-eyed Fem!Reader Oneshot
Inosuke was going in and out consciousness the whole time during the clean up of Mt. Natagumo. When the kakushi brought him down from the tree, that’s when he began to hear the conversations around him and the hurried footsteps of strangers. 
“—gentle on him, please.”
He heard a girl’s voice next to him, feeling her gentle hands tending to his wounds— cleaning his cuts with some type of ointment that left a stinging sensation. The boy was too tuckered out from the fight to even move, and his throat hurt too much to talk. If he had been in a slightly less serious condition, Inosuke would have yelled and hit whoever laid their hands on him. As if he needs help from others, he’s strong! Broken bones and deep cuts won’t make him less of it!
But after failing to kill that spider demon, he doesn’t think so anymore. 
The girl ordered someone to fetch medicine before turning to her attention back to him. He could feel her hands reach up for the mask hesitantly. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to remove it. I’ll put it back on after you drink some of this, okay?” 
Her voice was as gentle as her hands, making him feel warm from the inside. She reminded him of that old woman from the wisteria place. She made him feel at ease and surrender under her care. He kinda hated it actually. 
The cold air suddenly hit his face as soon as his mask was removed, the darkness from beneath it was replaced by the light peaking through the trees as dawn came. It hurt his eyes, his vision blurry from extreme exhaustion as it slowly came upon him. 
“Woah.” Inosuke’s voice guttural and low. He was in shock what he saw before him. 
“Wow.” He barely heard the girl say under her breath.
Though it was just one word, his throat hurt like hell, causing him to go into a bloody coughing fit. The girl panicked, quickly removing the cork from a bottle she was recently given and bringing it to his lips. 
She urged him to drink, “Drink this, it’ll take the pain away.” 
Inosuke couldn’t help but look at her eyes as he drank. They were just so damn pretty. As blurry as his vision was, they were clear as day to him. And they were the last thing he saw before he fell out of consciousness. 
When Inosuke woke, he found himself in bed and under a different girl’s care. He was disappointed, and even more so when he was stuck with hearing Zenitsu’s cries and complaints for who knows how long. 
All that he could think of was that girl’s eyes. So as soon as he was all better, he ran around the Butterfly Estate and bothered everyone about the identity of the girl he saw. No one could help him with the information he provided of the girl. As much as they wanted to, only for him to stop causing so much ruckus around the mansion, they just couldn’t. Because honestly, how could they?
He grabbed hold of Zenitsu’s shoulders and shook him violently as he screamed out in frustration. “How can you not know her? You can’t miss those eyes!”
“I don’t know what you mean by that, man!” The poor blond cried, begging Tanjiro to help him out. 
The burgundy-haired placed a hand on masked boy’s arm and asked, “Can you describe her again, Inosuke? You said she was a demon slayer?”
Tanjiro’s only seen kakushi running around the estate, and the female demon slayers he’s seen around didn’t really match the description Inosuke said before. 
“And you said..?” Tanjiro trailed off. 
Inosuke yelled, “Her eyes were the color of small potatoes!”
Frustrated with the only information they were given, Zenitsu screamed. “What makes you think we can find the girl with that description?! What the hell do you mean by small potatoes?!”
“To be honest with you, Inosuke. I don’t think we can help you with that information. Plus, potatoes come in a variety of colors.” Tanjiro laughed lightly, scratching the back of his head. 
The trio ended up in the Butterfly Estates’ kitchen, rummaging through a basket and laying out just four different types of colored potatoes— dark purple, red, brown, and tan. The two who had no clue stood in silence, waiting for Inosuke to pick out which of the potatoes match the color of the mystery girl’s eyes. 
Tanjiro spoke, “This isn’t all of the colors potatoes come in, but this is all they have.”
Inosuke placed a hand on his chin and thought long and hard before grabbing the brown potato and literally shoved it in Zenitsu’s face. “This one! Not close, but it’s this kind of potato!” 
“You don’t gotta shove it in my face, you pig! That hurts!”
“So brown, huh?”
With that new information, the two boys took note and would try to find the demon slayer whose eyes were the color of small brown potatoes as they went on with their days. They don’t know why Inosuke was so interested in this girl, but they wanted to help their friend out. 
Then Tanjiro’s extra training with Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi came along, the three girls cheering him on to break the largest and final gourd of his training. The girl’s’ cheers caught a passerby’s attention, making them come over to see what’s going outside of the engawa. 
“What’s happening, girls?” 
A girl in a colorful and jewel-embellished haori approached the trio, eyeing Tanjiro curiously who was too busy and focused to notice her presence. They explained that he was among the demon slayers from Mt. Natagumo now going through Shinobu’s rehabilitation training. 
“We’re helping Tanjiro out with some extra training, y/n!” Kiyo explained. 
Y/n grimaced at the mention of rehabilitation training as she also had to undergo through it recently after a rough mission with the Sound Pillar. The fact that the boy still wanted to train more right after that piqued her interest, joining the girls. They all watched Tanjiro as he blew into the gourd with his all his strength, celebrating when it finally bursted.
“I did it! I broke the gourd!” The boy happily shouted. “I did it!”
The trio gathered around him, cheering and praising him before they introduced y/n. Tanjiro turned his head to the girl who stood to the side with a smile on her face. 
Then he noticed her eyes. 
Now he knew what Inosuke meant when he said no one could miss it if they had stared into them. Long lashes framed their eyes and curled outwards, a purple dot under each eye accentuated the golden-brown color of her orbs. 
“You’re the small potatoes!” Tanjiro gasped.
Y/n cocked her head to the side, quite confused of what he just said. “Small..potatoes?”
“Y/n is the Sound Tsuguko!” Naho quick to correct Tanjiro. “Please respect her and don’t call her names such as small potatoes!”
The h/c-haired girl waved it off and laughed, “Please, I’ve only recently became one. I don’t need to be treated with that much respect. If anything, Tanjiro has all of my respect with what I’ve been hearing from everyone.” 
Tanjiro bowed, “It’s really nice to meet you, y/n! But please! I want you to introduce you to a friend of mine!”
Sumi soon realized what Tanjiro meant when he called her small potatoes, remembering how the boar-headed boy kept bothering everyone in the Butterfly Estate to look for the girl whose eyes were the color of small potatoes. “Oh my! Yes! Someone has been wanting to meet you, but you’ve been so busy with missions, we couldn’t really find you!” 
“Not really. We couldn’t have found her with just small potatoes as the description,” Kiyo mumbled, finding out y/n was who Inosuke was looking for the whole time. 
Y/n crossed her arms and pouted, “Do I look like small potatoes to this person? I’m quite offended, I’ve been taught to look as flamboyant as Tengen.”
“No! You don’t!” All four of them exclaimed. 
*·゜゚·*:.。..。.:*·'(*゚▽゚*)'·*:.。. .。.:*·゜゚·*
Inosuke and Zenitsu returned from their hiding place before dusk, walking through the halls of the mansion and to the engawa where their dinner was prepared. Tanjiro had already settled himself in front of his tray, waiting for his friends to come so they can start dinner. 
“Who’s eating with us?” Zenitsu asked, noticing that there were four trays in all. He sat himself next to Tanjiro. 
Inosuke sat across from his burgundy-haired friend, digging into his food already. “Whatever, if they don’t come, I’m taking their tempura!” But he didn’t wait, stealing one shrimp tempura and placing it on his plate, saving it for last. 
“Y/n will be here soon! And put that back, Inosuke. She just came back from a mission, I’m sure she’s starved.” 
Right as he mentioned her, the shoji slid slowly open with y/n’s back facing them. The boys heard Shinobu’s voice in the background, telling the incoming visitor to discuss the information about the mission later after dinner. 
“Okay, I will!” 
Inosuke’s head quickly turned to the sound of the familiar voice. He didn’t remember the color of hair or the design of her haori, so it didn’t help just seeing her back. He need her to turn around. 
“Just sit tight and wait for Tengen, okay?” They heard Shinobu say. 
“Yeah, he’ll definitely need me on this one.”
“You go on and eat dinner with Tanjiro and the others!” 
Then y/n turned and greeted her new friend as she walked over to them before saying hello to Zenitsu and then to Inosuke, who she remembered tending to his wounds back in Mt. Natagumo. 
She gasped, “Oh my god! It’s the pretty boy!”
Zenitsu choked on his rice and nudged the boy next him when he saw her eyes, “Her eyes, Tanjiro! They’re small potatoes!”
“Small potatoes again? I don’t know what you all mean by that,” y/n giggled. Turning to Inosuke, she asked, “Is this your doing?” 
This whole time, Inosuke had been staring at her. He only remembered her eyes, and now that he’s actually seeing her with clear vision, he was mesmerized. 
Seeing that he was speechless, y/n furrowed her brows and frowned. “Has your throat not healed up yet? Is that why you can’t talk?”
“Would you look at that,” Zenitsu snickered, earning himself a glare from the green-eyed boy. 
Flustered, Inosuke picked up his chopsticks and returned the shrimp tempura he stole from her tray and yelled, “Shut up and eat already! You’re making me feel all giddy!”
Y/n blinked at him and smiled, “Okay, pretty boy! I’m happy you’re all better!”
“Stop it!” 
Over dinner, Tanjiro had to explain the story behind small potatoes, unintentionally embarrassing Inosuke as he continued to expose him. Y/n laughed at the story of how they ended up in the kitchen with the potatoes, tears streaming down her face. 
“This is the first time in my life hearing someone compare my eyes to small potatoes!” She wiped at her tears and turned to Inosuke, who refused to look at her. 
“Do you not like what I said about your eyes? Is it that funny?” 
Y/n shook her head, seeing through his mask and noticing his insecurity about the current subject. “No, Inosuke! In fact, this is the first time the color of my eyes were compared to something. Brown is quite plain and common, you know? They’re often compared to literal shit so I find it ugly and often wished I had beautiful eyes like yours, green like jade and emerald.”
Tanjiro frowned, “What makes you think brown is an ugly color?”
“Your eyes are a pretty brown, y/n!” Zenitsu complimented her.
“That’s right!” Inosuke agreed loudly. “Brown is the color of the wilderness! It’s the color of firewood that starts up a fire and warm people who are freezing their asses off! It’s the color of the bark on the trees that people often overlook and instead just look at the stupid pink flowers on top!  They ignore the brown thing below that supports it all, but I don’t! I see it and pig attack it! It’s the color of acorns I collect and throw at bastards like Zenitsu!” 
Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu were in disbelief, while y/n was flustered.
Inosuke continued, “And you said that brown is the color of shit? Well you know what? They are, but people use shit as fertilizers and they help plants grow, crops rich, and make life! So I don’t what the hell you’re talking about with brown being a stupid color.”
“Is it possible to be violently poetic?”
“I didn’t think you had it in you, Inosuke.”
Y/n dropped her chopsticks, finding herself speechless this time. She stuttered, “I..I don’t know what to say. That’s the most beautiful thing ever I’ve ever heard.”
“Just shut up and eat. You’re really making me feel giddy, it’s annoying.”
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madamxrose · 2 years
could i request an inosuke x !idiotic reader ficlet? about the same level of stupid as inosuke, i really wanna see how this would play out, your writing is amazing!
What is Love?
♡ Pairing: Inosuke/Reader
♡ Word Count: 800+
♡ Warnings: brief mention of blood; just two idiots trying to understand attraction
❥ A/N: Thanks for requesting! I had fun with this, lmk what you think <;3 I've never wrote a fight scene before so bear with me pls 
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Having Inosuke run rampant in the Demon Slayer Corps was more than enough…but to have another person exactly like him? That was you.
Whenever you crossed paths, it spelled trouble: chaos and destruction were near. Neither of you could pinpoint when this competition began, but neither of you intended to forfeit either. Even the most mundane tasks served as a way to exercise your power and skills on one another.
During meals, the both of you would scarf down your portions before slamming down your tableware — a signification of who was faster. Instead of earning praise from the others, such poor manners earned a harsh slap on the back of your heads from Aoi. When stretching, there was a constant exchange of glances after each pull of a muscle. Upon seeing the other person show more of their flexibility, it added more fuel to the fire. Eventually, both of you appeared to be more of contortionists than slayers; and the others were even convinced neither of you were human — demons in disguise suited you guys much better. And especially during training, most people would rather relocate miles away than be in the same vicinity while you fought.
Due to your destructive tendencies, battles between the two of you were strictly prohibited within at least a mile of the Butterfly Mansion. Thus, you settled for an area surrounded in lush trees, but with dirt-ground. Each battle began with one challenging the other, claiming they would claim victory this time. And so, the battle commenced.
Due to the high activity, dirt and peebles contaminate the air, but neither of you are phased by the conditions. You're still charging at each other at immense speeds, ricocheting off trees and leaping around to avoid each other's attacks. The sound of swords clanging and grinding against one another blends in with the taunts and screams you exchange. The typical person would have run out of stamina long ago, but both of you are stubborn. Even when you're coughing up blood and staining the dirt in crimson, the only way your battles end is when your bodies refuse to withstand the pain and exhaustion any longer; so, both of you collapse. Luckily, the rest of the Kamaboko Squad will find your unconscious bodies — thank Tanjiro for sniffing out the rust-like smell permeating the air, and Zenitsu for hearing the drop in heart rate.
Once you regain consciousness, you're in the Butterfly Mansion's infirmary, bandaged up and blanketed in the bed's covers. There's snickering beside you, so you turn your head and are now face to face with a boar's head. You roll your eyes, well aware that he'll brag about regaining consciousness first, so you retort that you'll recover quicker. Thus, the both of you bicker over who's superior, desperately bringing up any reason to back up your claim.
After you and Inosuke exhaust all your arguments, the both of you bask in the silence. Typically, one of you dozes off within minutes of staring at the ceiling, but today was different.  
The boy beside you addresses you with a "hey" — since he's not quite sure of your name at the moment. If you ignore him, he'll repeat it, increasing the volume and irritation in his voice until you respond.
He asks whether you get this fuzzing feeling inside, kinda like there's a piglet trying to break free from your stomach. And somehow, you understand what he means; asking if it's similar to a stomach ache, to which he agrees. Then he mentions the rush he gets from fighting also happens when he looks at you; so both of you shift your gaze from the ceiling to each other — which ends up short-lived because both of you turn away to conceal the heat rising to your faces. It's quiet for a brief moment before you mumble that you also felt it.
"Monichi and Gonpachiro said it's love."
Perplexed, you suggest he go into further detail. He bluntly mentions how he dreams of you praising him, but instead of you being his minion, he's praising you in return. You stifle a laugh before teasing him.
"Maybe it means we're equals?"
So he ponders the idea in silence. You're unsure of his thoughts because his face is still masked by the boar’s head. The silence is distasteful, causing you feel a nauseating sensation in your stomach; except, it's different from the feelings Inosuke mentioned. It's an unsettling feeling — not a hint of euphoria in it, so you're mentally pleading he responds soon.
When Inosuke begrudgingly agrees, you momentarily feel a sense of relief before those feelings called “love” return. You're unsure of what to say next, but you want to keep the conversation going. So, you blurt out what comes to mind.
"I think I'm in love with you."
"Me too."
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comments and reblogs are always appreciated! ♡
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ob-levi-on · 3 years
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the forest is still (nsfw!)
pairing: giyu tomioka x female reader
summary: even though you're no longer a demon slayer, the frightening memories of the occupation remain. thankfully, you have someone who makes your worries go away.
characters: mostly giyu tomioka, with a little bit of zenitsu agatsuma, tanjiro kamado, inosuke hashibira, and aoi kanazaki (with minor mentions of shinobu kocho)
content warnings (minors DNI!):
mentions of blood and a little bit of trauma (please don't read this if these things bother/trigger you!)
minor spoilers if you haven't started the show or read the manga, but nothing too revealing
oral (male and female receiving), face fucking, unprotected sex, doggystyle, choking (briefly), overstimulation (lots for female, some for male), creampie
word count: 4.052 (4,052)
taglist: @starryenigma (please send an ask or reply below if you'd like to be added!)
author's note: finally wrote some smut for my man 😜😳😩 as always, feedback and likes are appreciated! let me know what other characters to write for, levi seems to be my most popular but i'm open to everything! please refer to my pinned page for more info! enjoy xoxo <3
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you had always admired the forest.  you grew up near one, and you had so many fond memories of it.  you remember it as a vast area of beautiful greenery and life within.  the trees, as tall as the skies, represented wisdom and patience to you.  the leaves, as delicate as feathers, represented change and progress.  the shrubs of plants, as ever growing as one’s passion, represented determination.  you could go on and on.
once you became a part of the demon slayer corps, your image of the forest changed.  and with it, the admiration faded away.
more often than not, the trees, the leaves, and the shrubs of plants would be covered in nothing but blood, stripping away everything they once stood for.  and at the end of the battle, former demon slayer corps members lay on the ground, bodies torn apart or ravishly consumed by the enemy.
you shake your head, trying to throw away those thoughts.  you weren’t a demon slayer anymore, but it was hard to not think about those days.  you took a deep breath as you cleared your head, and entered the room.
zenitsu, along with tanjiro and insouke, had just returned from mount natagumo. they were recovering at the butterfly mansion, where you worked as a helper for the head nurse, aoi kanazaki.
“can you open up for me, zenitsu?”
the boys were under your care for the past couple of weeks now–it’s safe to say that there was never a dull moment with them.
“anything for you, my darling!”  the orange-haired boy did not hesitate to obey your command.  while all you were doing was giving him his nightly medication, the action was rather humorous.
“zenitsu, stop flirting with the nice lady.”  tanjiro sighed, looking at his friend in embarrassment.
“it’s called being a gentleman, tanjiro.  something that you wouldn’t know about,” zenitsu tsked, taking the cup of water from you.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” tanjiro scowls.
inosuke roars with laughter.  “you fools, i am the most gentlemanliest around here.”  he claims, making up a word to prove his point.
all three of them begin to bicker at once.  while it is nice to see them banter (instead of groaning in pain like they were weeks ago), you were coming to the end of your shift.
“boys,” you say with a slight stern tone, “it’s time to rest.”
zenitsu’s bickering stops almost immediately.  the boy’s head shifts towards you, and he admires you with blinking eyes.  “you’re absolutely right, nurse y/n!” he claims, looking back at his friends.
with a sudden serious expression, zenitsu says, “inosuke...tanjiro...we must sleep.”
“she already said that.” tanjiro groans, already finding himself under the covers.
“i decide when to go to sleep, not when chenitsu tells me.”  inosuke grumbles, switching sides on the bed so that his back is facing towards his friends.
zenitsu’s face suddenly began to twitch with anger.  “it’s...zenitsu…”
you had already made your way towards the door, turning off the lights.  “goodnight, boys.  if you need anything, please ask one of the night nurses for help.”
“goodnight, my queen!”  zenitsu chirps.  you smile at the boys one last time before closing the door behind you.
months ago, you passed final selection.  you were taken under shinobu kocho’s wing, and went through a few more weeks of extensive training.  you also became good friends with shinobu because of it.  but upon going to your first set of missions, you realized that being a demon slayer was much more intense than you could have ever imagined.
you thought it was best to be honest with your mentor, telling her your worries.  shinobu was very understanding.  she simply heard you and nodded.  she never pressed further about the topic.  but you knew she understood–anyone in the demon slayer corps would understand how awful the job really was.  it consisted of long hours, tiring battles, only to end in tragedy or bittersweet victory.  shinobu couldn’t blame you for wanting to leave something like that.
with the master’s approval, you were offered to work in the butterfly mansion instead.  specifically, in the recovery base.
with those things in mind, you start to make your way towards the entrance of the butterfly mansion.
“y/n,” you hear your friend aoi say, seeing the head nurse near the entrance.  she had her hands crossed over her chest.  “tell giyu that i expect to see him here tomorrow.”
you show her a nervous smile.  your partner had injured his leg a few weeks ago, getting cleared after some time, but aoi suggested that he continue going to physical therapy.  giyu was quite stubborn about it.  he claimed that he didn’t feel any more pain, therefore, he did not need to go.
“right...i will let him know!” you say quickly, waving goodbye to your boss (friend, too), slipping out of the mansion before she could ask you about it any further.
once it’s closed, you let out a deep breath.  another day done.
“there you are, my queen,”  you hear someone say behind you.
you turn, and see giyu at the bottom of the porch steps.
the sight of your partner brought an overwhelming sense of comfort, with all other feelings instantly fading away.
“you heard that?” you smile, approaching the water hashira.  you didn’t hesitate to hug him, snuggling your face into his chest.
“he’s always so loud.” giyu grumbles, referring to zenitsu.  the man hugged you back, planting a kiss on your head.  “i don’t like how he flirts with you all the time.”
you snort, looking up at your partner.  “he’s just a kid, i can handle him.  plus, i only accept flirting and compliments from one man.”
giyu looks down at you.  “who might that be?”
“well,” you say, pecking his lips.  “if we go home, you’ll see.”
giyu clears his throat, obviously flustered, and removes himself from the embrace.  the man holds your hand and turns.  “i, too, agree that we should go home.  quickly, too.”
he begins to walk, dragging you along with him.  you giggle, walking alongside your partner.
the walk was supposed to be short, but it became long due to a couple of interruptions.
rengoku saluted the two of you as you passed his estate.  the man routinely did meditation outside at night, but since giyu is somewhat well acquainted with the flame hashira, rengoku stopped his meditation and tried to start a conversation.  some words were exchanged, but eventually giyu said, “well, y/n just out of work and she’s really tired, so i’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
rengoku understood and went back to meditating.  further along, you passed mitsuri’s estate.  the maiden nearly exploded at the sight of you two, as she refilled her bird houses with food.  she was so happy with the relationship, claiming that you two were perfect for each other, like straight out of a fairytale.
giyu tried to walk past her, but as soon as mitsuri began to talk to you, you felt bad trying to ignore her.  so you softly yanked giyu’s hand, standing in place as mitsuri approached you.  the woman asked about your job and how you’ve been, and you replied, asking her the same questions afterwards.
“thankfully, i’m good!” she chirps, showing a smile.  “seeing you two together always brings a smile to my face.”
“thank you,” you say, leaning your head on giyu’s shoulder.  the man had stayed quiet during the majority of the interaction, and you knew he was somewhat upset.  he simply wanted to go home with you.
“how is it going with obanai?” you ask.
the girl’s face suddenly turned red, causing her to stutter over her words.  “well, i–i mean, what do you mean–”
the question did exactly what you hoped it would.  you began to walk away, dragging your stubborn partner with you.  “let me know!” you state, waving goodbye.
the woman, flabbergasted, walks away in embarrassment.  you caught giyu’s eye as you turned back around.
“you’re amazing,” he says, pulling you closer to him.
“you could say that again.”
“fuck, you’re amazing.”
warm bodies and needy hands found each other.  the two of you wasted no time to express the desire you had for one another, making everything else irrelevant.
you had met giyu when you were a demon slayer.  on a particular mission, he had gotten an arm injury, unable to defend himself.  and you, who was one of the lone survivors of your rank, found him and protected him until sunrise.  you didn’t even know who he was.
giyu was in awe of a woman who was so strong, so courageous, and so committed to protecting someone she didn’t even know.  giyu owed you his life, and he thanked you for it nearly every day after that, not knowing how he could ever repay you.
you made sure to check in on him after the incident, even after you became a helper.  after a few conversations, you developed feelings for this man who was so humanly honest.  and the awe he felt for you turned into a love that no other person could fulfill.
when he was home, daily walks were the way to catch up with each other.  one day, while the two of you were silent, you stood admiring a garden.  suddenly, a coarse hand found yours, intertwining his fingers.  your heart nearly wanted to leap out of your chest.  no more words needed to be spoken–you two were each other’s now.
giyu’s hips jerked, unable to contain the pleasure he felt from your mouth.  as he laid on his back, you were positioned between his legs, bobbing your head up and down.  you loved giyu, but you loved seeing him twitch a little more.  at a time like this, he would try to intimidate you with his eyes as you sucked on his cock–but the lewd gaze you gave made him nervously horny, so he had to look away.
you also loved the way the man would simply open his mouth, but would be too dumb to make out a single sound.  it only motivated you to continue the pace, focusing on the head with delicate licks, making sure to massage the parts you couldn’t reach.
you loved to suck giyu’s cock.  and you had a feeling as to why–it was the idea that you were able to make a man who was so strong, so powerful, so resilient...succumb under your touch.
thinking about it made your walls tense in agony.  your hips grinded onto nothing, stimulating your clit.  you moaned onto giyu, making your partner pant.  moments went by until his hands found his way to your head, holding it still for a moment.
the hashira began to fuck your mouth, meaning he was close.  all you could do was stay still and breathe when available, letting giyu hit the back of your throat.  you watched your partner as he did this, seeing sweat come down his neck, with his eyes closed in concentration.  you needed something, anything, using one of your hands to rub your aroused clit for some sort of relief.
“love, i’m–i,” giyu stutters, his thrusts becoming more and more careless, but still at a steady pace.  you hum in mere satisfaction, wanting your partner to cum.
giyu was relatively humble, and he admired you way too much to your mouth as a destination for his cum.  instead, he pulls out and releases onto your face.  he thought that view was hotter anyway, the evidence of his love right in plain view.  he blinks slowly as he recovers from his high, using his shoulders to lift his upper body, looking straight towards you.
you were nearly breathless.  giyu looks at you, and you make sure to lick your lips, taking some of his love into your mouth.  giyu watches, mesmerized.  your hand removes itself from your cunt, using your arms to lift you up.
giyu hands you a damp cloth to clean your face, which you use quickly.  after doing so, you look back to your partner.  the man, now on his knees, reaches for you.  you approach, and he pulls you in, deprived lips finding yours.
“you’re the only one for me.” giyu gasps in between kisses, his hands roaming your body.  one of them is circling the area between your thighs, tantalizing you.  “i could never love someone as much as i love you.”
you whimper at his words.  giyu’s mouth decides to focus on your neck, while giyu’s fingers find themselves slowly rubbing your clit.  everything felt so loving, so sensual, and the slow pace only enhanced the intimacy of the moment.
“you do so much for me...” giyu pauses to softly suck on your neck, marking you.  his fingers stop on your clit, slowly making their way towards your soaking hole.  the hashira pokes, his finger slipping in flawlessly.  “...the least i can do is make you feel good.  right, love?”
giyu brings his head up, admiring you with a wicked smile.  his fingers move slowly inside you, so effortlessly, and you can’t help but clench around him.  giyu lets out a breathy moan, continuing to finger you, with his other hand massaging your breasts.
“this probably feels nice,” giyu starts to say, and you suddenly feel his growing cock against your thigh.  this sight of you was too alluring for giyu not to be aroused again.  “but this isn’t what you really want, is it?”
giyu started to get a steady rhythm into you, and it felt amazing.  but he was right, you wanted him inside of you, desperately.  you clenched around his fingers repeatedly, hoping that he would get the hint.  you want to speak and tell him that–but he was touching you everywhere, causing you to erupt in moans.
“i’m just warming you up...” giyu defends himself.  he adds another stimulant to the equation, now using his thumb to massage your pulsating clit, along with quickening the pace of his fingering.  “...just like you warmed me up, remember?”
you were nearly choking on your own breath, with your body beginning to shake as a familiar warm sensation formed at the pit of your stomach.  giyu was panting along with you, as you unintentionally grinded against his rock hard cock.
“you look so heavenly…” giyu whines in his deep voice, lips finding yours.  you try to reciprocate, but you moan into his mouth instead.  “...how lucky i am to witness this...”
you feel yourself beginning to unravel, your hands on your partner’s chest.  you look down and see giyu’s hands doing all of their naughty work on you.  “oh my god,” you express, “i’m gonna cum, giyu, i’m gonna–”
a shriek escapes you, your body freezing as your high hits.  things move quickly, with giyu removing his hands and suddenly bending you over.  with your face planted on the blanket and your ass in the air, you don’t even register your new position as your partner gets behind you.  you gasp as giyu’s tongue ravages your folds, making sure to taste all of you.
your eyes nearly roll at the action, your walls tensing again.  you were just recovering from your orgasm, but giyu was making it difficult, eating you out in the most sensitive places.  whether he was tongue fucking you or licking your sensitive clit, you found yourself biting your lip.  it felt good, nonetheless, and you would cum again with just this–but giyu had a different idea in mind.
after a few moments, giyu removed his mouth from you, much to your dismay.  you wiggle your ass, and your partner chuckles.
“i know, i know,” he says, one of his hands tracing figures on your lower back.  “we’re getting there, i promise.”
you feel something slap your ass, but it doesn’t resemble a hand.  giyu sighs in content, slapping his cock against you again, loving how it felt.  “the perfect size,” he says out loud, doing it again.
the feeling was riveting.  feeling his cock slap against you aroused you again, using your hands to rub your sopping clit.
giyu sees this, and cooes.  “can’t wait any longer, hmm?” he taunts, softly removing your hand and instead, taking his cock near there.  he adjusts his hips, using the head of his cock to circle your clit. a shaky sigh escapes you, with your hip’s jerking on their own.
your partner inhales sharply, the raw feeling of it all almost being too much to bear.  “giyu, please,” you say, wiggling your ass again.
giyu’s attention leaves your clit, with the head of his cock now lightly tracing your folds.  “please what?” he asks.  the sound of your soaking folds is all you can hear right now, and it was something that turned the both of you on.
“fuck me,” you whine.  “please, fuck me.”
those were the magic words that giyu wanted to hear.  giyu spits into his hand and tugs at his cock, mentally preparing himself.  the man positions himself at your entry, one hand on his member and another on your hip.
the man begins to plunge into you.  “oh my–'' you start to say, but you are cut off from pleasure, as giyu takes his time to completely bury himself into your cunt.  the hashira never failed to make you feel full, and your walls hugged him so nicely.
“ah,” he groans, letting you adjust.  your partner had an evil desire to pound into you immediately, but the man held back on his primal instincts.
giyu’s cock was the average size, but it was his girth that made you feel things you never did before.  you clenched around him, and the hashira lightly jerked his hips in response.  “yes,” you praise, encouraging your partner to move.
giyu did so, starting out with slow thrusts.  giyu would never admit to this, but he could have cum instantly.  the sight of you bent over on your knees, with his cock deep within you, was majestic in its own way.  but the man held back, for you.
the hashira, in sync with his deep thrusts, leans down and plants kisses on your lower back.  it was a fond gesture that electrified every cell in your body, proving that this act wasn’t only of lust, but of love.
you move against him, making your partner groan.  giyu smacks your ass in response, and you squeal, not expecting it.  the sting, however, only amplified your desire.  “again, giyu…” you plead, yearning for that sting and the effect of the cold air against it.
the hashira doesn’t hesitate to do it again, smacking your ass slightly harder than the one before, but on your other side.  your body tenses in pleasure, but you need more.
“faster,” you beg, tightening your core around him.  it was as if you were the boss, and giyu was your subordinate–there was no way he could say no to you.
with both of his hands placed on your hips, a new tempo begins, one that causes you to immediately moan in ecstasy.
this new pace just started, but your legs are already starting to feel like jelly.  and it didn’t help that your partner hit your new spot every time, making you whimper and whine.  giyu was also being vocal, making sounds that were too incoherent to understand.
as giyu’s hips snapped into you, your mind began to wander.  if the man asked you to be his fucktoy, his cum dumpster, his slave...you’d likely say yes.  it was something separate than love, his lustful desire to use you to his delight was intriguing.  so you’d also let him, if he asked.  it wasn’t a completely thought out idea, but the way he fucked you made you consider it.
the sound of your ass getting railed by giyu’s hips filled the room.  you could feel giyu twitch inside of you, meaning he was getting close.  you were too, especially since giyu decided to rub your clit with his free hand simultaneously.
“you like that, angel?” he grunts, smacking your ass again.  “let me hear you…”
“yes, yes, yes!” you reply quickly, “i like it so much, i love it so much, giyu, please...”
a satisfied groan comes to your partner.  he suddenly decides to lift your upper body towards his chest, holding you place with his strong arms.  he harshly fucks you in this new position, with the new angle nearly makes you cry in bliss.
you shriek, your body beginning to shake.  “i love you,” giyu pants, kissing your earlobe.  “i love you so fucking much, you know that?  i’m gonna treat you so nice and cum inside of you, can i do that?”
“yes, i’m yours, yours,” you rush to say, almost growling when your partner locks your arms behind your back.  his free hand finds itself around your neck, slightly constricting your breathing.
but you liked that.  you begin to hiccup, because giyu was fucking you dumb.  you could only last so long after this, quickly rushing to say “i’m cumming, giyu, i’m cumming,” as your orgasm quickly approached you.
however, your partner didn’t stop.  as you creamed on his cock, your body convulsed against your partner.  giyu was getting feral, realizing that he very much liked seeing you that way, hitting your spot over and over again.
the bastard even chuckled, though it was short lived, especially from all the pleasure he was experiencing from you.  “everytime you think of sex, you’ll think of me,” giyu warns, a desperate whine escaping his lips shortly after.
you couldn’t say anything.  you quivered, and it wasn’t until your third orgasm that giyu froze, his hips stuttering on their own as hot spurts of cum mixed with yours inside of your cunt.
the two of you stayed in this position as giyu released everything he had into you.  the man planted kisses on your shoulder to ease the overwhelming sensations you were feeling, praising you for doing such a good job.
giyu pulls out, and your body begins to collapse.  giyu’s cock was your stabilizer this entire time, and you didn’t realize that until now.  your partner holds you though, satisfied that he made your body feel this way.  he is suddenly distracted how your hole is covered with his cum, with some of it leaking out, because it was simply too full.
the man gently lays you down on your side, going to get another damp cloth.  once he does, he cleans you first, then himself.
you’re speechless.  it was if your body was in a state of blissful paranoia, wondering how someone made you feel this way.  but this sensation came from the person you loved the most.  you sense his body laying behind yours, and your partner brings the blanket up to cover you both.
you feel his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.  you move, sighing when you two are nearly one.  “i love you,” you croak, placing your hand on top of his.
giyu hums, and the warmth of his body relaxes your body.  “i love you,” he says into your ear, pecking it gently.
you blush, and smile to yourself.
ahead of you, an opening of the outside can be seen through the door.  a comfortable breeze practically put the two of you to sleep, but it was the sight of the forest that came into your mind again.
you couldn’t escape a crucial fact.  in your world, the forest was a dying place for many.  and you didn’t deny that it had become an awful place, one of sorrow and devastation.
but you also couldn’t deny that it wasn’t beautiful, as it continued to provide life and beauty to so many things–not just you and the human species.  you now understood that everything cannot be perfect, because if that was the case, then what is the point of all this death and destruction?
even the most beautiful things can be deranged–but that didn’t make it any less valuable or worthy of adoration, you conclude.
you’re satisfied with that answer, for now. regardless of what you think, the forest would forever remain still.
you snuggle against your partner, putting those thoughts to rest.  all that mattered was that you were in giyu’s arms, and that was enough.
you closed your eyes, drifting to sleep.
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Heyyy there!! I've read a lot of your imagines and I have to admit that there REALLY GOOD!! I wanted to ask you, if you want to of course, an imagine or headcannons( whatever you prefer and is most easy for you) with tanjiro and a s/o who plays the piano.. If you don't want to or don't have any time I understand! I don't wanna be pressuring!! You can completely ignore this if you want to!
Have a good day/night!! ❤️❤️
Believe me, I had read your ask all over again many times because of your compliment. 🥰
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Thank you , Thank you love! I was in a good mood, had time and I adore Tanjiro so I did headcannons and a little scenario.... I hope you like it :D
If you want an imagine outwritten or a new ask, just do it  right away ^^ My best friend plays piano so I adore piano music (-^3^-) Have a nice time with your headcannons and scenario~
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Well, I believe Tanjirō does not know what a piano is. So he would be curious about the new music instrument from the west.
First he thought, it was a new gigantic table xD Poor boy comes from a village and living in the mountain so … the new modern influence is not reaching him like other towns.
He would follow the beautiful sounds of playing the piano, the music is not used to but he likes it.
On the doorway, he would remain a while and listen, not sure if it’s alright to intrude.
His curiosity wins when he slowly steps closely just to see amazed how your fingers flies elegantly and fast over that …‘thing …table‘?
His mouth his a bit open as he just forget to listen to the wonderful melody.
Totally, that kind of person who cries by an emotional song. Soft boy. No regrets, he shows to everyone and sniffs loudly😂
Would definitely try to play it. He just pushes one key down and is impressed that he made a sound...
I even can imagine that he have talent to play well or more is eager to exercise a lot. 
When you play often and regularly, he visits your play session many times if he can. Every time he enjoys your music in silence and he makes him feel good. 
After every Song or end of your session, he throws you a whole heartily compliment how well you played and he enjoys it every time, he listens to you. 
Just imagine you play”Kamado Tanjiro no Uta” or after meeting him, you created this song TT3TT He would be over the moon if you name a song after him. After this masterpiece? Wow....
When you are a foreigner, his praise would be first a bit awkward because you didn’t understand him. Of course, he would understand and try his best at sign language xD He puts his whole body in his try to make you understand him. Some of his movement are just so funny which made you laugh…
Definitely, hopes you play at night too that he can bring his sister once. She would definitely love also!
Every time he feels sad or had an traumatic experience ( like with the death of Rengoku), he kinda walks up to you and hopes he can rest his mind while you play....
You fingers flies over the keys as you play an difficult part from your new created song as you feel eyes on your back. Still, your eyes closed, you try to keep the feeling and complete your session. As you play the last note, you open your eyes and exhale. This song had strained you a bit... A light clap of hands interrupt your thought as you turn around. A bit shy Tanjiro claps with his rough hands when he smiles sweetly at you. With curious eyes, you muster him up and register slight glassy eyes.
“Wow, that was beautiful...” You nod at him silently when he flinches. “Oh! My apologies. I am Kamado Tanjiro, I ...uh.. came in because the door was open. I hope you don’t mind, it was so beautiful that I could not pass by...” He scratch his head with a embarrassed smile. 
“No apologies, love to hear you enjoy my song:” You smile softly at him when he blushes slightly.
“Your-your song? You compose this yourself?” You nod again as he just couldn’t be more impressed. 
“I am still a beginner by composing so yeah...“ sheepishly you scratch your neck.
„No, this was amazing. How is the song called?“ His soft smile and curiosity are really cute and so genuine.
You look back to your keys and mumble „Homura.“ a slight gasps brought your gaze back to him. His eyes has gone big and turning now sad with a slight smile.
“This song remembers me of someone. Can you play it again? Only if you don't mind?” 
“Sure. If you really like it, I do it again.” You smile at him when you feel that he seems so genuine about his praise. You fingers begin the first tune when Tanjiro sits down closely and watches you, playing the melody from before and thinking about Rengoku...
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ob-levi-on · 3 years
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characters: current day! giyu tomioka x female reader, with interactions of other significant demon slayer characters (note: since this is a college au, all characters are aged up for this fic)
content warnings (minors DNI!):
mentions of depression, along with angst/minor trauma
mentions of drinking/drug usage
oral (male and female receiving), missionary, cream pie <3
word count: 3.478 (3,478)
author's note: happy birthday to our husband, giyu tomioka <3 i wrote this in celebration of his birthday! feedback/reblogs are greatly appreciated, and if you want, talk to me/send a request OR! join my taglist <3 love you all sm!
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“so you heard about tomioka then?”
the mere mention of the name gave you goosebumps.  your heartbeat changed its pace, as to pump more oxygen into your body.  because the name alone nearly took your breath away, and caused your brain to scatter through hundreds of memories.
nezuko noticed your silence, and bit her lip.  “sorry, i tend to forget–”
“it’s fine,” you say, wanting to talk about something else.  “where’s zenitsu?”
nezuko noticed your behavior, but didn’t question it further.  rather, at the mention of her boyfriend, she rolled her eyes.  “he’s probably still stuffing down his lunch before class.”
that thought cheered you up, truly.  zenitsu was the class clown of your friend group, so nezuko’s comment didn’t surprise you.
“we can go to class without him,”  nezuko huffs, already walking away.
college was hard enough as it is, but your friends made it a lot better.  it was a small group of people, consisting of nezuko, zenitsu, inosuke, tanjiro, and you.
for now, nezuko, zenitsu, and you had advanced chemistry together.  as you and nezuko entered the lecture classroom, the two of you headed in the area where the three of you usually sat.
the two of you set your things down, but flinch as you hear a familiar voice.  “nezuko kamado!”
like lightning, the man is already behind you two, a face full of fury.  “shh!” nezuko reprimands, yanking on his arm.
“why didn’t you wait for me?” he frowns, immediately pulling her into his embrace.
nezuko blushes, trying to push her partner away, but zenitsu is strong.  “you took too long!”
“so?” zenitsu exclaims, and nezuko shushes him again.
you watch in awe as the couple bicker with each other, knowing deep down that they were made for each other.  your heart swelled with fondness for them, but it suddenly ached.
it was pathetic, really.  how could you be in love with a man who hasn’t spoken to you in years?
“y/n, did you by chance do the homework?” zenitsu’s words bring you back from your own thoughts.
you clear your throat, pulling your notebook and handing it over without any hesitation.  you hear nezuko scold her partner, before submitting to your own thoughts again.
it’s not like you wanted to.  but this is usually how everyday was.  you’d interact with everyone like any normal person would, before falling into the abyss of heartbreaking melancholy.  and you knew why.  your body missed its other half.
your current best friend knew.  nezuko knew how the absence of tomioka affected you, even years after.  she was essentially your rock, supporting you through what tomioka never would.  but sometimes, the current events regarding tomioka permeated your friends’ mind.
tomioka was known by the whole town at this point.  due to the tragic death of his parents and his sister, and the suicide of one of his best friends, tomioka had gone downhill.  just before the age 12, tomioka had begun to remedy his sorrows with booze–how he had access to such resources, you did not know.  and in the later years, he began taking medicines that aren’t sold in stores.
what nezuko heard this morning was that tomioka was released from jail.  around five years ago, tomioka drove under the influence and hit someone.  of course, he went to jail–originally a six month offense for the accident, while adding up his other charges.
but since then, he has been set free.
in the eyes of the public, tomioka was a bad, bad person.  the man had been drinking and doing drugs, causing disturbances, and ruining property for many years prior to the accident.
but you…you felt pity.  not only because you were in love with him since the very first day his eyes met yours, but because he had to suffer alone through everything alone.  you weren’t one to defend people’s actions, but for the most part, you knew that there was a reason people acted the way that they did.  tomioka was one of them.
tomioka had been your best friend before all of this.  a sweet boy, who was rather reserved, but never hesitated to be kind or civil.
but we all have limits.
after all that he went through, he closed himself off from the rest of the world.  he stopped showing up to school, and you never saw him again.
“y/n? the lecture is over…” you hear nezuko whisper to you.  you blink, suddenly returning to earth.  you look down and see that you wrote absolutely nothing for notes.  you sigh, and nezuko pats your back.
“it’s okay, zenitsu will give you his notes.  right, zenitsu?”
zenitsu chuckles, scratching the back of his head.  “you take notes for this class?”
“guess who’s retaking college algebra?”
“again?”  you and your friends exclaim, staring at inosuke in disbelief.
inosuke shrinks.  “when you guys react like that, it hurts my feelings…”
“this is like the 10th time…” zenitsu exaggerates, chewing on a muffin.
“now, now, zenitsu.  not everyone is good at math,” tanjiro defends.  inosuke finds himself sitting next to him.  “zenitsu, remember when you failed gym class almost every semester in high school?”
nezuko chokes on her drink, while you and inosuke begin to laugh.
“dweeb! how do you fail gym class?” inosuke’s laughter becomes a roar, and it infects tanjiro.  everyone, except zenitsu, is laughing.
“excuse me, we were talking about inosuke, why are we bullying me now?” zenitsu declares, a muffin flying in the air.  inosuke, who was the designated target, dodges.
zenitsu points at tanjiro.  “you’re not a good friend, bringing up my traumatic past like that.”
tanjiro rolls his eyes.  “what traumatic past?  you told me yourself that you skipped because you were too lazy.”
“and what about it?”
the bickering begins betweens the males.  nezuko and you watch, chuckling with whatever outrageous comment they made.
“zenitsu and i are going to a movie later.  want to come?”  nezuko asks you, voices quarreling in the background.
“so that i can third-wheel again?”  you say, a small smile on your lips.
“so that you’re not alone,” nezuko corrects, bumping shoulders with yours.
“no offense, nezu,” you start to say, “i think i’d rather be alone.”
“i wouldn’t want you interrupting our alone time either.”  zenitsu says, sticking out a tongue at you.  you scowl at your friend, and nezuko smacks his arm.
“c’mon guys.  it was a joke!”
“bye!” you mouthed to your friends after lunch, walking in the opposite direction that they were.  they waved at you, and you returned the wave, before turning around and heading home.
despite it being a friday, you decided to take it easy tonight.  you would probably get some dinner and study for a little–only to give up halfway through, and then watch a movie.
the convenience store near your apartment was open 24/7, so you just decided to get a boxed dinner there.  the walk there was peaceful, but that was probably because you plugged in your headphones and listened to your favorite songs.
you eventually arrive, entering the store and heading straight for what you needed.  you decide to grab the hot-n-ready food first since it’s closer, and then head over to the beverage section.
as you look over the different choices, the familiar ding! near the doors went off, meaning someone walked in.  your vision naturally headed in that direction to the see the source, before looking back at the beverages.
but you did a double take.
your body reacted within seconds.  your mind silenced all the sounds within the convenience store, the rapid pace of your heartbeat being the only thing you can hear.  you can feel your hands shaking, almost dropping the damn box.
you’d recognize that bed of hair anywhere.  it was probably a bit shorter–but it hadn’t changed, not one bit.
as you stood frozen in the aisle, your eyes followed the figure.  the man, too, went towards the hot-n-ready area, observing the limited selection of options.  the man squinted, lowering his head.
you honestly expected to look a lot worse.  but his face remained the same.  the man wore a black crewneck with gray sweatpants, and a dirty pair of sneakers.
your body wanted nothing more than to leave the store.  your mind kept replaying the reminiscence of your best friend, the pit in your stomach growing uneasy at the reminder of giyu’s absence.
but it was your heart that forced your body to stay, yearning for some sort of contact with him.
ask, and you shall receive.
tomioka turns in your direction, catching your eyes.  the man also freezes, his eyes flickering when recognizing your tearful ones.
the box from your hand suddenly falls.
“why did you leave me?”
you sat in your apartment now, arms crossed.  giyu stood behind the balcony doors, admiring the view.
after the box fell from your hands, giyu helped you clean it up, in addition to buying you a new meal.  the interaction was…awkward, with tomioka walking out of the store with you.  the both of you didn’t speak on the way to your apartment, due to the anger but conflicted feeling of love staying strong on your mind.
giyu thought you didn’t want to see him, but he thought the least he could do was walk you home.  after you looked at him upon entering the building, giyu followed.  because he, too, was aching for you to look at him again.
now, the two of you felt so close, but so far.  and it didn’t help that giyu didn’t look at you.
but you deserve an explanation.
“i…didn’t want to drag you to hell with me.” he states, finally turning towards you.  a truthful response from him, remembering the first without you breaking his heart.
you straighten your back, the answer warming your heart, but still upset.  “you were my best friend,” you say, looking down.  “i would’ve followed you anywhere.”
giyu half-smiles, looking down at the ground.
she deserves an explanation.
it is silent, and giyu tries to muster up the courage to speak. he eventually breaks the silence.
“i thought i was going to die that night,” he begins to say.  you look up, and turning your head in confusion.
“two bottles in.  i shouldn’t have been driving.  but i…i needed anything…anything to take the pain away.  that was the reason, everytime.  next thing you know…i hit something.”
he kept looking down.  “in that instant, my first thought was…you.”
you blink as tears begin to pool your eyes.  giyu clears his throat.  “part of me wanted to run away.  in reality, i could have.  that’s what i had been doing for the last ten years, so it wouldn’t have felt any different.  but i knew if i did that this time…then i would never see you again.
i knew i had to change.  for me, and for you.”
you sniffle, tears falling down your cheeks.
“so i called the ambulance, along with the police, and turned myself in.  got put in jail, rightly so.  i wasn’t safe for anyone, not even myself.  i learned that fact too late.
i did my time.  i suffered in the beginning, i won’t lie.  i had withdrawals nearly every night, for almost two months.  but at the same time, i was trying to get better.  i studied to get my high school diploma, at the very least.  and i tried not to pick fights with anyone…but you can’t really avoid that.
time passed.  everyday was a struggle, being in there alone.  i thought i was used to it, after everything i had been through…but when i wanted to get better, it just felt a lot longer.  i almost thought i couldn’t do it.
but then, you would come into my mind.  as much as it hurts to admit, i thought of you all the damn time.  there wasn’t a memory i didn’t remember, and it was bittersweet.  i was happy, but not being able to see you or hold you really fucking got to me.
you kept me going.  even if i hadn’t seen you in years.  i didn’t know if i was going to see you again.  but at least i knew that i had changed for the better…because of you.
i have a lot of regrets, y/n.  but my biggest regret…was leaving you behind.”
by this point, giyu was standing only inches away from you.
you are stunned by giyu’s confession.  you could not come up with any words.  with a face full of tears, you reach out towards him.
giyu holds your hand, and you pull him in.  you stand to hug him, embracing him tightly.  he accepts, holding you with the same amount of tightness.
you slowly pull away, resting your forehead against his.  the two of you are panting, lips being so close to each other that it made the both of you nervous.
“can you accept me again?”  giyu whispers, lips just slightly brushing over yours.  “i’ve done so much wrong with my life.”
“giyu…please,” you mumble, pecking his lips.  “show me your broken heart and all your scars…i’ll take you as you are.”
no more words needed to be said.  that yearning desire was being fulfilled, lips finding each other for the first time.  it was heavenly, something that took so long to happen, but the payoff is oh so rewarding.
you wrap your arms around his neck.  giyu’s hands land on your hips, trying to pull you closer.  the action warms your heart, and you can already feel his hard cock against his thigh.
the craving for giyu and giyu alone becomes more demanding, removing one of your hands from his neck to palm him.  giyu responds positively to it, hips naturally bucking to the pleasant sensation.
giyu suddenly holds your face with his hands as he kisses you passionately, the man being afraid to let you go.  you begin to walk backwards, not disconnecting with your lover.  you bump into the couch, the two of you chuckling into the kiss like children.
you nonetheless sit on the couch, being at eye level with giyu’s hips.  the print of his cock ached to be released, and you found yourself tugging the man’s sweatpants.  giyu was quite taken aback with the gesture, not expecting you to be so forward.
you mentally prepare yourself, seeing that his cock was a lot bigger than you imagined.  it was slightly longer than average, and girthy.  it was already leaking precum, just throbbing for any type of attention.  how could you refuse?
as soon as you wrap your lips around him, giyu feels a fulfilling euphoria that he never had before.  every movement you made was mesmerizing, from the flick of your tongue to the roaming of your delicate hands.
you treated him so nicely, making sure to deepthroat and massage him where your mouth couldn’t reach.  the man practically eye rolled with the slightest touch of yours, cumming deep down your throat within a matter of minutes.
you moan in satisfaction, realizing that you had been grinding on the couch the entire time.  giyu pants, coming down onto his knees to kiss you once again.
even though you were nearly out of breath, you crashed your lips onto his.  his coarse hands find themselves underneath your shirt, massaging your breasts with the softest touch.  it was enough to make your cunt clench in sweet agony.
giyu pulls away, resting his forehead against yours.  “i’m going to devour you now.  is that okay?”
your heart swells with the question, only being able to nod, drunk off of his touch.  the man proceeds to remove your bottoms, and giyu is satisfied at the sight of your soaked underwear.  he removes those too, though, and slightly spreads your legs.
the prettiest pussy he had ever seen.  he gives kisses to your thighs, unable to look away from your pulsating cunt.  the man made sure to suckle on your thighs a little for some sort of friction, and you sigh in pleasure.
giyu dives in, unable to hold off any longer.  the movement on his tongue manages to immediately hit all of the right spots, causing you to bite your lip.  you try to suppress your moans, but the mere sight of giyu devouring you is alluring all on its own.
“so pretty, so perfect,” he purrs, paying attention to your aching hole next.  he uses one of his hands to circulate your aroused clit, and your body lightly jumps at the action.  as his tongue continues to fuck you, his finger rubs your clit with just the right amount of pressure.
only several moments later, you stutter, “i’m g-gonna cum, giyu, i’m gonna c-cum…”
giyu pulls away briefly, rubbing your clit slightly faster due to the absence of his tongue.  “yeah, baby, be a good girl and cum on my mouth…”
the man dives back in, and he now aches for you to cum, ravaging your soaked and decadent folds.
in a matters of seconds, the fiery pit in your lower abdomen suddenly lights itself ablaze, your body shaking as your orgasm hits you.
giyu is only slightly content at this view.  as you come down from your high, he gives soft kitten licks to your throbbing clit, a small shock of sensitivity coursing through your lower half.
you pant, and giyu pulls himself away.  as you lay on the couch, you make eye contact with your other half.  your sight suddenly travels downwards, seeing that his cock was raging hard again.  curved against his left thigh, the cock twitches at the lewd sight of you.
“make love to me,”  you suddenly blurt out.
you didn’t have to tell giyu twice.  he reaffirms his love for you with a kiss, which you greatly accept.  at the same time, he carries your body to adjust it on the couch.
you naturally spread your legs, and giyu adjusts himself between them.  before he slips his cock in, the man rubs the head against your semi-aroused clit.  you whine, bucking your hips upwards and using your hands to bring giyu’s face back to you.
“do you love me?”  you ask.
giyu’s face softens.  “i’ve always loved you.”
this wasn’t fucking.  you knew what that was.  the men you had been with before would want it rough and fast, the intimacy being mistaken with mere desire.
but this, this was love.  upon entering you, his thrusts were slow and sensual.  but that didn’t mean that they weren’t powerful, though.  his cock managed to brush the sweetest spots and stretched you out so nicely.
his thrusts eventually get into a steady rhythm, and giyu lowers his head onto your collarbone.  he pecks and kisses and bruises the skin, leading back upwards to your face.  engulfed in a passionate kiss, you wrap your arms around him.  after a few moments, you naturally find the urge to scratch his back when his cock hits your inner core deliciously.
“you’re the only one i choose,” he grunts, moans escaping him.  he now practically whined, saying, “i want to make love to you forever, please, let me love you forever.”
a phrase so beautiful, but so arousing in this moment.  your stomach twists and turns in delight, another orgasm approaching you.
“cumming,” giyu suddenly gasps, his thrusts becoming sloppily but ever so desperate.  you clench around your partner, his thrusts being the cause.  the two of you finish within seconds of each other, with you being the first.
as the two of you lay in a drunken pool of love, giyu lays on top of you.  your hands go through his hair, your fingers rubbing his head in small circles.
giyu carefully removes himself, and your stomach drops.  your mind begins to race with thoughts and worries about him leaving again.  out of instinct, you grab his hand as he begins to walk away, an action that caught him off guard.
the scared look in your eye pained his heart.
“don’t worry,” he says.  with your hand still on him, giyu reaches for the blanket on the single couch near you.  giyu returns, holding the blanket in your direction.
you felt embarrassed with your assumption, realizing he just wanted a blanket for the two of you.
the man comes back down onto the couch, and the two of you adjust into a cuddling position, with you facing towards him.
as your head nuzzles in his chest, the man pecks your forehead, stating, “i’m not going anywhere.”
the ending to today would have never occurred to you.  nonetheless, you were thankful for it.  thankful because from now on, days would no longer be long and gruesome.
your other half was here now, and would stay by your side.  you felt as if some sort of weight was lifted off your shoulders, your body now at ease.
this is all you ever wanted.  in the same way, this is all you would ever need.
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