todaysarticle · 1 year
Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey: Amazing Transformation
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Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey: From Struggles to Inspiration
"Discover Chrissy Metz Weight Loss journey and her secrets to losing 100+ pounds. Stand out from the competition with our expert insights."
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  American actress Chrissy Metz is best known for her role as Kate Pearson in the hit TV series "This Is Us". But did you know that Metz's contract for the show included a clause requiring her to lose weight? In a 2017 interview with People Magazine, Metz revealed that she was contractually obligated to lose weight for her role in the show. This revelation sparked discussions about body image and weight loss. Metz has been open about her struggles with weight and body image. In a video on YouTube, she discussed how she had been told by agents and managers that she would never make it in Hollywood unless she lost weight. She even shared how she had only 81 cents in her bank account before landing the role of Kate on "This Is Us". Despite facing challenges, Metz has inspired many with her positive attitude toward body positivity and self-love. She has spoken out against fat-shaming and emphasized that people should love themselves regardless of their size or shape. So, how did Chrissy land the job on "This Is Us"? It turns out that she auditioned for another pilot but didn't get the part. However, the creator of "This Is Us", Dan Fogelman, saw something special in Metz during a casting session and created the character of Kate specifically for her. Metz's journey towards self-acceptance hasn't been easy but it has certainly been inspiring. Her story shows that success can come from perseverance and determination despite obstacles.  
Chrissy Metz's Eating Habits and Lifestyle Changes for Weight Loss
Born Chubby and Struggling with Body Image Chrissy Metz, the popular actress from "This Is Us," has been open about her weight loss journey. She was born chubby and had weight issues since childhood. In an interview with People Magazine, Chrissy revealed that she made early efforts to lose weight but struggled with body image and depression. Chrissy's struggles with her weight continued into adulthood when she faced criticism for being overweight. Despite this, she remained positive and focused on her career as an actress. However, she knew that losing weight would help her feel better about herself and improve her health. Trying Various Methods for Weight Loss In her weight loss journey, Chrissy tried various methods such as calorie deficit and healthy eating. She also worked out regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While these methods helped her shed some pounds initially, she found it difficult to sustain them due to the demands of her busy schedule. Opting for Gastric Bypass Surgery Eventually, Chrissy opted for gastric bypass surgery which is a type of bariatric surgery that reduces the size of the stomach. This procedure helped Chrissy lose over 100 pounds within a year after undergoing the surgery. Despite the success of her weight loss journey, Chrissy still faces criticism and scrutiny about her body from some people in society. For instance, many criticized Chrissy when they found out that she wore a fat suit for her role in "This Is Us." Shopping Habits and Clothing Style Apart from focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise routines after gastric bypass surgery, many fans are interested in knowing more about where Chrissy shops or where she gets clothes that fit well with her new body shape. While there is no official information available regarding where Chrissy likes to shop or get clothes from, it is clear that she has developed a unique clothing style that complements her personality well.
How Much Weight Chrissy Metz Lost and Her Methods
Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey: Methods and Success The journey toward weight loss is not an easy one, but Chrissy Metz has proven that with hard work and dedication, it is possible. Her transformation has inspired many people to take control of their health and make positive changes in their lives. Let us explore the methods she used to achieve her weight loss goals. Struggles with Weight Since Childhood Chrissy Metz has been open about her struggles with her weight since childhood. In an interview with Marie Claire, she revealed that she had tried various diets and exercise plans in the past but was never able to stick to them. It wasn't until she landed the role of Kate on "This Is Us" that she found the motivation to make a change. Support from Co-Stars One of the reasons why Chrissy's weight loss journey has been so successful is because of the support she received from her co-stars. Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, and others have been there for her every step of the way. They have encouraged her to keep going even when things got tough. Dedication to Craft Creator Dan Fogelman has praised Chrissy's talent and dedication to her craft, calling her a "force" in Hollywood. This same level of dedication was applied by Chrissy toward achieving her weight loss goals. She worked closely with a nutritionist and personal trainer who helped her develop a plan that was tailored specifically to her needs.   Methods Used for Weight Loss So how did Chrissy Metz lose weight? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer here are some methods that were key factors in Chrissy's success: Quotes from Chrissy Metz on Her Weight Loss Journey Calorie-Controlled Diet: "I'm a big believer in therapy, and I think everybody should be," Chrissy Metz told Glamour. "And if there's something you're struggling with, talk to someone who can help you." For Metz, that struggle was her weight. She decided to embark on a weight loss journey because she wanted to improve her health and feel more confident in herself. One of the key changes she made was following a calorie-controlled diet. Metz worked with a nutritionist to determine how many calories she should consume each day in order to lose weight at a healthy rate. She also made significant changes to her eating habits, cutting out processed foods and increasing her intake of fruits and vegetables. By focusing on whole foods that were nutrient-dense but not calorie-dense, Metz was able to fuel her body without overeating. Active Lifestyle:  In addition to changing her diet, Metz also adopted a more active lifestyle. She began incorporating regular exercise into her routine, which helped increase her metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day. In an interview with TVLine, Metz revealed that she enjoys doing activities like hiking and swimming as well as working out with a personal trainer. By making these lifestyle changes, Metz was able to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. She didn't rely on fad diets or extreme measures; instead, she focused on making small but meaningful changes that would have a big impact over time. Positive Mindset:  Throughout her weight loss journey, Metz maintained a positive mindset and practiced self-care regularly. She emphasized the importance of taking care of oneself both physically and mentally in order to achieve long-term success. "I think it's really about setting realistic goals for yourself," Metz said in an interview with Glamour. "And being patient with yourself too because we all want things right now...but it's really about creating sustainable change." Impact of Weight Loss on Chrissy Metz's Life Chrissy Metz Lost Around 100 Pounds in Total Chrissy Metz, the star of the hit TV show "This Is Us," has been open about her struggles with weight and body image. In March 2019, she revealed that she had lost around 100 pounds in total. She achieved this weight loss through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise. Metz's weight loss journey began when she landed the role of Kate Pearson on "This Is Us." The show's creators wanted to explore issues around body image and weight, and they cast Metz as their lead actress because of her size. However, as filming progressed, Metz began to feel uncomfortable with her weight and decided to make a change. She Followed a Weight Loss Program That Included a Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise. To lose weight, Metz followed a program that included a balanced diet and regular exercise. She worked with nutritionists to develop a meal plan that would help her lose weight while still providing her body with the nutrients it needed. She ate a lot of fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. In addition to changing her diet, Metz also started exercising regularly. She worked with personal trainers who helped her develop an exercise routine that was tailored to her needs and goals. Her workouts included cardio exercises like running and cycling, as well as strength training exercises like lifting weights. Metz Also Worked With a Personal Trainer to Help Her Achieve Her Weight Loss Goals One of the keys to Metz's success was working with a personal trainer. Her trainer helped keep her motivated throughout her weight loss journey by setting achievable goals for her to work towards. They also provided guidance on proper form during exercises to prevent injury. Metz has said that losing weight has not only improved her physical health but also boosted her confidence and self-esteem. She hopes that by sharing her story, she can inspire others who are struggling with their weight to embrace their own journeys toward health and self-love.   Childhood Struggles with Weight and Early Efforts to Lose Weight Losing weight is an ongoing struggle for many people, and it can be especially difficult when those struggles begin in childhood. Chrissy Metz, star of the hit show "This Is Us," has been open about her own experiences with weight loss and body image. In a recent interview with Glamour magazine, she shared some insights into her personal journey.   Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey Metz's weight issues started early on in life. She was born chubby and struggled with depression as a child. As she got older, she tried various diets and even had gastric bypass surgery at one point. However, it wasn't until she began taking care of herself both physically and mentally that things started to change. One key factor in Metz's weight loss journey has been calorie deficit. By cutting out unhealthy foods and eating more whole foods instead, she was able to create a calorie deficit that helped her lose pounds gradually over time. Self-Love and Acceptance In addition to making changes to her diet and exercise routine, Metz also emphasized the importance of self-love and acceptance. She explained that regardless of size or shape, everyone deserves to feel good about themselves. To that end, Metz has worked hard to cultivate a healthy body image for herself. She no longer wears a fat suit in "This Is Us," which has allowed her to embrace her true self more fully. Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Ongoing Journey Despite all the progress Metz has made in terms of losing weight and improving her mental health, she acknowledges that it's an ongoing journey. There are still times when she struggles with negative thoughts or falls back into old habits. However, by focusing on self-care and staying committed to her goals, Metz continues to make strides toward living a happier and healthier life. Career and Weight Struggles: Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey Acting Career: Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey Physical appearance and weight have always been a topic of discussion in the entertainment industry. In recent years, more and more celebrities have opened up about their struggles with body image and weight loss journeys. One such celebrity is Chrissy Metz, who rose to fame for her role as Kate Pearson in the hit TV show "This Is Us." Chrissy Metz's weight has been a topic of discussion since she first appeared on screen. However, it was her decision to embark on a weight loss journey that caught everyone's attention. Her journey has not only positively impacted her health but also allowed her to pursue more physically demanding roles in her acting career. Losing weight has allowed Chrissy Metz to take on roles that require physical activity and endurance. For example, she played the lead role in the 2020 movie "Breakthrough," which required her to swim in freezing water for hours at a time. This would have been impossible for her before losing weight. Her dedication to fitness and healthy living has also led to opportunities like being featured on the cover of People magazine's "Half Their Size" issue. The weight loss journey hasn't just opened doors for Chrissy Metz professionally; it has also brought about a newfound confidence in her personal life as well. In interviews, she speaks candidly about how losing weight has improved her mental health and self-esteem. She no longer feels like she needs to hide behind baggy clothes or shy away from public appearances. Chrissy Metz's journey towards a healthier lifestyle has inspired many of her fans to prioritize their own health as well. She often shares updates about workouts and healthy eating habits on social media, encouraging others along the way. Her openness about the ups and downs of losing weight makes it feel like an achievable goal rather than an impossible feat. Learning to Love and Accept Herself: Chrissy's Journey to Self-Acceptance Chrissy Metz's acting career began in 2005, but it wasn't until her breakthrough role as Kate Pearson on the hit TV show "This Is Us" that she became a household name. However, before landing this role, Metz faced numerous rejections due to her weight. She has been open about the struggles she faced as an actress who didn't fit Hollywood's beauty standards, and how it affected her confidence. Despite the setbacks, Metz persevered and landed the role of Kate Pearson, a character who struggles with weight and body image issues. Her personal experiences have allowed her to bring authenticity and depth to the character. In an interview with Good Housekeeping, Metz shared that playing Kate has been a cathartic experience for her: "It's one thing to talk about your past or talk about what you're going through currently...but when you can do it through someone else's eyes, it almost makes it easier." Metz has also been open about her weight loss journey, which she says was not for vanity but for her overall health and well-being. She has worked with nutritionists and trainers to make sustainable lifestyle changes rather than resorting to crash diets or extreme measures. In doing so, she hopes to inspire others to prioritize their own health over societal pressures. One of the reasons why Metz is such an inspiration is because she embodies what it means to be a real woman in today's society. She doesn't conform to traditional beauty standards but instead embraces who she is authentically. Through interviews and social media posts, Metz encourages women to love themselves just as they are: "We're all human beings; we all have our own journeys...I think if we could just see each other as human beings first, everything else would fall into place." In addition to being an advocate for self-love and acceptance, Metz is also vocal about mental health awareness. She has spoken about her struggles with anxiety and depression, and how seeking therapy has helped her overcome them. By sharing her own experiences, she hopes to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage others to seek help when they need it. Is Weight Loss Mandatory in Chrissy’s Contract? Chrissy Metz's Contract with NBC Does Not Mandate Weight Loss Despite rumors to the contrary, Chrissy Metz's contract with NBC does not require her to lose weight. The actress, who plays Kate Pearson on the hit show This Is Us, has been open about her struggles with body image and weight loss. In a 2018 interview with Marie Claire, she stated that while she wants to lose weight for her own health and well-being, she is not doing so because of any contractual obligation. Metz's honesty about her journey has made her a role model for many women who struggle with their weight. She has spoken candidly about the pressure that Hollywood places on actresses to be thin and beautiful and has emphasized that talent should be the focus, not appearance. Her character on This Is Us is beloved by fans for her relatability and vulnerability. The Show's Creator Emphasizes Talent Over Appearance Dan Fogelman, the creator of This Is Us, has also emphasized that Metz's talent as an actress is what matters most. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2017, he stated that "the mandate of this show from day one was always to tell human stories and never let them become issue stories." He went on to say that "Chrissy is such an incredible actress that I think it would be a disservice if we said 'Oh you have to do this or you have to do that.'" Fogelman's comments reflect a growing trend in Hollywood towards body positivity and inclusivity. Many actresses are speaking out against unrealistic beauty standards and demanding more diverse representation on screen. By casting Metz in a leading role on This Is Us, Fogelman has helped pave the way for more body-positive storytelling in television. Rumors About Contractual Obligations Are False. Despite Metz and Fogelman's statements to the contrary, some tabloids continue to spread rumors that the actress is contractually obligated to lose weight. These rumors are not only false, but they also perpetuate harmful stereotypes about body image and weight loss. Metz's journey toward better health is a personal one, and she has been open about the fact that it has not been easy. By sharing her story with the world, she is helping to break down barriers and promote body positivity. As fans of This Is Us, we should celebrate Metz for her talent as an actress and her bravery in speaking out about issues that affect so many women. Chrissy Metz's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey Learning to Love Herself: Chrissy Metz's Inspiring Journey Chrissy Metz's journey to self-acceptance is a long and ongoing process that started way before her acting career. She was born in Homestead, Florida, and grew up in Japan and Gainesville, Florida. Growing up, she struggled with weight issues and faced bullying from her peers. However, she learned to love herself through the support of her family, especially her sister, who encouraged her to pursue her dreams despite her weight. Despite facing rejections initially for not fitting into Hollywood's beauty standards, Chrissy landed the role of Kate Pearson in "This Is Us." Her character resonated with many women worldwide as it showcased the struggles of body image and self-love. Playing this role helped Chrissy gain confidence and embrace her body image as a real woman. Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
Get Moving: Tips for Starting a Fitness Routine
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Are you looking to get moving and start a fitness routine? It can be hard to get motivated and stay motivated, but with the right tips and tricks, you can get started and stay on track. Here are some tips to help you get moving and start a fitness routine. 1. Set realistic goals. Before you start your fitness routine, it’s important to set realistic goals. Think about what you want to achieve and how long it will take you to get there. Make sure your goals are achievable and that you have a plan to reach them. 2. Find an activity you enjoy. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. Find an activity that you enjoy and that you can stick with. Whether it’s running, swimming, biking, or something else, make sure it’s something you look forward to doing. 3. Start small. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with small goals and work your way up. This will help you stay motivated and prevent burnout. 4. Track your progress. Tracking your progress is a great way to stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. Use a fitness tracker or an app to track your progress and celebrate your successes. 5. Get a workout buddy. Having a workout buddy can help you stay motivated and accountable. Find someone who has similar goals and schedule regular workouts together. 6. Reward yourself. Set small rewards for yourself when you reach your goals. This will help you stay motivated and give you something to look forward to. Getting moving and starting a fitness routine can be hard, but with the right tips and tricks, you can get started and stay on track. Set realistic goals, find an activity you enjoy, start small, track your progress, get a workout buddy, and reward yourself. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to a healthier and happier you. Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
5 ways to change your mindset
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When we’re struggling with our weight, it can feel like some things are out of our control – from the foods we eat to the everyday challenges that steer us away from making slimming-friendly choices. As experts in the psychology of weight loss, Slimming World will empower you to take back control and build new healthy habits that last.  Here, five inspirational slimmers share how being a member has helped them change their mindset around food and drink, and spurred them on to lasting success. Discover our latest special offers here
Yes you can… understand yourself as a slimmer
There are many reasons why we might struggle to lose weight. Some of them are known to us – like the foods we eat. Others might be just outside of our awareness. At Slimming World, we’ll help you uncover the deeper psychological barriers to your success, and then arm you with the tools to overcome them, so that you can develop healthier new grooves. MORE ON THE BLOG: 9 easy ways to make healthy habits stick
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The support of her Slimming World Consultant helped Laura Allen understand the link between her emotions and her secret-eating habit… “I’d always been a big emotional eater and I used food as both a comfort and a reward, often eating in private so that my family wouldn’t know. When I joined Slimming World, it was such a relief to open up about my secret eating, and my group helped me to understand and gradually break the habit without ever feeling deprived. I finally have some control over my eating. Before, I’d pick my way through the day, snacking on crisps and chocolates and finishing with a takeaway. Now I cook my meals from scratch, making delicious Slimming World versions of my favourite recipes, like chicken tikka masala.” Read Laura’s full story here
Yes you can… stop negative self-talk
We’re much more likely to make healthy choices when we feel good about ourselves. However, that’s easier said than done, especially if we’ve fallen into the habit of putting ourselves down. Surrounding yourself with positive people who understand and genuinely care about you is vital when it comes to silencing that inner critic. In fact, our research found that 91% of our members feel more positive about themselves since joining Slimming World. MORE ON THE BLOG: The surprising stats that prove kindness is key to weight loss
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Years of abuse about her weight had left Harriet Peacock feeling trapped in a cycle of negative self-criticism. But when she joined Slimming World, she found the acceptance she’d been looking for – and went on to lose a staggering 20st. “Over the years, I’d tried pretty much every diet going. They never worked and would usually end in a binge-eating session because I was so hungry, and with me branding myself as a failure who was destined to be overweight and miserable forever.  Group taught me that I was worthy of happiness and it gave me back my confidence. Apart from family and close friends, my fellow members were the first people who made me feel accepted. They just got it, were never judgemental and, as the weight came off, they cheered me on every step of the way.” Read Harriet’s full story here
Yes you can… fit changes around your lifestyle
You’re more likely to stick to healthy habits when they slot into your everyday routine. Our Food Optimising eating plan is fully flexible, so it can easily work with your lifestyle, whether you’ve got a busy family life, a full-on job, a packed social calendar – or all three! MORE ON THE BLOG: How to personalise Food Optimising to you
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Before he joined Slimming World, Matt Symons thought he’d have to give up his social life to lose weight. Then a question from his Consultant changed everything… “I used to meet my friends in the pub after work almost every night, catching up over food and drink – I could easily get through 10 pints, then stop for a kebab or pizza on the way home. My weight crept up and up, but it didn’t occur to me to change my lifestyle. Then, just before Christmas 2016, a metal dining chair buckled beneath me at a friend’s house party. I joined Slimming World a week later. In one session, I talked about how I’d been avoiding the pub because I was worried I’d just regain all the weight as soon as I started socialising again. When my Consultant, Steven, asked me if I could change the way my social life was set up, it was a revelation. Everyone chipped in with ideas for nights out, and I started to meet up with my new friends from group for coffee dates and cinema trips. I also discovered that I really enjoyed tenpin bowling, and we started going for regular games. I was having a great time – without feeling hungover and low the following morning!” Read Matt’s full story here
Yes you can… get support on your terms
There’s no telling how or when life will throw up challenges to your weight loss. That’s why you’ll find lots of ways to connect with the Slimming World Community. Many of our Consultants have closed Facebook groups, where members can swap ideas, celebrate successes and help each other stay on track between groups. Plus, members enjoy exclusive 24/7 access to our app, with its 1,900 recipes, behaviour-changing tools, real-life success stories, progress tracking and the Slimming World barcode scanner, for support wherever you are and whenever you need us.  MORE ON THE BLOG: All about our barcode scanner
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Member Charlie Morgan found the app an invaluable lifeline… “I downloaded the app immediately after signing up. On my first trip to the supermarket as a member, I used the Slimming World barcode scanner on my phone to check the Syns on anything I wasn’t sure about. I also checked the app if I needed a reminder about the basics of Food Optimising. In my first week, I was surprised by just how much I could eat on the plan – and even more surprised when I lost 5lbs!  That gave me the confidence to be a bit more adventurous the following week, so I looked up some of our favourite dishes and used the app to find slimming versions. My girlfriend is vegetarian, and we found lots of recipes that could work for both of us – we’d cook the vegetarian version and I’d add meat to my portion at the end.’’ Read Charlie’s full story here
Yes you can… let go of guilt and shame
These emotions are two of the most common stoppers to our weight loss success. Learning to shed the burden of them is a change most of us could benefit from making, and that starts with finding an environment where you feel safe and free from judgement – which is exactly what you’ll find in our groups and our online Community. MORE ON THE BLOG: Discover how Slimming World can set you free from guilt
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A fear of failure meant Sophie Ratcliffe hid her slimming goals. By sharing her journey with other Slimming World members, she finally found the support she needed to succeed. “Before joining Slimming World, I never told anyone when I was trying to lose weight, as I was sure I wouldn’t succeed. My son was being bullied at school because of my weight, which made me feel so guilty, but I had no idea how to change things. It was September 2021 when I first walked through Slimming World’s doors. At 24st, I felt embarrassed by my size, but no-one made me feel self-conscious. The other members were such a lovely bunch, I instantly knew I was safe and that they wouldn’t be judging me. I left the session feeling hopeful for the first time in ages.” Read Sophie’s full story here If you’re looking for lasting weight loss, you’ll find a world of support waiting at your local Slimming World group or in our vibrant online Community. We’d love to welcome you!
Free 7-day menu
Would you love a taste of the Food Optimising plan? Enter your email address below to receive a full week of delicious Food Optimising recipes, as well as our regular newsletter packed with more Slimming World food, inspiring member transformations and exciting special offers.  Source link Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
Smoothies: A Delicious Way to Boost Your Immune System
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Smoothies are a delicious and nutritious way to boost your immune system. They are easy to make and can be tailored to your individual tastes and dietary needs. Smoothies are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, as well as providing a tasty snack or meal replacement. Smoothies are made by blending together fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients such as yogurt, milk, or nut butters. This combination of ingredients provides a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help to strengthen your immune system. Fruits and vegetables are especially beneficial, as they are packed with vitamins and minerals that can help to fight off infections and illnesses. In addition to providing essential vitamins and minerals, smoothies can also help to boost your energy levels. The combination of ingredients can provide a quick and easy way to get a burst of energy, which can help to keep you going throughout the day. Smoothies are also a great way to get your daily dose of fiber. Fiber helps to keep your digestive system healthy and can help to reduce your risk of developing certain illnesses. Fiber can also help to keep you feeling full for longer, which can help to prevent overeating. Smoothies are also a great way to get your daily dose of protein. Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle, and can help to keep your body strong and healthy. Protein can also help to keep you feeling full for longer, which can help to prevent overeating. Smoothies are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, as well as providing a tasty snack or meal replacement. They are easy to make and can be tailored to your individual tastes and dietary needs. So, if you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious way to boost your immune system, why not give smoothies a try? Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
Transform Your Body with This Effective Diet Plan
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Transform Your Body with This Effective Diet Plan
If you're looking for an effective diet plan to transform your body, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss a diet plan that can help you lose weight and improve your overall health. With proper nutrition and exercise, you can achieve your body goals and feel great both inside and out. Let's get started!
Introduction: What is a Diet Plan?
Before we dive into the details of our diet plan, let's define what a diet plan is. A diet plan is a strategy or set of guidelines that helps you make healthy food choices. It typically includes information on what foods to eat and avoid, portion sizes, meal timing, and other important factors that can impact your health and weight loss goals.
Benefits of Following a Diet Plan
There are numerous benefits to following a diet plan. Some of these benefits include: - Weight loss - Improved digestion - More energy - Better sleep - Reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
Our Effective Diet Plan
Here is an effective diet plan that can help you transform your body: H1: Determine Your Calorie Needs The first step in any successful diet plan is to determine your calorie needs. You can use an online calculator or consult with a nutritionist to get an accurate estimate of how many calories you need to consume each day. H2: Choose Healthy Foods Once you know your calorie needs, it's time to choose healthy foods to fuel your body. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of alcohol. H3: Plan Your Meals Meal planning is key to sticking to a healthy diet. Plan out your meals and snacks for the week ahead, and make sure you have healthy options on hand at all times. This will help you avoid temptation and make it easier to stay on track. H3: Watch Your Portions Even healthy foods can lead to weight gain if you eat too much of them. Be mindful of your portion sizes and use tools such as measuring cups and food scales to ensure you're eating the right amount. H3: Stay Hydrated Drinking enough water is essential for good health. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and avoid sugary drinks and excessive amounts of caffeine. H2: Incorporate Exercise In addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise is also important for transforming your body. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. This can include activities such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or strength training. H1: Monitor Your Progress Finally, it's important to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. Keep track of your weight, body measurements, and how you feel. If you're not seeing the results you want, adjust your calorie intake or exercise routine accordingly.
In conclusion, following a healthy diet plan can help you transform your body and improve your overall health. By focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods, planning your meals, watching your portions, staying hydrated, incorporating exercise, and monitoring your progress, you can achieve your body goals and feel great both inside and out.
- How much weight can I expect to lose with this diet plan? - Weight loss can vary depending on numerous factors, including your starting weight, age, gender, and activity level. However, following a healthy diet plan can help you lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate. - - Do I need to count calories? - Counting calories can be helpful in ensuring you're staying within your recommended calorie intake, but it's not necessary. If you prefer not to count calories, focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and watch your portion sizes. - Can I eat out while following this diet plan? - Yes, you can still eat out while following a healthy diet plan. Look for restaurants that offer healthy options such as salads, grilled proteins, and vegetables. And remember to watch your portion sizes and avoid unhealthy sides and toppings. - How long should I follow this diet plan? - This diet plan is meant to be a lifestyle change rather than a short-term fix. You can follow it for as long as you like, but it's important to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. - Can I still have treats while following this diet plan? - Yes, you can still enjoy treats in moderation while following a healthy diet plan. Just make sure they fit into your daily calorie intake and don't take the place of nutrient-dense foods. Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
9 things you can do right now to STOP overeating!
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We asked our community mums to share some of the healthy habits that they’ve adopted to help STOP overeating. Here’s what they had to say!
9 things you can do right now to STOP overeating!
1. Meal Prep Meal prep is one of the BEST ways for you to maintain control over meal portions, whether you’re at home or out and about. Eleanor from our community says, “I have my meals pre-planned for the week so I don’t over eat. Knowing what I can eat for the week really helps me and, if I have time, I prep as much as I can.” Community mum, Anna, agrees and says, “I find that prepping in advance is a big time saver for me and it’s hard to get off track if you’ve already done the hard work.  “I tend to prep snacks more than meals because that is where I find I have fallen down before, but if I have a fridge full of ready-made healthy snacks, I never need to battle with myself over whether it’s better to eat something unhealthy or go without until the next meal.” “Pre-made snacks are also great for work – a big morning time saver and prevents me getting too silly at birthday morning teas (we’ve all been there).” Not sure where to get started as far as meal prep and snacks? The Healthy Mummy has done all the hard work for you. If you’re not part of the Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge yet, you can get lots of inspiration from our free recipe hub . Image Source: Supplied by Anna (Healthy Mummy Chocolate Weetbix Slice) Anna says, “The Healthy Chocolate Weetbix Slice slice is divine, only takes 15 minutes to make and a double batch and gives my chocolate-loving family-of-five delicious decadent treats for a week.” 2. Eat frequently and listen to your body Anna from our Healthy Mummy community says, “I am a busy mum-of-three with a full time career, so I know how easy it is to get all the way to lunch time without having eaten anything yet. The problem with doing that is when I do finally get to eat, I’ll serve myself way more than I need and eat it so fast that I don’t hear my body saying ‘enough’ until I’ve eaten three serves. That was the old me!” “I learned to break this cycle by eating frequent snacks and small meals throughout the day, starting from breakfast. When I was new to Healthy Mummy, I would plan the timing of my meals and snacks so I knew when I was due to eat.” “Now my routine is like second nature to me. As soon as I feel a niggling in my belly, I know I need to eat – and I don’t ignore it. This ensures that I feel satisfied throughout the day and when I do eat, I’m not completely ravenous so I can eat at a steady pace and listen to my body when it tells me it’s full.” 3. Practice mindful eating It seems that mindfulness is not just for yogis and meditation enthusiasts! Mindfulness is a skill that anyone can learn; you can even teach your kids the skill of mindfulness! Here’s how our community mums do it. Anna, from our Community says, “I also like to practice mindful eating, which to me means stepping away from the screen and enjoying my meal/snack, every time and allowing myself to indulge and really taking the time to savour it when I feel like something naughty – it is so much better to have a little bowl of ice cream now and enjoy every delicious mouthful, than to spend all day thinking about not eating the ice cream, only to inhale a litre of the stuff when you finally give in to the craving.” Community mum, Lucy, says, “To stop overeating I take all distractions away and focus on my food. It’s amazing how distractions like phones, computers and trying to eat while multi-tasking can make you unaware that you’ve had enough!” Community mum, Sara, says, “Avoid over eating on snacks by making it special and sitting down to enjoy it, not eating standing at the fridge.” Image Source: Sara (Making snack time special) 4. Develop positive self-talk Community mum, Anna, says, “I can’t state this one enough – absolutely nothing good can come from tearing yourself down. I am doing a great job, I am worth it, and I will succeed!” We also have some other great weigh loss posts that can help you stay on your path to positivity! 5. Drink more water Our bodies are made up of up to 60 per cent of water, and yet it’s often the last thing we think to reach for when we get hungry. Community mum Eleanor says, “I find if I haven’t had enough water I am super hungry! So I reach for a glass of water before eating.” And some of our mums get their water intake in the form of a good ol’ cuppa! Community mum, Erin, says, “Spending 10 minutes sitting at the dining table on my own enjoying a hot cup of green tea (I don’t have sugar in it) normally helps heaps! I sip it slowly so by the end of it I feel full and it gives me the chance to think about if I really do want that food.” Community mum, Summer, says, “Decaf tea is actually a life saver. When I’m really struggling and water doesn’t cut it I go for my decaf tea.” Here are 5 Other Ways To Increase Your Water Intake. 6. Fill the night-time void Overeating can also be a result of having too much time on your hands, particularly at night. Think about it… once meal time is over and the kids are in bed, it can feel a little strange to find yourself with 5 minutes of silence and time… all to yourself! Community mum, Lucy, says, “To curb my night time cravings I drink a cup of green tea and if the cravings are really strong, I do something to keep my hands busy like paint my nails or do some knitting!” Community mum, Cat, says, “Fold the never ending washing while catching up on your favourite show, style your hair, paint your nails.” Community mum, Jo, says, “ I either do some more snack/food prep so I’m occupied, as then I know I will have plenty of snacks to choose from in the freezer. Having a herbal tea at night helps too. I’ve lost over 42 kilos doing these things and am now maintaining.” 7. Write down your goals and put them where you can see them Community mum, Meischa, says, “I’m really bad when it comes to eating just before bed so to stop myself I’ve written a little note and put it on my fridge to remind me that I’m not hungry, I’m thirsty.” Community mum, Cassie, does the same and says, “I set one of my goals this month to only eat sweet snacks in the evening (because it’s all downhill once I start). My goals for the month are up on the fridge. So whenever I go to snack I get a reminder.” 8. Brush your teeth Well our mums were unanimous on this one. It seems that when all else fails, one sure-fire way to avoid overeating is to brush your teeth! Nothing tastes good after you’ve brush your teeth! 9. Use Control X THIS is what you need to stop overeating! We all love food and eating less can be tough, Control X is here to help you. It is a breakthrough product designed to put you back in control of your food consumption. It is natural, effective and will change the way you reach your goals! You have a sachet in water and it fills your tummy so you eat less!!! Mums have given it 5 STARS and it sold out in 1 week!! Control X is a delicious drink that has been designed with glucomannan to help you feel fuller for longer.  
Reasons to LOVE Control X
- Feel fuller for longer* - Reduces hunger pangs^ - Reduce bloating - Contains fibre - Contains Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Niacin to support normal fat, protein, carbohydrate metabolism and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue - Comes in convenient sachets - Only 6 calories per sachet - Vitamin and mineral blend - Contains no added sugar - Delicious orange flavour - No added aspartame, laxatives or caffeine
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Directions for Use
Enjoy 1 sachet mixed with 200mL of water, 30 mins before a meal, up to 3 times daily.
How Does it Work?
Each sachet contains an ingredient called glucomannan which is a form of soluble fibre found naturally in fruit, vegetables and oats. In the stomach, glucomannan turns into a gel and slows stomach emptying which means your healthy meal remains in the stomach for longer which can help you feel fuller for longer, therefore, reducing snacking between meals. As glucomannan fibre passes through the gut, it clears the digestive tract along the way.  It contains no aspartame, laxatives or caffeine and is free from added sugars! BUY IT HERE 
PLUS Join thousands of mum on the MUMS ONLY Challenge!
Join thousands of mums on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge who are tackling and ACHIEVING their weight loss goals. Whether you have 5 kilograms to lose or 35 kilograms to lose – The Healthy Mummy is here to SUPPORT YOU and your PERSONAL WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY.   To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here. Source link Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
Our Free Food Festival winner is…
Back in February we asked Slimming World members to create an original recipe that celebrated our liberating, weight loss-boosting Free Foods in all their glory – and they didn’t disappoint. Our judges were blown away by the mouth-watering meals our members served up. And it was a tough (and tasty!) job to choose just one recipe as our cook-off champion – to be turned into a Slimming World Free Food range meal available alongside our other tempting dishes at Iceland.  Drumroll, please, as we reveal that the winner of our Free Food Festival cook-off competition is…  MORE ON THE BLOG: What is Slimming World’s Free Food Festival?
Harissa meatballs and orzo
Congratulations to Kev Smith, whose fabulously fragrant meatballs reboot wowed our judges! serves 4 Free ready in 55 minutes plus 5 minutes cooling freezer-friendly What you need: low-calorie cooking spray 2 onions, finely diced 2 tbsp harissa spice mix* 3 tbsp tomato purée 500g lean beef mince (5% fat or less) 1 red pepper, deseeded and diced 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and diced 500g passata 400g can chopped tomatoes 250g cherry tomatoes, halved 1 tsp garlic granules 300g dried orzo 100g fat-free natural Greek yogurt 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh mint  large handful baby spinach 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh coriander 3 spring onions, finely sliced 1 tbsp pomegranate seeds 1. Spray a large non-stick frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and put it over a medium heat. Add half the onions and cook for 4-5 minutes, until soft, then leave to cool for 5 minutes. 2. At the same time, mix together the harissa mix and tomato purée with 1 tbsp water to make a paste. 3. Put the mince, softened onions and half the harissa paste in a bowl and mix well. Divide the mixture into 28 equal-size pieces and roll into meatballs. 4. Using the same pan that you used for the onions, add more low-calorie cooking spray and brown the meatballs – this should take about 6-8 minutes over a medium heat – then set aside. 5. Add the peppers and remaining onion with a splash of water and cook for 4-5 minutes, until soft. Stir in the passata, canned and fresh tomatoes, garlic granules, the rest of the harissa paste and 200ml hot water. Season to taste and simmer for 5 minutes. 6. Add the meatballs to the sauce and cook for 15 minutes more. 7. At the same time, cook the orzo according to the pack instructions and mix together the yogurt and mint. 8. When the orzo and meatballs are cooked, stir the orzo and spinach through the sauce. Divide between 4 bowls and top with the minty yogurt, chopped coriander, spring onions and pomegranate seeds. *Watch out for spice/seasoning blends that have added ingredients (like sugar, oil or starch). To protect your weight loss, count ½ Syn per level tsp/1½ Syns per level tbsp. MORE FOR MEMBERS: Discover the 10 finalists of our Free Food cook-off competition on the members-only website and app.
Free 7-day menu
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Would you love a taste of the Food Optimising plan? Enter your email address below to receive a full week of delicious Food Optimising recipes, as well as our regular newsletter packed with more Slimming World food, inspiring member transformations and exciting special offers.  Source link Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
"Real Life Weight Loss Motivation: Interviews with Successful Dieters"
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real-life weight-loss motivation: interviews with successful dieters
Losing weight is hard. Anyone who's ever been on a diet knows that. What's even harder is keeping the weight off. People who have been successful at losing weight and keeping it off typically have a lot of motivation. In this article, we'll hear from some of those people about what keeps them motivated to stay at a healthy weight. We'll also learn some tips and tricks that we can use to help us stay motivated on our own weight-loss journey.   1. Introduce the article with a brief overview of the difficulties of weight-loss motivation. 2. Share inspiring stories from real-life dieters who have overcome these difficulties. 3. Offer practical tips for staying motivated on a diet. 4. Discuss the importance of setting realistic goals. 5. Emphasize the need for support from family and friends. 6. Offer advice for dealing with difficult situations and setbacks. 7. Encourage readers to keep fighting for their goals.  
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  1. Introduce the article with a brief overview of the difficulties of weight-loss motivation. When it comes to weight loss, motivation can be one of the biggest challenges. Whether you're just starting out on your journey or you've been struggling to shed pounds for a while, it can be difficult to find the motivation to keep going. There are many factors that can contribute to a lack of motivation, including busy schedules, stress, food cravings, and setbacks. In this article, we'll explore some of the difficulties of weight loss motivation and offer some tips and strategies for staying motivated and achieving your weight loss goals. One common difficulty in weight loss motivation is finding the time and energy to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine. With work, family, and other commitments, it can be tough to find the time to prepare healthy meals and make it to the gym. Additionally, stress and other life challenges can drain our energy and make it harder to stay motivated. Another challenge is dealing with food cravings and temptations. Whether it's the office donut tray or a late-night snack attack, it can be tough to resist the lure of unhealthy foods. This can be especially difficult if you're trying to follow a strict diet or cut back on certain types of foods. Finally, setbacks and plateaus are another common source of frustration and can make it hard to stay motivated. It's normal to have ups and downs on a weight loss journey, but it can be discouraging when you don't see the progress you're hoping for. Despite these challenges, it is possible to stay motivated and achieve your weight loss goals. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track: - Set clear and achievable goals. Rather than trying to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time, focus on small, achievable goals that you can work towards each day or week. This can help to keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment as you make progress. - Find a supportive community. Whether it's friends, family, or an online support group, having people to cheer you on and offer encouragement can be a big help when it comes to staying motivated. - Use positive affirmations. Repeating positive affirmations to yourself, such as "I am strong and capable" or "I am worthy of a healthy lifestyle," can help to boost your confidence and motivation. - Don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to have setbacks and slip-ups on a weight loss journey, so don't beat yourself up if you have a less-than-perfect day. Instead, focus on the progress you've made and keep moving forward. By following these tips and strategies, you can stay motivated and achieve your weight loss goals, despite the challenges that may come your way. So, never give up and always keep trying. 2. Share inspiring stories from real-life dieters who have overcome these difficulties. Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but it is possible to overcome the difficulties and achieve your goals. In this article, we'll share inspiring stories from real-life dieters who have overcome common obstacles and challenges on their weight loss journey. One such story is that of Sarah, who struggled with food cravings and temptations for years. Despite trying numerous diets and weight loss programs, she always found herself falling back into old habits and gaining the weight back. However, Sarah finally found the motivation she needed to make a lasting change when she realized that her weight was holding her back in other areas of her life, including her career and relationships. Sarah began by making small, sustainable changes to her lifestyle, such as walking more and cutting back on processed foods. She also sought the help of a nutritionist and personal trainer, who provided her with guidance and support on her journey. Through hard work and determination, Sarah was able to shed over 100 pounds and transform her life. She now feels healthier, more confident, and more energetic, and is grateful for the opportunity to inspire others through her story. Another inspiring weight loss success story is that of John, who struggled with a busy schedule and lack of time. As a single dad with a demanding job, John found it difficult to make time for healthy meals and exercise. However, he refused to let his busy schedule hold him back and instead found creative ways to incorporate healthy habits into his daily routine. For example, John began packing healthy lunches and snacks for work, and made a commitment to exercising for at least 30 minutes each day, whether it was a morning jog or a quick workout at home. Through these small but consistent efforts, John was able to lose over 50 pounds and improve his overall health and well-being. He now feels more energetic and confident, and is proud of the progress he has made. The stories of Sarah and John are just two examples of the countless weight loss success stories out there. Whether you're struggling with food cravings, a busy schedule, or any other challenges, it is possible to overcome them and achieve your weight loss goals. With dedication, hard work, and the right mindset, you too can experience the benefits of weight loss and improved health. 3. Offer practical tips for staying motivated on a diet. Staying motivated on a diet can be one of the biggest challenges of weight loss. Whether you're just starting out or you've been trying to shed pounds for a while, it can be tough to stay motivated and on track. However, with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to maintain your motivation and achieve your weight loss goals. Here are a few practical tips for staying motivated on a diet: - Set clear and achievable goals. Rather than trying to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time, focus on small, achievable goals that you can work towards each day or week. This can help to keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment as you make progress. - Find a supportive community. Whether it's friends, family, or an online support group, having people to cheer you on and offer encouragement can be a big help when it comes to staying motivated. - Use positive affirmations. Repeating positive affirmations to yourself, such as "I am strong and capable" or "I am worthy of a healthy lifestyle," can help to boost your confidence and motivation. - Don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to have setbacks and slip-ups on a weight loss journey, so don't beat yourself up if you have a less-than-perfect day. Instead, focus on the progress you've made and keep moving forward. - Reward yourself. When you reach a weight loss milestone or make progress towards your goals, treat yourself to something special, such as a new outfit or a massage. This can help to keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to. By following these tips and strategies, you can stay motivated and achieve your weight loss goals, despite the challenges that may come your way. Remember, it's important to be kind to yourself and focus on the progress you're making, rather than dwelling on any setbacks or failures. With dedication, hard work, and the right mindset, you can reach your goals and experience the benefits of weight loss and improved health.  
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4. Discuss the importance of setting realistic goals. Setting realistic goals is an important part of any weight loss journey. Whether you're looking to lose a few pounds or make a significant lifestyle change, it's important to set goals that are achievable and that you can work towards over time. One of the benefits of setting realistic goals is that it can help to keep you motivated. When you set unrealistic goals, you may feel discouraged when you don't see the progress you're hoping for, which can lead to a lack of motivation. On the other hand, when you set realistic goals that are within reach, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and progress as you work towards them, which can help to keep you motivated and on track. Another benefit of setting realistic goals is that they are more sustainable in the long term. If you set an unrealistic goal, you may be able to achieve it in the short term, but it may be difficult to maintain it over time. On the other hand, if you set a realistic goal, you'll be more likely to be able to maintain your progress in the long term, which can help to prevent weight gain and improve your overall health. So, how do you set realistic goals? Here are a few tips: - Start small. Rather than trying to lose a large amount of weight in a short amount of time, focus on small, achievable goals that you can work towards each day or week. - Be specific. Instead of setting a vague goal like "lose weight," set specific goals such as "lose 5 pounds in the next month" or "exercise for 30 minutes each day." - Make it measurable. Set goals that you can measure and track, such as "lose 1 pound per week" or "eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day." - Be realistic. Consider your current lifestyle and schedule when setting goals, and choose goals that are realistic and achievable given your current circumstances. By setting realistic goals and working towards them consistently, you can stay motivated and make progress on your weight loss journey. Remember, it's important to be kind to yourself and focus on the progress you're making, rather than dwelling on any setbacks or failures. With dedication, hard work, and the right mindset, you can reach your goals and experience the benefits of weight loss and improved health.   5. Emphasize the need for support from family and friends. Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and it's important to have support from family and friends along the way. Whether you're just starting out on your weight loss journey or you've been struggling to shed pounds for a while, the support of loved ones can make all the difference in your success. One of the key benefits of having support from family and friends is that it can help to keep you motivated. When you have people in your corner cheering you on and offering encouragement, you'll feel more motivated to stay on track and work towards your goals. Additionally, the support of loved ones can help to boost your confidence and self-esteem, which can be an important factor in weight loss success. Having support from family and friends can also provide a sense of accountability and responsibility. When you know that others are counting on you and supporting your efforts, you'll be more likely to stay committed to your weight loss journey. This can be especially helpful when you're facing challenges or setbacks, as it can provide the motivation you need to keep going. Finally, the support of loved ones can provide a sense of community and belonging, which can be an important factor in weight loss success. When you feel like you're part of a supportive group, you'll be more likely to feel connected and motivated to make healthy choices. So, how can you get support from family and friends on your weight loss journey? Here are a few tips: - Talk to your loved ones about your weight loss goals and ask for their support. Share your motivations and challenges with them, and let them know how they can help. - Find a support group or online community. Whether it's a formal weight loss program or an online forum, finding a supportive community of people who are also working towards similar goals can provide valuable support and encouragement. - Invite your loved ones to join you on your weight loss journey. Whether it's going for a walk together or cooking healthy meals, having your loved ones by your side can provide motivation and a sense of accountability. - Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay motivated, don't be afraid to reach out to your loved ones for help and support. By seeking support from family and friends and building a strong network of support, you can stay motivated and on track on your weight loss journey. Remember, it's important to surround yourself with positive, supportive people who will encourage and inspire you to reach your goals. So, always keep in touch with your loved ones and ask for their help whenever you need it.   6. Offer advice for dealing with difficult situations and setbacks. Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and it's normal to face difficult situations and setbacks along the way. Whether you're struggling with food cravings, a busy schedule, or any other challenges, it's important to have strategies in place for dealing with these difficult situations and setbacks. One important tip for dealing with difficult situations and setbacks is to stay focused on your goals. It can be easy to get discouraged when things don't go as planned, but it's important to remember why you started your weight loss journey in the first place and stay focused on your goals. This can help to keep you motivated and on track, even when things get tough. Another tip is to be kind to yourself. It's normal to have setbacks and slip-ups on a weight loss journey, so don't beat yourself up if you have a less-than-perfect day. Instead, focus on the progress you've made and keep moving forward. Remember, weight loss is a journey and not a destination, so be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards your goals. Another helpful strategy is to have a plan in place for dealing with difficult situations. For example, if you struggle with food cravings, have healthy snacks on hand to satisfy your cravings in a healthier way. Or, if you're struggling to find time for exercise, plan ahead and schedule your workouts in advance. By having a plan in place, you'll be better prepared to handle difficult situations and setbacks. Finally, don't be afraid to seek help when you need it. Whether it's talking to a friend or family member, seeking the guidance of a nutritionist or personal trainer, or seeking support from an online community, it's important to surround yourself with positive, supportive people who can help you stay motivated and on track. By following these tips and strategies, you can successfully navigate difficult situations and setbacks on your weight loss journey. Remember, it's important to stay focused on your goals, be kind to   7. Encourage readers to keep fighting for their goals. Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and it's normal to face difficult situations and setbacks along the way. Whether you're just starting out on your weight loss journey or you've been struggling to shed pounds for a while, it's important to remember that your goals are worth fighting for. One key to success on a weight loss journey is to stay motivated and focused on your goals. It can be easy to get discouraged when things don't go as planned, but it's important to remember why you started your journey in the first place and stay focused on your goals. This can help to keep you motivated and on track, even when things get tough. Another key to success is to be kind to yourself. It's normal to have setbacks and slip-ups on a weight loss journey, so don't beat yourself up if you have a less-than-perfect day. Instead, focus on the progress you've made and keep moving forward. Remember, weight loss is a journey and not a destination, so be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards your goals. Another important factor in achieving your weight loss goals is to seek support from loved ones and a supportive community. Whether it's friends, family, or an online support group, having people to cheer you on and offer encouragement can be a big help when it comes to staying motivated. Additionally, seeking the guidance of a nutritionist or personal trainer can provide valuable support and expertise on your journey. Finally, remember to celebrate your progress and accomplishments along the way. When you reach a weight loss milestone or make progress towards your goals, take time to celebrate and be proud of yourself. This can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment, and help you stay motivated as you continue on your journey. So, if you're struggling to stay motivated on your weight loss journey, remember to keep fighting for your goals. With dedication, hard work, and the right mindset, you can achieve your goals and experience the benefits of weight loss and improved health. Keep going, and never give up!  
“Inspiring Weight Loss Success Stories: Christina Jordan and Sarah Knapp”
  The stories of the successful dieters interviewed in this article are inspiring and provide great motivation for those looking to lose weight. These dieters have overcome many obstacles to get to where they are today, and their success is a testament to the fact that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. If you are looking to lose weight, these interviewees provide great examples of what it takes to be successful. Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
Weight Loss With Yoga, Try These Simple Exercises
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Weight Loss With Yoga, Try These Simple Exercises
Preface to Yoga and Its Benefits
Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote physical and internal well-being. It combines breathing ways, acts, and contemplation to help ameliorate strength, balance, inflexibility, and overall health. Research has shown that regular yoga practice can help in losing weight, perfecting posture, relieving stress, and reducing the threat of habitual ails similar to diabetes. Recent studies have also demonstrated that yoga is an excellent tool for weight operation and perfecting body composition. It helps in burning calories, adding metabolism and structure muscle strength which leads to loss of body fat. Likewise, it can help reduce jones for unhealthy foods by calming the mind and body. Regular practice of yoga can also profit in other ways similar as boosting impunity, perfecting moods, perfecting sleep quality, dwindling bloating, and supporting healthy digestion. As with any form of exercise or diet plan, thickness is crucial; so try to include yoga into your diurnal routine for stylish results.  
Stylish Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
 Incorporating yoga into your fitness routine can help you reach your weight-loss pretensions in a safe and sustainable manner. They are a many the stylish yoga acts for weight loss   -Downcast Facing Canine Pose: This disguise helps to stretch and strengthen the entire body while also adding metabolism. It tones and stretches the arms, legs, abs, and glutes.   - Tree disguises: This disguise requires you to balance on one bottom while extending the other leg out in front of you or bent behind you. It helps to strengthen your core by engaging your abdominal muscles.   - Ground disguise: This disguise strengthens your casket and tones the lower belly. It also helps to open up the hips and strengthens the buttocks muscles.   Yoga is an excellent way to combine strength training with relaxing postures for an effective drill that can help you lose weight safely. Try these simple exercises for yourself moment!  
Incorporating Contemplation With Yoga
Yoga is not just about the acts and stretches the practice also incorporates contemplation and awareness of ways that can help you reduce stress. Contemplation helps to quiet your mind and body, shifting focus down from everyday worries and distractions. This promotes relaxation, allowing you to come more aware of yourself, your body's requirements, and how stylish to achieve your pretensions. In addition, contemplation can help you come more apprehensive of when you're eating out of tedium or emotional need rather than hunger so that you can make healthier opinions. There are a many simple pensive practices to get you started: Take 5 twinkles each day for silent time Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breath.   Practice guided contemplation hear to an audio recording or an app that will guide you through the process.   Fantasize the thing you want to achieve Picture what success looks like for you.   Write down declarations Take many moments each day to write down positive words or expressions that will remind you of what it's that you are seeking.   Interval Training and Circuit Training With Yoga. Both these ways involve quick, explosive movements that boost metabolism and burn more fat in a shorter quantum of time.   These are some yoga poses you can use to introduce interval training and circuit training into your routine:  
Interval Training
Downward Dog This disguise helps to strengthen the shoulders, wrists, arms, and back muscles. It also helps to increase stamina and cardio abidance.Upward Plank Pose This disguise helps to make strength in the core muscles as well as in the arms, shoulders, casket, and legs. It also helps to ameliorate balance. Warrior Pose This disguise strengthens the core and arms as well as stimulates the cardiovascular system.  
Circuit Training
Triangle Pose: This disguise helps to open up tight hipsters flexors and tone the muscles of the hips, shanks, tummy, and lower reverse.   President Pose: This disguise engages all major muscle groups while challenging your balance, strength, and collaboration.   Bridge Pose: This disguise strengthens the core muscles while stretching the casket, neck, chin, and hips. It also stimulates digestion by perfecting rotation throughout the body.   By incorporating these acts into your regular yoga practice, you can start seeing results from your exercises more briskly than ever!  
Use Props to consolidate Your Practice
Incorporating props into your yoga practice can be a great way to add variety and challenge, while also heightening your understanding of each disguise. Whether you’re a freshman or an educated yogi, props like blocks, strips or robes can help you increase inflexibility and ameliorate posture. Props can also give you a redundant boost of support if you’re new to yoga or are working through an injury. There are some tips for using supports to enhance your practice:   Use blocks to produce stability and length in postures like Warrior II and Triangle Pose. Blocks can also give further support when seated in acts like Seated Forward Fold. Strips are great for chancing further length in forward bends and twists. Wrap the swatch around the sole of the bottom and gently pull back to produce gentle traction in the chin and hips.   Robes are useful for softening areas that may be uncomfortable when sitting on the bottom or when rolling onto Yoga Bolsters. They also help with precluding strains while stretching in postures like Cobbler Pose or Reclined Big Toe Pose.   Using props is a safe and effective way to consolidate your yoga practice without straining your body too much. Not only will they help you explore grueling postures with ease, but they can also help you learn how to move with alignment and grace so that you can reap maximum benefits from each disguise- including weight loss! Nutrition and Lifestyle adaptations for Weight Loss In addition to performing certain yoga acts, making some life and nutrition adaptations can help you on your trip to weight loss.
Acclimate Eating Habits
Start by making healthy and aware eating choices, If you want to lose weight presto with yoga. Reduce your input of sugar, reused foods, and impregnated fats while fastening on eating whole, fiber-rich foods. Also, keep your reflections balanced and make sure to drink plenitude of water throughout the day.  
Increase Physical exertion
Besides rehearsing yoga regularly, produce a drill plan that includes other conditioning like walking, biking, or swimming that help you burn further calories and tone up different muscle groups. However, end for 30 twinkles per day for five days a week and also increase it as you get more comfortable with exercising If you’re new to exercise.  
Manage Stress situations
Stress has a direct impact on weight gain. Learn relaxation ways similar to progressive muscle relaxation or guided contemplation and make sure to take time off from work and have some fun! Creating a systematized routine will also help reduce stressful situations so that you can stay focused on reaching your pretensions.  
All by each, yoga can be an effective way to help you with your weight loss pretensions. Through regular practice, you won't only come slimmer and fitter, but you'll also come stronger and further flexible. Try out some of the simple exercises mentioned above to get started on your yoga trip to a healthier you. Flashback, exercise makes perfect, so stick with it and be harmonious. With fidelity and tolerance, the prices of a slimmer, fitter, and further toned body will soon follow. Read the full article
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jsms01 · 1 year
New! Slimming World garlic bread
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Who says you can’t have garlic bread and get a great weight loss? Yes you can with Slimming World! This recipe takes minutes to make and will go perfectly with your favourite pasta dish. Discover our latest special offers here
Slimming World garlic bread recipe 
serves 4  3½ Syns per serving  ready in 5 mins  What you need:  50g extra-light spread  2-4 garlic cloves, crushed (to taste)  a little lemon zest (from an unwaxed lemon)  2 level tbsp grated fresh Parmesan or vegetarian alternative  2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley  2 x 60g wholemeal muffins  What you do:  1. Mix the spread, garlic, lemon zest, Parmesan and parsley in a bowl and season lightly.   2. Split the muffins, toast and evenly spread with the garlic mixture. 
Free 7-day menu
Would you love a taste of the Food Optimising plan? Enter your email address below to receive a full week of Food Optimising recipes, as well as our regular newsletter packed with more Slimming World food, inspiring member transformations and exciting special offers.  Source link Read the full article
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