#kind of a cutiepatootie tbh
sacriou · 5 months
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Hrmm.. kinda accidentally put these everywhere else so I’ll drop em here too
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polvillodecanela · 7 years
Five things tag (special thanks to @maj-cutiepatootie  for the tag, tbh this is my very first do something because somebody tagged you thing)
DISCLAIMER: My english probably sucks...
Five thing you’ll find in my bag:
1. Food (any kind ya know?) junk food, candies, my lunch (i carry my lunch from home to my work) If I don´t have food on my bag I’ve been abducted and I’m not the same anymore.
2. My makeup, you’ll find my makeup bag but. PLOT TWIST, I don´t usually use makeup so, I just take my makeup bag for a ride all day, everyday.
3. Notebooks and books, since the bag that I carry to my work is the same that I use to go to school at nights (I´m studying law so... I carry a LOT OF BOOKS)
4. Garbage... just a lot of papers that I don´t use or food wrappers.
5. My personal papers: Id, my University’s id, the public transport’s card, and the membership of the empanada’s store in front of my office.
Five things you’ll  find in my bedroom
1. Books, a lot of them, I have a LOT of books of all areas, Novels, comics, and academic ones.
2. Stuffed animals: I like them a lot and I have too much for a woman of my age (I´m 21 so)
3. Clothes: I’m a little bit messy in the mornings so if you go to my home you’ll find my bed covered in clothes. (sorry not sorry)
5. My bag. period.
i’ve skipped number 4...
Five things I’ve always wanted to do.
1. Travel, I’d like to go to another contry and discover the world. seriously.
2. Take more than a week just to rest, being alone in my home and enjoy myself. I NEED THAT A LOT
3. Go in a trip with my friends... or alone, just... this is the continuation of the first one ...
5. I want to kiss one boy 100 times (a.k.a mattew gray gubler)
Five thing that make me happy (this is the tricky one eh?)
1. Eat good food (even if the place is on the street, if the food is good I’m in)
2. Draw, even if I don’t do that recently that makes me so happy.
3. Read !!!
4. Take a time with myself, i love being on my own sometimes. 
5. Sleep (just let me sleep @ job, career, family) 
Five things that I’m currently into. 
1. Naruto hell, somebody save me.
2. I’m going to a painting class (is it count? )
3. Voltron hell, actually a lot of fandom’s hell, somebody help me.
4. I JUST DISCOVERED COURTNEY BARNETT (she’s a singer) and !!!!! go and listen her, she’s my goddess now ok?
Five thing on my to-do list
1. STOP PROCASTINATING (really it’s almost ruining my life)
2. Buy a dress - I never use skirts or shorts or dresses even if I LOVE THEM 
3. GET A STUPID BOYFRIEND. really, it’s embarassing all my family have a partner and I’m the stupid lonely girl, so annoying.
4. Read all king’s books, I love him but I’m broke af so buy his books is something a little bit tricky.
5. GET MY FUCKING DEGREE, it´s been a year since I finished all my subjects and ughhhh 
Five things people might not know abut urs trully.
1. I´m ALMOST  a lawer (?)
2. I don´t know how to drive and I don´t care.
3. I’m really good at cooking.
4.  I don´t know how to dance
5. But I’m good at drinking ;)
Extra: You might don’t know buy english it’s not my native language (I´m latina so only spanish) and ... thanks to this site I learned... seriously. THANKS GUYS.
ok.. that’s all, I hope you like it. TAG ME IN ANOTHER THINGS GUYS 
kisses and hugs.So I tag...err @hey-usuratonkachi , @mrs-gossipgirl (I HAVEN´T TALKED TO YOU IN A LONG TIME I M SO SORRY T_T) @magigingercal  and @mynewnameisjackie   I want to know about you so... 
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taetaesbffaaf · 7 years
Hi there! Sun+moon+mercury taurus, rising gemini; favorite color: midnight blue; and I´m INFJ - advocate. Do your magic, if you want. :D Stay happy! ~cutiepatootie-anon
Hm, Taurus/Taurus/Taurus (with some gemini in rising), GOSh, that’s such a grOUNDED combo. Hardheaded/stubborn, i would hate to argue with you fam. like forreal. The rising in Gemini gives you a little leeway, a little lightheartedness and goofy/fun. I’m glad to see it tbh, Geminis get a really bad rep but it’s a great sign tbh. I’m happy that it can balance some of that FIRMNESS.ALL the taurus combined with a (dark) blue color personality theory. Dark blue in color theory means that you have a strong presence, people are probably drawn to you and even if you’re not a necessarily extroverted/outgoing person, you’re still a dominant fixture of any room. You’re probably responsible and very thoughtful. Not just in the way you treat others but you’re probably a decisive person. You think before you act and you can talk yourself out of things more so than taking others advice. INFJ, the advocate would confirm that you’re probably pretty reserved even if you’re not always quiet, you’re definitely, 10000000% a thinker. You’d be a great person to have a friendship with, even though you’re a taurus/taurus/taurus which is such a strong combination that I personally usually cry over. 
Come into my inbox and tell me your Sun/Moon signs, favorite color, and MBTI type 👀 (on or off anon~)
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