#kind of hilarious frankly. i get why it's being shut down but that one launch day in october was one of THE funniest days in p101 history
devilfish-landing · 5 months
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bro showed up when no one asked him to, fucked around silently in the background for like a quarter of the year, and then died with zero fanfare . damn
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taesspark · 3 years
A Normal Friday Afternoon
drabble #1 from the Spellbound series
pairing: Jungkook x reader
genre: enemies to lovers (but mostly enemies so far oops), hogwarts au
word count: 2.2k 
warnings: violence (oc punches jungkook in the face), swearing
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It’s a normal Friday afternoon at Hogwarts, meaning everyone is going insane. You wonder why Professor Snape even bothers teaching Potions right now since it doesn’t look like anyone is paying the slightest bit of attention. He even chose a hard potion for the class to make, individually this time. As if making it an individual assignment could stop a group of annoying 17-year-olds from wreaking havoc. 
You flicker your eyes in annoyance at Jeon Jungkook and his rowdy group of friends. They had created a game where they launch the ingredients into each others’ cauldrons, giving each other points based on how close it got. Usually you try to get along with your classmates, especially fellow Gryffindors, but Jungkook has always been the sole exception. There’s something about him that grates all of your nerves like a carrot. Maybe it’s the way he’s good at all the same things you are, but he makes it seem more effortless. Maybe it’s the way everyone thinks he’s so innocent and kind, when he’s been metaphorically (and literally) pulling on your hair since first year. 
It started with the little things. You were friendly to him, like you are to everyone, and as an 11-year-old, you had nothing to complain about. Something changed one day when you were walking past him in the hallway to class and he hit you with a hex that he hadn’t mastered yet. You remember falling to the ground in pain, watching your stinging flesh go boneless. And Jungkook? He was laughing.
You’re no less of a witch or a Gryffindor though. With your limp arm, you cast the strongest dancing hex you could muster. It worked, of course, and Jungkook was known as “Happy Feet” for at least another year for the way he danced around Hogwarts that day. 
It’s a memory you keep close, as a reminder to never trust the sweet smile and starry eyes of Jeon Jungkook. 
If you looked at all of the detentions you’ve served in your 6 years of being a Hogwarts student (and there are plenty), you’re sure 99% would have been from fighting with Jungkook, whether it’s yelling at him, cursing him, or swatting him with your broomstick in midair during Quidditch practice. Because of course he would join the Quidditch team at the same time you did. 
You’re not in the mood for fighting today, though. You’re exhausted from a frankly awful week, and you just want to finish your stupid potion, get your stupid grade, and go to your stupid dorm so you can sleep. 
Your only good friend in this potions class is a Ravenclaw girl named Nina. For a Ravenclaw, she’s chatty, and she flits around you while you grind up asphodel root for your potion. With a quick slide of your knife, you dump the crushed root into your potion. It bubbled. Beside you, Nina bubbled even more, her personality like soda that had been shaken too hard. 
“-and then Emilia told me that she asked Irene if she would go with her to Hogsmeade next weekend, but Irene said she’s already going with Jieun, but Sam told me that Jieun is going alone, so what’s even the truth? You’d think that she’d at least-” 
“Maybe you should mind your business.” You give her a sour look, and you hope it isn’t too harsh. “Just a thought.” 
Nina’s mouth curls into a rueful smile. “You’re spending too much time with Yoongi lately.” 
You crack a smile at the thought of your best friend and his (only partly true) reputation. No one dares cross Min Yoongi, a 7th year Slytherin with a killer poker face. As one of his best friends, you can see right through it. 
“There’s no such thing as too much time with Yoongi,” you grumble. 
Nina leaves you alone after that, thank god. You usually have a higher tolerance for her chattiness and gossip, but today your patience is running thin. Luckily, she knows you well enough to not seem upset at your attitude. 
You sprinkle a serum into the potion before stirring it clockwise ten times. It’s the last step of the potion, and yours is already turning the perfect shade of mint green. You count to yourself as you stir: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight-
You don’t make it to ten. You were so goddamn close. 
“Oh, shit-”
You don’t register who curses. All you can see is a bottle of serum—someone else’s bottle of serum— being launched straight into your cauldron, and your entire potion splattering onto your front. Your robes sizzle where the potion hit them. 
You recognize that voice. How could you not? You almost want to laugh. 
Fucking Jeon Jungkook. 
The leech lumbers up to you sheepishly, scratching at the back of his head. “My bad. We were playing a game, and I missed pretty bad.” 
He chuckles a little, surveying the green ooze all over you. “Green is your color, Y/N. Maybe they should’ve put you in Slytherin.” 
You’re seething. 
A temper is not one of the traits associated with Gryffindor, but at that moment, you think maybe it should be. Lions do roar, after all. 
And roar is exactly what you do. Roar and knock Jungkook the fuck out. 
The room is in chaos: Professor Snape is yelling, Nina is telling you to calm down, Jungkook is on the ground in front of you, more shocked than hurt, and half the class is chanting “Fight!” because the adolescent urge to create violence never truly dies. 
“Take this outside!” Snape shouts at the two of you, grabbing you both by the collar of your robes. “Fight in the hallways, I don’t care, but this is not going to happen in my classroom. When you’re done, head to McGonagall’s office. I’m sure she’d like to have a word with you two delinquents.” 
Jungkook stares at you, rubbing at the bruise blooming on his cheek. 
The door swings closed, slamming in your face. With a huff, you turn around and vanish the potion residue still left on your clothes with a quick spell. You barely spare a glance for Jungkook. He stands several feet away, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. 
“Do you have something to say?” You snap. 
He opens his mouth. Then closes it. 
You roll your eyes. “Listen, Jeon. I know you did that on purpose. Very funny prank, absolutely hilarious. Truly, I’m rolling on the floor laughing right now.” 
Jungkook’s eyes drop to the floor as if he expected to see you there, laughing. 
“Let’s just go to McGonagall’s already,” you say, posture slumping at the thought of being yelled at by the intimidating professor.  
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” he says. Jungkook rolls his shoulders, and you see him gain some of his usual bravado. “We were playing a game, I already explained this to you.” 
You bark out a laugh, just one. “I’m not stupid.” 
He cocks a brow. “Are you sure? I bet my potion was better than yours even though I was dicking around for the entire class.” 
“Fuck off.” 
“Hit a nerve?” 
It’s like this, for the long, long, long trek from the dungeons to Gryffindor tower where McGonagall’s office is. 
“You know, you don’t have to be such an asshole all the time,” you say, turning the corner. Jungkook jogs after you to keep up. 
“I don’t? No way, all this time I thought it was mandatory.” 
He sounds more upset than snarky, and in your present state of blind rage, you don’t have a single clue why he would be upset. He’s the one who ruined your potion and got you sent to McGonagall’s office. He’s the one who has been a splinter the size of Greenland in your thumb for five years and counting. 
“Besides,” he adds, as if you wanted to have a conversation with him, “you’re the one who fucking punched me in the face. It’s kinda hypocritical to call me an asshole in this situation.” 
“That’s a really big word, Jungkook. Did you finally learn how to read?” 
Jungkook’s face crumples into a frown. “Shut up.” 
“Hit a nerve?” You mock. 
You think getting to McGonagall’s office is a relief until you’re finally there. McGonagall is all but screeching at the two of you. You’ve heard the same lecture several hundred times, but never in such a high pitch. You offer to make her some herbal tea for her throat, and she only gives you the evil eye. Jungkook snorts beside you. You ignore him, nudging him in the ribs with your elbow. 
“Never in my days…”
“...Such stupidity from my own students!”
You fade in and out of consciousness during the lecture, and one look at Jungkook tells you he’s doing the same. 
“Detention for both of you. I will see the two of you here at 9 pm sharp every day for the rest of the week,” McGonagall finally says. 
Jungkook groans. 
“I’m being generous,” McGonagall says. “If I see the two of you acting like violent animals again, I can and will suspend you both from the Gryffindor Quidditch team.” 
You and Jungkook both make sounds of protest, only to be drowned out by McGonagall. 
“I hate to see my own team lose, but it has been five years of your childish fights. You two will learn to be civil to each other, and I will make sure of it.” 
The tone of her voice makes you uneasy. Jungkook beats you to the question that’s on both of your minds. “What are you going to do to us?” 
The fear in his voice would make you smile if you weren’t practically shaking in your boots yourself. 
“As you know, in Transfiguration, I am going to be having everyone work in teams this year. I was going to let you choose your partners, but you two have not earned that privilege.” 
You turn to face Jungkook. He’s staring back at you in wide-eyed horror. 
“You both are now partners in Transfiguration. Sit by each other and complete the projects together. I will not tolerate any misbehaving in my class, and if you don’t work as a team, you will be risking your own grades.” McGonagall stares at the two of you with the smallest of smiles, disgustingly smug. She’s enjoying this, and you hate her for it. 
“I won’t hear it!” She shouts. Jungkook recoils. “This is final. If you have a problem, you should’ve thought about that before brawling like wrestlers in Potions.” 
You hang your head, staring at how the end of your robes skims your shoes. You don’t like to be dramatic, but this sure feels like the end of the world. The rest of your year is probably ruined, thanks to McGonagall essentially sentencing you to Jungkook duty. Not to mention Transfiguration is your hardest class, even without having to compete with Jungkook. You don’t doubt that this would make everything so much harder. 
“That’s all I have to say to you. Please leave,” McGonagall says, pressing a thumb and index finger into her forehead. 
The two of you file out of her office, stumbling down the empty hallway. You walk in silence, thankful that classes aren’t out yet. You stop a few corridors down, and Jungkook stops next to you.
You look at him, really look at him. Other than the bruise on his face a la you, he has a sweet face and kind eyes. You remind yourself that it’s fake. 
You take a step closer to him, and he tilts his head at you, nonplussed. 
You brush a hand on his cheekbone, where you hit him. 
“Does it hurt?” You ask. 
The hallway is empty, but Jungkook still looks both ways before responding to you, as if you were a car hurtling towards him on the street. He gulps at your proximity to him, how he can feel your breath mingling with his own and your fingertips’ gentle pressure on his face. 
“A little,” he says, quieter than you. “You really know how to use your fists, huh?” 
He laughs. To your ears, it sounds forced. You smile. Checkmate. 
Without warning, you grab his tie and jerk his face down to yours, leaving just a breath of space between your noses. You lean even closer to Jungkook, and a smile ghosts your lips when you feel him moving closer to you at the same time. You wait for one more moment, letting your warm breath hit his skin. The moment he closes his eyes, you whisper, “Good.” 
His eyes flutter back open, confused, and you take your foot and slam it down on his. He all but howls in pain, nearly knocking his head into yours as he hops away. 
"What was that for?"
"If you still don't know, then maybe I need to step on you again." You narrow your eyes at him, still close enough to register the clean linen smell of his clothes. “Do not cross me again. I need a good grade in Transfiguration this year, and I won’t let you ruin that for me.” 
"McGonagall is right there. I could go tell her," he threatens. His eyes are wide, and you pick up on the slightest fear under his façade of arrogance. 
"Okay, do it. See if I care, asshole." 
You spin on your heel and storm down the corridor, leaving a stunned Jungkook in your wake. 
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It had been two months since they had heard from Azazel. No calls or texts. No randomly showing up at the house. No making grand declarations at her work. Absolute silence.
It was enough that the others felt they could begin to relax on their "security detail" and let Jacqueline go places unaccompanied. She had her phone, she had means of keeping herself safe, and it looked like Azazel had finally gotten it through his head that she didn't want him.
So Jacqueline didn't think anything of it when a nervous looking man came into her shop asking her to check his house for wayward spirits. It wasn't a super common thing, but she did make "house calls" on occasion.
Her "skeevy sense" pricked slightly when he tried to insist that she ride with him in his car, but chalked it up to the man's nerves about the ghosts in his house. Nothing new there. A quick text to the guys to say she was going out, and she headed to her car.
The house itself was entirely unremarkable. One of those cookie cutter suburban places. Again, no real reason for her to suspect anything was amiss.
The banality of the situation was quickly shattered, however. She had taken maybe two steps into the home when she felt something sharp pierce the side of her neck. A moment later, it felt like all her limbs were made of lead and the world was spinning around her.
Drugged. She had been drugged. It was a trap, and she fell for it. Shit.
She woke up god knows how many hours later, groggy and finding herself sitting on a chair of some kind in a dimly lit room. Her head was pounding, but when she tried to reach up and massage her temples she realized her hands were tied to the arms of the chair.
The last thing she heard before blacking out was "I'm so sorry, but I needed the money..."
Great. Wonderful. Fantastic. She finally felt safe enough to go out on her own, and this shit happens. How could this possibly get any worse?
"Good morning, starshine~" crooned a familiar voice in the dark, as if to answer her question. Yes, yes it could absolutely get worse for her.
The lights suddenly brightened, causing her to shut her eyes and recoil back into the chair. When she was finally able to open her eyes again, her worst fear--and annoyance quite frankly--was confirmed. There stood Azazel, grinning broadly at her. Wearing a dark purple suit and holding a bouquet of red roses this time.
"Tah-dah~" he posed with a flourish, looking rather pleased with himself and oblivious to Jacqueline's rising anger.
"You paid someone to kidnap me??" Were the first words out of her mouth, her voice shrill in her fury. "What in the actual fuck is wrong with you??"
"Well how else am I going to get an audience with you? You've got a fucking goon squad following you around like lost puppies twenty-four seven!"
"Oooooooooor you could give me my damn space and respect that I've rejected your advances twice now??"
"And let another man have what's mine?" Azazel chuckled darkly, shaking his head at the notion. "Absolutely not."
"How long are you going to keep up this game, Doll? How long are you going to make me wait for you to admit your feelings for me? I like a chase as much as the next guy, but this is downright cruelty, babe. Is it my looks? Do you prefer redheads now? Will that help?"
He didn't give her a chance to refute the ridiculous statement that she somehow belonged to him before launching into another of his diatribes.
As he spoke, his hair went from brunette to a very particular, very familiar shade of red. Jacqueline swallowed hard and said nothing, seething quietly as he continued.
"Or is it his face in particular that's caught your fancy, hm?"
He stepped closer to her, his face shifting until she was staring back...at Gizmo. But he looked wrong. There was no softness in his expression, Azazel's grin making it too malicious. Like he was wearing a poorly made mask, rather than a perfect imitation.
"Is this what you like, hm?" he breathed, leaning in so that "his" face was closer to hers. "Pale, ginger vampires is what get you going these days? I'm willing to be this for you, if you'll give me a kiss~."
Jacqueline inhaled deeply through her nose, smiled sweetly at Azazel...and then headbutted him right on the bridge of his nose, causing him to shriek in pain and stumble backwards. She laughed, delighting in causing him a little pain after what he'd put her through.
"Bitch!" He gasped, holding a hand over his now bleeding nose. The shock was enough that he reverted back to his usual face. "I'm doing this for YOU! Why must you be so difficult??"
There was a moment where Jacqueline was quiet, the gears turning in her head as she weighed her options. She would have to be smart if she wanted to get out of this. Time to give him a show.
"Oh, Ace, I'm so sorry," her voice cracked in just the right way to be believable, tears welling up in her eyes. "You're right. I've taken this way too far, and you've been so patient with me when I've been so cruel to you."
She dropped her head and slumped her shoulders, sniffling pitifully for good measure. He perked up at her sudden change in tune, not seeming the least bit suspicious.
"I have been patient, haven't I?" He mused, smirking to himself.
"Endlessly so! It's just...I've been hurt so many times before and it makes me irrational sometimes. I never really meant to hurt you, darling. I just have so many feelings inside me I don't know what to do with them. But you've broken down my walls with your persistence and I'm ready to lay my heart on the line again~"
Gods she hoped she was being believable enough. It was making her want to puke. But he seemed to be eating it up, looking like the cat that ate the canary as he hung onto her every word.
"I knew I'd get you eventually~" he chirped, striding back to her and kneeling so he was eye level with her. "You really had me going there for a moment, angel face. With the salt and the kicking me out and letting that ginger kid hang around."
"Gotta make the chase exciting, don't I~?" She chuckled, leaning closer and looking at him with sultry eyes. "Um, darling? The restraints? Are they really necessary at this point?"
"Oh right! Sorry, Doll, I totally forgot about that. Save those for the bedroom, hmm~?"
She waited until he was busy untying her wrists to roll her eyes, making sure to laugh at his "hilarious" joke to keep up the ruse. There were rope burn marks on her wrists from her struggling earlier, but he didn't seem to concerned about it. His focus was on pulling her to her feet, dipping her "romantically" and kissing her.
It took every ounce of self control to fight the urge to punch him, allowing the kiss to go on just long enough for her to yank free the little vial hanging from her neck under her shirt. Holy water. Not enough to really hurt him, but enough to incapacitate him for a few minutes.
She splashed it right in his face, again causing him to scream in pain and recoil away from her. He was still screaming and writhing as she ran for the front door, yanking it open with all her might and stumbling outside.
As soon as she was out of the threshold of the house, her phone, which until that point had been silent, began pinging rapidly. Dozens of texts and missed calls and frantic voicemails. Azazel had apparently gone to great lengths to conceal her from everyone else. She waited until she was in her car and driving to send out a mass text.
"I'm alright. Will explain when I get home. Prepare alcohol plz. Need more permanent solution for Azazel."
The guys were never gonna let her out of their sight again after this.
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sonderisms-blog · 6 years
        ❛  Waiting is painful.                          Forgetting is painful.                                   But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.  ❜
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Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, {KAREN GILLAN}. No, that’s a mistake. It’s {AMELIA POND}, they are a {CANON CHARACTER} and come from {DOCTOR WHO}. They are {TWENTY-NINE} and I’ve heard they are {CREATIVE}, as well {OBSTINATE}. They happen to hold {THEIR} memories. Don’t believe me? See for yourself. Lucky for us, {jinx, 23, pst, she/her & they/them} sent us proof.
Welcome to New York, what is your character’s name?
Amelia Jessica Pond-Williams. Though, she took on the last name Williams when she was transported back to 1920s New York because she couldn’t really legally hyphenate + it was a testament to how much she loves Rory & how she was willing to leave behind her old life with the Doctor behind. But she prefers to just be called Amy!
Where have they been pulled from in their fandom? 
Right when Amy & Rory make their exit in Doctor Who, in the Angels Take Manhattan. I imagine that she wakes up in her new life in this RP from that point. 
With the curse, how has your character’s life changed? 
Well, I don’t want to godmod the potential Rory player but if Rory isn’t in her life then that’s a major change ( though, I’d love if they were best friends who grew up together or something in the new life  ). Like in canon, Amy had the belief the Doctor was real but instead of him coming back, he was just a story. She still grew up the same way in canon, the weird girl who turned ginger bombshell who was a kissogram but in this verse ( to mirror canon ) she gets picked up by a modeling agency and moves to New York. As far as Amy knows she’s lived in New York for 10 years, now a successful science fiction author and currently working on a children’s book both illustrating & writing it.  Her life has changed because she turned her childhood shit into stories that have sold pretty well. She didn’t get married to Rory at a young age, she’s had quite a few years to develop who she is and live her life outside of Leadworth.  
With Amy’s memories coming back, to put it simply, it hurts. All over again. Remembering it all, losing it all, it hurts. Though not a drinker AT ALL, Amy has found herself doing anything she can to forget remembering, working on a much darker novel than her previous ones. It’s been disorienting because even though her life is beautiful & brilliant as it is -- it’s not real. The feeling of things not being real, the blurring of lines between reality & falsity has really done a number on her as she does deal with mental illness, worrying that she’s finally, properly, losing her mind. Frankly, she doesn’t know if it’s real, she doesn’t know what’s real, though she tries to be Amy Pond, this blurring of reality is something that scares her. Another feeling she feels is anger, anger about what happened to her in canon, anger about having to doubt her own mind all over again and a determination to fix this and/or find the person responsible. 
Do they have a job, and if so what is it? 
To dive in more about her job, Amy isn’t the most famous person around but she definitely has mild celebrity due to her early modeling ( a model turned scifi author intrigues a lot of weird fanboys that’s for sure ), her books are what has really launched any celebrity she has into something more recognizable. Sometimes asked to help host D list red carpet shows, etc. Amy is not Known Known but you find her face recognizable. She’s done a lot of activism as well for mental illness and the LGBTQIA+ & Queer communities as she’s openly bisexual so there’s definitely a funky little cult following she has and she’s fairly popular in Scotland as well as a hometown hero in her town of Leadworth ( something she finds HILARIOUS as they hated her for years ). 
Is there any other information about your character that members might find helpful?
THIS SECTION WILL BE FOR MY RAMBLING. Because where else am I GONNA DO IT??? I’ve been playing Amy for 5+ years now and I’m going to give y’all some insight on how i play her as well as how i see her. I’m watching an episode right now that’s helped come up with some of this as well. I’ll probably add more HCs as I slowly rewatch her scenes, etc. 
 A Sagittarius!!!!!!!!!! which literally fits her so well if you love astrology and Amy Pond, you already know!
One of my favorite aspects of Amy’s character is her empathy & intuitiveness. While sometimes lacking social grace and not always the best with interpersonal relations, she can see people for who they are deep down, their intentions, the emotions she feels like she feels from others often overwhelming but something that does lead her. A gut instinct magnified. She’s intuitive and empathetic because she’s got such an active imagination paired with a creative mind, she’s able to put those two things together, not only painting a picture of who someone is, painting colors on them they might not see themselves. Maybe this is a bit naive at times, maybe even a bit dangerous if it steers her wrong ( which is why Rory Williams is so important to her, her impulsiveness paired with this can get her into tough situations and he always has her back, always by her side ). Amelia is not always one to think before jumping into situations if she feels it’s the right thing to do, a prime example of this is her running off with The Doctor EASILY. Both as a kid and an adult. Luckily, not many have taken advantage of this as she can be extremely closed off emotionally. She’s a good judge of character and if she puts her faith in you, know while it could be surprising, it was a very much calculated, thought out, and a felt through choice. Amy’s extremely stubborn so good luck getting her to do something she doesn’t want to do ESPECIALLY if she doesn’t feel it’s right. Amy is usually able to connect to anyone and everyone some sort of way when she tries due to all of this, usually better with connecting to people than the ( Eleventh ) Doctor himself is. 
[ EMOTIONAL NEGLECT MENTION, ALCOHOLISM MENTION ] Verbal, straightforward, blunt, but it when it comes to her emotions, the ones that hurt, the ones that can’t be wrapped in something beautiful or lightly joked about are the ones tucked away. Amy’s got serious commitment issues as well, as shown throughout Doctor Who, that stemmed from the Doctor leaving her multiple times as well as never knowing her parents. I play her Aunt as a high functioning alcoholic, growing up she was never really home much less attentive to Amy ( also due to the whole crack in Amy’s wall thing, but, that’s a whole other topic ). For insight on how this effects her, I once played her in a multifandom at hogwarts rp where she was in a relationship with a character and they were really fucking cute ( I still rp them to this day w/ my friend ). But she was SO cared of this relationship not working out / losing Rory because he had just confessed that he romantically liked her, that she broke up with the other person ( who she had deep feelings for who never EVER would’ve left her ) because Rory meant too much to her, he’d been there through everything, the thought of losing him? Unthinkable. this isn’t to say she didn’t love them both ( polyamorous Amelia Pond ftw! ), or value Rory as much ( I felt pressured to go into canon as well so I had to find a believable fault/fear/issue to really sell this but I think there’s something to be said for this ), I don’t play it that way in THIS rp, of course. [ END OF EMOTIONAL NEGLECT MENTION, ALCOHOLISM MENTION ]
It goes to show that she will make fear based decisions as well as decisions based on her insecurities that she’s not enough, that she’s more pain than she’s worth, out of not being able to give someone she cares about what they need. For example, when in canon Amy breaks up with Rory because she feels so guilty she can’t have biological kids when she knows he ALWAYS wanted kids. She was scared if she stayed with him, he’d hate her, that she was keeping him from having a fulfilling life, that she wasn’t enough and didn’t fit into what he wanted. Rory deserves everything to her, she couldn’t give it to him, when he gave and gave and gave to her. She didn’t feel worthy, but she didn’t express that fear either, making Rory feel completely shut out because she was shutting him out. She’ll self sabotage easily, because commitment is scary to her and she’d rather be the one leaving than being left. Amy can’t stand to wait for the worst to happen, for the other shoe to drop, she isn’t the fucking girl who waited -- not anymore. 
Amy is diagnosed with major depressive disorder previously diagnosed with psychotic features added on as well until the Doctor came back but after having 4 psychiatrists in her youth, Amy definitely fits into having MDD. There are many evidences in canon besides her literally going to psychiatrists that suggest that Amy is mentally ill / ND, another hint in the episode ‘Vincent and The Doctor’. Amy empathizes with Vincent Van Gogh ( my Amy is an extreme art history lover as well, especially Vincent Van Gogh ), she says she’s been where he is, that she gets it. [ SUICIDE MENTION ] She is physically effected when he talks about dark shit and in another episode with the Dreamlord, she talks about how she doesn’t want to live in a world if Rory’s not in it, then killing herself in the show. The way she does it in my head ( and in the show ) is extremely steely, easily done, because Amy has dealt with mental illness, because she’s been in dark places & suicidal ideation. [ END OF SUICIDE MENTION ]  In this RP, she’ll also have been diagnosed and is taking medication because we stan healthy characters who cope with their mental illness! Even though she’s definitely having a hard time currently. 
Rory Williams really is everything to her. Her best friend, a love of her life, her partner, the only person who stuck by her side through everything. She never waivers in this love for him, even though she does have doubts due to her own commitment issues ( and regular issues ) but she doesn’t have doubts about who Rory is. She loves him. The Doctor is also someone she loves passionately, though she could’ve loved him romantically and often could see that sort of a future with him -- he’s completely unavailable and unreliable. If there’s one thing that Amy can’t do in a partner romantically it’s unreliable. Plus, after finding out her daughter was married to him in canon? She’ll pass. The Doctor is more like a twin flame sort of thing for her, a very kindred spirit. She loves him because in her little town of Leadworth, full of boring, sensible things, where she was the weird girl in town -- he was just as weird as her. 
 If I had to pick a Hogwarts house for Amy, it’d be Gryffindor. 
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adapted-batteries · 7 years
Season 1 Things
So I just finished watching season 1 in the written order, and man was that good. While watching, i decided to write down all my comments and things i noticed for my fourth time watching the season, and I caught some things I didn’t notice before. I’ll do a little thing for each ep under a keep reading to not clog dashes...it’s gonna be long.
“And the Crown of King Arthur”
So I never quite realized how intimidating Eve is when we first meet her. I’ve been writing and reading and watching the Guardian Eve more than that first meeting, so it was cool to see just how much she changed, and how much she’s still the same from that first meeting. She’s good at what she did in NATO because she was adaptable, constantly assessing the situation, playing her teams to their strengths. That’s all evident into the whole season, but it fades (when watching in the right order) as time goes on. Not a bad fade, but more she’s less military, but still smart and on her toes when needed.
Side comment, the first time we see the Library, well it’s impressive. If anyone reading this is caught up on critical role, they just went to Ioun’s realm...I pictured the Library for that for sure.
Back to the episode...the way Flynn reacts to Ezekiel’s name, at first it sounds like he’s saying he’s glad he didn’t come in for the interview because he’s still alive...but then there’s an underlying tension, almost like Flynn’s a bit intimidated that Ezekiel could've been him. Later on Flynn does some stuff that makes this scene potentially mean more stuff, I’ll get to that then.
On Cassandra’s first appearance...she totally up and followed him. Course she had a sucky life and I understand her wanting to drop it at the promise of a better one, but she acted like people do to Flynn when he says they’re librarians...that’s an incantation as confirmed in season 3...so did he use magic on her to prevent any resistance?
The only thing I wrote for Ezekiel’s first appearance is that Flynn can’t handle Ezekiel at all, not really sure what I meant by that, but it’s true.
On Stone’s first appearance...well on the comment “ninjas in Oklahoma” I immediately thought that centennially there probably have been ninjas in Oklahoma...in the form of cosplayers at Tokyo in Tulsa...but hey they weren’t specific. Other things i noticed include Stone saying he went to church, which I assumed cuz it’s Oklahoma, but nice confirm, and brings up the question if he still goes, even if it’s less, depending on how deep his faith actually was; Stone itching to infodump on Lamia’s tattoo is both sad but super cute at the same time...any of them infodumping I love to bits; the fact he couldn’t help himself was what got him in trouble...if he hadn’t ever talked to Lamia I don’t think she’d of found him, that is if her method was going to be wait till someone made sense on her tattoo; Stone has a charger...unrelated-ish but Elliot Spencer of Leverage had a mustang I think; on the drive Eve shuts him down on trying to play it off, and the dread on his face made my chest hurt.
That hurt got erased when I saw that face on Eve before they step off the elevator, she clearly can’t wait to see them nerd out and it’s great cuz I couldn’t either. Once they’re in the Annex/office thing cuz it’s not Jenkins’s annex yet, I was curious why Cassandra knew the flight information, of all the things she could know...was she looking to fly to Europe before she got picked up?
Later on in the forest I love the Fleve bonding, and the henge thing...I wonder if she ever went to pay him a comment and called him henge or key just to toy with him. Also when Stone and Cassandra brought up something about their parents, I was just like “guys parents aren’t supposed to be mean and cold...guys...” and wanted to hug them.
When Judson tells Flynn he wants to move on but can’t, at first I always thought it was because of Flynn...but Judson was totally hanging around for Charlene more than anything, and somehow I never picked up on that. And when Cassandra asks how someone becomes a Librarian, she wasn’t asking to find out out of curiosity...she knew Flynn might die from her selling them out.
Gotta mention the Jazekiel scene that started it all...Ezekiel was not scared one bit...very much turned on...and Stone was so working his way to that aggressively turned on state if the ninjas hadn’t shown up...totally could've been that “shut up/make me” thing for sure.
I noticed when Flynn realized Cassandra sold them out, he wasn’t mad at her at all, he knew she wanted to be healed, and they offered her that, and compared to Stone’s reaction, I never noticed just how graceful Flynn was about it, when he should be the one freaking out. Maybe being stabbed helped him get his priorities in order?
And one last note on this ep, when Flynn and Lamia are fighting for Cal, she says “you’re powerful, more than you could ever know” which has been pointed out before, but honestly I love the growing idea that Flynn is Arthur reincarnated, since Lamia needed the crown to wield Cal, but Flynn didn’t.
“And the Sword in the Stone”
I was curious about why Lamia knew so much about the Library...I suppose Dulaque could have told her, but based on the way he ends up killing her in the end, that’s kind of an odd investment in her. Who knows what there relationship was, I mean she said “I loved you” before she died so that’s confusing...more on that later maybe.
The first meeting of Jenkins was great...he’s basically sort of like Flynn in being alone for who knows how long, so he’s being weird. Also he knew to pick them up, so either he kept tabs on the Library...really good tabs, or Charlene called him. Another point...how did Flynn not know about Jenkins? For being Librarian 10 years, he definitely should’ve known, but he seemed clueless. Did Charlene and Judson not want him to know? Or was Jenkins so good at keeping his distance that he didn’t let himself be known? Never realized how odd that was till now. Also loved how Stone was so enamored with the Annex that it takes him five seconds to realize he dropped Flynn, like that child is in heaven.
Dulaque calls the Librarians in plural, which Flynn takes a lot longer to do, I guess Dulaque saw all their abilities and didn’t think about them being fresh.
Jenkins “Who quite frankly I always liked better” comment about Charlene...who knew two seasons later that line actually meant “because I was in love with her.” Also surprised Jenkins didn’t know about the ley line globe map thing, I guess he prefers hard copies?
Ezekiel works lightning fast...I feel like he doesn’t do that as much later on, not like the jewel stealing he did in the tower of London. Also Stone had no room to be sassy saying “all you do is push people around” to Eve...I like the pun...but if I was Eve I would’ve launched him into that case instead of bumping it...just because I could.
To Buckingham Palace...I can never get over Stone’s wiggles...and then Ezekiel’s face after where he has to look away...totally “oh man no Stone’s not being cute nope.” Also think it’s funny when Stone loosens his tie like he’s gonna fight security...like boy...no...and of course him being a nerd again later on was great too.
On to the secret passage...Stone saying “If you drop, we’ll leave ya and move on” was kind of weird...like if it was sarcastic, Christian didn’t play it like that, and Flynn didn’t get it either. It was weirdly blunt, oddly hostile...maybe it was the champagne talking?
Apparently after this my curiosity was piqued about Lamia, considering all the heavy hitters are immortals (being Dulaque, Jenkins, Morgan le Fay, etc.) so is Lamia someone like that? Or maybe could’ve been?
I loved the fact that Cassandra was ready to kill a dude with that rock, and later on she bashes the house spirit with the chair, and smacks that dude in the power station with a wrench...she’s got an arm on her.
I always thought Flynn offering Cal to Cassandra was noble...but then I realized he’s ready to die because he thinks everything is gone...Cassandra healing him got rid of his way out, which I didn’t notice till now. Also seeing Eve already crying, because she’s been in combat, tells me she’s already falling for Flynn hard. And then the “you already saved me” line from Cassandra always makes me tear up cuz it’s so true.
Jenkins mentions the moon colony...please tell me one day there will be an ep that happens...please...I need it...for Ezekiel to sci-fi nerd out at least.
The whole stipend transfer, plane ticket handing out, felt weirdly like Leverage when they depart from the circle the first time, which is a vibe I didn’t get till I watched Leverage this summer (highly recommend it, hit up netflix). Also I’m curious what would happen if they actually left...it was Jenkins’s car and he was in the Annex though so maybe he would’ve been like “so actually not leaving, get out of my car” idk.
Now we wind down the episode, cue the “I can’t trust ya” thing from Stone (I know he’s got trust issues, but doesn’t mean I don’t wanna slap him every time he says it), and the twice before Friday speech, love that, and grandpa Jenkins getting stuck with the kiddos. Also Eve attempting to intimidate Jenkins is hilarious not for her attempt but the LiTs support of her, including Stone’s look at Cassandra after her “she’ll kick your ass” statement too like he didn’t expect her to be capable of saying ass or something. And finally, I need to use “silly mid-western person” when people around here annoy me...though is Oklahoma mid-west? People put us loads of places...central, south, south central, one even had us south west weirdly...idk man.
“And the Horns of a Dilemma”
I love seeing the LiTs being incompetent fighters because it makes savoring that vampire fight scene in season 3 so much better (and the bonus Cassandra’s got a girlfriend, wins all around).
There’s an x-ray in Jenkins’s lab of someone’s rib cage...I wonder whose it is, and if the Annex has an x-ray machine somewhere. I guess it wouldn’t be weird to have imaging equipment but the medical capabilities of the Library (besides artifacts) never get brought up. Also appreciating the fact that the backdoor doesn’t do that flippy door change thing it did the first time Jenkins turned it on, and that weird bubble/film when they step out...that’d get annoying real quick...whoever did cgi is probably happy too.
I didn’t properly take in “office IT nerd Ezekiel Jones” at all...it’s a gift. Also apparently even after Buckingham Palace, Stone is incapable of business attire...seriously even I know not to wear a flannel and jeans to an office boy.
I wrote the comment “Man I love the punching Eve does”...I don’t know what that’s referencing...cuz she does a lot...but regardless yes I do.
Stone keeps bringing up the whole trust thing...at the point in the maze Cassandra was ready to have a smack down if Ezekiel hadn’t stopped them. I’m really glad Stone got over that trust thing cuz it’s super annoying with him bringing it up a bunch.
According to the trivia thing on Amazon video, a ball of twine, such as the one powering the labyrinth, is called a clue, and is where we get our word clue from when Ariadne gave Theseus the twine to get out of the labyrinth. Learning.
“Multi-dimensional hoo ha” Jenkins has some golden lines this season, it’s great.
Nicolas Flamel is mentioned...curiously does harry potter exist in this universe? I mean magic isn’t an issue I guess, could be plausible.
“Back off, I’m doing math” is a great line from Cassandra.
Okay so the Minotaur goes for the people who imprisoned it once the labyrinth fizzles out...does that mean there is now a Minotaur running around Boston?
Stone’s accent always gets thicker when he talks about anything relating to Oklahoma which is amazing. Unironically now that I think about it, I think I do that too, and when talking with people who have a thicker accent, though I don’t know if that’s me imitating them (which I do a lot) or they’re just bringing it out more. Also, that nervous running his hand through his hair when Ezekiel points out Stone basically just got beat up compared to Cassandra and Ezekiel...man I love scenes that play on Jazekiel.
“And the Fables of Doom”
Now in the aired order, “And Santa’s Midnight Run” is next...but in written order...it’s two episodes away from here. Watching it, the behavior and attitudes of them all are much more coherent with them in “And the Horns of a Dilemma.” Thus, Cassandra’s attempt to work with Eve not Stone makes a lot more sense. It also makes Stone’s re-bringing up the trust thing before the mayor runs in naked even more annoying, but the decline in his bringing it up as the season goes on fits soooo much better in the written order, a normal decline, not randomly bringing it up after nothing for two episodes.
The roles each of them take are great. I love the gradual changing each does, but I especially noticed Cassandra’s change this time. At first, with the girl playing Little Red Riding Hood, Cassandra is freaked out and denies getting the girl’s number, and Stone has no clue what’s going on either. Later on, in the bar, Cassandra’s still feeling weird, but is slowly enjoying it, and eventually she’s freely getting free drinks and food from them and marching around. I like to think this episode might be Cassandra’s “oh hey, I’m not straight” realization, of course I could be just projecting the change into prince charming on her. Either way, Cassandra is completely okay with being in that role by the end, she even says “I didn’t mind all those girls buying me drinks” so it’s at least the start of confirming she’s not straight anyway.
Random Stone side note, he knows how to gut the wolf based off him being the huntsman as he says “it feels right” when he’s slicing it open. In reality, being from podunk Oklahoma he’d know how to gut stuff most likely, unless he was a rare non-hunter. Even I know how to clean an animal...arguably more from science class dissections than anything, but even as a boy he’d be hacking away at road kill or something disgusting anyway.
Ezekiel side note...him and kids is my jam...that’s all I wrote, but it’s true. Also the change in expression on his face when Baird’s like “you gotta save everyone” made me think of him in “And the Point of Salvation”...you can see the weight of the situation on him...enough of that for now. And question, but if Ezekiel didn’t change in this ep (nor in “And the Apple of Discord”) brings up the question of Ezekiel being a trickster demigod...which would come with other benefits later on too in season 3.
I always lose it when the sheriff is on the floor eating jello...just they way he’s miserable and confused, the legs out, the obscene amount of jello containers, I always laugh so hard at that scene.
Towards the end...there’s the smirk Stone gives at Ezekiel as he pushes him away...he was totally proud of Ezekiel for both saving the day, and not being snarky at the sheriff.
“And the Heart of Darkness”
In air order, this episode happens after “And the Apple of Discord” which would give a weird read into Cassandra being sort of over protected by Eve like their experience with Evil Cass affected it, but in written order that’s not there at all, it’s mostly Eve delegating her people as she saw best. That being said, I see both sides, and I think Eve having Cassandra be with Katie gave Cassandra both a learning lesson about herself, but also helped her kill Katie in the end. (stuff I touched on in my week 7 shipathon post)
when Eve, Stone, and Ezekiel go upstairs, stone startles everyone by accidentally kicking a broken chair on the floor...based on the startle, I kind of wonder if Christian was supposed to do that, or it just happened and they kept it in. Either way it’s great for that tense scene. Also I like to think that the musician in him made him play the creepy piano...in my experience we (as a musician) tend to do that regardless of if it’s appropriate or not.
Only on this watch did I realize the house was both the Shatterbox and the House of Refuge...because the Shatterbox showed up when Katie’s family got the house.
“We are not a team. You’re the Librarians and I’m the Guardian” Eve says to mainly Cassandra. It’s a weird contrast to the “In the Horns of a Dilemma” when Stone’s like “maybe the term you’re looking for is ‘partners’” which Eve, at the time, seemed to be like “yeah, that works.” I’m not sure if Eve was attempting to say she still had authority, but I think she was trying to say that while they weren’t in a hierarchy, she still knew more in a tactical sense then all three combined and thus should listen to her.
Later on we have Cassandra smacking the house spirit with a chair, which honestly the impact she had suggests she’s got an arm...I love seeing Cassandra take people out.
When Katie loses her story and starts trying to piece her memories together, she says they could make it to Texarkana, but then says they’re in Nevada. I don’t know if those lines were meant to be together in the same sentence, because even from Las Vegas, Texarkana, Texas (the only Texarkana I know of) is 20 hours away, something you can’t do in a night. Just me picking out weird geography things.
Curious if Eve got to be in the dollhouse till they ended up back in the living room...and how they got back there since it just jumps from Cassandra in the room to the rest of them being back.
Also Cassandra had a steady hand on that gun, especially shooting one handed...further confirmation Cassandra is a force to be reckoned with in many ways? And that bit where she talks about the tumor, it being a death sentence in her head she saw every day, man that scene always hits me hard because Cassandra doesn’t act like it bothers her much, but you get that outburst of raw emotion, the real thing in her.
Before they leave Ezekiel says “I’ve never asked for anything in my life,” so if that’s true...does that mean Ezekiel learned asking got him nothing and thus he quit asking and went to taking???? Or am I reading too much into it...
And that closing scene...how does Cassandra listen to that song? Like not only is it annoying, but it’s creepy af...
“And Santa’s Midnight Run”
Okay real life question...how’d the guy get a shotgun...in London...I mean they have working gun laws over there, considering the last two major terrorist attacks had no guns involved.
Also I need more Christmas in the Annex. Cassandra being happy is too cute, and I think everyone enjoys seeing her happy for sure. I want to know what Stone was wrapping though that he didn’t want Ezekiel touching...did he buy people gifts??? Or were they for family?
“Oh shiny balls yes” Jenkins oh man you got the best words. Also the blooper scene involved on him finding a good expletive is hilarious too. And Jenkins is on a first name basis with Mrs. Claus...and her name is Gretchen...interesting...
Okay so when Cassandra asks him what language he doesn’t know, Stone replies with his Urdu being rusty...so there’s no way Stone doesn’t know Spanish...so why did he act like he didn’t know much in the plane in Venezuela??? Even if he wasn’t super experienced, no doubt he studied it in high school because that’s the biggest one in Oklahoma schools to learn, and he picks up stuff like nothing, so he’d at least have that.
Jenkins’s face when they mention Dulaque...right then and there Jenkins was determined to kill him before Santa got it...which I guess in the end, Jenkins at least got to fight him till he winked out of existence somewhere.
“Architecture is just art we live in” preach it Stone you nerd. Also when Santa says he knows both incarnations of Stone, that face is reminiscent of when Eve first shut him down back in Oklahoma.
Ezekiel obviously isn’t in the good book that year...but when we get a Christmas ep in season 4, can Santa say he’s now in the good book??? Can Santa say that so I can bawl at the tv for Ezekiel Jones? Also Christmas!Ezekiel...love it, even if he’s suffering through it. And Jenkins has a frilly apron...it looked like a quality apron.
The whole Nick/Santa and Eve bit is great...you can tell once Nick knows he can use the ho banter to cheer her up, he keeps doing it to help lighten her mood. Gotta love Santa.
The map effect showing their traveling so reminded me of Indiana Jones.
The concept of Dulaque and Lamia riding for who knows how long in Santa’s sleigh, cramped, is a hilarious thing. Dulaque mentions Morgan le Fay...I’m curious what he thinks of her since we only learn Jenkins’s opinion. Also Christmas!Dulaque...that voice inflection, it’s great.
Eve trying to fly the crashing plane makes me weirdly thankful for the years I spent as a kid playing Microsoft Flight Simulator...at least I could theoretically land a plane??? Those goodwill returning scenes are so impactful man.
Jenkins slipped up when talking about Dulaque, I mean we all know now he was a knight but that’s the first hint into Jenkins’s past.
The kiddos giving mom a birthday, yesss. Baird finally got a family and made a huge difference on Christmas, the thing she’d been wanting for years, it makes my heart melt.
“And the Apple of Discord”
They kind of get pissed at Ezekiel ordering pizza...but considering they were all hard at work and all strike me as the ones to get hyper-focused and forget food, Ezekiel was sort of doing them a favor, so in reality he was actually being nice.
Also, how does Flynn open the door from wherever he was? Jenkins doesn’t seem alarmed, but he makes no motion to stop any of them either, so he didn’t set the door...also Cassandra ready to clock the intruder with a book, she’s great.
Jenkins had a hip hop phase??
Eve kept trying to look over the cabinet as Flynn changed...I saw that getting on your tip toes...
When Stone helps Cassandra anchor back to her memory he seems surprised she figured it out...I’m not sure why since according to Eve they’d been working on it.
On to everyone getting the Apple...I love the fact that Stone just becomes Angry Art Historian, Cassandra becomes quite scary, and Eve and Flynn just become horny basically...of course Flynn’s knowledge would make him scary too, but only Cassandra shows she’s an immediate threat in several ways. Also poor Lamia who is so dang confused and in pain...she deserves better...also wish she hadn’t died in the finale...more on that later. Also why does Stone look at her like that like come on Stone keep it in your pants.
Apparently when Dulaque showed up in the Annex I wrote “Dulaque, in my Annex? It’s more likely than you think, Jenkins.”
Ezekiel hitting Jenkins’s cowardice on the head is a great scene, I also like the fact that Ezekiel isn’t running, he’s committed to sticking to it...which is very much character growth from episode 1 for sure.
I wanna know if it took Noah several takes to say “Daddy’s home” while chasing the librarians out of main room...like that whole scene cracks me up. Also his recovery too “pathetic excuses...for bad....because you’re all great.”
Also theory that Jenkins saw Ezekiel with Santa’s hat and was his “best” so he knew that Ezekiel wouldn’t be different and let him go get the apple from Flynn.
Man any time the history is brought up I have questions...I want to know what happened to Merlin, what exactly was the Fall of Camelot, were there other knights that went immortal like Dulaque and Jenkins...
Also Flynn giving Eve the transfer papers is so him asking her to be his girlfriend cuz he was totally a dork when he went about it and he’d totally see it as such.
“And the City of Light”
I wanna know how the other LiTs and Eve didn’t realize Ezekiel was a sci-fi nerd...like he literally went on about the house being a transporter or a tardis...things normal people wouldn’t reference...come on guys.
Also Cassandra’s face when Stone was flirting with Mable was me. Also cue Stone’s accent getting thicker when he’s mimicking people in his hometown.
I want to know why Stone felt the need to break into the archives...like she was more than willing to show him around, it was really necessary. Also when she’s showing him the Paris stuff I wrote down “When you like history so much you fall for a sort of immortal person.” And then after when the plan gets set, you can here the “I’m gonna lose her” in his voice I wanted to reach through and hug him so bad.
When Stone and Mabel talk about why they didn’t leave their hometowns, he kind of lies to her, considering the real reason he didn’t leave was because no one knew why he wanted to, and that then led to him sticking around and taking care of the business and being like the people around him, because he was hiding in that small town mentality. I do like it when he address it though.
When Mable dies...all I wrote was “don’t make me cry Stone.”
That episode always leaves me torn, because I feel Ezekiel’s anger, but ultimately I side with Cassandra, 87 for several thousand is too much of a risk. At least Jenkins can go try it again in a hundred years.
“And the Rule of Three”
Having this episode lead into the season finale makes the whole Morgan Le Fay interaction much more dramatic...like it’s bad if she’s booking it out of there.
I wanna know why Eve’s surprised by mainly Cassandra’s excitement...like you work with a bunch of nerds...how did you not see this coming? Also Cassandra nerding out is the cutest man ugh....
Having made a paper mache volcano for school before...I’m glad it didn’t actually turn into lava.
The whole stage set interrogation scene is great...watching Stone be amused and then be like “Nope no one looks at my Guardian’s ass except Flynn” at the end.
Jenkins being a science nerd is adorable.
With the actress who played Amy coming back, I can’t wait to see how her season 4 appearance is gonna be, cuz she’s my age now, which means either in college...ooor she found Lucy and they’ve been running around finding magic or something great idk that’s what I need at least.
Also having this episode right after “And the City of Light” makes Stone quoting Lord Byron like a sap hurt so much, because it’s definitely fueled from Mable and not random quoting agh my heart.
Amy said the app felt greasy in her head...so is Morgan’s magic black magic? That’s me going off of Jim Butcher’s black magic feeling nasty and greasy.
Morgan calls Jenkins Galeas, and then later Dulaque calls him Galahad...so is his name Galeas Galahad? or is Galeas what Galahad came from?
Also when Stone realizes who’s in front of him (that being Morgan Le Fey) he’s got a kind of in awe look on his face...and then there’s Ezekiel super blatantly admiring her like boys come on...you got a knight with you chill out.
I always wondered where Morgan Le Fey went, and if she’ll come back now the world’s not falling apart.
Ezekiel getting the trophy for Cassandra about made me cry gosh dang it he cares and wants her to be happy aaggghhh. Also i didn’t realize he coined the term “mathemagics” I always thought Cassandra had.
I don’t like Jenkins being mad at Eve...he could’ve dealt with Morgan but he didn’t, he for some reason put that all on Eve and by now he definitely should’ve known she’d save the kids. And yes while Morgan is a threat, she was also going away, so in the end she’s still gone, and those kids are alive.
“And the Loom of Fate”
I didn’t realize Eve’s looking at her bloody fingers was a vision...I always thought it was a “Start with a later scene then go to back for a bit.”
Okay the Fleve going on...they’ve been sexting...yup.
Also Ezekiel being prepared with a handkerchief for Cassandra, love him being caring. And did she do too much math and have a vision like Eve that we just didn’t see? Who knows.
Oookkkaayy who decided they bring in the sarcophagus without opening it? Also Dulaque just totally Trojan horse-ed them...
While someone needed to die to get to the loom, I wish Lamia hadn’t died here. She’s an interesting character, especially when we see her in the other reality as a Guardian too. Also she says “I loved you”...why? what was the context of that? I want mooorreee.
Now on to Librarian alternate universes...Stone is...well...yeah great...and even more nerdy Flynn is obnoxious but I do like that we start seeing him change as he goes on...question though...does that mean Stone has feelings, or at least had the potential to form them for Eve? I always figured he saw Flynn “take” Eve and thus that’s why it never happened.
Mad Scientist Ezekiel is fun, and their world ended up alright which is nice. The reinforcing that Eve was a mom to him is great. It honestly kind of gives me “And the Point of Salvation” vibes in terms of Ezekiel not giving up, being less jokey and battle hardened.
Sorceress Cassandra is by far the most intense world. Also definitely Cassamia going on for sure...and could the “No, not like that” Cassandra responds with to Eve’s question of “don’t tell me I was like a mom” kind of sounds like maybe Ceve was a thing too?? Also she mentioned the healing magic permanently altered her brain...I wonder if it was like her enhanced gift or waayy souped up version of it. I’m also curious what happened to Jenkins in her timeline.
Cassandra pointing out nerd Flynn’s care for Eve just shows how fast he fell for her in Eve’s universe.
Somehow I didn’t realize that Rebecca Romjin’s husband played young Dulaque...it really works.
I really hope after Eve almost dying they learned to keep the healing stuff near the backdoor...like no running through the Library to find stuff like that please.
When Flynn gives Ezekiel his pocket clippings book, he looks at him really...intensely? and weirdly giggles....what’s up with that? Ezekiel’s confused too. And then later when Stone’s like “It’s a pity book” Ezekiel looks like he’s actually contemplating that fact...guys don’t mess up my boy please.
I love the fact that instead of saying fate and history were messed up or whatever...Jenkins is like “waa-waa-waa” like it is an accurate description...but that noise I can’t not crack up laughing when he does it.
Flynn is so awkward...being wordy to get to asking her on a date...honestly it’s great to know that every time I write Flynn being like that...it’s very true to character for sure. Also Flynn...work dates are not dates buddy...
Well there you have it, my experience watching season 1 for the fourth time, in the right order this time. Feel free to message me on anything related to it, and once I finish season 2 again, something similar to this will come out as well.
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