#kind of the vibe I'm trying to explore with larger plotlines but this is the first time I've gotten something satisfyingly visceral enough
daisywords · 2 years
I don't know what this is, but it's somehow correct:
That night he dreamed he was tied to a table in a derelict banquet hall, lying flat on his back amid scattered plates and rusting goblets. At the head of the table, elbows framing his head, sat Lya.
He watched her upside down through wary eyes. Askew on her head sat a heavy copper crown. She smiled at him and brushed the hair from his forehead with lingering fingers.
He smiled back at her. She picked up a golden spoon and traced its tip gently along his cheekbone, over the arch of his eyebrow. Then, still smiling, she placed it against his lower eyelid and dragged it down, wedging the blunt metal between the skin and his eyeball.
He struggled and begged and she spoke gentle, teasing words, slowly and methodically extracting his eyeball. She got it all in one piece, in the end, perfect and shining in the bowl of her spoon.
He could only watch with his remaining eye, paralyzed, as she lifted the spoon to her lips.
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