#kinda hard to write charlotte pov so this must make do djskskskkssk
khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
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“No, no, no,” Alec threw his notepad away. “Just no.”
“Alexander?” Magnus walked out of Rafe’s room. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes. Yes, everything is alright,” Alec replied, not wanting to bother Magnus. “Is Rafe asleep?”
“Only after three songs,” Magnus smiled. “What is it, darling? I know something is bothering you.”
“I thought I had a good poker face,” Alec frowned. 
“You do,” Magnus concurred. “But your notepad is on the floor and you are surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper. That is usually not a good sign.”
“I’m fine, my love,” Alec reassured but then sighed when Magnus didn’t back down. “I just…I just don’t know what to do about this treasury issue. I’ve been thinking of a long-term strategy and I…I can’t seem to figure anything out.”
“Oh, Alexander,” Magnus sat down next to him. “You’ll figure it out.”
“When?” Alec scoffed. “I wish…I wish dad was here.”
Magnus held his face and laid a soft kiss on the forehead. “I know I’m no inquisitor, but maybe I can help you?”
“You always do, Magnus,” Alec smiled. “But this…this is so tied up with our history and bureaucracy…I need to talk to a shadowhunter. I need someone with clave experience. I know I can do it; I just need some guidance.”
“You could ask Jia?”
“No, no,” Alec said quickly. “Jia trusted me with this responsibility. I can’t ask her. I need to do this on my own. I can’t…I can’t be the consul who can’t do anything alone.”
“It’s fine,” Alec put on his best smile. “You go to sleep. I’ll join you in a bit.”
It was already late. They both knew Alec wouldn’t come to bed without figuring this out.
“How about if you could meet another consul?” Magnus asked. “Someone before Jia?”
“None of them are alive, Magnus,” Alec pointed out.
“They don’t have to be,” Magnus replied. “I’ve been learning more dream magic now that Ragnor is back and I gotta say it is quite useful. Actually...I can help you meet one of the best consuls I know.”
“You don’t mean...” Alec gasped. “Charlotte Fairchild???”
“The one and only,” Magnus grinned.
“You can do that?” Alec gaped.
“Darling, there is very little I can’t do,” Magnus winked.
“You mean like doing laundry?” Alec chuckled.
“I just don’t see the point in washing old clothes when you could simply buy new ones!” Magnus explained in exasperation. “Do you want to meet Charlotte or not?”
“Yes please,” Alec grinned. 
Magnus led Alec to the bedroom and asked him to lie down.
“Wait, hold on!” Alec jumped up and ran towards the closet. “I can’t meet Charlotte Fairchild in pajamas.”
“And you think that sweater is an upgrade is from the pajamas?” Magnus laughed to himself.
“Okay, I’m ready,” Alec lied down again once he put on some decent clothes.
“Sweet dreams,” Magnus giggled as he laid a quick kiss on Alec’s lips and Alec rolled his eyes, although he couldn’t help but chuckle either.
“Also, this laundry conversation is not ov-”
Familiar blue magic surrounded him and Alec felt his body automatically relax. It wasn’t just the spell, but the magic itself. Magnus’ magic knew him well. It was such an intimate feeling – something only Alec was privileged enough to experience.
The next thing he knew he was standing in the middle of a manor. It was old – but not in terms of the structure. It was sturdy and strong, but the décor implied that Alec had successfully found his way to his destination.
Alec had been to many manors in Idris after the Dark War. But this one…this one seemed unfamiliar. The only thing he recognized was the familiar sigil of the angel wings on the door.
“It burned down,” a voice said, and Alec turned around. “Valentine burned it to the ground - which is why you don’t seem to recognize it.”
And there she was.
She was sitting behind a desk, reading some letters. Alec didn’t know if there was a desk there before, but he didn’t care. He was standing in front of Charlotte Fairchild, his idol.
He was not going to make a fool himself today. Not today!
“It’s an honor to meet you,” Alec said in disbelief. “I’m Al-”
“Alec Lightwood,” she smiled. “The Consul in exile. I must say, it’s an honor to meet you too.”
“Staph!” Alec giggled.
Get yourself together, Alec!
“Truly,” she insisted. “I’m so impressed by everything you have achieved in such a short time.”
“But how do you know?” Alec wondered. “Who I am and what I-”
“Magic,” she simply shrugged. “Your husband is an extremely capable man.  I don’t know how but I seem to know who you are and what you do. I even know what Netflix is! How fascinating!”
“Um, good for you,” Alec said. “Do you…Do you know why I’m here?”
“The treasury,” Charlotte nodded. “You are worried about nephilim finances.”
“Without Idris, we don’t have access to the Citadel and w-” Alec didn’t want to rant. “I just don’t know what to do. We’ve been relying on religious institutions, but I don’t think that’s going to cut in the long run.”
“I see,” she looked into her teacup gravely. “How can I help you, Alec Lightwood.”
“I don’t know,” Alec bit his lip. “I don’t know if you can help me at all. I just…I just know I need to fix this. I need to fix it for my people. They are relying on me to lead them and I can’t let them down. But I don’t know how. I’ve been trying and I can’t seem to figure it out. And I’m running out of time. I can’t let the Nephilim economy collapse. I need to fix it. I need to find a way.”
Charlotte was quietly sipping her tea. Alec couldn’t help but be embarrassed a little. Here he was meeting his idol and lamenting about his problems. What would she think of him?
“You remind me of my son,” she said then.
“Oh,” Alec responded in surprise. “I’m not a blonde though. Now my parabatai Jace is just like Mat-”
“I was talking about Charles,” she corrected him.
“Oh,” Alec blinked. “Oh. Ew!”
Realization struck him and he covered his mouth in embarrassment.
“Shit! Shit, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. God, this is so-”
“No offense taken,” she put her teacup down. “I know Charles wasn’t, how do you say…oh, yes, he wasn’t a fan favourite.”
“I’m sure he had many redeeming qualities,” Alec offered, trying to salvage his fuck up.
“He did,” she smiled, and Alec couldn’t help but notice that it was a little sad. “But he also had many unredeemable ones.”
Alec didn’t know what to say about that. As a father, it was almost impossible to find fault with his kids. He was sure that Max and Rafe both would have vices of their own, but he didn’t know how to look at them as anything less than perfection.
“One thing Charles never understood was that leadership isn’t just about leading. It’s also about relying. It’s about leaning on the shoulders on those you trust.”
“But as the Consul it’s my job to fix it,” Alec pointed out.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help,” Charlotte countered. “It doesn’t make you weak or incompetent. It makes you stronger.”
Alec pouted. He felt like a child.
“I know it makes you feel vulnerable,” she stood up and walked towards him. “I was the first female consul. You don’t think I hesitated every time I needed help? It was torture. I knew I was better with the support of those I loved and trusted. But asking for help meant that I couldn’t do something on my own. It made my question my own competency. Then I couldn’t help but wonder if other would start questioning it.”
“I know,” Alec agreed. It was exactly how he felt every time he needed help too. He was scared to ask for it, wondering if others would think he wasn’t up for the task. It was torture indeed. 
“I think Charles would have turned out to be a better man if he had people he could trust and rely on. But he didn’t. But you know who did?”
“Matthew,” Alec replied.
“Yes. But as Matthew might tell you, there is no point in having friends if you can’t count on their support when you need it,” Charlotte said gently.
Alec knew she was right. But right things often were the hardest to do.
“You are the leader of Nephilim. It’s not an easy job. Not at all. So, stop trying to do it yourself. We Nephilim are nothing without our brothers and sisters. Trust those around you. Trust yourself.”
“I…It seems impossible at this point but I’ll try,” Alec promised.
“That’s the best any one of us can do,” she smiled. “Yours is the story that redefines what is impossible. I have faith in you, Alec Lightwood.”
“You do?” Alec asked in disbelief.
“You got Magnus Bane to settle down,” she chuckled. “There is little you can’t do.”
“Thanks,” Alec chuckled back.
They had a cup of tea then. They talked about politics. They talked about their families. They talk about the downworld. They even talked about Netflix.
It was one of the best days – or rather dreams – of Alec’s life.
“It’s hard, isn’t it?” Alec asked when he was about to leave.
“What’s hard?” Charlotte inquired.
“Being the first.”
He was the first gay Consul. She had been the first female Consul. He knew she could relate.
“It is hard,” she agreed. “But we make it a little bit easier for everyone who comes after us. That makes all of this worth it, don’t you think?”
Alec smiled. “Yeah. Yeah, it does. Thank you, Charlotte. Now how do I, um…”
“Close your eyes and think of home,” she smiled. “And don’t ask me how I know!”
“Okay, okay,” Alec chuckled and glanced at her one last time.
She was small. Even tiny. Alec was surprised by the amount of strength and kindness she carried inside that small body. She continued to amaze him in every possible way.
Her hair wasn’t red and her eyes weren’t green, but Alec knew that she was a Fairchild just as much as Clary. They were two of the strongest women he knew.
“Remember what I said,” she called. “Trust those around you. If you want to lead, you must learn to rely.”
“I will,” Alec promised her again.
“Who knows, it might even help you with your treasure problem,” she winked.
“What do you mean?” Alec raised an eyebrow.
“Our shadowhunters are more talented than we give them credit for,” she pointed out. “We have inventors, writers, poets, painters, musicians and so much more. Give them the opportunity to discover themselves. Let them earn their own income. Maybe they will contribute to the Clave.”
“Nephilim doing mundane jobs?” Alec gaped. “But that has never been done before!”
“Alexander Lightwood-Bane,” she chuckled fondly. “You are a gay man married to a bisexual warlock, raising two child one of whom is also a downworlder. You are a consul who is not allowed to set foot in Idris and currently are working from New York. Nothing you do has ever been done before!”
Alec laughed. “Okay, you are not wrong.”
“My Henry once told me that Nephilim aren’t meant for destruction,” she said gently. “We are meant to create. He told me that we are meant to create strength and preserve goodness. So, let them create. Let them preserve. ”
Alec thought of Clary and her art. Simon and his music. Jace and his plants. Izzy and her clothes. They all had something they were passionate about. They all had something they wanted to show the world. They all had something they had to sacrifice just because of their blood. They all restricted themselves of the good they can do just because the law said they couldn’t.
“You are the Consul, Alec,” Charlotte pointed out. “But the shadow world belongs to all of us. It is the responsibility of every single nephilim to fix it and to protect it – not just yours. So, let them help you. Maybe you could help each other.”
It could work. It could work if they figured out the logistics. Shadowhunters doing mundane jobs to pursue their passions. Shadowhunters helping to rebuild the treasury. It could work.
“Although I must warn you,” Charlotte hesitated suddenly. “People might oppose you and call this idea crazy.”
“That’s what makes it more fun, right?” Alec asked cheekily.
“There is the Lightwood devil I know,” she chuckled fondly, a thousand memories hiding in the winkles of her eyes. “I see why Magnus chose you.”
“Thank you,” Alec meant it with all his heart. “Thank you so much.”
“I only advised what I wish I could have done in my own time,” she said kindly. “I wish all the luck, Alec Lightwood. May the angel be with you always.”
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Consul,” Alec smiled.
“The pleasure was mine, Consul,” she smiled back.
It was surreal. All of it. The fact that he was Consul. The fact that he was talking to Charlotte. The fact that he might figure this out. All of it was surreal.
Alec never wanted it to be anything else. He loved his surreal life where every day was magic.
“Now it’s time to wake up,” she said, and Alec closed his eyes and thought of the smell of Sandalwood.
“So, what did she say?” Magnus inquired, lying on his side. “Did she help you figure it out?”
“She did,” Alec nodded. “She said that we should rely on things that are familiar. She said that we might tempted to try new things, because it’s easier to choose something new than to trust something old. Old things don’t automatically become clean and perfect. We need to work hard to-”
“Alexander,” Magnus slapped him on the arm. “Are you talking about laundry again????”
“You just need to press three buttons!!!” Alec reasoned. “Come on, Magnus!”
“You are the worst!” Magnus slapped him on the arm again and Alec started laughing and Magnus started to laugh with him.
His heart was overloaded with love, but he had never felt lighter. His head was swimming with possibilities for the new nephilim future and his heart felt at peace. Alec didn’t know that shadowhunters were capable of sleeping like this – without fear and without burden.
Yours it the story that redefines what is impossible, Charlotte had said. So, Alec closed his eyes and looked forward to the impossible future he planned to redefine.  
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