#kindhearted princess: yua
bendingmuses · 3 months
@kingwu continued from here
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Yua smiled brightly and laughed as Wu grabbed her arm. Letting him lead her wherever he wanted to go. "Of course I would look good in green. Are you kidding? I look good in everything." Sure, she was being a little full of herself, but the good genetics of her family was a well known fact. Plus, she was a princess. It was rare for royalty to be completely humble. Except for maybe her great uncle.
"And as for what I'm looking for... everything and all of the above. Jewelry, hair sticks, robes, you name it. I want to try it all." The plan was to get just a few staple pieces and call it a day, but know Wu, he'd manage to convince her to get more that a few. "Then maybe we can get you some red to go with your complexion."
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witchoflegends · 4 years
@finnsmuses gets another starter: Bolin
“You must be one of Avatar Korra’s friends. My brother has talked so much about you guys.” Iroh had been trying to get her to come to Republic City for some time now, but with the city seemingly always on the verge of destruction, and her own responsibilities, she hadn’t found the time. Until now. “I’m Yua, by the way.”
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bendingmuses · 13 days
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@bolinity sent: “can i hug you? you look like you could do with it.” for yua
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There were times like these that she wished the pretense of royalty could be ignored. That crossing personal space wasn't something that needed to be confirmed before going through with an action. Yua silently nodded and let Bolin capture her in a hug. Arms going to wrap around his waist. Bolin's hug was strong, yet gentle. Like that you'd expect from a stuffed polar bear dog. It made her feel safe. As if she was standing on solid ground instead of teetering off a ledge.
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bendingmuses · 2 months
@rxnegades liked for some Yua kisses
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The Princess lifted herself up slightly to place a soft kiss on Korra's cheek. Her hands going behind her back as her feet returned to their usual strong footing, flat on the ground. "Thanks for the help. . . Avatar. It seems like the Fire Nation will always owe you a debt," She said playfully. "Or maybe it's just me."
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bendingmuses · 2 months
Open: Yua
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"Is it stereotypical that fire lilies are my favorite flower?"
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bendingmuses · 3 months
@inkorrnate gets a Yua thing
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"You know, it wouldn't hurt to learn some non-bending styles of fighting. Even Iroh knows hand to hand combat. Even if he did only learn because of the United Forces." Sure, she had learned the dual swords because of her grandfather, but she did find them fun to use. Fighting with a weapon was completely different from using her bending. "Want to go a few rounds? I can even teach you some sword fighting if you want."
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bendingmuses · 6 months
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@fiheir sent: breakfast with grandpa for iroh ii and yua?
Iroh and Zuko were already seated at the table; talking as they waited for their third to join them. "Good morning, Grandpa," Yua greeted as she bent down and placed a soft kiss to his cheek before heading to the open seat beside him.
"I'm glad you decided to grace us with your presence today. We never know. With your busy schedule and all," Iroh teased. Bringing his cup to his lips to take a drink.
"Oh, you're so funny," she replied sarcastically. "The military man is punctual as ever. News flash, no one's here to blow a horn in your face for being a few minutes late to breakfast."
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bendingmuses · 5 months
I always forget that not everyone knows who Yua is, yet I talk about her like she's canon. Which, technically she is, but we've never met her.
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Hi! If you're new here, this is my girl, Yua. She is my take on Izumi's daughter. Who we have yet to see in the show or comics, but was originally supposed to be part of book 4 of LOK.
She is ten years younger than Iroh II and was a troublemaker in her youth as she tried to figure out her place in the world. She got in with a bad crowd for a while until she decided her place was beside Izumi. Helping people. Realizing they could no longer use her, her "friends" abandoned her and she's had trouble forming meaningful connections ever since.
Don't let her hot and fiery demeanor full you. She's got a heart of gold and only wants to help. If you're able to climb the walls she puts up, you'll find a loyal and kind friend at your disposal.
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bendingmuses · 5 months
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@kingwu sent: “Like a Bag” for my muse to suddenly pick up yours (Yua)
"Okay, that's enough. We need a break," Yua said as she hoisted Wu away from the situation. Wu had gotten a little too loud and opinionated for this particular group of nobles. "You're getting a little fiery, and that's something coming from a firebender." Once they were in the safety of an adjacent room, she gently set the King down.
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"Listen, I don't like it anymore than you do, but you have to keep a calm head. Yelling at these people is just going to have the opposite affect of what you want to happen."
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bendingmuses · 6 months
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@kingwu sent: “ How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions? ” @ Yua
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"Oh, I don't know. I think that's a good color on you. Add a skirt or a sash in your signature green and it could be quite fashionable. Surely between the two of us, we can make this work."
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bendingmuses · 2 years
@withgutsandglory for Mako
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"Wait. You wouldn't happen to be the Mako, would you? As in Moxy Mako from the Fire Ferrets?" Part of her was flabbergasted that she hadn't made the connection earlier. "I've heard so much about you from my brother and grandfather, and neither of them bothered to mention that you are the very same Mako I spent hours cheering for on the radio. I'm a huge fan!"
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bendingmuses · 2 years
@redridcr cause I can
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"Wait. Did you just say Wolfbats? As in this past years pro-bending champions? Wow. I've never met a pro-bender before." While she had spent a lot of time traveling, her focus was on her nation and family. Not that that ever stopped her from listening to the games on the radio. "Pro-bending is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. Are you planning on going for the championship again this year?"
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bendingmuses · 1 year
@warmaiidens continued from here
Yua was silent as she looked at the necklace. It was a simple chain with her family's crest one it. A gift given to her by her grandfather to help remind her of where she came from, and that she would always have family. Later given as a gift to her best friend. As a reminder of the same. Now that she thought about it, the sentiment wasn't too different from giving someone a betrothal necklace. Though, she pushed away the thought as he fist closed around the pendent.
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"It's yours," she said adamantly as she pushed the necklace back towards her. "I know I wasn't much of a friend when we got older, but I didn't give it to you expecting it to be returned." The princess had been so caught up in trying to be her own person that she had let undeserving people turn her into something she didn't recognize. Then she became so focused on fixing her own mistakes that she had forgotten about her true friend.
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bendingmuses · 2 years
Open: Yua
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“I’m not that intimidating, am I?”
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bendingmuses · 1 year
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@redridcr sent: “Is he handsome?” TAHNO ASKING YUA HER OPINION OF MAKO LMAO
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"You don't really need me to use your eyes for you, do you? I mean, what is your obsession with him all of a sudden?" Sure, she thought the detective was attractive, but there was obviously a lot more to him that she wouldn't mind learning about. Still, Tahno's behavior made her a little suspicious. "What's going on with that overly jelled head of yours?"
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bendingmuses · 1 year
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@redridcr​ sent: [ CHEEK ] — sender kisses receiver’s cheek to wish them good luck before an event / a performance / etc ( tahno and yua before she goes back to the fire nation for business :') )
To say that the action surprised her would be an understatement. The Princess was frozen for a moment as she felt Tahno’s lips gently touch her cheek. “I didn’t think you’d come to see me off,” she admitted. Though, she founded the gesture quite sweet. Especially since she had said some choice words to him when she discovered he was cheating at pro-bending and had decided to break it off with him.
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“I guess we had a fun time, all things considered.” Between her competitiveness with pro-bending, and having whatever it was she had with Tahno, her time in Republic City was definitely interesting. “But I think we both knew it couldn’t last forever.” After all, she did have a duty to her nation and her people. She had just taken a little longer to accept it.
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