tmarshconnors · 8 months
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King Charles III
The portrait of the King that will hang in public buildings such as courts and government offices has been unveiled.
Taken in Windsor Castle, it is a very traditional formal portrait of the King in an Admiral of the Fleet uniform, with medals and honours on display.
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As the storm clouds thicken the world will turn darker. The human race will fall deeper into sin, ignoring the warnings from God's word. Do not allow fear of mankind or the unknown swallow you hole. You are the light of the world. You shine brightly in the darkness that covers the world with God's grace, love and mercy. Nothing formed in the heavens or earth could extinguish the light God has placed in you. Hold your head high and walk by faith for God's words is a beacon of hope to those who are lost. Satan will try and tempt you to believe that you hold no value, that God could never use you to be a light. Do not listen for he speaks lies to lead you away from God. As long as you are willing God will use you. God has a purpose and plan for each of us. Remember you are loved by the King of the universe.
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#Repost @ocbfchurch ・・・ Pastor @drtonyevans prays a prayer of blessing over the fathers so that they can pass on the blessing of God’s divine favor to their children. #birthright #heritage #kingdomlegacy
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brandonacox · 5 years
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The first African American commentary of the whole bible and 1st AA study bible. #kingdomlegacy pic.twitter.com/6KWowOgENH
— Dr. Eric Mason (@pastoremase) November 9, 2019
from http://twitter.com/pastoremase
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andybintoro · 9 years
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Praise and worship #kingdomleadershipconference #kingdomlegacy #KLC2015 #gbirock (at GBI Rock Lembah Pujian)
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tranz4mation360 · 11 years
T360 Tv- Our God Is Greater By Gabriel Preview! #T360tv #Kingdomlegacy #Ministration
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How sad do you think it made God that the nations who worshipped idols were more loyal to their gods than the Israelites? The children of Israel knew the living God yet they chose idols that do not breathe, speak, hear or feel. How do you think it makes Him feel today? How often do we think Israel was stupid for turning away from God when they saw all the miracles that God did for them? But how often are we just like them turning away from the Living God to lifeless idols that hold sway over our life? There were two evils that the children of Israel committed and these two sins always go hand in hand. One will always follow the other. a) They abandoned the Living God, the source of life. b) Dug for themselves cracked cisterns (idols) that hold no water. Whenever we find new idols and abandon God. We put aside the living water for the water of death. So let us be careful in who worship. Let is never place an lifeless idol before the Living God.
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Let every word we speak lift those who hear it. Let every action we do bring glory to God. We don't need to add more negativity to this world or hatred. The deed does not have to be big nor the words long winded and eloquent. The smallest of deeds can bring comfort or joy to someone who is hurting. A simple honest hello how are you doing can bring a smile to someone who believes no one notices them. If we engage with those around us instead of ignoring their existence the world would be a brighter place. Spread happiness and joy instead of depression and anxiety. Give love to those around you instead of ignoring them or hatred. God gave love to us when we were still sinning against Him let us give love and grace just as He has given it to us.
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Often when we read the bible we imagine that it's a far off place, different time and culture that doesn't relate with us. Those in the bible couldn't understand the struggles and hardships or even how great sin is today. People will also use the bible for the feel good passages without taking to heart the magnitude of sin and being redeemed. Our walk with God will be limited if we only focus on the righteous part of the bible ignoring the sin that put our Saviour on the cross. We must take heed and learn from those in the bible how truly evil sin is. Let us not think that we are better than them. Often we fall into the same old temptations that led those astray in the bible. Satan will use any means to lead us away from God. So every morning put on the full armour God so that the enemy's arrows will have no sting or control over your life. Stand firm today in faith knowing that God has your back!
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It's easy to become discouraged when life is putting you through the buffer but we must never lose hope. God is constantly at work in our life. When the enemy is attacking you cry out to God for He is your refuge, a stronghold no one can break through. For every negative question you may have God has a positive answer. You may say it's impossible but God says all thing are possible. I'm too tired to go on. God says come unto Him and He will give you rest. I don't know where to go. God says He will direct your steps. I can't do it but God says you can do all things through Him. I can't forgive myself. God says He has already forgiven you. There is nothing too hard for our God. His strength, protection and guidance is enough for any weary traveler. He is willing to help with whatever trouble you are going through for He is love.
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Have you ever doubted your earthly parents love? Have you doubted the authenticity of friends or family if they really know you and care about you? We may be let down by our friends and family but God will never betray us. Before God even started to form you in your mother's womb He knew you. He knew the number of hairs that would be on your head. He knew when and where you would be born. He the trials and heartache you would face. He knew everything about you before you were born and set you apart, appointed with a purpose in life only you could fulfill. When God calls you He does not call and then leave you. He does not tell you to do something and leave you with no means of doing it. God will always equip His children with the means to carry out His will. Never will He ask you to do the impossible. With God all things are possible.
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brandonacox · 5 years
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My son got to see history tonight and connect with his dad’s mentor today! Millions of people have been touched. Congrats to pop & ma aka @drtonyevans @MrsLoisEvans for being honored for their #kingdomlegacy pic.twitter.com/S3i8kg49gV
— Dr. Eric Mason (@pastoremase) November 9, 2019
from http://twitter.com/pastoremase
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andybintoro · 9 years
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Day2 #psjerryhorner #KLC2015 #kingdomlegacy #kingdomleadershipconference #gbirock @rock.klc (at GBI Rock Lembah Pujian)
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andybintoro · 9 years
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#gbirock #gbilembahpujian #kingdomleadershipconference #KLC2015 #kingdomlegacy (at GBI Rock Lembah Pujian)
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andybintoro · 9 years
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#KLC2015 #kingdomleadershipconference #kingdomlegacy #gbilembahpujian #gbirock use all of this hastag (at GBI Rock Lembah Pujian)
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