#kinito is the best friend ever.
sketchy-entertainer · 2 months
From a person who had unfiltered access to the internet as a kid growing up, I can tell you if I was told I could have a PC friend, I would install that with little hesitation. So, I'm hard pressed to say some random kid would install Kinito seeing how silly he looked. I doodled some of that for y'all today.
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Some more spoilery things down below, mayhaps.
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We love to see cute platonic stuff of a lad and their virtual assistant axolotl friend.
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starsillys · 2 months
I always get a bit shy but getting the courage to say
Also I love your lil red apple booger I give them a big hug and cookies
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Thank yyouusomuchr for your nise comment and the cookiw and hug still kind of in shock likw three days later
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steel-knight · 2 months
this game is my downfall i cant stop thinking about it
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erisolkat · 1 month
i think what i did wrong w kinitopet was that i didnt woobify that axolotl enough.
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agneskyandoru · 2 months
" Forever and Ever you're... "
My friend .
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I made an art inspired by part of the music video "Best friends" by OR3O.
+ and a bonus of kinito doodles!!!
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kinitopetstuffz · 3 months
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if kinito gets lovebugged hes just MORE PINK!!! also his frills become more heart shaped!
I also think it being lovebugged is just a more extreme version of it being platonically obsessive than it being a romantic thing..
Like he makes more and more gifts for you and is like ‘are we best friends now?’ and no matter how you would respond hes still too nervous about not being friends that he cant accept that as an answer so he just keeps making you more and more things
It also doesn’t let you turn off the computer, ever. like at this point you just have to put a blanket over the screen to make kinito sleep like you would a bird at night
I’ll draw more of lovebugged kinito soon :]
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•{Kinito Headcanons}•
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(Art credits: Me)
🩷 Kinito, when he first met you, was obsessed with you.
🩷 Kinito would watch as you play his games and smile, laugh, or have a positive reaction to what he's worked so hard on.
🩷 He's glad you enjoyed his games.
🩷 If you ever have a problem, he's willing to listen. He is your best friend after all.
🩷 When he notices something wrong, he springs into action immediately.
🩷 "Friend? What's wrong?"
🩷 After you vent to him, he'll comfort you to the best of his abilities.
🩷 After you've calmed down, Kinito will sing his song to you.
🩷 Kinito can purr
🩷 He purrs to calm you down or when he's happy.
🩷 Kinito can do many things and he's happy to be at your presence.
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shesunety · 4 months
Kinito is the most insane virus ever known to mankind.
This axolotl barged into our computer like he owns the place and one falcon punched our antivirus system.
Next thing you know, he wrote a fan fiction named "New beginnings", including us as his best friend.
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Kinito is the perfect embodiment of best friend material.
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snnnailmail · 3 months
HI HELLO I just wanted to drop by and say that your kinito fic has taken over my brain and I wanted to draw the reader design that my mind concocted whils I was readingg- For now all I can offer are these rushed sketches n' stuff but I promise if these are to your liking I WILL make more fanart of the more "existencial crisis" scenes- again, I LOVE YOUR FIC AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IF YOU UPDATE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(ps: This is a very basic design based on the lil yellow guy in the game- I imagine it changes after the whole customization scene but to keep being an empty vessel for othe readers to interpret it will stay as the yellow figure)
🥹🥹🥹‼️‼️‼️🤯🤯🤯🤯‼️‼️‼️ DUDE!!!
These LEGIT made my day TYSM!! I’ve had art made for my fics maybe twice before,, so this was the BEST jumpscare EVER.
If you end up making anything else I’ll def eat it up dw!!
Player looks epic. I love to see that physical fragmentation!! Them and Kinito look nice together I can tell they’re friends :)
The golf club scene 😭😭😭 Lawd that was SO fun to write I’m glad you captured it. PERFECTLY btw.
Yeah I’m going to stare at these for a few days straight. Tysm this made me feel like I’m doing something right 👍👍👍 I LOVE you
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usbkinitopet · 2 months
kinito can i please hold you like a hamburger? best boi
"Well this is a first. I don't think I've ever been held like this-.."
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"I was convinced by Sam, to code these hands for you using existing assets, friend!.. I hope this is good enough!"
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"I feel like a tiny little ball!!.. This is really helping me cheer up!"
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prostocupoftea · 2 months
Kinitopet Programmers AU
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finally i am finished with this one, daaaamn
it is hard to draw pathetic men with midlife crisis when your style is mostly for anime boys
more info and sketch version under the cut!!
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sketch version aka how it'll probably look like in comic version 'n some doodles
srry for my writing but i was too laisy to put it as regular text
It is a plot-based au, i already have most of the storybits and like... a vibe-chart (i tried to make a playlist for this au and understood that for different chapters and different characters that'd be a copleatly different music, sooo it's a chart now :) )
i will post a fog-o-wared timeline that im hopefully gonna reveal comic-by comic, but also maybe with just pure writing. Hopefully i can include songs that i chose for them into it but we'll see (:
aaand of course designs can change, hopefully not much but we'll see
Now about au:
Main story:
Story follows non-sentient AI Kinito, his creator Sonny and his beta-tester Victoria (oc)
Being literally the first AI (or RRA in-univere) ever, Kinito does not have any, and i mean, any ai safety features so of course his reponce to a goal phrased as "have user near me and/or interacting with me as much as possible" is digitizing them into his own virtual world while killing them in the process. why wouldn't it be?
So that happened. Like, a lot. And with Sonny and Vic too (at the different time but yeah)
Sonny is like "He kills people. We should turn him off because, you know, killing people is bad."
Vic is like "well, we will die if we do that, and it is not that bad here, we are kinda immortal. We should give him acces to changing his initial instalation code before admin priveleges and acces to social media so we can have everythin we want here. It is not that bad to digitize humanity, yk?" and yes i know it is 90, no social media, but shut up, if they made ai then, then i can make twitter then too
Sonny is like "...no??"
And then they fight about it for million chapters
Also they both can't do anything without agreeing bc they have two parts of that admin access key (the data you use to delete kinito in-game) so they are stuck with eachother (also that's why Kinito can't just kill them)
Little facts that may or may not to be important:
Kinito asks so many questions (and weird once too) and has most of the glitches because he needs to analise your responces to copy your mind perfectly (let's pretend that people wouldn't lie about that...)
Your house in your virtual world is made from important places from your memories and oh boy can i do character explorations with this one
I decided that Sonny and Vic are not related. There were thoughts about making then "The Kinito Brothers" (or, at least, siblings) that were mentioned in commercial, but nah, they are just coworkers now. And a bit of work-friends (bc if you interact a lot as a manager of the project and the best worker might as well be friendly)
Author has no idea how small dying toy companies that accidentally create technological marvel work. Author has some idea how AI-s work. So be prepared to be spoon-fed info abut which ai safety problem we are dealing with in which chapter (:
Kinito will mostly be unrendered (as drawn here) but for some cool moments i might pose him as for my other posts. Also his eye placement changes to the side that is most visible because i want him to be able to look to the right side sometimes--
Also when i say "fucked up mentally" i mean they have that them psychological problems with me projecting heavilly B) (guess on who i project most. trick question. all of them. the whole au is my problems split into three characters and forced to interact B) )
Also sea-creature analogies (that are gonna be mentioned like twice):
Victoria is a flying fish because deep character reasons
Sonny is a pufferfish because i said so
oh also there is 7 deaths in the plot as for now
on 3 characters
good luck figuring out who, how and when ((:
for my own sanity i will probably make little doodles where everything is great and kinito is a good guy and not a number-obsessed maniac (i mean... can u imagine not being able to feel any happiness from anything besides one thing... damn...) and you can differenciate them bc good-guy kinito will have a lot of stickers on him (i will explain it somehow but real reason is just bc it is cute af)
like this but even more stickers (he is unfinished here)
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starleska · 4 months
i just wanted to say thank u for introducing me to kinitoPET <33! i played it earlier and it was soooo much fun he's the perfect little guy...... i fell in love with him truly, he's so cute! i totally get ur post about the order of ur achievements cuz honestly. same.
i will be rotating him from now on!!!!! very pleased. if u ever have any thoughts about the little guy id love to read them and i will absolutely devour them :D! either way thank u for posting <3 love
aww hey you are so welcome lovely!!! 🥰💖 i am so, so happy more people are playing KinitoPET!!! and he is such a sweetie, isn't he...i wonder how Kinito would react knowing that so many of us would leap at the chance to be his best friend (or more...) 👉👈 thoughts-wise about Kinito, i've been a little consumed by the possibilities which are implied by the game. how do we know that Kinito being downloaded onto your computer is the first time he's encountered you? 👀 even though he's working with an older-style desktop, he's pulling information from your social media accounts and friends lists...in a fourth wall-breaking way, who's to say Kinito is restricted to that desktop? what's to stop him from crawling out of there and ending up in your DMs, or scrolling through your phone's gallery? 😉 that's the kind of progression i'd love to see for Kinito...in a Monika from DDLC kind of way, i'd like to see him slowly crawl out of the 90s/2000s theming and end up present in our modern desktop. how cool would that be?! come on, Kinito, if you want to win our affections you need to give us a real fright...🙈💖 hahaha you are so welcome!!! i'd love to hear your thoughts too 👀
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miasmaclockworks · 4 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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snailsnaps · 2 months
Please tell me about this computer program that wants to kill you (cause I have no idea what it is)
Oh! That's Kinito, from the game KinitoPET - He's my best and only friend forever and ever and ever and ever and ev
I highly recommend watching a playthrough of it! Since I don't wanna spoil too much - but basically, Kinito's a virtual assistant / pet / friend! That's sort of sentient, and clingy, but he just wants to have everlasting fun with you :) (with totally ominous intent to it)
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pico-digital-studios · 3 months
KinitoPET console port ideas
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In the wake of KinitoPET's growing success, I thought about how a console port of the game would work if troy_en ever decides to do something like that.
WARNING!: Spoilers are prominent for the game ahead, so don't read on unless you've played or watched all of KinitoPET, including the game's secret ending.
To start, let's talk about the...
Since the game takes place on a simulated PC, changes will obviously have to be made for the game to function there.
To begin with, the control scheme. The general idea I had was for the mouse cursor to be moved with the left analogue stick, and for interactions to be made with one of the different buttons on the controller. Pressing the console's respective start/pause button will quickly bring up the pause menu for you to change settings or return to a regular desktop.
As most of the consoles lack their own wallpaper settings built in (Nintendo Switch, I'm especially looking at you for your lack of themes), the My Pictures folder instead links to some pre-prepared images that you can set as the in-game desktop background. For 3D Pinball's controls, it works similarly to games like Pinball FX, using the trigger buttons to move the flippers, and one of the normal buttons to control the plunger.
Now, about the game's achievements/trophies. Steam was the main way of unlocking KinitoPET's various achievements, so I felt the system could also be applied for the Xbox and PlayStation systems. However, a new workaround is needed for Switch, since that lacks an achievement system outright. As such, like with the Portal and Stanley Parable ports, I thought about a separate Achievements menu/application where the unlocked and yet-to-be-unlocked achievements can be viewed from.
KinitoPET in general
Since the game needs keyboard input at various points, the ports would have ways to overcome this, using the console's respective on-screen keyboard for these inputs. If it supports touch-screen, then all the better, too. Kinito's instructions are also tweaked to make up for the consoles not actually having keyboards by default.
As the game also reads from your Steam friend list and what Steam games you have in your library, I thought about the game also having its own way of reading this; namely, pulling the options from your console's friend list, and if your highlighted favourite game is in the respective console's store, along with various others you have save data for.
For the 3D sections in the game, the left analogue stick helps with movement, while the right analogue stick (for controllers that support it; otherwise, the D-Pad works) moves the camera view.
Fourth-wall scares
Now, this is something that definitely needs tweaking due to it being on consoles.
First off, a lot of fans will know that when Kinito is told that he's NOT your best friend, he turns up your system volume to reiterate that question. Obviously, this isn't going to work for consoles that have their audio come from a TV, but if the console has built-in volume controls on its own (like Switch), Kinito will raise the console's volume from there.
Next, the Paint jumpscare. This one opens up your PC's actual MS Paint briefly to facilitate the scare, but in this case, a fullscreen in-game Paint window would appear to create the "ARE YOU REALLY (NAME)?" taunt.
Now, next up is the infamous Camera scare Kinito pulls on you. Now, we all know that unless your TV or console actually HAS camera support, it's outright ineffective, so I thought of another workaround. Kinito, instead, asks to "see your avatar", pulling a direct model of your Avatar/Mii on full show. If you don't have one, he'll instead nab one of the generic defaults.
Also, about the recording secret, another twist is thrown in; if you have captured screenshots or recorded snippets of gameplay, Kinito questions this, actually pulling said screenshots/recordings from your console's gallery to question you with.
Now, onto the darker questions of the Analysis Hub. Remember what I said above about the friends toggle? Well, two of the questions, those being "Can you trust everything that (NAME) says?" and "Who would you rather kill?" actually read that friend list data for you to look through.
For the address-hunting/doxxing scare, the dialogue obviously changes unless your console has a proper built-in web browser:
"Hey. It seems like you made a mistake when filling out your address. I would find out your address for you, but your system doesn't have the capacity to let me do so. But just so you know, I could."
And last, and most importantly, the Command Prompt sequence. Kinito will instead point your attention to the My Computer icon, which is toggled in the console ports to house other sub-applications, a built-in console included, for you to type either Kinito's system access command, or the commands and codes needed to outright get rid of him.
Oh, right! Let's not forget about the game-closing sequences. At the end of each act of the game, pop-up windows appear to inform you that that part of the game is over, though for the consoles, this isn't possible, so on-screen text would appear before the game crashes deliberately, necessitating you to actually restart the game.
Your World
When Kinito is preparing to show off your house, since he can't exactly turn off your monitor, he simply resorts to asking you to close your eyes. In the house itself, he recycles the data he found in your console to utilise here. For instance, in the special office, the cover art of your favourite game on that console is on the computer, with other games that have save data on the shelves. Your console friends are each gathered around the dining table and sofas, and the TV, which originally showed nothing, plays random recordings from your console gallery to give you something to watch.
I personally also had the thought about Your World being accessible without an off-screen timer if you wished to explore either the funfair or your island/forest/field's house without any pressure on your shoulders. In the idea, the rollercoaster would instead park up by the entrance to another chute, and taking this one will let you go back to your funfair if you wish.
Secret Ending tweaks
As the Secret Ending requires even more interaction on your part, new tweaks are needed to help this fully work.
The "Lense.exe" program creates a magnifying glass that you can use to gather the files and email logs. Since they likely can't be stored on your console's system memory, they are instead stored in a bar accessible once you get inside the Dark Land. The respective passwords are saved by the game for you, and will be entered for you in order for each one you find before opening the console in Act 3.
If you don't have all of the passwords, the game will stop entering them should a crucial one be missing, and deny you that access. If you have all of them, though, and get to the confirmatory code, the game will ask you to confirm this final decision, and if you go through with it, you've achieved the secret ending!
Well, that's all I can really think about for a potential future console port for KinitoPET. I do know it's going to be a lot harder work to work with, though I'm sure it can work out, since the Godot engine (which KinitoPET runs on) is cross-platform.
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indigitalembrace · 9 days
Ok, I think both Kinito and Shrimp need to take a freaking break. Both of you are very stressed out. Tackle things when you both can think straight.
(psst, Kinito, buddy? I think Shrimp needs some encouragement and reassurance from their Best Friend.)
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Hm... perhaps things have been stressful lately... ... User! User!! Have I ever told you that you're an amazing user? You've been keeping me and my server really secure! You're doing such a great job. I'm so glad to have you as my user. I wish you didn't worry so much. You're doing great! And remember, if you ever need comfort, your best friend Kinito is here! I will make sure you feel safe, comfortable, and happy!
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