#kinn’s gonna become an alcoholic because of all of this
fandomfairyuniverse · 2 years
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Imagine your boyfriend keeps running off with your cousin who you also happen to hate. That’s horrifying
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Right. So. First of all, you should watch it! It's good and not too long + it's really easy to find it online with good eng subtitles.
Now get ready to read a badly done and totally non requested summary of the show 🌻
Little plot summary: Porsche (orphan bartender/fighter with a younger brother) becomes Kinn's bodyguard. Kinn is the son of the main mafia family boss, but said boss is kinda retired so he's the one who manages everything. There's training, traitors, dead exes, cute bodyguards, drugging and kidnapping, people getting lost in the woods, punishments, first dates, alcohol, love songs and much more. Everyone is gay and usually does stupid things but we love our silly mafia men 🍂
(porsche on the left and kinn on the right) (yeah buttons are there just for the looks)
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There's the main and the minor family. The two heads of the families are brothers. They're not openly rival (??), but still in competition because obviously the minor family wants to be as powerful as the main one, they hate each other and (little spoiler!! But it's like the most OBVIOUS final act) in the end there's a huge battle between the two families.. basically everything that happens is the series is determined/caused by the rivalry between them. Minus some useless bits it's a GOOD plot :)
There's a lot of killing and kidnapping and mafia stuff but it also ANSHDJDBDJJS THEY'RE MY BABIESSSS DJFJDJEJR 🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻
That being said, Vegaspete is like the second main pair of the show: the son of the minor family's boss (Vegas) and one of the closest bodyguards of the main family (Pete).
(Pete on the left and Vegas on the right)
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*now the red text is a bit of a spoiler but not too detailed (?) + you already know that vegaspete is one of the main pairs, so. They gotta get together somehow, don't they? But anyway, if you're intrigued and want to watch it without anything spoiled, stop reading :) you'll understand what me and @otbyosh are talking about around episode 11*
Anyway. Pete goes undercover into the minor family's house, he gets caught by Vegas that tortures and then kidnaps him....... And somehow it gets kinky.
There are also soup and hedgehogs involved. And chains, and knives. And PAIN (both for them and for us). And cuteness in the end.
Now I want to rewatch it 😭
Hopefully I made it seem interesting, if I didn't it's MY fault, because it is really good. Or maybe it's just not your kind of series. Lol
Anyway, enjoy a couple of vegaspete screencaps that capture their ✨vibe✨ and goodnight!! <33
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(now I have a terrible doubt: am I sending this to the right person?? I cannot check and then come back and send it because it's looong and I'm lazy so I'm gonna be brave and hit ask anyway. Wish me luck, sorry if you're the wrong person jdjdjdks)
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okay yeah this is a great summary. I'm very sorry to be wasting your time (for real you put so much effort in this) but it's not for me. I'd probably stay up with nightmares for months. I'm a... softy lol. I do recommend it to everyone who isn't lol.
you send it to the right person btw <3 <3 <3
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