#kinzart kreetures
regenerationshapes · 7 years
Fantasy Avatar: The Gryphon
What furry avatars do you enjoy in #SecondLife?
Today’s Fantasy Avatar almost feels like cheating! Kinzart Kreetures sells a variety of furry avatars that look lovely right out of the box. The gryphon in this post was released a few years ago, before bento, and is seen exactly how she looks the first time you put her on.
Prismatic Gryphon
The Gryphon comes in various colors ranging from realistic to playful.Shown here is the Prismatic version,…
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kinzart · 11 years
'Tis the season!
Its generally customary to wait till at least the day after Thanksgiving before announcing anything Christmas related, but considering how late Thanksgiving is this year, I decided that announcing our holiday plans a little earlier this year won't hurt.
Kinzart's got something very special planned this year, something we think everyone will enjoy!
Starting the morning of December 1st to December 24th, visit the mainstore every day to receive a free gift! That's 24 gifts in total! Then, on Christmas Day, we'll have one big present to give away that will be available until the end of New Years day!(January 1st)
Recolors, some never before seen plushies, holiday themed clothing, seasonal accessories, and even the return of some holiday themed fan favorites! But the only way to get them will be to visit the main store every day! 
In addition to 25 days of gifting, we've got some nifty Limited Edition Holiday themed avatars planned, so don't miss out!
But we're not done yet! Are you a community member/know a developer that makes content relevant to Kinzart(Or furry/fantasy avatars in general?) Well we'd love for you/them to contribute to a secondary pool of gifts that will be available at the main store alongside the daily gift!
If you're interested in participating, Please drop me a note card titled 'Kinzart Gifting Application - #Your Name' and include information like
Your store's name, a SLURL to your store, What kind of things you sell, and what you're interested in giving away this season during our gifting extravaganza!
Then we'll get your item set up to be giftable to all the good boys and girls(and everything else!) and spread some holiday cheer!
I wish you all a Happy thanksgiving, may your turkey not be dry and there be pies a-plenty!
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slarf-blog · 11 years
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Kinzart Kreetures - Rift Dragons
Initially released as hidden prizes as part of the Twisted Hunt  - KzK have re-textured and…
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slarf-blog · 11 years
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Kinzart Kreetures Fox (V4)
KZK comes to the market with their new fox avatar, rebuilding the old fox from the ground up. Let’s…
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slarf-blog · 13 years
Kinzart Kreetures Tiger v3
Recently, Kinzart Kreetures came out of their lull in content creation to release the V3 version of their aging tiger avatar. With a revamped design and a completely new script system, Kinzart's rebuilt this avatar from the ground up.
Out of the Box:
Features Specifications
Male and Female Shapes and Skins
Female Mature Skin
Moving Ears with Twitch and Turning During Typing
Dual-Colour Eyes with Blink and Manual Override
Three Eyebrow Expressions
Muzzle Talking Function with Voice and Text Override
Preset Hand Poses and 'Pupeteering System' for Custom finger arrangement
2 Tails (Solid or Flexible)
Optional Invisiprims for Legs (Viewer 2.x capable Alpha Layers)
Colour-and-glow changeable eyes, mouth, nose, and paw0pads
Base ARC: 1224
Scripts (without HUD): 18 (812kB Memory usage)
Scripts (with HUD): 22 (1024kB Memory usage)
Build and Skin:
Compared to the prior version of this avatar, the texturing has improved by leaps and bounds, looking more like actual tiger stripes instead of the somewhat zebra-like stripes that were there before.The avatar comes in a variety of different colours, and the texturing features clear markings as well as soft fur transitions between colours. Males receive a small touch of definition in the abs, while females receive accents around the breasts. (Click to view Mature Female Skin HERE - Link Rated Mature). Altogether, this texture-job amounts to be one of the best we've seen from Kinzart (for a non-full-prim avatar).Over the attachments and the back, one can see a decent amount of hand-painted fur.
The build quality of the avatar is also fairly strong, with minimal creasing visible anywhere on the tiger. The textures are continuous across the avatar, and the sculpts are of considerably sound quality.
Nothing on this avatar seems to have been re-used from the Tiger v2; opting for completely new, or at least recently made parts. The foot paw attachments are very representative of a big cat footpaw, including having 4 paw-digits and leaving out the dewclaw. Users are able to retract and extend the claws with the HUD. Together with the leg attachments, the lower limbs come together essentially very well. EDIT: I made a small mistake; the digi-leg invisiprims come separate from the avatar legs; hence users can either wear them (using a multiple-attachment capable browser) or go through the trouble of attaching the invisiprims to the digi-legs if they can't use alpha layers.
The tail for this avatar comes in two forms; leaving users with the choice between a flexible tail, and a sculpted one. They both are very well textured and match the avatar perfectly in shape and size. With the sculpted tail, users can either have it arch up and down. As for the flexible tail, users get the ability to have the tail swish from side to side. As such, the ability to swish the tail, or to wear the tail up or down is mutually exclusive.
The last attachment to discuss before we move to the head is that of the hands. As we've seen with the past several KZK avatars, the hands are a cross between human and feline; and feature the ability to retract and extend the claws. Again, users can change the positioning of each of the fingers to make custom finger poses, are just use the pre-made ones. We'll mention here that users are able to adjust the colour of the paw-pads (both hands and feet), as well as full-bright or glow settings with the included HUD.
This brings, us, then, to the head. As we mentioned before, the avatar has pretty much been revamped, and the head is no exception. From first glance, the head is a lot more tiger-like, from the general outline of the face and cheeks, to the shape of the muzzle itself. This avatar strongly models itself on an actual tiger head, while still managing to work in the features necessary to anthropomorphise it.
We'll start with the muzzle here. The exterior is well textured and shaped to be very broad, yet contoured so as to not be boxy. The interior of the muzzle features a full complement of teeth, including  eye-catching fangs. Users are able to change the colour of the mouth interior as well as the nose, and to stick their tongue out. We'd like to point out here that the facial expressions for this avatar stand out a good bit more than on prior KZK avatars. The smiles and frowns muzzle emotes are more pronounced, as are the angry and sad eyebrow expressions.
Moving on to the rest of the head, we've got a good bit of sculpted fluff to round out a generally tiger-ish head-shape. These fluff prims are among the stronger points of the avatar because rather than using a few dozen, only 7 prims makes up the prim fluff on each cheek. Additionally, these prims aren't just plainly colored, having a bit of tiger-cheek markings on the base, integrating them visually with the face instead of looking like a completely separate piece.
That leaves us with a few words to say in regards to the eyes and ears. Compared to the rest of the face, the eyes are somewhat smaller, but there's still plenty of room for the dual-colour eyeballs and a generally smug facial expression. Overall, the face carries with it a sense of character and personality. Suffice to say, the ears are the last detail to the head; rounding out the image overall and pulling together the tiger look. There's no transparent fluff here this time, so styling of the avatar uses the same medium and visual style from top to bottom.
Features and Heads-Up Display (HUD):
The HUD for this avatar remains the same as previously, but with a few major changes under the hood. I've noticed a lot of concern and worry about the supposedly impending script memory limits, with Kinzart being pointed out as an avatar company with both a high script count and script memory usage.
There's a lot of incorrect knowledge around the issue, such as the incorrect assumption that script count means more than script memory. It is SLARF's official stance that script memory usage is much more important than script count, and will attempt to include script memory with each review as we possibly can. Out of curiosity, I compared the Tiger v1 stats to the Tiger v3. You can find them below. The HUD is now very responsive and any changes through HUD clicks or text commands are quickly implemented.
KZK Tiger V1.0 KZK Tiger V3.0
# of Scripts (without HUD): 30 - (2Mb Memory usage)
# of Scripts (with HUD): 117 - (7Mb Memory usage)
# of Scripts (without HUD): 18 - (812kB Memory usage)
# of Scripts (with HUD): 22 - (1024kB Memory usage)
  Oh, I almost forgot. This is the first avatar we've seen that includes (a little surprisingly) a physics layer. Granted, it's only useful on female avatars, and you need a somewhat recent build of Second Life, but if you want a custom jiggle of your breasts or your butt, this delivers. Keep in mind that the effects can be overstated depending on what viewer you're using; but you can edit this layer in "Appearance --> Physics."
One of the few criticisms that I have heard from peers using the avatar is that the head size tends to be a little bit on the larger side, leading to some third-party hairs not fitting as easily as they could. However, with a little bit of work, I have seen most of these people fit these hairs properly with a little bit of resizing and prim movement. the avatar is modifiable and copiable, so users shouldn't have any major issues making this avatar their 'own.'
The Kinzart Kreetures Tiger V3 is a very competent update that builds on an aging avatar. Some may have preferred the old avatar's 'rough' or 'grumpy' personality to the decidedly more svelte, 'graceful' type expressed in this new version. In the end, this update brought a fresh new air to the tiger by revamping its look and functionality to current Kinzart standards. Thus, a wholly successful update.
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