#kira's ygo sims
kira-quartz · 3 months
Kira's Sim Yu-Niverse: Nerd Herd Again, Now With Serenity and TKB
Next: The Ishtars and the Kaibas
Happy Sim Saturday, cornflakes! :D
I've revamped the Nerd Herd yet again (this should be the last one for a while 😅), and this time I've decided to include Serenity and TKB, since they'll each be part of one of my main households at some point.
The old save was kind of a mess, because I started it back in 2019 and it was a while before I came up with any real gameplay rules, so I'm thinking of starting again from an earlier point in the timeline - probably halfway between the Ceremonial Duel and DSOD, although I'm not sure if DSOD is an ingredient in my canon soup. 🤔 So yeah, when I start posting my gameplay, you'll be able to see the whole thing from the beginning! :D
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Yugi's aspiration is The Curator, and his traits are Geek, Good, Loyal and Self-Assured (character development, cornflakes~).
Atem's aspiration is Discover Life (by Midnitetech), and his traits are Genius, Competitive (by Kuttoe), Geek and Socially Awkward.
I was lucky enough to win the Goth Galore kit in a giveaway earlier this year, and it's perfect for Yugi! I wish there were more CC addons for it, though.
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Joey's aspiration is Friend of the World (still not sure about that, but I can't think of anything that works 🤷‍♀️), and his traits are Active, Glutton, Hot-Headed, Loyal and Outgoing.
Serenity's aspiration is Discover Life (at least until I settle on something else), and her traits are Gentle (by Lazurite, adopted by Chingyu), Loves Outdoors, Music Lover and Cheerful.
Fun fact: While I was playtesting the cornflakes, Wonderful Whims told me that Serenity found Téa extremely attractive. I haven't set anyone's preferences yet, so I guess my game's a Sideshipper! 😂
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Téa's aspiration is World-Famous Celebrity, and her traits are Outgoing, Hot-Headed, Dance Machine and Ambitious.
Tristan's aspiration is Soulmate, and his traits are Dog Lover, Active, Loyal and Romantic.
We still need a dance career. 😔
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Ryo's aspiration is either Bestselling Author or Paranormal Investigator (from Lifetime Aspirations Reworked - I like both for him), and his traits are Gentle, Geek, Glutton and Creative.
TKB's aspiration is Discover Life, and his traits are Glutton, Kleptomaniac, Geek and Can't Stand Cold (by NateTheL0ser). (Yep, I kind of struggled, ^^;. He's not exactly evil anymore at this point, so I wasn't sure what else to give him.)
Having them live together should be fun, especially with Tristan thrown in... (I've had Thoughts about this. Not all of them will work in-game, but still.)
Oh, and I took some inspiration from this piece of art for TKB's face!
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Miho's aspiration is Soulmate, and her traits are Bookworm, Cheerful, Materialistic and Romantic.
Duke's aspiration is Computer Whiz, and his traits are Genius, Geek, Romantic and Outgoing.
These cornflakes just kept rolling wants to talk to each other during playtesting, and these probably weren't even the same Sims from the original save! I'm pretty sure I remade them from scratch! It's like the game itself ships them! VANITYSHIPPERS, UNITE! (All... maybe three of us! 😂)
Next up are the Kaibas (including Roland) and the Ishtars, and then some characters I haven't posted before! 👀
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kira-quartz · 2 months
Kira's Sim Yu-Niverse: Kaibas and Ishtars
Previous: Nerd Herd | Next: Duelists
Happy Sim Saturday, cornflakes! :D This time I've actually scheduled the post for the right time, XD.
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Seto's aspiration is Hardcore Gamer (by Ilkavelle), and his traits are Genius, Geek, Perfectionist, Competitive and Arrogant (both by Kuttoe).
Mokuba's aspiration is Leader of the Pack, and his traits are Insider, Genius, Loyal and Good.
Roland's aspiration is Super Parent, and his traits are Calm (by Kuttoe), Proper, Serious (by Chingyu), Loyal and Family-Oriented.
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Marik's aspiration is Living Life on a Whim (from Lifetime Aspirations), and his traits are Genius, Adventurous, Loves Outdoors and Noncommittal.
Ishizu's aspiration is Successful Lineage, and her traits are Good, Calm, Genius, Family-Oriented and Bookworm (just a HC).
Rishid's aspiration is Big Happy Family, and his traits are Stoic, Loyal, Family-Oriented and... that's it, ^^;. Maybe now that his life doesn't have to revolve around Marik anymore (and I have Growing Together), he'll pick up some more!
All these cornflakes except Marik and Ishizu are so tall I had to shrink them to take their headshots, XD (I firmly believe that Mokuba ends up taller than Seto).
Credit to @alyss-erulisse for the Ishtars' earrings and scars!
Next up: some Duelist Kingdom cornflakes!
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kira-quartz · 3 months
I was playtesting the Taylor family home and Joey came over and asked Tristan if he could move in?? Just autonomously??? 😭
For context, this is my construction save where I have to keep all the families together so they'll keep their relationships when I move them to the actual save, so Joey's living with his dad. THE GAME KNOWS THINGS 😭
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kira-quartz · 2 months
Kira's Sim Yu-Niverse: Kame Game
Here's the something extra I mentioned in my last post! :D It took over a year and a *lot* of looking for references and just bulldozing the lot and starting again, but it's finally finished!
Credit to @alyss-erulisse for the floor plans! :D
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House, ground floor:
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First floor:
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kira-quartz · 2 months
Kira's Sim Yu-Niverse: Duelist Kingdom
Previous: Kaibas and Ishtars
Happy Sim Saturday, cornflakes! :D
This week, I'm posting some of my side Sims. I won't be playing them as often as the others (not yet, in one case), but I'll check on them every so often, and I still have plans for some of their lives, 👀!
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Weevil's aspiration is The Curator, and his traits are Geek, Mean, Cunning (by Maplebell) and Competitive.
Rex's aspiration is also The Curator (but mainly focusing on fossils), and his traits are Outgoing, Arrogant, Oblivious and Competitive (last three by Kuttoe).
I need to work on some post-canon designs for these two, 🤔.
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Mai's aspiration is Friend of the World, and her traits are Outgoing, Genius, Slow to Warm Up (by Chingyu) and Ambitious.
If this was TS2, I feel like she'd be a Popularity/Fortune Sim, relying on her Fortune wants to stay out of aspiration failure (😢) - at least until she meets the Nerd Herd.
Mako's aspiration is (what else?) Angling Ace, and his traits are Loves Outdoors, Good, Hot-Headed and Outgoing.
I couldn't find anything like his S2 outfit, so I went through his tag for inspiration, and this picture in particular stuck in my head while I was picking out his clothes. I love the HC of him having tattoos too (credit for that one goes to @candied-pear!), so when I remembered that EA one existed, I had to give it to him!
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Pegasus's's's' aspiration is Painter Extraordinaire, and his traits are Creative, Childish, Romantic and Cunning.
(I am legally required to do that with his name. Blame the scripted Duels, 🤣)
I'll be taking a break from posting my Sims for a few weeks so I can work on my Rarepair Week stuffs. After that? We'll see. 🤔
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kira-quartz · 1 year
My Sims Yu-Niverse: Nerd Herd, Updated
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kira-quartz · 1 year
Vanityshipping next-gens! The boy doesn't have a name yet, but I've named the girl Rin.
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These might not be their final designs, but for now, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!
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kira-quartz · 2 years
Okay! The current Sim!Ryo’s new face is finished, the other one’s been Banished™, and I can finally retake those Carryshipping screenshots... again. 😂
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kira-quartz · 2 years
My Sims Yu-Niverse: Biker Boys
Previous: The Ishtars | Next: Who knows?
Happy Sim... Smonday? It’s still Sunday in at least one time zone, right? This post took longer than I expected, but I didn’t want to leave it until next week, so here we go. ^^;
In honour of my main save being *almost* playable again, I’ve decided to post the next household on my schedule - well, the next one after Serenity graduates. (I nearly spelt that “scheduel”, appropriately enough. XD) I’ve never played them before, so there’s not much to say about them yet, but hopefully something interesting will happen later. :)
Raphael’s aspiration is Super Parent (I dunno, I thought a family-related one would fit but I didn’t want him to need to have a certain number of kids), and his traits are Genius, Good, Cat Lover, Calm (by Kuttoe) and Loyal. Not much of his canon personality really translates to TS4 traits, so I kind of borrowed from @kohakuhime​‘s interpretation (I hope you don’t mind.)
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Alister’s aspiration is Renaissance Sim, and his traits are Genius, Slow to Warm Up (by Chingyu), Loner and Detached (also by Chingyu). I’m not sure about all of these (it’s entirely his fault that I didn’t get this posted on Saturday! XD), so feedback is welcome if anyone has any!
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Valon’s aspiration is Chief of Mischief, and his traits are Active, Hot-Headed, Thrill-Seeking (by Chingyu) and Jealous.
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I didn’t even notice that he was doing that face until I went through my screenshots, but it works. XD
I think I did a pretty good job with them. Raphael took the most work, and even he turned out okay. ^-^ Valon doesn’t look quite right without his goggles, but there’s not much I can do about that apart from actually making his floof, and I am not on speaking terms with Blender at the moment. XD
Let me know who you want to see next! :)
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kira-quartz · 2 years
Redoing Sim!Ryo’s face *again* because I just tried to see what his and Tristan’s kids would look like and 😬.
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kira-quartz · 2 years
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It looks like Sim!Joey is determined to stop me from getting anything done, 😂. He just spent 15 minutes standing in the bathroom and wouldn’t move even after I reset him, and although he was starving, he refused to eat the cake I generously placed on the washing machine for him. Because nooo, he didn’t want the perfectly good washing machine cake that had only been on the floor for a few minutes, he wanted a completely new slice - and what did he do? He just put that slice on the floor and decided the washing machine cake didn’t look so bad after all.
With that in mind, I have complete faith that every single NPC will behave themselves at Serenity’s graduation. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?🙃
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kira-quartz · 3 months
If all goes well, there'll be a Sim Saturday this week. I'll be posting the re-updated Nerd Herd (and hopefully I won't have to update them again, at least not for at least a year, 🤣) and something extra that I finally finished last month, 👀!
I've been working on a Sailor Moon save too, so I might post those cornflakes too when they're finished.
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kira-quartz · 2 years
@hopefulstarfire​ AAAAAH-
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kira-quartz · 2 years
I have OPINIONS on this townie who just spawned.
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Seriously, I saw her, and I was like, “Oh, she’s new. I’ll just give her a quick makeover (translation: new Everyday, Hot Weather and Cold Weather outfits + skin details)”, and the next thing I know, she has a whole new wardrobe and a personality (I had to change her traits to match!) and a backstory and a family and she’s friends with Joey and he’s telling her stuffs...
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kira-quartz · 1 year
My construction save has been overrun by nextgens.
Someone stop me! XD
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kira-quartz · 2 years
Working on the future Taylor-Bakura family home because I have no idea which traits to give Rex and Weevil... 🤣 So far, I’ve got Mean and Geek for Weevil and I can’t remember what for Rex (build mode is loading and it’s late), and I need at least 3 traits for each of them, but all I have to work with apart from “minor recurring rival/villain” (and their interests, which don’t really translate to traits) is that Weevil is a Cheaty McCheaterface and Rex isn’t. :/
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