supersho · 6 years
Thoughts: The End of KiraPre
So Kira Kira Pretty Cure A La Mode has ended. This show was plagued with problems from the beginning. When the season first started I was really excited. The character designs looked amazing, older cures, a cute sweets theme. I was excited. Ichika was a typical Pretty Cure protagonist, but she wasn’t as ditzy and was more driven. I was all in (I was so excited for Akira’a first episode), but as the season went on one issue piled onto another. 
Below find my rant and feelings on the season 
First, I was confused over who was the villain, like who were we fighting what was this season all about. At first, it was just bad guys of the week and then I guess Rio. But then the girls solved that and the fairies were freed from the evil’s control so Rio/Julio/Pikario became the main villain for awhile until Bibury showed up. Then Rio is saved by Ceil, who has turned over a new leaf but is too weak so he’s out for a while. So this lets Bibury and a now introduced Glaive, Diable, and Elissio to start attacking the girls as well. But Diable is introduced much later and after a few episodes is basically removed as Glaive uses him, who are both then later used by Elissio, which all leads us to Noir who has been teased throughout the show but we only learn why he hates (I guess??) sweets and dreams in episode 46! And it’s not really clear and kind of just a lame, stupid reason that is never explained past I guess he couldn’t work out his own emotions. The whole season I was so confused as to why I should care about the threat. Many seasons have a tangible bad guy: Heartcatch was fighting Dune, Doki Doki was working to save the Trump Kingdom from King Mercenare, or GoPri had Dyspear. And even in seasons like Happiness Charge where we get villain swap, it still worked because we knew about a higher evil as it was alluded to well. I will say the surprise where Elissio takes over was really great and one of my favorite parts of the whole plot but the ending overall was...lackluster but still good for what the show wanted to say. Overall there were too many villains, confusing motives, and Bibury is best girl. 
Then this leads into the girls themselves. I really felt all of them had so much potential, but so much time was dedicated to the Ceil/Rio drama that the other 4 (not Ichika) were underdeveloped. Each one was so interesting: the episode where Aoi has to overcome her fear of following her dreams, Himari gaining confidence to express her love of sweets science and do what she loves, Akira working hard for her sister, Yukari...I guess learning to not be perfect? So while I think Aoi was handled nicely and Himari well enough, Akira and Yukari got, well, the short end of the stick. Episode 25 was perfect. I thought the two of them would grow closer as friends and help each other overcome their shortcomings: Akria’s need to put her sister and others first and not herself, and Yukari’s self-doubt. But after this episode we just get more times where Akira does anything for Miku (which I want to say is fine but her arc should have been her learning to love and care for Miku while also being able to find her own dream. I do feel that her ending is fitting though but the show just wasted her solo episodes) and Yukari just runs around making cat jokes. Yukari’s ending in the show by far baffles me the most. Why does she end up studying sweets? More over, why is it not Ichika who does this? = It just seems like in the ending where they re-cap where everyone’s futures is so unearned and wasted. 
And then we have the Pikario and Kirarin / Rio and Ciel plot. While I liked this aspect of family love and overcoming hardships and working out past problems why is after Pikario saved, we never get a real episode about them bonding? Also, who decided to give them so many names? HAVING THREE NAMES AND THEN ICHIKA CALLING HIM RIO AND CIEL CALLING HIM PIKARIO IS CONFUSING AND AHHHH. Why did they tease Pikario becoming a precure like warrior only to WIM OUT and just make him have a candy rod but not be a cure? Which would make sense since he was given power from Lumiere herself? Their plot took up SO MUCH TIME and I feel all we got out of it is now they run a sweets shop together. And that would be a fine ending if we had better build up and resolution to that. AND not only does Pikario get shafted in precure powers (Personally I this it would be great to see a male cure or at least a male character who is equal to a cure? I guess this is as close as we will get but like he wasn’t a main on the squad so...) but Pekorin gets to be a Precure just for trying her best? How did Pikario not do that? HOW IS SHE NOT CURE DONUTS?!?! that would have been literally so easy to do. HER WHOLE THING WAS DONUTS ALL SEASON!!! Cure Pekorin is the worst name AND now the team has SEVEN. MEMBERS. Which is really already way too big, and a major factor why the show had to make the 4 girls from before underutilized so we could learn more about Ceil's time in France or waste episodes where Akira has to save Miku for the 4th time. 
And then we have Ichika, who I feel was fine. She has some good episodes and feels fleshed out. Episodes with her Mom were particularly good and gave her depth. But her ending felt like the writers couldn’t think of an actual career and just did a cop-out. She was a good protagonist who was also a good leader but felt like another missed chance to find something, or maybe follow in her mom’s footsteps somehow... And at points, the season just felt like the Ichika Ciel show. Why have such a big cast and focus on two characters? A three-man season or even 4 would have been so much better. 
When I watched the ending I just felt so unsatisfied. Unlike the endings of past seasons (Princess Precure, Heartcatch, Suite and a few others) I didn’t feel any sense of conclusion and was left in a state of... meh. I also don’t like this new trend of last episodes being comedic instead of the epic finale they should be. Overall, I guess I’m sad because I went in so excited for the team, the theme, the show and ended up feeling like somewhere the show got too lost in its over ambition.
However, Shubidubi☆Sweets Time is my all time FAVORITE precure ending so I will always have my Boom Boom Pretty Girls 
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tsunflowers · 3 years
top 3 fave precure? also rank the seasons from most to least favorite?
it’s so hard to pick, like choosing between my children. but yuni and yukari aaaand hime. for the series ranking I feel like I would probably give a different answer if you asked me again in a week
futari wa
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
I want Cure Gelato to punch things more often.
Actually I want the KiraPri girls to punch things more often in general like pls stop constantly relying on your lil stick/whisk things. You guys (girls) are legendary warriors in the making and I’m sure y’all can do much more than wave a little stick around to solve all your needs.
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whorenerdking · 7 years
the best part about kirapri is that when we get a yukari episode we also get a akria episode and vice versa
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Kiratto Pri☆Chan Episode 4
This episode was....SWEET
So this week Everyone goes to Mirai’s family bakery to eat some super tasty cupcakes! However, the shop is in a bad area and gets no customers, what to do!! The only thing we know how: exploit the girl’s minor celebrity to get more customers! Rinka hears about a sweets festival that can boost the shop and their channel’s popularity at the same time!
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Anna (and Sara) show up to proclaim that her sweets shop Sweet Anna, run by the world’s top chefs will also be there and are going to be number one! Emo doesn’t respond well to the challenge but the girls want to win so they create a puppet show to promote the booth!
Unfortunately, the show doesn’t go that well and Anna’s massive cake sculpture is winning over the crowd. The girls go interview around and after seeing Hikari’s fan drawing of Kiracchu they know what to do!
Making some special cute Kiracchu cakes, the girls sell out, promote the store, and get enough likes for Mirai (only?? I don’t know why its not both girls) to do a show!
Now the store has tons of business and Emo and Miari swap follow tickets with new fans!
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A few thoughts:
Lol how Mirai can be swayed by Emo so easily. Emo is still kind of annoying me with TOO much emois everywhere but its only episode 4. Meanwhile, Sara says the most lines ever talking some sense into Anna and riding in a Helicopter. I don’t know how Sara and Anna became friends (unless maybe they are both rich? I hope we have a story like about Anna becoming more humble bc like Hibiki was rich but not an ojosama so it worked better) but LET SARA DEBUT already!! I bet she’s gonna be last though.
I like the cute Miracle Kirrats opening for their videos. The show is at least realistic in the sense of people filming with their phones but TBH no one makes Youtube content like this format. This is all I see on TV and Youtube is more freeform so maybe the creators don’t actually watch that much Youtube? Or maybe Japan’s Youtube community is way different than the USA’s. 
So Hikari is adorable. Kirrato time is money
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supersho · 7 years
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supersho · 7 years
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It’s so hard being a parent 
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
note; This is just me rambling about my thoughts on KiraPri. I’m not very far into it, nor do I have any reason/intention to bash any other opinions that may clash my own. You can think what you think, and I’ll think what I think.
to start off, I’m really not sure if I like Yukari or not tbh
I’m only on episode 9-10 of KiraPri mostly because I’m having trouble getting into it, but Yukari so far is just-
To phrase it the same way she does for just about everything “I don’t like nor dislike her”
She seems to have the whole “I am bored with being perfect and want something/someone with flaws and/or over-the-top qualities to excite me” which, albeit, many anime characters have this trope, but it’s always been debatable and questionable. Yukari’s okay, just... Her personality and motives are really questionable/confusing and (in my opinion) unnecessary for a show meant for kids. Sometimes she says something, but seems to mean something else a few moments later. I’m hoping Yukari will open up soon and stop essentially speaking in riddles.
I also am currently on the bandwagon of “Ichika is Mana 2.0″
Ichika made all the sweets that gave each girl the confidence to stand up and become a PreCure; which is nice and all, but it would have been better imo if each girl made their own sweet. It would’ve shown a lot more symbolism about their character rather than Ichika going “this is what animal I think you’re most like and therefore this is your symbol now”
Ichika also seems to be the driving force behind just about every plot, main or sub, so far. Like I get that she’s the leader of the team, but it’s really just kinda seeming like “Ichika and sidekicks” right now.
As for Cure Parfait/Ciel, it would be unfair of me to judge her personality since I haven’t gotten that far yet. But I will say that I’ve watched the clip of her transformation sequence and she seems very... Extra and over-the-top. Unnecessarily over the top. It doesn’t matter to me if you like Ciel or not since it’s your opinion, but many people (myself included) were hoping for a green Cure, and it seems like we got a rainbow op mess instead. I’m also not a fan of how her symbol is a mythical animal (pegasus) when all the other girls are animals that actually exist. I really hate to say it, but Ciel/Parfait’s design very much so gives me a “special snowflake” vibe.
personality-wise, from my favorite to least favorite; Aoi, Akira, Himari, Ichika, Yukari
design-wise, from my favorite to least favorite; Chocolat, Gelato, Macaron, Custard, Whip
(not including Parfait in my personal rankings because, again, it would be unfair of me to judge her before I see her in the anime)
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
My favorite KiraPri PreCure is Aoi/Gelato and she deserves more screentime in general, but I like seeing her with Himari the most.
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
y’know I just realized I’ve had every dessert the KiraPri Cures are named after-
I’d only had gelato for the first time earlier this month but I honestly think it’s so much better than ice cream for some reason. It has this like, rich and chewy texture, so it sits in your mouth longer than ice cream does.
I’ve also had store-bought macarons and lemon-lime has easily become my favorite flavor so far.
Also here’s an opinion-based question; Do you think Akira/Cure Chocolate is based from milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Or some other kind of chocolate?
Something tells me dark chocolate would suit her more than milk chocolate, but maybe that’s just me.
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
somehow Cure Caramel ended up with a boyfriend
and then her boyfriend became a precure
so now it’s like
someone please stop me before I make a whole team of KiraPri oc’s
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
lowkey slowly making a KiraPri oc bc I forgot literally everything about this last one I may or may not have written about on here
her name is Nana, she’s 17 years old, and she really dislikes wearing skirts
her alias is Cure Caramel, her animal symbol is a bat, and her design is based on a green apple with caramel drizzled on top
Nana’s birthday and favorite holiday are both Halloween and she has a crush on a boy named Shin
I’m probably gonna go draw her soon after I post this and eat something, so maybe expect her basic/prototype design within the next day or two
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
I’m up to episode 13 (I think) of KiraPri.
Aoi is still my favorite, Yukari is still my least favorite, and Ichika is still Mana 2.0
I really like Akira and her constant desire to do whatever it takes to help people. I like to assume it comes from how much she’s probably had to care for Miku, as well as how much she’s also most likely had to help her parents and grandparents.
*note; Everything under the cut is my opinion and I’m sure many people won’t agree with me. Tread lightly if you’re an easily triggered Yukari/Akira shipper bc the jist of my rant is that I don’t ship it (right now; maybe I’ll like the ship later but right now I don’t care for it at all).
I say this with every vent/rant because I know how aggressive some people can be over this stuff, but it’s my opinion. I can have my opinion, and you can have yours. I’m not intending to start any fights/ship wars/whatever. Please don’t come at me defending your ship like some kind of white knight warrior. I know people ship it, and they’re allowed. I’m allowed to not-ship it.
I know Yukari/Akira are borderline a canon couple, but I can’t really get into a ship if I don’t like one/both of the characters (Yukari, in this case). I know I’m not too far into the season, but I’m really really hoping Yukari gets better as a person. She seems to just listen/not listen on her own accord, rather than when she should listen.
In the episode where she and Akira went to find fruit for the tart, it kinda threw me off when Akira was trying to explain herself to Yukari, and Yukari just walked off and said “I’m imagining the perfect tart” or whatever. I’m sure there was some symbolic nature behind the little girl in the jewelry shop buying the “mature” brooch and then being approached by Yukari, but again; it really just seemed to me that she did what she wanted and really didn’t listen to whatever Akira was saying to her.
Sure, Akira also just kinda did what she wanted, but at least she was being helpful by running around to find fruit, and then helping the old woman find her emerald. Yukari sitting on the bench with the woman just got... Really awkward and I didn’t care for it. It gives off the vibe that Yukari isn’t great with comforting others, which is a fine and dandy flaw that I can go along with, but eh...
I dunno where I’m going with this rant other than I don’t care for Yukari right now and I really think shipping is highly implied solely because they’re the older pair of the group and have a literal cat-and-dog motif.
I’m pretty sure if all the girls were around the same age, I could see Ichika coming to terms with the fact that Akira is a woman but still having a crush on her due to how charming, kind, and helpful she is. Hell, Yukari seems to like Ichika more than she likes Akira imo. She says Ichika is interesting and things are fun when she’s around, but what have we heard directly from Yukari about Akira other than the “your boyfriend is a real keeper” scene?
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
me; i’m gonna blast through all of KiraPri so far so I can catch up
me; *discovers vinesauce and Vinny’s streams*
me; fuck
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
how the friendship between Aoi and Nana would go-
Aoi; Nana
Nana; Aoi
Aoi; Nana-san
Nana; Aoi-san
Aoi; Na-chan
Nana; Ao-chan
Aoi; Nah-chan
Nana; Ow-chan
Nana; ...Gelato-san
Aoi; shut the hell your mouth
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