kirbyspits · 2 years
I just came back to tumblr and was surprised to see that ppl (like the same 3. tops.) were actually being positive abt makorra??? And I'm hearing news of a makorra week?? If it's okay I would love a link or smthn so I could join!
Hi! Welcome back!
We’re very small, but pretty vocal group when it comes to our favs, and we’re still aiming for a winter makorra week! We’d love to have you!
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messymosaic · 25 days
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Summary: Have you read Ruins of the Empire? And did you hate it? Then this fic is for you! Mako is brainwashed by Commander Guan and Korra has to deal with his bullshit. It’s usually the other way around. (You don't need to read the comics for this. I read it so you don’t have to.)
Rating: It's mature for now, but it may be explicit.
Click here to read Chapter 1.
Gifting this to @dykemako because if she didn't keep asking this would be rotting in my drafts. Also thank you to @kirbyspits for coming up with the title <3
This whole entire fic is a love letter to Mako's side profile. I'm not even kidding. Look at him! Look!!!
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asura22zoro · 4 months
on the but they broke up argument
I made it obvious multiple times how i feel korrasami in the end was just a last minute retcon ( as in they admitted that when the finale was being made to throw in korrasami because they didnt include lgbt rep before and I partly think it was due to the fact lok was running out of publciity stuntand k/a provided that
I am sorry to say but korrasami being the one queer ship thats canon in lok is irrelevant bad writing is bad writing good writing is more important then the genders involved even if it means that as a result there wouldnt be a same sex ship in lok ( its not like they couldnt include same sex ships lgbt stuff in the future of the series. The notion that if you care about/support the lgbt community you should automatically support korrasami just on the basis of korrasami being a same sex ship is idiotic. being against korrasami doesnt equal being against gay people anti korrasami isnt homophobic. shipping isnt activism
we see tons of ship wars between het ships so why shouldnt there be ships wars between a het ship and same sex ship how is opposing the same sex ship automatically homophobic ( they seem to use it as a shield from criticism
would everyone automatically support the same sex ship when that doesnt happen when a het ship becomes canon
so they made it happen at the cost of breaking the narrative and making korra ooc.
certain korra and asami are not compatible personality wise for a romantic relationship given their different needs and handling of conflict
and the narrative pointed to makorra eventually getting backtogether
korrasami shippers will try to claim they broke up due to incompatibility or insult mako to raise up their ship when the truth is they broke up due to mutual flaws neither of them were ready for a relationship with anyone.
they both showed that they will always love each other and the way the b2finale happened pointed to them getting back together.
the issue wasnt that they argued ( arguing isnt inherently unhealthy arguing can be healthy have you heard the term arguing like an old married couple ( I even reblogged post by fantastic-nonsense that went into that
by b4 mako and korra overcame those flaws
I always roll my eyes at the but they broke up as if we haven't seen tons of shows where a couple at first breaks up but gets back together later after some development
or times where while two characters love each other its after some development for if they were in relationship at the start it would have been unhealthy
seriously hasnt this person heard of the like old married couple trope “Two characters who seem very comfortable with each other to the point that it seems like they have been married for a long time, though obviously it doesn't apply to couples who actually have been together for a long time. Usually it is done through constant arguments with each other, as only people who are so closely bonded can have such open communication between them”
arguing in a relationship doesnt equal unhealthy
the b2 finale was shot in away that makorra shippers believed they would eventually getting backtogether (after they matured and solved their mutual flaws ( korra wouldnt have worked with anyone in b2 )
it had romantic tension
kirbyspits . tumblr . com/post/639871356603908096/
We have hand holding…
Trouble parting ways…
Forehead touches…
Declarations of eternal love…
there are alot of shows where a couple which broke up got back together later on
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/111785796250/on-book-2makorra-korras-mentality-about
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/111620875135/could-you-take-each-of-makorra-book-2-arguments
2. fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/108192845975/what-made-makorra-fail-in-book-2-and-what-might
asura22zoro . tumblr . com/658908110062223360/fantastic-nonsense-that-video-is-quite-literally?source=share
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kirbyspits · 2 years
Hello. I had joined the Makorra discord for a while. I would like to rejoin if that’s alright
That should be fine! Do you mind DMing me which user you were in the discord?
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kirbyspits · 3 years
Help! I might actually write a fic that’s a rewrite of TLOK books 1&2. I love Book 3 and Korra’s recovery arc but like I can’t imagine a world with spirits and wouldn’t know how to manage that. To be honest I’m not that familiar with the lore of the avatar state, but Book 4 has some really intriguing elements I think would be perfect for Book 2.
Now you all know I’m complete Makorra trash, but as much as I want a Makorra ending I’d hate to leave Asami with just “well at least you have a new found family after losing everything 🤗. You’re so beautiful you can have anyone.” So annoying to hear when you’re single and want to be in a relationship. I might just make it Makorrasami. Have the best of both worlds.
And then I’ll just make it my own story like half these YA authors out here.
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kirbyspits · 4 years
Tbh, I’m not as excited as I thought I’d be finding out Nickelodeon wants to take the Avatar series seriously now. I know it’s new people. It’s a new generation, and hopefully we’ll have more writers and gorgeous animation.
However, I felt the same way when Korra was announced and look what happened. It's hard to get that trust back.
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kirbyspits · 3 years
Wait! Tumblr changed how Asks work in app? I couldn’t copy text over and I was able to save my submission in draft?? Game changer!
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kirbyspits · 4 years
These dorks just make me so happy 😊
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There are 5 detective Mako FFs and so far 3 feature Korra as his partner. The other one is just Mako, but it's my fav. I wish there were more of these detective novels because when I say I got obsessed, I got obsessed!
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kirbyspits · 4 years
I love how Episode 9 is a fav among Makorra fans. I just timed Mako and Korra's interaction and it's 25 seconds. 25 seconds put this on our list of favs 😂
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kirbyspits · 4 years
This is why I can't read the TLOK comics:
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What?! Why ask about Mako's arm if there's going to be no follow-up, especially from Book 1?! No, "I know how you feel." No "I'm here for you." Nothing that echoes their exchange when she's been in the exact same position before with Amon! Doesn't Korra show more concern and empathy for Tahno?! The first panel is terribly unsatisfying after 4 seasons of building a strong emotional connection and friendship. I might've been more forgiving if Korra was drawn looking at Mako.
Who is this Korra anyway? Bryke had that horrible line about how she needed to suffer to learn compassion. Where is it now for her supposed best friend? Mako dedicated his life to her, almost died fighting for her, and this is their exchange Mike? Sorry?!
Based on this panel alone, now I'm convinced the comics are completely stripped of the Korra I love in Books 1-3 (...well the latter half of Book 2). I've always been on the fence with Korra's relationships in Book 4. We see glimpses of her reaction during critical moments with her friends (i.e, Asami's father dying and Mako's sacrifice). So, she was always on a path for moments like this, but I had hoped the comics would give Bryke more room to expand on more emotional connections I thought they didn’t have time for in the show. Now I can clearly see they're not interested in maintaining the beautiful relationship they set up for Mako and Korra.
Whatever. I'm no longer their target audience, since I've always liked Korra's brashness and the Book 1 storyline anyway. I had no problem with Korra getting her bending back quickly since there were only 12 episodes and you know every kids show is going to have a happy ending! Hope all the critics and antis are enjoying this new Korra in comics.
Btw, I'll acknowledge that Korra's upset and probably doesn't have the emotional capacity to comfort Mako when she can't really comfort herself. My issue is Korra asking about Mako's arm and then dropping the subject she started. Last I checked, friends comfort each other. I'd feel differently if Mike only had Mako ask how Korra's doing, but I suppose they just wanted readers to know Mako can't bend and keep the story progressing. Doesn't make me any less annoyed.
The emphasis on "you" has been noted btw. Mako always giving it his all. My goodness, I never thought I'd make an anti Korra post, but I might have to. I'm getting strong Book 2 vibes from this, and that's a whole other rant.
... ... ... 
I ended up skimming the summary of Turf Wars.
I was hoping I needed more context and was wrong for judging Mako's and Korra's interaction based on those two panels alone. Turns out I wasn't missing anything I didn't already get from this exchange. I'm laughing at what I discovered though.
Mako's the one who alludes to Book 1. This is rich! So Mike does remember Book 1 happened. It's so interesting that they continue to have Mako be the one who's empathetic. They could have brought up Book 3 with how worried Mako was when Korra gets kidnapped (twice!), but no, they bring up the event where Mako discovers he's in love with Korra. Tarrlok's kidnapping her is still relevant and probably the best choice, but now Mako's bringing up their romantic history. Maybe to emphasize that he understands what it's like to worry over someone you love? Mako continuously says the right thing! His followup is beautiful! And what the does Korra say to this angel first? 😬🤷🏾‍♀️ Why?!! How could they make Korra so unlikable?!
Bryke tortured my girl to the point where her personality made a drastic change and deemed the suffering she endured as something she needed in order to grow. So where is this supposed newfound compassion that she apparently never had? How is Korra more likable now than she was in earlier seasons?
I just love how they make Mako actually say he understands what Korra's been through and pulls in the events of Book 1. He's always been supportive of Korra and I don't think we've seen Korra give him this same support back since Book 3. It's depressing to see how much Bryke destroyed Korra's connection to Mako. He's basically on Asami's level in the show now. The difference is, Mako still remains devoted to Korra on an emotional level that Asami was never given the opportunity to show. However, seeing this connection with Mako is not enjoyable anymore because the friendship is no longer an equal. Korra doesn't return this same energy. Mako's consistent love and support for this colder Korra and makes it hard to even like her. I'm on the verge of deeming Mako too good for her even as a friend. Rather than get to that point, I'll just avoid the comics.
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kirbyspits · 4 years
Scrap from my last AMV. It took for forever for me to decide what I wanted to focus on.
I preferred Mako ending his friendship with Korra and then transitioning to him breaking up with her, but I wasn't crazy about focusing on Korra’s reaction. I found Korra pointing her finger at Mako first and cutting to Mako pointing his finger at her more interesting. I also found cutting back to Korra and Mako’s fight in the apartment to be more cohesive instead of transitioning straight to the breakup. I was going for another flashback anyway. Though now that I think about it, maybe I should’ve emphasized ep7 since that was technically a breakup too 😩🤷🏾‍♀️.
I also loved the visuals of all three instances where Korra and Mako face each other and argue, especially since we kind of have the tables turned in the first two clips. However, I got a little worried there was too much fighting and antis would think I'm proving their point about how toxic Makorra is which, of course, someone said in a comment (sighhhhh)). Korra and Mako have a comedic banter before escalating into a fight, but the next clip where Mako calls Korra out in episode 7 isn’t exactly funny. It was a straight accusation and an attack on her character.
In light of this, it was better to pull this back to the intense fight back Mako and Korra have the apartment to offer another possible explanation for Korra’s accusations of Mako taking her side. I still hate Korra’s reasons for getting upset, but maybe, just maybe, it was in reaction to Mako believing Asami and Hiroshi. You can interpret this as Korra thinking Mako thought so low of her, he believed she was someone who’d abuse her power and hurt the Satos just to be with him. Not exactly something you can easily forget, and this lingering resentment can escalate into an intense fight similar to what we saw in the apartment. I’m probably giving Bryke way more credit than they deserve 😒. And here's a friendly reminder that Korra insults Mako’s job responsibilities when she points his finger.
I decided to stick with keeping things simple and have Korra tease Mako to keep things at the banter level before showing Mako lying for the first time. It’s less combative and a nice cut to the next scene where the two become real with each other.
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kirbyspits · 4 years
Not me queing a unedited meta instead of saving it to my drafts! 😩
Normally, I wouldn’t freak out, but it’s a sensitive topic for some and I value taking the time to choose my words carefully. It’s only my opinion of course, but I don’t want folks to get the wrong idea if I say something the wrong way or don’t emphasize something else. Writing is easy, but editing word vomit is not 😅
The tags are on point tho. I usually add tags when I’m getting ready to publish something, but I was on a roll! May that’s why I saved that meta to my queue 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️
I’ll add just add them it here since I’ll probably change them once I clean up the meta.
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^ That’s the tldr 😆
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kirbyspits · 4 years
What if Mako was a Woman?
I'm probably opening up old wounds, but the Makorra tags are getting a little ridiculous with all the negativity, disclaimers, and guilt for enjoying a pairing TLOK itself propped up. This mostly on Twitter, but let me rant here anyway.
This post is not for the genuine Korrasami fans who enjoy watching and reading Korra and Asami. I'm talking about the fans who "joke" too much & make others feel bad for either liking both ships, or daring to prefer one over the other.
In the past, antis have argued Makorra stans are so brainless and shallow we wouldn't care about the ending if Korra entered the spirit portal with another guy and we'd read it as romantic. They didn't go as far as saying we'd jump ships, but they said we wouldn't be blowing up the TL. Now, if you were to read into Korra showing romantic affection if Asami were a guy, then you are in the wrong. Korra and Asami's ending is romantic. Period.
What I disagree with is the idea that people wouldn't be mad for seeing Korra start a romanctic journey with another male character that barely got screentime and character development. Once again, arguments like this dismiss the fact that Mako was propped up to be Korra's right handman and they have a strong canon-compliant emotional bond.
So let's flip the question. What if Mako were a woman? We can keep Asami as a woman too, no need to flip her gender since we can always use more awesome women. Since Korra has a blatant romantic history with Mako, let's only focus on Books 3 & 4. While this makes the pairings more balanced, the directional choices are still more prominent for femMako and half the anti-makorra fans would actually question the writing. Now if Asami were male and Mako female, anti-makorra fans would be pissed.
Of course with a female Mako things get complicated on who would still ship them, but for now let's just focus on femMako and Korra's screentime and the pleasure of seeing them together.
Again, I don't bring this up to take away from Korrasami. I will never take that away from someone and I don't want people to feel bad about their preference. That is not the point of the post. However this same courtesy should be extended to Makorra fans as well.
This post is for all the over the top fans who keep clogging up the Makorra tags with stating much better Korrasami is. Keep that energy on your own tag and stop adding ours. We don't rub Makorra moments in your face since we want to be decent human beings (or the majority of us were run off the platforms 😬).
Anyways, these type of fans have others practically make disclaimers about liking Makorra & usually follow up with how they're Korrasami fans first. There's something wrong with that. No one should feel guilty for liking a pairing.
Again, I ask if Mako were a woman, would you feel as bad for shipping them with Korra? Would you be pissed at the way the show ended if Asami were man and Mako a woman? Here's my disclaimer: there's no wrong answer. Your feelings are real.
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kirbyspits · 4 years
Welp, I missed my deadline for uploading my January blues AMV. I guess I’ll stick with my original caption? I love the beginning but got so tripped up over the middle 😩
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kirbyspits · 4 years
Can Makorra Fics fit in with Book 4?
So I'm compiling a list of my favorite makorra fanfics for times when I want to rewatch the show and need some fillers for certain episodes & happenings between seasons. During my search for stories, I noticed something really intriguing. Most of the fanfics I found are for Books 1-3. There’s one that I'm adding to my list for Book 4 and the one "post" Book 4 fic I like is an AU. It’s so interesting because I don't necessarily believe all these stans jumped ships when Korrasami became canon. 
As a reader and a fan, once I discovered the lack of Makorra fics on both FF.net and AO3, I started considering what I was actually looking for: canon compliant ones. I realized I don't know what I want to see in a post Book 4 fic as a Makorra fan. I may not ship Korrasami, but that doesn't mean I want to read about them breaking up or Asami dying just so Korra can get back with Mako. I'm more open to breakups or things changing when it's years down the line (like they get married and had a falling out or something), but even then the premise of the story has to sell me into believing it's something that could happen. I found one I think handles this very well that's an ongoing story. However, it's an AU and Hiroshi is alive, so it's different enough for me to enjoy it.
I can't help but wonder if other Makorra writers felt the same way. They pushed out so many one-shots and there are so many good ones that expand on our favorite episodes. Book2 is dead to us of course, but man do these writers kill it with the breakup angst and romance. 
I didn't find much for book 3, but book 4 is a graveyard. Maybe it's because there's a 3-year gap, giving Mako the opportunity to finally move on? We could have a nice reunion one-shot for Makorra for a couple Book 4 episodes, but not much else. There also aren't many opportunities where you can have a fic that seamlessly ties in with Korra's trauma and Mako being there for her. The only story I can picture myself enjoying is Mako trying to reach out and Korra harshly rejecting him. It would tie in nicely with Mako being as far away from Korra as possible in the last episode in Book 3. As for Korra returning home, Mako can visit her, if you really want to stretch it, but I just can't imagine Korra accepting him or letting him in.
Fanfic writers already have our back by providing closure for Mako and Korra's relationship and breakup. TLOK establishes that Mako will always remain in Korra's life. The show handles this perfectly. I may have wanted more screen time, but Mako didn't need to say much else. There's nothing I would've wanted him to say that didn't lead to a confession or a conversation to try and make things work again. So, what else is there to write about?  What else is there to expand upon for Mako and Korra? IMO, not much unless you want to take the time to write a whole new arc, which is time-consuming work with little to no payoff, especially since the majority of fanfic readers don't like or want Makorra fics.
So that's my main theory. My other theory is Korra fatigue. We enjoyed Book 4, but then we hashed out the ending. We spoke about representation, biases, bi-erasure, expectations, and more. I can't speak for everyone, but after Book 4, I kind of didn't want anymore Korra. I was happy with the finale, but I wasn't craving for more content. It has nothing to do with my preferred ship either. I think it was just the story being fine and seemingly coming to a close. I had no desire to rewatch book 1 again either. I was active on Tumblr for a bit and then completely fell off. I was happy to see Korra trending on twitter ever now and then, but I never had any desire to rewatch the series until it came on Netflix. 
When I skipped Book 1 and started with Book 2, I had the same reaction as I did 6 years ago. I enjoyed the series, but was ready to move on. It was only after watching Book 1 for the first time in 7 years that all my obsession with tlok took hold. I feel the desire to create again and I'm writing more than ever. So I can't help but wonder if what happened to me happened to a lot of Makorra fanfic writers out there and if maybe they need to rewatch Book 1 again to get some of that drive and inspiration back. Only, once again, how will they want to bring that creativity to Book 4 and beyond? Tbh, I can't picture it. Maybe it's because Mako and Korra are not canon and Korra is already happy being with Asami. Therefore the bulk of the works remain in earlier seasons or are turned into AUs.
Btw, it's a bit humorous how little fics are canon compliant. Makes it easy to avoid binging! The list is coming soon! I bookmarked a few more and will be reading them over the weekend!   
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kirbyspits · 4 years
Hey stans! I’m exited to answer your questions and share more metas! It’s a bit busy atm with the holidays, but I drafted pretty everything I want to say💛
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