#makorra fanfics
ao3statistics · 6 months
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This is self-made. Date of creation: 17.03.2024
Please note that the fandom "Avatar – The last Airbender" and its ships were NOT included.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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orangepanic · 5 months
Voices in the Night
Ikki couldn't sleep. The moon was too bright and there was a hummingbird moth that kept tap tap tapping at her window and her head was too full of thoughts. So up she went, using a cushion of air to glide down the hallways so her mother wouldn't hear her steps and be cross.
Once outside the moon was even brighter, like a big wheel of sky bison cheese. Ikki couldn't see the hummingbird moth though. What she did see was a butt. A butt with dangly legs hanging out of one of the open windows.
"Hello, Mr. Butt!" she chirped. There was a yelp and then a man tumbled out into the bush. When he stood he had sticks in his spiky brown hair. "Oh, hi Mako," she corrected.
"Shh!" Mako pressed his finger to his lips like a teacher. His face was all red and his shirt was unbuttoned. "I was only, um, looking for... yeah." Then he took off running across the grass.
"Bye Mako!" Ikki whispered, waving. He was funny. No wonder Korra liked him.
She turned and walked the other way around the residence. A lot of people had been staying on the island lately to help her dad with what to do after those scary Equalists and making a new council and stuff, so she wasn't surprised to see a flickering light on in one of the detached residences.
"I'd never leave you unsatisfied," said a low voice, followed by a wet sucking sound. "Until tomorrow then." The flickering light bounced a bit until it was outside, where it resolved into a tiny flame carried in the hand of a young man Ikki had known all her life.
"Hi, Iroh!" she called. "Can't sleep, too?"
Iroh jumped like someone had blown air up his pants. The flame in his hand winked out. When his eyes finally settled on her she saw him sag in apparent relief.
"What are you doing out of bed, munchkin?" he asked quietly, jogging over. "It's late."
"There was a moon and a hummingbird moth and Iroh, what are all those red smudges all over your mouth? Were you kissing? Oh it'd be so romantic! Who were you kissing, Iroh? Was it a princess? Are you gonna make her a princess? Where's your belt? Are---"
Iroh clapped a hand over her mouth and steered her back in the direction of the house. "I wasn't here," he whispered in her ear. "There's extra candy in it for you tomorrow if you can remember that."
"Mwhf frn nu---" Iroh released the hand over her mouth. "Okay, goodnight General Not Here, I like rock candy, the apple ones, and I hope it was good kissing and that you go home and have good dreams about your princess where you get married and I'm invited and you fly away on a dragon together into the sunset and have lots of babies."
Iroh rubbed at his mouth with the back of his hand, blushing. "Go to bed."
Ikki waved at his back and started back to the front door. The idea of candy made her remember there were leftover sweet buns in the kitchen which no one could tell her she couldn't have if they were asleep.
Suddenly a dark shape detached itself from the shadows of one of the far buildings. Ikki stopped in her tracks. There were no more Equalists, her father said, and no bad guys coming to get them. Still, something about the way this person moved screamed "bad guy" all the same. He wasn't walking so much as slinking. A slinky bad guy slinking away from who knew what badness.
Ikki opened herself and sent a jet of air at the man's back. He stumbled with a grunt and wheeled on her and he was old! Old like her daddy was old, with wrinkles and bushy eyebrows and a stripe of white down the middle of his gray hair like a skunk bear.
"What are you doing, kid?" he growled.
"We don't want any Equalists," Ikki said firmly, hands on her hips.
The big man's posture relaxed. Then, of all things, he laughed.
"Me, neither, kid," he said. "I hate those buggers."
Ikki snorted. Buggers. Like bugs. "So why are you slinking?"
"Visiting an old friend," he said. He rubbed at the corner of his mouth and smiled. "We're getting reacquainted. I like doing that on your island. It's fun for me. Do you know what irony is?"
Ikki did. "It's what auntie Lin bends."
A grin cracked across the man's craggy face. "She sure does bend alright," he said. Then he shook his head with a sharp laugh and started off in the direction of the ferry. Ikki wondered if he was going to meet Mako and Iroh for something. Maybe they were having a tea party.
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devildogdemon · 9 months
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Makorra Week 2023: Day 2 & 7 - Love Language & Stronger With You
Korra finalized her well wishes and smiled, "yes"
They leaned down and blew out the light together.
"Thank you for this Korra..."
A hella late sorry commission by our great Makorra Captain @ayur1n so beautiful and so heartwarming, it easily works for TWO Prompts!
The scene and accompanying dialogue are from Chapter 39 of one of my favorite Makorra fics: No Strings Attached by the immeasurably talented @kurocache. Thank you for delivering such a heartwarming holiday scene in your life-reviving story! (though it's just as beautiful anytime of the year tho :))
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messymosaic · 25 days
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Summary: Have you read Ruins of the Empire? And did you hate it? Then this fic is for you! Mako is brainwashed by Commander Guan and Korra has to deal with his bullshit. It’s usually the other way around. (You don't need to read the comics for this. I read it so you don’t have to.)
Rating: It's mature for now, but it may be explicit.
Click here to read Chapter 1.
Gifting this to @dykemako because if she didn't keep asking this would be rotting in my drafts. Also thank you to @kirbyspits for coming up with the title <3
This whole entire fic is a love letter to Mako's side profile. I'm not even kidding. Look at him! Look!!!
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im--never--happy · 1 year
got no validation on the last one but i am here again with another angsty mako snippet
She leans in to kiss you, and something in your brain stutters. Your heart starts pounding. All you can think about are their lips and teeth digging into your flesh, devouring you. Back when you were too small, too helpless, too pathetic to do anything else but grovel for money. Anything to keep you and Bolin fed and safe for one more night. Korra deepens the kiss, and you don’t smell her soft musky scent, but the overpowering pungent stink of sweaty, unwashed bodies and stale alcohol. Your heart pounds and you jerk away.  Korra looks at you, big blue eyes hurt and confused. The noodles, you mumble, not meeting her gaze. You can’t look into her eyes and see betrayal and hurt on her face. They’re gonna burn. I should go check on them. You make your excuse and flee to the stove, so you don’t have to look at her. You can feel her eyes on you, picking you apart and analyzing you in that way that she does, as if she can see right through you, right down to the dark dirty disgusting corners of your soul. It amazes you how she keeps coming back. How she keeps thinking you’re worthwhile, you’re someone worthy of her attention and concern. If she knew any of it… If she knew the real you, the things you’ve seen. Fuck, the things you’ve done… She’d run away and never look back. 
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friendemmett · 22 days
Upcoming Commissions!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
I am going to be opening up fanfiction commissions today at 5 p.m. EST / 2 p.m. PST!
I have done commissions before back in 2017-2018 in the polygrumps/shipgrumps subgroup of the Game Grumps fandom, and it was a blast! I'm happy to be getting back to writing again as it has always been one of my biggest passions!
I have attached the Terms of Service in this post; feel free to read through ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the terms/pricing!
This is something I'm doing out of necessity as I lost my job today; I'm not sure how long I will be unemployed, so while I'm looking for new work, I figured it's as good an idea as any to go back to comissions!
I certainly do not have the follower count or reach I used to, so if you see this post, please share it with your friends, your followers, or anyone you know who might have some spare money for a well-written and thoughtfully-written fanfic!
Thanks in advance for your help and your submissions! More information will be coming at 5 p.m. EST when commissions are open!
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yell0wsalt · 1 year
Letting Go
Pairing: Mako/Korra
Rating: T
Summary: As much as it hurt to hold on, so, too, did letting go.
Mako knew this was a waste of time; he shouldn’t be here. Emotionally he was not into it and every fiber of his being screamed in discomfort. Distracting thoughts of how he’d rather be anywhere else. Work. Home. Actually, the list stopped there. An inward sigh disappointed in himself.
Going to a club in a sulking mood was not the way to go. It had been about two months since he and Korra broke up and he’s had a hard time coping, to say the least. The two have been seriously together for four going on five years, for Agni’s sake. Time and memories like that can’t be washed away so easily. As time passed since the split, one could say the pain lessened, but that would be a lie. Sure, some days hurt less than others, but the loss still felt fresh. Today was one of those days... (cont)
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the-ghost-17 · 3 months
Someone send me any atla fanfic that isn't kataang, tokka, makorra, incest or pretty much anything with a huge age gap thank you so much I would greatly appreciate it <3
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thatonebirdwrites · 9 months
Answering Questions for Fun
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers.
I yanked the questions from someone in the supercorp fandom. I forget who. I never get tagged since I'm not really well known writer yet (I'm still a tumblr newbie!), so I'm doing this just for funsies and because I like answering questions.
I will be answering this for the supercorp and korrasami fandoms. My works are here (though I do one-shots on tumblr sometimes).
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship / fandom?
By existing, reading, listening, writing, watching things, staring at the sky and watching the clouds drift by. Seriously, my ADHD's superpower is generating ideas. So I have way too many of them, and I have a note in my Scrivener projects with all the ideas. If anyone needs more ideas, I'll spin out so many. lol
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
So for the Korrasami fandom, that would be @korrasamibottles for their fantastic oneshots, Progman for one of the best post-series fics I've ever read (seriously, the Asami Sato of RRU is awesome), Shigan for some amazing korrasami oneshots, FuzziFox for an adorable and action-y AU where Asami goes south with Korra, lovedeathcats for the best Indiana Jones AU ever, RainbowRosie for a great AU where bending has vanished, paxbanana's Place in the World is an interesting AU take on Korrasami. @asamiontop's Modern world AU is a must read (she also has some great supercorp one-shots). For supercorp? @jazzfordshire has exquisitely written fics, everything @fazedlight writes is gold, @snowydragonscave's oneshots are adorable, @mycatismyeditor has some great AU's that really dig into the characters, @ekingston has some of the best written AU's I've ever read, @karalovesallthegirls has the most hilarious fics ever (Mime fic), robie's AUs are some of the best slow burn I've read, TheUnforgivingMinute wrote a fantastic spookysupercorp, @coffeeshib floored me with their gorgeous prose, @rustingcat not only does amazing art but the fics are such a great slow burn, @chaotic-super's back to Krypton was absolutely goldmine of fun and digging into the lore of Krypton. I could go on. Let's just say I LOVE Y'all's fics. The above are the people who had the most impact on me personally. Where I learned the art of fanfic writing. Since I'm a science fiction writer, I tend toward creative writing techniques that don't always jive well in the fandom realm, so learning from others helps me refine my writing to use the least amount of words for the biggest impact possible. It's also great practice for my original fiction honestly.
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
I really love writing Sam Arias. Nia is also super fun to write, and writing Brainy and Lena arguing about science is always fun too. Alex is a littler harder for me to write (her snark is hard for me to capture), but she's a blast once I get in the right headspace for it. For Korrasami, I really love writing Jinora and Bolin. Asami considers both of them basically siblings at this point, and Korra does too actually. heh.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
I will NEVER EVER writing Makorra - that is a clusterfuck I will never touch. Hell, it's why I didn't rewrite book 1 of TLOK for my Shared Moments series because I really didn't want to touch it at all. lol I just skipped to the six months after and started there. I'll NEVER write Lames or any relationship that features Mon-el. Nope. Not touching it. I prefer to write sapphic pairings for the main protagonists. Sure, side characters can have het pairings (like Brainy and Nia), but I won't write a fic with them as the focus. Other folks can do that.
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
Step 1: Wake up, wash up, and get tea. Step 2. Cuddle the cat to prepare myself. Step 3: Put on my compression gloves and stretch my arms. Step 4: Put on the correct playlist (absolutely essential step otherwise it'll throw off the entire scene and then I have to start over.) Step 5: Try to avoid Tumblr. (Doesn't always work, this place is cursed I swear. lol) Step 6. Open Scrivener project (who am I kidding, these primary projects are always open on m computer). Write while my brain is cooperating. (30 to 40 minutes before I got to rest for 45 minutes then I can start writing again. Chronic illness sucks like that.) Step 7: realize I need to research something and lose two hours to that. Step 8: AO3 emailed me! Who commented this time! Oh noes, now I've fallen down the looking at the Internets.
The other thing I do is carry my journal everywhere to document everything and end up with some weird random poetry, drawings, and dialogue from people I overhear. Oh, and on bad brain days, I'll draw cursed images.
I also use Scrivener and go all haywire on all its features to a ridiculous extent. Like, I try to stuff ALL my outlines, research, scenes, into that Scrivener so it's all in one place, that way I don't forget anything. It makes for large projects. ha.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
Incorporating my research into the story in subtle ways to fill out the world and immerse the reader more fully. It's fun to put some of this research in the end-notes for my fics on AO3. (The power AO3 gave us writers with those end-notes!!)
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
Maturation of bird species and the DNA overlap with human beings to see if I can craft an alien species that is at least 90% DNA similar to humans but is more birdlike.
I looked up the absorption of chemicals through skin. (This is why I use duckduck go for anonymity for this sort of stuff. LOL)
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
Reality in general - ha. Seriously though, the chronic illness makes it really hard to concentrate and have energy for writing or really anything. The second thing I struggle with is I have an annoying habit of adapting my tenses to what I'd last read. So if the story I read was past-tense, I'll jump into my writing using past tense (which most of my stories is that tense, but there's two that aren't so that's when it gets annoying).
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
The hardest scene was the end of Book 3 for Shared Moments for the Korrasami series. Both Asami and Korra (due to the bond they forged by accident at Harmonic Convergence) are captured by Zaheer, so that was a brutally painful set of scenes. Full of pain, fighting, poisoning, and a struggle to survive. I wept through it honestly. Whew. Yikes. For Supercorp, the hardest scene was when Nia assists Lena with her dreams and memories of her birth mother. Those were so sad and I totally teared up writing them. It was also hard to sort out the best way to reveal details without giving too much away either. Since Nia's powers are a little all over the place too.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
All the time! For the TLOK: Shared Moments series, Asami keeps surprising me, so I often have to sit down and remap her timeline, and it always enriches the entire series. For Supercorp, Nia keeps doing things that surprise me. She's like this chaotic good agent that adds in humor and twists that enrich the tale in subtle ways I think. There's many other surprising moments the characters do. That's half the fun! Seeing where the characters end up and if I need to adjust my plans. :D
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
That's a tie between Asami Sato and Lena Luthor honestly. But then I sort of think of them as basically the same person (Lena may be more neutral in temperament while Asami is chaotic good. Also, Asami isn't afraid to fly planes and crash them for Korra. Lena would prefer no flying. lol). I just wanna talk science with them. Oh and ask them about how in-love they are with Korra and Kara respectively. (Lena will try to deny it, but Asami will gush and admit it because she's a little more in touch with her feelings). I just love these two so much. :D
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
Healing journeys. I really enjoy writing healing from trauma, because I feel like it's so relevant for our times, and the characters never really get that in their series (well, Supergirl characters don't, and they really need it!).
The theme of chosen family is another theme I come to again and again. Partly due to how my life is -- my bio family is not healthy for me (outright abusive), so my chosen family is my real family. So I like to dig into those dynamics a lot.
I also tend to write the survivor narrative a lot. It's a more interesting narrative structure, but it's also less used so that can startle readers. Sometimes in good ways? A good example of a survivor narrative structure is TLOK actually.
Another good example of the survivor narrative is Sam Arias' journey in Season 3 of Supergirl. Maybe I'll write an essay someday on it.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
There's isn't any one most important resource. I'd say fellow writers and artists is a great resource, lore books is another, random research books (yes, I have a guide to weapons for writers, guide for poisons for writers, guide to x or y for writers, because I'm a nerd like that), the Internet, and lots of listening to others.
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
For editing/revising, I start with SPAG: spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Once I do a few run-throughs of that, then I look at the dialogue -- Is the dialogue true to the character's personality and quirks? Can I make the dialogue more succinct?
After that, I look at descriptions: Is the description immersive? Do I utilize the five senses in a concise way? Can I pare down the description while still keeping the immersive quality? Is there any description that doesn't add to the scene or character's growth and can that be moved to a different scene or saved for later?
Finally, I do a fresh read-through and check how it impacts my emotions. Do I laugh at the funny parts? Do I tear up at the sad/angst parts? Does it feel too dry or not emotive enough? What words could be used instead to better invoke emotions?
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
Ugh, summaries are the worst. Sometimes it's easier to just pick an excerpt of a scene and slap that as the summary. Tags are even worse. I never know what to use for tags, especially since people seem to be kind of random with AO3 tags. I mean, I feel like some writers just will write a statement as a tag and it's amusing but also confusing.
16) How do you define success for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
I don't really measure success.
If I get comments from folks that say they're enjoying it? That's a source of joy for me but it's not about success. Because I'm writing mostly for my enjoyment, but to hear that others enjoy it too? Damn, that's like the best news ever. It really helps me feel better about myself and my writing. Like I'm valued and not forgotten. That I actually have an impact. So yeah, go leave comments if you like stuff, please. Us writers love it.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character / ship?
YES. I Always make a playlist for each project I do. I craft it based on their personality, their character arcs, the mood of the piece, and I focus on a variety of genres. I think about the lyrics of songs and try to match it all together. I might spend way more time on playlists than I need, but since I have them playing as I write, I need them to fit the mood and atmosphere to increase inspiration.
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
Um. Huh. This is a hard question. I try to draw my own, but I can't do color (y'all that do color, are freaking WIZARDS). I think Confession fic and the scene where Lena resurrects Kara, and if and when I have money again, I'd ask @rustingcat if commissions are open for them.
For Korrasami, I'd choose Book 3 or 3.5 but I'm not sure on the artist.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
UM. If I count just fanfics, probably fifteen. I'm actively working on six. (Three in each fandom. Two are usually shorter, and one is the longer fic) If we include original fiction and fanfiction? Uhhhhh. Hahahah, that's like twenty-five or so. I'm only working on one original fiction piece set on my SF world of Elivera.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
Pace yourself and take some time to edit and revise before posting. Also, take some time to review the transcripts and how the characters talk. That can give some fun insight into the characters and ways to expand on them in interesting ways.
Ask questions a lot! There's so many nice folks in the fandom, and folks are so kind about answering questions. I know because I still ask questions and talk to folks about this, and more seasoned writers have been so lovely.
Write what you want. Don't write for your readers (unless someone requests and pays you for a fic, then I guess write for them. lol) but otherwise, write what you want. This is supposed to be fun. If you're getting stressed out, take a break otherwise you will get burned out. To avoid burn out, take time to rest. Read a bit, do fun hobbies, do some practice writing, and then dive back into your fic.
Yes, it's important to try to finish things, but don't feel pressured. Remember, having fun is crucial! It's okay to take your time. Readers will stick with you if they like your tale.
Happy Writing!
P.S. I'm going to quote Brenda Ueland who wrote one of the best books on writing (If You Want to Write):
“Don't always be appraising yourself, wondering if you are better or worse than other writers. "I will not Reason and Compare," said Blake; "my business is to Create." Besides, since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of Time, you are incomparable. ” - Brenda Ueland
“I want to assure you with all earnestness, that no writing is a waste of time, – no creative work where the feelings, the imagination, the intelligence must work. With every sentence you write, you have learned something. It has done you good. It has stretched your understanding.” - Brenda Ueland
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realian · 1 year
i apologize if this is out of pocket but that post about a christian girl loving utena but hating the gay part reminds me of this one fanfic written by a super christian woman that hated korrasami and thought it was ooc so she inserted the mlp characters into korra's story to make makorra happen
LOL fair enouh but that sounds like a trollfic.
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orangepanic · 2 months
New Fic: I Can Fix That
The "I can fix that" thing from Holes but make it accidental pregnancy single mother Asami fake dating nextdoor neighbors to lovers.
Title: I Can Fix That Relationships: Iroh II/Asami Sato, Mako/Korra, past Mako/Asami Rating: T Summary: When Mako leaves Asami for Korra neither realize she's pregnant with his child.
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devildogdemon · 2 years
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Makorra Week 2023: Day 5 – Buried Feelings
Hunger hurts, but starving works When it costs too much to love.
“I wanted — I hoped — I’d get another chance,” he admits.
“I know.”
“I still love her, Bo.”
“I know.”
“It’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not.” Bolin releases him, but keeps a hand on his shoulder. “That’s the thing about you, bro — when you love someone, you devote everything to them. That doesn’t just go away when the other person moves on. It’s not stupid to still have feelings. Although…you do need to be better about expressing them.”
He winces, inadvertently reminded that he lost his chance to do so.
“I was going to tell Korra.”
Bolin blinks in surprise. “When?”
“At the wedding. We talked, she thanked me for taking down the Colossus, and I almost said it.” Dammit, I should’ve just said it.
Bolin’s expression turns sympathetic. “Why didn’t you?”
He groans in frustration. “I don’t know. I guess I thought it was too soon, and I didn’t want to rock the boat after everything we’d just been through. I thought there’d be a better time.”
“I’m not sure there ever is a right time for something like this.”
He laughs without humour. “Well, now is definitely not the right time. She’s happy with Asami. I’m not gonna ruin that by saying anything.
An absolutely FLOORING commission I am beyond honored to share, from the art MASTER, @alduade-art. Thank you so much for your devotion and deliverance of such a masterpiece! 
This scene and dialogue is from Chapter 3 of another one of my favorite Makorra fics: Moments in Lightning by Peonywinx. I cannot recommend this fic enough if you are a Mako stan and long for a story where he gets an arc worth his caliber. The whump is so, so overpowering in all the right ways. And this scene in particular...UGHHH my boy why must you be so noble to your own detriment!?! Thank you so much again, Alduade, for capturing and conveying all the heartache and pain in your one-of-a-kind style 🙇🙇🙇
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messymosaic · 8 months
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So there I was, working on the fourth chapter of my fanfic Catch Your Match when a vision came to me...and so I made a cover for my (very fluffy) fanfic. I'm really happy about how it came out because it captures their personalities in the fic so well 😭
I swear it'll make even more sense when chapter 4 comes out. God really dropped the ball when he decided to give me this much skill and zero self-belief.
Also since no one has done this edit before, this is technically new Makorra content. This goes out to all the MK shippers still out there. 🫶🏻
P.S. I know the lighting's off but I'm a collage-maker, not an artist 😌🙏
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 6 months
Decided to make a Twitter account for this page. So if you want to follow me there, you can. https://twitter.com/thatoneguy56fic
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klkbass · 7 months
"What happened to you anyway?" Koji finally asked once the threat had passed.
"My legs give out when I overexert them. I thought you knew that?" Mako answered.
"No. I mean the horns and stuff," he corrected. "Mari told us once that you were cursed by a spirit but, doesn't that only happen to, I don't know, bad people?" he finished with a shrug.
"You've been traveling with us all this time and I never told you that story?" Mako said.
He shook his head.
"It happened a long time ago when I was still a young detective on the force."
Koji made himself comfortable on the leaf-littered floor as Mako began his tale.
So, here it is, the story that started this entire thing so many moons ago. Initially, this was meant as a Makorra ship. I wasn't happy with how the series had ended. When I revisited it later, I decided to make it more canon with Korra getting together with Asami and Mako finding his own way. I never imagined it would lead to so much more.
There is more to this specific tale; several chapters that are sitting in a separate diatribe. I didn't want to start with this however because it doesn't have an "end." I have notes on how I wanted this particular arc in my Mako au to go, but it never came to fruition. I may yet publish what I have now that the tale of what happened is being revealed.
On a slightly related note, I am getting annoyed with Fanfiction. Logging in is always a trial and I just realized today that simple things, like adding asterisk or gaps for scene breaks, doesn't work. Not only have I wasted time, it makes my works look even less competent. (Again, I pretend to be a wordsmith on the internet.) I did create an account on AO3 and may start moving my stuff there.
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yell0wsalt · 9 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
This was my first year getting more into fandom, specifically fanfic writing and, wow, I learned a lot. About myself, where I'm at, and where I want to be. Each one I'm trying to figure out what may work for me.
In one way or another I've tried different ideas, some I'm happy with, others not so much. I'm learning to be okay with that.
To accept that I have not done much particularly interesting and there is still so much more I can think about and try. It is a learning experience, slowly expanding my bubble and getting exposed to different perspectives and takes.
Words and Fics
128,421 words posted on AO3. Plus several ficlets on tumblr I don't care to keep track of
2 published WIPs I'm currently working on
32 fics published.
7 multi-chapter fics published
2 multi-chapter fics published and in progress
Top 10 Fics by Kudos
10. Gotta Cool Down, I'm Heated (M, Korvira)
9. Blooming (G, Linzin)
8. Cinnamon Spice Bliss (T, Irosami)
7. Say It (M, Linzin)
6. A Closed Discussion (E, Makorra)
5. Loving You throughout the Years (M, Linzin)
4. A Spark in the Dark (T, Linzin)
3. Your Electric Touch (G, EraserMic)
2. A Lazy Winter Morning (E, EraserMic)
1. I'm Bored, Let's Fuck (E, Linzin)
Fandom Events
AU Roulette 2023
Shinishi of the Deep (Cosmic Horror AU)
Blooming (Medieval AU)
More than You Know (Mecha AU)
Lin Beifong's Week
Say It
ATLA Rare Pair May Day
Monsters and Myths
The Taste of Your Care
Fox Cat v. One
March Madness
I'm Bored, Let's Fuck
A Closed Discussion
Promises of Today and Tomorrow
Upcoming Plans for 2024
I have several WIPs I need to to finish. Let's take care of those.
There are several writing prompts I want to tap into as ways to spark other ideas in me I may not have thought of before on my own.
Aside from writing for my OTPs, rare-pairs and other ships are tingling at the mind. There are a few I am eager to try.
Not feel so embarrassed to write something or anything that's dumb or silly. Every now and then, you need a little of that.
"Be a little weirder than what you think is okay" This is the space for it and it makes things interesting.
Again, finish the WIPs.
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