kisames-corner · 3 years
Kisame’s Corner Discord 🦈
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For those who are new around here and may not know, we have two Kisame centric discords!
Both have a place for general chit chat, art/fic sharing, a place to talk other fandoms as well as a spot for content creating help and more. Both are an open minded, friendly space and best of all they’re not pairing locked, so all pairings are welcome! Being in the server also means you get the chance to help us decide on future events and how they run, what prompts we use etc.
For Kisame’s Corner all we ask is that you be respectful of others and are over the age of 18.
As for our new space Kisame’s Corner 2.0 we still ask you be respectful of others but there is no age requirement. It’s a SFW space for all Kisame content for everyone to join.
We have a few fun things planned for server members so if you’d like to get involved then jump on in and join the party 🥳
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kisames-corner · 3 years
I've checked and among the 32 stories posted on Kisame week, only 3 are Kisasaku so Sakura definitely did not take over Kisame week
There’s KisaIta, KisaHina, KisaZabu and KisaReader just to name a few more!
There’s a mix of drabbles, multi-chapters, one shots. Some are platonic, some romantic, some are straight up spice. And we can’t forget all the incredible art submissions to top it all off!
There’s a little something for all and we hope that everyone has enjoyed Kisame Week as much as the mods have. The turnout has been awesome and the mods are excited to catch up with reading and commenting on all the submissions 🤍
Find the event collection here on ao3 🦈
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