durxxry · 2 years
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dhampirslays · 2 years
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@kissedbyspirits​​ sent;     #   from   texting memes
for a RANDOM text
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[  TEXT TO  :  MORON  ]       You know, I was thinking. . .
[  TEXT TO  :  MORON  ]       If I dust a vampire in the living room and then later on vacuum it, does that mean we have a vampire trapped in our vacuum ?
[  TEXT TO  :  MORON  ]       And therefore, can our vacuum be haunted ?
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kissedbyspirits · 2 years
ft. @dhampirslays​ 
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alias: sage
gender: nonbinary (they/them)
height: 5'11 
sexuality: asexual, polyamorous
favourite animals: cats, narwhals (because unicorns of the sea)
i am from: canada
account created in: june 2021 (for braveandunbreakable and this is where all my muses used to be)
blogroll: @veritasumbra (mor, az, az’s mom and rhys’ sister) / @lookscankll (genya) / @springtimehasreturned (ehri, mayu, makhi) / @twocleverfoxes (linnea, nikolai inactive) / @ullaofthewaves (ulla, duh!) / @kissedbyspirits (lissa, avery currently inactive) / @ofjewelblue (katherine low activity) / @hellsblood (sage, jessalyn) / @bloodmoonborn (nyx oc) @whisperofamemory (calypso mythology) / @hexbloodedthorn (thorn) these are all sideblogs attached to my main account
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thforgottcn · 3 years
@kissedbyspirits said: Send “#” for a RANDOM text
[lissa] when you drink alcohol you are just borrowing happiness from tomorrow [lissa] what do teeth taste like? does everyone’s teeth taste differently? [lissa] we are nothing more than the experiences that made us.
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dereliquitpactum · 3 years
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@kissedbyspirits​ asked: ♡ for a starter based on a personal headcanon i have about how our muses interact
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HC: Eddie fully got used to seeing Sydney as a sister that it was as if she were blood to him. He did not care that her belief’s told her he was unnatural, she was a kind person. He would protect her as he would protect Jill.
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At first the change in time zone and their sleeping patterns had caused chaos on his body but he knew he was there to protect Jill. Often times even when he was “off duty” for the night and was stuck in his own dorm room he found his eyes fixating on the darkness outside ready to strike at the slightest movement. It was lunch time and he was hungry, he sat and chatted with Sydney while keeping a razor focus on their surroundings, nobody else would likely notice it but he was constantly on alert.  ❝ Are you really going out with that guy Bryan? ❞ Eddie asked between bites. He remembered the guys name, he simply chose to forget it.
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theivashkinator · 3 years
» continued from here with @kissedbyspirits
[ sms; Little Dhampir ] : I’m guessing u & I have very different definitions of “body count”... [ sms; Little Dhampir ] : 27.5
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❝The hell you are!❞ Rose snapped, her already non existent patience crumbling into dust. One of her arms was dangling out if the leather jacket she in the process to put on, her dark brown eyes burning with that fierce determination that common to her, whenever she was on verge to pick up a fight. What was NOT characteristic was that her anger and annoyance was directed at Lissa. She loved her dearly, but at this moment she would gladly consider knocking her out and stash her in some closet as far as possible from stupid decisions. It was up to ROSE to make all the stupid, self endangering choices, not Lissa.
❝You are NOT coming with me. Basta, finito..or whatever crap they say!❞ She finally shrugged her jacket on and then started to load some small knifes in her pockets that she managed to sneak off the kitchen earlier. A silver stake that she fished from one of the newly guardians already secured at her belt.
❝We already have idiot-heros missing, and you ain't joying that club. PLUS, I have a very clear plan of killing your pyromaniac lover's ass once I save it and you are NOT getting in my way. ❞ As always, Rose had this silly idea that whatever the trio had gotten themselves into, it was Christian's fault. In truth, she did not hate him at all, she liked him pretty much, but that did not change the fact she preferred to blame him for everything when she was in a bad mood.
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triagenera · 3 years
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flameinthcdark · 3 years
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@kissedbyspirits​​ sent  Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text
[  sms: Vasilisa Dragomir  ]: What happened last night, can never happen again.
[  sms: Vasilisa Dragomir  ]: EVER
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belikov-barnes · 3 years
hi! just wanted to say thank youuu for reblogging my edits. i really appreciate it! <3
you're welcome hun! I'm always here for VA content <3
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dhampirslays · 2 years
Jo: *finally gets one night to sleep peacefully* Lissa: *types away the entire night long like a mad maniac* Jo: Is this hell
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kissedbyspirits · 2 years
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❝Behold, the undiscovered and wild west of the Planet Xarion, year 3458. Be careful about stepping out the TARDIS, she says there was a warning of the jelly rain, the earth might be sticky! ❞ The Doctor warned as he checked the monitor, but Clara had already thrown the TARDIS open and was staring out at the dark summer night, she made a face.
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❝Funny, would never imagine Xarion in the future would look like Midnight School.  Is this is your way trying to tell me I should work more?❞ Clara asked as she stepped outside, she saw the students rushing around courtyard, no one really paying attention to young brunette stepping outside the blue, 60’s police phone box. She must still be under the TARDIS protective shields, being invisible. She heard a loud intake of breath and a mumble as the Doctor started to frantically scan their surroundings, shocked they are not where they were supposed to be.
❝We are on EARTH!❞ He exclaimed in surprised disappointment.  ❝Somewhere in Pennsylvania, I believe. The mountains are lagging the signal.❞
❝Great, you took me to an American school tour, on MY teachers vacations. ❞ It was not the first time the trip went astray; Doctor was terrible with accurate landings.
❝So, what we might be dealing with? Mysterious missing, possible alien attac--- She froze in midturn, her words dying on her lips as she realized that the Doctor was nowhere do be found.  ❝Doctor!? ❞ She called out silently, then raised her voice, but there was no answer. ❝Bloody hell, he’s worse than a toddler! ❞ By now, some of the residents of St. Vladimir’s Academy have already taken notice of a weird British girl calling out her lungs and muttering about the mysterious Doctor.
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thforgottcn · 3 years
@kissedbyspirits [lissa] fun fact [lissa] i am going on vacation for two weeks soon [lissa] how are you gonna stop me from being dumb
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