#kit has a yotes problem
copperbora · 2 years
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I Want a Dog, Really Bad
The other day, I discovered an unfamiliar (to me,) dog and cat breed encyclopaedia website. Since I have long been obsessed with researching dog breeds (it is safe to say that dogs are one of the special interests making my autism purr,) I went on a delighted tangent looking at breeds which might work for me. I detailed this much more simply in this Twitter thread but I want to go into more detail. Why? Who the ruddy hell knows. At the very least, someday I might be able to show this post to my future dog's breeder as proof of my neurotic dedication to acquiring the right dog friend.
First, a bit about me:
- I have always wanted a dog; at 32 years young my desire for a dog has become an infuriated instinctive need. I have never had one (my parents are not dog people.)
- I have miriad plans involving taking my future dog to puppy kindergarten, getting them their Canine Good Citizen certificate (a piece of paper which says "yep, this doggo is well behaved,") feeding them a decent kibble containing grain (dogs actually weirdly need a grain in their kibble to prevent certain health problems - my dietary training in my veterinary assisting course last year convinced me of little apart from that,) and other stuff from how I want them to wear a doggy backpack when hiking (they shalt carry their own poop,) to what I'll put in their pupsicle treats in summertime as well as where I will bring them for socialization (Home Depot, totally Home Depot.)
- I live in a semi-desert ponderosa forested valley which can get very hot in summer and rarely drops below -20 Celsius for long in winter. The snow isn't deep here. Yes, this in Canada, in the south of the westernmost province of British Columbia.
- I thrive on hiking and I want to take my dog with me, especially into the Rocky Mountains. I do not plan on ever allowing my dog off-leash in any area that isn't 100% fully secured. (Wildlife do not appreciate hyperactive dogs prancing up to them!) I plan on carrying a full first aid kit for Future Dog containing vet wrap, polysporin, paw wax, gauze, tweezers, and much, much more. Heck, I will probably invest in a GPS collar since I do not fancy losing my hiking buddy should they bust free of their leash. They'll also for sure have a waterproof jacket and a warm jacket too; good chance of booties as well, (at least for protection after injuries.) This dog will be properly dewormed and fully vaccinated for everything including lyme disease ('cus damnit I am jealous and I desperately wish that there was a human lyme disease vaccine.)
- I need my dog to be a cuddly friend. My current generation of cats kinda neglect me in this department sometimes.
- I also need Future Dog to not foster any thoughts whatsoever about eating my cats.
What I Need From Future Dog:
- They need to be a medium sized dog so that they have the potential capability to defend themselves from a coyote. A small dog would be far too easy prey for an enterprising coyote, so I need my dog to be big enough to say "Nuh uh, I'm not your meal," to a 'yote. Also, if they are medium sized they will be big enough to carry their own poop bags in their backpack.
- They can't have a thin coat. Although I live in a hot-in-summer place, the bush here can be thick, full of sharp twigs and burrs. A medium length coat with a bit of an undercoat is best to provide some armour (much like a native wild canine's coat,) as well as a touch of insulation on cold nights spent out in the wild. (Although Future Dog will be welcome to sleep with me!)
- Not be super fluffy. If they're floofy they'll not only be very uncomfortable in my valley's wretchedly hot summers, they'll be too much work in regards to grooming.
- Have an off-switch because I do not go hiking every single dayof the year, nor am I a jogger. I need a dog that will be content with some play time, training and a walk, then who will snooze at my feet while I write or draw. I need a calm dog whose presence will be soothing to my anxious personality, an informal therapy dog and beloved companion. I am willing to put a more active dog in agility classes.
- Good genetic health and a longish projected lifespan. I get very attached to my pets!
- Absolutely no brachycephalic breeds whatsoever. I will only consider dolichocephalic (long nose, as in sighthounds,) or mesocephalic (medium or original nose form of the wolf.) Improper breeding is a form of torture and brachycephalic dogs should cease to exist.
Breeds I Have Found and am Considering:
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Pros: cat safe, good coat, cuddly, right size, has an off-switch, I have experience with the breed from my workmate's corgi Whisky. They don't mind water. Decent health, many colours and cute white markings. Pretty easy to find. Good lifespan. Due to smaller size would be thriftier on the kibble than a larger breed; size is honestly pretty ideal!
Cons: they're a teckel or dwarf breed with short legs. Fortunately they have lower instances of back problems than other teckel breeds like dachshunds. Due to their short legs their endurance can be low compared to breeds with more proportionate legs. May herd. Has prick ears but they are basically satellite dishes because they are so disproportional. Also people would obsess over the dog's butt constantly which I will not understand because I am always distracted by their nice proper tails. Probably don't want to put too much in this dog's backpack due to long spine to short leg ratio.
Pros: literally bred specifically to be a family companion, same weight class as a coyote, good lifespan, smart, calm, doesn't bark much. Apparently well known as 'cat charmers' with their gentle dispositions! Fluffy coat is low maintenance and they have a good projected lifespan. Prick ears. Can definitely carry a full backpack of its stuff! Would not need a warm jacket. Potential for cute tongue spots or blue tongue due to distant chow chow heritage.
Cons: longish coat may lead to overheating in summer, possibly hard to find.
Pros: doesn't bark much, calm dog which definitely has an off-switch, loves to run and is beautiful to watch, medium length coat is protective, comes in many colours. Snugglers which don't have that strong pooch pong. Good lifespan for such a big dog. No coyote in their right mind would ever mess with one; the borzoi would definitely win any contest! Good with cats if raised with them. Would be able to carry more of their own stuff than other breeds! Despite being fluffy would probably appreciate a warm jacket for snuggling in. Thick winter coat naturally thins in summer, helping to prevent overheating.
Cons: yep, they're big, having been originally bred to hunt wolves (in fact they have been called Russian Wolfhounds!) Being big dogs with deep chests they can be susceptible to life threatening gastric dilation volvulus, also known as bloat, which wouldn't be the best thing in the backcountry - however there are prevention methods. They may need to be groomed a bit more often than other breeds on my list. Sighthounds can be relatively predatory. Dolichocephalic head shape is a bit weird? This dog would be too big to carry out of the backcountry by myself should it get badly injured.
🇫🇮Finnish Spitz
Pros: easy to groom, coat is very easy maintenance, thriftier eaters than other dogs on this list due to size, beautiful foxy appearance with copper coat, friendly, good with cats (but not smaller animals.) Very trainable and relatively healthy with good projected lifespans.
Cons: barky, higher exercise needs than other dogs on this list, can get luxating patella due to smaller size as well as other health issues. Health is slightly more questionable than other breeds on this list, including the corgi. Possibly hard to find. A bit small.
Pros: easy to groom, thrifty size as they are a smaller medium breed, beautiful colours, off-switch at home, good with cats, extremely affectionate/cuddly, loves adventure. Described as an Engergizer Bunny with an off-switch," by DVM Stephanie Sheen. They love play and training. Decent projected lifespan. Seriously pretty breed!
Cons: barky, may be too much 'dog' for me as a first time pup guardian, some congenital health issues run in the breed, a bit small.
The Best Breeds for Me Conclusion:
The best breeds are probably the Eurasier and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, followed by the Borzoi. The Mudi and the Finnish Spitz both have the potential to be too much dog for me unless I put them in agility or some other dog sport.
I'm not ready to get a dog yet so my research will continue until I am ready to finally adopt my long awaited canine friend. (If you want to see pictures of each breed click on the 'info' under each one's pros and cons!)
What About a Shelter Dog?
While I believe strongly in rescue (my yearling kitty Keplar came from a local branch of the SPCA,) after two cats with poor health genetics I want to know Future Dog's ancestry, know that their parents have been screened for genetic health issues, and I want to be able to meet their folks. I would be fine with a crossbreed, providing that I can meet its parents, but I need to know that my pup comes from good specimens.
Also, just to note - hybrid vigor isn't necessarily a thing. If you cross two dogs with crappy health genetics you will get a puppy with crappy health genetics, very likely doomed to suffer the same health problems as its parents. I'll say it again: improper breeding is a form of torture.
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rising-lights · 3 years
honestly I’ve been headbutted in the stomach by a three year old at full speed and that hurt less
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rising-lights · 3 years
Got tagged by @luci-fern sooo
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Lock Screen: listen our goalie is everything, I regret nothing. ;D
Last song: “Ghost of You and Me”-BBMak
Last photo: a Whismur, because I was trying to finish a field research thing 😂
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rising-lights · 3 years
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listen y’all I’m like 😭 so we see where I’m at this morning
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rising-lights · 3 years
I love this team y’all I really do but both goalies in one day hurts 🙃
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rising-lights · 3 years
listen y’all I know we got spoiled with our goalies over the past couple of seasons but holy fuck at least *pretend* to have some faith in the ones we have now
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rising-lights · 3 years
anyway the Coyotes have effectively planned my life from October to April, so! Happy schedule day, y’all!
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rising-lights · 3 years
anyway if y’all thought I never shut up before just wait now that Coyotes hockey is back 😂
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rising-lights · 3 years
we’ve reached this team hates me and wants me to cry hours 🙃
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rising-lights · 4 years
look don’t get me wrong I love both of our goalies but I’m super not here for the glass goalie remarks and this consistent lack of faith everyone seems to have in Raanta tbh.
like holy fuck y’all. I swear the man can’t breathe without somebody coming around to talk shit and it’s getting really old, just saying.
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rising-lights · 3 years
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anyway ignoring my unmade bed, I regret nothing :D
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rising-lights · 3 years
me: I’m gonna wait to do stuff till Wednesday!
Also me: buys season tickets and another jersey
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rising-lights · 3 years
put them back where they belong or so help me @ Canucks smh
y’all my heart hurts today
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rising-lights · 3 years
what is air
y’all I cannot do what feels like a repeat of off-season 2017, I can’t.
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rising-lights · 3 years
I really fucking hate playing Vegas
Like, Reaves aside even tho he’s a dick (on the ice at least) and needs to stop getting away with the shit he keeps pulling. What the fuck was that? And secondly how at this point is he not considered a repeat offender? Like, what?!
it’s to a point, in my mind’s eye anyway, where playing Vegas is like spinning the roulette wheel to see who they’re gonna hurt this time and it’s fucking ridiculous.
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rising-lights · 3 years
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Or: the part where I got a Cricut so naturally this means test different functions with Coyotes stuff 😂
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